PvP's progression in 6 months

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Rerroll.9083


  • August-September: The game is released. The hype about competitive pvp and the number of teams is HUGE. However, there is so many people playing that its impossible for good teams to fight each other, so pvp becomes a pug stomping 500-0. Some teams start to quit.
  • October: Paid tournaments are implemented. Teams are hyped up and we see a few ones being created.
  • November: The only pvp addition we see is temple of the silent storm. This map will be ignored because its not in the tournament rotation, so it becomes a meaningless addition. More people quits pvp because
    a) abuse of svanir & air runes
    b) they see paid tournaments are just a grind
  • December: There is nothing for pvpers. More people quiting, mists are really dead & boring during christmas days. A few teams discover the OPness of eles, and their set up will be copied by others.
    Pvpers are quite angry at the direction the game is taking, but from anet its said that 2013 will be the great year of pvp.
  • January: Paid tournaments become 1 round map. This map will be the only playable for 7 days and more and more people get tired of the game. Playing the same map for 5 hours daily (7*5=35) make the mists even less active. At this point only 3-4 teams in the EU remain, and many people is abusing the ele.
    There’s also the addition of some sort of matchmaking, but no one knows how it work and there isn’t a ladder to check your position.
  • February: Paid tournaments (the only addition since game release) are deleted. Althought a ladder was promised for this patch it wasn’t released.
    The balance made doesn’t change the actual meta, and a new conquest map is released.

All in all, in half a year pvpers got:
1) Paid tournaments that were deleted afterwards (sigh)
2) Matchmaking without a ladder (??)
3) 2 conquest maps

Up Rerroll

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Syko.3726


To be honest we got so much PvP content that I can’t remember a single one of them.

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Xplosiv.1503


No reason to whine, since facts speak for themselves. Amazing post Rerroll.

Thumbs up.

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Avead.5760


March : Elementalist base HP increased by 300%

april:After multiple attemps to balance eles this class is now banned from spvp in requests of the community.
The 10 people that still play competitively are rejoicing
At the same time things starting to look pretty grim for the mesma.
Also a new conquest map is released :P

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Mssg.7804


this is so sad… ehhh

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Gizmo.8623


And it seems to be so simple:
1. Want to adress bugs before release and have community opinions before final decision – give us PTS.
2. Want to know if any class/build is OP – give us dueling and deatchmatches, which are also desired features.

Players will discover all there is to discover and will point out things worth pointing out.

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Harrier.9380


And it seems to be so simple:
1. Want to adress bugs before release and have community opinions before final decision – give us PTS.
2. Want to know if any class/build is OP – give us dueling and deatchmatches, which are also desired features.

Players will discover all there is to discover and will point out things worth pointing out.

Players already pointed out thousands of things. 90% of them were completely ignored.

“Men are more ready to repay an injury than a benefit,
because gratitude is a burden and revenge a pleasure.”

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Gizmo.8623


Players already pointed out thousands of things. 90% of them were completely ignored.

I know. Sometimes I think that ANet sees our opinions of what game needs only as what someone wants.

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Avathor.1849


Pve got theirs. Enough for months ahead! Focus should really be on pvp now, and one more map isnt even in the ballpark of what is needed, really..

Make the proffesions more fun and effective (working), and balanced.
Cut the balls out of the kittening thieves and mesmers, or is it buildwars all over again?

Make maps for smaller fights between guilds.. something between the www and spvp maps.. i dont know.. something like.. the one we all loved.. the ones from GW-original?! Or for 20 players on each side?

And were is the ability to view matches? If this is going to be esport it will fail without audience. Just saying..

One more thing: Stuff like the trebuchet in the pvp-maps isnt a good thing. The best teams can be whiped cause some nerd managed to bomb ramdom.. kittening stupid!!!! Besides, new players that really isnt interested in studying all the aspects of the maps, but just want more on fun kicking butts, gets sick of it. Thinking they did well until some kittener press 2.. YEYYYYYYYYYYYY

How about just making players have to make decisions between priorities A, B, C and E and the fights and decisions therein decides who is the best. Not som kittening random luck kittening geybuchet. Its just deranged!

I remember how much fun i had ganking bases in GW-original.. How about making that possible again, in smaller maps..? Perhaps gank with 1-5 people but still really be able to turn the tide if skillful enough. One map in pvp with the lord is like that now, but i really hope for more. Mindless zerging isnt my thing.

(edited by Avathor.1849)

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: nerva.7940


u know whats even funnier? in 6 months, we didnt get a SINGLE new viable build. how messed up is that?

Ikiro – 80 Ranger
Umie – 80 Guardian

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Transistor.8746


I think that this patch was a huge step in the right direction. I know it might “hurt” to hear, but this game also has extremely large WvW and PvE followings (being an MMO and all) that are also clamoring for attention to their respective modes. I could understand the frustration much more if this were a dedicated PvP game such as LoL or DotA and all they were doing was making more skins in their online market or something instead of making the gameplay better. They put in paid tourneys and they didn’t end up working, so they took them out. That does not constitute a “zero sum” effort on A-net’s part.

Also, I can definitely understand the frustration concerning profession balance and the desire for competitive play where the best face off against the best. But the people demanding the ladder immediately tend to rub me the wrong way.

For starters: the monument stone (or whatever it’s called) is already programmed into the game. You can walk right up to it and read the placeholders. They are obviously going to incorporate its use at some point. Secondly, wouldn’t you rather have them establish a meaningful matchmaking system (what they’re doing now) before the ladder is instituted? You know, so that it actually holds meaning? If they made a ladder this second the people that would be at the top would be those that grinded paids non-stop for months. Does that really hold any value to you? And lastly, can’t you play a game for fun and the competitive spirit instead of chest thumping that you’re at a certain spot on the ladder? Can’t you be on a team with 4 friends/guildies and do well against those of equal skill without having some random pug recognize your tag and grovel at your feet?

I know an e-sport “needs” a ladder (how else would you know who to worship?) but let them flesh out the mode first.

In before: PvE Hero, LOL Rank 16, ANET should have already done all this perfectly and more, someone who doesn’t care about e-sports commenting on e-sports (watch competitive SC2 regularly)

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


  • August-September: The game is released. The hype about competitive pvp and the number of teams is HUGE. However, there is so many people playing that its impossible for good teams to fight each other, so pvp becomes a pug stomping 500-0. Some teams start to quit.
  • October: Paid tournaments are implemented. Teams are hyped up and we see a few ones being created.
  • November: The only pvp addition we see is temple of the silent storm. This map will be ignored because its not in the tournament rotation, so it becomes a meaningless addition. More people quits pvp because
    a) abuse of svanir & air runes
    b) they see paid tournaments are just a grind
  • December: There is nothing for pvpers. More people quiting, mists are really dead & boring during christmas days. A few teams discover the OPness of eles, and their set up will be copied by others.
    Pvpers are quite angry at the direction the game is taking, but from anet its said that 2013 will be the great year of pvp.
  • January: Paid tournaments become 1 round map. This map will be the only playable for 7 days and more and more people get tired of the game. Playing the same map for 5 hours daily (7*5=35) make the mists even less active. At this point only 3-4 teams in the EU remain, and many people is abusing the ele.
    There’s also the addition of some sort of matchmaking, but no one knows how it work and there isn’t a ladder to check your position.
  • February: Paid tournaments (the only addition since game release) are deleted. Althought a ladder was promised for this patch it wasn’t released.
    The balance made doesn’t change the actual meta, and a new conquest map is released.

All in all, in half a year pvpers got:
1) Paid tournaments that were deleted afterwards (sigh)
2) Matchmaking without a ladder (??)
3) 2 conquest maps

4) No significant balance changes to change the meta whatsoever. Ele, mesmer, guardian = the meta. Rangers also decent. Everything else not wanted

With paids at least we had a system which meant you could play premade vs premade and be sure of a fair anf rewarding experience. That has gone now and its back to premades just stomping random solo queuers. Complete disaster.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


I had written a similar topic in December, but added a comparison with pve updates, so that topic got locked if I am not mistaken. Its dangerous to write something like this : o

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


Pistol Whip got nerfed.
Tactical Strike got nerfed.
Tripwire and Needle trap work
I get a 1/2 second circle if I use my Venoms
Speak for yourself, I’ve seen quite a lot of big changes.

In seriousness
you forgot 1 round tourneys on your list.
Map change so destroying Guild isn’t as ez as it was before.
Other minute details that aren’t necessarily large.

The great forum duppy.

(edited by ensoriki.5789)

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Tasty Kiwi.6837

Tasty Kiwi.6837

Then people wonder why people quit this game.

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Noctis Assassin.4035

Noctis Assassin.4035

Pistol Whip got nerfed.
Tactical Strike got nerfed.
Tripwire and Needle trap work
I get a 1/2 second circle if I use my Venoms
Speak for yourself, I’ve seen quite a lot of big changes.

In seriousness
you forgot 1 round tourneys on your list.
Map change so destroying Guild isn’t as ez as it was before.
Other minute details that aren’t necessarily large.

That pistol whip nerf made me a sad moa but it was op as heck

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


best esports in the WORLD

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Candiru.5279


this is so sad… ehhh

Compare it with the PVE progression of the last 6 months and you cry

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Sanis.1096


all they have to do now is remove hot join and free tournaments and we are ready for some serious action

-rank 41 guardian-
-Desolation EU-

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I think what happened was they wanted to be very innovative with their match mechanic at launch. They came out of the gate with an FPS style hotjoin mode and an 8-team bracket single elimination tournament.

Hindsight is 20/20. Many of their other innovative features paid off and made the game very popular and liked, especially in PvE. These PvP ideas might have worked if there had just been a “normal” mode at the beginning. Every patch brings us closer to the ultimate goal of being able to play a regular match. This patch was important in that it removed the barrier to being able to queue for a single match, but unfortunately the population is already too low for solo vs. solo/team vs. team.

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


I think what happened was they wanted to be very innovative with their match mechanic at launch. They came out of the gate with an FPS style hotjoin mode and an 8-team bracket single elimination tournament.

Hindsight is 20/20. Many of their other innovative features paid off and made the game very popular and liked, especially in PvE. These PvP ideas might have worked if there had just been a “normal” mode at the beginning. Every patch brings us closer to the ultimate goal of being able to play a regular match. This patch was important in that it removed the barrier to being able to queue for a single match, but unfortunately the population is already too low for solo vs. solo/team vs. team.

One of the biggest complaints about PvP from beta to now was the lack of matchmatching. If the game released with MMR, it would be dramatically different. Ladder/MMR is the single most important feature anyone can include in PvP, and ArenaNet didn’t.

Who knows, their little tournament system might have actually worked.

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: wllalele.9427


I remember all these pictures with 50% PVE 50% PVP, focus on e-sports etc. Where it is now? Anyway, the best thing is, there is no guild wars in Guild Wars, this is disgrace.

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Art.9367


Whatever the case is, there needs to be more emphasis on PvP development in my opinion. It could be a flourishing aspect of the game that can attract millions of potential players and yet we’re over half a year after launch either lacking or completely missing many features.

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


Would have liked leaderboards and some kind of ladder by now. The MMR, ladder, and leaderboards should have all been released together. It doesn’t make sense to have one without the others.

Also hidden MMR? Seriously?

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: NevirSayDie.6235


I think what happened was they wanted to be very innovative with their match mechanic at launch. They came out of the gate with an FPS style hotjoin mode and an 8-team bracket single elimination tournament.

Hindsight is 20/20. Many of their other innovative features paid off and made the game very popular and liked, especially in PvE. These PvP ideas might have worked if there had just been a “normal” mode at the beginning. Every patch brings us closer to the ultimate goal of being able to play a regular match. This patch was important in that it removed the barrier to being able to queue for a single match, but unfortunately the population is already too low for solo vs. solo/team vs. team.

One of the biggest complaints about PvP from beta to now was the lack of matchmatching. If the game released with MMR, it would be dramatically different. Ladder/MMR is the single most important feature anyone can include in PvP, and ArenaNet didn’t.

Who knows, their little tournament system might have actually worked.

True. I just find it interesting how the devs are slowly introducing regular PvP matches to the game.

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Sprawl.3891


funny thing is paids were working in pre-release betas, so i wouldnt even add that to the list as live development

Sprawl – Necro – Eredon Terrace

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Kasama.8941


This is a nice list of reasons why I still only use sPvP to test new builds for WvW.

I was hoping sPvP would be up to speed, by the time I had finished the story line in PvE. That was five months ago. Every time I try to play sPvP, it still feels like a beta. There’s absolutely nothing compelling about it. And it’s becoming evidently clear that, while ArenaNet are listening, they really aren’t interested in changing anything drastically. sPvP development is like watching a snail trying to crawl of a hot frying pan; it’s slow and painful.

80 Ranger | 80 Mesmer | 80 Thief | 80 Guardian | 40 Engineer
“The learned is happy, nature to explore. The fool is happy, that he knows no more.”
-Alexander Pope

(edited by Kasama.8941)

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Jacobin.8509


Very sobering timeline.

The only good thing about this patch was the removal of tickets and qualifier points.

Unfortunately throwing everybody back into frees results in pre-made hardcore teams stomping everybody, just like month 1-2. The MMR doesn’t really work when mixing solos with pre-mades and with a low overall population.

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: leman.7682


The changes from this patch were pretty much what the players have been saying since the launch. The problem is it took 6 months for devs to understand that.


PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


(March) Added in game top 1000 guilds rankings ladder
Added in game top 1000 Player rankings ladder
Added Custom Arena and observe mode

We Have Made weaker weapon skills n traits more viable as choices , giving the player a lot more viable builds …

We Have Also looked at scoring on all maps and glory gains and have adjusted accordingly per map ….

LOL i wish this was march notes

[WM]give us in game ladder

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


Hey does anyone remember that joke, that Colin Johanson told pretty soon after the release of this… game…

Now how exactly did it go… something like: “You’ll be surprised at how fast we will be pumping out new pvp content after idontknowwhensomethingsomething”


Well my guild quit the game in november, I kinda quit in december, I’m just sorry there’s no monthly fee, because I would love to not pay for one…

(edited by samo.1054)

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: dejay.2598


Hey does anyone remember that joke, that Colin Johanson told pretty soon after the release of this… game…

Now how exactly did it go… something like: “You’ll be surprised at how fast we will be pumping out new pvp content after idontknowwhensomethingsomething”


Well my guild quit the game in november, I kinda quit in december, I’m just sorry there’s no monthly fee, because I would love to not pay for one…

link to interview so i can get my refund

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: samo.1054


@dejay: i’ll try to find it, when I have the time :P

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Larynx.2453


(edited by Larynx.2453)

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Taevion.2896


Dam Dev team, how can you make pvp worse than gw1…. i hated casual pvp in gw1 b/c lack of monks or too many monks screwed up the fun of the matches, and now that you created a fun fighting system, your pvp offerings lack 10x more than what gw1 had and i dind’t even like gw1’s pvp to begin with


(edited by Taevion.2896)

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Baba Baba Ba.9810

Baba Baba Ba.9810

On a completely unrelated topic..

well actually it does relate.

Is anyone else sick of trying to defend this game to his friends? I get that all day long. “What? you still play GW2 pvp? DUDE that game SUCKS! Seriously, we want you back in SC2, play the real E-Sport with us!”.

And I’m all like "Yeah… but.. they’re making a ladder and… the combat is really innovative and… erm. Well. "

It saddens me

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: EoNxBoNx.9213


On a completely unrelated topic..

well actually it does relate.

Is anyone else sick of trying to defend this game to his friends? I get that all day long. “What? you still play GW2 pvp? DUDE that game SUCKS! Seriously, we want you back in SC2, play the real E-Sport with us!”.

And I’m all like "Yeah… but.. they’re making a ladder and… the combat is really innovative and… erm. Well. "

It saddens me

Yeah man, I feel you. I have a good group a friends that wanted to play LoL when this game was coming out. I would play with the every once in awhile, but…when GW2 was still new it was fun. Now, its like wtf is this game?

“You’re either a Noob or a Pro your entire life, that’s life”
IGN – Kinjax // World – Anvil Rock
IGN – InTheseDays // World – Anvil Rock

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Unfortunately Anet doesn’t care. Why would they?

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

PvP's progression in 6 months

in PvP

Posted by: kailin.4905


Still the same OP classes dominating everything, just on a new map that makes it easier to win faster for half of them.