Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


“skill floor disparity between professions can’t be too large, or it will be horribly imbalanced at low tiers.”
i think what they (anet) is trying to do, is to make all professions easier to play? O_O

Hmm, I suppose you could argue that making the entire game even more casual is a good thing. However, GW2 is already casual-friendly to a fault. I think there are a few builds that are just too easy for how good they are. That’s not fair to casual players because if you’re not running one of those super-easy builds, you’ll get destroyed by one. The only way to use a hard build to beat an easy build is to play much better than your opponent, which is unreasonable to expect from a casual player.

A better solution would be to get the tutorials fixed and get some low-rank only hotjoin servers up. That would be casual-friendly without the need for skills like healing signet.

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


abusing line of sight, cleansing ire and counter pressure are all great additions to stances, plus lyssa runes too.

Line of sight is situational, Cleansing Ire wont work with anything besides longbow and Lyssa runes are a whole different balance problem.

what weaponset do you have in mind when referring to warrior balance? in most used warriors builds the weaponsets usually have blocks, cc or mobility. You can kite with the mobility, counter pressure with cc or straight up just block I guess.

Greatsword and sword since the rest all rely on one ability hitting and if it doesn’t you’re screwed for the next 7-30 seconds. No good player gets hit by Earthshaker or Eviscerate. Really though are you actually suggesting Warriors kite though? The counter to every Warrior build besides Rifle is kiting them so how is kiting gonna help you unless the enemy is another Warrior or some perma chilled Thief trying to Heartseeker spam you.

If you’re under pressure you can use mobility to your advantage and resustain with adrenal health/healing signet while kiting your opponents.


Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: glaphen.5230


abusing line of sight, cleansing ire and counter pressure are all great additions to stances, plus lyssa runes too.

Line of sight is situational, Cleansing Ire wont work with anything besides longbow and Lyssa runes are a whole different balance problem.

what weaponset do you have in mind when referring to warrior balance? in most used warriors builds the weaponsets usually have blocks, cc or mobility. You can kite with the mobility, counter pressure with cc or straight up just block I guess.

Greatsword and sword since the rest all rely on one ability hitting and if it doesn’t you’re screwed for the next 7-30 seconds. No good player gets hit by Earthshaker or Eviscerate. Really though are you actually suggesting Warriors kite though? The counter to every Warrior build besides Rifle is kiting them so how is kiting gonna help you unless the enemy is another Warrior or some perma chilled Thief trying to Heartseeker spam you.

If you’re under pressure you can use mobility to your advantage and resustain with adrenal health/healing signet while kiting your opponents.

So running away like every class can do and I’m pretty sure most people are complaing about hambow anyways which has 0 mobility.

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


Hambow has easy access to cleansing ire, strong aoe damage (conquest gamemode amplifies this), and strong cc. Sustain through adrenal health/healing signet passively too.


Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: glaphen.5230


Which again means hambow is the only problem and only in multi vs multi fights and that doesn’t mean Healing Signet is the problem. They are nerfing hammer to 0 damage next patch anyways and I still don’t see how a Necromancer using fear and AoE condition damage isn’t 100x worse damage, cc and survivability wise.

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Vanthian.9267


Counter argument? I need an argument to counter first.
Imagine taking a class, putting it in sPvP and going AFK to make tea. If I came back at the end of the game, and it had died, then your “argument” would qualify this as balanced – even if, most of the time, I would live. Clearly (I hope?) this is nonsensical in the extreme.
My recommendation: Provide numbers. Stats. Analysis. Comparisons. But saying “I run this and it sometimes dies” is mindbogglingly ineffective.

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Chicago Jack.5647

Chicago Jack.5647

If you have not seen it yet, I am essentially reiterating this video:

Interesting video. Ironically, there is the same type of concept with trying to teach math.

Except, in terms of math, the situation is far more dire. People have been taught math a certain way for decades, thinking that it’s what mathematicians do, then they step into more upper-level math and they are left dead in the water.

Trying to get people to learn in the most effective way is certainly a challenging task.

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Neko.9021


to me, a healing skill is only overpowered if it allowed a casual, average player to become godlike, cannot be defeated etc. healing signet does not achieve that, therefore healing signet is not overpowered.

Really? This is your absolutely only one criteria for if something is overpowered or not? Nothing else? Nothing else at all? Geeze.

What about if it allows an expert player to become “godlike”. What if its passive healing is SO HIGH it drives out certain specs from the meta because they simply can’t keep up with the healing per second? What if it’s so powerful that teams start double or triple stacking classes with the skill in question because it’s so effective in tournaments?

Tell me, would ANY of these criteria be valid to judging if a skill, in its practical ramifications, is overpowered or not? Or is judging how it effects Casuals the one and only way to judge this?

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: noobftw.9654


War > dd ele pre nerf.
More hp armor
More dps
More cc and immo. (DD ele has 2 cc 1 immo, hambow Warr for instance has at least 3 cc 2 immo)
More mobile.
Longer blocking invul vs shocking aura no ele uses arcane shield then
Ele only outshines Warr on healing and teleport.
Both are kinda spammy, Warr is more forgiving and less buttons.

Double ele teams was tPvP standard, some teams tried even triple ele comps. Now can you show me numerous double war tPvP teams, pretty please?

Now you are saying you don’t see double warrior teams?
And if I recall single ele far point was the standard when they were still viable, since when triple ele was ever in meta?

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Scoobaniec.9561


Funny thread..too bad ppl ignore such things as blind, block, protection, vigor, weakness, poison, healing via weapon skills/traits as usual. But its ok, the olny thing in this game that matter is hp per second, nvm that my medit guard can burst heal for 14,6k without healing power+utility but 400hp/s seems to be stronger. Maybe stop playing bunkers?

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Oblivion.8307


the problem is
>land all burst on warrior, warrior is at 35%hp from a full glass cannon bursting it
>warrior counterpressures hits 1/4 of his abilities and kills target.

to kill warriors you need to go glass cannon, and once you do that you’re so easily killed by the warrior anyways.


Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


i speak for myself since i am a casual sPvP player and only plays in anet’s official 8 vs 8 hotjoin servers. nowadays in sPvP, i only play my warrior and he is far from godlike or cannot be defeated. he is harder to kill, yes, but not impossible. he still dies every now and then. so, based on this fact alone, my take is that, healing signet is not overpowered.

in short, healing signet is not overpowered because when a casual player uses it, they are not godlike, and still can be defeated.

Are you serious?

The funny thing is though… This is enough for A-net. Remember “Eles who only use one Attunement” xD

I agree however that there needs to be some sort of casual or noob entry level, but that shouldn’t carry people past ineptitude and incompetence. Everything in this game needs to be balanced accordingly to something being avoided in a realistic manner, and it’s not.

for example: You can’t take a BM or Spirit ranger vs a Shatter mesmer and say “well if the BM or spirit ranger never doges their shatter (which people learn to do by rank 20 maybe 30 at most for the slower learners) and dies THEN IT’S BALANCED =D”

Now I’m obviously using a hard counter scinero here but this is still partly where the fallacy lies. Rangers having access to TONS of evades, while stacking toughness and healing power and poping troll urgent (which is like healing signet in a way) mitigating the damage from shatter is easy as cake. But if a player is either not adept to the games speed, or is inept and maybe hasn’t learned the basics of pvp then yes that player will always get stomped. But incompetence isn’t a factor for balance.

Healing signet is in this category although I admit not as bad. A decent player (not necessarily a good one) will avoid the things he needs to and the small hits they sustained are essentially out healed. Meaning there is pressure going almost one way, unless a fatal mistake is made.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Wintel.4873


What’s the point of having such a discussion when the original poster is flat-out ADMITTING that he has no clue what he’s talking about (8v8 hotjoin casual, if it’s not “godlike invincibile” then it’s not overpowered, etc).

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


cuz a-net takes this kitty seriously. (psshhh I can censor myself)

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

hey, thanks everyone for sharing their feedback in here, some even having their own discussions heheh. i appreciate this.

also, thanks again everyone for being civil.

errr now i shall reply to those who directly addressed me.

thanks for your kind response Forsaker!

well, personally i do not enjoy arena 5 vs 5 game modes that much because:

solo arena:
- fun factor depends on team members and opposing team
- 4 vs 5 often happens
- i may drag down my team if i am not good enough
- etc

team arena:
- my guild is casual, sPvP rewards not attractive enough to coax them to try sPvP
- i dun have a team
- other teams are usually too good for me to handle
- etc

as for why i enjoy anet’s public 8 vs 8 hotjoin servers:
- hotjoin, can drop in and drop out anytime
- 8 vs 8, battles are easily found
- win or lose does not really matter
- enjoy the skirmishes (non cap point battle)
- enjoy the cap point battles
- enjoy cannon-ing people to support team mates in raid of the capricorn
- enjoy fearing people to their dooms in skyhammer
- enjoy fighting on the skyhammer platform
- enjoy skyhammer-ing people
- enjoy fighting on the capture points
- enjoy escaping from battles and staying alive
- etc

as i am a casual player, i play for enjoyment and rewards. for sPvP, i find casual joy in anet’s 8 vs 8 hotjoin servers and not in the solo arena / team arena 5 vs 5 game modes so i will avoid those game modes.

unless the rewards for winning in solo arena / team arena are drastically improved, i will not participate in them for the time being.

also remember that, during beta weekends, i spend all my time in 8 vs 8 hotjoin servers and after launch, i found myself spending more time in PvE and sometimes WvW while hardly any sPvP. it was the introduction of sPvP daily and sPvP monthly achievements that attracted me to spend more time in sPvP once again. and even try out free tournaments (before they renamed tournaments into solo arena / team arena) a few times at the start of each new month because the sPvP monthly achievements back then requires us to win at least 3 games of tournament games.

actually, the main intention of this topic that i created is to voice out my opinions regarding healing signet as a casual player, and hopefully when they do make changes to the healing signet, they will not make it into a useless skill again.

while you and many others are telling me that healing signet is overpowered, however, in another topic, the number one ranked player on solo arena was playing a guardian, and not a warrior. this alone further reinforces my casual mindset that healing signet alone is not overpowered.

in the scenario in which where a warrior when placed in the hands of a very skilled sPvP 5 vs 5 arena player, combined with the right skills could very well give off some impression that the warrior is indeed very godlike. well, perhaps the other warrior skills could be looked into as well? not just healing signet alone.

for example, i seen many times people mention how berserker stance made the warrior godlike because, berserker stance gives the warrior 8 or 10 seconds of immunity to conditions.

if i recall correctly, berserker stance originally did not have that function, it was only added later on. why did they do that, i have no idea. does not makes a lot of sense to me, since to me, the word berserker kinda means kamikaze, forgoing one’s defense in order to do more offense. a very whole lot more.

maybe if the berserker stance only gave immunity to certain conditions, not all, conditions that slow down the warrior, prevents, obstructs the warrior from doing damage, so lets look at the berserker stance skill:
Gain adrenaline for a short time. Condition duration on you is greatly reduced.
Duration: 8 s
notes: Grants immunity to unmodified conditions and gain 5 strikes of adrenaline per second

so actually, modified conditions still affect a warrior that is using berserker stance.

anyway, what if berserker stance is modified, such that:
- gain 5 strikes of adrenaline per second
- immune to blind, chilled, crippled, fear, immobilized, weakness
- + 50% damage at 10% health or lower

instead of being immune to all 12 conditions, only 6 conditions is granted immunity. though i am not sure if the + 50% when health is 10% or lower is too powerful or not since the warrior can only be stopped by control effects or blocks, dodges.

well, yes, explanation by others does helps me understand better. i enjoy reading the discussions by various people in this topic.

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Zietlogik.6208


I dug up one of my older videos for this, uploaded it, and it can show how much frontloaded power the current meta warrior build is (the one getting nerfed)

It offers too much, too fast, for very little cost (only real danger is massive CC/Condi specs such as necros and engis)

I play sPvP pretty casually (usually just if I don’t like how the PvE daily looks and still want my laurel) but I used to play it much more.

I would consider myself a run-of-the-mill average warrior, usually just running around in WvW (I would never use this build in WvW though….)

Zietlogik [Warrior] Chronologix [Ranger] Ziet The Dreaded [Necromancer] Zietlogic [Revenant]

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: glaphen.5230


I dug up one of my older videos for this, uploaded it, and it can show how much frontloaded power the current meta warrior build is (the one getting nerfed)

It offers too much, too fast, for very little cost (only real danger is massive CC/Condi specs such as necros and engis)

I play sPvP pretty casually (usually just if I don’t like how the PvE daily looks and still want my laurel) but I used to play it much more.

I would consider myself a run-of-the-mill average warrior, usually just running around in WvW (I would never use this build in WvW though….)

For starters it’s 8v8 which is filled with the worst of the worst. Next you should re-watch the video and count all the dodges the enemies made, almost none of them dodged even once and then ones that did were doing it at low health trying to escape like usual of bads. Enemies who do not time their dodges cant have an opinion on balance especially while playing 8v8. But really I’m begging you to show me one good dodge out of that entire video.

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


- my guild is casual, sPvP rewards not attractive enough to coax them to try sPvP

And even being a casual this man just pointed out first gw2 pvp problem imo..

…first of all…even before wars, spirit rangers, necros, conditions and kitten..

There is no point to play pvp atm, talking about any sort of balance it’s just theorycrafting atm…since pvp is going to loose players no matter what if there’s nothing attractive and unique to play for..come on guys how many are those just going pvp only? No wvsw, no pve just pvp…always pvp? At the moment i know really few players who go pvp only pretty much since beta (Including me)…and it’s because i hate both pve and wvsw (Probably gw1 fault), but for sure not because going pvp gives me some sort of reward…yeah top 100 ladder, so? Shark finisher? wow…many farmers have it too thanks to anet’s stupid skyhammer. Glory? I think i don’t even need to talk about it. Skins? One year+ to get r60 for ugly cultural tier 1….seriously?

So i go pvp only just because i hate other things so much it’s the only thing i can do…and yes, it sux

(edited by Archaon.6245)

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: honovi.7893


Here is the main issue: You’re in an 8v8. A very zerg-heavy game mode that revolves around ganks. In 8v8, healing signet is less useful because fights take less time due to the fact that more players = more damage. Try running healing signet off-point or in a tournament. This is where it shines because it is very hard to take down without constant poison application.

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Here is the main issue: You’re in an 8v8. A very zerg-heavy game mode that revolves around ganks. In 8v8, healing signet is less useful because fights take less time due to the fact that more players = more damage. Try running healing signet off-point or in a tournament. This is where it shines because it is very hard to take down without constant poison application.

I killed 2 warriors in 2v1 just now,one mace/gs and another hambow just now on a point in a 5v5 hotjoin.Fight lasted 30-40 seconds.Both ranks 30+ .Is my HS more op than their HS ?

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


there u go

a monkey could survive with that.
if something like this is possible in a game it sure is overpowered!

It has to be said they didn’t even try at first.

And about this video:

I am a warrior myself, but I play with zero damage immunity, zero condi immunity (Only cleansing Ire, but I almost never use burst to get a +15% damage increase), zero stuns.

I can say I can send those guys to a clumsy death.

I’m not saying they are fine, but I want to share you my joy when I slice those kittens up.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: honovi.7893


Here is the main issue: You’re in an 8v8. A very zerg-heavy game mode that revolves around ganks. In 8v8, healing signet is less useful because fights take less time due to the fact that more players = more damage. Try running healing signet off-point or in a tournament. This is where it shines because it is very hard to take down without constant poison application.

I killed 2 warriors in 2v1 just now,one mace/gs and another hambow just now on a point in a 5v5 hotjoin.Fight lasted 30-40 seconds.Both ranks 30+ .Is my HS more op than their HS ?

OMG guys!!!! I had a revelation!!!! Some players are better than others!!!! Who would have thought >.<. Any more questions?

Confirmation bias, anecdotal evidence, and no proof may have played a role in this…

(edited by honovi.7893)

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Slim.3024


I guess mini is not pressing his heal skill better then?

People keep claiming the 400 HP/s the warrior’s healing skill offers is too strong to overcome, though when two warriors die to one or whatever and they all use the same passive healing signet, one can’t just argue that the player made the difference, without having to realize that the healing signet is not the problem.

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


Typical reaction from a new player that does some pvp for the first time:

“Me being an old pvper on wow I wanted to give a go to the structured pvp here, I have played enough to earn rank 5 but I feel its just a big mess all of it. There is zero communication in teams and its just going in spamming damage and sometimes do a roll or two to evade attacks and I have no idea what they are attacking with. In wow you really have control over the BG you can clearly see whats happening and you have alot of tools to make a situation epic, right now I fail to see the enjoyment in this pvp.

Any old wow pvpers here who have found joy in this kind of pvp? Im probally just to fresh to find comfort in it."

8v8 being the go to format scares the majority of new players away. Every single guy that i know that gave up on spvp or quit GW2 all together, gave me a similar reason.

Regarding the warrior signet:. Its one of the strongest heals in the game HPS wise while being passive at the same time. If i use a heal on lets say my necro there is the risk that i get interupted bij dazes or stunns or w/e. Signet bypasses that risk completely.

Warrior was the only class where i could go in to wvw as low lvl and facetank supply camps, while doing decent damage. And even if max levels tried to gank me i would be able to kill or hit them hard enough to make them run off. Healing signet gives so much room for error.

(edited by Locuz.2651)

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Here is the main issue: You’re in an 8v8. A very zerg-heavy game mode that revolves around ganks. In 8v8, healing signet is less useful because fights take less time due to the fact that more players = more damage. Try running healing signet off-point or in a tournament. This is where it shines because it is very hard to take down without constant poison application.

I killed 2 warriors in 2v1 just now,one mace/gs and another hambow just now on a point in a 5v5 hotjoin.Fight lasted 30-40 seconds.Both ranks 30+ .Is my HS more op than their HS ?

OMG guys!!!! I had a revelation!!!! Some players are better than others!!!! Who would have thought >.<. Any more questions?

Confirmation bias, anecdotal evidence, and no proof may have played a role in this…

People try to sell the cookie that a hs warrior cannot be killed even by 5 ppl because “DUH TOO MUCH HEALS impossible to outdps” .Lies When i see those videos of players that can’t outdps a healing signet’s 400 hps i just facepalm irl.

Hs is really underpowerded agaisnt dps builds but strong against bunker meta .Thats where all the qq is coming from.

Warrior was the only class where i could go in to wvw as low lvl and facetank supply camps, while doing decent damage. And even if max levels tried to gank me i would be able to kill or hit them hard enough to make them run off.

Another huge lie right here .Camps have sentinels that spam blind and the warrior is the most susceptible class to blinds in gw2.Also a ranger is the easiest class to solo camps in existence.Lol at killing max levels on upleveled warrior ^^

(edited by mini.6018)

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Locuz.2651


Another huge lie right here .Camps have sentinels that spam blind and the warrior is the most susceptible class to blinds in gw2.Also a ranger is the easiest class to solo camps in existence.Lol at killing max levels on upleveled warrior ^^

I started on the southern camp when this mesmer tried to gank me. When he saw he was losing he ran off.

Notice that other guy i chatted to before him? A level 80 i killed before that.

^ Screen right after i solod a camp (without sweetfx this time).

(edited by Locuz.2651)

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Let me put it this way:

This morning a warrior argued with me that [url=] warriors have average or even bad healing compared to a profession like, say, the engineer. I said yes, they do, assuming that both the warrior and the engineer in a fight have over 7,000 healing power, and then a bit more to make the warrior’s heal actually look “average” or “bad”.

In fact, if we look at the highest base heal per class possible (just looking at healing skills, in healing per second or HPS):

Ele- ~333.33 HPS, or 2 1/3 spells per second to match warrior’s heal
Engineer- 336 HPS
Guardian- 203.75 HPS, which, with VoResolve, is 287.75 HPS
Mesmer- generally, an absolute maximum of 374 HPS or a minimum of 278 HPS
Necro- min. 209.6 HPS, additional 28.96 HPS for each condition applied to a necro on average
Ranger- 340 HPS
Thief- 289.6 HPS, or need ~4 hits per second to match warrior’s heal
Warrior- 392 HPS

And that’s not including cast times, otherwise heals like the ele’s would heal for only ~270.27 HPS.

Of course, these are just base heals; actions can be taken to step them up, but a warrior can generally take many of those same actions as well, if he/she wanted.

But anyhow…. You have absolutely no right to complain. The warrior’s heal far outmatches the heals of the other classes.


Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Distaste.4801


I guess mini is not pressing his heal skill better then?

People keep claiming the 400 HP/s the warrior’s healing skill offers is too strong to overcome, though when two warriors die to one or whatever and they all use the same passive healing signet, one can’t just argue that the player made the difference, without having to realize that the healing signet is not the problem.

400 HP/s is a huge hurtle to overcome for most classes/builds. The fact that 2 warriors couldn’t take out one only shows that either the solo warrior was exceptional and had a better build or that the other two were terrible and had worse builds.

Healing signet isn’t the problem but it is a part of it. Warriors get too much for too little. It’s not just that healing signet warriors have great survivability, it’s that they get that alongside max health, max armor, great damage, control, condi-removal, etc. No other class has access to such a large constant heal for doing absolutely nothing. It simply isn’t balanced and either it needs nerfed or other healing skills need buffed, the same goes for a lot of warrior skills/abilities vs other classes. I’d love to make a vampire necro that heals for more than 50hp a hit so here is hoping they increase all other classes healing!

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Let me put it this way:

This morning a warrior argued with me that [url=] warriors have average or even bad healing compared to a profession like, say, the engineer. I said yes, they do, assuming that both the warrior and the engineer in a fight have over 7,000 healing power, and then a bit more to make the warrior’s heal actually look “average” or “bad”.

In fact, if we look at the highest base heal per class possible (just looking at healing skills, in healing per second or HPS):

Ele- ~333.33 HPS, or 2 1/3 spells per second to match warrior’s heal
Engineer- 336 HPS
Guardian- 203.75 HPS, which, with VoResolve, is 287.75 HPS
Mesmer- generally, an absolute maximum of 374 HPS or a minimum of 278 HPS
Necro- min. 209.6 HPS, additional 28.96 HPS for each condition applied to a necro on average
Ranger- 340 HPS
Thief- 289.6 HPS, or need ~4 hits per second to match warrior’s heal
Warrior- 392 HPS

And that’s not including cast times, otherwise heals like the ele’s would heal for only ~270.27 HPS.

Of course, these are just base heals; actions can be taken to step them up, but a warrior can generally take many of those same actions as well, if he/she wanted.

But anyhow…. You have absolutely no right to complain. The warrior’s heal far outmatches the heals of the other classes.

Half the classes you just listed have other aditional ways to heal themselves(waterfields+blast,mantras and so on.).So many in fact that the basic heal is just a bonus..

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Let me put it this way:

This morning a warrior argued with me that [url=] warriors have average or even bad healing compared to a profession like, say, the engineer. I said yes, they do, assuming that both the warrior and the engineer in a fight have over 7,000 healing power, and then a bit more to make the warrior’s heal actually look “average” or “bad”.

In fact, if we look at the highest base heal per class possible (just looking at healing skills, in healing per second or HPS):

Ele- ~333.33 HPS, or 2 1/3 spells per second to match warrior’s heal
Engineer- 336 HPS
Guardian- 203.75 HPS, which, with VoResolve, is 287.75 HPS
Mesmer- generally, an absolute maximum of 374 HPS or a minimum of 278 HPS
Necro- min. 209.6 HPS, additional 28.96 HPS for each condition applied to a necro on average
Ranger- 340 HPS
Thief- 289.6 HPS, or need ~4 hits per second to match warrior’s heal
Warrior- 392 HPS

And that’s not including cast times, otherwise heals like the ele’s would heal for only ~270.27 HPS.

Of course, these are just base heals; actions can be taken to step them up, but a warrior can generally take many of those same actions as well, if he/she wanted.

But anyhow…. You have absolutely no right to complain. The warrior’s heal far outmatches the heals of the other classes.

Half the classes you just listed have other aditional ways to heal themselves(waterfields+blast,mantras and so on.).So many in fact that the basic heal is just a bonus..

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Let me put it this way:

This morning a warrior argued with me that [url=] warriors have average or even bad healing compared to a profession like, say, the engineer. I said yes, they do, assuming that both the warrior and the engineer in a fight have over 7,000 healing power, and then a bit more to make the warrior’s heal actually look “average” or “bad”.

In fact, if we look at the highest base heal per class possible (just looking at healing skills, in healing per second or HPS):

Ele- ~333.33 HPS, or 2 1/3 spells per second to match warrior’s heal
Engineer- 336 HPS
Guardian- 203.75 HPS, which, with VoResolve, is 287.75 HPS
Mesmer- generally, an absolute maximum of 374 HPS or a minimum of 278 HPS
Necro- min. 209.6 HPS, additional 28.96 HPS for each condition applied to a necro on average
Ranger- 340 HPS
Thief- 289.6 HPS, or need ~4 hits per second to match warrior’s heal
Warrior- 392 HPS

And that’s not including cast times, otherwise heals like the ele’s would heal for only ~270.27 HPS.

Of course, these are just base heals; actions can be taken to step them up, but a warrior can generally take many of those same actions as well, if he/she wanted.

But anyhow…. You have absolutely no right to complain. The warrior’s heal far outmatches the heals of the other classes.

Half the classes you just listed have other aditional ways to heal themselves(waterfields+blast,mantras and so on.). So many in fact that the basic heal is just a bonus..

Are you f***ing kidding me?

I do not know a single professional player who honestly believes that regular heals are “just a bonus”. I will repeat, however, that the warrior has plenty of of other methods to heal itself as well, one of which being Adrenal Health, which provides a lot of HPS as well. You also have stuff like Endure Pain as well, which prevents all damage, of course.

Oh, and as for water fields and mantras:

- An engineer blasting a water field with Cleansing Burst+Detonate Healing Turret still requires +7000 healing power to match a warr’s general HPS, and other methods of blasting water fields often require other sacrifices, be it practically or theoretically, in order to blast the field.

- Mantras, generally, only heal for more if they 1. Aren’t interrupted and 2. Have three uses (requiring thirty points into Domination, which is a massive commitment), and it’s honestly extremely difficult to charge a mantra mid-battle. I know this because I have used mantras before- in fact, I’ve used mantra-based builds before- and usually, you won’t be needing to charge a mantra in the middle of a battle; you’ll usually either die by the time you get halfway through charging, or your opponent will be dead at that point. Mantra builds are full glass, and either way mantras can only really be charged outside of battle. There’s a reason why no top mesmer uses mantras.


Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Don’t argue with mini its a waste of time

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


Don’t argue with mini its a waste of time

Yes, I’m beginning to see that…


Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: azuzephyr.7280


as for why i enjoy anet’s public 8 vs 8 hotjoin servers:
- hotjoin, can drop in and drop out anytime
- 8 vs 8, battles are easily found
- win or lose does not really matter
- enjoy the skirmishes (non cap point battle)
- enjoy the cap point battles
- enjoy cannon-ing people to support team mates in raid of the capricorn
- enjoy fearing people to their dooms in skyhammer
- enjoy fighting on the skyhammer platform
- enjoy skyhammer-ing people
- enjoy fighting on the capture points
- enjoy escaping from battles and staying alive
- etc

You are trying to defend healing signet by giving a list of cheap, zero skill tactics that are too strong.

No words.

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: honovi.7893


I guess mini is not pressing his heal skill better then?

People keep claiming the 400 HP/s the warrior’s healing skill offers is too strong to overcome, though when two warriors die to one or whatever and they all use the same passive healing signet, one can’t just argue that the player made the difference, without having to realize that the healing signet is not the problem.

People claiming the nuclear bomb is too strong to overcome, though when two countries die to one or whatever and they all use the same nuclear bomb, one cant just argue that the leader made the difference, without having to realize that the nuclear bomb is not the problem.


Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Omar Little.2347

Omar Little.2347



Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


Healing Signet is NOT OP but i am LOL hahahaha

[WM]give us in game ladder

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Comming from the guy that said this i’m taking it quite as a compliment

Don’t argue with mini its a waste of time

Lol anyone stupid enough to throw bolas before immobing someone first is asking to be dodged.

That’s your only hint

I rest my case.

(edited by mini.6018)

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Let me put it this way:

This morning a warrior argued with me that [url=] warriors have average or even bad healing compared to a profession like, say, the engineer. I said yes, they do, assuming that both the warrior and the engineer in a fight have over 7,000 healing power, and then a bit more to make the warrior’s heal actually look “average” or “bad”.

In fact, if we look at the highest base heal per class possible (just looking at healing skills, in healing per second or HPS):

Ele- ~333.33 HPS, or 2 1/3 spells per second to match warrior’s heal
Engineer- 336 HPS
Guardian- 203.75 HPS, which, with VoResolve, is 287.75 HPS
Mesmer- generally, an absolute maximum of 374 HPS or a minimum of 278 HPS
Necro- min. 209.6 HPS, additional 28.96 HPS for each condition applied to a necro on average
Ranger- 340 HPS
Thief- 289.6 HPS, or need ~4 hits per second to match warrior’s heal
Warrior- 392 HPS

And that’s not including cast times, otherwise heals like the ele’s would heal for only ~270.27 HPS.

Of course, these are just base heals; actions can be taken to step them up, but a warrior can generally take many of those same actions as well, if he/she wanted.

But anyhow…. You have absolutely no right to complain. The warrior’s heal far outmatches the heals of the other classes.

Half the classes you just listed have other aditional ways to heal themselves(waterfields+blast,mantras and so on.). So many in fact that the basic heal is just a bonus..

Are you f***ing kidding me?

I do not know a single professional player who honestly believes that regular heals are “just a bonus”. I will repeat, however, that the warrior has plenty of of other methods to heal itself as well, one of which being Adrenal Health, which provides a lot of HPS as well. You also have stuff like Endure Pain as well, which prevents all damage, of course.

Oh, and as for water fields and mantras:

- An engineer blasting a water field with Cleansing Burst+Detonate Healing Turret still requires +7000 healing power to match a warr’s general HPS, and other methods of blasting water fields often require other sacrifices, be it practically or theoretically, in order to blast the field.

- Mantras, generally, only heal for more if they 1. Aren’t interrupted and 2. Have three uses (requiring thirty points into Domination, which is a massive commitment), and it’s honestly extremely difficult to charge a mantra mid-battle. I know this because I have used mantras before- in fact, I’ve used mantra-based builds before- and usually, you won’t be needing to charge a mantra in the middle of a battle; you’ll usually either die by the time you get halfway through charging, or your opponent will be dead at that point. Mantra builds are full glass, and either way mantras can only really be charged outside of battle. There’s a reason why no top mesmer uses mantras.

Hint Andrenal health gives zero hps if you need to use andrenaline like for idk .damage and clear conditions ? Andrenaline is not free you know it takes quite some tim or waste utility to have it .And if you even have full andrenaline wich no decent players hould ever have,you wil only get 120 hitpoints. *IS THAT WHAT YOU CALL SIGNIFICANT *?

It’s my bad actually,you said that healingsignet gives a significant ammount of health if activated and posted a 33% decrease in dps on longbow as a BUFF

I’m just hoping devs will realize with what kind of users we are trying to have an argument with here and maybe next time don’t balance because 100hb is op in pve and combustive shot gives too much andrenaline when in fact gives ZERO. That’s all

Because some people will never see reason not even if they smash their face into it.

(edited by mini.6018)

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

If A-Net keeps listening to players like you, balance will never achieve a acceptable level . . .

Read It Backwards [BooN]

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


What makes you think that there’s only heal in this game. the amount of healing you get from your number 6 doesn’t give you more sustain, why warrior used to be free kill tier, when healing surge heal for like 10k on zerker.

Healing signet is not OP, no one ever actually proved it OP. if it has the best healing, then possibly explain why it’s low tier bunker? and healing signet does not work in zerker, only if your enemy is a ultra bunker that does no damage.

if you keep “balancing” the game just around the amount of health a healing skill brings, then balance will not exist in this game.

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

(edited by Lighter.5631)

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Arganthium.5638


What makes you think that there’s only heal in this game. the amount of healing you get from your number 6 doesn’t give you more sustain, why warrior used to be free kill tier, when healing surge heal for like 10k on zerker.

Healing signet is not OP, no one ever actually proved it OP. if it has the best healing, then possibly explain why it’s low tier bunker? and healing signet does not work in zerker, only if your enemy is a ultra bunker that does no damage.

if you keep “balancing” the game just around the amount of health a healing skill brings, then balance will not exist in this game.

No, nobody proved it. My post explaining how the heal is higher than every other profession’s heal by a significant margin certainly didn’t prove anything. That has nothing to do with the subject. Absolutely nothing at all.


Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Lighter.5631


What makes you think that there’s only heal in this game. the amount of healing you get from your number 6 doesn’t give you more sustain, why warrior used to be free kill tier, when healing surge heal for like 10k on zerker.

Healing signet is not OP, no one ever actually proved it OP. if it has the best healing, then possibly explain why it’s low tier bunker? and healing signet does not work in zerker, only if your enemy is a ultra bunker that does no damage.

if you keep “balancing” the game just around the amount of health a healing skill brings, then balance will not exist in this game.

No, nobody proved it. My post explaining how the heal is higher than every other profession’s heal by a significant margin certainly didn’t prove anything. That has nothing to do with the subject. Absolutely nothing at all.

Can you read or not, i bet you can’t, read it again, oh you still can’t? keep balancing the game with only one skill, one day you will find out how clueless you were. Hey, let me be clear, what did you prove by stating that healing signet heals more? that warrior has the best sustain through being the best bunker? lol no, like you said you proved “Absolutely nothing at all.”

“i think it’s an underserved nerf. now we have to slot a stun breaker??”
“berserker stance clears all CC on you and you’re still immune to CC for 8 seconds”

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: glaphen.5230

Notice how Warrior and Mesmer are the only one with 2 entries. However Mesmer also has an innate 1-4 second invulnerability, 1-4 second daze, the second highest hps heal in the game, protection, clones, stealth, and great survivability skills on their weapons. Now lets count the Warriors in the same fashion. Utility slot for 4 seconds of immunity to physical damage and 8 seconds of condition immunity using seperate slots, no innate daze, highest hps heal in the game which is countered by burst damage, no protection, no clones, no stealth, and only survivability skills on shield, sword off hand, and greatsword mobility.

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: jmatb.6307


Comming from the guy that said this i’m taking it quite as a compliment

Don’t argue with mini its a waste of time

Lol anyone stupid enough to throw bolas before immobing someone first is asking to be dodged.

That’s your only hint

I rest my case.

I guess people who don’t know how game mechanics work think immob stacking is silly or something. I’d love to duel you I’m pretty sure you’d eat a couple 100B with GS/LB with Throw Bolas if you have enough armor to survive one…

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: redslion.9675


Comming from the guy that said this i’m taking it quite as a compliment

Don’t argue with mini its a waste of time

Lol anyone stupid enough to throw bolas before immobing someone first is asking to be dodged.

That’s your only hint

I rest my case.

I guess people who don’t know how game mechanics work think immob stacking is silly or something. I’d love to duel you I’m pretty sure you’d eat a couple 100B with GS/LB with Throw Bolas if you have enough armor to survive one…

Pin Down + Bolas would be dangerous even if highest immob duration overloaded the lowest one. With immob stacking in duration… well… let’s say I don’t like to land both consistently at the enemy, because otherwise I’d be OP.

However, Bolas can be landed efficiently without aid. You just need to be at low enough range to minimize its travel time.

You will never be able to know what an engineer is going to do next…

because he doesn’t know it himself

(edited by redslion.9675)

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: mini.6018


Lol anyone stupid enough to throw bolas before immobing someone first is asking to be dodged

I guess people who don’t know how game mechanics work think immob stacking is silly or something. I’d love to duel you I’m pretty sure you’d eat a couple 100B with GS/LB with Throw Bolas if you have enough armor to survive one…


Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

errrr lets keep the discussion civil shall we?

everyone is free to share their opinions, but the final decision lies in them (anet) and not us.

anyway, earlier someone gave me an assignment, to play an elementalist.

well, i tried playing one.
not fun at all.
kept dying.

one round is enough for me.
back to playing warrior.


Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Requiem.8769


errrr lets keep the discussion civil shall we?

everyone is free to share their opinions, but the final decision lies in them (anet) and not us.

anyway, earlier someone gave me an assignment, to play an elementalist.

well, i tried playing one.
not fun at all.
kept dying.

one round is enough for me.
back to playing warrior.


I see. How precisely would you compare it to your HS war?

Deimos's thought on "OP" healing signet

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

errrr lets keep the discussion civil shall we?

everyone is free to share their opinions, but the final decision lies in them (anet) and not us.

anyway, earlier someone gave me an assignment, to play an elementalist.

well, i tried playing one.
not fun at all.
kept dying.

one round is enough for me.
back to playing warrior.


I see. How precisely would you compare it to your HS war?

how would i compare it to my healing signet warrior? okies, lets see.

- slow
- dies really very fast
- dies before i can remove conditions
- dies before i can to kill anyone
- dies before i can use my healing skill

- fast
- dies slow
- remove conditions quickly
- can kill others with long bow
- nice health regeneration keeps me alive during battles

maybe it was due to i tried using dagger / dagger when i know nothing about those 20 skills. i have only been using staff for elementalist in PvE, only doing PvE dailies with that elementalist to level it up.

maybe i should try again later this evening, using staff in sPvP. since i am only familiar with staff skills and the 1,200 range.