So, full premades vs. solo/duo again?
Pretty sure thats by design
its only in place to prevent full soloq vs full premade type thing
Also, division doesnt mean as much now given that they are matching more on MMR again. Just look how close that game was and how far the divisions make it seem.
yeah I know, I was just interesting in the group/solo deviation in this particular match, wonder if a dev could confirm that that is working as intended(one can wish I guess :p )
If you dig thru dev posts I am 90% certain there already is a post confirming this from last season
Anet has no real interest in fair matches beyond making sure your MMR is roughly similar (lol).
Game Designer
This is by design. We allow duo queues to pair up against full pre-made teams, but not a full group of solo queues. We changed this during Season 2.
As for the spread, it’s because those players are grouped up. For example, the Amber on Red Team is brought up to Sapphire level because they’re pairing with a Sapphire player. The Blue Team has Ruby players on it because they’re most likely in early Ruby which puts them within the range of upper tier Sapphire players for the purposes of matchmaking. The Emerald player is subsequently brought up because they’re grouped with higher division players.
I know that match-ups like this may seem off-kilter at first glance, but it’s entirely within the parameters we’ve set in the matchmaking algorithm and definitely by design. It looks like it was a close match though, so I’m glad you had fun!
It is a bad design. Full groups should only play vs other full groups. Even a trio and a duo vs a full group are at a huge disadvantage. Not being able to coordinate your team without voice com is a HUGE disadvantage.
So implement ingame VOIP or make groups only play vs groups of equal size, even if it increase queue times.
(edited by Malediktus.9250)
The match rating is the best design I have seen for an MMORPG. Nobody is claiming it is flawless, but when you compare this to World of Warcraft or the other RPGS, this one is miles ahead.
LoL is not an MMORPG if you’re going to try to claim that is better.
The system takes factor for full premades vs duo queue, it raises their MMR to be higher to compensate the difference. In other words, your teammates were likely better players than the premade in terms of SOLO MMR.
The fact you got a close match really show how well the MMR match system is.
It is a bad design. Full groups should only play vs other full groups. Even a trio and a duo vs a full group are at a huge disadvantage. Not being able to coordinate your team without voice com is a HUGE disadvantage.
So implement ingame VOIP or make groups only play vs groups of equal size, even if it increase queue times.
While I am just as salty as the next guy to losing vs premades…
Statistically I probably beat them as much as they beat me. Most of the time its casual friends/guildies.
So you want longer queue times to fix something that isn’t a real problem.
Well, got what I wanted Thanks Erik.
When can we have solo queue back?
I join solo most of the time, but because of some duo que some times i get vs a 4 men team , not really fair.
They should make so that if u duo que , then u can max meet some one triple quing , or if you 4 men que then u can meet some 5 men que.
But never a 2 men team should meet a 5 men team , never.
LoL is not an MMORPG if you’re going to try to claim that is better.
As if that matters what genre that game is labelled as.
It is PvP, it uses a very similar (useless) system for rating players (and still that is giving you a rating that is 20% in your hands – in both ways. You get unjustified wins and losses.). Now try to put together people with the same bogus rating. It is basically
(Guess + Guess + Guess + Guess + Guess) / (player numbers) = Matchmaking
Add an impossible handycap for premades (if something like that even exist) and you get another factor that drives it away from any sort of “match” “making”.
and politically highly incorrect. (#Asuracist)
“We [Asura] are the concentrated magnificence!”
This is by design. We allow duo queues to pair up against full pre-made teams, but not a full group of solo queues. We changed this during Season 2.
As for the spread, it’s because those players are grouped up. For example, the Amber on Red Team is brought up to Sapphire level because they’re pairing with a Sapphire player. The Blue Team has Ruby players on it because they’re most likely in early Ruby which puts them within the range of upper tier Sapphire players for the purposes of matchmaking. The Emerald player is subsequently brought up because they’re grouped with higher division players.
I know that match-ups like this may seem off-kilter at first glance, but it’s entirely within the parameters we’ve set in the matchmaking algorithm and definitely by design. It looks like it was a close match though, so I’m glad you had fun!
only and adjustement is required in case of full teams vs pugs and only a duo q to go for a even match: the pugs need to be beter individuals that the indiuviduals full team, the team has in his favor voice com for cordination and teorically can work as a team to outplay better individuals, the solo queuers not. puting a team whith one or two better players than all of individuals on the other side is going for a blow out, teams can play vs individuals and get a close match only if the individual skills of solo players are a bit better than the team individuals. in terms of adjusting mmr for even matches the team hasve to be considered a little better than the sum or coeficient or whar uses the sistem of all the individuals in it
This is really bad design.
I can understand the thought process by giving 5-man premade teams shorter que times, but it puts others at a big disadvantage.
Here’s a suggestion, only pair up 5-man premade teams with other teams of double duo and/or triple together. But never alone against a single duo que.
The problem with is that the other 3 players (not in the duo) on the red team should be expecting to get into matches against other solo players or at worst vs a 4 man premade on the other team. So really for these other 3 players, to them it may seem unfair and that they are NOT in a solo queue.
However it did seem to be a good close game. So I guess we wait and see how many more similar posts like these come along and if they will continue to be close/fair games or landslides.
(edited by Paulytnz.7619)
This is by design. We allow duo queues to pair up against full pre-made teams, but not a full group of solo queues. We changed this during Season 2.
As for the spread, it’s because those players are grouped up. For example, the Amber on Red Team is brought up to Sapphire level because they’re pairing with a Sapphire player. The Blue Team has Ruby players on it because they’re most likely in early Ruby which puts them within the range of upper tier Sapphire players for the purposes of matchmaking. The Emerald player is subsequently brought up because they’re grouped with higher division players.
I know that match-ups like this may seem off-kilter at first glance, but it’s entirely within the parameters we’ve set in the matchmaking algorithm and definitely by design. It looks like it was a close match though, so I’m glad you had fun!
You need to remove pip loss against if you’re going to allow and basically encourage solo players to go up against full groups. Unless you’re stacking the pug group HEAVILY, it’s not balanced whatsoever, regardless of your terrible MMR system.
This is by design. We allow duo queues to pair up against full pre-made teams, but not a full group of solo queues. We changed this during Season 2.
As for the spread, it’s because those players are grouped up. For example, the Amber on Red Team is brought up to Sapphire level because they’re pairing with a Sapphire player. The Blue Team has Ruby players on it because they’re most likely in early Ruby which puts them within the range of upper tier Sapphire players for the purposes of matchmaking. The Emerald player is subsequently brought up because they’re grouped with higher division players.
I know that match-ups like this may seem off-kilter at first glance, but it’s entirely within the parameters we’ve set in the matchmaking algorithm and definitely by design. It looks like it was a close match though, so I’m glad you had fun!
I get why this happens, but i dont see why should others be punished because some people partying up with low ranked players. In this case the amber was probably just on a break on season 2 but for example i q a lot with people with little to no experience aswell. Doesnt it mean that the people that are in the team with the party in it are punished for no good reason at all? I dont mind losing games when im playing with a few amber friends or such but i can see it being pretty frustrating for others in the team.
Just asking, since this didn’t happen in s2, but s1 was full of this. Also, not even going to touch that division spread.
I want to know if the matchmaking system is making mistakes(for the love of god test them before release), or is this by design.
ps. match was still fun tho.
It doesn’t matter if you play against premades if the teams are even.
And the end score looks like it was a even/fair game.
Ceana Mera | Mesmer
Indra Nebelklinge | Revenant
I dont think its really possible to balance the randoms/small parties vs premade since theres always a possibility of voice com etc.
One solution might be to never pair the larger teams against lower MMR groups.
I think it would mean longer Q times but not as hard as if narrowing teams v.s. teams down more.
So basically from MMR the larger team is always the underdog, but its a team which sould more then compensate. Especially because we now pair closer in MMR.
I think we should be more concerned with class stacking than the MMR algorithm at this point. I’m pretty sure most people would rather wait an extra 2-3 minutes to get teams with 5 different classes instead of teams with 2 thieves and 2 dragonhunters.
This would do A LOT to help balance the game’s dynamic.
The system should have a per class MMR and not allow switching after map roll.
works as intended.
no ide why are you trying to make leaderboard for teams this horribly faceroll and casual.
Casuals wont form teams to “compete”.
If you want to make solo progression casual, be it. I dont mind.
But why on earth would you make team “leaderboard” like this. This serves zero purposes.
Hey Anet, if you don’t want solo queues can you at least stop giving groups pips when fighting solo queue players?
It’s not fun at all, when you have 3 solo queue players, a 2 people group and a full group on the opposing team and you lose 1 pip while getting farmed.
And while you are at it reward a whole tier for beating a full group with randoms.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc
Full pug team vs 2+2 or 3+2 = The balance
3 thieves vs 3 eng’s or warriors = The balance
I’m quite tired…
Anet, im srsly so frikkin angry. Can you stop pairing me with premades vs premades? Everytime i get fair matches its totally fine. Right away when you pair me with premades it goes down the hill. Wanna know why? Bc the party gets matched with the highest mmr players range in their party. That leads to those players cant handle the pressure and just die and ruin my games. Way too many games have i been put into premades with very low quality in their gameplay bc they are indeed premades. After your premade changes this mess up alot of soloq’ers pvp experience because we get throwed into kitten teams that cant handle the mmr range theyre in. Oh and most of the time the premades have like 2 emeralds in it. Tyvm since im sapphire >.> I srsly feel so salty atm.
(edited by sanctuary.1068)
Let’s just bring back solo queue and call it a day.
Really do not enjoy playing either with or against 3/4 man premade.
Let’s just bring back solo queue and call it a day.
Really do not enjoy playing either with or against 3/4 man premade.
Well, anyone want a half-decent warrior for a premade? NA servers.
Ty so much Anet, im scared of queing solo now. 40% of my soloq matches are basically me being forced into a premade of ambers & emeralds cuz their sapphire friend thinks its fun to bring them to play vs old leges & diamonds. So not motivated.
(edited by sanctuary.1068)