Maybe Backstab should have a cool down.
welcome to the new age of 1Shot Wars 2
currently a Boyfriend main :P
Waiting To ReRoll Mystic & Forget About Tyria
That’s not even in WvW – This was in Ranked Arena
Yep. This month is gonna be a free for all kitten fest. Try to enjoy it and ride the waves.
1.) Backstab HAS a cooldown , its called Revealed !
2.) Anyone crying about getting hit that hard ( from whatever profession ) is running class themself, and therefore dishes out the same dmg.
3.) To cry about thiefs atm is really a l2p issue, compared to every other profession right now they got kitten !
1.) Backstab HAS a cooldown , its called Revealed !
2.) Anyone crying about getting hit that hard ( from whatever profession ) is running class themself, and therefore dishes out the same dmg.
3.) To cry about thiefs atm is really a l2p issue, compared to every other profession right now they got kitten !
I spot a thief.
I’ll have sympathy for you when you are revealed the second you touch that attack button, not the 47th time you’ve spammed it even though I’ve got a 5 second invulnerable up and you manage to land 7k damage.
There’s a particular blend of bullkitten that goes along with seeing:
Oh, and don’t forget your proc sigil on top of that.
Were it up to me, you’d have cooldowns on everything, not just backstab. Be thankful ANet has their hate on for elementalists and your class is on the backburner for now.
(edited by Provost.6210)
Sorry Mr. but as an elementalist you should not have ANY issues with thiefs – if you do have its really a l2p issue.
Aside of revealed , thief skills also const initiative .
Go play a thief , i works wonders for your own performance.
I know what i am saying, i main a thief and switched to NG / ELE back in Dec. 2013th patch, when ele was kitten .
But coming from thief, i know what i have to do against them and atm they suck hard compared to ANYTHING else out there.
+Zoom out of first person and watch the map and your partys debuffs, then you will know where the nmy thief is ….
You generally don’t know where the thief IS, you see where he WAS, before his near perma stealth and cheese mechanics pop up next to you (from max range- why do thiefs moan about rangers hitting from far away when a thief has an instant gap closer that stuns), now his venom has hit and you can’t move while his macro cycles through a complete burst in under 0.4 seconds and you’re either downed or very low on hp before you can even move.
Not having cooldowns on thief skills was a very bad design decision and leads to a ’I’m now down to 20% hp and the fight has just started having used my heal, thief is at 100%- can’t run they catch me, starting a fight at 20% hp or downed isn’t a good plan’.
Thiefs are the reason i ran a condi ranger build in spvp, until Anet ruined it with the recent spirit changes and trait line restrictions.
Ran across a decent d/d ele the other day after patch and couldn’t even dent him on my power mesmer- might get his hp down under 50% in a burst but a quick combo blast and he’s full hp whilst tagging me with all sorts including burning.
I genuinely don’t have a problem with thieves in general. They die pretty quick in the current burst-or-be-burst meta. I just think it’s a little weird that a class has access to this kind of damage with no cool down. Ten seconds would be fair. I’m not sure ArenaNet has noticed this kind of play.
<b>Power Block probably doesn’t affect it.</b>
I genuinely don’t have a problem with thieves in general. They die pretty quick in the current burst-or-be-burst meta. I just think it’s a little weird that a class has access to this kind of damage with no cool down. Ten seconds would be fair. I’m not sure ArenaNet has noticed this kind of play.
<b>Power Block probably doesn’t affect it.</b>
You have revealed 4 seconds as mentioned before and you also need to get yourself stealthed as a Thief. Adds another 2 seconds, which adds up to 6 seconds … Why do you talk rubbish like that? Do you know how long it takes to land a backstab properly?
Every class can do the same damage in 6 seconds. Especially Mesmer (more without any need to come close) : – ). And they don’t need to worry about having to hit the enemy from the back, which you leave completely out of sight. “This kind of damage” is completely situational and it also requires the thief to be lucky and crit.
When I see that combat log, I don’t see that backstab needs a CD.
When I see that combat log, I see that you apparently don’t know how to fight thieves to allow them to land 2 consecutive backstabs on you from the back/side.
Thieves are basically low-tier now in this new meta where everything blows up.
Not really sure how this is OP when mesmers can land a 13k mindrack on you after a instacast 1200r stun. Mind you, it doesn’t require the mesmer to be behind the opponent.
Undercoverism [UC]
- bs does have CD
- this numbers are only possible with vulenrability stacks, might stacks and thief running full glass with da/cs/11k HP
the real questions are:
- how didn’t you manage to 1 shot him considering he would die to like 2 spells
- HOW IN WORLD did you manage to let him land 2!!!!! backstabs in a row; did you afk out?
- how come you don’t know that BS does have CD?
- how come you didn’t do anything during revealed duration?
[Teef] guild :>
When I see that combat log, I don’t see that backstab needs a CD.
When I see that combat log, I see that you apparently don’t know how to fight thieves to allow them to land 2 consecutive backstabs on you from the back/side.
Looks like you need to learn how to read with understanding.
Not really sure how this is OP when mesmers can land a 13k mindrack on you after a instacast 1200r stun. Mind you, it doesn’t require the mesmer to be behind the opponent.
Yet Backstab comes from stealth, while Mindwrack to achieve that requires 3 clones that mostly have to run to you, which makes it utterly easy to dodge compared to any skill coming from stealth.
- HOW IN WORLD did you manage to let him land 2!!!!! backstabs in a row; did you afk out?
Another one with reading issues.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
It’s quite ridiculous to defend against ANYTHING out of stealth. One attack out of stealth is manageable but continuous attacks then resorting to yet another stealth while healing itself is outright disgusting.
When I see that combat log, I don’t see that backstab needs a CD.
When I see that combat log, I see that you apparently don’t know how to fight thieves to allow them to land 2 consecutive backstabs on you from the back/side.
Looks like you need to learn how to read with understanding.
Not really sure how this is OP when mesmers can land a 13k mindrack on you after a instacast 1200r stun. Mind you, it doesn’t require the mesmer to be behind the opponent.
Yet Backstab comes from stealth, while Mindwrack to achieve that requires 3 clones that mostly have to run to you, which makes it utterly easy to dodge compared to any skill coming from stealth.
- HOW IN WORLD did you manage to let him land 2!!!!! backstabs in a row; did you afk out?
Another one with reading issues.
oh enlighten me~
[Teef] guild :>
oh enlighten me~
Ugh…didn’t expect that I’ll have to list what’s written in combat log.
Fine then.
According to Combat log provided by OP chronologically:
- OP eats 1st Backstab
- OP eats Chaos Storm (Mesmer Staff spell, Daze 1 second)
- OP eats Steal
- Steal has 3 passives: Mug, Daze, Stealth
- OP eats 2nd Backstab
Stealth on Steal is very troll like because the moment you use steal you can drop Backstab on someone and animation wise it barely looks like you did even stealth.
I was using it frequently in WvW against people who had tendency to turn their back to me and run away.
Quite effective ability for gap closer with Spike.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
oh enlighten me~
Ugh…didn’t expect that I’ll have to list what’s written in combat log.
Fine then.
According to Combat log provided by OP chronologically:
- OP eats 1st Backstab
- OP eats Chaos Storm (Mesmer Staff spell, Daze 1 second)
- OP eats Steal
- Steal has 3 passives: Mug, Daze, Stealth
- OP eats 2nd BackstabStealth on Steal is very troll like because the moment you use steal you can drop Backstab on someone and animation wise it barely looks like you did even stealth.
I was using it frequently in WvW against people who had tendency to turn their back to me and run away.
Quite effective method.
so he was 1v2 and he complains?
please explain me how is his complain is relevant to backstab “CD” ?
oh i am sry, you sit in 1v2 vs mes and thief; you sit in chaos storm, you let thief steal from you (arguably dodgeable if you know thief didn’t use it yet) and you expect him to survive that situation?
i honestly wouldn’t be surprised if he already had few stacks of vuln on him from mes and thief had might stacks from once again mes, but hey backstab is OP lol
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
So far from what I understood, he’s complaining about frequency of such spike damage from one class.
Anet gave birth to Gw2 – Anet killed Gw2.
Murican law 2015.
1.) Backstab HAS a cooldown , its called Revealed !
2.) Anyone crying about getting hit that hard ( from whatever profession ) is running class themself, and therefore dishes out the same dmg.
3.) To cry about thiefs atm is really a l2p issue, compared to every other profession right now they got kitten !
I spot a thief.
I’ll have sympathy for you when you are revealed the second you touch that attack button, not the 47th time you’ve spammed it even though I’ve got a 5 second invulnerable up and you manage to land 7k damage.
There’s a particular blend of bullkitten that goes along with seeing:
InvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerable8000Oh, and don’t forget your proc sigil on top of that.
Were it up to me, you’d have cooldowns on everything, not just backstab. Be thankful ANet has their hate on for elementalists and your class is on the backburner for now.
What the hell?
Saw something like that in another thread some days ago. That Person wrote blockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblock7000.
Looks like the same problem we have here. You let the thief backstab into your Invulnerability/block and you do NOTHING? Not maybe turning 180° and beat the hell out of him? Saying in ts (if you queued with someone) “thief on me”. ANYTHING?!? Not even sure what kind of a dumb thief would try to backstab on a 5sec invulnerability. Its the same system like mistform from vampire. You wait and kill him when he gets out. Not even have to look into the icon. Its in your mind.
And if its such DA,CS,trickery zerker you just “fart” into his direction and he dies. For me most damage comes from burning, bleeding, etc. Even retaliation is sometimes higher than direct damage.
Guys, I once ate two eviscerates, for 12k each. I think they need a cooldown. Oh yeah forgot to mention, it was zerg vs zerg.
Btw, how do we know it wasn’t a 1v3? or more.
This thief and the OP have to be made of glass to get damage like that along with some serious might stacking on that thief.
Shadow trap, Signets of power inf signet(20 might 5 vul) B/v, Force, Impact /back stab
zerker ammy / mara ammy
4 abilities. 3 utilities + 1 auto attack.
Engineers: 100 nades / 24k….
This happened to me on a power necro:
OP? Not really. My own fault for playing a glass build and not reacting quickly enough.
This thief and the OP have to be made of glass to get damage like that along with some serious might stacking on that thief.
Aaaaaand most likely lots of vulnerability from the mesmer
This happened to me on a power necro:
OP? Not really. My own fault for playing a glass build and not reacting quickly enough.
post of they day
This happened to me on a power necro:
OP? Not really. My own fault for playing a glass build and not reacting quickly enough.
i wonder how much time that guy spent on spawn point because all i see is extreme glass thief playing dd…. they could do it before the patch but there were hardly any complains about them because they are not viable in actual team pvp or at any decent rating~
i could do more dmg than that with kill shot or eviscerate; let’s cry about zerker wars with rifle/axe?
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Kill shot vs a thief insta gibbing from stealth with backstab , cute comparison
Kill shot vs a thief insta gibbing from stealth with backstab , cute comparison
we are talking about thief running dd and 11k HP, idk what you expect….
[Teef] guild :>
Before patch 3200 Wild strikes was about the limit against pve bosses with 25 stack vulnerability, full might, and the most squishy type of bosses.
I see 4000+ in combat log. Judging from other professions, the gain, in power is pretty small. So either he himself builded more squishier then ever (maybe he took full zerker and forgot he doenst have vitliaty/defence of earth/Water traitline anymore).
Protection alone should destroy the number op posted. Ele has very easy access to protection.
Landing 2 backstacks in succession is not easy. Cause once the thief landed the first one, (hardest to dodge), you can imagine his movement, where he is, and turn your character quickly in all directions to make it hard for him to backstab (not behind char = half damage).
The thief clearly has the ‘double damage when cloacked’ damage. Good trait BUT limits defensive capabilities of thiefs a bit. That thief should be easy to burst.
No excuse anymore for not giving ‘hide mounts’-option
No thanks to unidentified weapons.
Just funny how you compared the 2 is all – 2 skills which can have no comparison except only in damage output. I’m surprised you didn’t mention rampage?… But everything else like what you need to do as a warrior to setup kill shot burst is beyond unrealistic in top tier and the defensives you need to sacrifice in order to get those #’s with killshot and also the channel and the telegraph on the attack itself, TOTALLY comparable!
Kill shot vs a thief insta gibbing from stealth with backstab , cute comparison
hmmm…. Think this is also a cute comparison. He doesn’t really need to stealth to do it either, I guess the guy just like sneaking up on them.
What does a known bug that will be fixed have anything to do with a comparison between killshot and backstab – both working as intended? That skill will get fixed by the way.
What does a known bug that will be fixed have anything to do with a comparison between killshot and backstab – both working as intended? That skill will get fixed by the way.
Hope so…
1.) Backstab HAS a cooldown , its called Revealed !
2.) Anyone crying about getting hit that hard ( from whatever profession ) is running class themself, and therefore dishes out the same dmg.
3.) To cry about thiefs atm is really a l2p issue, compared to every other profession right now they got kitten !
I spot a thief.
I’ll have sympathy for you when you are revealed the second you touch that attack button, not the 47th time you’ve spammed it even though I’ve got a 5 second invulnerable up and you manage to land 7k damage.
There’s a particular blend of bullkitten that goes along with seeing:
InvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerable8000Oh, and don’t forget your proc sigil on top of that.
Were it up to me, you’d have cooldowns on everything, not just backstab. Be thankful ANet has their hate on for elementalists and your class is on the backburner for now.
yea, thieves defending themselves and try to play the victim card is pretty hilarious.
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer
Did anyone notice it’s 2 thief attacking a very glassy player ? unless steal now has no cd!
this is just a QQ/TrollPost…
Did anyone notice it’s 2 thief attacking a very glassy player ?
unless steal now has no cd!
this is just a QQ/TrollPost…
It’s showing the damage from Mug and the interrupt from Sleight of hand. It’s not showing 2 steals, just 2 skill facts from a single steal.
I’d like to see all the stealth auto-attacks cost 8-initiatives
1.) Backstab HAS a cooldown , its called Revealed !
2.) Anyone crying about getting hit that hard ( from whatever profession ) is running class themself, and therefore dishes out the same dmg.
3.) To cry about thiefs atm is really a l2p issue, compared to every other profession right now they got kitten !
I spot a thief.
I’ll have sympathy for you when you are revealed the second you touch that attack button, not the 47th time you’ve spammed it even though I’ve got a 5 second invulnerable up and you manage to land 7k damage.
There’s a particular blend of bullkitten that goes along with seeing:
InvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerable8000Oh, and don’t forget your proc sigil on top of that.
Were it up to me, you’d have cooldowns on everything, not just backstab. Be thankful ANet has their hate on for elementalists and your class is on the backburner for now.
What the hell?
Saw something like that in another thread some days ago. That Person wrote blockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblock7000.
Looks like the same problem we have here. You let the thief backstab into your Invulnerability/block and you do NOTHING? Not maybe turning 180° and beat the hell out of him? Saying in ts (if you queued with someone) “thief on me”. ANYTHING?!? Not even sure what kind of a dumb thief would try to backstab on a 5sec invulnerability. Its the same system like mistform from vampire. You wait and kill him when he gets out. Not even have to look into the icon. Its in your mind.
And if its such DA,CS,trickery zerker you just “fart” into his direction and he dies. For me most damage comes from burning, bleeding, etc. Even retaliation is sometimes higher than direct damage.
I know, the dude is like standing there like one of the training NPCs in HotM just waiting for you to set up the backstab.
Meanwhile in gudland,…
All thief skills should have a 10s icd to promote counter play.
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
1.) Backstab HAS a cooldown , its called Revealed !
2.) Anyone crying about getting hit that hard ( from whatever profession ) is running class themself, and therefore dishes out the same dmg.
3.) To cry about thiefs atm is really a l2p issue, compared to every other profession right now they got kitten !
I spot a thief.
I’ll have sympathy for you when you are revealed the second you touch that attack button, not the 47th time you’ve spammed it even though I’ve got a 5 second invulnerable up and you manage to land 7k damage.
There’s a particular blend of bullkitten that goes along with seeing:
InvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerable8000Oh, and don’t forget your proc sigil on top of that.
Were it up to me, you’d have cooldowns on everything, not just backstab. Be thankful ANet has their hate on for elementalists and your class is on the backburner for now.
What the hell?
Saw something like that in another thread some days ago. That Person wrote blockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblock7000.
Looks like the same problem we have here. You let the thief backstab into your Invulnerability/block and you do NOTHING? Not maybe turning 180° and beat the hell out of him? Saying in ts (if you queued with someone) “thief on me”. ANYTHING?!? Not even sure what kind of a dumb thief would try to backstab on a 5sec invulnerability. Its the same system like mistform from vampire. You wait and kill him when he gets out. Not even have to look into the icon. Its in your mind.
And if its such DA,CS,trickery zerker you just “fart” into his direction and he dies. For me most damage comes from burning, bleeding, etc. Even retaliation is sometimes higher than direct damage.I know, the dude is like standing there like one of the training NPCs in HotM just waiting for you to set up the backstab.
Meanwhile in gudland,…
Btw, realistically speaking, how many mesmers are as good as helseth? to strengthen your point
1.) Backstab HAS a cooldown , its called Revealed !
2.) Anyone crying about getting hit that hard ( from whatever profession ) is running class themself, and therefore dishes out the same dmg.
3.) To cry about thiefs atm is really a l2p issue, compared to every other profession right now they got kitten !
I spot a thief.
I’ll have sympathy for you when you are revealed the second you touch that attack button, not the 47th time you’ve spammed it even though I’ve got a 5 second invulnerable up and you manage to land 7k damage.
There’s a particular blend of bullkitten that goes along with seeing:
InvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerable8000Oh, and don’t forget your proc sigil on top of that.
Were it up to me, you’d have cooldowns on everything, not just backstab. Be thankful ANet has their hate on for elementalists and your class is on the backburner for now.
What the hell?
Saw something like that in another thread some days ago. That Person wrote blockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblock7000.
Looks like the same problem we have here. You let the thief backstab into your Invulnerability/block and you do NOTHING? Not maybe turning 180° and beat the hell out of him? Saying in ts (if you queued with someone) “thief on me”. ANYTHING?!? Not even sure what kind of a dumb thief would try to backstab on a 5sec invulnerability. Its the same system like mistform from vampire. You wait and kill him when he gets out. Not even have to look into the icon. Its in your mind.
And if its such DA,CS,trickery zerker you just “fart” into his direction and he dies. For me most damage comes from burning, bleeding, etc. Even retaliation is sometimes higher than direct damage.I know, the dude is like standing there like one of the training NPCs in HotM just waiting for you to set up the backstab.
Meanwhile in gudland,…, realistically speaking, how many mesmers are as good as helseth? to strengthen your point
At least 10 on eu are as good imo
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.
1.) Backstab HAS a cooldown , its called Revealed !
2.) Anyone crying about getting hit that hard ( from whatever profession ) is running class themself, and therefore dishes out the same dmg.
3.) To cry about thiefs atm is really a l2p issue, compared to every other profession right now they got kitten !
I spot a thief.
I’ll have sympathy for you when you are revealed the second you touch that attack button, not the 47th time you’ve spammed it even though I’ve got a 5 second invulnerable up and you manage to land 7k damage.
There’s a particular blend of bullkitten that goes along with seeing:
InvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerable8000Oh, and don’t forget your proc sigil on top of that.
Were it up to me, you’d have cooldowns on everything, not just backstab. Be thankful ANet has their hate on for elementalists and your class is on the backburner for now.
What the hell?
Saw something like that in another thread some days ago. That Person wrote blockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblock7000.
Looks like the same problem we have here. You let the thief backstab into your Invulnerability/block and you do NOTHING? Not maybe turning 180° and beat the hell out of him? Saying in ts (if you queued with someone) “thief on me”. ANYTHING?!? Not even sure what kind of a dumb thief would try to backstab on a 5sec invulnerability. Its the same system like mistform from vampire. You wait and kill him when he gets out. Not even have to look into the icon. Its in your mind.
And if its such DA,CS,trickery zerker you just “fart” into his direction and he dies. For me most damage comes from burning, bleeding, etc. Even retaliation is sometimes higher than direct damage.I know, the dude is like standing there like one of the training NPCs in HotM just waiting for you to set up the backstab.
Meanwhile in gudland,…, realistically speaking, how many mesmers are as good as helseth? to strengthen your point
At least 10 on eu are as good imo
And we should believe his argument is a great because 10 mesmers are good as him? How about as casual players? So is this an l2p reply again? So we have to get as good as helseth?
1:Roll Engi
2: Trait Lock on
3: stand still
4:Spam bombkit 1 or if he decides to go range spam rifle 1
5: dont forget to trait all passive procs possible
1:Roll Engi
2: Trait Lock on
3: stand still
4:Spam bombkit 1 or if he decides to go range spam rifle 1
5: dont forget to trait all passive procs possible
Guide on how to win right there.
So far from what I understood, he’s complaining about frequency of such spike damage from one class.
Omg wow if this is about frequency of spike damage from one class, then thief is out of the question. What about the 5k burn tick from d/f ele, guard and engi that can be reapplied in a few sec? What about the power shatter mesmer that able to do 12-15k each burst and is repeatable instantly while staying stealthed=no counter to it at all?
(edited by Buzzcrave.6197)
1.) Backstab HAS a cooldown , its called Revealed !
2.) Anyone crying about getting hit that hard ( from whatever profession ) is running class themself, and therefore dishes out the same dmg.
3.) To cry about thiefs atm is really a l2p issue, compared to every other profession right now they got kitten !
I spot a thief.
I’ll have sympathy for you when you are revealed the second you touch that attack button, not the 47th time you’ve spammed it even though I’ve got a 5 second invulnerable up and you manage to land 7k damage.
There’s a particular blend of bullkitten that goes along with seeing:
InvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerable8000Oh, and don’t forget your proc sigil on top of that.
Were it up to me, you’d have cooldowns on everything, not just backstab. Be thankful ANet has their hate on for elementalists and your class is on the backburner for now.
What the hell?
Saw something like that in another thread some days ago. That Person wrote blockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblock7000.
Looks like the same problem we have here. You let the thief backstab into your Invulnerability/block and you do NOTHING? Not maybe turning 180° and beat the hell out of him? Saying in ts (if you queued with someone) “thief on me”. ANYTHING?!? Not even sure what kind of a dumb thief would try to backstab on a 5sec invulnerability. Its the same system like mistform from vampire. You wait and kill him when he gets out. Not even have to look into the icon. Its in your mind.
And if its such DA,CS,trickery zerker you just “fart” into his direction and he dies. For me most damage comes from burning, bleeding, etc. Even retaliation is sometimes higher than direct damage.I know, the dude is like standing there like one of the training NPCs in HotM just waiting for you to set up the backstab.
Meanwhile in gudland,…, realistically speaking, how many mesmers are as good as helseth? to strengthen your point
At least 10 on eu are as good imo
And we should believe his argument is a great because 10 mesmers are good as him? How about as casual players? So is this an l2p reply again? So we have to get as good as helseth?
It’s not just 10 mesmers, how about as many players? It’s not just mesmers but that one thief in that video didn’t even give him the help of blockblockblock and he countered his stealth. Helseth is human just like any of us so that means you and anyone else can do it too. He’s not a superhuman. You’ll never counter it if you just sit and QQ instead of l2p-ing.
Also are you saying they should dumb down the game to your level?
1.) Backstab HAS a cooldown , its called Revealed !
2.) Anyone crying about getting hit that hard ( from whatever profession ) is running class themself, and therefore dishes out the same dmg.
3.) To cry about thiefs atm is really a l2p issue, compared to every other profession right now they got kitten !
I spot a thief.
I’ll have sympathy for you when you are revealed the second you touch that attack button, not the 47th time you’ve spammed it even though I’ve got a 5 second invulnerable up and you manage to land 7k damage.
There’s a particular blend of bullkitten that goes along with seeing:
InvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerableInvulnerable8000Oh, and don’t forget your proc sigil on top of that.
Were it up to me, you’d have cooldowns on everything, not just backstab. Be thankful ANet has their hate on for elementalists and your class is on the backburner for now.
What the hell?
Saw something like that in another thread some days ago. That Person wrote blockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblockblock7000.
Looks like the same problem we have here. You let the thief backstab into your Invulnerability/block and you do NOTHING? Not maybe turning 180° and beat the hell out of him? Saying in ts (if you queued with someone) “thief on me”. ANYTHING?!? Not even sure what kind of a dumb thief would try to backstab on a 5sec invulnerability. Its the same system like mistform from vampire. You wait and kill him when he gets out. Not even have to look into the icon. Its in your mind.
And if its such DA,CS,trickery zerker you just “fart” into his direction and he dies. For me most damage comes from burning, bleeding, etc. Even retaliation is sometimes higher than direct damage.I know, the dude is like standing there like one of the training NPCs in HotM just waiting for you to set up the backstab.
Meanwhile in gudland,…, realistically speaking, how many mesmers are as good as helseth? to strengthen your point
At least 10 on eu are as good imo
And we should believe his argument is a great because 10 mesmers are good as him? How about as casual players? So is this an l2p reply again? So we have to get as good as helseth?
It’s not just 10 mesmers, how about as many players? It’s not just mesmers but that one thief in that video didn’t even give him the help of blockblockblock and he countered his stealth. Helseth is human just like any of us so that means you and anyone else can do it too. He’s not a superhuman. You’ll never counter it if you just sit and QQ instead of l2p-ing.
Also are you saying they should dumb down the game to your level?
You completely misunderstand me. I am saying that it shoud not be" because x person can do this, therefore other can/must do it too" I know he is human, but not all of players have that luxury of time that these top players are willing to spend in the game. So I am saying using that as a basis of your argument is bad.
I am not bashing you or anything but that’s the whole problem with balancing.
If top player X sees this as OP, the devs will most likely listen to that.
For reference see Phantarams Ele changes he posted before.
1.) Backstab HAS a cooldown , its called Revealed !
He’s not wrong. Which is why the thief should have been burning 10k Heartseekers instead. Not that those 4k AA’s were much of a waste…. -_-u
That’s not default backstab damage, 7k-8k is what you’ll see with the old meta slot skill kit. To get those numbers a thief will have to might stack or possibly take Assassin’s Signet with might on signet use. Or it’s possible you had vulnerability from the mesmer that was also in combat (based on the log).
A thief sacrificing survivability for 3-4k extra damage on backstab isn’t unheard of. The old signet burst build having no survivability skills from before the update still hit harder than that 11k.
Norn Guardian – Aurora Lustyr (Lv 80)
Mia A Shadows Glow – Human Thief (Lv 80)
(edited by Shockwave.1230)
I know, the dude is like standing there like one of the training NPCs in HotM just waiting for you to set up the backstab.
Meanwhile in gudland,…
Player applies appropriate amount of damage to low health, high glass enemy (which he knew was there) to down him, and he’s “gud”? Surely this is just a basic math problem XD