Hello players && devs!
In this thread i gonna focus on how the ’19 th patch effected the viable weaponsets and why are the majority of the changes irrelevant.
First off, i am really sad about these changes are buffs and 0nerfs where made. This ensured that ANet is still favoring the brusier, instaproc, skillspam -type gameplay that really disfavors thief especially s/d that they where trying to buff, couse it relyes on active defenses.
I gonna start with the Key changes which actually have meaning.
The Lead Attacks change: it allows thief to have a good dmg bonus after sb#5-ing through the map, which is really greate. It also favors good initiative meenagement which is really to my likeing. In conclusion i find this change the most deliberate, kudos on it.
Thorw Gunk: much apriciated that you listened to my suggestion, too bad no unblockable added
. It’s a decent quality of life change, gg.
Consume Plasma: this change really helps vs meta mesmer, i gonna get on this one later. (really good change imo)
My agreement to the changes stop at this point though :/
Bontiful Theft: thes ability was already almost mandatory. This change just feels like the necro scepter boonsteal change from last season. Instead of investiong time on toning down the unhealthy boonspam you once again powercreep an ability to “handle” it. This opens opportunity to strip the aegis-stab-prot trio to land good bursts but i STRONGLY disagree with this decision nor does it synergyse with the further changes(explayned later).
Pistol changes: these got ZERO meaning. You basicly did the exact same thing that didn’t work last time….. Buffing the damage of unload wont change the viability of the weaponset. It still lacks utility/survivability. The autohit’s pressure is still extremely low etc… Also straight dmg-buffing the “skillspam” ability of a weaponset seems aweful design to me….
Now finally we came to the more in-debth part, the acro changes.
These number tweak -changes wont end the redundance between DD, Trickery and acro. This redundance is the reason acro wont take a part in the build diversity even after the changes.
There are SOOO many inside and outside problems with this line that it makes me cry. There is even redundance INSIDE the traitline, example: felineGrace-vigorousRecovery. Acro is evasion themed, still it has the biggest collection of the useless womit autopocks of the game #junipatchMentality#hotisgud…
Besides 2specific builds that i havent tested yet, i gonna explain why picking acro still isn’t optimal.
The problem relyes in what you give up to get acro vs what you already have from other lines that acro offers. Assuming that you use DA/TRICK/DD (that you should) you should count with the following:
- dash gives permaswiftness + extra Thrill of the crime -> Expedious dodger redundant
- bontiful theft && stolen vigor -> almost perma vigor -> feline grace redundant
- lead attacks && sleight of hand -> Swindler’s Eq massive redundant.
- Preparedness initiative pool + kleptomatic -> upper hand redundant.
- Mug’s healing covers whole acro regeneration.
- Endless stamina‘s pluss 50endurance every 20sec is totally worthless compared to daredevil’s 50max, 50on steal(20s), 135Chanelled vigor(16s), agility signet does not waste ~20-30 on use couse of 3th bar.
- Dont stop completely redundant to Dash
- if you need clense, Escapist’s Absolution clenses more condis overtime than Pain Response wich is even triggered for removing nooting/1bleed. Escapist’s shouldn’t be picked instead of the completely broken ‘Inpacting’, so this leaves you picking the whole traitline for a bad clense trait couse of #9
- the rest of the traits are useless or easily counterable.
These DD/Trickery traits allready handle all the areas that acro is supposed to help in. The problem is that the whole traitlines do MUCHHH more, so the overall value loss would be too big if you dropp one for another. Here comes the first reference from above, they even buffed Trickery. why would you buff a completely ‘mandatory-since-years’ line if you got intrest in making another one viable that is already 60% redundant to it? cmon..
The last part we have to touch is: what if i want to scale these factors, instead of reducing the redundance?
This means if you want to use acro with dd and trick. With this, you enchance your defensive factors by a tiny amount, couse you where already at the limits with DD/Trick. For doing so you just sacraficed another mandatory traitline. To understand why doing this would be a major mistake, take a look how DA scales better as a defensive line than acro while being a major offensive support.
The major pressure of the thief comes after a good steal setup. DA’s Serpent’s touch&&Lotus Poison combo makes sure you win the HP treade leaving no room for proper counter pressure. Other than this, Improvisation is neglecting a high chunk of damage indirectly, due to the stolen items are heal or control themed and make you less exposed. The reference from consume plasma comes here. Having inmprov obviously enchances the changes to stolen skills especially consume plasma resistance duration vs meta mesmer. Mug isn’t only a burst damage source it covers the whole acro regen too.
Having this is already better than running acro imo. But there is obviously more. Panic strike is brutal strong for landing ganks/kills, not to mention mug damage + exposed weakness etc… Losing these matter a LOT for low dmg coefficent weap sets like s/d on wich using acro would actually make sense.