Compensate won Solo/TeamQ with RankPoints?
I’d like to see this as well, since you know….you guys don’t seem to be in any hurry to roll back the cheesed rank, you could at least compensate us the rank for what we’ve already done.
aahhh, first world problems, how tasty!
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”
This actually sounds reasonable.
After all, starting tomorrow, all you get with Rank is a finisher, a 5 second emote thinghy, can’t see how this could hurt the game in any way.
And this is coming from a Tourney-only player who uses Rabbit finisher, because of how meaningless my Tiger would look in front of all the former Hotjoin farmers.
Hype x8 rank points acquired before skyhammer
Really would like to see this done. Give us tournament players something back pls.
And this is coming from a Tourney-only player who uses Rabbit finisher, because of how meaningless my Tiger would look in front of all the former Hotjoin farmers.
unbelievable how cool you are
mandela must be proud of you
no gutz no glory
“Tranquility has a beard.”
What they should do is:
-For SoloQ wins: add 300×3 = 900 – 300 = 600 RP for each win
-For TeamQ wins: add 500×5 = 2500 – 500 = 2000RP for each winThat is if they want to make the previous wins on par with the incoming wins.
You got it a bit wrong there. Or maybe I confused you, because I didn’t explain the math. So, here we go:
Before Solo Arena (SA) awarded 150 Rank Points (RP) for a win. Now it’s tripe – 150×3 = 450RP per SA win at the moment. To be fair with anyone, who have won SA before, they have to give out additional 300RP for each win before the change. Because: 450 – 150(the already earned amount) = 300.
To put it your way for Team Arena:
200(old reward)x5 = 1000 – 200 = 800RP per win.To sum it up – we need 300RP bonus for each of our SoloArena wins before the change and 800RP bonus for each of our TeamArena wins. Because that’s whats fair to the loyal playerbase, that’s how they should be treated and as pointed out – it will separate the farmers from ranked players.
the same with gold. the new system is only in favour of pve-players and pvp-starter. all pvp players played from start are kitten for the effort last year.
What they should do is:
-For SoloQ wins: add 300×3 = 900 – 300 = 600 RP for each win
-For TeamQ wins: add 500×5 = 2500 – 500 = 2000RP for each winThat is if they want to make the previous wins on par with the incoming wins.
You got it a bit wrong there. Or maybe I confused you, because I didn’t explain the math. So, here we go:
Before Solo Arena (SA) awarded 150 Rank Points (RP) for a win. Now it’s tripe – 150×3 = 450RP per SA win at the moment. To be fair with anyone, who have won SA before, they have to give out additional 300RP for each win before the change. Because: 450 – 150(the already earned amount) = 300.
To put it your way for Team Arena:
200(old reward)x5 = 1000 – 200 = 800RP per win.To sum it up – we need 300RP bonus for each of our SoloArena wins before the change and 800RP bonus for each of our TeamArena wins. Because that’s whats fair to the loyal playerbase, that’s how they should be treated and as pointed out – it will separate the farmers from ranked players.
the same with gold. the new system is only in favour of pve-players and pvp-starter. all pvp players played from start are kitten for the effort last year.
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|
+1 This to the heavens!
I totally support this!
Not letting this slide, I want a response. A yes, a no, a kitten you….something. Not letting this one slide under the carpet like they did with the skyhammer rank farmers
I really hope this isn’t going to get pushed under the rug like the skyhammer farming stuff….
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light
I think this is a fantastic idea. I am not for retroactively adding gold but retroactively adding the multiplier on the ranked team/solo matches is an extremely good idea. +1 to the OP!
(edited by Iason Evan.3806)
Great idea! I’m not hardcore tPvP player but I would like to see it. This feels right.
Just looking at the thread it seems that at least the vocal side of the pvp community is strongly in favor of this, and as the OP has shown, it has precedent from GW1. Even people who are not hardcore tpvpers see the fairness of this, and I thank you for that. Here’s hoping that this actually gets implemented!
i was thinking about this since they wont punish skyhammer farmers, why wont they give tourney players a rank point boost times X3 for solo arena win and X5 for team arena wins. this way those who exploited the skyhammer mechanic to boost rank and glory will be left out. also anet mention that they are not happy how rank takes forever to max out, now a good chance to appease long time arena players.
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
Starting to feel like this has no chance of happening, which is pretty disheartening.
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light
This is a good idea it will seperate the skyhammer farmer and the one who play rank games. And those who are serious in pvp and the one who only play casual pvp
JTan approves. This change is 100% good.
70 posts and no response from Anet…whether they don’t care or they made it as a surprise for the update
I thought same, about suprsie on 2days patch :p
But I guess it won’t be…
Still w8ting for respons, this needs to be sticked to main page as muc has it can be.
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|
This has no way to have a bad effect on the game in any way what so ever. Compensating loyal and active players with points that do NOT impact the game in ANY way except for bestowing bragging rights can only have a positive effect. Don’t get me even started on how much it would do towards fixing the damage caused by skyhammer farming. Let’s look at it this way. I have around 1,5k tournies played and my current LEGIT rank is 43. The other day, I decided to go FotM to have a lil’ fun with the new stuff and all and at 1 point I wanted to brag somewhat with my tiger. I did /rank (the only thing you can do to brag) and got faceslapped by a PvE’er that pulled a bear on my kitten . I pressumed he was a sPvPer too, a legit one and so I asked him. He said and I quote: “Nah, I just did the sh farm for a month or so, wanted the bear for giggles”. I just stood there for a minute or two, mindblown at how my effort and loyalty meant absolutely nothing and not only that but it actually made me look silly.
This testimony right here, is exactly the kind of thing that bothers me and is why I want something done. I agree that rank is merely time spent, but being that it, along with our rank finisher, is the only thing we have on PvE I am proud of it, and the fact that some PvE scrubs were able to just hop into a skyhammer farming custom arena and grind it out by suicide cheesing it for two months kitten es me off.
+1. I feel retrospective rewarding tournaments would finally close the page regarding the Skyhammer farmers.
Everyone would be happy!
Highest Rank: Team Q – 33 / Solo Q – 1 (27/07/14)
Team: Svanir Pushing Lord [solo] / Carried Ace to Rank 1 Esport Guild Leaderboard
I like it, +1 for this idea. It won’t “shock the economy” but will still give pvpers something!
Kal Snow – Norn Guardian
70 posts and no response from Anet…whether they don’t care or they made it as a surprise for the update
the sad part is the low response of player even in u would think they want something.. but i guess a lot of real pvp players dont browse forums that often and pro players dont care. seems the most players complaining about the remove of rank where pve-players or skyhammer famers.
Well, I see why compensating gold is no option, but nobody’s hurt if they give us those ranks for the tournaments already played.
And I can’t agree with the last part. I was complaining about removing the ranks as well, because it needs a lot of time to reach rank 43 by playing tournaments only. Whether or not there are Skyfarmers, I’m still proud oft my rank and I would hate it if all this effort and work goes to hell. Of course, there’s still the fun and so on – but the truth is that everybody is more likely to do something if there’s something to achieve as well.
The bad thing is that Hugh Norfolk posted twice in the other thread. Both his posts were off topic, but at least he is reading, and he saw the picture. And that picture is worth more then any other post/thread.
Now, just don’t let this thread sink in to oblivion, after the patch hits and everyone start posting about all the balance/reward changes. Again, thank you for supporting this. I’ll try to get a dev response later today, be it via PM or ingame.
I support this too, it will live :>
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|
As someone who only did Tpvp casually, about 400 matches, even I’m annoyed by this. Why should everyone be getting 3x and 5x reward and the people that were there from the start get nothing for all the dedication they put in.
I understand not getting the gold or even the glory points now. But at very minimum the rank points. The entire point of “rank” is to show how much you’ve played. Now its meaningless because there is a different scale of acquisition.
Rank should either be awarded fairly and evenly for ALL wins/loses or just be removed now. … in my opinion =p
If there actually will be a use of luck in PvP, they also could give pvp player as much luck, as they need to get their rank in magic find.
E.g: rank 12 gets enough luck to increase his MF from 0 to 12 etc.
Wouldn’t also shock the economy, besides if MF will rly have influence in PvP, otherwise PvE guys would even have an advantage in PvP
Makes me sad this didn’t get snuck in
Unstable Shield, Unstable Light
yeh….. let’s hope and moan for the future then. still.
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|
This post came up way too late to get snuck in. They might be able to hotfix it in before Christmas, but generally speaking I feel this thread will need to be kept up until at least the next PvP preview (whether balance or blog post).
I posted this shortly after the “Ready Up” PvP stream. It was then, when I realized we are screwed in every possible way.
BTW, Grouch and Karl are ingame at the moment, so I’, trying to reach them for a comment on the topic. No luck so far…
Try hard savo :p
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|
I posted this shortly after the “Ready Up” PvP stream. It was then, when I realized we are screwed in every possible way.
BTW, Grouch and Karl are ingame at the moment, so I’, trying to reach them for a comment on the topic. No luck so far…
i was chating with justin after the stream and he told me if the community responds like they did with the ranks, they would think about it. but in that chat it was about the backward gold.
I posted this shortly after the “Ready Up” PvP stream. It was then, when I realized we are screwed in every possible way.
BTW, Grouch and Karl are ingame at the moment, so I’, trying to reach them for a comment on the topic. No luck so far…
i was chating with justin after the stream and he told me if the community responds like they did with the ranks, they would think about it. but in that chat it was about the backward gold.
So there is a chance ? if more people want this or?
There are alrdy many ppl who want this. I spoken with ppl in-game, they agreed it’s fair for everyone, + rewards torunament play instead of skyhammer farmers.
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|
Then is Anet just to lazy to do this.. dont wanna spend time doing it? not like the idea cant we get an official answer and be done with this i really cant see a good reason why we shouldnt get this
I posted this shortly after the “Ready Up” PvP stream. It was then, when I realized we are screwed in every possible way.
BTW, Grouch and Karl are ingame at the moment, so I’, trying to reach them for a comment on the topic. No luck so far…
i was chating with justin after the stream and he told me if the community responds like they did with the ranks, they would think about it. but in that chat it was about the backward gold.
So there is a chance ? if more people want this or?
for both themes i think yes there is a chance. but that not means that its exactly done how we suggest.
how ever the hardest part will be to get ppl resonding here or to the poll. if u see, ppl arent reading. that the new heal skill will cost 25 skillpoints and pvp are forced to lvl via pve or tome was discussed and know directly after stream. still ppl complain about that.
There are alrdy many ppl who want this. I spoken with ppl in-game, they agreed it’s fair for everyone, + rewards torunament play instead of skyhammer farmers.
i also spoke with ppl ingame. but the problem is either they dont read forums and just complain in teamspeak or they where the same opinion and promised to write something and never showed up.
Don’t let this get lost…
I really hoped they would implement it with this update.
Guys, the best way to get this implemented is to continue to stay directly on topic, and to get more people from in game to come and show their support in this thread. Let’s keep this alive and going strong
I would not mind having this bonus as it might at least restore some faith lost in the game’s current direction.
buuuut…he has a point.
It’s the weekend. The only ones posting probably don’t want to touch the thread until they get into office and can discuss this.
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
No guise we’ll spike teh glory economy. too dangerous
Thief – Radderic
Mesmer – Smash Kablooey
Try hard savo
A quick update – this topic is definitely something they “cannot talk about just right now” sort of thing.
Karl, didn’t wrote back a single word, even after I spammed him hard.
I asked Grouch if he have a quick minute and he was immediately like “sup, what is it”, but when I pointed out the thread with question if we will get a ‘red’ comment on it, he went silent and shortly after that – offline.
Then luckily, I saw Chap is online as well, so asked him the same question. The short responds were “Cool.” and “Nods.”, followed by a quick discussions why I prefer chatting directly with a dev, then waiting for no response in the forums.
I haven’t made any screenshots of the chat with him, because I do respect any sort of privacy, altho I warned him about me trying to get an answer for the thread.
So, the way I’m seeing it, they won’t comment on this anytime soon, due to their policy. And given that this is sort of time sensitive matter (after all, we continue to play ranked games, which increase our total number of games every day), it may be too late for us, when they finally have an answer.
watch the results of the polls so far..
interesting thinks i think
I agree. It’s kinda silly not too.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
I agree with this.
Definitely separates skyhammer farmers from tourny players.
Smallscale <3 Vabbi
The Original Dudes [to]
Try hard savo
A quick update – this topic is definitely something they “cannot talk about just right now” sort of thing.
Karl, didn’t wrote back a single word, even after I spammed him hard.
I asked Grouch if he have a quick minute and he was immediately like “sup, what is it”, but when I pointed out the thread with question if we will get a ‘red’ comment on it, he went silent and shortly after that – offline.Then luckily, I saw Chap is online as well, so asked him the same question. The short responds were “Cool.” and “Nods.”, followed by a quick discussions why I prefer chatting directly with a dev, then waiting for no response in the forums.
I haven’t made any screenshots of the chat with him, because I do respect any sort of privacy, altho I warned him about me trying to get an answer for the thread.
So, the way I’m seeing it, they won’t comment on this anytime soon, due to their policy. And given that this is sort of time sensitive matter (after all, we continue to play ranked games, which increase our total number of games every day), it may be too late for us, when they finally have an answer.
Oh kitten … =/ They should talk about it, and clarify if they do it or no, and give answer at least, not ingoring…
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|