Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


Took a break from the game and played for the first time this year when the major patch was released last week.

It overwhelmed me and the matches that ensued were pure chaos, but in a fun way. All professions were present as people discovered viable builds to play.

As things began to settle, I’ve noticed a huge decline of engineers and rangers in matches. It became noticeable in the last 2 days especially. Engineers had a bigger decline. Today, there were no engineers present in 6 straight matches.

I only play light armored classes but was aware that they used a bug with grenades. The bug is only a problem if I’m against a premade team. Otherwise, they weren’t a big threat even when they used the bug because most wouldn’t even land.

After the fix, why can’t engies play a different build? Are they really that dependent on grenades? Or is the class messed up?

I don’t know about rangers declining numbers.

The current distribution of professions look something like this:

30% guardians
20% mesmers
20% eles
15% warriors
5% thieves
5% necros
3% rangers
2% engies

Not healthy for pvp at all

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


Did you really just made an assumption based on a 6 matches that had no engis in it? The ’’fix’’ happened 6 hours ago, give it a bit of time, people didn’t really bother playing anything else but nades the last few days.

I didn’t notice any decrease in engis in the last few days.

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: trytonianYeti.4389


That’s correct, I assumed it from the 6 straight matches with 0 engies. And to top that off, currently in my hotm map, guardians represent about 40% of the population.

Guess it’s your word against mine except that I use undeniable facts that certain professions are over-represented. Secondly, I posses absolutely no bias. Just concerned about PVP in general and prefer balance amongst all professions.

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Darknicrofia.2604


98% of those stats are pulled 100% out of your behind.

Darknicrofia Sage – Bad Gerdian, Merciless Legend, Platinum NA Solo Que

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: serenke.4806


You really posted those numbers based on… the few matches you played? That is quite brave and very inaccurate.

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


To his defence, the bogus statistics did contribute to the entertainment value of the thread.

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Laraley.7695


That’s correct, I assumed it from the 6 straight matches with 0 engies. And to top that off, currently in my hotm map, guardians represent about 40% of the population.

Guess it’s your word against mine except that I use undeniable facts that certain professions are over-represented. Secondly, I posses absolutely no bias. Just concerned about PVP in general and prefer balance amongst all professions.

I wonder how you counted all the professions in the whole map.

What undeniable facts may I ask?

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173



Remember that the daily profession win achievement impacts things. Guard was one of those and I also saw a lot of guards today.

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Nagato no Kami.4980

Nagato no Kami.4980

Love how indisputable facts come from itty bitty sample sizes.

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: alain.1659


To be able to make a generalization you should at least have 30 pvp matches at your disposal friend. I have met several engies in yesterdays pvp fun for example. 30 match and a good overall percent would be helpful.

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Cyninja.2954


No matter if I agree with your sentiment, taking this kind of bogus statistik is just sad.

It only gives people who want to deny class balance another step to stand on. You should feel ashamed and go back to highschool statistics before ever making another thread.

Here I’ll leave you with this meme since it adequately shows how much value your 6 game subjective statistic has:

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Lord Hammer Hand.4815

Lord Hammer Hand.4815

wait, was this games played today? during guardian and mesmer daily? i played 2 games today and 1st theres an engi on other team, 2nd i have an engi in my team. i also play engi, they actually pretty common. go play more.

Pacific Islander Legion [NoyP]
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Exciton.8942


You should have played the other day when it was engi day. Grenadier still on that time. It was basically nades throwing competition every game I played.

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Vague Memory.2817

Vague Memory.2817

You have to take the class pvp dailies into account. You will always get a disproportionate representation of classes playing that have a daily up.

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: nearlight.3064


The reason why I’m not playing engi as much anymore is because the cele rifle build has been gutted. Its nothing but a shadow of its former self, because of the traitline changes and some lacklustre trait choices in general, you can’t have everything you need in one build to make cele rifle nades/toolkit/slick shoes work like it did before the patch.

Thats because you need both explosives and firearms to have decent physical damage and condition pressure because of incendiary powder being moved, without both of those your damage is too low. If you take both of those trees then your sustain will be limited because you’ll only be able to take alchemy or inventions, and both are really needed to have enough sustain to warrant cele in the first place.

Sure you can go alch/inventions/explos with HGH, e-gun, and elixer b to might stack to make up for the low damage, but you’re utterly outclassed by what a fire/water/arcane d/f or d/d ele can do, and losing tool kit and elixer s or slick shoes makes you easy to focus fire in teamfights so its completely not worth it in anyway.

Power zerk/marauder engi is better now since you can take alchemy traits and elixer s and tool kit to not get focused and disengage with invlun and stealth, but its just not the same as the cele rifle build used to be…

Necromancer Main
Taking a break from GW2 to play various
Nintendo games..

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Took a break from the game and played for the first time this year when the major patch was released last week.

It overwhelmed me and the matches that ensued were pure chaos, but in a fun way. All professions were present as people discovered viable builds to play.

As things began to settle, I’ve noticed a huge decline of engineers and rangers in matches. It became noticeable in the last 2 days especially. Engineers had a bigger decline. Today, there were no engineers present in 6 straight matches.

I only play light armored classes but was aware that they used a bug with grenades. The bug is only a problem if I’m against a premade team. Otherwise, they weren’t a big threat even when they used the bug because most wouldn’t even land.

After the fix, why can’t engies play a different build? Are they really that dependent on grenades? Or is the class messed up?

I don’t know about rangers declining numbers.

The current distribution of professions look something like this:

30% guardians
20% mesmers
20% eles
15% warriors
5% thieves
5% necros
3% rangers
2% engies

Not healthy for pvp at all

Classes I see most to least (based on my PvP playtime since the patch):


Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


When you done about 100 000 games and also took dailies into weighting then i would consider your statistics somehow informative.

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


98% of those stats are pulled 100% out of your behind.

hahaha, nice! And obviously true!

Engis are pretty amazing still and until the huge bug is fixed, those “statistics” mean nothing.

Ranger is also definitely more viable than before and some builds are IMHO even worthy to be played on a high competetive level.

The patch is still fairly new, no meta has established yet, several builds probably haven’t seen the light of day etc. – totally useless to loose your head over it just yet.

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Furious.2867


a lot of engies are BAD. there are only a few great ones. to begin with. most of the nades bug spammers were ex-turreteers. you come across a decent engie every once in a while but theyre usually not gimmicky

Turret Engie, 13 Nades Engie, MM Necro Hambow, P/P Thief, PU Mesmer
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Darksteel.8412


Took a break from the game and played for the first time this year when the major patch was released last week.

It overwhelmed me and the matches that ensued were pure chaos, but in a fun way. All professions were present as people discovered viable builds to play.

As things began to settle, I’ve noticed a huge decline of engineers and rangers in matches. It became noticeable in the last 2 days especially. Engineers had a bigger decline. Today, there were no engineers present in 6 straight matches.

I only play light armored classes but was aware that they used a bug with grenades. The bug is only a problem if I’m against a premade team. Otherwise, they weren’t a big threat even when they used the bug because most wouldn’t even land.

After the fix, why can’t engies play a different build? Are they really that dependent on grenades? Or is the class messed up?

I don’t know about rangers declining numbers.

The current distribution of professions look something like this:

30% guardians
20% mesmers
20% eles
15% warriors
5% thieves
5% necros
3% rangers
2% engies

Not healthy for pvp at all

more like rangers 40% mesmer rest…this is inaccurate but way more accurate then your’s

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Salamander.2504


What you’re trying to do is actually really cool, and worth pursuing. Ignore the internet bullies above. They are being negative, rather than constructive.

However, you are dealing with the statistics of small numbers, and so we all have a right to be highly skeptical of your initial results.

If I were you, record all the data from your matches in a 2-4 week period, noting which days are the dailies. Then display it graphically (with daily profession data included): e .g ., X axis=day, Y axis = % of players in each class. Above the graph, make sure to record which dailies are in each day so you can see the % deviation from the average caused by dailies, and N=how many matches you’ve played that day. If your N values are still too low, you may be better off binning the data by week and extending the duration of your study to a few months. This would be really cool! Yes, you’ll have to be dedicated if you want to collect data you can trust—what I described is really the bare minimum.

(edited by Salamander.2504)

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: ASP.8093


I played like one match yesterday and I was a (juggernaut) engie and the opposing team had a condi-spam engie. So that means engies represent OH WAIT THIS IS NOT HOW STATISTICS WORK percent of the overall population.

Nemain The Eyeless · [JOY] · Tarnished Coast ·

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: style.6173


I think you’ll see a lot more people play ranger when they figure out that a condi melee ranger is incredibly strong right now. Most people still think about the power ranger which is much weaker after the patch.

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Kabikaz.8637


Played a match with one mes 4 engi last night.

I am more often then not the only mes in matches.

Steep Decline of Engies followed by Rangers

in PvP

Posted by: Furious.2867


A team with 2 thieves is as bad as being in a 4v5

Turret Engie, 13 Nades Engie, MM Necro Hambow, P/P Thief, PU Mesmer
Condi & DPS Ranger, Spirit Guard