In game VOIP/VoiceChat a good idea?
People already complain enough about being told what to do or bashed in chat….. those people wouldn’t be able to handle voice chat with literally committing rl hara-kiri.
Wouldn’t hate it myself but I can see why anet would be hesitant in the everyone gets a gold medal culture.
S P E E D Starr #0 Necro NA or
I Am NeXeD awful d/D ele NA
In game voice has never helped games that had it built in.
If you are really want team communication and team based tools, the solution is obvious and it has nothing to do with Anet.
Proofs (for all games with buit-in voice chat)?
I would be pleased to have convenient in-game voice chat tool at the pugs (i.e. unorganized ppl) disposal.
Your proof is all over youtube. Just go look up any FPS with built in voice coms and cringe.
In game voice has never helped games that had it built in.
If you are really want team communication and team based tools, the solution is obvious and it has nothing to do with Anet.
Proofs (for all games with buit-in voice chat)?
I would be pleased to have convenient in-game voice chat tool at the pugs (i.e. unorganized ppl) disposal.Your proof is all over youtube. Just go look up any FPS with built in voice coms and cringe.
I played FPS with built in VC and had only good experience. If your exp differs – give it a try. Or press mute/ uncheck settings. Mb system like dishonor: you are going to be muted for some time if was reported N times recently.
Don’t afraid cars!
(edited by Mak.2657)
In game voice has never helped games that had it built in.
If you are really want team communication and team based tools, the solution is obvious and it has nothing to do with Anet.
Proofs (for all games with buit-in voice chat)?
I would be pleased to have convenient in-game voice chat tool at the pugs (i.e. unorganized ppl) disposal.Your proof is all over youtube. Just go look up any FPS with built in voice coms and cringe.
I played FPS with built in VC and had only good experience. If your exp differs – give it a try. Or press mute/ uncheck settings. Mb system like dishonor: you are going to be muted for some time if was reported N times recently.
Don’t afraid cars!
That’s nice, i too have played and administrated game servers. In that time i can tell you we had more bans for verbal abuse than we did for “hacking”.
So please spare me your good idea non-sense. VoIP in game, just like chat in game when used by the lowest common denominator will always be used for abuse.
VoIP in game, just like chat in game when used by the lowest common denominator will always be used for abuse.
But this is not a reason to remove/not introduce text chat/voice chat from game. Any type of communications can be abused. Should we stop use them?
I would like to hear a dev respond to the post. They have responded to most other posts with high views and comments but no this one yet. Is ANET afraid of the community being able to talk over VOIP? Like it would be more work or a nuisance to manage?
Again I will mention those claiming trolling and annoyance should realize there is a mute function with VOIP. So most negative responses are invalid.
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(edited by tronjeremy.5820)
VoIP in game, just like chat in game when used by the lowest common denominator will always be used for abuse.
But this is not a reason to remove/not introduce text chat/voice chat from game. Any type of communications can be abused. Should we stop use them?
Text has logs that can be easily checked with the appropriate action easily taken. For VOIP it isn’t as simple or cheap to deal with it. So yes both can be abused but one can easily be punished versus the other.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
Still ppl can abuse through minimap drawing and can not be reported. But it’s not an serious issue. Easier way to communicate = easier way to verbal abuse. But in 1st place it is a way to communicate, not to harm other ppl.
It’s just technical issue. Probably it can be solved with low price/effect ratio. Mb some reports counter (at even break point – mute for week), personal banlist, 10-min stored audio, etc.
(edited by Mak.2657)
Definitely a must, will buy it on gem store for 30days at a reasonable price.
Between a master and apprentice, i would love to see the differences.
Some interesting points. I do want more money to flow through pvp.
S/D Condi Build Video –
Stronkhold Beta Gameplay –
I’d love to see some kind of voice chat implemented in game. Please.
EDIT: Yes some people will abuse it, but mostly it will benefit. Counter Strike, Planetside 2 are just 2 examples I know of a game that has in game voice and it helps a lot. Give it a mute option and its ok.
A moose. It was a moose.
(edited by Omnio.3652)
Can we get some input from an ANET dev on this?
S/D Condi Build Video –
Stronkhold Beta Gameplay –
Can we get some input from an ANET dev on this?
Dev response:
This is something we may like to look at doing at some point in the future, but is not something we are working at on this time. That is to say, it’s not off the table.
Devs cannot/will not talk about future features/content on the forums. The occassionally discuss future ideas of the types of things they might be working on/close to finishing. (i.e. working on a change to the trait system, Working on something for further character progression, etc.) But nothing specific. So if a Dev wanted to respond, they would only really be able to respond as above.
Also if any Dev were to respond, it wouldn’t be an affirmation, or denial. They wouldn’t be able to say “We like this idea, we are going to look at putting it in” or “No. This idea is bad.” The first implies a promise that it is being developed and will be in-game soon™. The second is too definitive of a statement, and if they change their mind and decided to implement it, they again “have broken their word”. At most you’ll get a generic response, if any.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
(edited by pdavis.8031)
I already knew this. I guess just a comment and form of recognition would be great.
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nah, people like me wold troll ingame voip
nah, people like me wold troll ingame voip
And most people would mute you, problem solved. Like in any counter-strike 5v5. And I haven’t met so many people being crazy there, more people are nice or don’t talk.
A moose. It was a moose.
inb4 ranger tells you l2p through VOIP when he is killing npcs for the whole match
mute wars 2 inc
Yeah I don’t really play the game any longer – whaddya think I am doing on forums?
bad idea,
1) instead of calling out use full info people will be barking out bad orders/trolling/blaming each other .
2)rather anet put resources into something good.
3)most wont use, the few that would can download something
If you want to get this in the radar of the devs please keep this thread alive.
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Actually at first i thought this would be horrible
But now i kind of like it. With the ability to mute i wouldnt care about the trollers and the ragers. It could also be a nice way to get to know people in pvp solo qs better. And ofc organization is alot easier when talking. Its pretty hard to type in the middle of combat.
Id rather they balance some stuff first before they do this, but it would be cool to have in game voip. Also maybe player made channels as well.
Also im in support of anything tRon Jeremy suggests
I was wondering if this would boost pvp. Many don’t have TS and those that do have a huge advantage. I believe adding ingame voice or at least if GW2 promoted some TS/Mumble/Vent plugin that it would help boost pvp players to learn good practices faster.
I doubt anet can pull off what other mmos have always failed at.
and refuses to spare the life in return for the surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender)
of a vanquished opponent.
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If they can’t get esports right within 2 years what makes you think they can get some sort of non fail VOIP system in place, that actually works well or better than third party VOIP.
I’m against this because:
1) development resources are limited and I don’t want them spent reinventing a tool that already exists. especially given how many other things in game need work.
2) while voice communication can be superior, it is only as good as the people using it. in my experience from other games w/ voip pug voice communication is about as good as pug text chat communication (it sucks). and its far more intrusive.
3) of course people will insist that everyone in the group join because the tool exists, then refuse to use text chat while jabbering inanely about nothing i want to hear. and if I mute the intrusive jabberer, then I cant hear them on the rare occasion they do say something useful.
4) voip is a great tool; voip is not for pugs.
[edit: and this is assuming all the technical issues are dealt with; in other games I’ve seen in-game voip cause disconnects and massive lagspikes. anet’s record of dealing with technical problems has not impressed me.]
unofficial theme song of the Nightmare Court
(edited by GreyWraith.8394)
I’m against this because:
1) development resources are limited and I don’t want them spent reinventing a tool that already exists. especially given how many other things in game need work.
2) while voice communication can be superior, it is only as good as the people using it. in my experience from other games w/ voip pug voice communication is about as good as pug text chat communication (it sucks). and its far more intrusive.
3) of course people will insist that everyone in the group join because the tool exists, then refuse to use text chat while jabbering inanely about nothing i want to hear. and if I mute the intrusive jabberer, then I cant hear them on the rare occasion they do say something useful.
4) voip is a great tool; voip is not for pugs.
[edit: and this is assuming all the technical issues are dealt with; in other games I’ve seen in-game voip cause disconnects and massive lagspikes. anet’s record of dealing with technical problems has not impressed me.]
Ty for going in depth….
Hey GreyWraith that’s unfortunate you have had bad experiences with voip.
1. I do want voip, but it’s less important if ANET develops it. I think just having it in game as an option would be great regardless of who creates it. (Example an addin that launches a partnered application)
2. Voice coms are always superior as far as GW2 is concerned.
Interesting projection, but keep in mind this would be the gw2 community vs whatever community you came from where you had a terrible experience.
3. That’s an interesting and negative imagination you have. ^
4. VoiP is a way to communicate and it’s better/faster than typing. I think saying voip is not for pugs is akin to saying pugs don’t need to communicate when in fact their need for communication is probably the greatest.
and refuses to spare the life in return for the surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender)
of a vanquished opponent.
I don’t think this topic should go away. Especially as a new game mode will come out next expansion. Blu posted this to reddit if anyone wants to chime in there too.
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Although I initially thought that having a consolidated, in-game voice chat option was essential to keeping up with console PvP games, I’m much less certain of it now.
I often get flack from rude, opinionated “commanders” in WvW for not using Teamspeak and communicating via text chat. What they don’t realize is that I’m ignoring them on purpose because I disagree with their strategies, tactics and use of language.
Having an in-game voice system may be convenient for communicating with folks you like; but, it will never make people you find rude and unsavory suddenly polite and delightful. The added encumbrances of bandwidth and hard drive space that come with an in-game option, though they wouldn’t effect me personally, would exclude a lot of otherwise happy players.
What I realized about console gaming voice comms is that they differ in PC gaming comms in that they are provided by a console producer such as Sony or Microsoft rather than from a game developer like Arenanet or Bethesda. It makes sense for Sony to provide comms to all their developers because it adds value to all the games on their console. Arenanet doesn’t produce a platform for hundreds of games; so, it’s not fiscally responsible for them to act like Sony and provide that kind of enterprise-wide capability.
My lame, obvious solution: use Skype, Mumble, Vent, Teamspeak, whatever as a client, with people you like. That way, you don’t have to hear the random annoyances that sprout from the mouths of strangers.
Good luck, and have fun out there
So many downers out there. Especially for something that can be easily turned off/muted. I’m absolutely surprised why anyone would be against it. It’s much harder to tap into new friendships and make new bonds in pvp especially if each account can have multiple names. A voice is recognizable. You are also missing out on using one of your most valuable senses for communication in a competitive game mode. Bottom line again and again is VoIP’s benefits will heavily outweigh the negative and I have yet to hear a real solid counter point.
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So many downers out there. Especially for something that can be easily turned off/muted. I’m absolutely surprised why anyone would be against it. It’s much harder to tap into new friendships and make new bonds in pvp especially if each account can have multiple names. A voice is recognizable. You are also missing out on using one of your most valuable senses for communication in a competitive game mode. Bottom line again and again is VoIP’s benefits will heavily outweigh the negative and I have yet to hear a real solid counter point.
Just look at your reaction when people disagree with you on something, I wonder how you would react in a PvP match where people are not doing exactly what you want.
From a business standpoint ARenanet isn’t going to bother for three reasons.
1). It cost a lot of money and bandwidth.
2). Most games show very few people actually use the in game VoIP, so an even bigger waste of money.
3). Arenanet cannot moderate what people say on VoIP.if Arenanet doesn’t like people swearing and cursing in game, what makes you think they want to provide a way for people do consequence-free.
So you can make all the arguments you want, you can get BLU to agree with you, but Arenanet would be stupid to provide it themselves.
This is an mmo forum, if someone isn’t whining chances are the game is dead.
That’s a bit hyperbolic to say the least.
I think it would be great, but they’re gonna look at a forum thread like this and not want to stir things up with people who don’t want to hear raging and cursing. I personally think competition is going to inevitably get some F bombs and passion, and that VOIP is better than no VOIP by far, but I doubt Anet is going to throw down for it.
Former Warrior in Guild Wars 2
Former Sith Warrior in SWTOR
yeah, but do you really want to hear anything the signet greatsword warrior with a kitten name says when he’s dying to chieftain?
(cannot believe ‘anime fan’ is censored. kek)
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
Thanks for posting the article. Thought it would get the point acrossed but seemed many people missed it. :/ Trying to work on a more concrete example that shows off the benefits of it.
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Twitter: @BLUCSGO
So fun that ppl think its a horrible idea tho communication is the key to building a community around PvP. And since almost noone is using the chat while playing… well… VOIP is the last hope. I can’t even count how many people I had or have as friends in games just cause we talked and played together many more games later cause of similar approach to the game which we would never find out we do share without communication.
Also for those who are not so sure, yes, communication is the key in PvP and even pugs can do it. Its never about pug or premade its about people in the team.
A moose. It was a moose.
I don’t want to listen to 12 year olds screaming
I don’t want to listen to 12 year olds screaming
For people like you I have simple answer (even tho Anet will most likely never implement any VOIP, but I like PvP so I keep hoping). It can be easily avoided – just make it so people have to turn it on in options and default setting is off. You won’t hear anyone if you do not want to. Plus.. mute is in every voice chat.
But what people do not get is that it makes PvP more interesting. First you get to know people a bit more, from good and bad side and also both teams can communicate, so more cooperation etc. I wonder how many people who don’t want VOIP are really PvPers and how many are occasional pvpers.
A moose. It was a moose.
I don’t want to listen to 12 year olds screaming
For people like you I have simple answer (even tho Anet will most likely never implement any VOIP, but I like PvP so I keep hoping
). It can be easily avoided – just make it so people have to turn it on in options and default setting is off. You won’t hear anyone if you do not want to. Plus.. mute is in every voice chat.
But what people do not get is that it makes PvP more interesting. First you get to know people a bit more, from good and bad side and also both teams can communicate, so more cooperation etc. I wonder how many people who don’t want VOIP are really PvPers and how many are occasional pvpers.
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I don’t want to listen to 12 year olds screaming
Mute Button
Now Casting CS:GO with ESEA
Twitter: @BLUCSGO
Looks like another thread opened with a similar topic here
and refuses to spare the life in return for the surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender)
of a vanquished opponent.
I really would like to have VOIP in the game, that would be like, for me personally, the best thing they could implent in PvP.
- You can mute your VOIP if u dont wanna listen
- You can actually teach/steer beginners/less experienced pvp in the matches without wasting time to type and die while doing so (which, eventually, kittenes you off even more if you cant talk through voip)
- Will enhance gameplay overall and a faster learning curve
(edited by Terrorsquad.2349)
Can we please hear from a dev as to why this wont ever be implemented and how it would be a nightmare to code? I want to hear something. It will probably never come to be, but VOIP would be huge for the pvp scene.
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I feel like if I had a voip option for all my matches I would have a much higher win rate. The ability to share my intentions and goals in game in real time would be a fantastic addition.
This is especially true as we are testing pvp right now. Some matches I get genuinely new players who could benefit from VOIP communication. Being able to teach newer players tactics is rewarding I think for both the teacher and the student.
and refuses to spare the life in return for the surrender at discretion (unconditional surrender)
of a vanquished opponent.
considering how foul HotM map chat is, VOIP would be a moderators nightmare. people are complaining on the forums about toxic pvp players constantly, and some of the posts you see in the forums are very toxic. giving players the ability to shout at each other will only make things worse.
mute button sounds good in theory, but let’s look at an example to illustrate why it’s not a true solution:
your name is Brian, you are 15 and live in London. you bought guild wars 2 one month ago and have been really enjoying your necromancer in pve. you like the well of blood and the signets. stealing health is really cool, you’re like a dark vampire. on a whim you give pvp a try. you try and assemble a similar build to what you were using in pve and que up for unranked. you are verbally bullied by more experienced players in the first match (gw2 has such kittene match making that it does put the rabbit in with the sharks). even after muting them they still insult you in chat. the rest of your next few games are similar, causing you to never come back to pvp again.
the problem with a mute button is it does not prevent the abuse, it only prevents further abuse. players have no idea who they will get teamed up with, and only know a player is toxic after they have been abused. verbal abuse is much worse than simple text abuse, and is much harder to moderate.
ah, but could the player not mute all mics before the game? perhaps turn them off in settings? sure, but not only has this made having VOIP pointless but it also alienates them from the rest of the community who do use VOIP. people will be told to unmute mics in chat, and more than likely insulted for doing so.
adding inbuilt VOIP would have great costs to the community. costs that are far outweigh the benefits from anet’s perspective. it has the potential to damage player retention, game reputation and the community in huge irreversible ways. it’s not a good idea to add it.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
your name is Brian, you are 15 and live in London. you bought guild wars 2 one month ago and have been really enjoying your necromancer in pve. you like the well of blood and the signets. stealing health is really cool, you’re like a dark vampire. on a whim you give pvp a try. you try and assemble a similar build to what you were using in pve and que up for unranked. you are verbally bullied by more experienced players in the first match (gw2 has such kittene match making that it does put the rabbit in with the sharks). even after muting them they still insult you in chat. the rest of your next few games are similar, causing you to never come back to pvp again.
So I guess this doesn’t happen already? Just without VOIP? It’s easy to make a story and tailor it to your theory but ultimately communication is key to any competitive sport or game period. Muting or blocking is always an option and this solves any horror story I hear about every couple posts from a super negative/#glasshalfempty/sensitive person. I would say Brian becomes familiar with certain peoples voices who que up with him regularly and they get into a flow/rhythm and decided to be friends and form a team. Eventually they go on to win WTS and they thank it all to VOIP. See stories are easy to make up.
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your name is Brian, you are 15 and live in London. you bought guild wars 2 one month ago and have been really enjoying your necromancer in pve. you like the well of blood and the signets. stealing health is really cool, you’re like a dark vampire. on a whim you give pvp a try. you try and assemble a similar build to what you were using in pve and que up for unranked. you are verbally bullied by more experienced players in the first match (gw2 has such kittene match making that it does put the rabbit in with the sharks). even after muting them they still insult you in chat. the rest of your next few games are similar, causing you to never come back to pvp again.
So I guess this doesn’t happen already? Just without VOIP? It’s easy to make a story and tailor it to your theory but ultimately communication is key to any competitive sport or game period. Muting or blocking is always an option and this solves any horror story I hear about every couple posts from a super negative/#glasshalfempty/sensitive person. I would say Brian becomes familiar with certain peoples voices who que up with him regularly and they get into a flow/rhythm and decided to be friends and form a team. Eventually they go on to win WTS and they thank it all to VOIP. See stories are easy to make up.
verbal abuse is much worse than text. sure VOIP brings benefits, but it also brings some big cons. as anet i would not want to introduce it due to cost and damage to player retention, and increased server pressure. it’s a double edged sword and can do both harm and good, but if i were anet i would err on the side of caution.
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
VOIP would be the worst addition to the game. Anyone who actually wants to use voice chat already does.
Players in organized groups already have access to superior VOIP and moderate it better than any GW2 staff could hope. Forcing randoms to deal with verbal abuse from other randoms would be an awful addition to the game. There’s no possible way Anet could moderate it well enough for it to be a positive experience like current guild owned Teamspeak/Ventrilo/Mumble chats.
Most argue that voip is either another channel for horrible ppl to shout theirs offensive words on others or those who want to use it already do so.
Have you ppl ever used voice chat in other games even? Both those points just make me laugh.
Horrible ppl point:
Yes they exist but mute gets rid of them rather quick. Also as default you could have voip off. So issue with rude ppl is VERY easily avoided.
Ppl who want to use it already use it point:
No. If that would be the case this topic would not exist. Also in solo q I can hardly use TS or so.
In game voice chat helped me a lot in CS (and few other games) while both ranked or just public server play to improve the fun while pvping as communication is a critical aspect of a good pvp. Pings as in LoL wouldnt work here since this is not top down view kind of game. Also in game voip allows you quickly help new players and give advice, helps you communicate easier and quicker so skilled solo q team could have way bigger chance against premade with team speak. Makes you find friends easier and make teams so team pvp could improve as well. Noone says kitten in chat in this game, i’m almost always the only one to report inc.
Having in game voip can heavily improve PvP experience and lack of teams in this game. How ppl can try to say that voip is a bad idea is beyond me. Do you even PvP ppl or you have it just as a daily farm so you dont want to deal with anyone and just get your reward? Because any real pvp player knows that it can only help.
Anet reaction to this would be awesome so we would know if they work on it or not. I think they do not but maybe that knowledge might help so the community would fix this somehow, as it did with tournaments.
A moose. It was a moose.
(edited by Omnio.3652)
People would be too scurred.
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