Some Rev skills to powerfull?
Just like WoW new classess, they need to make it OP the first month or two so people buys the game
Of course rev is going to be a balance fail out of the gate. During the next balance update 6 months from now, they will change a few of the skills that don’t need adjustment and leave anything OP in place.
Unrelenting assault gets worse the more people are on the battlefield. The heal skill is rather situational..
I don’t even play Rev, but its a new playstyle and thus new kind of opponent to face.. At least TRY to figure out some weaknesses before crying OP
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UA is only really strong 1v1 and has many ways to counter.
The glint heal you simply stop attacking.
Too much OP dude!
“Please stop complaining about stuff you don’t even know about.” ~Nocta
Take a look around you before you cry OP.
Theres plenty abilities in this game that does WAY more damage. Just take burn guardian as an example. 75,682 burn damage over 24 hits over 4,5 secounds. No condi cleanse and you are pounded. Mesmers Mind wreak, warriors rampage or gs burst. Thieves blink in and backstab sigil procs which does 8 k on procc. Ranger pewpew which hits you for 9k or , maul hitting for 7. Fresh air ele doing 16 k over a few secounds. Reapers doing their gravedigger hitting for 8-9k. Or the reaper shroud 4 hitting up to 5 targets for around 7-8k.
But no, pick on the poor rev because you can’t play against it yet
Take a look around you before you cry OP.
Read what the OP wrote. It’s the combination of damage, very long evadeframe and mobility. I know, it’s good for players so they can press a key and relax for 2 seconds, but putting so much stuff in a single skill is bad design.
Everyone of the other skills you have posted has way more counterplay.
UA was WAY too risky with no evade. Something HAD to be added.
Wanna know something that hits even while you’re invulnerable/evading? Conditions. There are entire builds that can make those evade frames less effective right there.
Not to mention, UA pretty much makes you give up complete control of your positioning for its duration, allowing the target to put them into a really bad position.
AND on top of that you can just drop AOE at your feet for when it’s over to counter burst. (If I was a warrior I’d save a good immo or stun for right when it ends, and HB his behind)
The damage is spread out over 2s, parts of which can be blocked or dodged, or invuln through, significantly reducing it’s damage.
On top of that, even just having a +1 significantly reduces it’s damage to any one target, so it’s automatically less effective against mesmers, rangers, and MMs, or anyone who’s not fighting 1v1.
The evade frames are not the problem. Did I mention that Rev has energy to manage? So every time this skill is rendered less effective it reduces the Revs skill choices down the line. It’s not like a CD only skill which can just be blown and forgotten about.
(edited by Rune Darkmoor.3269)
Of course rev is going to be a balance fail out of the gate.
Just another day in GW2. I’ll be extremely surprised if the game isn’t completely broken when the expac hits. I have absolutely no faith in the balance team – I’m fully expecting Rev and a bunch of specs to be completely broken, with a few dancing in the “useless” category.
Of course rev is going to be a balance fail out of the gate.
Just another day in GW2. I’ll be extremely surprised if the game isn’t completely broken when the expac hits. I have absolutely no faith in the balance team – I’m fully expecting Rev and a bunch of specs to be completely broken, with a few dancing in the “useless” category.
I have 0 faith in the Design Team. Just look at Chronomancer, someone legitly thought making shatterspike 2.0 was a good idea. Instead of changing the functionality of F1-F4 and improve the mesmers weaknesses of teamfighting, they decided not too. I guess Mantra of Distraction and Vamp Runes are here to stay forever, less Guild Wars, more Build Wars. Argue as much as you want about how balance is hard, it’s been 3 years and ArenaNet has failed over and over with conceptual design balance.
And here are the typical pvp people crying for nerfs to Rev again. Infused Light? Pay attention and don’t bloody hit the rev when he has it up. If you do, well that’s on you and you don’t have much right to complain about it. Double dodge the UA or run to a team mate. UA is not good against more than one target.
You basically want to nerf Rev’s one good burst skill or take away the evade which is absolutely necessary in pve. If they nerf these skills they better nerf it in pvp ONLY.
I have eaten a 14k Condolesence of ruin back to back with a 9k Unrelenting assault.
I have eaten a 14k Condolesence of ruin back to back with a 9k Unrelenting assault.
Here’s some advice: Don’t stand in the Coalescence of Ruin while you’re being hit by Unrelenting Assault. Neither of these skills provide any CC.
Easier said then done. Oh did I mention self maintained 15+ might stacks?
Can’t be helped. Game is #BalancedByAnet.
Infuse Light. Should probably be 2.5 sec duration max.
Unrelenting Assault: Everyone (ihope..) knows that this skill is straight up broken.
There is a number of counters that simply do not apply to just this one skill which should be fixed. Blinding the first hit, porting more than 600 away, EVADING THE FIRST HIT!!! All of these things SHOULD COUNTER it. The skill could also use another 5 sec longer on cd if ALL of those counters do not happen.
Lastly, the base dmg is just far too high. It gives might and scales from power pretty well, there is no need for the base dmg to be at current values.
Surge of the Mists: This skills base dmg is also too high but… it costs a fair bit of energy+20 sec cd so I find it less out of line.
Some of the big hits I’m not seeing any animations or damage indicators.
Literally I’ll just be standing there at full health and the next thing I’m in downed state
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
Where are these Super Revenants you are fighting?
Staff 5 can hit hard . . if all the hits land. Thats on you if they do. If nothing else, avoid walls.The rest of the staff skills are pretty low on the dmg end.
People don’t seem to understand how UA works before they start yelling OP. A zerk rev can hurt a zerk thief/ele 1v1 if they stand still. oh noes.
just fought a herald with infuse light.. guess how much healing he got out of it…
2k, because i didn’t attack.
Standard qq post with lack of insight. Every class has something that is strong, especially if u fight against it clueless. This is where the road splits up and some try to understand workarounds while others give up. If you dont lower your pressure against IL youll make it OP. And revs arnt that strong vs condi compared to other classes but u forgot to leave that part out.
I used to be a power ranger, now not sure anymore
Looking at revenants facetanking trebshots and getting 8k heal bursts was actually pretty enlightening, that pretty much shows how much anet actually cares bout this game being skillbased….what’s the point of dodging treb like any pleb if you can just eat it and get rewarded?
Random passive procs apparently were not enough, now even evading an high damage burst is gonna be out of meta if you actually get more just facetanking it
(edited by Archaon.9524)
you can also invul a trebshot.. or warriors could heal themselves too if they used the stance heal. it has always been like this lol.
you can also invul a trebshot.. or warriors could heal themselves too if they used the stance heal. it has always been like this lol.
defiant stance is total crap for war lol
like pretty much any other healing skill compared to hs anyway, it’s not like wars don’t run anything outside it because they just don’t want to, i would be glad to get another viable heal giving you the same conquest survivability (Not more…even the same would be fine) as you have running hs just for the sake of being able to use something else once in a while
lypion and rom tried ds in esl
Lypion was dead and rom got back to hs…war is in a bad enough spot atm even while running the most powerful things you can get, let alone if you try to step out of meta
(edited by Archaon.9524)
i never said it was good, i just said that it works the same way. giving ds the 0s cast time treatment would maybe help.
Sword skill is also kittened. You either have to double dodge or take 10k damage. If you double dodge you don’t have any dodges left and then you have to distort ect and then in 10s you’ll have to double dodge again when the cooldown is up for the revenant. Its not ok for a skill to force a double dodge every time it is used. It can’t be avoided by positioning, you can’t blink out of it, you can’t do anything but double dodge, distort or just tank the damage. The damage needs to be nerfed on it or it should be given a xyz range from where the skill started casting (like that if you leave out of a 460 radius from where the skill started casting that you just outrange it).
(edited by Jurica.1742)
unrelenting assault is basically the only skill you have to dodge on sword, and stealth breaks the attack aswell. if you can’t be creative about it as a mesmer then maybe you should reroll. not like the clones lessen the overall damage of the skill…
And what about hammer hitting 4k-6k-8k in WvW? Don’t you worry though, after the expansion comes out they’ll balance it.
wvw is not the way to balance the game.. but i agree that the hammer hits too high for the low cooldown it has on #2 and i made a thread about it after bwe2, either reduce the damage or increase the cooldown.
wvw is not the way to balance the game.. but i agree that the hammer hits too high for the low cooldown it has on #2 and i made a thread about it after bwe2, either reduce the damage or increase the cooldown.
It hits for 3k-4k-5k in PvP too. And in both cases you can get hit by both the last and the middle strike.
You are only getting hit for 4k? In wvw I would expect 6500-8-10+ honestly..
but yes the hammer base dmg is too much as well. It really didnt need the %dmg buff across the whole weapon that they added WITH HERALD as well.
Although it SHOULD CRIT HARD, the base dmg is too high, which is consistant with most of the burst skills on the class.
Your post makes 0 sense. You can’t say anything to make it alright for a 10s CD skill to force a double dodge or a defensive cooldown every time it is used. There are ways to avoid it, sure but they cost too much in comparison to how much the revenant invested.
This thread is so really.. I believe best state of rev was few months ago during first rev beta right?
Go condi build and laugh at revs if thats your problem and you want to counter something what was made to counter power builds in the first place. Did i mentioned that UA trigger confusion for each hit?
Ps. close range to hammer rev..gratz, all of it damage is gone. Im genius, dont thanks.
Playing Smite since mid s2, f broken gw2.
I’m assuming most people who are having trouble with revs are glassy direct damage builds who don’t know how to fight a rev (not that any of us do fully yet.) On bruiser builds I havn’t met a rev I’ve had a problem with. I also hear condi builds are great vs revs.
Obviously a properly balanced NEW glass SHOULD be a bit OP since knowledge to counter them is a bit lacking.
When I see revenants i say to myself “this gonna be looong fight”
Some builds are way over the top, its like elementalists v3.0
Easier said then done. Oh did I mention self maintained 15+ might stacks?
lol you hover at 10 and for half a second it gets to 12 and that is also if you have the passive signet active and dont use the skill or go into another legend.
The heal is pretty much defiance stance which been in the game
Sword #3 is the only high-damaging skill of any sword weapon set, aka the only skill that will potentially kill you. If it was possible to avoid/mitigate the whole UA, Revs would simply not kill anything… You cant mitigate all dmg from an enemy. The only rational change (proposed on BWE2) would be to decrease the dmg of the first hits and increase the last one, so using one dodge at the end would mitigate way more than now
Sword #3 is the only high-damaging skill of any sword weapon set, aka the only skill that will potentially kill you. If it was possible to avoid/mitigate the whole UA, Revs would simply not kill anything… You cant mitigate all dmg from an enemy. The only rational change (proposed on BWE2) would be to decrease the dmg of the first hits and increase the last one, so using one dodge at the end would mitigate way more than now
Right now its one of the worst examples of a “fire and forget” type skill in this game.
The heal is pretty much defiance stance which been in the game
It’s an improved version of defiance stance… and it’s only one of the 2 heals a rev can use in a same fight… To be balanced, it would need to be half the efficiency, not better.
Seriously though, pistol whip is like the cheesiest abomination in game and then they put mobility into it? It’s just… Lol. Honestly, 15 burns stacks hurt a lot but it’s still manageable. Even pistol whip still have some counterplay woth a bit of mobility. UA still homes you even if you already dodge or move away…. The fact that this skill exists really baffles me.
When I see revenants i say to myself “this gonna be looong fight”
Some builds are way over the top, its like elementalists v3.0
Yes, killed one over the weekend with ranger. I was more relieved that the incident was over, than I was elated at a kill.
Sword 3, Glint Heal, Staff 5 are all pretty much OP. Furthermore, Revenants innate sustain is kind of OTT.