I REFUSE to play Skyhammer and Courtyard
Why would you go to a buffet that serve fecalmatter?
Because their Pizza is out of this world!
k thanks bai
/15kg salt
Wat r u, casul?
Death match is nothing like it was in GW1. Its a joke and it need to be separated like Stronghold. Its different game type.
Death match is nothing like it was in GW1. Its a joke and it need to be separated like Stronghold. Its different game type.
So it taken you approximately 3 years to realize that gw2 is not guild wars 1?
I mean even Forest Gump was faster than that.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
I agree Skyhammer (knockback builds OP) and Courtyard (teamfight builds OP)
While I believe Courtyard is plagued due to this game’s combat system not being favorable to TDM, I honestly think having maps like Skyhammer that value a completely different type of build than typical maps is a good thing.
Why? Because having maps that force different playstyles open the meta up. By limiting ranked to a small number of generic conquest maps it limits the meta to only whatever works in generic conquest.
If they put in a large number of maps that each favor different build setups and then limited the ability to change comp once a queue has popped it would actually introduce a whole new level of strategic play. A team could make a comp purpose built for a certain map style, but would risk not getting that map. Or they could try to make comps that are good across all maps, but could risk going against team built for a certain map type on the map that is that team’s strength.
SW:TOR did this back when that game had 8v8 objective ranked, each of that game’s map had different ideal comps, add in random map selection and it lead to a state where there was never a real consensus on optimal comp, and it was rare to have multiple teams running the same comp. There where conventions of course, but it was nothing like GW2 where we have “thou shalt run this build with this comp”
Is Skyhammer still a thing?
Is Skyhammer still a thing?
They updated it and called it ‘Beta Skyhammer’, you can no longer fall off the map
Skyhammer is a point that has to be capped, and it decaps and hits all points once capped
But the map feels like an unfinished POS
Still buggy with teleports and such
It sucks
The only map that should be removed is Foefire – it is the oldest and by far the worst map in the game. The layout, the counter-play, it all boils down to who wins the intial mid fight and controls graveyard.
Quality necro-ing that you have been running eh
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum” – Pelopidas.2140
Yea.. title gives a false impression. Might as well edit the title of this out of date thread. Why not just make a new one?
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