You cannot compare GW2 to LoL, as LoL has specific roles for each of their heroes.
Gw2 is build with the philosophy that there should be no trinity.
This means that every class should be able to rely on itself, and no classes should be better at 1v1’s. With the current meta there are classes that are too powerful in 1v1’s, and others that are too weak. Balancing the 1v1 issue, will in the longer run balance the teamplay.Honestly I do not see how 1v1 balance would make the game more static. To me it would become much more dynamic. The way it is now, you’ll just have a bunker ele/guard/engi standing on one point for an entire match. It’s almost impossible to take down a bunker alone, and if you try, you will waste your time.
Having the game balanced around 1v1’s would require more movement and team coordination, as points would be much more vulnerable in general.
The most interesting gameplays are often the ones where each individual are equally matched, leaving only skill as the variable.
That is what made CS 1.6 such a huge e-sport. Each player were equal which meant that the only variables were individual skill and team skill/coordination and strategies. People could still be good at spraying while others were good at strategies or using the AWM (simply put). The point is that the gameplay did not become static or pale, as each team could use different strategies that were all viable. This was the case because of the 1v1 balance that CS naturally had.The gameplay in CS did not provide any roles, but the teams filled them out based on what the individual players were good at, and that is where gw2 needs to go.
Right now players cannot choose the “role” they are best at, because the gameplay requires specific builds to be competitive.I hope this is not too difficult to understand!
I believe this discussion lives because people disagree about the direction pvp should take, and not whether the game should be balanced around 1v1 or team synergy (both things can work, but do so in very different ways). In my opinion the best direction for gw2 would be 1v1 balancing, since i feel the gameplay/combat mechanics would benefit from that the most. But if you look at gw2 with a LoL perspective, you might want gw2 to head in another direction.All that said, i believe gw2 needs another gameplay-mode for it to be competitive. We dont need 20 different game-modes, and imo we dont need death-match (even though it would be kinda fun). We need a game-mode which primary objective is not revolving around holding points OR grabbing flags, because specific builds will naturally be better at such tasks.
We need a very neutral objective, that for instance could be “Red Team needs to defend a Lord, Blue team has to kill it.” And of course the teams would have to switch sides.
This is very basic and would work with a lot of secondary objectives, that could make the game even more interesting. An example of such could be objectives that did not grant points over time, but gave some kind of buff that the teams could go for if needed.
TLDR; Gw2 should be balanced around 1v1’s, as the mechanics would benefit from that the most. And we need a new game-mode that does not require specific builds. (“Neutral” primary objective).
regardless of that philosophy all builds fall into certain roles. You will never extinguish that