Nerf Guardian PVP

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: RegalRed.3720


I USED … not played against … USED Guardian in pvp with a trap medi Longbow build and I felt like a GOD (sadly).. there was probably no reason for anyone to even come near me since once the traps hit them they either melted, or if they could get away, I would simply shoot them once for the kill and reset my traps for the next person. Something that happen in about 7 out of 10 matches is that the other team would simply give up on the point and not even bother since the build (which I have seen others using) is insanely cheese. Even if my health was dropped down to half or a bit lower .. I would somehow heal to 100% in the blink of an eye, meaning that my opponent who put in the effort and got me down low, while getting low himself will not recover his HP as quickly as I will and will most likely lose the fight. Not to mention one match where I tried a Burn Dragonhunter Build, same thing happened.. no one botered going to the point after a while and with only 7 stacks of burn, if my opponent was unable to cleanse, it would only take 4 to 5 ticks to down them. There is no way this is Balanced in the slightest.

I’m making this Topic because I like a challenge and I like a fight, not having the upper hand simply because my class is, without a doubt, stronger and simply makes no sense to fight.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: holychampion.7386


Traps weren’t buffed in the previous patch. Guardians main buffs were in core skills and weapon mechanics.

Bow didn’t get buffed
Traps didn’t get buffed
DH tratis weren’t buffed

Your statement implies that the class is top tier because of those 2 (first 2) factors.
I humbly ask you:
*How many games do you have
*Against who are you fighting
*What amulet are you using

Considering there has always been much debate regarding the class because of its mechanic (being useless in top tier pvp and over the top in lowest tier) I really don’t have much to say except for the fact that I think you’re low tier and fighting low tier enemies. And yes, against unsuspecting enemies which are the ones you usually find in low tier pvp you will have the upper hand.

P.S: Keep playing until you are at 4k games and get matched against ppl who usually make it into late Legendary season. If you manage to keep stating at that point that traps are OP I will be glad to see your videos.

(edited by holychampion.7386)

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: xeonage.1253


This is a design problem of DH…. since in S1. Now, amulet and def skill is nerf and ele died. So he come back.


Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: xeonage.1253


The other problem is GW2 PVP point fight is Old-fashioned. I know the point have trap but i still need to go in. This is ridiculous. I hope they can make more other mode for PVP or promote other PVP mode like Strong Hold.

PS. They make StrongHold then don’t promote and improve it (just make bomber cannot heal by player is fix the problem but they still not do it…). I was very disappointed with them.

(edited by xeonage.1253)

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Deimos Tel Arin.7391

Deimos Tel Arin.7391

I USED … not played against … USED Guardian in pvp with a trap medi Longbow build and I felt like a GOD (sadly).. there was probably no reason for anyone to even come near me since once the traps hit them they either melted, or if they could get away, I would simply shoot them once for the kill and reset my traps for the next person. Something that happen in about 7 out of 10 matches is that the other team would simply give up on the point and not even bother since the build (which I have seen others using) is insanely cheese. Even if my health was dropped down to half or a bit lower .. I would somehow heal to 100% in the blink of an eye, meaning that my opponent who put in the effort and got me down low, while getting low himself will not recover his HP as quickly as I will and will most likely lose the fight. Not to mention one match where I tried a Burn Dragonhunter Build, same thing happened.. no one botered going to the point after a while and with only 7 stacks of burn, if my opponent was unable to cleanse, it would only take 4 to 5 ticks to down them. There is no way this is Balanced in the slightest.

I’m making this Topic because I like a challenge and I like a fight, not having the upper hand simply because my class is, without a doubt, stronger and simply makes no sense to fight.

sure, you had great fun in hotjoin right ?

try playing dh in season 4 till legendary and then come back and tell us how you did.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: BadSanta.6527


Man this is patatic you complain about do with didn’t got buffed but crono , reaper and warroir are fine ……

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: alain.1659


DH is insanely powerful at low levels. It holds the point, everything he does poops circles. But if you opponent knows his profession, he can easily kick you out of the point. I tend to walk right in the traps and use mist form with my ele (and other invuls in other professions) just for lulz. DH empties all his burst (gs 2, s3 etc) then after the invul and burst ends I say “Now it’s my turn”.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Regon Phoenix.8215

Regon Phoenix.8215

These troll threads stayed trendy, it seems.

When you fall, i will be right behind you and whisper: “Who will protect you now?”

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: SneakyTouchy.6043


I’ve been playing guardian religiously since this patch hit. It’s unstoppable right now.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I’ve been playing guardian religiously since this patch hit. It’s unstoppable right now.

Rev and Rangers shuts out DH on point.

Thieves in +1 situations. You know, the good ones who actually wait 5 seconds to burst knowing DH just used a cd.

Burn Guard DH is less effective than power DH. This proves that op is playing with lower mmr players.

Players can abuse DH windows-of-opportunity. It’s why we needed the virtue changes amongst other items because we would get blown up without cds or stability.

Players have to play more as a team now that DH is on a higher competitive level. Sad thing is, players never play as a team in soloQ. So while players may be struggling vs DH, we’re finally “ok” in the higher tiers but even then…teams can still abuse DH opening defence through cc+bursts.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

(edited by Saiyan.1704)

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


The OP has a post history of 3 including this one. His previous post was how he was able to 1 shot EVERY single class in WvW while playing a D/P thief. Today his focus is DH.

Dont feed the troll.

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: JDjitsu.7895


The OP has a post history of 3 including this one. His previous post was how he was able to 1 shot EVERY single class in WvW while playing a D/P thief. Today his focus is DH.

Dont feed the troll.

This definitely has a vibe of those “I can’t be bothered with learning how to counter a profession, so I’ll make a thread saying I main it and it’s unkillable, plz nerf me.” My guess is OP having a bad day against Guard traps. Ppl are just using DH so much because there’s finally viable builds with sustain lowered in PvP and Sword re-work. DH hasn’t changed that much.

Maguuma & A Few alts on other NA/EU servers

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


The only time I have difficulty with DH is when I am playing my Thief when playing equally skilled players, but that’s been the case for most of Gw2 history, but when I face a new FoTM DH player it is very obvious and they don’t last very long.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Azoqu.8917


The only time I have difficulty with DH is when I am playing my Thief when playing equally skilled players, but that’s been the case for most of Gw2 history, but when I face a new FoTM DH player it is very obvious and they don’t last very long.

This sounds about right. The only thing DH is really over powered against is Thieves (and bad players, but everything is OP against bad players), but the Guardian class has always trolled thieves and killed them with ease.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Lucred.1802


I’ve been playing guardian religiously since this patch hit. It’s unstoppable right now.

Rev and Rangers shuts out DH on point.

Thieves in +1 situations. You know, the good ones who actually wait 5 seconds to burst knowing DH just used a cd.

Burn Guard DH is less effective than power DH. This proves that op is playing with lower mmr players.

Players can abuse DH windows-of-opportunity. It’s why we needed the virtue changes amongst other items because we would get blown up without cds or stability.

Players have to play more as a team now that DH is on a higher competitive level. Sad thing is, players never play as a team in soloQ. So while players may be struggling vs DH, we’re finally “ok” in the higher tiers but even then…teams can still abuse DH opening defence through cc+bursts.

“abuse” opening defense?

So, what, you want them to be perma-invuln? That they should never ever have their defenses down? Do you want them to be like the nigh-unkillable cleric ele in S3 except doing even more damage?

There should be NO class that absolutely requires being +1’d to drive off a point regardless of what it’s facing (assuming roughly equal skill levels), much less killed. Period. Right now DH is that class—the only way to beat it 1v1 is to outplay it or jump it at low health after it just killed a squaddie or 3 of yours.

Fortunately, due to a long history of being both noobstompers and unviable for high-end PvP, most guards are bad enough they can be outplayed, routinely. That’s the only reason they haven’t completely taken over sPvP. And as it is, from what I’ve seen over the last 2 weeks, I went from having 0-2 guards per match both teams combined to an average of 6. If that isn’t a blatant endorsement of them being a very powerful faceroll class, I don’t know what is.

Depending on build (they have 4 viable builds with 3 of them being tied as very good), yes most ranged classes (including the odd hammer-rev) can beat them. But not before they’ve been parked on a point for several minutes (out of a <15 minute match, or roughly 20% of it). For a rev to beat one on-point in melee range requires a rather significant skill gap (either a very good rev or a very bad DH).

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I’ve been playing guardian religiously since this patch hit. It’s unstoppable right now.

Rev and Rangers shuts out DH on point.

Thieves in +1 situations. You know, the good ones who actually wait 5 seconds to burst knowing DH just used a cd.

Burn Guard DH is less effective than power DH. This proves that op is playing with lower mmr players.

Players can abuse DH windows-of-opportunity. It’s why we needed the virtue changes amongst other items because we would get blown up without cds or stability.

Players have to play more as a team now that DH is on a higher competitive level. Sad thing is, players never play as a team in soloQ. So while players may be struggling vs DH, we’re finally “ok” in the higher tiers but even then…teams can still abuse DH opening defence through cc+bursts.

“abuse” opening defense?

So, what, you want them to be perma-invuln? That they should never ever have their defenses down? Do you want them to be like the nigh-unkillable cleric ele in S3 except doing even more damage?

There should be NO class that absolutely requires being +1’d to drive off a point regardless of what it’s facing (assuming roughly equal skill levels), much less killed. Period. Right now DH is that class—the only way to beat it 1v1 is to outplay it or jump it at low health after it just killed a squaddie or 3 of yours.

Fortunately, due to a long history of being both noobstompers and unviable for high-end PvP, most guards are bad enough they can be outplayed, routinely. That’s the only reason they haven’t completely taken over sPvP. And as it is, from what I’ve seen over the last 2 weeks, I went from having 0-2 guards per match both teams combined to an average of 6. If that isn’t a blatant endorsement of them being a very powerful faceroll class, I don’t know what is.

Depending on build (they have 4 viable builds with 3 of them being tied as very good), yes most ranged classes (including the odd hammer-rev) can beat them. But not before they’ve been parked on a point for several minutes (out of a <15 minute match, or roughly 20% of it). For a rev to beat one on-point in melee range requires a rather significant skill gap (either a very good rev or a very bad DH).

You misread..i’m not asking for buffs and you’re wrong on many accounts.

I’ve been beat by
War (Rosales in Fear),
Necro (forgot name, was in KotH
Thief (Min),
Ranger (Lettuce),
Rev (Rain, Ash, and many others cause Rev is not our favoritable matchup)

Duel them yourself as a DH. 4 are in guild FEAR.

Also the classes dh can’t beat 1v1 (ranger & rev), War can. Rock/Paper/Cutters

Necros, Rev, & Rangers all stack better than Guardians on a team. Otherwise, sure, SoloQ players have issues… with everything because they’re soloQ players.

Guardians are popular. Not overpowered. Same thing happened post patch when they were nerfed too soon due to popularity and brought out of meta (ironically enough, Thief & War were bad so turnef to DH). Now here we are, traps are suddely OP again…

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


Ya you list the op specs lol. For example lettuce is a Druid, Min is a perma vade vault spam thief. Both builds carry these players ask them to play a different build and they will lose. It’s like me on mesmer. I can win allot of duels as condi chrono. play a phantasm mesmer and I’m through cant win vs any meta/ 1 vs 1 build.

It is meaningful to complain but it is even more meaningful to ask for a counter spec that people can distribute to reduce guardian picks for tpvp. In the Op stead, I would ask are there any players willing to share a DH counter class/ build that shuts them down hard?

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

(edited by Zelulose.8695)

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Lucred.1802


I’ve been playing guardian religiously since this patch hit. It’s unstoppable right now.

Rev and Rangers shuts out DH on point.

Thieves in +1 situations. You know, the good ones who actually wait 5 seconds to burst knowing DH just used a cd.

Burn Guard DH is less effective than power DH. This proves that op is playing with lower mmr players.

Players can abuse DH windows-of-opportunity. It’s why we needed the virtue changes amongst other items because we would get blown up without cds or stability.

Players have to play more as a team now that DH is on a higher competitive level. Sad thing is, players never play as a team in soloQ. So while players may be struggling vs DH, we’re finally “ok” in the higher tiers but even then…teams can still abuse DH opening defence through cc+bursts.

“abuse” opening defense?

So, what, you want them to be perma-invuln? That they should never ever have their defenses down? Do you want them to be like the nigh-unkillable cleric ele in S3 except doing even more damage?

There should be NO class that absolutely requires being +1’d to drive off a point regardless of what it’s facing (assuming roughly equal skill levels), much less killed. Period. Right now DH is that class—the only way to beat it 1v1 is to outplay it or jump it at low health after it just killed a squaddie or 3 of yours.

Fortunately, due to a long history of being both noobstompers and unviable for high-end PvP, most guards are bad enough they can be outplayed, routinely. That’s the only reason they haven’t completely taken over sPvP. And as it is, from what I’ve seen over the last 2 weeks, I went from having 0-2 guards per match both teams combined to an average of 6. If that isn’t a blatant endorsement of them being a very powerful faceroll class, I don’t know what is.

Depending on build (they have 4 viable builds with 3 of them being tied as very good), yes most ranged classes (including the odd hammer-rev) can beat them. But not before they’ve been parked on a point for several minutes (out of a <15 minute match, or roughly 20% of it). For a rev to beat one on-point in melee range requires a rather significant skill gap (either a very good rev or a very bad DH).

You misread..i’m not asking for buffs and you’re wrong on many accounts.

I’ve been beat by
War (Rosales in Fear),
Necro (forgot name, was in KotH
Thief (Min),
Ranger (Lettuce),
Rev (Rain, Ash, and many others cause Rev is not our favoritable matchup)

Duel them yourself as a DH. 4 are in guild FEAR.

Also the classes dh can’t beat 1v1 (ranger & rev), War can. Rock/Paper/Cutters

Necros, Rev, & Rangers all stack better than Guardians on a team. Otherwise, sure, SoloQ players have issues… with everything because they’re soloQ players.

Guardians are popular. Not overpowered. Same thing happened post patch when they were nerfed too soon due to popularity and brought out of meta (ironically enough, Thief & War were bad so turnef to DH). Now here we are, traps are suddely OP again…

So…seems to me you’re the one with reading comprehension issues
-“Just 1v1 these top-100 hardcore PvPers!”
Of course most DH’s would lose, there’s a significant skill gap. Like I said people who can SIGNIFICANTLY outplay a DH beats DH’s (pretty much regardless of class) in the post you quoted.
If you have to resort to name-dropping known/famous ESL-tier PVP players, the class is broken

A revenant of equal skill to the DH he’s fighting will struggle and maybe win 20-30% of the time. A druid should beat it 75%+ of the time but it will be a very long fight (which in 5v5 means one or the other usually only dies to a 1). A perma-evade staff thief might pull off a 40% win percentage, and a D/D or D/P will lose 100% of the time. A reaper going in with 100% full life force and all his cooldowns will still lose half the time, a minionmancer or reaper with no banked life force will lose 100% of the time. A macebow warrior will win 75()% of the time, a ragezerker or power warr will lose 100% of the time. Scrappers usually fight them to a draw (get bored and go home 1v1, get 1’d/2’d in 5v5) regardless of condi or powerhammer. Chronophantasma mesmer should win the majority of the time, and DH is one of the very few builds powershatter is actually decent against.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I’ve been playing guardian religiously since this patch hit. It’s unstoppable right now.

Rev and Rangers shuts out DH on point.

Thieves in +1 situations. You know, the good ones who actually wait 5 seconds to burst knowing DH just used a cd.

Burn Guard DH is less effective than power DH. This proves that op is playing with lower mmr players.

Players can abuse DH windows-of-opportunity. It’s why we needed the virtue changes amongst other items because we would get blown up without cds or stability.

Players have to play more as a team now that DH is on a higher competitive level. Sad thing is, players never play as a team in soloQ. So while players may be struggling vs DH, we’re finally “ok” in the higher tiers but even then…teams can still abuse DH opening defence through cc+bursts.

“abuse” opening defense?

So, what, you want them to be perma-invuln? That they should never ever have their defenses down? Do you want them to be like the nigh-unkillable cleric ele in S3 except doing even more damage?

There should be NO class that absolutely requires being +1’d to drive off a point regardless of what it’s facing (assuming roughly equal skill levels), much less killed. Period. Right now DH is that class—the only way to beat it 1v1 is to outplay it or jump it at low health after it just killed a squaddie or 3 of yours.

Fortunately, due to a long history of being both noobstompers and unviable for high-end PvP, most guards are bad enough they can be outplayed, routinely. That’s the only reason they haven’t completely taken over sPvP. And as it is, from what I’ve seen over the last 2 weeks, I went from having 0-2 guards per match both teams combined to an average of 6. If that isn’t a blatant endorsement of them being a very powerful faceroll class, I don’t know what is.

Depending on build (they have 4 viable builds with 3 of them being tied as very good), yes most ranged classes (including the odd hammer-rev) can beat them. But not before they’ve been parked on a point for several minutes (out of a <15 minute match, or roughly 20% of it). For a rev to beat one on-point in melee range requires a rather significant skill gap (either a very good rev or a very bad DH).

You misread..i’m not asking for buffs and you’re wrong on many accounts.

I’ve been beat by
War (Rosales in Fear),
Necro (forgot name, was in KotH
Thief (Min),
Ranger (Lettuce),
Rev (Rain, Ash, and many others cause Rev is not our favoritable matchup)

Duel them yourself as a DH. 4 are in guild FEAR.

Also the classes dh can’t beat 1v1 (ranger & rev), War can. Rock/Paper/Cutters

Necros, Rev, & Rangers all stack better than Guardians on a team. Otherwise, sure, SoloQ players have issues… with everything because they’re soloQ players.

Guardians are popular. Not overpowered. Same thing happened post patch when they were nerfed too soon due to popularity and brought out of meta (ironically enough, Thief & War were bad so turnef to DH). Now here we are, traps are suddely OP again…

So…seems to me you’re the one with reading comprehension issues
-“Just 1v1 these top-100 hardcore PvPers!”
Of course most DH’s would lose, there’s a significant skill gap. Like I said people who can SIGNIFICANTLY outplay a DH beats DH’s (pretty much regardless of class) in the post you quoted.
If you have to resort to name-dropping known/famous ESL-tier PVP players, the class is broken

A revenant of equal skill to the DH he’s fighting will struggle and maybe win 20-30% of the time. A druid should beat it 75%+ of the time but it will be a very long fight (which in 5v5 means one or the other usually only dies to a 1). A perma-evade staff thief might pull off a 40% win percentage, and a D/D or D/P will lose 100% of the time. A reaper going in with 100% full life force and all his cooldowns will still lose half the time, a minionmancer or reaper with no banked life force will lose 100% of the time. A macebow warrior will win 75()% of the time, a ragezerker or power warr will lose 100% of the time. Scrappers usually fight them to a draw (get bored and go home 1v1, get 1’d/2’d in 5v5) regardless of condi or powerhammer. Chronophantasma mesmer should win the majority of the time, and DH is one of the very few builds powershatter is actually decent against.

If Rev loses to DH then that Rev wasn’t of equal skill.

I agree that classes like Guard are easy to pick up and faceroll but that player will only get so far. If Anet wants to fix Guard in lower tiers then thats fine. DH just doesn’t need a nerf in Leagues where the big boys play.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Zero Solstice.9754

Zero Solstice.9754

I’ve been playing guardian religiously since this patch hit. It’s unstoppable right now.

Rev and Rangers shuts out DH on point.

Thieves in +1 situations. You know, the good ones who actually wait 5 seconds to burst knowing DH just used a cd.

Burn Guard DH is less effective than power DH. This proves that op is playing with lower mmr players.

Players can abuse DH windows-of-opportunity. It’s why we needed the virtue changes amongst other items because we would get blown up without cds or stability.

Players have to play more as a team now that DH is on a higher competitive level. Sad thing is, players never play as a team in soloQ. So while players may be struggling vs DH, we’re finally “ok” in the higher tiers but even then…teams can still abuse DH opening defence through cc+bursts.

“abuse” opening defense?

So, what, you want them to be perma-invuln? That they should never ever have their defenses down? Do you want them to be like the nigh-unkillable cleric ele in S3 except doing even more damage?

There should be NO class that absolutely requires being +1’d to drive off a point regardless of what it’s facing (assuming roughly equal skill levels), much less killed. Period. Right now DH is that class—the only way to beat it 1v1 is to outplay it or jump it at low health after it just killed a squaddie or 3 of yours.

Fortunately, due to a long history of being both noobstompers and unviable for high-end PvP, most guards are bad enough they can be outplayed, routinely. That’s the only reason they haven’t completely taken over sPvP. And as it is, from what I’ve seen over the last 2 weeks, I went from having 0-2 guards per match both teams combined to an average of 6. If that isn’t a blatant endorsement of them being a very powerful faceroll class, I don’t know what is.

Depending on build (they have 4 viable builds with 3 of them being tied as very good), yes most ranged classes (including the odd hammer-rev) can beat them. But not before they’ve been parked on a point for several minutes (out of a <15 minute match, or roughly 20% of it). For a rev to beat one on-point in melee range requires a rather significant skill gap (either a very good rev or a very bad DH).

You misread..i’m not asking for buffs and you’re wrong on many accounts.

I’ve been beat by
War (Rosales in Fear),
Necro (forgot name, was in KotH
Thief (Min),
Ranger (Lettuce),
Rev (Rain, Ash, and many others cause Rev is not our favoritable matchup)

Duel them yourself as a DH. 4 are in guild FEAR.

Also the classes dh can’t beat 1v1 (ranger & rev), War can. Rock/Paper/Cutters

Necros, Rev, & Rangers all stack better than Guardians on a team. Otherwise, sure, SoloQ players have issues… with everything because they’re soloQ players.

Guardians are popular. Not overpowered. Same thing happened post patch when they were nerfed too soon due to popularity and brought out of meta (ironically enough, Thief & War were bad so turnef to DH). Now here we are, traps are suddely OP again…

So…seems to me you’re the one with reading comprehension issues
-“Just 1v1 these top-100 hardcore PvPers!”
Of course most DH’s would lose, there’s a significant skill gap. Like I said people who can SIGNIFICANTLY outplay a DH beats DH’s (pretty much regardless of class) in the post you quoted.
If you have to resort to name-dropping known/famous ESL-tier PVP players, the class is broken

Not only are none of these individuals on ESL teams, but most of them don’t even actively PvP, they only duel. Also, while the game is balanced more-or-less around the center of skill of the player base, the top tier of players is 100% the place to look for how matchups are supposed to go. Mid level players may find a matchup intolerable, while high-level players show that the matchup should actually be good. A prime example of this was the semi-common misconception that Condi Chrono had a bad matchup against Condi Reaper, while in reality the matchup is roughly 60-40 in favor of the Chrono, if not even slightly better than that. For DH, most people don’t realize that while some classes do actually have terrible matchups against them, many classes have a perfectly reasonable time dealing with a DH, if not while being purely favored.

“Reaper’s only big weakness will be that you have to play Necromancer to use it”

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Just finished up a match.
Didn’t find guard trapper that bad..just tedious.
Now lets make that statement a plural.
Guard trapper(s) just create an infinite amount of ugly pixel pollution and become the ultimate in tedium. It was only 2 minutes into the match everyone was just back back peddling them and leaving on a point to do nothing. Once they leave..cap it,..when they come back, let them have it and cap some where else..rinse repeat.

On their own, not so bad…in groups, just flat out annoying.

So time to skip another season entirely until they are made enjoyable.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


I agree, nerf guardian please. Because they are useless but players never stop using dh on pvp. I’m so sick about losing games because of useless noob dh’s. Maybe after your nerf dh gonna be completely dead and players stop playing with it.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Ohoni.6057


Rev and Rangers shuts out DH on point.

That makes me feel better about my performance this season so far, since I’m only 1:2 with my Guard. In group melees I died a lot, but that might just be a bad team issue. In 1v1s, I was able to kill a Ranger that came at me, OR hold off a Rev almost indefinitely but didn’t want to follow him off point, but whenever both of them teamed up on me I could barely stay ahead of it and eventually they wore me down. And I’m not saying either fight was easy, I had to stay on my toes constantly and pop heals and blocks with at least decent timing to stay on my feet.

I was getting absolutely brutalized by conditions though, even though I’ve built in several options for cleansing, they’re never enough.

“If you spent as much time working on [some task] as
you spend complaining about it on the forums, you’d be
done by now.”

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Kuya.6495


How many times have they nerfed traps already? Like 4? And the last update didn’t even buff traps. Yet they are the consistent complaint when it comes to players facing that class.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Magnus Godrik.5841

Magnus Godrik.5841

This post is a joke, right. I mean, if your having that much trouble with DH, you are really really bad.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: REGGADO.1237


I think DHs are worst, not that they are good, but they are litterly only trashtier class in this meta. Any other class seems better in any way.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


The only time I have difficulty with DH is when I am playing my Thief when playing equally skilled players, but that’s been the case for most of Gw2 history, but when I face a new FoTM DH player it is very obvious and they don’t last very long.

This sounds about right. The only thing DH is really over powered against is Thieves (and bad players, but everything is OP against bad players), but the Guardian class has always trolled thieves and killed them with ease.

Insert power warrior somewhere.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Razor.9872


I’ve been playing guardian religiously since this patch hit. It’s unstoppable right now.

Rev and Rangers shuts out DH on point.

Thieves in +1 situations. You know, the good ones who actually wait 5 seconds to burst knowing DH just used a cd.

Burn Guard DH is less effective than power DH. This proves that op is playing with lower mmr players.

Players can abuse DH windows-of-opportunity. It’s why we needed the virtue changes amongst other items because we would get blown up without cds or stability.

Players have to play more as a team now that DH is on a higher competitive level. Sad thing is, players never play as a team in soloQ. So while players may be struggling vs DH, we’re finally “ok” in the higher tiers but even then…teams can still abuse DH opening defence through cc+bursts.

“abuse” opening defense?

So, what, you want them to be perma-invuln? That they should never ever have their defenses down? Do you want them to be like the nigh-unkillable cleric ele in S3 except doing even more damage?

There should be NO class that absolutely requires being +1’d to drive off a point regardless of what it’s facing (assuming roughly equal skill levels), much less killed. Period. Right now DH is that class—the only way to beat it 1v1 is to outplay it or jump it at low health after it just killed a squaddie or 3 of yours.

Fortunately, due to a long history of being both noobstompers and unviable for high-end PvP, most guards are bad enough they can be outplayed, routinely. That’s the only reason they haven’t completely taken over sPvP. And as it is, from what I’ve seen over the last 2 weeks, I went from having 0-2 guards per match both teams combined to an average of 6. If that isn’t a blatant endorsement of them being a very powerful faceroll class, I don’t know what is.

Depending on build (they have 4 viable builds with 3 of them being tied as very good), yes most ranged classes (including the odd hammer-rev) can beat them. But not before they’ve been parked on a point for several minutes (out of a <15 minute match, or roughly 20% of it). For a rev to beat one on-point in melee range requires a rather significant skill gap (either a very good rev or a very bad DH).

You misread..i’m not asking for buffs and you’re wrong on many accounts.

I’ve been beat by
War (Rosales in Fear),
Necro (forgot name, was in KotH
Thief (Min),
Ranger (Lettuce),
Rev (Rain, Ash, and many others cause Rev is not our favoritable matchup)

Duel them yourself as a DH. 4 are in guild FEAR.

Also the classes dh can’t beat 1v1 (ranger & rev), War can. Rock/Paper/Cutters

Necros, Rev, & Rangers all stack better than Guardians on a team. Otherwise, sure, SoloQ players have issues… with everything because they’re soloQ players.

Guardians are popular. Not overpowered. Same thing happened post patch when they were nerfed too soon due to popularity and brought out of meta (ironically enough, Thief & War were bad so turnef to DH). Now here we are, traps are suddely OP again…

So…seems to me you’re the one with reading comprehension issues
-“Just 1v1 these top-100 hardcore PvPers!”
Of course most DH’s would lose, there’s a significant skill gap. Like I said people who can SIGNIFICANTLY outplay a DH beats DH’s (pretty much regardless of class) in the post you quoted.
If you have to resort to name-dropping known/famous ESL-tier PVP players, the class is broken

A revenant of equal skill to the DH he’s fighting will struggle and maybe win 20-30% of the time. A druid should beat it 75%+ of the time but it will be a very long fight (which in 5v5 means one or the other usually only dies to a 1). A perma-evade staff thief might pull off a 40% win percentage, and a D/D or D/P will lose 100% of the time. A reaper going in with 100% full life force and all his cooldowns will still lose half the time, a minionmancer or reaper with no banked life force will lose 100% of the time. A macebow warrior will win 75()% of the time, a ragezerker or power warr will lose 100% of the time. Scrappers usually fight them to a draw (get bored and go home 1v1, get 1’d/2’d in 5v5) regardless of condi or powerhammer. Chronophantasma mesmer should win the majority of the time, and DH is one of the very few builds powershatter is actually decent against.

“93% of percentages are made up on the spot.” – Abraham Lincoln

NSPride <3

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: moobs.5862


I’ve been playing guardian religiously since this patch hit. It’s unstoppable right now.

Rev and Rangers shuts out DH on point.

Thieves in +1 situations. You know, the good ones who actually wait 5 seconds to burst knowing DH just used a cd.

Burn Guard DH is less effective than power DH. This proves that op is playing with lower mmr players.

Players can abuse DH windows-of-opportunity. It’s why we needed the virtue changes amongst other items because we would get blown up without cds or stability.

Players have to play more as a team now that DH is on a higher competitive level. Sad thing is, players never play as a team in soloQ. So while players may be struggling vs DH, we’re finally “ok” in the higher tiers but even then…teams can still abuse DH opening defence through cc+bursts.

“abuse” opening defense?

So, what, you want them to be perma-invuln? That they should never ever have their defenses down? Do you want them to be like the nigh-unkillable cleric ele in S3 except doing even more damage?

There should be NO class that absolutely requires being +1’d to drive off a point regardless of what it’s facing (assuming roughly equal skill levels), much less killed. Period. Right now DH is that class—the only way to beat it 1v1 is to outplay it or jump it at low health after it just killed a squaddie or 3 of yours.

Fortunately, due to a long history of being both noobstompers and unviable for high-end PvP, most guards are bad enough they can be outplayed, routinely. That’s the only reason they haven’t completely taken over sPvP. And as it is, from what I’ve seen over the last 2 weeks, I went from having 0-2 guards per match both teams combined to an average of 6. If that isn’t a blatant endorsement of them being a very powerful faceroll class, I don’t know what is.

Depending on build (they have 4 viable builds with 3 of them being tied as very good), yes most ranged classes (including the odd hammer-rev) can beat them. But not before they’ve been parked on a point for several minutes (out of a <15 minute match, or roughly 20% of it). For a rev to beat one on-point in melee range requires a rather significant skill gap (either a very good rev or a very bad DH).

You misread..i’m not asking for buffs and you’re wrong on many accounts.

I’ve been beat by
War (Rosales in Fear),
Necro (forgot name, was in KotH
Thief (Min),
Ranger (Lettuce),
Rev (Rain, Ash, and many others cause Rev is not our favoritable matchup)

Duel them yourself as a DH. 4 are in guild FEAR.

Also the classes dh can’t beat 1v1 (ranger & rev), War can. Rock/Paper/Cutters

Necros, Rev, & Rangers all stack better than Guardians on a team. Otherwise, sure, SoloQ players have issues… with everything because they’re soloQ players.

Guardians are popular. Not overpowered. Same thing happened post patch when they were nerfed too soon due to popularity and brought out of meta (ironically enough, Thief & War were bad so turnef to DH). Now here we are, traps are suddely OP again…

So…seems to me you’re the one with reading comprehension issues
-“Just 1v1 these top-100 hardcore PvPers!”
Of course most DH’s would lose, there’s a significant skill gap. Like I said people who can SIGNIFICANTLY outplay a DH beats DH’s (pretty much regardless of class) in the post you quoted.
If you have to resort to name-dropping known/famous ESL-tier PVP players, the class is broken

A revenant of equal skill to the DH he’s fighting will struggle and maybe win 20-30% of the time. A druid should beat it 75%+ of the time but it will be a very long fight (which in 5v5 means one or the other usually only dies to a 1). A perma-evade staff thief might pull off a 40% win percentage, and a D/D or D/P will lose 100% of the time. A reaper going in with 100% full life force and all his cooldowns will still lose half the time, a minionmancer or reaper with no banked life force will lose 100% of the time. A macebow warrior will win 75()% of the time, a ragezerker or power warr will lose 100% of the time. Scrappers usually fight them to a draw (get bored and go home 1v1, get 1’d/2’d in 5v5) regardless of condi or powerhammer. Chronophantasma mesmer should win the majority of the time, and DH is one of the very few builds powershatter is actually decent against.

I lose to:
Tokers retri Rev
Paul’s ranger
Nos necro depending on builds
My teammate Jeff’s engi

Best v best with little difference in skill I still lose many matchups

NL m0bz

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: ziggystardust.3721


Well, I don’t know how the guardian developer thinking, but he should work as cashier with this logic.

There were elle bunkers…but they couldn’t do any significant damage…

Now they made guardians basically unkillable with decent dps…

Is that guy thinking at all? yes, some classes can beat them…but majority can’t. Elles are absolute crap now…

Seriously, that developer is total * (he can fill stars.

Luckily, I can enjoy playing pvp with no care to lose or win…it became like pve to me hopefully you won’t get me in your team

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: sinject.4607


Traps weren’t buffed in the previous patch. Guardians main buffs were in core skills and weapon mechanics.

Bow didn’t get buffed
Traps didn’t get buffed
DH tratis weren’t buffed

Your statement implies that the class is top tier because of those 2 (first 2) factors.
I humbly ask you:
*How many games do you have
*Against who are you fighting
*What amulet are you using

Considering there has always been much debate regarding the class because of its mechanic (being useless in top tier pvp and over the top in lowest tier) I really don’t have much to say except for the fact that I think you’re low tier and fighting low tier enemies. And yes, against unsuspecting enemies which are the ones you usually find in low tier pvp you will have the upper hand.

P.S: Keep playing until you are at 4k games and get matched against ppl who usually make it into late Legendary season. If you manage to keep stating at that point that traps are OP I will be glad to see your videos.

dragonhunter right now is the new scrapper. it’s imbalanced and you’re being competently disingenuous by suggesting otherwise- there would not be this many DHs in ranked if it wasn’t the easy new fotm profession.

the only thing holding DH back in the first place was the prevalence of Tempests and Scrappers with their plentiful reflects, and now both of those have seen heavy reductions in overall use. DH doesn’t have to use bow at all anymore, and most are running S/F with Sc/Sh because they’ve been overbuffed with their new symbol mechanics.

here’s balance issues DH has:

  • Hunter’s Ward and Dragon’s Maw – knocks you down if you teleport/evade out. even if those skills are stunbreakers, forcing you to waste way more resources than you really should to survive.
  • Purification – heals for way too much. second heal goes off regardless of whether or not the trap actually hits anything (aka the guard is blinded, you evade/block/invuln it, and it still heals full). wouldn’t be as overpowered if it weren’t for the fact this conquest.
  • Aegis uptime – everything DHs do gives them Aegis. wouldn’t be so egregious without the slew of other blocks (Shield of Wrath, Shield of Courage, Shield of Judgement, Mace…). this gives DH an absurd amount of condition cleanse as well.
  • Renewed Focus – completely ridiculous when paired with DH’s virtues. Shield of Courage specifically needs a nerf

overall, DH can maintain just a stupid amount of CC/damage on point and still have A TON of passive and active sustain. i see no difference in this brainlessness bandwagon and scrapper’s.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Ubik.8315


Lots of thief mains complaining about DH here. But then, thieves complain about everything they can’t instantly blow up.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


Well Guardian is a rock paper scissors counter to the meta thief builds. That is undeniable. However, Guardian can be counter built against 1 vs 1 with thief. However, the counter builds don’t work vs other classes or in team fights.

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Jourdelune.7456


Please, many many many DH don’t run the same build.

We see some marauder, some menders, some berzerker, some paladin (yeah, really), some carrion, some wanderers…

Most of all build use sword and shield or mace focus, so you don’t even know if it’s a mender sustain or a dps one until you fight them.

If they play with Bow, they don’t play the best optimized DH build.

It’s funny, some people cry because DH is unkillable while others cry because they die to them.

This is a good sign, that Guardian got buff enough to get viable in META right now.

Even, Vanilla Core Guardian can be something again.

What is kittenly broken is REV or Druid that can sustain like a mender guard but do damage like a marauder one.

Or Reaper, Warrior sustain like mender guard but can condi burst you faster than a condi guard (or kill you faster than a marauder one).

So, Please NERF HoT and give us back BUILD OPTIONS.

Dal Aï Lhama (Tempest), Dal Lahu Akbar (DH), Lord Dhal of Dharma (Scrapper) 12k+ spvp games.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Shylock.4653


I’m making this Topic because I like a challenge and I like a fight, not having the upper hand simply because my class is, without a doubt, stronger and simply makes no sense to fight.

If that’s true please explain why this class was the least used class in the last WTS Qualifier?

5 Heralds
4 Druids
4 Chronomancers
3 Berserkers
2 Scrappers
2 Reapers
2 Tempests
1 Daredevil
1 Dragonhunter

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Xillllix.3485


I’m making this Topic because I like a challenge and I like a fight, not having the upper hand simply because my class is, without a doubt, stronger and simply makes no sense to fight.

If that’s true please explain why this class was the least used class in the last WTS Qualifier?

5 Heralds
4 Druids
4 Chronomancers
3 Berserkers
2 Scrappers
2 Reapers
2 Tempests
1 Daredevil
1 Dragonhunter

WTS players do not represent the the community. They should have no more influence over how the classes are balanced than any of the other players that paid for the same game.

The question Anet needs to ask themselves is “Is the gameplay better and the balance more fair now than how it was 1 year after release of the game?” and the answer is “No! Everything got worse.”

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Saiyan.1704


I’m making this Topic because I like a challenge and I like a fight, not having the upper hand simply because my class is, without a doubt, stronger and simply makes no sense to fight.

If that’s true please explain why this class was the least used class in the last WTS Qualifier?

5 Heralds
4 Druids
4 Chronomancers
3 Berserkers
2 Scrappers
2 Reapers
2 Tempests
1 Daredevil
1 Dragonhunter

WTS players do not represent the the community. They should have no more influence over how the classes are balanced than any of the other players that paid for the same game.

They have one of the higher influences in game balances because they can see the real potential of a class in tournaments. They look at what both ESL and casual players have to say.

aka FalseLights
Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Lucred.1802


I’m making this Topic because I like a challenge and I like a fight, not having the upper hand simply because my class is, without a doubt, stronger and simply makes no sense to fight.

If that’s true please explain why this class was the least used class in the last WTS Qualifier?

5 Heralds
4 Druids
4 Chronomancers
3 Berserkers
2 Scrappers
2 Reapers
2 Tempests
1 Daredevil
1 Dragonhunter

WTS players do not represent the the community. They should have no more influence over how the classes are balanced than any of the other players that paid for the same game.

They have one of the higher influences in game balances because they can see the real potential of a class in tournaments. They look at what both ESL and casual players have to say.

But…they don’t listen to what ANYBODY has to say, ESL or casual or anything else.

But anyway, the attached pic shows the potential of what a guardian can do in ranked PVP right now
-get pulled with Hunter’s Verdict into Test of Faith
-immediately drop Elemental Blast
-Procession of Blades kills me from 100%-0% before second tick of Elemental Blast (less than 1 second)
And this is after he blocked an entire UA plus Precision Strike (8 consecutive hits)


Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: BlaqueFyre.5678


That pic really has no bearing with the time stamps whited out, since combat logs don’t clear out

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


I’m making this Topic because I like a challenge and I like a fight, not having the upper hand simply because my class is, without a doubt, stronger and simply makes no sense to fight.

If that’s true please explain why this class was the least used class in the last WTS Qualifier?

5 Heralds
4 Druids
4 Chronomancers
3 Berserkers
2 Scrappers
2 Reapers
2 Tempests
1 Daredevil
1 Dragonhunter

WTS players do not represent the the community. They should have no more influence over how the classes are balanced than any of the other players that paid for the same game.

They have one of the higher influences in game balances because they can see the real potential of a class in tournaments. They look at what both ESL and casual players have to say.

But…they don’t listen to what ANYBODY has to say, ESL or casual or anything else.

But anyway, the attached pic shows the potential of what a guardian can do in ranked PVP right now
-get pulled with Hunter’s Verdict into Test of Faith
-immediately drop Elemental Blast
-Procession of Blades kills me from 100%-0% before second tick of Elemental Blast (less than 1 second)
And this is after he blocked an entire UA plus Precision Strike (8 consecutive hits)

Who gets hits more than once or twice by procession of blades trap before getting out. Also if you were on your sword/shield set why did you use shield 5 skill?

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Lucred.1802


That pic really has no bearing with the time stamps whited out, since combat logs don’t clear out

Sure it does.

What part of “between ticks of Elemental Blast” which ticks 1 per second did you not understand?

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


There are lots of ways to set off traps with out taking damage, if people are dumb enough to run into you, they it’s there fault, not the DH’s.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Lucred.1802


I’m making this Topic because I like a challenge and I like a fight, not having the upper hand simply because my class is, without a doubt, stronger and simply makes no sense to fight.

If that’s true please explain why this class was the least used class in the last WTS Qualifier?

5 Heralds
4 Druids
4 Chronomancers
3 Berserkers
2 Scrappers
2 Reapers
2 Tempests
1 Daredevil
1 Dragonhunter

WTS players do not represent the the community. They should have no more influence over how the classes are balanced than any of the other players that paid for the same game.

They have one of the higher influences in game balances because they can see the real potential of a class in tournaments. They look at what both ESL and casual players have to say.

But…they don’t listen to what ANYBODY has to say, ESL or casual or anything else.

But anyway, the attached pic shows the potential of what a guardian can do in ranked PVP right now
-get pulled with Hunter’s Verdict into Test of Faith
-immediately drop Elemental Blast
-Procession of Blades kills me from 100%-0% before second tick of Elemental Blast (less than 1 second)
And this is after he blocked an entire UA plus Precision Strike (8 consecutive hits)

Who gets hits more than once or twice by procession of blades trap before getting out. Also if you were on your sword/shield set why did you use shield 5 skill?

-why didn’t you just get out of the trap?
Because it almost insta-killed me, and I was still stunned from Hunter’s Verdict. That’s approximately 1 second of chat log.
-why didn’t you use shield 5?
Because it’s on a friggin 25 second cooldown and I’d used it prior to the fight fighting someone else. Also because I was still stunned from Hunter’s Verdict and that’s approximately 1 second of chat log.
-why didn’t you just stunbreak it?
Because my only stunbreak is on an 18 second cooldown and I’d used it prior to the fight fighting someone else and it doesn’t ever work against guard skills because it’s bugged just like 98% of other Herald skills

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Lucred.1802


There are lots of ways to set off traps with out taking damage, if people are dumb enough to run into you, they it’s there fault, not the DH’s.

Until they stun you and crap it on your head.

Or pull you into it.

Or you’re out of dodge rolls and they’re crapping them all over a team fight.

Or a mesmer field knocks you into it.

Or an engi field knocks you into it.

Or a druid knockback knocks you into it.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Spartacus.3192


-why didn’t you just get out of the trap?
Because it almost insta-killed me, and I was still stunned from Hunter’s Verdict. That’s approximately 1 second of chat log.
-why didn’t you use shield 5?
Because it’s on a friggin 25 second cooldown and I’d used it prior to the fight fighting someone else. Also because I was still stunned from Hunter’s Verdict and that’s approximately 1 second of chat log.
-why didn’t you just stunbreak it?
Because my only stunbreak is on an 18 second cooldown and I’d used it prior to the fight fighting someone else and it doesn’t ever work against guard skills because it’s bugged just like 98% of other Herald skills

Ok i understand that but you are now describing a situation where the DH had all his skills available and you had none of your defensive skills available. Thats not exactly a fair comparison is it?

If you had all yours available and he had all his available then i think you would not only have survived you had a good chance of killing him. As i said before shield 5 could have tanked all that damage. If you was in Shiro you can riposte shadows out of the traps. You can even quick target someone else (i have hotkeys on my gaming mouse) and the phase traversal out of there. You can swap weapons and Staff 5 out of the traps.

I play Rev, Dh, Scrapper and War and ive yet to have ever died to a DH in the space of 1 sec when playing my rev.

Also how do you only have 1 stun break. Last i counted power rev has one stun break on glint and one on shiro and if you spec invocation you have a stun break on legend swap

Your typical average gamer -
“Buff my main class, nerf everything else. "

(edited by Spartacus.3192)

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Lucred.1802


-why didn’t you just get out of the trap?
Because it almost insta-killed me, and I was still stunned from Hunter’s Verdict. That’s approximately 1 second of chat log.
-why didn’t you use shield 5?
Because it’s on a friggin 25 second cooldown and I’d used it prior to the fight fighting someone else. Also because I was still stunned from Hunter’s Verdict and that’s approximately 1 second of chat log.
-why didn’t you just stunbreak it?
Because my only stunbreak is on an 18 second cooldown and I’d used it prior to the fight fighting someone else and it doesn’t ever work against guard skills because it’s bugged just like 98% of other Herald skills

Ok i understand that but you are now describing a situation where the DH had all his skills available and you had none of your defensive skills available. Thats not exactly a fair comparison is it?

If you had all yours available and he had all his available then i think you would not only have survived you had a good chance of killing him. As i said before shield 5 could have tanked all that damage. If you was in Shiro you can riposte shadows out of the traps. You can even quick target someone else (i have hotkeys on my gaming mouse) and the phase traversal out of there. You can swap weapons and Staff 5 out of the traps.

I play Rev, Dh, Scrapper and War and ive yet to have ever died to a DH in the space of 1 sec when playing my rev.

Also how do you only have 1 stun break. Last i counted power rev has one stun break on glint and one on shiro and if you spec invocation you have a stun break on legend swap

In nearly 500 games Riposting Shadows has never, not once gotten me out of a Guard trap. This is a known issue that has been popping up in the bug forums for six months at least.

Defensive abilities or no, no class should be able to 100-0 anybody in less than 1 second.

Defensive abilities or no, no class with that much passive mitigation and sustain should be bursting that hard.

Currently, DH’s are almost as hard to kill on point (the only place that matters, so don’t tell me "just knock them off point or ambush them elsewhere) as bunker ele’s were in S3, but hit twice as hard.

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


I’m sorry but DH is overloaded in team fights because of it’s aoe gank potential and ability to hold a point at the same time. It is fair in 1 vs 1 because noone cares about a duel that lasts more than 2 minutes where the guardian eventually runs out of defenses and dies 1 vs 1. People care about guardians lasting more than even 30 seconds in a team fight when you focus him and he doesn’t go down fast enough while pumping out extremely high damage. This is why one guardian is ok to face but stacking is rediculous especially when one guardian brings an unevadeable field like a hammer or consecration.

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Lucred.1802


-why didn’t you just get out of the trap?
Because it almost insta-killed me, and I was still stunned from Hunter’s Verdict. That’s approximately 1 second of chat log.
-why didn’t you use shield 5?
Because it’s on a friggin 25 second cooldown and I’d used it prior to the fight fighting someone else. Also because I was still stunned from Hunter’s Verdict and that’s approximately 1 second of chat log.
-why didn’t you just stunbreak it?
Because my only stunbreak is on an 18 second cooldown and I’d used it prior to the fight fighting someone else and it doesn’t ever work against guard skills because it’s bugged just like 98% of other Herald skills

Ok i understand that but you are now describing a situation where the DH had all his skills available and you had none of your defensive skills available. Thats not exactly a fair comparison is it?

If you had all yours available and he had all his available then i think you would not only have survived you had a good chance of killing him. As i said before shield 5 could have tanked all that damage. If you was in Shiro you can riposte shadows out of the traps. You can even quick target someone else (i have hotkeys on my gaming mouse) and the phase traversal out of there. You can swap weapons and Staff 5 out of the traps.

I play Rev, Dh, Scrapper and War and ive yet to have ever died to a DH in the space of 1 sec when playing my rev.

Also how do you only have 1 stun break. Last i counted power rev has one stun break on glint and one on shiro and if you spec invocation you have a stun break on legend swap

-shield 5 could have tanked all that
Except the part where I was stunned and getting pulled, so I couldn’t have activated it even if it was off cooldown, and it’s not instant-cast and he still would’ve killed me before it activated because he killed me in less than 1 second and shield 5 has a 1 second cast time.

Same thing with stunbreak, the only instant one is Facet/Gaze of Darkness, legend swap isn’t instant, Riposting Shadows isn’t instant (precast even though no cast time), and the stunbreak on legend swap is bugged too to where it doesn’t actually break most stuns (which is also a known issue that’s been popping up consistently in bug reports for at least 6 months).

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


There are lots of ways to set off traps with out taking damage, if people are dumb enough to run into you, they it’s there fault, not the DH’s.

Until they stun you and crap it on your head.

Or pull you into it.

Or you’re out of dodge rolls and they’re crapping them all over a team fight.

Or a mesmer field knocks you into it.

Or an engi field knocks you into it.

Or a druid knockback knocks you into it.

Then that is not a DH’s problem. That’s getting hammered in a team fight. It happens, dose not mean one class is to blame. Blaming traps for poor skill or just getting out played is not a game play problem. It’s a personal skill/bad team problem. You can’t win everything. Some people are just better players. Some times I eat classes for fun, other times I’m the free food.

i5 4690K @ 3.5Mhz|8GB HyperX Savage 1600mHz|MSI H81M-E34|MSI GTX 960 Gaming 2GB|
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|

Nerf Guardian PVP

in PvP

Posted by: Zelulose.8695


It is a DH problem when one of them brings a LB and hammer and the trap ult and the concentration/trait utility to create dodge interrupting fields. If they guardian stack and bring one of these you can’t cap you cant dodge you cant move you can’t block. I warned the devs that having unblockable undogeable field walls would be toxic for pvp and with DH damage introduced people are starting to abuse these features to decap and kill quickly. Even worse passive stun breaks don’t save you and once you get interupted they can choose to use greatsword skill 5 or their f1 if they didn’t bring that. F1 is already unblockable and once it hits it can be used to interrupt a dodge or block.Right now Guardian has the most effective CC and point control in game and have more burst potential than any other class (aka can one shot 5 heavy armor classes if they don’t dodge simultaneously)

Lucky Leaf, Ángël, Clergyman, Side Kick -Lets make Gw2 a better game

(edited by Zelulose.8695)