…and what a waste of time it all was.
(edited by Collero.7963)
4 Diamond, 1 Ruby
1 Diamond, 4 Ruby
How could this be possible?
…I don’t think I need to say much more.
Edit: It wasn’t the only game which looked like this. I had TWO others within the same few hours which I didn’t care enough to screenshot.
(edited by Collero.7963)
They are within 15 pips range, so it’s probably high ruby/low diamond. Not that big of a deal.
I don’t think you are understanding…
It should be 3 Diamond & 2 Ruby vs. 2 Diamond & 3 Ruby? Why would it put 4 Diamond against 4 Ruby? It would make no sense to do that.
topics like that make me laugh.
“I want to reach legendary but when i do that i don’t want o play versus prestige 2 legendary until i reach that spot too.”
what i think is really strange is that they put lord asura,rom and danshe in one team , instead of letting them play against each other, pro leagues players should get some kind of extra rating that they never play together if they are not in a group, always let them play against each other
topics like that make me laugh.
“I want to reach legendary but when i do that i don’t want o play versus prestige 2 legendary until i reach that spot too.”
I don’t think you understand the thread. I couldn’t care less about playing against Diamond, Legendary or even Legendary Prestige 69 as it means nothing.
I can’t believe I have to explain it…
Okay – Let’s play SHARE THE JEWELS!
5 Diamonds, 5 Ruby
1 Diamond for you
1 Diamond for me
1 Diamond for you
1 Diamond for me
1 Diamond for you
1 Ruby for me
1 Ruby for you
1 Ruby for me
1 Ruby for you
1 Ruby for me
instead ArenaNet did this…
5 Diamonds, 5 Ruby
4 Diamond for you
1 Diamond for me
4 Ruby for me
1 Ruby for you
(edited by Collero.7963)
Well well… look at this, matchmaking working as intended?
It’s understandable though.
You are 2+2+1 vs. 1+1+1+1+1
The Diamonds are making up for the RUBY DUO x2 in your team.
One day… I’ll gift ANet an MM system …
This is painful to see.
Pretty sure that Diamond player is Duoing with a Ruby player…
1 Diamond makes everyone diamond, so matchmaking in this case is working as intended.
Pretty sure that Diamond player is Duoing with a Ruby player…
You can see that nobody is queueing together…
do remember if they where ruby in that game happens to to rank up at end of the game it say they where diamond not ruby.
do remember if they where ruby in that game happens to to rank up at end of the game it say they where diamond not ruby.
Nope – They were all Diamond before this. 100%
You guys don’t seem to get that matchmaking always favors one team. Before the match starts, the game decides who will win or lose. You might be able to overcome it if the team that is projected to win has a bad comp.
The matchmaking person gave up I think after S1 and S2 failures.
You guys don’t seem to get that matchmaking always favors one team. Before the match starts, the game decides who will win or lose. You might be able to overcome it if the team that is projected to win has a bad comp.
The matchmaking person gave up I think after S1 and S2 failures.
Yep, and you should try harder to make up excuses for yourself. It’s like people in Dota keep yelling “Im only stuck in 2k mmr because I always get bad team mates” yeah, sure.
A player that get conclusive wins in Ruby vs weak or strong oponents , his MMR get boosted to the sky (for example 2100-2300 Rating) .
Players in Diamonds that face other Diamonds , dont get conclucive wins , so their MMR get closer to the earth (1900-2000 Rating) .
When there are not enought HIGH LVL Diamonds players online at that time , the system tries to find players with coclusive wins/trementous MMR from other Tiers .
(i want to see some1 to tank his MMR for some free wins … it will face this problem :P
Just like in S1 , with ppl thought it was cool , but then we had thread after thread whinning for facing high tier players :P)
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
It’s not working correctly as you can see. It stacks Diamond vs. Ruby…
When are you going to not screw up?
The major flaw of this league thing is still that: no matter how much you lose/get worse, you won’t go down in matchmaking value. You can’t lose your division rank.
Back when we had a working system in this game (leaderboard equal to mmr rank), players go up and down based on performance and their rank and mmr are change accordingly.
This season I’m at sapphire but half the games I just run some bullkitten because I don’t care and I’m not one of the 100 people who still watches this games “esport”. And you’ll notice that many people will have the same carefree attitude after crossing into a new division, because they’ve reached the ‘safe zone’. Especially when hitting legendary and there is even less carrot than ever.
Anyway, matchmaking isn’t the main issue. It is how absolutely kittened the balance and powercreep has become. Matches since HoT are imo more than ever being decided by what specs load into the game and on which team rather than how you play it. Elite specs vs Elite specs. Players vs Passives. Players vs Procs.
This might matter if there weren’t just as many players in diamond - even legendary - that are just as bad as those in emerald/sapphire. Complaining about divisions vs divisions in matchmaking is moot. The real problem matchmaking faces lies much deeper, or, as ability rises, in the availability and population of players of similar ability.
This might matter if there weren’t just as many players in diamond – even legendary – that are just as bad as those in emerald/sapphire. Complaining about divisions vs divisions in matchmaking is moot. The real problem matchmaking faces lies much deeper, or, as ability rises, in the availability and population of players of similar ability.
It does matter at the start of the season as TCG & Rank 55 premades, then a couple of decent players who always premade as well reach Diamond before anyone else.
Anyway – It’s not about whether it truly matters or not. It’s about the fact that ArenaNet have made this same mistake 3 times now within the last couple of years. I personally don’t care as I doubt I will ever log on again after the 24th May but I guess I felt like I had to point it out.
This teams are created as intended by the matchmaking system.
Within a certain pip range (+/- 15 pips), the system creates 2 teams, putting players with similar MMR in the same team with no (S2) or little (S3) regards to the MMR difference between teams, thus stacking teams in every single PvP match.
In your case, ROM, Denshee, Lord Asura and the other 2 players have a higher MMR than you and your team mates.
Simple (and stupid) as that.
Yup I got a match 5 diamond vs 1 diamond… this is stupid
nothing to see here but OP and others not realizing that divisions have nothing to do with MMR and calling it stupid.
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