So I just hit legendary rank today on my main account, I’ve prob played with a couple of you in diamond. Did it 100% solo q as a dragon hunter from amber to diamond and then necro from diamond to legend.
I have an alt account in which I play the exact same classes/builds as my main. I play on this account occasionally to test builds, and as such got a loss streak on my alt account of about 15+ at the very beginning of the tournament when I was in amber. My alt account is now ruby. Whenever I play on my alt account, I hardly win any games at all, mostly because my teammates are so horrible. The more I lose because of my teammates, the lower my MMR goes and the crappier teammates i get.
On my legend account I get good team support and make quite a lot of game saving plays as I am a good player. On my alt account those plays are wasted as team members do stupid things like not fighting on points, engaging in 1v4’s and not raising teammates, or my personal favorite, 1 goes home, 2 go mid and 2 go beast – gg.
This MMR is BS and as a solo q player it doesn’t even remotely reflect the skill level of the individual. When you get trapped in low MMR Hell it is nearly impossible if not impossible to get out of it with solo q. Once your win loss ratio drops below 50% you are screwed, you get afker’s trolls and even people in lower divisions, such as people who are in amber and emerald. -the enemy team is of course composed of full rubies.
In addition to this you get everyone that is considered a “bad Player” regardless of skill – trolls who throw matches, afkers, ppl who dont know how to play pvp at all + people with bad internet connections as well as people who don’t even own HOT and are playing vanilla builds
-I don’t know why as a paying customer of HoT that I should be pared with people who don’t even own the expansion pack and cannot even make any of the meta builds or be seriously competitive.
and don’t say form a team as a solution, as forming a team negates MMR and completely takes it out of the equation. I’m doing this to see how MMR works and its abysmal in soloq and needs to be completely reworked.
In addition to this when you get in low MMR you cannot even form a team as nobody wants to join with a player who has low MMR as it might lower theirs or ruin their win streak – Teams ALWAYS ask if you have a win streak or loss streak and they also ask you your win % ratio vs total games played, if they are serious.
For anyone stuck in this scenario you have my sympathies, if you get to around 45% win ratio it completely ruins pvp and makes it unplayable and really NOT fun at all.
Update – I played 6 matched on my legend account today 3/25 and won all 6 games, some of them were close but still won, all on my necro build.
I played 4 games on my alt account in ruby today all on my necro, and lost all 4 games in a row. In one of the games i won a 2v1 and 2 seperate 1v1’s resulting in me capping a node as well as solo capping mid, all in the same match and winning the initial mid fight. I still lost this same game, because my team was out rotated and I’m not sure what my team mates were doing at far or why they were fighting on the treb for 2 minutes straight or why one of the 2 dragon hunters on my team wouldn’t switch to necro or revenant or some other build besides 2 dragon hunters, especially when the enemy team deliberately re-rolled engi to counter them. This is just one example of many.
I am having to play 10x harder on my ruby account to even remotely have a chance of winning compared to playing on my legend account, and even that is not enough in most cases and most of my good plays are completely wasted as stated above.
Edit – added screenshots -
1st pic – my character
2nd pic – legend account stats
3rd pic – ruby alt account stats – playing same necro build on both accounts on the same day.
(edited by Jumpin Lumpix.6108)