Guild: Creators of Destiny Awakening [CDA] Disabled GW2 gamer; love all aspects of GW2!
Champion: Magus, Illusionist, Phantom and Shadow
Please don’t simply reply to this with silly answers. I am intrigued as to what the mature, sensible player thinks…
I have an alt account (not F2P; bought it for storage a year ago when on offer). Lately been playing on it for an extra 2g daily. Easiest win by far for PvP is my minnion master necro, not lost a single match yet and have only died once and that was due to a 300+ ping!
What other non-elite specs (if any) are viable for PvP dailies? I am thinking thief perhaps, the old d/p? I also made an engi using Tool Kit and Juggernaut Flamethrower, but I just don’t feel confident in that.
Literally, this is a “just intrigued” thread.
[Edit] Obviously, playing unranked, just so we’re clear.
Things that can still get you wins.
Fresh air sc/f for ele
d/p thief maybe
Longbow ranger
Thanks for this, I had wondered about the old Power Ranger lol.
Old Power Ranger gets smashed like a fly on a wall by every HoT spec. It simply doesn’t have enough sustain or disengage vs. the HoT specs.
If you go Core Ranger spec, try this:
That’s about all you can work with on Core Ranger. Just raw explosive on point AoE DPS. Hope there is some tempest or guard on point to help heal/boon you up.
Alright, thanks! To be honest, (and I am not dissing Ranger here) I enjoy a more complex build anyway than just simply activating a couple of signets and pewing rapid fire, so I am kinda glad this is the case. I’m simply interested so I can do more PvP dailies LOL…
Thanks very much for this advice.
I have played core D/P trickery thief a lot.
A lot depends on your team when you play thief. As thief you are not the one who takes the fights, you’re the one who turns fights into your team’s favor or who backcaps.
I have played core D/P trickery thief a lot.
A lot depends on your team when you play thief. As thief you are not the one who takes the fights, you’re the one who turns fights into your team’s favor or who backcaps.
Absolutely agree. This is definitely one I will be making as I am comfortable with the build. Thanks for providing support in that it is viable (I kinda thought so mind you, since my DD thief on my main account is exactly the same build but for replacing SR with either a signet or something else and for the different dodge capability lol).
Many thanks.
Most condi builds pre hot could still function with a proper support or opening. You could try
Old school Core condi necro still works well running spite curses and soul reaping, merc amulet, double geo/ whatever you prefer rest of sigil and runes. Your corruptions will do the work for you just keep your distance and set up your wurm well, transfer enemy condis and try to hit scepter 3 for added burst and weapon swap or shrouf in someones face. And you might not want to run triple signets.
Core burn guard is still amazing for bursting unaware targets down especially if someone condi covers your burn stacks but cant win most 1vs1s on its own
Core condi p/p engi still packs a punch but lacks defense and sustain to hold its own alone so pick your fights well if you use it
If you want to play power builds only core war and thief would hold its own vs elite specs. If you are skilled enough you could try burst mesmer and LB ranger but i would rule those two out since anything would kill em even retal damage xD
Most condi builds pre hot could still function with a proper support or opening. You could try
Old school Core condi necro still works well running spite curses and soul reaping, merc amulet, double geo/ whatever you prefer rest of sigil and runes. Your corruptions will do the work for you just keep your distance and set up your wurm well, transfer enemy condis and try to hit scepter 3 for added burst and weapon swap or shrouf in someones face. And you might not want to run triple signets.
Thanks, I already have a great necro for just an alt account but if I want to mix it up, I’ll be sure to go this route.
Core burn guard is still amazing for bursting unaware targets down especially if someone condi covers your burn stacks but cant win most 1vs1s on its own
Now this is what I was waiting for, tbh. Since the majority of opponents would naturally ‘assume’ I am a DH, I like the idea of catching them unawares. Thanks for this.
Core condi p/p engi still packs a punch but lacks defense and sustain to hold its own alone so pick your fights well if you use it
This is what I’ve made (sort of) ready for an engi day, but indeed I don’t feel fully confident but having said that, dependant on team set up, I think I’ll give it a go.
If you want to play power builds only core war and thief would hold its own vs elite specs. If you are skilled enough you could try burst mesmer and LB ranger but i would rule those two out since anything would kill em even retal damage xD
Not bothered what kind of build it is, providing it stands up fairly well against the elite specs. I would expect the ranger to be hit hard, but I am still going to try it since if positioned well I feel could be useful in the right scenario. However, as you say, I fully expect to get stomped hard lol.
It’ll be interesting to see anyway. Btw, still no loss with my MM necro on the alt account lol.
D/P thief and condi engi are by far the strongest core specs. The above poster is wrong, no properly speced engi lacks sustain or defense.
I want to second base D/P thief.
Also base warrior is pretty solid now as well with all the base line sustain buffs.
This thread is a good starting point:
1 shot fresh air fam:
Static discharge engi and other mostly non hot stuffz:
shameless plug (am bad have mercy)
^ No shame. Not enough viewers from hacking Storm’s channel, eh?
Base warrior is good now since patch, hambow or greatbow is fun to play
Mesmer with condi or hybrid build can also do well. They don’t do double moa and don’t create so much clones as chrono but can still get enought damage and sustain.
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