Date of January balance patch?
There won’t be any during the season so after 26th Jan, at least. My bet is somewhere around march.
[Teef] guild :>
u won’t have that much time between 2 pvp seasons … i guess so right after the 1st season probably
u won’t have that much time between 2 pvp seasons … i guess so right after the 1st season probably
it is anet we are talking about~
[Teef] guild :>
The finals are in February, so I dont expect a balance patch until March.
Even 1 idiot knows, there is no need and no time to wait until March/ April to balance.
Doing this is like doing Harakiri.
I don’t think Anet is so dumb.
People cries and complain, is just a way to ask for help.
Better for them to handle this quick, because if they don’t hear cries and complains anymore. This mean they lost us and lost our interest. It would mean, we are so fed up, we don’t care anymore. Complains are care.
January 31st 2017 mate.
The finals are in February, so I dont expect a balance patch until March.
sad but this. 2+ more months.
The finals are in February, so I dont expect a balance patch until March.
sad but this. 2+ more months.
This is just insane.
The finals are in February, so I dont expect a balance patch until March.
sad but this. 2+ more months.
This is just insane.
You should lower your expectation, it’s probably not going to get better even after the “balance” patch. All you can do is laugh about it and make custom meme to express your frustration, like I did (below)…
What makes people think that there will be actually a balance patch anytime soon? Its Anet we talk about. They didnt even bother to balance before S1 cus HoT counted as “balance patch” to them.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
Why wouldn’t they apply a balance patch in the middle of the pro league ?
Also, in case they release a bullkitten patch with broken things, you just play the tournament on the previous patch for a few weeks until you’re sure the patch is okay. I mean, that’s how any competent esport works.
The finals are in February, so I dont expect a balance patch until March.
sad but this. 2+ more months.
This is just insane.
You should lower your expectation, it’s probably not going to get better even after the “balance” patch. All you can do is laugh about it and make custom meme to express your frustration, like I did (below)…
I’ll do you one better. I’m just going to sell all my stuff, give the money to friends and say adios.
At this point? I highly doubt they will really “balance” anything. Their balance patch occurred when they nerfed revs and bunker mesmers. At this point, I see the game staying relatively the same for the next 3 years. When that next expansion comes then maybe they’ll rebalance and warriors and thieves will be balanced to other classes.
The finals are in February, so I dont expect a balance patch until March.
Well, this just broke my mojo. So what’s going to be there between January 26th and February 20th, a big hole of nothingness?… The perfect occasion to lose 95% of the playerbase?
The finals are in February, so I dont expect a balance patch until March.
sad but this. 2+ more months.
This is just insane.
You should lower your expectation, it’s probably not going to get better even after the “balance” patch. All you can do is laugh about it and make custom meme to express your frustration, like I did (below)…
I’ll do you one better. I’m just going to sell all my stuff, give the money to friends and say adios.
That took a little longer than I expected. I guess I’ll just talk to pretty girls for instant gratification now.
No balance patch until March would be insane. I’m sure we’ll get something in early february.
Nooctae ( Thief ) / Encelya ( Engineer ) / Jane Crimson ( Elementalist ) / Kowywr ( Revenant )
Europe, Vizunah.
Looking at Gaile Gray’s reply in this thread:
and her reply to this post:
in the same thread…
I think it’s safe to say there isn’t going to be a balance patch anytime soon.
“Mark Katzbach
Forum Communications
Bug Fixes:
Chronomancer—Continuum Shift: Fixed an issue that prevented this ability from destroying the continuum rift when the ability expired naturally.
Druid—Ancestral Grace: Fixed a bug that allowed this skill to blast finish multiple times in a single casting.
about 22 hours ago
this is your balance patch
They balance every 6 months. Be careful what you wish for. Balance will be buffs to more uncounterable BS. It will get worse
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
What do i care..they can patch as much they want.. i give a kitten. In 14 days i’ll be on Blade & Soul having fun for once.
Anet you can keep my 100$ for HoT cuz that is the last 100$ you get out of my wallet.
Well if there would be no january balance, or a really kittenty one, I know that I will delete my chars and leave the game for good. Every person has a limit, and this is mine.
The finals are in February, so I dont expect a balance patch until March.
They promised a balance patch between every season which is early Feb. They have made it clear that the ESL pro tournament is for marketing only so I expect there to be a patch between seasons, whether its extensive enough is another issue though.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
what’s wrong with the meta?
bunker wars 2 is the most exciting thing you could take part in………….
In March they will release a patch that nerfs Warrior.
Be careful what you asks for :P
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
are you kittening kidding me?
2 more months without balance?
Since October 23 there was no major balance changes.
Don’t tell me we wait till March just for a SMALL Balance patch?
Which is majority will be TOOLTIP FIXES
If this will be the case, I am out. 3 years of incompetence from the devs/ uppr management here.
Don’t tell me, B&S will be their scapegoat for this failure.
It’s consistent with their old philosophy about balance patch every 6 months. Nothing has changed.
Already quit PvP. Just log in here and there to troll.
Jan 27th. 2017.
The minute after they realize blade and soul killed thier esports dream…
The minute after they realize blade and soul killed thier esports dream…
I remember how Wildstar was supposed to kill gw2 too and here we are.. however i agree that gw2 is not really a good candidate for esport title. I guess they should create new pvp only focused game if they truly aim on esporuuutt. There is no way to balance the skills across 3 game modes.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
The minute after they realize blade and soul killed thier esports dream…
I remember how Wildstar was supposed to kill gw2 too and here we are.. however i agree that gw2 is not really a good candidate for esport title. I guess they should create new pvp only focused game if they truly aim on esporuuutt. There is no way to balance the skills across 3 game modes.
Actually there is. You balance classes based on PvP…then balance PvE based off your class balance.
For example let’s say you decide in PvP you need to reduce the overall durability of the classession you’d then reduce the PvE contents damage to compensate.
Shocker I know
Can you even believe that Path of Exile… Yep, an Action RPG focused 99.8% on PvE actually managed to divide balance between PvP Arena (bonus content) and PvE world. For people knowing about Path of Exile, it’s such a small company, yet, they managed it. And it’s a game you can play for years and still discover new mechanics.
@Vieux P and Azukas
You realize that Blade and Soul, like Wild Star and Guild Wars, is an NCSoft product, right? You show that bad NCSoft by walking away from the money you sunk into Guild Wars and start sinking money into Blade and Soul’s cashshop. That’ll teach ’em real good.
Anet answers to NCSoft and NCSoft has shareholders to satisfy, and the F2P + microtransaction model has management and investors absolutely salavating at how much money can be made. GW2, in the past, had done a really good job imo when it came to selling electronic barbie/ken dress-up items in the gem store and avoiding any pay-to-win type items. That’s not to say the gemstore wasn’t or isn’t entirely free of sleazy cash solutions to in-game problems that they created. For example, how many people do you know that have bought alt character slots or accounts on top of additional bags and bank tabs to handle all the mats in this game?
The more recent trend with Guild Wars has been to continually test the boundaries of sleazy and pay-to-win with players. For those that have been around since launch I encourage you to consider the history of Anet’s behaviors that remind us (or for some, not) that ‘fun’ is too risky to base cashflows on, and that behaviour conditioning and customer manipulation are more reliable (and ultimately better performing) business models.
Some micro-sleaze highlights:
– The infamous Watchwork Mining Pick. Gemstore only item to gain access to sprockets from past LS content.
- The trading post make-over including a gem/gold converter with preset conversion volumes
- The concept of purchasing boosters have always preyed upon new players that do not understand how worthless these items are.
- Combining RNG with gemstore transactions —> promotional dyes, blacklion keys
- Resale of free content in the LS seasons
- Larger and larger and larger volumes of mats required for higher level crafting and collections applies pressure to purchase ‘solutions’ only available in the gemstore —> bag expanders, additional character slots for mules, addition bank tabs, additional multiple storage expanders, and salvage tools. Even further pressure added here with the trend of bags within bags with in bags full of mostly trash. More pressure added with collection items that are unclear on whether its required to keep or sell leads to hoarding which requires more bag space. New tokens/currencies x4 maps intentionally do not go into the wallet and need to be carried with you to use (eg. machetes, crowbars, etc).
- Large quantities of grind injected, ‘hardcore’ content that puts pressure on ascended gear, loads of gold and mat destruction/sinks added, and gold sources nerfed steers players to ‘pay to short-cut’ by purchasing gems. If you hadn’t noticed the gemstore got a new add in the banner reminding you to use that gem to gold converter.
There are certainly serveral more examples, and I’m finding the most recent mini situation interesting: purchase a mini in the gemstore and get access to small collection/quest to obtain a glider skin. Anet just dipping a toe in the water and gauging player’s reaction to purchase of content in the gemstore and let’s see how far this gets pushed in the future… Keep working on that whale hunt collection Anet.
Anyway, even with all of that ‘marketing pressure’ continuing to bleed through the game, until HoT came along PvP remained largely untouched and hadn’t been poisoned with pay-to-win. With HoT, every single elite spec was objectively superior to the core or vanilla option. But that’s not necessarily enough pressure to secure xpac sales. The influx of players into PvP ensures that core only users would be pitted head-to-head at a disadvantage to HoT players. Upset? Feel frustrated you are at a disadvantage? No problem, for a quick $50 US you can level the playing field and keep up with the power creep. To me this is the most disappointing element of the xpac and perhaps the most telling of future direction GW2 is heading.
Here’s a video presentation from Steve Fowler and Grouch discussing the business side and ‘road forward’ for PvP in GW2. There isn’t any pay-to-win plan discussed in the video or anything like that. Instead I encourage you to watch and consider some of the goals and philosophies presented to essentially to keep you playing longer and that ‘minutes equals dollars’ and compare that to the general design goals and implementation of HoT as a whole.
This isn’t a bash Anet or quit the game thread, instead I encourage players to ask ‘why’ they are doing what they are doing or ask what the dev(s) intended for certain game systems. For example there is another thread going asking for automated home instance harvesting ( because this isn’t a fun experience and a player is questioning the behaviour the game is steering him/her towards. Think about it though: you’ve either pounded out a bunch of meta achievements from LS, or purchased nodes/perks for your home instance only to give you chores to do daily. None of this is at all fun an instead is a gold/time sink at best and a behavior conditioning trap at worst (just gotta do my daily, and my crafting, and harvest, and and… ).
Anyway, this I’m out of my BEvERages and this got too long. Good luck to you sir with Blade and Soul, but do a bit of homework and follow the money (it leads back to NCSoft with both GW and B&S).
Not much specifically about GW here, but if you are wondering about direction of the game in broad terms check out NCSoft’s investor information.
Here’s the transcript for Q3 2015:
And here’s the historic ones directly from NCSoft:
Q4 2015 will be available early February to check out to see both how HoT faired interms of its release and hints/milestones for 2016.
I got HoT for free from EB Games so I’m not complaining
@Vieux P and Azukas
You realize that Blade and Soul, like Wild Star and Guild Wars, is an NCSoft product, right?
For some time now, GW2 is no longer a NCSoft product. Anet got kitten loads of money from HoT so they could afford the split.
The current state of balance is one of the first things that is 100% on Anet only.
@Vieux P and Azukas
You realize that Blade and Soul, like Wild Star and Guild Wars, is an NCSoft product, right?
For some time now, GW2 is no longer a NCSoft product. Anet got kitten loads of money from HoT so they could afford the split.
The current state of balance is one of the first things that is 100% on Anet only.
I guess someone should let NCSoft know then, as it seems their homepage must be out of date then…
Other options would be to check out the links at the bottom of my post where NCSoft is reporting on GW2 (among their other games) to investors. Or just even hit up the interwebs and take a quick check on who pulled and owns the trademark to HoT:
Skill updates are quite literally the only thing that keeps an MMO interesting in the long run. You can’t possibly create enough content to continuously keep players engaged, but you can challenge them by altering the tools they have available. This applies to all areas of the game, but none more so than PvP.
I can’t even describe how unfathomably stupid I find their decision to do balance passes so infrequently.
Monthly should be the minimum time frame. Ideally, we’d get a small patch every 2 weeks.
Skill updates are quite literally the only thing that keeps an MMO interesting in the long run.
I disagree. Imo its the mmo portion – that fact you are playing with friends – that keeps you playing long past the point of actually enjoying the game itself. Additionally, thousands of hours of time, and varying amounts of money sunk into your account create a sense of value that is hard to abandon and walk away from.
I can’t even describe how unfathomably stupid I find their decision to do balance passes so infrequently.
Monthly should be the minimum time frame. Ideally, we’d get a small patch every 2 weeks.
Would you feel the same if you had spent hours grind the same content over and over and over to optimize your build for pve raiding, or wvw and the devs were changing/tweaking every two weeks on you?
The topic of splitting pve/wvw from pvp is a touchy one. As a pvp’er and long time player I’d like to see it happen, but I can see it being a barrier to entry into pvp for new players (you enter gw2 mmo land in pve first, and find your way to pvp later). There are/were some skills that work differently between pvp and pve/wvw but the devs do not communicate these discrepancies to players. Remember the wiki is not maintained by devs. Here’s an example of a split skill:
It’s a separate discussion, but i think that the modes could reasonably be split by creating a second set of accurate and clear tool tips for skills and traits for pve and pvp. Currently, your stats/gear are overridden when you go into pvp and above is an example of a split skill already, so it seems that there is a known and working solution already that could be expanded. PvP skills would be based on the PVE versions (so they don’t work wildly different from pve and pvp gamemodes) with the pvp version tuned appropriately (loads of dials to be adjusted here: base damage, condi stacks, effect durations, number of targets, and possibly even cooldown adjustments).
(edited by Naix.8156)
I disagree. Imo its the mmo portion – that fact you are playing with friends – that keeps you playing long past the point of actually enjoying the game itself.
Fair enough. But wouldn’t the point at which you stopped enjoying the game have come later if you hadn’t been playing the same metas for 6 months at a time?
Would you feel the same if you had spent hours grind the same content over and over and over to optimize your build for pve raiding, or wvw and the devs were changing/tweaking every two weeks on you?
For WvW, yes. For PvE, probably not. But in that case, the issue wouldn’t be the updates themselves. Rather, the updates would simply be highlighting the poor design of the gear system (something that raids have already done on their own to a certain extent, e.g.
Conceptually, I stand by my point that frequent skill updates would be good for the PvE side of the game as well, simply because it would encourage theorycrafting/experimentation and force people to learn more about the traits/skills of their class and continuously change their approach to existing content.
That said, I’m not opposed to a split as long as WvW is included on the PvP side (or given its own independent skillset).
need i say more? /15 chars.
Straight from Galie Gray:
“Our next major balance update will be released at the end of January, and after the new year we plan on sharing the high-level details of those changes, giving you an opportunity to provide feedback to our design team.”
Forum warriors, silence.
Straight from Galie Gray:
“Our next major balance update will be released at the end of January, and after the new year we plan on sharing the high-level details of those changes, giving you an opportunity to provide feedback to our design team.”
Forum warriors, silence.
If bolded part wasn’t true, then why you believe the others are true?
Straight from Galie Gray:
“Our next major balance update will be released at the end of January, and after the new year we plan on sharing the high-level details of those changes, giving you an opportunity to provide feedback to our design team.”
Forum warriors, silence.
If bolded part wasn’t true, then why you believe the others are true?
We aren’t even 1 week into 2016, kittening relax. They didn’t specify when after the new year.
Straight from Galie Gray:
“Our next major balance update will be released at the end of January, and after the new year we plan on sharing the high-level details of those changes, giving you an opportunity to provide feedback to our design team.”
Forum warriors, silence.
If bolded part wasn’t true, then why you believe the others are true?
We aren’t even 1 week into 2016, kittening relax. They didn’t specify when after the new year.
And which new year, could be 2020.
Dat wall of texts. Respecto patronum.
@Vieux P and Azukas
You realize that Blade and Soul, like Wild Star and Guild Wars, is an NCSoft product, right?
For some time now, GW2 is no longer a NCSoft product. Anet got kitten loads of money from HoT so they could afford the split.
The current state of balance is one of the first things that is 100% on Anet only.
Anet are still owned by NCSoft. So ultimately it is still an ncsoft product.
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Some classes are going to get overly buffed while other classes will get overly nerfed. It’s just trading one terrible meta for another.
Some classes are going to get overly buffed while other classes will get overly nerfed. It’s just trading one terrible meta for another.
That’s basically what I fear at the moment – that they’re just going to be continuing this ridiculous power creep by buffing something else.
I get the impression that their “balance patches” are/will be more focused on changing the meta than actually balancing anything. That’s not going to end well..
Some classes are going to get overly buffed while other classes will get overly nerfed. It’s just trading one terrible meta for another.
That’s basically what I fear at the moment – that they’re just going to be continuing this ridiculous power creep by buffing something else.
I get the impression that their “balance patches” are/will be more focused on changing the meta than actually balancing anything. That’s not going to end well..
Warriors are going to become so broken..
Tbh A-Net has the worst communication with their playerbase out of every developer/publisher I’ve ever seen. Even in some completely unknown MMOs with a 100 population, there’s at least someone that has the time to inform the players of future updates.