Population and motivation Problems
Less and Less people are playing PvP at this point. 80% of people who i regularly talk’d to are planning to quit or already did so.
Pop problems where noticable since ever. You knew 20% of the players by name on your level and qued into them over and over.
Why are you at a lowpoint right now?
- the gameplay changed dramatically in a bad way. I know noone who wouldn’t prefer before juni or even preHoT game experience. This is the numerouno reason why people leave, the pvp lacks fun.
what keeps people still in?
- pvp’ers —> reach legend && quit season
- others -> get backpack achivement && quit season
and belive me achieving these isn’t even that fun it could be due to #1above. Nor are these some long term goals or something.
People got no goals to reach. Getting legend got zero prestige nor getting the wings.
Competitive minded people got ZERO reason to play this game. Even the Team-Leaderboard is 100% pugfarm casual kitten. Pro league is poorly organized, teams got zero motivation to play after losing 1-2 matchups. ~50% of pro league players officially admitted that they would leave the game in case of no monney.
This leads to low population, which leads to the ones who still like to play this mess have 10minutes que in ruby, which leads to less players-> repeate.
I’d be surprised if more than 1k people where playing at the same time.
At this point you spend more time waiting for a match to start than you actually play. That’s kitten up. You can have the best MM-system in the universe, even that wont solve low-population q time.The changes ANet is going to do matters little now. Who is going to buy gemstore outfits if people are about to quit? You dont pay for something that you posibly wont see after 2more weeks. Less poeple->smaller community->less fun->more quit->repeate.
I’m done with giving you ideas, fixing these problems with whatever method is up to you.
Was there some other post you floated your ideas to save sPvP?
Because I’m not seeing any in that post.
Was there some other post you floated your ideas to save sPvP?
Because I’m not seeing any in that post.
read through post history if you are that intrested
ty 4 constructive and on point comment tho
I agree, unfortunately… the spvp game is dying. When you see pro leaguer into diamond (ezPz) and some grinder already Legendary… you know the ranked system is wrong.
Fixing the ranked system to be more “realistic” would help tons.
Meaning that top players should be at top of the ranking, even if they only play 20 games a week versus game spammer that do 200 games a week.
Unfortunately, 2016 is the year of the pvp free to play moba like game. So… it will only got worse.
Former Team Captain of ggwp (ESL weekly), GLHF (AG), MIST[CORE] spvp alliance guild.
Was there some other post you floated your ideas to save sPvP?
Because I’m not seeing any in that post.
read through post history if you are that intrested
ty 4 constructive and on point comment tho
I’m always happy to be of service
Those are not the only issues that affect population, unfortunately. Even though the game mode is fairly balanced at the moment:
- there are very few builds; even if you change something(utility/amulet/weapon), you are still stuck with the elite specs, so nothing in the playstyle feels different
- related to the above, there are a ton of trash skills and traits, which further cause frustration
- the useful skills and traits promote passive gameplay, which is boring to watch and to play
- the only playable mode is conquest which is boring to watch and after a while, to play as well; added to this, stronghold(which had a lot of potential) was left in the dust
- and one of the biggest offenders in my book: lack of exciting ways to reward skillful play during a match; there is a lot of spam(both defensive and offensive) which leads to a boring game of attrition; also due to this, a player’s ability to carry his team is limited – but rarely can you turn the tide for your team and even if you win a 1v2, it’s oftenly due to your opponents lack of skill, not due to your skillful play
Most of this things became more obvious after I bought Overwatch. Never had this much fun in a PvP game in my life, probably never touching Gw2 PvP again(until they fix stronghold). Until then, PvE.
I remember i would queue non stop, i was almost addicted to pvp even when it didn’t give any rewards but lol glory. With consistent nerfs to thieves for years it became less and less fun. June patch definitely killed it for me. HoT launch was horrendous – i quit pvp all together for a while.
Leagues were actually a good idea imo, but really really badly designed and implemented. They are grindable and unfair to players with average/low MMR. The 50/50 algo on top of current 60%/40% MM completely took fun out of – as single player you have almost 0 impact on match outcome because odds are always so stacked against one of the teams that even if1 player afks the “winning” team will still win.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
I am one of those people that quit SPVP. I used to play it quite a lot for pure fun, but not anymore. HoT has definetly contributed to this turning my favorite playstyles on favorite classes to be essentially mega-nerfed by elite spec imbalances etc., but it was not the main reason. The other reason is overall boredom with conquest, horrible deathmatch map, the new map (forgot its name, one where you summon the NPCs via doors) is not really my taste, etc.
But the main reason, lets say 70% of why I quit SPVP and then all the above mentioned reasons combined for me quitting, is PUGs vs Pre-Mades.
As my work schedule varies I can’t really join any organized team. I don’t give a rats kitten about backpack, legendary achievements or anything like that. I played purely for the fun of it. But the PUG vs PM just got to me, and not just me either, there is a ton of players that got fed up with this and left as well.
You guys complaining about about dropping population, but you are killing the population by queuing vs solo pugs. When someone leaves your group / team its becoming harder and harder for you to recruit because you won the game vs them and killed off your own recruitment pool. So now when your own team becomes bored and people leave you are kinda screwed, and its your own doing coming back and biting you.
Those are not the only issues that affect population, unfortunately. Even though the game mode is fairly balanced at the moment:
- there are very few builds; even if you change something(utility/amulet/weapon), you are still stuck with the elite specs, so nothing in the playstyle feels different
- related to the above, there are a ton of trash skills and traits, which further cause frustration
- the useful skills and traits promote passive gameplay, which is boring to watch and to play
- the only playable mode is conquest which is boring to watch and after a while, to play as well; added to this, stronghold(which had a lot of potential) was left in the dust
- and one of the biggest offenders in my book: lack of exciting ways to reward skillful play during a match; there is a lot of spam(both defensive and offensive) which leads to a boring game of attrition; also due to this, a player’s ability to carry his team is limited – but rarely can you turn the tide for your team and even if you win a 1v2, it’s oftenly due to your opponents lack of skill, not due to your skillful play
Most of this things became more obvious after I bought Overwatch. Never had this much fun in a PvP game in my life, probably never touching Gw2 PvP again(until they fix stronghold). Until then, PvE.
Wow I had literally this same experience. I started playing Overwatch and then came back to play some sPvP and really noticed a lot of the flaws here.
The most prominent flaw is that fights take forever and are nothing but attrition. Everyone is incredibly tanky because conquest is the only game mode and most of the defense in this game are on passive threshold procs. This makes every fight turn into a boring slug fest where you dont care what connects just as long as you hit them more than they hit you. Literally everything in this game is now spam spam spam and its all AOE damage.
In Overwatch you can see the same problem with a “conquest” type mode on the King of the Hill maps. The best team comp in OW is 2 AOE healers, 2 of the Monkeys with AOE shield and 2 McCree aka busted DPS. Sounds a lot like tempest, engineer and rev to me.
Where are the different game types in GW2? Why is there no payload or push maps? So much potential and all we got was a moba clone in a seperate queue which destroys the entire purpose of multiple modes… making people picked balanced specs for whatever gets randomized each match.
I will come back after this years seasons are over and we get some more patches but I dont expect this game to ever get better in sPvP. It needs too much work to be good.
Since HoT:
Too much AOE CC.
Too many AOE condi bombs.
Too many passives(rune of nightmares 6 piece)
Too much sustain
Too much AOE healing
Too much stability
Too much passive tankiness.
Basically too much of everything has made it INCREDIBLY hard to do skillful plays and use CC and burst strategically because everyone has too many outs and get out of jail free cards.
Combat is too slow paced now and fights go on for days. Most of the time people res zerg nodes(thus holding it) faster than you can kill them. That isn’t fun PvP.
It’s making the game much less competitive and killing off the player base.
Leagues were actually a good idea imo, but really really badly designed and implemented. They are grindable and unfair to players with average/low MMR. The 50/50 algo on top of current 60%/40% MM completely took fun out of – as single player you have almost 0 impact on match outcome because odds are always so stacked against one of the teams that even if1 player afks the “winning” team will still win.
This as well. I agree. Playing a match and feeling like you’re doing VERY well but cannot win the game, because of how the mode works, is really frustrating. Doubly so when you gain NOTHING from playing super well and playing your heart out just because of bad matchmaking. Meanwhile the enemy who played worse than you is rewarded because on average their team is better thus they get a win and winning is all that matters. It’s not fun.
You could consistently 1vs2 and 2vs3 the enemy team all game but lose and gain NOTHING – how is that ok? Worse players are gaining stuff while you aren’t even though you’re destroying them? Lame.
Win/loss should not the ONLY factor for rewards and progress in a team based PvP game.
The most prominent flaw is that fights take forever and are nothing but attrition. Everyone is incredibly tanky because conquest is the only game mode and most of the defense in this game are on passive threshold procs. This makes every fight turn into a boring slug fest where you dont care what connects just as long as you hit them more than they hit you. Literally everything in this game is now spam spam spam and its all AOE damage.
Agreed. These fights aren’t fun and take little thought or skill.
(edited by Shiyo.3578)
the problem is anet focusing on the wrong things.
they need to focus on making pvp fun, someone said it like this
make it fun
? more players pvp since its… fun
? better population means better Q times
? better Q (and more people) means more people will try to organize as teams
? more teams means more competition in the top tourneys
? more competition + more people can increase the drive for people to actually watch the matches
? more people watching matches means we can start to think of esports again
I think most people would have more fun if everyone wasn’t a tanky unkillable monster in PvP and there wasn’t so much AOE cc/condis flying around and stability wasn’t passively given to you for no reason.
Fixing these things would make you feel rewarded for your skillful plays.
I think the game needs to take a couple of months to fully upgrade their servers for starters (Pascal chips are out and Polaris will be competitive with them in case Anet are more AMD people and enterprise level NVMe SSD’s should make everything smoother on the server side), doing some API upgrades and cleaning some code, bring in people with experience from other games, have them play lots of matches on an internal server as well as look at data from amulets and classes. The increased hardware and coding capacity would translate into handling loads more data easier and patch up rough spots in graphical areas.
To make money you need to spend money, and they should take a hard look at their competition in esports. There also needs to be a PvP and PvE split because something as durable as a champ or legendary creep that has a breakbar and big one hit kills isn’t the same thing as fighting another person so different skillsets are needed. Beast in Forest or Lords have actually given me more trouble than some players and they’re very squishy compared to some of the stuff found in fractals.
- S1: started to play very late in the season, 3 weeks until the end, played up to ruby, got utterly sick by the kittened bunker meta and I quit it, hoping in S2 and some decent balance.
- S2: played some more, up to legendary x2 (just to get the backpack and get over with it), the bunker meta was gone, but it was substituted by the kittened condispam meta coupled with the team-stacking matchmaker which was an absolute low ever seen in any competitive game (and I play online since Quake 2, just to tell how many online games I played in my lifetime). I still hoped for something better in S3.
- S3: started day one, played 19 matches, quit. Still team-stacking and condispam/passive meta. The low didn’t lift at all.
I miss the times of 2012, when it was fun to play PvP just for the kitten sake of it, and when using skills at the right time mattered, I’m not saying that it was perfect (it wasn’t) but it was surely a lot better than this crap.
Dunno if I’ll get back in S3 just to get the legendary title, for what it’s worth, I stopped completely to play GW2 cause the fun was totally sucked out of the game.
I guess I’ll dedicate myself somewhat to old school FPSing, with the alpha of UT and Doom, I can’t really stand Overwatch since it just feels there’s no map play at all, just a die-respawn-get back to only point that matters in the map. :\
If you are looking for competitive gameplay then this game is simply not for you. It is painfully obvious that ANet is not ready/unable to do what it takes to make the pvp somewhat balanced and fun.
You don’t build houses starting from the roof.
I remember i would queue non stop, i was almost addicted to pvp even when it didn’t give any rewards but lol glory. With consistent nerfs to thieves for years it became less and less fun. June patch definitely killed it for me. HoT launch was horrendous – i quit pvp all together for a while.
Leagues were actually a good idea imo, but really really badly designed and implemented. They are grindable and unfair to players with average/low MMR. The 50/50 algo on top of current 60%/40% MM completely took fun out of – as single player you have almost 0 impact on match outcome because odds are always so stacked against one of the teams that even if1 player afks the “winning” team will still win.
I had so much glory when they phase it out I bought like 300 80 slot bags and forged the rest into dyes (like 10 stacks?) and finished off all the PvP skins I could for wardrobe ;3
Good times.
And yeah this new system I have like 0 effect on the game pretty much since it is lopsided either way. I’ve only had one really good game in the past week and it was vs 5 diamonds who were trying to break into legend, they tried super hard and it was tight/close game but those are a rarity.