PvP 3 wishes -what do you want most in PvP?
1) Slayer mode where it’s a free-for-all based on kills alone.
2) Team Slayer, same as above except team based.
3) An urban area setup like that searing fractal where it’s in a town, except with small areas, blockades, etc and a giant maze.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
(edited by RyuDragnier.9476)
1. Balance & diversity in builds.
2. More game modes.
3. Better progression & rewards.
Here’s current breakdown through Erdem (using 127 entries):
1. Balance/build diversity (general balance, aoe, fix melee hate, cc duration, pet strength, buff less used classes, more builds viable per class, more stat combinations for builds, less mandatory traits) 58.27%
2. Solo(/duo) queue (split from premade) 48.82%
3. more modes (arena, TDM, CTF, GVG, huttball, etc) 47.24%
4. reward system (finishers, titles, pve stuff, skins, ingame points, salvaging, etc) 29.92%
5. improve matchmaking 10.24%
6. ladder/leaderboard 10.24%
7. Dueling (HoM, open world) 7.87%
8. improve HoM lobby and interface (lfg, vendors, joining games, etc) 7.87%
9. improve secondary mechanics 6.30%
10. skill development (more of them, cues, situational skills, weapon skill options) 6.30%
11. Mid-air skills 5.51%
12. more maps 5.51%
13. alter right click 5.51%
14. bug/exploit fixes 4.72%
15. team oriented combat 4.72%
16. random maps tpvp 3.94%
17. arena net tournaments (Anet-hosted, automated) 3.94%
18. matches don’t start till full 3.15%
19. downed state (able to remove in custom) 3.15%
20. Templates (save/load builds) 3.15%
21. Improve spectator (spell effects, separation from actual players, expansion to tpvp games, replays) 3.15%
1. Balance and build diversity with more synergy between traits
2. More game modes such as 3v3 arena
3. Dueling in HoM (away from the main lobby area)
4. An option to choose the opacity of player/pet nameplates, and make the player have a higher click/target priority than pets
Why does everyone want to duel in the Hall of Monuments? :o
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
^Hearth of the mists
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
Here’s current breakdown through Erdem (using 127 entries):
1. Balance/build diversity (general balance, aoe, fix melee hate, cc duration, pet strength, buff less used classes, more builds viable per class, more stat combinations for builds, less mandatory traits) 58.27%
2. Solo(/duo) queue (split from premade) 48.82%
3. more modes (arena, TDM, CTF, GVG, huttball, etc) 47.24%
4. reward system (finishers, titles, pve stuff, skins, ingame points, salvaging, etc) 29.92%
5. improve matchmaking 10.24%
6. ladder/leaderboard 10.24%
7. Dueling (HoM, open world) 7.87%
8. improve HoM lobby and interface (lfg, vendors, joining games, etc) 7.87%
9. improve secondary mechanics 6.30%
10. skill development (more of them, cues, situational skills, weapon skill options) 6.30%
11. Mid-air skills 5.51%
12. more maps 5.51%
13. alter right click 5.51%
14. bug/exploit fixes 4.72%
15. team oriented combat 4.72%
16. random maps tpvp 3.94%
17. arena net tournaments (Anet-hosted, automated) 3.94%
18. matches don’t start till full 3.15%
19. downed state (able to remove in custom) 3.15%
20. Templates (save/load builds) 3.15%
21. Improve spectator (spell effects, separation from actual players, expansion to tpvp games, replays) 3.15%
hmmm… counting by hand I ended up with:
(as of butch.8136 post on page 4)
Dueling= 14
Solo queue = 59
Build diversity= 45
Random map generator for tournies: 9
-those are actual # of entrees, not % based figures.
what app are you using? -I found that simply ctrl+F-ing a word would yield inaccurate results because of quotes/people using the word multiple times in the same post. Going to start counting out rest of the entries now, thanks for the list -it will give me a basis of what to look for.
1. A solo/duo Q with its own ladder.
2. More build diversity and balance
3. More game modes, perhaps introduced via custom arenas.
4. A bit of a cheat-rewards for pvp, in game gold/silver for example.
- New rewards or recipes. And not just armors or weapons.
- Ability to use ALL SKILLS midair.
- Save/Load options for builds, like Guild Wars 1.
- Weekly updates for minor bugs/exploits and balance.
- A bank/AH in the Mists, and not just pvp lockers. (why 3 pvp lockers btw?)
- A new game mode? Not a deathmatch, something like King of the Hill would be better, and multiple exit to avoid spawn camping.
- Fix bugs in already existing maps, like invisible walls/obstacles.
- Please. For the love of god. Remove the confirmation for recyling pvp weapons/armors.
- There are too many adds in this game. Pets, clones, phantasm, rock dog, elem etc… The AI is playing for you way too much, there is no skill in this.
- We can still shadow step/blink on top of the wall on Foefire, allowing people to kill the lord without destroying the door. This is a huge exploit.
-Remove RightClick targeting. Turning the camera should NOT make us lose our target.
-A better daily/monthly. Give us something useful, and more objectives.
This guy knows what’s up. Read this ANet, for the love of god.
I don’t know why so many are pushing for 1v1 arenas so hard; there are much more pressing issues at hand. Besides, certain classes are always going to excel at 1v1, it’s almost as if they were designed to do so (hint hint). Aside from that, any other professions trying their hand in it will be using terrible builds not suitable for anything else. I’m not totally against such an arena eventually being implemented (hell, why not) but really, that’s in your top 3? I’m on the right forums, right?
Ele / Warrior / Guardian
1. PvP modes without capture points. No need to breakthroughs in creativity. Good ’ol modes like these would do just fine:
- Free for all annihilation. Just for fun available only in custom arenas. No scoring.
- Juggernaut. Another just for fun. A single player is greatly enlarged and given massively high stats and HP, and a set of fixed skills. And it’s that player vs the rest.
- Team annihilation.
- Team annihilation with priests.
- Capture the Orb: Each base has an orb that must be captured and brought to the other base to score.
- Orb run (like GW1’s relic run): Each base has an orb, and it must be brought to a central point or to their NPC (e.g.: ghostly hero)
- Pressure: Two rounds, on each round a team attacks by helping an invulenrable NPC get to the enemy base while the enemy team tries to stop them, the NPC moves when it is ‘captured’ by having people of their team nearby.
- Double pressure: The same, but instead two rounds, two NPCs walk to the enemy base, and both teams must attack and defend at the same time.
- Commanders’ Defense: 5vs5. Players must try to defend NPCs so they get to the enemy base, destroying buildings on their way. Players do increased damage on the NPCs, but decreased on the buildings, and they also take greatly increased damage from them. The NPCs do increased damage and take less damage from buildings. Damage between players is normal.
2. Hall of Heroes brought back. This time linked to WvW orbs. An orb in a keep provides access to the hall of heroes from that keep and 3 slots for HoH for their world. Each map gets 1 slot always active and 9 other slots, in 3 orbs. In the Battlegrounds the one portal is in the Castle and the orbs are controlled by Epic bosses. In the Borderlands the 1 portal is in each world’s citadel, 1 orb spawns by the northern pedestal, and the other 2 protected by epic bosses.
3. The Zaishen and Dessa working together to provide us Guild Fractals. Allowing both GvG and guild fighting to get ‘endorsement’ from PvE locations (much like Alliances getting control on outposts in Factions, but with GvG battles instead gathering faction). Controlled locations in PvE maps have cheaper costs for their waypoint and a few services at a small discount, like 5% off basic tool and kit vendors.
1. Solo que
2. Random Map Rotation (tournies)
3. Deserters punishment
Aolbjorn 80 Engineer | Rank 29
Staunch Evon Supporter
1) game modes (gvg, hoh (proper tournament), team deathmatch and kill count team arenas, double domination (google it from unreal tournament))
2)build diversity
3)solo q
- New rewards or recipes. And not just armors or weapons.
- Ability to use ALL SKILLS midair.
- Save/Load options for builds, like Guild Wars 1.
- Weekly updates for minor bugs/exploits and balance.
- A bank/AH in the Mists, and not just pvp lockers. (why 3 pvp lockers btw?)
- A new game mode? Not a deathmatch, something like King of the Hill would be better, and multiple exit to avoid spawn camping.
- Fix bugs in already existing maps, like invisible walls/obstacles.
- Please. For the love of god. Remove the confirmation for recyling pvp weapons/armors.
- There are too many adds in this game. Pets, clones, phantasm, rock dog, elem etc… The AI is playing for you way too much, there is no skill in this.
- We can still shadow step/blink on top of the wall on Foefire, allowing people to kill the lord without destroying the door. This is a huge exploit.
-Remove RightClick targeting. Turning the camera should NOT make us lose our target.
-A better daily/monthly. Give us something useful, and more objectives.
If Anet just takes this and make it their “TO DO list” for the next couple of months, then we may have a decent game at some point in the future…
(edited by samo.1054)
1) Build diversity
2) game modes
3) Duels
-solo q
-a game mode or custom setting where down = dead
-gear purchasable with glory or better salvage chance. craft formula doesnt even give the same thing all the time
build diversity and class balance is something that will extend beyond pvp so im not gonna say anything about that. we know what it is with certain classes.
hmmm… counting by hand I ended up with:
(as of butch.8136 post on page 4)
Dueling= 14
Solo queue = 59
Build diversity= 45
Random map generator for tournies: 9
-those are actual # of entrees, not % based figures.what app are you using? -I found that simply ctrl+F-ing a word would yield inaccurate results because of quotes/people using the word multiple times in the same post. Going to start counting out rest of the entries now, thanks for the list -it will give me a basis of what to look for
I counted by hand as well. I did a good deal of combinations for solo queue and balance/diversity though. If anyone made a request that had to deal with balance, I threw it in that category. Maybe balance should be separate from build diversity, but a lot of people had it listed together as one entry, and I can see the logic to considering it together. Also, I ignored any entries that were below #3 (if they had 4 listed, I used first 3). I probably made some mistakes though.
- New rewards or recipes. And not just armors or weapons.
- Ability to use ALL SKILLS midair.
- Save/Load options for builds, like Guild Wars 1.
- Weekly updates for minor bugs/exploits and balance.
- A bank/AH in the Mists, and not just pvp lockers. (why 3 pvp lockers btw?)
- A new game mode? Not a deathmatch, something like King of the Hill would be better, and multiple exit to avoid spawn camping.
- Fix bugs in already existing maps, like invisible walls/obstacles.
- Please. For the love of god. Remove the confirmation for recyling pvp weapons/armors.
- There are too many adds in this game. Pets, clones, phantasm, rock dog, elem etc… The AI is playing for you way too much, there is no skill in this.
- We can still shadow step/blink on top of the wall on Foefire, allowing people to kill the lord without destroying the door. This is a huge exploit.
-Remove RightClick targeting. Turning the camera should NOT make us lose our target.
-A better daily/monthly. Give us something useful, and more objectives.
-GvG.If Anet just takes this and make it their “TO DO list” for the next couple of months, then we may have a decent game at some point in the future…
Can’t agree more!
1- More game modes (bring back GvG and HoH improved with gw2 systems)
2- Builds (builds today are the same as builds in september, no metagame at all; except there are no warriors now)
3- Guild ladder
1. Separate solo Q and premade teams, also add matchmaking based on rank, for example:
-Group 1: Solo Q
-Group 2: Team 2-3 ppl (2bad random ppl can REALLY mess whole game)
-Group 3: Team 4-5ppl
All based on rank like 1-15, 16-30, 31-40, 40-50, 50-60
Also punish leavers, afkers with ban or being unable to join for some time peroid.
2. ALL Pve skins in pvp – Volcanus, Vision of the Mists, Azureflame (but not crazy ranks like 80 to obtain it, 50 would be fine). Also some gold from tourney win – why i can’t use ghastly grinning shield in PvP? Coz it costs nearly 200g which is unobtainable playing only PvP.
3. Traits saver and ability to send build with chat.
r[5x] tPvP onlY.
|>>> 2000+ Tournament Matches won, still rising <<<|
1. Separate soloq
2. Reduce spam in the game. Skill spam, dodge spam, aoe spam, particle effects spam. This game is in dire need of some tightening.
3. Automatch system that actually tries to make sure all 10 players are here before it starts the game. Look at how DotA 2 does it if you don’t understand what it means.
1. Game Modes
2. Arena’s
3. Rewards.. + Make it not possible to get duplicate PvP locker items unless it is dual wield weapons. (I only have like 10 PvP locker items but have received 4 duplicates already..)
Elementalist | Ranger | JQ
1. Guild vs Guild and Hall of Heroes with a similar format of GW1. Remember when winning a PvP game mattered for something more than just personal bragging rights (i.e. winning HoH to open UW and FoW)?
2. Different objectives in PvP. Give us a full CTF or something that isn’t a territory control objective.
3. Medium scale PvP. Give us something larger than the tiny sPvP maps, but much smaller than WvW encounters (something like a 15 vs 15 maybe).
And if I could get a 4th request in, then I would also request the ability to use skills/abilities while jumping/falling.
(edited by Dahkeus.8243)
1. Heart of the Mists dueling.
- HotM dueling will attract PvE players into sPvP. In World of Warcraft, hardcore and casual PvErs enjoyed dueling. We need more sPvP interest, and dueling is the gateway drug.
- HotM dueling gives sPvPers something to do between games. Right now people just idle around bored. Few people socialize. It’s like being at a party for mimes. Dueling will reinvigorate sPvP communities.
- Some people say, “Oh, all dueling does is foster insults”. GW2 has a lot more mature and clean player-base than some MMOs. The toxicity was there at release, but most of that toxic has left the game (those players were banned or quit). Secondly, players are more likely to be toxic in hot-joins or tPvP because they are facing mostly anonymous opponents. It’s no secret that anonymity on the Internet allows toxic behavior. However, players are less anonymous in HotM. The players you see are the players of your server, and you are way less likely to be rude to the players of your server, lest you want to be an outcast nobody respects.
2. Separating tPvP into two ladders.
- tPvP Premade: You can only queue as a premade. Your teammates and opponents are premades.
- tPvP Solo: You can only queue solo. Your teammates and opponents are PuGs.
- The official tPvP ladder needs to be split into two groups: premade and solo.
- Solo ladder answers the question: Who are the best players in a PuG?
- Premade ladder answers the question: Who are the best players in a team?
- Because each ladder answers a different question, tPvP players of PuGs and premades would be interested in both ladders. Moreso premade players would be interested in attaining “best PuG player” status.
- Split queues and ladders would significantly increase interest in sPvP. I’m not joking. It would be the single largest population of sPvP interest since release. PvE players are very goal-driven and can be even if they solo in PvE, but the goals in sPvP are very lacking unless you have a premade.
- More interest in sPvP would further interest in Custom Arena tournaments and eSport viewership. I think if you were to ask any GW2 eSport player right now, as well as the casters, they would recommend a split queue as to be crucial for sPvP interest.
3. Some form of team registration would be nice, with roster viewing and control.
- Allow teams to have names and perhaps emblems.
- The current ad hoc teams does not make sense for the ladder. If you had team registration then the team ladder would be less about “Who are the best players in a team?” and more about “Who are the best teams?”
- Formal teams would be better for spectators in spectator mode and viewership on Twitch, for eSport tournaments. A team’s name could appear on the HUD and the winning team’s name could be printed upon match completion, instead of players guessing what team was blue or red.
- Team registration could be incorporated into the Web API to allow us to pull information on teams, which in-conjunction with a Custom Arena tournaments API could allow for an GW2 eSports platform to materialize.
(edited by Gilgamesh.2561)
1. For the top 2 features as listed in the first post to be released in the next month
2. More comprehensive reward system, including more rewards and incentives to get people into spvp and a proper scoring system
3. Deserters punishment
1* Game Modes (Arena, Team Deathmatch or w/e you wanna refer it to)
2* Team Rating system
3* Solo queue
-Open World Dueling.
-Build Diversity in PvP.
-A mode or area where players can fight other players specifically. As in 2v2 or 3v3 battles to the death even if its just for fun and provides no gain.
(Did I mention Open world dueling and Build diversity? :P)
Dingo King-Hound King-Coyoti King-Thylacine King-Hyena King
1- Dedicated Healers.
2- An end to the kiting wars model.
3- More game modes.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
1- Dedicated Healers.
2- An end to the kiting wars model.
3- More game modes.
what’s funny is gw2 had a good chance to make no-healer pvp combat work — it can work — but they decided it was best to just emulate fps games and call it a day.
what’s funny is gw2 had a good chance to make no-healer pvp combat work — it can work — but they decided it was best to just emulate fps games and call it a day.
Every time i hear this, i imagine a dev in fetal position with his hands on his ears repeating this non stop.
They keep repeating it, and it keeps failing. Just let it die with a little dignity and call it a day already.
Vials Maize Balm Exploit(Halloween) 2014
Locked out of JP (Wintersday) 2015
1. easier to get rank, ranks character bound not account bound
2. more game modes (capture the flag, arenas 2v2 3v3 etc.)
3. solo queue
@20. Templates (save/load builds) 3.15%
Useless suggestion, we only have 1-2 builds per class.
We need more meta’s and more class customization, more useful traits/skills/weapons.
1. I want warriors to be viable and scary in spvp. They are not scary to anyone.
2. solo queue
3. build saver (works across all game modes)
Beast mode
Useless suggestion, we only have 1-2 builds per class.
We need more meta’s
Chars : Exa Flare | Exaflare | Aurora Wall | Aurora Sword | Azure Flame God
(edited by ExaFlare.1390)
1) Balance
2) New game mode
3) Players
I stream sometimes: http://www.twitch.tv/kidtofu/
“Revenant is actual proof that devs read the necromancer forum”
1. solo queue
2. a real matchmaking system
3. solo queue because its the only thing i want tbh
Updated through Horo.7395 (147 entries) [more modes has passed solo queue]:
1. Balance/build diversity (aoe, melee hate, cc duration, pet strength, less used classes, more builds viable per class, more stat combinations for builds, less mandatory traits, balance water combat) 56.5%
2. more modes (larger teams, arena, TDM, CTF, GVG, huttball, etc) 51.7%
3. Solo(/duo) queue (split from premade) 50.3%
4. reward system (finishers, titles, make gold, pve stuff, skins, ingame points, salvaging, rank speed, etc) 29.9%
5. improve matchmaking (match better against similarly experienced/skilled players, don’t start matches till full) 12.9%
6. ladder/leaderboard (team/guild ladder, in-game viewable) 10.2%
7. improve HoM lobby and UI for both in-game and lobby (lfg, vendors, joining games, team registration, etc) 9.5%
8. Dueling (HoM, open world) 9.5%
9. skill development (more of them, cues, situational skills, weapon skill options, better combos, more fluid use when moving) 6.8%
10. improve secondary mechanics 6.1%
11. Mid-air skills 5.4%
12. more maps 4.8%
13. alter right click 4.8%
14. bug/exploit fixes 4.1%
15. team oriented combat 4.1%
16. random maps tpvp 4.1%
17. Templates (save/load builds) 4.1%
18. arena net tournaments (automated and/or hosted by them) 3.4%
19. downed state (able to remove in custom) 3.4%
20. spectator (spell effects, separation from actual players, expansion, replahs) 2.7%
21. punish leavers 2.7%
22. voice (commands, voip) 2.0%
23. bigger capture points 1.4%
24. less esport 1.4%
25. general combat (more engaging(?), less spam) 1.4%
26. add npc’s 0.7%
27. hotjoin dedicated maps (you can already do this in custom arena though) 0.7%
28. more water in maps 0.7%
29. f2p kitten .7%
30. remove raid of capricorn 0.7%
31. revert stealth reveal change 0.7%
32. use pve items in kitten .7%
33. camera 0.7%
34. dedicated healing 0.7%
35. more people playing 0.7%
Solo queue
Fixed match making (no 5v4)
More modes
Great post!
1. bug fixes
2. general balance
3. split queues into solo q ranked, premade non ranked, and premade ranked with the ability to queue up for premade ranked and non ranked at the same time and take whatever pops first
My Ele guide: http://intothemists.com/guides/guide.php?id=9
Solo queue
Fixed match making (no 5v4)
More modes
How do you want to stop alt f4? Really curious. Ragequit is the only way you can leave a match, and if you log in you will be taken back to the arena. How could they force even matchups even more?…
Penalty? If you stay logged off for 15 mins that’s already one. If they bring penalty, levaers will be afkers. That’s all, because you can’t really leave.
Fear The Crazy [Huns]
Solo queue
Fixed match making (no 5v4)
More modesHow do you want to stop alt f4? Really curious. Ragequit is the only way you can leave a match, and if you log in you will be taken back to the arena. How could they force even matchups even more?…
Penalty? If you stay logged off for 15 mins that’s already one. If they bring penalty, levaers will be afkers. That’s all, because you can’t really leave.
1. Diminishing Returns on crowd control.
2. More detailed/customizable UI to help improve play and reward smart play.
3. Tone down aoe damage.
RIFT level of class customization! :P
Solo queue
Fixed match making (no 5v4)
More modesHow do you want to stop alt f4? Really curious. Ragequit is the only way you can leave a match, and if you log in you will be taken back to the arena. How could they force even matchups even more?…
Penalty? If you stay logged off for 15 mins that’s already one. If they bring penalty, levaers will be afkers. That’s all, because you can’t really leave.
I’m tempted to just link to GW1 mechanics when someone voices their opinion on a problem in GW2. Maybe the developers will get the message?
If they are going to implant this system , it will be wise each person can report only 15-25 different persons , per day . (for starters , and modify it later)
U can see how many <<charges>> u have left , so they choose more wisely who to report .
The majorority of PvPers are jerks and love to abuse things
Edit: How will the company protect the <<victim>> , from me and my other 2 sisters from harashing-reporting him 24/7 , forcing him out of tPvP for ever ?
The same person cant report the same <<victim>> with 72 hours cd maybe ?
Whats if a guild with 50 ppl boicot the <<victim>> ?
What if ppl on the forums , report him 24/7 <<just for lolzs>>
(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)
Solo queue
Fixed match making (no 5v4)
More modesHow do you want to stop alt f4? Really curious. Ragequit is the only way you can leave a match, and if you log in you will be taken back to the arena. How could they force even matchups even more?…
Penalty? If you stay logged off for 15 mins that’s already one. If they bring penalty, levaers will be afkers. That’s all, because you can’t really leave.
I’m tempted to just link to GW1 mechanics when someone voices their opinion on a problem in GW2. Maybe the developers will get the message?
maybe they will
then we can have many new and exciting bugs features
If they are going to implant this system , it will be wise each person can report only 15-25 different persons , per day . (for starters , and modify it later)
U can see how many <<charges>> u have left , so they choose more wisely who to report .
The majorority of PvPers are jerks and love to abuse thingsEdit: How will the company protect the <<victim>> , from me and my other 2 sisters from harashing-reporting him 24/7 , forcing him out of tPvP for ever ?
The same person cant report the same <<victim>> with 72 hours cd maybe ?
Whats if a guild with 50 ppl boicot the <<victim>> ?
What if ppl on the forums , report him 24/7 <<just for lolzs>>
why are you worried this would happen? If you don’t talk kitten and don’t akitten why would a random group of 50 people want to black list you?
If they are going to implant this system , it will be wise each person can report only 15-25 different persons , per day . (for starters , and modify it later)
U can see how many <<charges>> u have left , so they choose more wisely who to report .
The majorority of PvPers are jerks and love to abuse thingsEdit: How will the company protect the <<victim>> , from me and my other 2 sisters from harashing-reporting him 24/7 , forcing him out of tPvP for ever ?
The same person cant report the same <<victim>> with 72 hours cd maybe ?
Whats if a guild with 50 ppl boicot the <<victim>> ?
What if ppl on the forums , report him 24/7 <<just for lolzs>>
you’re overthinking
solution: can only report people inside of your current match
why are you worried this would happen? If you don’t talk kitten and don’t akitten why would a random group of 50 people want to black list you?
Ppl are sheeps
When a guild members that u have played for so long , tells u that person is a ninja or its douchbags , u trust him instead of investigating the truth
I use to trash talk 2400 arena rating ppl just back in WoW , and 1 hour later i had 7-10 ppl chasing my kitten :P
U havent notice even in LoL , that 1 of ur team8s ask u , or even the enemies at the end of the macth , to report a players just beacause it had 3/12/8 score ?
It even start showing in Neverwinter forums atm , where ppl abuse the report mechanic , for ppl that have bigger score-kill than them or just for lolz
Just wanted you guys to know that we’re watching this thread here in the office. The results are a great way for us to see (even if it’s a very small sample size) how some of the players are feeling about what they’d like to see improved.
“Every man takes the limits of his own field of vision for the limits of the world.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer