

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: vxmine.3176


I am new to Guild Wars but loving the game so far. I am an old original Everquest junkie and just now getting back into MMOs (skipped the whole WoW thing).

One feature I can’t seem to find is an auto attack function. I play a warrior most the time, so running up close and trying to find something to attack in a massive event is confusing. It gets hard to attack enemies when there is a congestion of attacks and enemies around.

I remember in Everquest, I could just target and attack and my character (warrior also), would run up within range and start attacking.

Any help is greatly appreciated.



in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kiryana.5167


I’m pretty sure there is no auto attack in the sense you are asking for. However, you can set up one of your attacks to auto attack with one button press with cntrl + mouse 2. Usually this is set to your #1 skill.

I like waffles.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kharlus.3612



Try to disable auto-target to see if suits you better.

Here for instance, I set closer enemy to middle-mouse button… works fine to me.


in Players Helping Players

Posted by: Kayg Hunter.7849

Kayg Hunter.7849

Even with auto target off, which is a good idea (cos often my ranger and his pet will ignore the mob standing in front of him smashing his face with a hammer… ~.^ ) you still have to move to your target. There are some skills that let you “leap” to your target once you have them targeted, but for the most part you have to move to within melee range. (Unless you are using Rifle or Bow ofc).

That has probably been the hardest thing for me to get used to, after playing GW1 an EQII for years, but once you get used to it it is actually better.