It's time to nerf Engineers.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Leadfoot.9071


It is pretty clear this is getting nerfed. Engineers right now make the best point defenders/ point oriented support right now with ridiculous dmg/control/ good survivability. With the ridiculous amount of buffs last patch, They are bound to be toned down- the question being, by how much?

Just putting out another reminder for those who haven’t actually played the spec—HGH condi engies have zero interrupts (outside an elite skill) and very little support. They do have a huge amount of sustained damage, as well as plenty of single condition removals and a three second invuln, so they aren’t completely glassy.

The buffs of the last patch were almost all to turrets, which are still virtually unused in tournaments. The HGH condi build received zero changes.

Lastly, I would like to remind people that the HGH build is a hard counter to pure bunker team compositions. Removing a counter is a dangerous decision. I thought a few weeks ago we wanted a profession that could reliably kill a bunker after a reasonable amount of time? If teams literally stop taking eles and guards because HGH engies counter them too hard, then we know it’s time to nerf.

aren’t completely glassy? lol. You have around 1700 toughness and 18.5K hp with rabid amulet. plus the boons from elixir H…plus the condi removal from elixir drinks…plus elixir S and thrown elixir S… plus your elite.

you are, no where even close to near, the definition of glassy.

1485 toughness (916+569) with base toughness, rabid amulet and carrion jewel, actually, but I agree, not glassy. The point is that whenever people encounter a powerful spec they feel it can do everything and has no downsides. That’s not true. HGH nades engineers are good because they have great sustained damage, period.

Not only the toughness but the shorter cooldowns on elixirs for more frequent heals as well as the frequent condi removal is what makes this build not glassy at all. I’m certainly not a pro player but I have had ridiculously good success with this build and hardly ever die!

I agree that it doesn’t really seem like a very engineer build – alchemy for an engineer? just seems a bit strange. I’d rather be playing a kit build honestly.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Login.5102


The HGH build makes a rabid engi walk around with about 2000 power… a condition build..ntm how well nades scale with power and condi. I find a constant 25 stacks of might a bit overwhelming.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


I think there immunity to dmg potion needs nerfed more than anything whats the cd on it? I have 120s on my ranger at the cost of a trait and a skill and I still take trap dmg while its active.

Only immune to direct damage.

We still take condition damage.

And it’s a 60 sec cooldown.

Ranger got “protect me”, which give a similar effect for 6 second.

Which kills the class mechanic which makes up for a large portion or damage and yet another portion of utility. If swapped correctly no, but then it isn’t lasting anywhere near 6s.

When using the Elixir puts the toolbelt on a 60s cooldown, this comparison can be made again. The better comparison would have been to the Warriors stance, or Mesmers distortion however, since rangers probably have the most costly utility invulnerability (kill the pet or 30 trait points).

Well since you are immune to direct damage for 6 sec, and you still have acces to all your weapon abilities, there had to be drawback.

if you could pop it without damaging your pet, it would be really really strong. Warrior Endure pain would cry in a corner.

But I mean, 6 seconds is just a number on a tooltip. Because it is based entirely off the pets hp and how long it survives while Protect Me is active, it could only last for a single second if it is used on a pet with a low health bar. Generally, pets don’t seem to have much health either, and so even though it has the potential to last for 6s, a person who wants to keep the pet alive (should be everybody since it is a portion of the damage output) is never going to let it last that long, and if it is used to eat certain attacks (a mesmers full shatter chain) with no pet swap, the pet will certainly die, which gimps a ranger (how severely is a perspective by perspective thing).

But yes, after seeing your side, I agree it is fairly strong. I just wasn’t accounting for the skill ceiling it takes to get the most out of the skill when I originally responded (because I don’t consider most players to be playing up to that skill ceiling on ranger, though that goes for most of the professions in the game).

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Maethar.5627


I agree with a lot of posts in this thread, especially with Ostrich. I do think there are other viable engi builds however, they’re just overshadowed because of how strong HGH is currently.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Nilix.2170


Hmm? I thought it was being run with Carrion, not rabid. I have only watched Teldo play engy though, so I can’t really speak from an area of knowing anything about it.

Edit: whoops, meant rampagers.

It can be run with rampager’s as well, but it’s not a great choice because you actually lose over 200 condition damage in addition to then having base toughness. So the extra couple hundred power and precision is cool but just not worth it unless you plan on never getting hit. Teldo can do that because he’s Teldo.

It’s the exact reason why, even though I find his streams entertaining, I can’t stand the builds he uses lol. They are very specific and somehow work for him very well though.

ahaha. I used to watch his stream a long time ago. I think he ran bomb kit and flamethrower back in the day when elixir R on reset with bomb/nade was just ridiculous.

I kittening hate his builds so much but he just plays so well he overcomes it. He’s kitten good.

I hate HGH p/p condition burst as an engineer as well.
It simply doesn’t feel like an engineer at all, drinking energy drinks all day and compiling code. Where are the mechanics, the thingamagicks?.

Working. As. Intended.

Mortar Shot is STILL nerfed by 28%
Purity of Purpose

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Nilix.2170


I think there immunity to dmg potion needs nerfed more than anything whats the cd on it? I have 120s on my ranger at the cost of a trait and a skill and I still take trap dmg while its active.

Only immune to direct damage.

We still take condition damage.

And it’s a 60 sec cooldown.

Ranger got “protect me”, which give a similar effect for 6 second.

Which kills the class mechanic which makes up for a large portion or damage and yet another portion of utility. If swapped correctly no, but then it isn’t lasting anywhere near 6s.

Elixir S also disables the Engineer’s toolbelt. So, I think it is a pretty good comparison. Invulnerability at the cost of your non-utility spells.

Mortar Shot is STILL nerfed by 28%
Purity of Purpose

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Penguin.5197


Hmm? I thought it was being run with Carrion, not rabid. I have only watched Teldo play engy though, so I can’t really speak from an area of knowing anything about it.

Edit: whoops, meant rampagers.

It can be run with rampager’s as well, but it’s not a great choice because you actually lose over 200 condition damage in addition to then having base toughness. So the extra couple hundred power and precision is cool but just not worth it unless you plan on never getting hit. Teldo can do that because he’s Teldo.

It’s the exact reason why, even though I find his streams entertaining, I can’t stand the builds he uses lol. They are very specific and somehow work for him very well though.

ahaha. I used to watch his stream a long time ago. I think he ran bomb kit and flamethrower back in the day when elixir R on reset with bomb/nade was just ridiculous.

I kittening hate his builds so much but he just plays so well he overcomes it. He’s kitten good.

I hate HGH p/p condition burst as an engineer as well.
It simply doesn’t feel like an engineer at all, drinking energy drinks all day and compiling code. Where are the mechanics, the thingamagicks?.

Working. As. Intended.

Our elixirs just happen to come from the software engineer in us

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: jcbroe.4329


I think there immunity to dmg potion needs nerfed more than anything whats the cd on it? I have 120s on my ranger at the cost of a trait and a skill and I still take trap dmg while its active.

Only immune to direct damage.

We still take condition damage.

And it’s a 60 sec cooldown.

Ranger got “protect me”, which give a similar effect for 6 second.

Which kills the class mechanic which makes up for a large portion or damage and yet another portion of utility. If swapped correctly no, but then it isn’t lasting anywhere near 6s.

Elixir S also disables the Engineer’s toolbelt. So, I think it is a pretty good comparison. Invulnerability at the cost of your non-utility spells.

It is when looked at through such a narrow scope. This isn’t a ranger subforum and we kick the dead horse into the ground in those forums, but summarized, outside of the skill, rangers are the only class where you can essentially disable the class mechanic by attacking and killing it which in turn reduces the rangers DPS significantly (I believe the calculated number is somewhere around 30%). There is also the fact that there is no way (outside of a 120s signet) to make the pet dodge, so it is extremely susceptible to abilities that can be spammed in a fight for profit (biggest ones being cloak and dagger and attacks that bounce) and damage in general.
So the point I was trying to make is that the reward factor is the lowest it can be for rangers because of the cost of the risk potentially coming at such a high price.

Yes, Elixir S disables the toolbelt… for 3s while you’re completely invulnerable and free to stomp. It has virtually zero risk factor, just like Endure Pain does for warriors.

Don’t get me wrong though, I enjoy a skill ceiling, but I don’t enjoy classes being able to perform the same things but more efficiently or with less effort to the same effect. That makes the skill ceiling needless, and it becomes a barrier in the way of the potential a class has.

All of this is irrelevant to the OP though, other than extracting how powerful Elixir S is and inductively adding it to the topic.

Jroh | Former SOAC Ranger Podcaster | Platinum Division Top 100 Player For stream, stream schedule, other streamers, builds, etc

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: knight.8926


Honestly leave Engineers alone, they finally got a break and got beefed and up to par

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


Can’t tell if this is a troll or not…

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

(edited by Daishi.6027)

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Retaliation counters Nade engie pretty hard :P

if 3 ppl got retal and engie throws 3 grenades that hit 3 people then we have 3*3 hits = 9 hits

Each salvo of nades = 9*retaliation backfire Assuming retal does 300 dmg then 9*300 = 2100 dmg just for throwing 3 nades.

And retal is easy to provide hrough combo fields and symbols etc

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: JimmyJazz.7943


Don’t forget, you can DODGE nades. Just move a lo and you wont get kill by them. Really.

I play as an HGH engi, the people who kill me do so because of their skill to move. As simple as that. Nades take time to reach the target, you actually have to predict where the enemy is going to be when the nades hit the ground.

The farther you are, the harder it is to hit anyone. It takes practice, lots and lots of practice to be a good HGH engineer. I mean GOOD, not decent or mediocre.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Frightlight.3796


i say sure nerf hgh a bit not enormously but buff rifle and tool kit damage for christs sake make tool kit a twohander with some stuns and aoe and increased damage like hammer for warriors it would make sense and allow some huge burst set ups so that way you guys can quit qqing about hgh and say nerf tool kit more!

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Boot.7368


instead of crying in forums, you could sit for a second, take a look at the actual engineer build and then try to spend between 5 and 10 seconds searching for its weakness. Without further ado, it is simply focusing them down first. It isn’t hard. The only thing condition engis can handle somewhat decently when thrown at them is conditions. Throw in 2 players on them and it’s a matter of time before it dies. 1 stun breaker with 3 seconds invulernability – big kittening deal.

TL;DR It really is NOT hard. When something makes you ouchie a lot, you ouchie it first. Especially when that something is squishy and with just one stun breaker every 48seconds. Ouchie the kitten out of it and all your simple problems will be solved.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Sorry…. I’d hate to call a build OP but HGH… Is over the top….Something about it needs addressed because currently an HGH grenade Engi can take people out from quite far away and no one would be any wiser until the death breakdown… (team fights on a point)

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


Sorry…. I’d hate to call a build OP but HGH… Is over the top….Something about it needs addressed because currently an HGH grenade Engi can take people out from quite far away and no one would be any wiser until the death breakdown… (team fights on a point)

If you don’t see anything spamming something on a point from afar then you deserve to die.

A thief spamming shortbow does more damage at long ranges than an HGH condi engi. Their damage from afar is severely hampered, they CAN’T stay in grenade kit for over 5 seconds and expect to do any sort of reasonable damage MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Sorry…. I’d hate to call a build OP but HGH… Is over the top….Something about it needs addressed because currently an HGH grenade Engi can take people out from quite far away and no one would be any wiser until the death breakdown… (team fights on a point)

If you don’t see anything spamming something on a point from afar then you deserve to die.

A thief spamming shortbow does more damage at long ranges than an HGH condi engi. Their damage from afar is severely hampered, they CAN’T stay in grenade kit for over 5 seconds and expect to do any sort of reasonable damage

Considering this is your build I can see how you’d defend it but in every match I’ve had since you popularized it I have seen just how glaringly over the top it is….. Not just me several others are just melted by it even full bunker guards….

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


And I’ve been the first one to call for it to be nerfed, MONTHS ago. Your point is completely invalid.

I’m just pointing out that what you said is false. Don’t make it out to be more than what it already is, which is enough, trust me. MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Your calling for something to be nerfed…. But defending it?

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


do you not understand?

It’s like as if I was calling backstab thieves overpowered because they have too much survivability, so much that they rival eles and guards.

Even if you think backstab thieves are overpowered, wouldn’t you call me out on it?

That’s what I’m doing to you.

We are not amazing bombadiers MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


do you not understand?

It’s like as if I was calling backstab thieves overpowered because they have too much survivability, so much that they rival eles and guards.

Even if you think backstab thieves are overpowered, wouldn’t you call me out on it?

That’s what I’m doing to you.

We are not amazing bombadiers

yes you are… Tons of might stacking through sigils of battle and HGH plus elixir B in 2 separate forms which gives you the ability to have quite a long uptime on fury add that in with the condition damage from things like shrapnel grenade which grants bleeding the most passively damaging condition in this game you become way scarier and harder to deal with than BS thieves… BS thieves have limited access to boons but still get high damage… You have tons of access to boons high damage and survivability… Plus the traits for this build just work way to well giving you damage bonuses left and right….

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: SmoothHussler.6387


Nerf engineers? lulz

Maguuma: Thug Life: [DERP][ME][PYRO] and other assorted dead guilds.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Master Charles.7093

Master Charles.7093

Engi uses Human Growth Hormone? yeah, they should probly nerf that…

…or the builds with ridiculous amounts of boons and conditions (same for all classes)

(edited by Master Charles.7093)

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: FLIMP.8172


do you not understand?

It’s like as if I was calling backstab thieves overpowered because they have too much survivability, so much that they rival eles and guards.

Even if you think backstab thieves are overpowered, wouldn’t you call me out on it?

That’s what I’m doing to you.

We are not amazing bombadiers

yes you are… Tons of might stacking through sigils of battle and HGH plus elixir B in 2 separate forms which gives you the ability to have quite a long uptime on fury add that in with the condition damage from things like shrapnel grenade which grants bleeding the most passively damaging condition in this game you become way scarier and harder to deal with than BS thieves… BS thieves have limited access to boons but still get high damage… You have tons of access to boons high damage and survivability… Plus the traits for this build just work way to well giving you damage bonuses left and right….

What he’s trying to say is YES, HGH engineers are OP but NOT because they can stand far away and lob grenades. If an engineer is standing from afar and just throwing grenades on point then he’s not really playing as effectively as he could and would hardly be considered OP. If the enemy is moving around alot and you’er trying to aim your grenades from a long distance, it takes forever for the grenades to land and chances are you’ll miss your target.

On the other hand, someone who stands there watching these slow-mo grenades drop on them will die regardless of whether they have 25 stacks of might or not.

Also, high survivability…? no.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


Your calling for something to be nerfed…. But defending it?

Lol he’s not defending anything. There is no “protect my build” or “I want my profession to be the strongest” here. He’s just calling it for what it is. HGH nades is a strong build but as Ost says, its strength is not sitting at 1500 range spamming grenades onto a point.

I wouldn’t mind seeing it nerfed either. I’d once again be the only engineer I’d see doing tournaments in most given evenings…we’re too mainstream these days. I think the build is really strong—probably one of the three important builds to have in a tournament composition. It does have major weaknesses and I think the meta will have to shift a bit to exploit them. A build designed to stand in a small circle healing constantly is gonna have a hard time against an HGH engi.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: aydenunited.5729


Still waiting for OP video coverage of this. People are filing in behind the top 3% Engineer players but I’ve yet to see it personally in any tPvP match, nor have I seen anything evident of how OP this build is in current streams even from Ostrich.

It’s never been this hard to dig up or find evidence or videos for anything considered OP before. So far the best evidence of this is OE’s statement that “it kittens up everything with zero remorse”.


Don’t mean to come across as crass even though I usually do, and I realize I’m talking to people who play better than I do, but please consider that we’re talking in terms of the highest % playerbase supposedly tapping into the kung-foo of this build… yet magically, no hard evidence exists to support how crazy good this build is at everything, including being touted as the best 1v1 build in the game, with negligible CC and basically one definitive escape mechanism for a few seconds.

All I’m asking is that someone please show something tangible to support this, and thusfar, I’ve yet to see it, and most people are simply rallying behind a choice couple of talisman top-tier Engineers just because they said so, IMO.

Jumzi (Ranger), Tarnished Coast

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Ostricheggs.3742


I call it the best 1v1 build in the game because I can walk up to any player or profession of equal skill level and have a large chance at killing them 1v1. Large as in 50-95% chance. As far as 1v1s go, no other class can do that. And it get substantially better when supply crate is factored in, it’s probably the best 1v1 elite in the game.

We melt bunkers faster than any other prof/spec in the game making them waste their shouts at inopportune moments in the process. We DESTROY teamfights given enough support. We’re decently quick roamers and have decent enough survivability with enough support and kiting. Our damage with 25 stacks of corruption is almost unrivaled.

Honestly, in the grand scheme of things given the state of other classes and specs currently in the game, HGH engis are OP. We excel at certain things and remain competitive in other areas.

It’s really not hard to understand. If your idea of overpowered is running around 1v2’ing people 24/7 then maybe HGH isn’t op. But to me, playing at a high level in tournaments, a well played engi is very very hard to beat. It’s not simple theory crafting or duels or anything else. With a decent team I win a very large majority of a large variety of fights, from smale scale to full on large scale team fights, decisively and almost without a hitch. That is given that the fights are “even”. It’s not because I’m a good player, it’s because the build enables me to do it.

And as far as my stream goes, I spend a lot of time kittening around between queue pops and playing with random pugs of a variety of skill levels. If you catch me late at night I might be playing with a top tier group. Those are the games to watch. If I don’t die ASAP we’ll usually win. MOTM/TOL 2/TOG NA/WTS Beijing winner. Message me for PvP Coaching
@$20 an hour! It’s worth it!

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Husanak.3769


I run around with my HGH engi now and then… Like Oeggs says. The skill cap is pretty high on nades… it is finger busting camera crunching. It also only works if you buy into the build hard with multiple might stack runes and battle sigil… with out them the build still runs ok but you won’t get the 25 stacks people like to complain about.

Seriously keep a boon strip weapon around if there is a good hgher around swap it in… nothing more annoying then having your stacks stripped.

I’ll swap my nades out for the wrench sometimes… just to change it up and give my fingers a rest.

Good build… yes… one of the few good builds engies have left… yes… Overpowered… hardly. We are not the only class that can stack 25 might with runes and sigils… there is lots of opportunity cost… and it can be countered.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Well 25 stacks might on a permanent duration (if specced right) is a bit too strong. Also consider that there is no class which can spread this variety of conditions so fast and so easily (eg. necromancer lacks of burning). No other class is so fast in killing point defenders, due to permanently hit grenades.
I think some little tweaks could bring HGH to a balanced level.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Rozbuska.5263


Well 25 stacks might on a permanent duration (if specced right) is a bit too strong. Also consider that there is no class which can spread this variety of conditions so fast and so easily (eg. necromancer lacks of burning). No other class is so fast in killing point defenders, due to permanently hit grenades.
I think some little tweaks could bring HGH to a balanced level.

Its Grandmaster trait man. Other classes stacks might too.

Tekkit Mojo – Engineer
Tekkit’s Workshop

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Well 25 stacks might on a permanent duration (if specced right) is a bit too strong. Also consider that there is no class which can spread this variety of conditions so fast and so easily (eg. necromancer lacks of burning). No other class is so fast in killing point defenders, due to permanently hit grenades.
I think some little tweaks could bring HGH to a balanced level.

Its Grandmaster trait man. Other classes stacks might too.

I know the traits. Could you give me another example of a class that can stack 25 might on its own for 40 seconds?

Read It Backwards [BooN]

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


Well 25 stacks might on a permanent duration (if specced right) is a bit too strong. Also consider that there is no class which can spread this variety of conditions so fast and so easily (eg. necromancer lacks of burning). No other class is so fast in killing point defenders, due to permanently hit grenades.
I think some little tweaks could bring HGH to a balanced level.

Its Grandmaster trait man. Other classes stacks might too.

I know the traits. Could you give me another example of a class that can stack 25 might on its own for 40 seconds?

Warriors, Thief

Thief have our grandmaster trait as a minor trait,  with venoms ofcourse, also u can trait to get base 15s might on every dodge/stealth depending on build.

all you gotta do is use the same rune set up

Necro, Guardian, Ele can also perma 25 might.. but not for 40s, its a shorter window when they have to spam skills and a little bit more of a hustle so i didn’t add

why arent people playing it ? because no other class has been nerfed so harsh than after every patch we all need to find new builds..

(edited by google.3709)

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Well 25 stacks might on a permanent duration (if specced right) is a bit too strong. Also consider that there is no class which can spread this variety of conditions so fast and so easily (eg. necromancer lacks of burning). No other class is so fast in killing point defenders, due to permanently hit grenades.
I think some little tweaks could bring HGH to a balanced level.

Its Grandmaster trait man. Other classes stacks might too.

I know the traits. Could you give me another example of a class that can stack 25 might on its own for 40 seconds?

Warriors, thief

Theif have our grandmaster trait as a minor trait,  with venoms ofcourse, also u can trait to get base 15s might on every dodge/stealth depending on build.

all you gotta do is use the same rune set up

Necro, Guardian can also perma 25 might.. but not for 40s, its a shorter window when they have to spam skills and a little bit more of a hustle so i didn’t add

why arent people playing it ? because no other class has been nerfed so harsh than after every patch we all need to find new builds..

The reason why these builds are not played is another. They are not viable enough.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


Nope, when people have a viable build they don’t bother to look for new ones.

as a thief in sPVP i can run around with DB easily taking down people with150+ Bleeds and evading 80% of attacks, same build on WvW can capture camps by tanking everything and taking it down in under 60s..

as Necro, Guardian, Ele there are simply easier builds, you rarely see them running anything away from the meta ( ex DD ele etc )

And warrior’s version i use to troll sPVP with 18k(even 20k crits)


(edited by google.3709)

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Empathetic Fighter.2065

Empathetic Fighter.2065

Nope, when people have a viable build they don’t bother to look for new ones.

as a thief in sPVP i can run around with DB easily taking down people with150+ Bleeds and evading 80% of attacks, same build on WvW can capture camps by tanking everything and taking it down in under 60s..

as Necro, Guardian, Ele there are simply easier builds, you rarely see them running anything away from the meta ( ex DD ele etc )

And warrior’s version i use to troll sPVP with 18k(even 20k crits)

Again, in the competitive scene, there is no space to run around with a rifle-warrior and other WvW builds. That’s not gonna work.

Read It Backwards [BooN]

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


That’s sPvP :P in WvW the damage is much higher.. can’t test it on my own since i dont have a PvE/WvW War but in comparison to 100B which does around 15k on sPvP but there are lots of 42k+ screenshots, even on cof ( lvl 75) so imagine an 19k on WvW or PvE

Also, you asked for viable builds that can stack 25 might on their own hehehe, never said, it had to be for top tier tPVP builds, but anyways, the weapon irrelevant on the build, you can go around with 25 perma might with GS as well.

(edited by google.3709)

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Zenguy.6421


Why is no one taking the time to work out how to counter this build?

It’s not a new build. It’s taken the top Eng players months of work to get to the point that they’re successful with this build in a range of situations. A huge part of their success comes from the degree to which they’ve mastered both this build and GW2 combat in general.

If this build was truly OP, then why has it taken them so long to get it to perform like this?
Or have HGH Engs just raised the bar a bit higher for GW2 combat?

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Husanak.3769


Exactly it is a hard setup to master…

and frankly its undone by a sigil of null in no time.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Lupanic.6502


Playing this build as a causal player I make a mistake = I die.

Watching top players in 1on1s vs ele/guards/mesmer it takes hours until they win.
I remember a fight from ostricheggs against a guard for over 2min playing this build.

Watching top players against a thief/mesmer/ele/ranger and they make a mistake they die in sec.
It cannot be so overpowered.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: LotuS.4378


Lets guys make ANet nerf everything what Engi got. Basiclly i suggest to delete engi from game.

[INC] Incendies

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Raptured.9307


Why is no one taking the time to work out how to counter this build?

It’s not a new build. It’s taken the top Eng players months of work to get to the point that they’re successful with this build in a range of situations. A huge part of their success comes from the degree to which they’ve mastered both this build and GW2 combat in general.

If this build was truly OP, then why has it taken them so long to get it to perform like this?
Or have HGH Engs just raised the bar a bit higher for GW2 combat?

“Why is no one taking the time to work out how to counter this build?”

This is your own assumption.

“It’s not a new build. It’s taken the top Eng players months of work to get to the point that they’re successful with this build in a range of situations. A huge part of their success comes from the degree to which they’ve mastered both this build and GW2 combat in general.”

Not really – It’s basically because of the last patch buff that worked out so well for this build. “Mastering” a build is not as hard as you think. Coming up with the right build is central in determining your potential effectiveness with that build in game, once you have had a bit of experience with it.

“If this build was truly OP, then why has it taken them so long to get it to perform like this? "

You think Anet has perfect solutions in PVP balancing and timely fixes? Please roll a warrior. Some circular logic right there

“Or have HGH Engs just raised the bar a bit higher for GW2 combat?”

Yeaahh no. Reality is simple. They got buffed heavily, people noticed it and are using it very often, other people are noticing how OP it is when it is used at its potential (to the point of wrecking all other bunkers) while being tough enough so glass can’t destroy them 1v1, and other players are starting to complain about it – even some engies themselves. Other engies (need I say who?) prefer having an edge in the game are now blatantly lying about their potential or are simply bad players to say that this argument is completely false.

Rank 37 spvp, dungeon master
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


For all the haters out there! this is the future of the class! LOL Watch it! too funny

Nothing happened last patch that buffed HGH builds, what happened was that Anet killed diversity of our others builds so people have been starting to play HGH alot more.

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Raptured.9307


Rank 37 spvp, dungeon master
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


Most of them were bug fixes which shoulda been done 9 months ago

turrets got buffed, now they can hit for 317 dmg on a mist dumie

the rest were nerfs, and 1 of them was that they destroyed a core trait from the class, Kit Refinement.. it was very popular, like clones on dodge for mesmer, or evasive arcana on ele.. this affected every kit build engineers had, so people have been migrating to HGH build

if you ask any Engi, 99% of them would tell you, we wish that update never happened.

(edited by google.3709)

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Raptured.9307


Yet when you make all these bug fixes (buffs in themselves) and give more buffs all at once due to impetus, Anet overshot the engineer and it is now time to tone them down.

We have quite a few engineers in our guild who are happy that this update happened – PvP became much more viable for them outside of just instagib, and thus we also see a lot more engineers in upper level tPvP.

Rank 37 spvp, dungeon master
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling

(edited by Raptured.9307)

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: bomber.1540


@raptured.. Sry but u really have no idea.. None of those buffs affect this build

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: jportell.2197


Well 25 stacks might on a permanent duration (if specced right) is a bit too strong. Also consider that there is no class which can spread this variety of conditions so fast and so easily (eg. necromancer lacks of burning). No other class is so fast in killing point defenders, due to permanently hit grenades.
I think some little tweaks could bring HGH to a balanced level.

Its Grandmaster trait man. Other classes stacks might too.

Let me introduce you to Mesmer shattered strength…. A build that at one time would give us 3 stacks per illusion shattered… That was considered OP and promptly hotfixed nerfed…. It was a grand master trait…. Everyone said “Noone should be able to get that many might stacks!” So it was fixed… Now we have HgH engis they not only have maxed might stacks… But they also have high boon duration of other lovely things like fury…

Please tell me how this is not OP at all…. It does melt guards… Just had a match with 3 engis on the opposing team… there was literally nothing we could do… this build is too strong and needs nerfed into oblivion… Make other stuff more viable but bring this down… It is destroying pvp and everyone and their mom is running this cheese copy and paste build.

Johnny The Gray
GASM’s Bunker Mesmer

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


Well 25 stacks might on a permanent duration (if specced right) is a bit too strong. Also consider that there is no class which can spread this variety of conditions so fast and so easily (eg. necromancer lacks of burning). No other class is so fast in killing point defenders, due to permanently hit grenades.
I think some little tweaks could bring HGH to a balanced level.

Its Grandmaster trait man. Other classes stacks might too.

Let me introduce you to Mesmer shattered strength…. A build that at one time would give us 3 stacks per illusion shattered… That was considered OP and promptly hotfixed nerfed…. It was a grand master trait…. Everyone said “Noone should be able to get that many might stacks!” So it was fixed… Now we have HgH engis they not only have maxed might stacks… But they also have high boon duration of other lovely things like fury…

Please tell me how this is not OP at all…. It does melt guards… Just had a match with 3 engis on the opposing team… there was literally nothing we could do… this build is too strong and needs nerfed into oblivion… Make other stuff more viable but bring this down… It is destroying pvp and everyone and their mom is running this cheese copy and paste build.

Easy. on the current meta shatter build, the meser shatters 6 illusions ( 8 with Illusionary Persona ) thats 18-24 stacks of might, and they don’t have to sacrifice runes/utility slots or anything.

also, you’re not forced to trait into boom duration, which allowed the mesmer to spec into power builds making it possible to hit 15k+ mind wracks etc or have unthinkable Confusion damage.

(edited by google.3709)

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: Raptured.9307


@raptured.. Sry but u really have no idea.. None of those buffs affect this build

So you don’t use turrets?

Rank 37 spvp, dungeon master
[HL] Deadly Protection @ Sanctum of Culling

It's time to nerf Engineers.

in PvP

Posted by: google.3709


No on HGH builds (the one people are discussing about), but in general nope.. not many people use turrets, the damage is extremily low, they die too fast and the cool downs are too long. turrets really suck tbh, that’s another things the large majority of engineers will tell you

and don’t be fooled by the 50% dmg boost to rifle turret, it currently does 317 dmg on mist dummies, and 400 and sum on light armor if you’re lucky

(edited by google.3709)