New Guardian Design
Virtues: All Virtues now have a 20 Second Cool down.
Talent Tree: Radiance
Roles: Conditions
Preferred Weapon: Scepter
Justice is Blind: When Activating Justice, Near by Foes are Blinded. 900 Radius.
Renewed Justice: When Critically Striking a burning target, they become dazed. [10Sec Cd]
Radiant Power: Apply Burning Attacks Every 3 Strikes.
Tier 1:
Inner Fire: Heal for 15% of Burning damage done to enemies.
Fiery Wrath: Every 4 Range Attacks, and Every 2 Melee Attacks Trigger Burning.
Zealous Scepter: 10% More Condition damage, and 10% Burning duration wielding a scepter.
Tier 2
Kindled Zeal: Gain Condition Damage Based On Power. (10%)
Radiant Fire: Gain Zealots Flame on Critical Strike. Torch CD Reduced by 20%.
Retribution: Passive Burning is now always active, even while justice is on cool down.
Tier 3
Amplified Wrath: Burning Damage is Increased by 15%, and Duration is increased by 10%.
Expeditious Spirit: Weapons Apply Burning, Move 50% faster, and have 20% reduced Cool down rate.
Radiant Retaliation: When Critically struck, you gain [2 stacks of] Retaliation. [10 sec CD]
Talent Tree: Virtues
Roles: Boon Application
Preferred Weapon: Staff
Inspired Virtues: Boons applied to yourself are also given to near by allies.
Virtue of Retribution: No Change.
Power Of The Virtuous: Boons last 20% Longer, And Virtues recharge is reduced by 5 seconds..
Tier 1
Unscathed Contender: Your boons last 20% Longer.
Healers Retaliation: You Gain Retaliation on a Heal.
Master of consecrations: 20% Reduced Recharge, 5 Second Duration.
Tier 2
Supreme Justice: You and allies gain an application of might and swiftness every 6 seconds.
Absolute resolution: Passive Heal increased by 300, and triggers every 2 seconds. Removes 3 Conditions from you and allies near by.
Honorable Staff: + 10% Power, and cool down of Staff abilities reduced by 20%.
Tier 3
Altruistic Healing: (Directly) Heals for 120 Hp every boon applied to you.
Battle Presence: Resolves passive is improved by 400 HP, and all healing ranges are increased by 300 Range.
Indomitable Courage: [No Change]
Talent Tree: Zeal
Roles: Direct Damage
Preferred Weapon: Great sword or Hammer
Zealots Speed: Triggers every 3rd strike with Great Sword or Hammer.
Symbolic Exposure: Applies 10 Stacks of Invulnerability to foes when hit an a symbol ability.
Symbolic Power: 80% Chance when Controlled to Stability Aura.
Tier 1
(Fiery)Ancient Wrath: Damage with Two handed weapons Increased by 15%.
Right Handed Strength: 15% Critical strike with 1 hand weapons, 20% reduction with Sword and 10% Damage with Swords.
Retaliatory Subconscious: Gain Stability & Protection When CC’d. [15 Second CD.]
Tier 2
Wrath of Justice: Striking an enemy with Justice Activates Signet of Wrath.
Zealous Blade: 10% Damage, and heals for 200 HP Every Attack. Reduced CD by 20%.
Glacial Heart: Critical hits with Hammer Stuns Enemies. 20% Reduction to CD.
Tier 3
Permeating Wrath: 50% Chance on Critical Strike to deal 800 Damage.
Symbolic Avenger: 10% More damage Standing in symbols.
Perfect Inscriptions: [No Change]
Talent Tree: Honor
Roles: Healing
Preferred Weapon: Mace + Shield
Holy Light: Healing Increased by 20%. Faithful Strike Heal range increased by 300 Yards.
Selfless Daring: End of Your Dodge Roll Heals near by Allies for 165 Hp.
Purity of Body Virtues of Resolve also increases Endurance regeneration by 15%. and vitality by 150.
Tier 1
Invigorated Bulwark: + 10% Healing 20% Cd Reduction for Mace Abilities.
Protective Reviver: 20% Revive Speed, Created a Bubble Absorbing Attacks.
Protectors Impact: When both Shield Abilities are on cool down, a symbol of protection is created.
Tier 2
Pure Of Heart: Aegis Heals 850 When Attacked:
Healing Ward (New): Healing Received is increased by 30% When aegis is active.
Empowering Might: When you critically strike Heal near yourself and near by allies for 450 HP, and gain might.
Tier 3
Pure Voice: Allies Affected By Shouts have Conditions 1 [Per Boon] Converted Into Boons
Writ Of Persistence: Symbols Last Longer, Are [150 radius] Larger And Heal Yourself and Allies for 550 Hp.
Monks Focus: Heal When using a meditation. Meditation CD reduced by 20%. Grants Regeneration to allies.
Talent Tree: Valor
Roles: Protection
Valorous Defense: Virtue of Courage Now generates an Aegis every 15 Seconds.
Courageous Return: Virtue of Courage Recharges 20% fast.
Might of the protector: You Gain Might When you block and attack with aegis. + 10% Power.
Tier 1
Strength of the fallen: Cure 2 Conditions every 5 seconds
Smiters Condition: When you heal yourself or an ally, Remove 3 conditions. Deal 500 Damage if no conditions are cleanses or 1100 Damage if conditions are removed.
Focus Mastery: 20% Reduction in CD. Shield of Wrath duration + 5 Seconds. Generate Aegis on using focus ability.
Tier 2
Stalwart Defender: 35% Protection (always active). Shield CD reduced by 20%.
Strength in numbers: Grant 10% damage Reduction to allies, and 200 Toughness.
Communal Defenses: Grant aegis to allies when you block an attack or dodge roll an attack. 5S CD.
Tier 3
Force Of Will: Vitality Increased by 250 and + 500 Toughness
Shattered Aegis: When blocking an attack, return 800 damage and gain stability.
Retributive Armor: When being struck by an enemy, return 300 damage to them.
Talent Tree: Dragon Hunter
Dragon Hunter is in a good position, and will be left unchanged.
Trapping Changes
Trapping in the game has been massively reworked. Trapping will now last 3 minutes, and will be permanently kept at a location. A simple [F key] Usage will reset the traps. Activating a trap after being placed will preposition the trap to your current location. Traps will reset themselves if triggered by an enemy, but have a short [10 seconds] Cool down.
Traps will have significantly more damage, or effects.
Additionally, Traps will no longer be stack-able, and will have a limit of 600 radius from each other. If they traps are in this radius they will trigger, and do a “dud” animation, and will not trigger their effects against hostile enemies.
Weapon Changes
Ability 1 : Attack 1,2 will now have ¼ Second Cast time. Light of the faithful [no longer faithful strike] Will now heal all allies with in 600 radius by 450 base healing. This will be a direct cast, and will not require any target to be hit, etc.
Ability 2: cool down reduced to 5 seconds.
Ability 3: Radius increased to 600.
Ability 1: Range increased to 1200. Now Grants a random Boom every 3rd Attack to near by allies with in 900 radius.
Ability 2: Detonation will now only take 6 seconds instead of 12.
Ability 4: Cast time reduced to 1 second.
Ability 5: Changed to teleport. 1200 Range.
Great Sword
Ability 2: Reduced Cool down to 3 Seconds.
Ability 3: cool down reduced to 10 seconds.
Ability 5: Reduced Cool down to 15 Seconds. Damage increased to 1100 Base.
Ability 1: Symbol of protection now has a ¼ second Cast time
Ability 3: Reduced Cd to 8 seconds.
Ability 4: Cool down reduced to 5 seconds.
Ability 5: Duration increased to 10 seconds.
Ability 2: cool down reduced to 5 seconds
Ability 3: Duration increased to 5 seconds.
Healing Signets
Receive the light. Range of healing spray increased to 900. Initial Heal improved to 5250.
Shelter: Now Blocks yourself and allies for 5 seconds. Cd IS now 30 Seconds.
Litany of Wrath: Initial Heal is now 6500
Signet of Resolve: Now cures 3 conditions every 5 seconds. Healing reduced to 5500. 30 sec CD.
[Major Change] Concentrations have been reworked. Now Called Aura’s. Aura’s will provide boons to allies every few seconds.
Aura of Light: Passive: Regeneration and aegis every 8 seconds.
Aura of Might: Might and fury every 8 seconds.
Aura of Judgment: Quickness and Swiftness every 8 seconds.
Aura of Redemption: protection and Resistence every 8 seconds.
Meditations: cool downs are set to 20 seconds.
Shouts: cool downs set to 15 Seconds.
[Major Change] Spiritual weapons: Removed, Replaced Blessed Weapons.
Holy Hammer: Hits now heal your allies for 150 HP.
Flaming Sword: Hits have a 50% chance deal burning damage
Bow of repentance: Hits have a 50% change to cleanse 2 conditions of allies. 600 radius.
Shield of Protection: Grants Retaliation every 6 seconds.
Feel my Wrath: Cool down reduced to 10 seconds. Now Activates on a melee critical strike.
Renewed Focus: Virtues are reset. 3 seconds of invulnerability, and removes 10 conditions.
Signet of the courage: Heals allies by 700 every 3 seconds. Activate to heal all allies for 8500 hp. 90 second CD. ¼ Second Cast time. Passive heal is always active.
(edited by Anari.2137)