New SPvP Daily Achivements
Not endless, achievement chests max out at 24500 currently I believe.
People saying so are intolerant towards other playstyles / playing habbits.
Except that it’s the players complaining themselves that are intolerant towards their own playstyles.
All people like me are saying is: if you don’t want to do something, don’t do it. Stop trying to remove options for people who like them because you lack the self-control to pace yourself and decide what to do and what to skip.
If you are doing something in this game for hours every day not because you like it but because you feel you have to, then you aren’t playing the game, the game is playing you and you need to get some help.
The game is not playing us, anet is playing with us. They add most of the dailies to improve their beloved metrics or the economy (daily food eater, daily gatherer, etc.). Not because they make the game more fun but because they deliver better metrics for the investors. Lets face it without achievement or dailies a lot of this game would be even more deserted, since there would be no use doing it. Thats why they added living story dailies and story dungeon dailies or noone would look at the content anymore.
Anet seems to go further and further away from their “Play as you want” philosophy.
The game is not playing us, anet is playing with us. They add most of the dailies to improve their beloved metrics or the economy (daily food eater, daily gatherer, etc.). Not because they make the game more fun but because they deliver better metrics for the investors.
Anet seems to go further and further away from their “Play as you want” philosophy.
Sorry, but that’s complete nonsense.
If they had removed existing daily achievement milestones and put only these longer ones in, you might have a valid complaint. They didn’t. They added something new and extra that you can do or not do as you choose, and that’s entirely consistent with a “play as you want” philosophy.
I’ve reached one of these achievements one time since they came in 2 weeks ago. They have had no impact on my gameplay or life in any way, except that I now have 1 extra (meaningless) achievement point.
The problem is entirely in your head. Sorry.
Its a waste of time discussing with you. I go back doing tPvP. 3 of 8 wins done for today
People saying so are intolerant towards other playstyles / playing habbits.
Except that it’s the players complaining themselves that are intolerant towards their own playstyles.
All people like me are saying is: if you don’t want to do something, don’t do it. Stop trying to remove options for people who like them because you lack the self-control to pace yourself and decide what to do and what to skip.
If you are doing something in this game for hours every day not because you like it but because you feel you have to, then you aren’t playing the game, the game is playing you and you need to get some help.
HA, another PLAY-FOR-FUN player come in and try to make them self looks smart.
Of course you can said every thing easy, CURSE YOU DONT EVEN PLAY THIS PART IN GAME
Next time just add a screen shoot to show how much AP befor you say anything ,will you?
saying others are intolerant is a double edge sword, imo that just cut your credibility. Others can lay the same claim on you. generally your comments are good. this one is a stretch to placate your line of thinking. Just because someone disagrees doesn’t mean they are intolerant. I would like to see this thread get back on topic. How to improve the current system to benefit all players. My guess is there is no response from a dev is because its just a general complaint thread anymore. Or nothing but insults from a small group of players towards others who disagree with them.
People saying so are intolerant towards other playstyles / playing habbits.
Except that it’s the players complaining themselves that are intolerant towards their own playstyles.
All people like me are saying is: if you don’t want to do something, don’t do it. Stop trying to remove options for people who like them because you lack the self-control to pace yourself and decide what to do and what to skip.
If you are doing something in this game for hours every day not because you like it but because you feel you have to, then you aren’t playing the game, the game is playing you and you need to get some help.
It has been said already but new tPvP dailies are not “more options” to complete the 4 set for a laurel. The only even remotely likely scenario in which you will get 4/4 before doing all 4 old dailies is if you queue into team queue and win 2 matches in a row. But in vast majority of cases you will hit 4/4 before completing a single new “option”. It also means that solo queue “options” are entirely redundant. The only thing for which those new dailies present more options to, is maxing out the AP score. Which most of you “play for fun” players claim to not care about.
And actually I agree about the “if you don’t want to do something, don’t do it” part. I stopped playing GW2 two days after patch with those dailies went live. Didnt logged since over a week now. Despite the fact that I played it pretty much every day since release and I enjoyed it. I am not going to come back unless some sort of hard-cap for daily AP is going to get introduced. Is it a sin to advocate for such change? Especially if I dont see any downsides of it for general population? But other than poking Arena with such suggestion I am not doing anything else. I am happy to play other games atm. There are so many good games around that one lifetime is not enough to digest them all. I am just a bit sad that my adventure with GW2 ended (at least for now) in such a distaseful fashion.
HA, another PLAY-FOR-FUN player come in and try to make them self looks smart.
Of course you can said every thing easy, CURSE YOU DONT EVEN PLAY THIS PART IN GAME
Next time just add a screen shoot to show how much AP befor you say anything ,will you?
Was that intended as satire? I certainly hope so, as the alternative is a bit scary to think about.
The only thing for which those new dailies present more options to, is maxing out the AP score.
They are a way for those who are going to play a lot of PvP to get some extra APs out of their matches.
That’s it. The rest of this is a bunch of overwrought emotion from people who lack any sort of perspective.
And actually I agree about the “if you don’t want to do something, don’t do it” part. I stopped playing GW2 two days after patch with those dailies went live. Didnt logged since over a week now. Despite the fact that I played it pretty much every day since release and I enjoyed it.
That would be a textbook example of “throwing the baby out with the bathwater”. Why on earth would you stop playing a game you enjoy because something new and completely optional was added? Mind-boggling.
I am not going to come back unless some sort of hard-cap for daily AP is going to get introduced. Is it a sin to advocate for such change? Especially if I dont see any downsides of it for general population?
Of course it has a downside: there are people who want to get as many AP as possible and who do it without driving themselves crazy. You want to take the option away from them because you don’t have the ability to find middle ground you can live with.
That would be a textbook example of “throwing the baby out with the bathwater”. Why on earth would you stop playing a game you enjoy because something new and completely optional was added? Mind-boggling.
Why I dont eat 6 bowls of chinese sweet and sour pork every day even though I love eating chinese sweet and sour pork? Think about it. This analogy is in fact very accurate. If you ever was on a fat-loss diet you would know that placing excessive amounts of some food a person loves in front of that person is evil. Same as giving drugs to someone who is trying to quit. Except doing drugs is bad in all quantities while eating or doing dalies in a game is good when done in moderation. It is just that hunting for AP does not turn you on so you claim that it is “mind-boggling”. Some day you will get hit with something that you care about and then some bystander will say that it is “mind-boggling” that you care about something so stupid. Then you will understand.
Of course it has a downside: there are people who want to get as many AP as possible and who do it without driving themselves crazy. You want to take the option away from them because you don’t have the ability to find middle ground you can live with.
That does not compute. Want to get as many AP as possible means you go for as many as possible. Doing all dailies each day is possible. So go for it.
Why I dont eat 6 bowls of chinese sweet and sour pork every day even though I love eating chinese sweet and sour pork? Think about it. This analogy is in fact very accurate. If you ever was on a fat-loss diet you would know that placing excessive amounts of some food a person loves in front of that person is evil.
Well in Western society anyway, excessive amounts of food are all over the place anyway. If someone can’t stop themselves from eating 6 bowls of food they like every day instead of a reasonable amount, the solution is for that individual to get some help, not to shut down all the restaurants.
Some day you will get hit with something that you care about and then some bystander will say that it is “mind-boggling” that you care about something so stupid. Then you will understand.
I never said the pursuit of achievement points was mind-boggling. I said that deciding to quit the game because of new optional achievements was.
That does not compute. Want to get as many AP as possible means you go for as many as possible. Doing all dailies each day is possible. So go for it.
Why would I bother? It’s a game. I play it to have fun. Grind is self-imposed and I don’t impose it.
And IMO, the “achievement leaderboard” is just a list of people with some combination of excessive free time and severe gaming addiction.
Qaelyn, you seem to care too much about a subject you apprently are not interested in. Seems like a legit troll there.
Also I found it funny about the gambling habbit comment. If that was true I guess I wouldn’t have 1000’s of gold in this game. Perhaps it’s a playstyle and we were playing the game just fine until the change, the change is what made “the game playing us”. Actually bud, if you did something for a year+ that you enjoyed and they changed it and ruined it for you, I bet you would vent too.
I understand trolls will just be trolls and have a terrible PoV because they are trying to create a valid arguement and just that, troll.
SoloQ is just stupid, so many people that don’t know how to play wise you have to play with. Lost 8 games in a row because we lack a good comp, or we got one guy attacking far point the whole game and failing at taking it, people that want to double sit on nodes for the “points”. Or a zerging while we have backcaps going on. It’s like hotjoin just went SoloQ.
Also got in a team Tourny where people were being “useful” and double sitting on nodes for the points…
These people all in the top 500 ranks… I mean really? Then when you lose you have to play with even more lower ranked players. It’s just a stupid system to add to achievements.
If anything give gold rewards for the achievement wins, and remove the APs and add faster achievements first. I’m not sure who thought it was a bright idea to add these achievements to the list but it will likely costs you a lot of dedicated players that enjoyed this aspect of the game as others enjoy other aspects because I will no longer work on leaderboards if I have to spend 2 hours getting no where due to sheer bad RNG for AP’s and will be one less thing to interest me in this game.
The lack of common sense on this update was a shame. The person that should be incharge of adding achievements should be someone that understands the system, not a random sPvP dev or whoever it was that has no clue of the subject.
Achievemenets WERE designed to show veteran status, the way living story achievments went away, and daily/monthly rolled over. People could eventually catch up granted someone quit or took a break and started losing about 500 AP a month from content.
This update now made it a no-life system which means you must not have a job or sleep. In order to maintain at the top you must play ALOT each day and deal with horrible RNG now. The daily that previously took 2 hours tops is now a 4-6+ hour complete daily.
As for all the trolls/idiots in the thread, there is no reason these can’t be changed to something else that isn’t so RNG based and is much quicker to complete. Or even keep them but remove the AP’s and add a gold reward instead since all tournaments now reward silver. They could also cap it so you can’t received more than 10 daily achievement points a day, I would be happy with that instead of them saying if you want to continue to do this, lose your job and play our game all day. The only ones who care or support these are people that don’t give a crap and enjoy the misery of others which says a lot about you. You people most likly need a lot of help yourselves if that is what makes you happy.
Logic please…. I don’t see it with this update at all, or with anyone that has been in support of this update. I see a lot of people preaching to others who clearly have no business in this thread except for trolling.
If trolling was bannable this forum would be very dead which says a lot about the sPvP community in general.
(edited by Osi.3504)
I miss actually being able to do my pvp daily every day. The new requirements are just WAY too much.
I miss actually being able to do my pvp daily every day. The new requirements are just WAY too much.
How have the new achievements impeded your ability to do what you were doing before?
Hey, I thought OLG daily quest was just some simple quest with little reward to keep player spend some time to play this game everyday.
This game should change it name to " Daily Wars".
It’s the first time ever I seen an OLG need to spend at least 5 hours at most 8 hours to finish the “Daily quest”.
(edited by lionmagunas.8401)
Why are all of you kids complaining about optional content, this was meant to help pvpers get more achieve points because some people are rank 60+ and have sub 6k achieve points, you could do every single pve achieve in the game twice in the time it took to grind to 61.
“Oh no, I’m losing my position on a ladder based entirely off of how many dailies I do, I might as well give up and start having a life where I dont need to dedicate hours to a game every single day.”
The problem isn’t the new dailies. The problem is the leaderboard.
Having a leaderboard for something that measures not skill but just hours of time wasted on grinding encourages the sort of dysfunctional behavior that’s all over this thread.
The problem isn’t the new dailies. The problem is the leaderboard.
Having a leaderboard for something that measures not skill but just hours of time wasted on grinding encourages the sort of dysfunctional behavior that’s all over this thread.
The problem is that we get new dailies over actual hard permanent achievements to differentiate people. We want it to be based more on skill, when we see the entire system go in the opposite direction ofcourse we will consider leaving the game because this is what drives completionists. We don’t want to sit and repeat the same daily required content every day. You seem to talk to us as if it was the opposite. If we sat and praised all these dailies and wanted more time gated temporary content to get our “severe addiction” and play times to rank us at the top, then I could somewhat see where you were going with it. That’s not how we are at all though, and that is the entire reason the thread was made in the first place. Instead of just assuming things and argue for the sake of argueing you should consider getting your facts straight.
We have had numerous feedback threads on the entire idea of dailies awarding so many points before and this is the last straw. We provide feedback and what do we get? More of what we didn’t like to begin wtih. I personally no longer have any faith in this system being improved on so I’m not gonna waste 7 hours of my day in hopes of it changing back or improving at this point. No developer response in this thread makes it seem like a good decision.
Why are all of you kids complaining about optional content, this was meant to help pvpers get more achieve points because some people are rank 60+ and have sub 6k achieve points, you could do every single pve achieve in the game twice in the time it took to grind to 61.
“Oh no, I’m losing my position on a ladder based entirely off of how many dailies I do, I might as well give up and start having a life where I dont need to dedicate hours to a game every single day.”
If you play purely PVE you will not have much more than 6k achieve points either. Chances are if you restrict yourself to one part of the game you do not care about AP anyway.
The problem is that we get new dailies over actual hard permanent achievements to differentiate people.
No, the problem is that rather than viewing achievements as something fun to work on, and the point total as a personal accomplishment, you (and others) are in some sort of incredibly lame competition to see who can get the most points – as if this means anything other than how much time you’re willing to waste accumulating points.
We don’t want to sit and repeat the same daily required content every day.
Then don’t. Problem solved.
That really is the bottom line, because the issue isn’t anything to do with GW2, just with a small number of (very loud) people who don’t seem to be capable of making wise decisions about how to spend their time. The only complaint I would make to Arenanet, again, is about the stupid leaderboard that encourages pathological accumulation of these meaningless “achievement” points.
(edited by Qaelyn.7612)
Then don’t. Problem solved.
That really is the bottom line, because the issue isn’t anything to do with GW2, just with a small number of (very loud) people who don’t seem to be capable of making wise decisions about how to spend their time. The only complaint I would make to Arenanet, again, is about the stupid leaderboard that encourages pathological accumulation of these meaningless “achievement” points.
It shows again that you simply dont catch the mindset of people playing with AP. I was set to complete it all way before leaderboards were even announced. I was set to complete it all way before laurels were introduced. If AP score would be hidden from an entire world and visible only to me, I would still try to complete them all.
Well in Western society anyway, excessive amounts of food are all over the place anyway. If someone can’t stop themselves from eating 6 bowls of food they like every day instead of a reasonable amount, the solution is for that individual to get some help, not to shut down all the restaurants.
And? I dont need “help” since I seem to be completly able to help myself by stopping playing the game which may create issues. But you call this solution as “mind-boggling”. So how is it? Make up your mind please.
And I am not calling to shut down all restaurants. I am vowing to not set my foot in a restaurant which serves only very unhealthy (albeit very tasty as well) dishes. Try to make yourself hungry then think of a place which serves best food in the world and go there, sit in front of table full of food and try not to eat anything. Sure, you will probably succeed. But if you would keep doing this every single day, chances are that at some point you would start going insane. That or you have a very strong will, but that is not a virtue of every average Joe out there. Solution? Dont go there. If Arena is trying to exploit my urge of completionism by introducing large amount of time gated achievements, I might as well not agree to this and leave even though I like the game overall. And thats fine. I can leave. I was just hoping for some form of declaration of philosophy which Arena could give on the case of AP dilemma. If they dont want to say anything, they either dont care about this particular issue or they have something to hide. Both options not very promising for me.
(edited by Awe.1096)
Leaderboard for achievements the most hilarious thing I’ve ever encountered in any game.
’oh man this guy must be really good at doing dailys, and also minidungeons"
We don’t want to sit and repeat the same daily required content every day.
Then don’t. Problem solved.
That really is the bottom line, because the issue isn’t anything to do with GW2, just with a small number of (very loud) people who don’t seem to be capable of making wise decisions about how to spend their time. The only complaint I would make to Arenanet, again, is about the stupid leaderboard that encourages pathological accumulation of these meaningless “achievement” points.
Did you pay attention to the thread at all, that is what we already said. We will stop playing the game because we don’t want to do this stuff, unless they remove it that is. Completionists are actually more common than you might think, and in this thread you are being the loud minority. But unless ArenaNet realises the problems of the current system the completionist population of Guild Wars 2 will drop immensely. If you regard problem solving as purposely turning off your players making them leave the game, then sure maybe it’s “Problem solved”. If ArenaNet sees it that way aswell then I’m fine with leaving. At least we can say we did try to help them by making the game cater more to the growing gaming demographic that is completionists, but have they listened to even one of our concerns? No.
And to be fair, you may call the achievement leaderboard stupid, but the PvP leaderboards in it’s current state is as pointless. I’ve seen this with my own eyes climbing to top 5 on the ladder without doing anything significant that would mean I belonged there. Achievement leaderboard is a simple fix to spice up, we have time and time again posted threads on how to do it. This thread however was not created for that purpose, this was to show how we are against the new dailies ruling the whole achievement point system and completionism useless in this game.
I must admit im kinda amazed at how bad the gw2 pvp community has become.
Why are they so unwilling to understand that there is competion outside of pvp.
Like we explained in this thread, the dailies require you to be active in pve, wvw AND PVP. Most of the achievement hunters that are at a high place( me included) have been continuously on the top 1000 and even top 500 in pvp leaderboards many times, for months at a time.
We are not inexperienced and we do not require of anyone to carry us in PVP, thank you very much. But you have to admit they need to lower the daily pvp wins so we can continue doing what we do.
Noone will take your precious pvp away from you nor is it in some way sullied.
Also, for those defending the pvp leaderborads, you know how volatile and wrong they are, top 100 players with like 20 or less games played, dropping and going up a massive amount of ranke per win or loss.
Meanwhile the for AP leaderboards it takes a lot of time and effort to be in the top.
Consider that as well please.
As for me, Im really disappointed to see the devs completely ignoring this thread for a lot of days now. Achievement hunters are the ones that play the most out of your game. We love this game. PVP is the problem, fix it and you will get people playing it, do NOT force us to play it just because you cant find a solution to its many times discussed problems.
Many of the high ranked ap hunters quit the game because of this I can tell because I went up alot of ranks in the leaderboard these last few days, that shouldn’t have been possible if they were still playing. Im honestly thinking of quitting too if nothing is done.
(At the time of writing) A rank 131 AP hunter, top 500 soloq and top 900 Tpvp extremely concerned player about this new direction of Anet.
(edited by DuranArgith.1354)
But unless ArenaNet realises the problems of the current system the completionist population of Guild Wars 2 will drop immensely.
If I’m running Arenanet, and my choices are between a few people leaving and having to constantly worry every time I add a new achievement that those people are going to complain because they lack the self-discipline to pace themselves, I’m fine with a few people leaving.
But I’d also remove the leaderboard. Because it (unlike the PvP leaderboards) measures nothing other than grinding, and it seems to cause more problems than anything else.
Frankly, I think Arenanet has done a big favor to anyone who quits over this. Though it may take a while until some of them realize it.
(edited by Qaelyn.7612)
That may be true Qaelyn, but if Anet is doing us “favor”, shouldn’t they at least provide a response anyway? That’s all we are asking really. If they come and simply tell us"Guys, we are sorry that you are so disappointed, but the dailies are here to stay because it is good for PVP" then please, let them do so and we will both choose our respective actions.
I dont get it. 426 repiles and 7400+ views. 0 Respond from developers
That may be true Qaelyn, but if Anet is doing us “favor”, shouldn’t they at least provide a response anyway? That’s all we are asking really. If they come and simply tell us"Guys, we are sorry that you are so disappointed, but the dailies are here to stay because it is good for PVP" then please, let them do so and we will both choose our respective actions.
I agree that they should address the issue.
I dont get it. 426 repiles and 7400+ views. 0 Respond from developers
Welcome to the pvp forums. If you want a dev response just make a joke post about your girlfriend leaving you or ask people to parrot funny things said in game. You won’t get a response to anything actually related to pvp or pvp systems.
I dont get why noone of the anet employes cant spare a minute for a single sentence or two I dont think its too much to ask for.
I dont get why noone of the anet employes cant spare a minute for a single sentence or two
I dont think its too much to ask for.
Cause they know they screwed up on so many levels and don’t want to appear that they did probably or want to take heat for it.
When you have rage over an existing update they didn’t do something right and the rage isn’t just in this thread but many others.
For my past 12-14 soloQ matches that i’ve lost in a row (had a few close games) I couldn’t believe how many hotjoin method players were in there and what is worse with each loss I only drop ratings instead of advance. Before the ladderboard update I was in the top 40 ranks and enjoyed playing competitivly with players that knew what they were doing. Now I get to play with people who are leaving caps after spending ages to get them to watch them be decapped quickly, AFKers at the start of tournaments, people that fight for far point the entire game and get no where when they could help capture and hold mid instead. Now we have achievements tied to these that are RNG based and it depends on your team mates.
This game is turning into a pile of kitten, and so is spvp/achievements. I’m very frusterated with the update not just only for achievements, but the RNG and lack of quality players + the bad ladderboard system that only punishes you for having terrible team mates.
I dont get why noone of the anet employes cant spare a minute for a single sentence or two
I dont think its too much to ask for.
I don’t think it’s a lack of time. It’s either that they don’t want to comment on this until they think through what they will or will not change, or they don’t want to set a precedent about commenting on these sorts of game time investment issues. I don’t know.
I can see it being particularly frustrating in this forum where they do comment on lots of threads but avoid this one. There may be some reason we can’t anticipate.
I dont get why noone of the anet employes cant spare a minute for a single sentence or two
I dont think its too much to ask for.
Cause they know they screwed up on so many levels and don’t want to appear that they did probably or want to take heat for it.
When you have rage over an existing update they didn’t do something right and the rage isn’t just in this thread but many others.
For my past 12-14 soloQ matches that i’ve lost in a row (had a few close games) I couldn’t believe how many hotjoin method players were in there and what is worse with each loss I only drop ratings instead of advance. Before the ladderboard update I was in the top 40 ranks and enjoyed playing competitivly with players that knew what they were doing. Now I get to play with people who are leaving caps after spending ages to get them to watch them be decapped quickly, AFKers at the start of tournaments, people that fight for far point the entire game and get no where when they could help capture and hold mid instead. Now we have achievements tied to these that are RNG based and it depends on your team mates.
This game is turning into a pile of kitten, and so is spvp/achievements. I’m very frusterated with the update not just only for achievements, but the RNG and lack of quality players + the bad ladderboard system that only punishes you for having terrible team mates.
I hear you. And at least 50% of the games are 4v5 or worse. Either on my team or opponent team. But TeamQ is not much better anymore, too. Tons of 4v5, too.
Almost noone trying to defend points and everyone is zerging from one thing to the next
If I would have to estimate, at least 60% from the losses I suffer are because noone bothers with the buffs on the Temple of the Silent Storm or simply leaves every hard earned point open for free cap. Very few times I feel we would have won if I would have tried harder. Yesterday I played engineer for my first time in pvp (I started with soloQ on him right away for the fun) and immediatlly did better than most of the rest of my team, although I only played the engineer until lvl 21 in pve, too.
I still cant believe that achievement whores are complaining about being able to get more points.
I still can’t believe people like you are still coming to this thread and can’t read before posting. I have a lack of faith in humanity, good example is the quoted post.
I still cant believe that achievement whores are complaining about being able to get more points.
I still can’t believe people like you are still coming to this thread and can’t read before posting. I have a lack of faith in humanity, good example is the quoted post.
I dont bother reading trash posts because they are made by people that lose faith in humanity when someone disagrees with them, go back to /r/atheism.
I still cant believe that achievement whores are complaining about being able to get more points.
I still can’t believe people like you are still coming to this thread and can’t read before posting. I have a lack of faith in humanity, good example is the quoted post.
I dont bother reading trash posts because they are made by people that lose faith in humanity when someone disagrees with them, go back to /r/atheism.
I was being sarcastic because your question was answered over 10 times in this thread and reading your comment Im not sure what there is to disagree with since you said nothing useful to begin with. You must be another immature spvp troll, yet another worthless post by another worthless troll, I bet the woman are climbing all over you. My post also had no religion attached to it +1 to you.
Don’t feed the trolls else this thread will get locked up (which i guess is Anets wish
I am starting to get paired up with tons of r10s in soloQ because my mmr is dropping from all the noob teams and 4v5s
The experience is getting increasingly frustrating with soloQ
If u want to avoid the randomness of solo queue, get a team. And yeah, i know, i cant get a team too, too much time investment that with a job and some social stuff is hard to do.
What i mean, is something i’m starting to understand, that this game for competitive stuff it’s only worth with a team, outside of that, you will probably get mad sooner than later and get angry instead of having an enjoyable experience.
If you can take the randomness and play small dosis it’s kind of bearable, but i can’t imagine myself playing a lot of games in a row or taking the solo leaderboards seriously, especially if the first games you play are 100 – 500 or something like that. If u lose 2 or 3 games in a row it’s better to stop, if u queue again, most likely it will put you in the same kind of match, probably because the playerbase in that moment is low and it has to deal with what it has queueing.
Solo arena has become hot-join.
Team arena has become solo arena.
AP or not, is this good for you?
If u want to avoid the randomness of solo queue, get a team. And yeah, i know, i cant get a team too, too much time investment that with a job and some social stuff is hard to do.
What i mean, is something i’m starting to understand, that this game for competitive stuff it’s only worth with a team, outside of that, you will probably get mad sooner than later and get angry instead of having an enjoyable experience.
If you can take the randomness and play small dosis it’s kind of bearable, but i can’t imagine myself playing a lot of games in a row or taking the solo leaderboards seriously, especially if the first games you play are 100 – 500 or something like that. If u lose 2 or 3 games in a row it’s better to stop, if u queue again, most likely it will put you in the same kind of match, probably because the playerbase in that moment is low and it has to deal with what it has queueing.
Thing is I do soloQ and teamQ since I want all 4 achievement points
Well it appears that the new achievements are here to stay, at least for now. So you have a choice: change how you play or keep doing something you hate and be miserable doing it.
Well it appears that the new achievements are here to stay, at least for now. So you have a choice: change how you play or keep doing something you hate and be miserable doing it.
yea if tommorow nothing change, Im out after worst 2 weeks in GW2.
It’s unfortunate that some of you can’t find some other way to enjoy the game that doesn’t involve having to do every daily, but that’s your choice.
Well it appears that the new achievements are here to stay, at least for now. So you have a choice: change how you play or keep doing something you hate and be miserable doing it.
yea if tommorow nothing change, Im out after worst 2 weeks in GW2.
Sorry to hear, I was hoping you beat Stivie.4538 again
I thought it was about being a completionist and not the boards.
how about change the daily into monthly???
Daily solo arena-5 solo arena wins
Daily team arena-3 team arena wins
Change into
Monthly solo arena-150 solo arena wins (30 days
Monthly team arena-90 team arena wins (30 days
AP farmer will just walk away from this game when they see these monthly.
No one will complain these.
That a good idea right?
Yea I should now start topic about “Left GW becouse of stupid PvP daily and lost top2 on AP leaderboards”. I bet Devs will show up.
nah, they wont show up until these AP farmer all out form this game I bet.