How to not teamplay in a team oriented mode.
If u want to have fun bashing soloQ while you premade then the answer is no. However i dont mind adding SEPERATE teamQ even though you will probably struggle in 20 minute queues.
If u want to have fun bashing soloQ while you premade then the answer is no. However i dont mind adding SEPERATE teamQ even though you will probably struggle in 20 minute queues.
Nope. Not about ‘having fun bashing soloQ’ at all. Over the past year I’ve been solo/duoqueueing the majority of the time. And to be honest, I didn’t mind ending up against a premade. Because they did take the effort to be playing as a team in a team oriented game mode. Makes sense, right? Having it back should encourage people to get together. Like it used to do. Back at the start of PvP.
(not to mention ending up against a premade doesn’t mean an instant loss.)
Agreed, teams should be allowed and duoque is just unfair. As the autor says u depend on 3 or 4 people in your team that u get random. I’ve beaten premades with random people and lost from random people with my premade teams so stop complaining about how is unfair to make a team and play .
P.s You know what is unfair? To play with a guardian that jumps around the map the whole match trolling and not doing anything, that’s the definition of unfair. Regards
Bringing back team Q would allow the worst possible players to be legendary like previous seasons. Im not gonna name the 2 guilds cuz its not allowed but u know who I’m talking about, the 2 biggest pvp guilds who won the leaderbaords are now stuck in silver/gold. I wonder why..
They were able to do it in “pips” system. They will not be able to do it in this “new” system. Ofc they will cary some ppl higher, but not that much.
They were able to do it in “pips” system. They will not be able to do it in this “new” system. Ofc they will cary some ppl higher, but not that much.
Its gonna be super easy to farm the new system aswell. 5 man premade on voice coms farming pugs is not interesting. If u want to team Q, organize scrims or participate in tournaments. The Qs should be solo Q only anyway.
I can only come up with the GW1 example.
There you had 8man premade only ques for the relevant pvp modes. It worked yes, but at the same time you spent a lot of time in the lobby just to look for members who can play the role you need and meet the rank requirements of your group.
As much as i support Team play in any game, i think this 1-2 man ranked que is fitting GW2. What ANet should do to revive team play is to reimplement automated tournaments.
Being able to register and meenage tornaments IN GAME without any third-party website and organisation would get around people’s lasyness on forming teams.
They were able to do it in “pips” system. They will not be able to do it in this “new” system. Ofc they will cary some ppl higher, but not that much.
Its gonna be super easy to farm the new system aswell. 5 man premade on voice coms farming pugs is not interesting. If u want to team Q, organize scrims or participate in tournaments. The Qs should be solo Q only anyway.
If you want to participate in a team oriented PvP mode, form a team. Goes around the same way pretty much. I don’t get why people are worried about less good players being carried into a higher division. If you get a premade as well and kick their kitten (assuming you do, as they have 1 noob on their team) they’ll drop out of the higher division.
Solo/Duo queue just encourages the “solo queue hero” mentality: try to 1v1 everything, put winning fights over taking/holding nodes, ignore the rest of the team, etc. Then they turn around and blame the rest of the team for their loss.
The reason solo/duo queue won a simple majority was because players blamed playing enemy teams for their losses, rather than their own lack of skill and teamwork. It’s the same people who now whine that duo queue and class stacking are unfair.
Solo/Duo queue just encourages the “solo queue hero” mentality: try to 1v1 everything, put winning fights over taking/holding nodes, ignore the rest of the team, etc. Then they turn around and blame the rest of the team for their loss.
The reason solo/duo queue won a simple majority was because players blamed playing enemy teams for their losses, rather than their own lack of skill and teamwork. It’s the same people who now whine that duo queue and class stacking are unfair.
Exactly. This.
Only ‘blaming the enemy team’ became ‘blaming anyone but myself’ now.
For example:
(Our team comp: Thief, Druid(me), DH, Rev and Engi)
At the end of a very tight match I played recently the following happened; We have a huge mid fight going on, but manage to win that team fight. So at this point we have mid and home secured. Our Engi and Rev decide to push far, while our DH gets pushed by two people at home. (I litteraly said: “don’t overextend far, lads”)
Now, our thief runs to help out home, but by the time he gets there, our DH is dead. I see our DH is dead, so knowing our thief is in a 2v1, I’m already on my way to help home. I get there and me and the thief manage to kill 1 on home. A bit later, our thief dies as well, off point as he tried to escape. (on a note: he kept the point capped in a 2v1 in the opponents favor) I secure the cap on home and see that in the meanwhile our engi and rev died on far, and our DH is losing the cap on mid as he gets zerged there.
The match ended with us losing. The engi said: ‘kitten you, useless thief, dieing in a 2v1’
Not only were the engi and rev the actual reason of the screw up, he blamed our thief, the guy, who kept a cap on our homepoint, against two guys for a solid 10 seconds.
They wanted to be the ‘solo/duoqueue hero’s’, willing to win a 2v3 in the opponents favor (kitten?!) on far.
And this is exactly the reason, why I, as a Guild Wars pvp’er, want to be able to chose who I play with. So I don’t end up with morons.
(edited by Magnito.6187)
I proposed months ago to make Ranked Premade Only, but no one wanted that and everyone laughet. Now we have a team based game game where no one can chose his team members, the team composition, the skill level of his team and the strategy (frequently you find good players that just play with a different strategy than yours, making you lose the match not because they was bad but just because they played in a different way than yours).
The solution can be done easy and fast: Put a Premade Only Queue for Ranked, improve the LFG System for sPvP (that already Perfectly work in Every other area of this game) and gg, the game is done.
“But you will find queue of ages!”
NO, Totally NO. the reason is easy: the queue is a time while you wait while the game try to find players of your same level and combine you with casual players because there’s not enough players of your level always on, making you wait for a lot.
BUT if you Already have a Team, the game only need to match your team with another team of the same level. And gg, the game is done!
The queue was always shorter before the soloQ if you had a full team with you, everyone know. That’s because the game was not forced to find you someone to play with, frequently players at random because is impossible find other 4 players with your exact parameters (win/lose, win/lose stacks, rank and more), then you was paired with players with lower or higher skill level than you, both for your team than for the enemy team.
If you are separated just by ranks, without win/lose and other things, and your premade team is paired with other premade teams of your same rank, your queue will be shorter than ever! obviously your team rank will be the higher in your group.
You will just open your LFG —> sPvP —>RankX-→ Apply yourself to make a team or join other players —> queue and start in lesser than 2 minutes every single time.
You will be able to ask for a specific class, discuss about the strategy before the match, make more match with that team, change team components, play with your friends, make guild teams, change team every time you want untill you find one that you like, and more.
You spend just 2 minutes joining or making a team and then you will find matches really easy, just because the game itself will have an easier time making more balanced matches.
The single queue is a bad design into a team based game, but make players forced to join a team to make a match is easier and faster.
How long you take to join a CoF P1? You are forced to play with friends or use the LFG, in the same way I suggest to do with sPvP. I spend more or less 1 miunte to join a CoF p1 team. You will do even faster with all the sPvP community looking for players to play with.
Oh and also, for those who made a “I end up against 2x Duoqueuers and it’s unfair”
Yeah, remove the last tiny bit of interactive teamplay you can have, in a team oriented game mode! And nerf everything besides my class! Everything is OP and there’s no way that I’m just not good enough. There has to be done something about everything I can’t counter, because hell it’s not like I can improve any further!
(P.S. Ever tried finding a friend to queue with? It’s fun! It’s also what you’re supposed to do. Oh and, ha, at the start of Guild Wars 2, it was even intended that you’d look for a team to play with. Isn’t that silly? Ha!)
Way to go guys… Waaaay to go..
I hope our Devs stop promoting lazyness.
Implement voice comms in PvP and 5 randoms instanly become a communicating team.
Even if only 1 of the 5 has a mic.
Implement voice comms in PvP and 5 randoms instanly become a communicating team.
Even if only 1 of the 5 has a mic.
this helps
Here’s a point not mentioned.
The vast majority of pvp players solo or duo queue. That population is what is keeping GW2 pvp alive. Without them queues become horribly long and pvp suffers. That is why they need to cater to solo and duo queuers.
Here’s a point not mentioned.
The vast majority of pvp players solo or duo queue. That population is what is keeping GW2 pvp alive. Without them queues become horribly long and pvp suffers. That is why they need to cater to solo and duo queuers.
In that case, quantity goes over quality.
I’d rather have a decent match with a 5 minute queue,
than a screwed up match with a 1 minute queue.
Duo queue was implemented for a reason. I have no interest in going back to full-group queues.
They just need to make it strictly solo queue. That way, players that would have otherwise been in a premade together have a chance of fighting one another
I make PvP & WvW videos
They just need to make it strictly solo queue. That way, players that would have otherwise been in a premade together have a chance of fighting one another
Words come short…
It is a game mode where -teamplay- wins the game. I’m as we speak in Gold/Platinum, bouncing in between those and I rarely see teamplay happening. 1v1 hero’s, aye, lot’s of them. Have like, any of you played like, a year ago? It used to be fun. You’d logg in, see whoever of your friends you could gather to pvp with and actually improve together. Why would you WANT to be dependend on 4 other (of which usually 1+ are bad, because rating doesn’t mean a thing) random players?
Implement voice comms in PvP and 5 randoms instanly become a communicating team.
Even if only 1 of the 5 has a mic.
at the beginning of the season (NA) a guy i qued with in high gold gave our team a discord link. 2 of us instantly got on making us a 3 man premade.we dominated the game. he had been doing that every game and that was his 10th win. communication is key here guys. hes probably legendary by now.
Implement voice comms in PvP and 5 randoms instanly become a communicating team.
Even if only 1 of the 5 has a mic.
at the beginning of the season (NA) a guy i qued with in high gold gave our team a discord link. 2 of us instantly got on making us a 3 man premade.we dominated the game. he had been doing that every game and that was his 10th win. communication is key here guys. hes probably legendary by now.
It doesnt matter the game. The ability for players to make call outs and share information about what’s going on has a dramatic impact on the outcome of the game. Ele’s low, Thief needs peeling, Warrior’s endures are both on cd, mesmer inc home, 4 inc mid, I’m about to go down, etc etc. If you’ve ever used comms you know the difference it makes.
Current duo system is the right way to go. A seperate full premade Q would be good, but i am not shure if Q times will be playable.
Voice com would be great. Shure soem might still not listen or language doesn´t match or no microphone but i expect it would be better.
But there are a lot of things missing or bad.
Number one: Placement matches. Whoever thought it´s good…. Most serious mistake this season. MMR soft reset and placing acording PvP rank with a maximum mid gold would have been better. If you are new and enter with rank 20 then yes you start bronze.
A few months ago we all had a chance to vote wether we wanted ranked to be solo/duoqueue restricted. And honestly, I thought it was joke. I thought there was no way the majority would vote yes. An yet here we are.
Why should we be allowed to queue with a team again?
-It is a game mode where teamplay basically wins te game. (MIND BLOWN)
Yes, our PvP system is team oriented, yet we can’t form teams.“But bro, it’s so unfair, you’ll meet teams while soloqueueing?!”
-Like our current matchmaking system is ‘fair’. Now you’re pretty much depending on the other 3-4 players in your team. And honestly, I have no words for what I sometimes meet in Gold/Platinum. It’s a joke.
-Grow a pair. No really, grow a pair. Either you soloqueue and whine about meeting a premade, or you just invest time and effort on finding players to play with you. You don’t even need a fixed team or anything like that. You just have to make some ‘friends’ to play with. A PvP guild even.. Can’t be so hard.
Please, bring back teamqueue. Bring back the ‘good’ PvP we had a few years ago. Where you played with some friends, having fun, no matter if you lost or won, but enjoyed it. Laughed with eachothers mistakes, improved and moved on. (Back then there was like a lot less toxicism as well imo)
Absolutely agree, you have team based maps that take stategy, placement and most of all teamwork to win but don’t let teams play?? Another good point is different chars can boost, combo, create boons, ect, ect… for other chars on your team. If you are to be ranked upon your teams performance, basically wins or losses, then you should be able to choose your team right?
There is a simple solution for all this bs currently playing out…
Create a 1 person que mode, ranked with leaderboards and create a 5 person team mode, ranked with leaderboards.
Allowing a 2 que immediately puts the solo qu person at a disasvantage.
Take away the gold and new rewards too, pvp is turning into a noob farm for shiny things. The goal should be good competition not gold farming!
To top it off the lack of communication and coordination in games is really, really bad atm. The only talking that I see is mostly insults and people freaking out mid match and typing a paragraph in the chat box about how much their team sucks and so an so is an idiot and so on.
A few months ago we all had a chance to vote wether we wanted ranked to be solo/duoqueue restricted. And honestly, I thought it was joke. I thought there was no way the majority would vote yes. An yet here we are.
Why should we be allowed to queue with a team again?
-It is a game mode where teamplay basically wins te game. (MIND BLOWN)
Yes, our PvP system is team oriented, yet we can’t form teams.“But bro, it’s so unfair, you’ll meet teams while soloqueueing?!”
-Like our current matchmaking system is ‘fair’. Now you’re pretty much depending on the other 3-4 players in your team. And honestly, I have no words for what I sometimes meet in Gold/Platinum. It’s a joke.
-Grow a pair. No really, grow a pair. Either you soloqueue and whine about meeting a premade, or you just invest time and effort on finding players to play with you. You don’t even need a fixed team or anything like that. You just have to make some ‘friends’ to play with. A PvP guild even.. Can’t be so hard.
Please, bring back teamqueue. Bring back the ‘good’ PvP we had a few years ago. Where you played with some friends, having fun, no matter if you lost or won, but enjoyed it. Laughed with eachothers mistakes, improved and moved on. (Back then there was like a lot less toxicism as well imo)
Absolutely agree, you have team based maps that take stategy, placement and most of all teamwork to win but don’t let teams play?? Another good point is different chars can boost, combo, create boons, ect, ect… for other chars on your team. If you are to be ranked upon your teams performance, basically wins or losses, then you should be able to choose your team right?
There is a simple solution for all this bs currently playing out…
Create a 1 person que mode, ranked with leaderboards and create a 5 person team mode, ranked with leaderboards.
Allowing a 2 que immediately puts the solo qu person at a disasvantage.
Take away the gold and new rewards too, pvp is turning into a noob farm for shiny things. The goal should be good competition not gold farming!
To top it off the lack of communication and coordination in games is really, really bad atm. The only talking that I see is mostly insults and people freaking out mid match and typing a paragraph in the chat box about how much their team sucks and so an so is an idiot and so on.
Yes, yes and yes.
But completely cutting teamqueue out of the image, is plain dumb.
If you want teams to play as teams, grow and be competitive, there needs to be a motivation. Why on earths name would any team right now play unranked? To farm? Unranked is a total joke, scrims are unexistend.
There should be two options solo queue (for solos only) and team queue for anybody including solos. Thats the way it was a couple of years ago and it was fine. Many solos actually liked to queue for team queue because playing with coordinated mini groups was more fun for alot of people then the sometimes totally unorganized all solos queue.
There should be two options solo queue (for solos only) and team queue for anybody including solos. Thats the way it was a couple of years ago and it was fine. Many solos actually liked to queue for team queue because playing with coordinated mini groups was more fun for alot of people then the sometimes totally unorganized all solos queue.
I actually remember myself almost always teamqueueing back then, just because it was better pvp. (and that wasn’t always with a team myself)
I actually remember myself almost always teamqueueing back then, just because it was better pvp. (and that wasn’t always with a team myself)
Same. The old solo queue was complete crap. It was full of the “solo queue heroes” who didn’t care about working as a team to win the match. Meanwhile the team queue, even if you queued by yourself, was people who realized they needed to work together.
I actually remember myself almost always teamqueueing back then, just because it was better pvp. (and that wasn’t always with a team myself)
Same. The old solo queue was complete crap. It was full of the “solo queue heroes” who didn’t care about working as a team to win the match. Meanwhile the team queue, even if you queued by yourself, was people who realized they needed to work together.
Perhaps because it was called ‘Teamqueue’
I actually remember myself almost always teamqueueing back then, just because it was better pvp. (and that wasn’t always with a team myself)
Same. The old solo queue was complete crap. It was full of the “solo queue heroes” who didn’t care about working as a team to win the match. Meanwhile the team queue, even if you queued by yourself, was people who realized they needed to work together.
Working as intended?
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
I actually remember myself almost always teamqueueing back then, just because it was better pvp. (and that wasn’t always with a team myself)
Same. The old solo queue was complete crap. It was full of the “solo queue heroes” who didn’t care about working as a team to win the match. Meanwhile the team queue, even if you queued by yourself, was people who realized they needed to work together.
Working as intended?
Aye, with the only difference that now our ‘soloqueue hero’s’ actually moved to ranked.
Implement voice comms in PvP and 5 randoms instanly become a communicating team.
Even if only 1 of the 5 has a mic.
Ele: “Hey guys, stick near me and I’ll heal you up!”
Warrior: “**** off you ********* ********, i **** yor mom!”
Ele: “Charming, lets just win ok?”
Ranger: (breathing)
Guardian: (screaming and shouting in the background) “SHUT UP MOM IM PLAYING MY ******* GAME!”
Ele: “So…..anyone got a plan?”
Ranger: (breathing intensifies)
Guardian: “Sorry I just had to SHUT UP MOM!! Sorry sorry, yeah I’ll go mid with you and the war.”
Warrior: “**** off you piece of ****”
Ele: “Sure ok.”
Ranger: (loud breathing)
Ele: “Are you ok druid?”
Ranger: "Es-tu une fille?
Ele: “errrrr”
Ranger: “Je ne parle que français”
Announcer: The match is about to begin!
Implement voice comms in PvP and 5 randoms instanly become a communicating team.
Even if only 1 of the 5 has a mic.
Ele: “Hey guys, stick near me and I’ll heal you up!”
Warrior: “**** off you ********* ********, i **** yor mom!”
Ele: “Charming, lets just win ok?”
Ranger: (breathing)
Guardian: (screaming and shouting in the background) “SHUT UP MOM IM PLAYING MY ******* GAME!”
Ele: “So…..anyone got a plan?”
Ranger: (breathing intensifies)
Guardian: “Sorry I just had to SHUT UP MOM!! Sorry sorry, yeah I’ll go mid with you and the war.”
Warrior: “**** off you piece of ****”
Ele: “Sure ok.”
Ranger: (loud breathing)
Ele: “Are you ok druid?”
Ranger: "Es-tu une fille?
Ele: “errrrr”
Ranger: “Je ne parle que français”
Announcer: The match is about to begin!
This. Is gold.
Pure, fine, crafted gold.
I kind off needed this with ‘Blurri and Nothelseth’ fighting each other over thief being OP or not. Apart from that, let us queue with frands already. Jeez.
Implement voice comms in PvP and 5 randoms instanly become a communicating team.
Even if only 1 of the 5 has a mic.
Ele: “Hey guys, stick near me and I’ll heal you up!”
Warrior: “**** off you ********* ********, i **** yor mom!”
Ele: “Charming, lets just win ok?”
Ranger: (breathing)
Guardian: (screaming and shouting in the background) “SHUT UP MOM IM PLAYING MY ******* GAME!”
Ele: “So…..anyone got a plan?”
Ranger: (breathing intensifies)
Guardian: “Sorry I just had to SHUT UP MOM!! Sorry sorry, yeah I’ll go mid with you and the war.”
Warrior: “**** off you piece of ****”
Ele: “Sure ok.”
Ranger: (loud breathing)
Ele: “Are you ok druid?”
Ranger: "Es-tu une fille?
Ele: “errrrr”
Ranger: “Je ne parle que français”
Announcer: The match is about to begin!
I am dead nothing to say
So.. I start play scrapper. "
How about separating these queues once and for all? Solo(1-man) and Team (5-man)only
The reason solo and team queuers are at each others’ throats is that they’re not separated. They’re always forced to play with each other.
Yeah, we’ll get longer queues. So what? It’s what PvP needs. Take the medicine.
While i support to ADD a 5 man Q i am happy that duo exists. It´s that duo with a friend that makes the game more apealing. While a pure solo Q might make the system more acurate/fair (at least for solo players), it´s unsocial.
good but unfortunately duo is one of the finest versions. That play with a friend is golden, even if it´s not optimal mixing it with solo.