SPvP updates... why not?

SPvP updates... why not?

in PvP

Posted by: Leafstorm.1349


I don’t understand why Anet doesn’t do faster SPvP updates. Why is it that when we find out something is super over powered or even when there are broken things that we don’t hot fix these over night or even over the week?

There are so many problems every season with the classes that this needs to start becoming a thing. Each season there is always one or two classes that need a small nerf i.e. this season warriors are stupidly op. It would be really nice to have soft nerfs during the season so it doesn’t become complete trash like it always is.

As for the actual season it’s self, small changes can be made to the way it works as well during the week and NOT wait until the whole season is spend pounding your head against a desk.

I really love what Anet has done here this season, but it needs some small changes. Many of the people you guys consider to be in the top 250 are just second accounts, so that makes it more like a top 125. You guys allow people to be placed in said top 250 or even top 10 after playing 10 stupid games and that needs to be changed as well. How about we start those players off at 1550 and make them grind the rest of the way like everyone else does. Why are we still losing points when people DC and its a 4v5? There are many more things I could talk about, but the point is that you guys could be making small adjustments to these things over the week and for the most part people would be much more happy about it.

Its time to make a change in the way Anet operates regarding SPvP if you guys ever want to make it more than what it currently is. It starts with more frequent updates.

~Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight.
490m PvX

Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)

SPvP updates... why not?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I don’t understand why Anet doesn’t do faster SPvP updates. Why is it that when we find out something is super over powered or even when there are broken things that we don’t hot fix these over night or even over the week?

There are so many problems every season with the classes that this needs to start becoming a thing. Each season there is always one or two classes that need a small nerf i.e. this season warriors are stupidly op. It would be really nice to have soft nerfs during the season so it doesn’t become complete trash like it always is.

Guess they are not willing to pay competent people for doing tests for them. Devs cant test things they come up with on every level of gameplay themselves, they should get help with that. They are only able to make small little stepps in the dark or jump forth into a ravine, couse the real effects of the changes they make are only going to be seen if they are launched to the big public.

SPvP updates... why not?

in PvP

Posted by: MissCee.1295


Public Test Server? Ever heard of it?

My toons: Loki Thunderstruck, Loki Livewire,Loki Spellbound, Loki Meanstreak

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SPvP updates... why not?

in PvP

Posted by: Leafstorm.1349


I don’t understand why Anet doesn’t do faster SPvP updates. Why is it that when we find out something is super over powered or even when there are broken things that we don’t hot fix these over night or even over the week?

There are so many problems every season with the classes that this needs to start becoming a thing. Each season there is always one or two classes that need a small nerf i.e. this season warriors are stupidly op. It would be really nice to have soft nerfs during the season so it doesn’t become complete trash like it always is.

Guess they are not willing to pay competent people for doing tests for them. Devs cant test things they come up with on every level of gameplay themselves, they should get help with that. They are only able to make small little stepps in the dark or jump forth into a ravine, couse the real effects of the changes they make are only going to be seen if they are launched to the big public.

The point is that they could make a weekly “soft” update and continuously adjust fire from each week. Most games actually do this and its how they keep any sort of balance between whatever it is they have going on. It feels like Anet just wants to come up with their own way of doing things to create a completely new way of doing things, and that’s cool, but there are things that have been proven effective over time and we shouldn’t turn a blind eye to them. If Anet wants this league to actually go anywhere they need to start making people actually want to play SPvP.

I also think we should revert a bit back to pre HoT and make it to where you can once again play unranked, solo queue, and team queue. I feel like adding back in the top 1,000 rankings and leaderboard would be a great idea as well as well as add back in the percentages they use to have for players who didn’t make it to the top 1k. We could even add titles for those top 1k, lesser titles, but still incentive. Having a top 250 makes the SPvP community seem smaller than what it really is.

Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)

SPvP updates... why not?

in PvP

Posted by: Gamble.4580


Everyone should of started Bronze and grinder up and started in that division next season.

[UNTY] Unity guild -AG server
Asura -Thief

SPvP updates... why not?

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Everyone should of started Bronze and grinder up and started in that division next season.

Sure, if you just love chaos.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

SPvP updates... why not?

in PvP

Posted by: Gamble.4580


Why it’s equal and fare if you skilled you move up.

[UNTY] Unity guild -AG server
Asura -Thief

SPvP updates... why not?

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Why it’s equal and fare if you skilled you move up.

It’s that moving up process that is chaos. Everything from elite pros to complete noobs all in a match together, and matchmaker having no idea which is which so it has no idea how to split the teams.

If they ever do that I’ll just play Unranked for the first month and wait for the chaos to settle. The one bright side, the forums will be very entertaining, more so than usual.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds

SPvP updates... why not?

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


Why it’s equal and fare if you skilled you move up.

playing with people 3man capping nodes isn’t that exciting if you are above average


SPvP updates... why not?

in PvP

Posted by: Solstace.2514


Maybe they don’t have the resources or staff?

SPvP updates... why not?

in PvP

Posted by: Leafstorm.1349


Why it’s equal and fare if you skilled you move up.

It’s that moving up process that is chaos. Everything from elite pros to complete noobs all in a match together, and matchmaker having no idea which is which so it has no idea how to split the teams.

If they ever do that I’ll just play Unranked for the first month and wait for the chaos to settle. The one bright side, the forums will be very entertaining, more so than usual.

That already happens. Just start people off at 1550 and be done with it. Though part of the problem is that those players are then playing for the same amount of points as other, but at a different value considering their games are much harder.

My point is if we do a weekly update we can make small adjustments to make the season better overall. There shouldn’t EVER be a time when a gaming company recognizes that a class is too powerful or something is amiss during a pvp season and not start to take quick actions to balance it out.

Leafmender, Leader of Lion Knight.
Zoe Nightmare (Necro)

SPvP updates... why not?

in PvP

Posted by: Shaogin.2679


Why it’s equal and fare if you skilled you move up.

It’s that moving up process that is chaos. Everything from elite pros to complete noobs all in a match together, and matchmaker having no idea which is which so it has no idea how to split the teams.

If they ever do that I’ll just play Unranked for the first month and wait for the chaos to settle. The one bright side, the forums will be very entertaining, more so than usual.

That already happens. Just start people off at 1550 and be done with it. Though part of the problem is that those players are then playing for the same amount of points as other, but at a different value considering their games are much harder.

That never happens currently. Legendary players are not being matched with bronze players, which is what would happen after a hard reset.

Doc Von Doom – Asuran Necromancer
Gate of Madness
Contribute to the Wiki MetaBattle Builds