Asura on patrol in defense of Gandara and Bessie!
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so instead of blindly raging I think we can all agree that offering constructive criticism is much more sensible.
99% of the players ignore every kind of advice if you don’t use the sledgehammer-to-face method since they think after 2 won games in hotjoin on skyhammer they are the pinnacle of skill.
I think this whole thread shows why a sledgehammer to the face is not the optimal delivery method for information, even though I agree that it often appears to be fully warranted. I gave advice to both sides in that paragraph with the hope that someone will take that advice to heart:
Perhaps the best thing for less skilled players to do is to ask others what they’re upset about, they may actually get valuable advice about how to improve their play. Likewise, this kind of verbal abuse clearly doesn’t elicit trust, so instead of blindly raging I think we can all agree that offering constructive criticism is much more sensible.
i prefer a method that leaves someone hurt or angry but delivers at least some of the information intended over a method that is ignored 100%.
some is better than none.
it’s not like i haven’t been friendly and nice and offered advice and information and everything over more than 2 years just to be ignored by pretty much everyone that didn’t know his kitten already (even if 4 people were trying to explain something, there’s always this one dude who knows it better).
if insulting and verbally/psychologically abusing and attacking somebody makes information stick even a tiny bit more then that’s the way to go in my opinion. people don’t matter to me, how they play does.
(edited by zaced.7948)
This post is priceless. Lol.
OP, man-up and stop being a crybaby. The world is full of abusive people. YOU can either start learning how to ignore them or fight back. I can be a really rude person but only when triggered, this is both in-game and irl.
Like I had a bunch of people raging at the group I was playing with cause we were playing all engis just to have some fun in the queue so we decided to do matches as a full turret group (none of us had been turrets previously) and after winning told the enemy teams with all the ragers “maybe you’ll have a chance to win if you don’t run such cheesy builds” or “you shouldn’t play cheese builds, they make you look bad.” then we just sat back and watched the fireworks
Effin awesome! Oh god…the rage must have burned with the fury of a thousand suns!
Like I had a bunch of people raging at the group I was playing with cause we were playing all engis just to have some fun in the queue so we decided to do matches as a full turret group (none of us had been turrets previously) and after winning told the enemy teams with all the ragers “maybe you’ll have a chance to win if you don’t run such cheesy builds” or “you shouldn’t play cheese builds, they make you look bad.” then we just sat back and watched the fireworks
Effin awesome! Oh god…the rage must have burned with the fury of a thousand suns!
People love turning their brains off by playing that pathetic class. Thats why i make sure i insult every engineer i beat 1v1 on my ranger. You dont wanna get insulted after getting wrecked 1v1, stop playing engineer..
Yeah, I recently came back to check things out and the abrasiveness of the population feels like it increased 10 fold from what it was just a year ago. It’s almost as if the average age of the playerbase went down into the single digits. Sad really.
This post is priceless. Lol.
OP, man-up and stop being a crybaby. The world is full of abusive people. YOU can either start learning how to ignore them or fight back. I can be a really rude person but only when triggered, this is both in-game and irl.
I feel like it only applies to in-game for you.
Comes to NA and queue solo. Watch cruuk and moob_s rage at their team all day; even while winning.
Well, ok. It may be different in NA. I’m telling my experience on EU. It’s rare to see people arguing in chat, language barrier maybe I dunno.
Appart from one certain necro, that most of EU soloq’ers know, there is not alot of flame. Certainly nothing near “blocking 5 players a day”.
Comes to NA and queue solo. Watch cruuk and moob_s rage at their team all day; even while winning.
Well, ok. It may be different in NA. I’m telling my experience on EU. It’s rare to see people arguing in chat, language barrier maybe I dunno.
Appart from one certain necro, that most of EU soloq’ers know, there is not alot of flame. Certainly nothing near “blocking 5 players a day”.
I’m on NA, and yeah it’s about 3-5 a day since I’ve been back.
Best trolls:
1. spam /sit while standing over their face after you kill them
2. play engineer and use mortar on their corpse
3. play engineer, drop glue bomb, and right before it explodes use personal battering ram
Dear dear Arenanet, Gw2 Community,
It would be really nice ..when people play pvp..they dont need to be scared that they will get insulted no matter what they do…i get insulted for winning..i get insulted for losing..thats my daily pvp(and im not a bad player…and pvp nearly everyday)
i got enough from this…!! and i dont want that so many player in gw2 need to suffer bcs of this!!
Im speaking for all when i say:
I dont want come home tired from work and relax..and the first thing someone tell me is: OMG NOOOB, GO DIE, U TRASHi know its normal that in pvp people get faster emotional and angry…but..this is no reason to insult someone and hurt someone….and its a part of the rules of gw2 (i know noone read it..but..) that insulting someone is forbidden…..actually it should be a general standard that insulting is bad..we r all human and have our pride and rights.
Maybe the generation under me see it as normal to hurt eachother and hurting words became a standard…but this game should not teach them that it is ok..there should be a better way to punish them( forexample a buff which cant let them talk to others for 1h)..and show them how bad it is not to respect eachother and say any bad word they want.
A wrong button click, and bad teambalance, and many others r no reason to hurt someone !!
I attached some pictues about my and my guildies daily pvp chat…
Gotta love it when they start spam-whispering you, but block you too so you can’t whisper back. It’s like — what’s a matter? Can’t handle a rebuttal?
I want to comment; Can’t handle a rebuttal? why would moony waste time to rebuttal would you do same? i would not! what’s a matter? here is matter; player are get away with it because they have freedom to do it because no serious policy action rule.
Example; The law say not to do bad thing but some people will challenge law to see if law is serious. If they find law is not serious, the people will do bad thing and will continue and continue.
That is what is happen here. Do you understand the matter now?
Comes to NA and queue solo. Watch cruuk and moob_s rage at their team all day; even while winning.
Well, ok. It may be different in NA. I’m telling my experience on EU. It’s rare to see people arguing in chat, language barrier maybe I dunno.
Appart from one certain necro, that most of EU soloq’ers know, there is not alot of flame. Certainly nothing near “blocking 5 players a day”.
NA is pretty toxic, still not as bad compared to games like DOTA 2 or CSGO, but it’s there. Personally, I don’t get upset when playing because it’s nothing to get upset about. You win some, you lose some, that’s just how it goes. Everyone makes mistakes, so I don’t see the point of giving someone a hard time over it.
This post is priceless. Lol.
OP, man-up and stop being a crybaby. The world is full of abusive people. YOU can either start learning how to ignore them or fight back. I can be a really rude person but only when triggered, this is both in-game and irl.
I feel like it only applies to in-game for you.
OK…i a sensetive girl…but still…
Why is it forbidden to write bad words in the Forum? try it..if u write something it get changed…..BCS IT HURT SOMEONE…thats why its not ok…..if someone cant express him or herself without bad words this person should learn it…((there is no need to tell me “get fuucked” bcs i won a 1vs1 on a point with my thief))
…we r a community which should support echother and help eachother..and not hate eachother
What is so bad about not useing hurting words???
@ Isslair the nr 5 was just an example…i know its a bit much if someone only make 3 mateches a day..but for 15 matches a day its very possible…but come on..the nr is not important…what im writting here is that there should be a way to be protected from verbal abuse….
i reported already maaany player for verbal abuse…and they still go on..they need to learn that it is NOT OK…and nobody just should get more insensitive for bad words…bcs one day we might just communicat with hate if this ones on!
This is one of the reasons I play just hotjoin to get dailies and then get my PvP fix in WvW where you cannot (without kludges) speak to enemy players.
1) to picture 1:
the problem here was it was not possible to rez him without dying attacking the dead enemie was better….but it was ok that that guy said “rez”…what was the problem is that he/she said “TRASH” i dont mind him/her saying the things from before..but why someone call me trash? im not garbage im a human
2) + 3) picture i dont know the situation..its from a guildmate…its just an example how rude peopel can be to show u that this cant go on ! (but what i heared is the one who got flammed killed svanier and the match was won bcs of that) (but that guy got already rank 50+ so he knows what he do)
and making a mistake is no reason to hurt someone..its a reason to tell someone he/she should do better..can be even angry..if the words r fine..but why is there a need for hurting words??
moony you’re trying to change the Internet. Save your effort and just ignore them. You’ll spare yourself from a lot of grief and frustration. Life’s too short to try to tame all the idiots plaguing PvP.
The trash talk is out of control those last days I agree. It’s not even trash based on facts, plays or failures, but just trash talk on people based on the class they play or the language they speak nowadays (which is racism btw) at the start of the game.
Well…i ignored it succefully 1 year thats not the problem …i just wanted to speak up at leats 1 time that what is going on is not ok..bcs there r ways to change it (like wvw..people cant talk…) or people who insult cant talk to anyone else for like 1h ….if they cant say something nice or neutral they should not say something..this will hopefully teach them
1) to picture 1:
the problem here was it was not possible to rez him without dying attacking the dead enemie was better….but it was ok that that guy said “rez”…what was the problem is that he/she said “TRASH” i dont mind him/her saying the things from before..but why someone call me trash? im not garbage im a human2) + 3) picture i dont know the situation..its from a guildmate…its just an example how rude peopel can be to show u that this cant go on ! (but what i heared is the one who got flammed killed svanier and the match was won bcs of that) (but that guy got already rank 50+ so he knows what he do)
and making a mistake is no reason to hurt someone..its a reason to tell someone he/she should do better..can be even angry..if the words r fine..but why is there a need for hurting words??
True! also many player/people are this way in the real life world. I am serious! They come to game like this and test policy and rule. Like i said in other post; they will test arena net game policy/rules and see if they can get away with it. If arena net was serious;vigilant, that would not happen. Maybe less because we have to work with arena net to make game safe and better; so far, i do not see arena net working with us player.
Again, It take team work- player and company to work together; player report problem, player report concern and company investigate to fix problem/concern and improve what is working, These abuse and insult player is smart and will see that arena net is not work with us, they will see that us player who care is weak without arena net and will take advantage to do everything they want, and do anything they want.
It is sad but you are not only player experience same treatment; many other same. That is why i spend more time with other game company who make effort and do best effort to teamwork with player.
No sense of waste more time if us care player is working alone in teamwork to make game healthy, challenge and better.
Example; If you are only partner in relationship who care, if you are only partner in relationship who is serious; to make effort to fix relationship, serious to make effort to improve relationship, serious to make effort, serious to make relationship strong while other partner show no care at all; look at you as joke, treat you as joke about how you feel and what you think about…would you waste more time in relationship?
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Troll dem, whispers of sarcasm and irony are your deadly weapons, mon! You’ll make them jump on their seats and call moms. And you’ll have some fun while waiting for queues to pop.
Troll dem, whispers of sarcasm and irony are your deadly weapons, mon! You’ll make them jump on their seats and call moms. And you’ll have some fun while waiting for queues to pop.
They block you before they will whisper you.
Tho they rage-ask you questions and even laugh that you do not respond to them because you’re scared-noob.
Yeah as said many times in this thread, ignore the chat. If they start whispering you, just block them. If they’re harassing, report them before you block them.
Yeah it’s part of PvP. You should be immune to such behavior by now, with over 1000 matches under your belt.
It’s just sad that some players label others as "Trash, Noob, etc… just because they didn’t do well during the match. In my opinion, it all boils down to having great synergy with the people you are teamed up with.
I’ve had matches where I would do really good with the current build I am running, then totally look like a noob in the next match.
in solo queue, yeah you can be the most skilled player in the team.. but when you face people running builds that totally counter what you have…it’s gonna be really hard to do good.
Sad part is, some players in your team WILL LABEL YOU as trash and / or a noob when your team loses. Judging a player over 1 match does not equate to that player as a noob. It just so happened that his/her build was totally countered to the point that it made him/her feel so useless.
When people jump on you like that, the Block feature is your friend!
I agree with u Paolo…i ignored it for 1 year already..but….even this is pvp..this should not be normal..people need learn to behave….when i was a child..and insulted someone…peopel came to me and told me this is not ok..and by time i noticed this is bad..but if there is noone who care to keep up the good standards..bad standard will rule..and i will never accept that, thats why i made this post in the forum
(edited by moony.5780)
moony, it’s called anonymity.
Allow people to hide behind an alias and you will get this crap, because whether or not you want to believe it, some people are kittens by nature but the consequences in real life keep them in check. Give these people anonymity and you get what you can see in PvP chat.
The only way to cull this kind of behaviour would be either to moderate it with harsh measures, or force people to use their real names. We know the latter isn’t going to happen, and the former requires added resources. Neither is likely to happen anytime soon.
As said, the best you can do is to report & block. Trying to make them “see their errors” or chastising them won’t work. Trust me. I’ve been surfing in the anonymous Internet for 20 years now.
i have good time in pvp arenas…and i find it that if you are jerk you are going to be affected by jerks arround you…so if you treat ppl good they will treat you good…usualy fight start over NOOB word when someone makes a mistake….NEXT TIME TRY TO kitten IF SOMEONE IS HAVING A BAD GAME…and you will find that ppl are rly cool and funny my opinion
if insulting and verbally/psychologically abusing and attacking somebody makes information stick even a tiny bit more then that’s the way to go in my opinion. people don’t matter to me, how they play does.
But of people want to play the blame game, then I have a good one.
Blame it on the game mechanics.
The fact that high ranked people get matched against low ranked that want to do their daily is a problem. Another problem would be that the verbal abusive is something that people are allowed to do. There is no consequences.
People should know how well they can play the class that they want to get the daily with. If it’s a class they are not familiar with, getting the daily in hot join (practice) is a really good solution.
This is also true for people who still think that going for the animal at start is a good idea or going for the lord 2 minutes into the game is a valid tactic.
Going into ranked arenas and then not knowing how to play your class or how to act on certain maps and then expecting people to smile and be civil when you just knowingly ruined their match is pretty optimistic.
Bottom line is, before you queue answer honestly “can i contribute to the upcoming match or will i just mess around?”.
The exit door is always open if you couldnt take the abuse anymore. This kind of posts are a waste of forum space. These people cant reallt hut you. They dont know anything about you and they cant hurt you physically. This can actually toughen you up. Dont be a rabbit, be a wolf.
… and get stomped by dragons coming to have “fun” in Hotjoin :P
I think accepting only 1 strategy the best is bad….and if someone dont go with the “all known stragey which nobody actually really knows except few guys” ((aka META for PVP)) hes considered a bad teammate is not good at all ..i love rushing to far sometimes..but the meta strategy say:1 close 4 mid
PvP is a dynmic game..and every game is different..i love this fakt about pvp so much. and making a static thing out of it with ready set strategies is bad…bcs there r million strategies. Sometimes an action which seems noobish could be a strategy which is not often used but in a good team working excellent.
But i agree serenke…its annoying to have guys in the party which do mistakes like not capping points at all and fighting only in1 point where all enemies r and the other points r from the enemie, not reviving the group even all is fine for it, or letting the enemie cap a point while a 1vs1 which takes ages….
I dont think its a waste of forum space…why should people who cant behave feel no concequences?? if u accept to be insulted ok fine..but im talking not only for me..but for everyone who get hurt…for me i know who i am and im strong against insult..i just get mad when people hurt others ..i cant just sit still and watch it
And i know what i do is impossible….fighting bad and evil in the internet…..but still..with small steps things can change..if we all just accept our fate without putting effort nothing gona change……
Im just simply asking to concentrate on the reports from verbal abuse and to take some new steps against them……people get banned for 3 days bcs they farm in southun and look similar to bots…so there r people taking care of the game..and regarding bots very much…but verbal abuse is also something unacceptable.
While talking to u guys i got many ideas
I think haveing a system which makes people carry consequences i ther actions will be good…but one which will not allow people to abuse it and report people they dont like that these get a punishment.
Forexample…when someone get reported bcs of verbal abuse..he get a small sign next to his name..or his name color change a bit…the more reports he have..the more the sign get stronger …so the community can see he did something wrong and he might try to become better and take care of his behavour…..for sure people who did nothing but get reported need to be considered…so that sign dissapear after 1 week
While talking to u guys i got many ideas
I think haveing a system which makes people carry consequences i ther actions will be good…but one which will not allow people to abuse it and report people they dont like that these get a punishment.
Forexample…when someone get reported bcs of verbal abuse..he get a small sign next to his name..or his name color change a bit…the more reports he have..the more the sign get stronger …so the community can see he did something wrong and he might try to become better and take care of his behavour…..for sure people who did nothing but get reported need to be considered…so that sign dissapear after 1 week
This has been suggested earlier, but it would be too easy to abuse. A bunch of griefers could flag a perfect gentleman as a griefer, while the perfect gentleman could do nothing about it.
There just need to be a way to find out if the report was fair or not It either need someone to check it..or a completly different system….that forexample it activate automaticly when someone get 10 or 15 times reported (by different people) and if it was proven that 10-15 player tried to make that on someone..they get the punishment instead….so people think twice before supporting someone to abuse this thing…..and if there r less goes how it goes….its checked and the gms do something
There just need to be a way to find out if the report was fair or not
It either need someone to check it..or a completly different system….that forexample it activate automaticly when someone get 10 or 15 times reported (by different people) and if it was proven that 10-15 player tried to make that on someone..they get the punishment instead….so people think twice before supporting someone to abuse this thing…..and if there r less goes how it goes….its checked and the gms do something
So in essence nothing changes in relation to Anet needing more resources for monitoring and moderating reports?
If they need to check each report anyway, why would we need such a flagging system, when Anet can just ban them for a set period and then permanently if they continue their offense?
Hello arena, dont you get bored of reading such post?
RANK 0-15
RANK 16-30
RANK 31-40
I’m just shy of dragon rank, have been playing since release, and my best spot on the leaderboard is within the top 100 (78). I’m certainly not pro, tourny winning material, but I fit in the definition of veteran easily.
…and I totally agree with the OP. A jerk is a jerk, regardless of their rank or skill and it taints the game for other players, regardless of rank or skill. Sure, you get more people who are used to it at higher levels, but that’s because the toxic community tends to filter out other potential veterans…
…and that’s what kills a PvP community.
Bcs there some player making someone angry and getting out of controll..even this person is usually calm…it will be bad to punish them so bad.
And the things i said were just examples..i know a lot about systems and a bit about programming….but in 5 min i cant come up with a better idea without knowing more details….im not an employer of A-Net….im a customer who say there is something going wrong which needs a change
Square Enix have this awesome strategy against player who break rule and violate policy; jail. It was a in game jail where the player would be sent for a short period;depend on severe violation until time expire. I never was send there but many player i know went there and were not happy. The in game jail area was very big to fit other violate player together with them.
I think that is another suggestion for arena net; to create a jail area in the game for player who violate rule and violate policy.
If it take 1 day to-forever for player to learn violate rule and violate policy is not ok and to know that arena net is serious about set rule and policy, than let them experience it to maximum.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
Square Enix have this awesome strategy against player who break rule and violate policy; jail. It was a in game jail where the player would be sent for a short period;depend on severe violation until time expire. I never was send there but many player i know went there and were not happy. The in game jail area was very big to fit other violate player together with them.
I think that is another suggestion for arena net; to create a jail area in the game for player who violate rule and violate policy.
If it take 1 day to-forever for player to learn violate rule and violate policy is not ok and to know that arena net is serious about set rule and policy, than let them experience it to maximum.
Now this is something that could work and actually be even worse punishment than banning, because it would combine not being able to play (grief) with being publicly shamed. The added fear from actually seeing people being sent to jail could deter offenders from committing the offense in the first place.
At the moment, the bans are effective against the griefers themselves, but it does nothing to deter would-be-griefers from starting their “career”.
Ohhh that sounds also nice…like an extra megaservers just for bad guys…they still can play..if they r not able to make a 1-5 days break from the game. and also people got arrested for nothing can still play…but still..there should be a way to seperate good guys who got reported and bad guys who got reported
(edited by moony.5780)
The bad guys. Lol. I hope anet makes a megaserver too for noobs. I’d rather play with the bad guys who know what theyre doing than with the pve kittenes who dont know how tofight an run like headless chickens across the map.
y lol…the bad guys…if u like bad guys ok its ur decision..personally i dont like criminals and people who cant behave and prefer hurting people than helping ^^
but u r right..a megaserver for new player will be nice…and they can decide when they r ready for the normal server….so they can learn the game without beeing flammed when they do mistakes
(edited by moony.5780)
y lol…the bad guys…if u like bad guys ok its ur decision..personally i dont like criminals and people who cant behave and prefer hurting people than helping ^^
but u r right..a megaserver for new player will be nice…and they can decide when they r ready for the normal server….so they can learn the game without beeing flammed when they do mistakes
We want make it easy for arena net, not make it hard for them. The in game jail idea require less effort vs create new mega server; which will take too long time. I research; do you know how long it take arena net to put megaserver? 2 years.
We do not want give rule breakers and policy violate any more time, any more reason, any more excuse to continue more.
Short time=quick action-consequence/punishment. In return will encourage more player to feel safe to play more and will make game grow strong.
(edited by DarkSyze.8627)
i dont think it took 2 years to make a megaserver..,.when i played in the beta of gw2 all was 1 server….just after 2 years it came out bcs there was need for it..but this dont mean it took them 2 years to make it…
But dont misunderstand me now. i agree with u 99% xP just the 2 years….
I was pretty bothered by this too, in the beginning. Then… well… I learned to turn off my chat. Although I must say lately I’ve been rather… well I’ve given up hope on PvP being filled with kinda people that just to play together and maybe win a game or two.
Is a very easy solution to all these problems, just remove chat entierly in pvp, disable whispers.
All i’m doing at the start of the game is to read who goes close/far/mid. Then i select my combat log and never reads the qq chat for the rest of the game.
You cant always win, you lose you win. I accept that.
you can just ignore the trash some people spout up about you though. almost every player you see in a game where pvp is present would throw insults straight to your face. my advise would be to go offline or turn off chat. or punch someone in the face the next day. =)
Troll dem, whispers of sarcasm and irony are your deadly weapons, mon! You’ll make them jump on their seats and call moms. And you’ll have some fun while waiting for queues to pop.
They block you before they will whisper you.
Tho they rage-ask you questions and even laugh that you do not respond to them because you’re scared-noob.
This is so accurate lmao
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