No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: ErazorZ.5209


Hello guys,

Well as you can read the title, anet cant hype me up anymore regarding PvP.
The current state of the game is Meta overshadowing everything non meta.

I didnt come here to start a healthy discussion but to start a food for thought thread as i take my departure from Gw2 PvP entirely.

Its no fun playing a gamemode thats almost not supported at all by Anet except with overhyping tournaments, wich the brunt of the playerbase doesnt care about. And a single balance patch every 3 months (wich is no way support at all).

This thread isnt about the meta. It isnt about balance. Its not even about Tournament marketing.

Its about how Anet views PvP these days. I remember in guildwars 1 the countless options i had to create builds. I remember playing bad builds but still having success in some encounters. I remember playing Meta builds in guildwars 1 wich definatly where stronger but you always had room to beat it. But most of all i remember the creativity that flowed in that game. The countless options you had to play your own way. The multitude of choices you had and still succeeding with every single one of them.

But i also know the state of gw2 PvP. They literally removed creativity from the game. Entirely.

The only thing i can still bring to the table in regards of PvP is advice. Do not play PvP if your a competetive minded spirit. Do not play PvP if you are a creative artist. Do not play PvP if you enjoy the PvE communities friendliness. Do not play PvP if you want to improve.

Play PvP when you enjoy farming. Play PvP when you need to troll and grief. Play PvP to win with a single meta build. Play PvP if your a casual player who doesnt feel the need to improve but still succeed.

As for advice towards anet. Create a test server. Without it your gamemode is lost. Create a seperate dedicated balancing team that tweaks and monitors the meta 24/7.
Dont believe in algorithms. Believe in experiences. But most of all, listen to negative advice, take them with a grain of salt and realise they are negative for a reason.

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: RonDonJonVanDam.1289


Havent played since mid bunker meta. PvP is kitten and not going to get any better. The devs are a joke.

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Mister Fluffkin.7358

Mister Fluffkin.7358

To be fair, gw1 had a stricted meta as well. It offered thousands of skills to choose from, but to be honest everyone played the same. Each monk ran exactly the same build, any axe war was frenzy eviscerate, mesmer pblock and so on. Anyway, i agree gw1 diversity felt much better and its truly getting more and more boring since hot release.
But gw1 build diversity came by teamcomps(balanced, split, spike etc.), something gw2 completly lacks in because of random teams. Premades have to fight randoms, for me easily the worst discission anet ever made and the main reason for the non existing competetive scene.

Sure we got pro league teams who fight competetive and i enjoy to follow their tourneys(good esport!), but gw2 completly lacks in low and medium skilled teams. It feels like 80% of the low/medium skilled players do solo or 2/3 queue.

We finally need a premade only ladder plus monthly tourneys like in gw1, otherwise gw2 will never be competetive for the non-pro teams. Release guild ladders to earn qualification points, best 32-64 teams qualify for the monthly championship. Then people will start creating teams/esport and lots of pvps problems will solve by itself. And of course keep a solo ladder for casuals, we need those 2 in coexistence!

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Alekt.5803


But i also know the state of gw2 PvP. They literally removed creativity from the game. Entirely.

When it is considered an acceptable goal to minimally have one viable build each classes. That’s a very poor goal.

Alerie Despins

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

They balance every 6 months, not 3. They’ve more recently promised every 3, but we’ll have to see that to believe it.

If you want more playstyle/build diversity, then you’d probably be a bit better off in WvW — just because there are more playstyles available there….

except that game mode is even more dead than PvP.

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: ErazorZ.5209


They balance every 6 months, not 3. They’ve more recently promised every 3, but we’ll have to see that to believe it.

If you want more playstyle/build diversity, then you’d probably be a bit better off in WvW — just because there are more playstyles available there….

except that game mode is even more dead than PvP.

Yea, its the reason why i dropped PvP, theres just no support. 1 small tweak (as they stated in there blogpost), every month(due to off-season), is nowhere near the tweaking this game needs. And tbf i dont see them fix anything noteworthy. Just incredibly small buffs and nerfs wich overall do nothing for balance. (they should do this daily, not monthly).

Im going to wait for the WvW overhaul and waste my time in PvE helping friends who didnt complete everything just yet, login for dailies etc.

WvW on my server (Ruins of Surmia) has 5/10 people at the best hours in the entire map. So currently thats definatly not a goto place at all. Unless ofcourse you want to be permanently ganked by a team bigger then yours when your taking about 5/6 times longer to cap a tower, then they would.

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Wolfric.9380


I also suffer from less build diversity and WvW changes. Alpine maps felt just much better. And i play this games not for trained reflexes. I play it for tactical play and building team setups and especially build diversity. It´s good if evry class i totally diffrent, has its specialities no other class has, can build diffrent and viable setups each having their strenght and weakness countering other classes depanding on build.
GW2 is build for that, but currently not balanced/completed. I a meta gets 4-6 Builds then its garbage. there should be 3-6 “meta” builds for each class possible so more like there is not meta … And of couse these builds are diffrent and not clones with other names. Shure this is a lot dev work ….

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: vulneraria.4865


as I say in a post here, we need a gvg ladder based only on guild team, not team, guild.
as sayed before, the problem in gw2 is the team cooperation and a build that you can do with all your team mate, so you have basically a build that never work in a random arena but is very well performing if used with the skill used by your team.
in gw2 i see far more less interactions with your teammates, the game is too fast for even plan some kind of interactions, you need to go fast to cap decap kill beast def lord take bonus, you can’t have a plan to interact with other because is better to split the team, every one res after death and need to go fast some where, even in a duoq is hard to play together.

sUk Clan

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


As for advice towards anet. Create a test server. Without it your gamemode is lost.

i had 0 feedback or comments OR anything not even troll comments on this thread, wondering why….

Dear Anet!
i’d like to see a beta server opened where some chosen people could test the features of the upcomming patches and give early feedback.
the server’s functon would be to discover broken / unhealthy additions before they go live and destroy our game for another 2-3 months.

what do you think?

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: InsidiousWaffle.7086


bye, have fun in Blade and Soul

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


Bye .. and also if you can. Please send me your ascended gear and what not. As far as your thread is concerned. It’s utter crap( hope I didn’t offend you there Because I really want your gear). Hope I’ll receive my gear today.

And have fun

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: ErazorZ.5209


bye, have fun in Blade and Soul

Yeah, good thing i dont play BnS.

Bye .. and also if you can. Please send me your ascended gear and what not. As far as your thread is concerned. It’s utter crap( hope I didn’t offend you there Because I really want your gear). Hope I’ll receive my gear today.

And have fun

Im glad you understood this thread so well and you read it thoroughly. I mean, i dont really get why your even here commenting when you dont even read the thread.

I quite clearly stated ill be having my way with PvE and WvW. But ofcourse, some people have nothing of value to say. So ill take it with a grain of salt and just ignore you for the remainder of your time spent in this thread.

I mean i get it, why you need to hate with saying nothing at the same time. I wont say your constructive critisism showcases your intelligence. But yeah, it does.

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


bye, have fun in Blade and Soul

Yeah, good thing i dont play BnS.

Bye .. and also if you can. Please send me your ascended gear and what not. As far as your thread is concerned. It’s utter crap( hope I didn’t offend you there Because I really want your gear). Hope I’ll receive my gear today.

And have fun

Im glad you understood this thread so well and you read it thoroughly. I mean, i dont really get why your even here commenting when you dont even read the thread.

I quite clearly stated ill be having my way with PvE and WvW. But ofcourse, some people have nothing of value to say. So ill take it with a grain of salt and just ignore you for the remainder of your time spent in this thread.

I mean i get it, why you need to hate with saying nothing at the same time. I wont say your constructive critisism showcases your intelligence. But yeah, it does.

I mean your pvp GEAR!!! Kappa. Sorry it’s very easy to jump to conclusion when 99% of these post always revolve around someone leaving Gw2. But you are right I should have read the whole post.

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: ErazorZ.5209


bye, have fun in Blade and Soul

Yeah, good thing i dont play BnS.

Bye .. and also if you can. Please send me your ascended gear and what not. As far as your thread is concerned. It’s utter crap( hope I didn’t offend you there Because I really want your gear). Hope I’ll receive my gear today.

And have fun

Im glad you understood this thread so well and you read it thoroughly. I mean, i dont really get why your even here commenting when you dont even read the thread.

I quite clearly stated ill be having my way with PvE and WvW. But ofcourse, some people have nothing of value to say. So ill take it with a grain of salt and just ignore you for the remainder of your time spent in this thread.

I mean i get it, why you need to hate with saying nothing at the same time. I wont say your constructive critisism showcases your intelligence. But yeah, it does.

I mean your pvp GEAR!!! Kappa. Sorry it’s very easy to jump to conclusion when 99% of these post always revolve around someone leaving Gw2. But you are right I should have read the whole post.

Yea its sad that ppl need to vocalise there opinion on the forums, then not get listened to by anet due to no responses. No matter how well articulated, since the only times devs seem to wake up in the PvP forum is when they are gonna add a patch, without having read most suggestions that have been discussed by the community for weeks.

It really feels like they change everything up, internally, without ever reading the suggestions on the forums. And then when theyve already made up with what theyr going to do the upcomming patch. They start becomming active in the forums untill the patch hits and then its dead silence again. Its like every advice on the forums get ignored untill its close to patch day. Then they read everything in that 1 week when theyr active in this side of the forums. And expect everything to be discussed and stuff wich is obviously not the case. (worst part is even then they dont respond or read any suggestions since theyve already made up there mind with what theyr gonna do)

Eventually your forced to showcase your dissatisfaction in the most attentionseeking way possible, (posting a thread on the forums saying your quiting) Just to show anet ppl are infact quiting because of how they are going about things.

And then you quit and never look back because of a poor stance by anet on PvP.

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


If you think Anet doing bad tell me an MMORPG developer, company that you think doing good/better!

Skilled peoples that like this game don’t leave it. No matter what they change there are always ways to be viable and have fun.

(edited by Rolisteel.1375)

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: ErazorZ.5209


The sad part is, i realise why this is happening, They cant dedicate groups of devs to certain aspects of the game and actually dedicate there entire time towards that.Simply because gw2 is so big. And the workhorse behind it cant really manage it all.

With PvE constant updates, PvP balancing, WvW balancing, Raid balancing, New raid wings, New systems, New gemstore stuff that needs to be designed and implemented, bug fixes overall. Monitoring ingame economy, monitoring the profit they make in a quarter. Testing and creating new stuff. New expansions, Living world updates. The current WvW overhaul. Legendaries. Tournaments.
Generally even the slick polishing takes loads of efforts. Details, updates in all parts of the game.

Its allot of stuff, and then add the simple fact anet makes this about 10 times harder on themselves by not splitting the gamemodes. So new people dont have to relearn everything.

But thats also the thing, i cant really be bothered with playing PvP if its not maintained as a Competetive game should. It led to the downfall of WvW (wich is currently getting overhauled to make it work again) too little active involvement from anet.

So all in all, i considered the options anet has, and weighed them against my own personal interest. Ill gladly play PvE since i enjoy that, just like the WvW overhaul wich im going to see if they hit the nail. But PvP without constant polishing fixing and balancing. Its not really worth my time.

I dont just quit something i love (because if i may be honest i definatly loved PvP before HoT even with the imbalances). But sometimes you just gotta realise what it would take to get back to the glory days and realise those days arent comming back.

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


Can i have your gear and other stuff?

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: ErazorZ.5209


Can i have your gear and other stuff?

Its a shame there are so many trolls like you, who would wrather make fun of someone like me then actually try and get where im comming from.

Because yes, in my opinion, people like you are one of the big reasons why anet got into this mess to begin with.

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Nova Stiker.8396

Nova Stiker.8396

Can i have your gear and other stuff?

Its a shame there are so many trolls like you, who would wrather make fun of someone like me then actually try and get where im comming from.

Because yes, in my opinion, people like you are one of the big reasons why anet got into this mess to begin with.

Your first mistake was assuming ArenaNet listens to anyone. I’ve seen troll posts with better ideas than actual changes ArenaNet made to combat. Hell, power creep is so bad, troll posts from a couple years ago are outclassed by todays ‘balance’.

The fact is, whoever is the making the decisions in combat design is not good at what they are doing and the game will continue to suffer because of it.

No tweaking during seasons? I quit PvP.

in PvP

Posted by: Rolisteel.1375


Better not talk about your opinions. But you make some funny time for peoples read your posts so keep it up man