Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


I hope they will be enought PvP ppl in 2 months :P

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: CRrabbit.1284


it’s impossible to make steath/burst profession balanced. They can only be either OP or UP, there is no middle stage for such class. At least it never happened in any MMO in history (at least by now no one can find out a way to balance such class)
However, instead, there are some successful sample to make relatively balanced theif like profession.
1, with limited steath ability and deadly burst, they can choose when ever to start the fight, but the only way to finish the fight is killing target(if the target not dead, they can’t escape, means either u die or I die), which make the profession assassin like;
2, with unlimited steath ability but not enough burst, they can choose whenever to start or escape, but hard to finish target by themselves alone, which make the profession scout like;
Unfortunately, now Anet give both 1+2 to theif, that’s why ppl complain about it.

(edited by CRrabbit.1284)

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Panther Chameleon.8465

Panther Chameleon.8465

Every class has a counter to glass cannons. I just picked the two easiest ones to execute to describe because the OP seems to not have played the game past rank 10.
Nor have you apparently. Well, maybe in another two months’ time you’ll figure it out.

ORLY? What is the counter to CnD/Steal/Backstab while remaining invisible?You and I had a good 1v1 at Temple of Silent Storm recently and you’re so quick to throw out insults, but not surprising coming from a biased Thief player afraid of change. HC Thief players can’t even accept constructive criticism they are so biased…Then, they label everyone else as a L2P skid to try and distinguish themselves. As if it takes any skill to spam heartseeker for an easy down, then pop one of several stealth abilities and stomp someone undetected.

" I like to let people talk who like to talk. It makes it

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: thewho.5841


However one point I still find irritating. The range of HS it just seems a little overdone compared to initiative cost. But maybe it would completely kill any D/X. Nevertheless, stealth sure is annoying but a thief is still there (he is not immune). Just count to 3 and dodge

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


Mesmers are the real problem in sPVP. Their burst is far superior to thiefs.

Mesmer burst build superior to Thieves? Please educate me on the Mesmer burst build. I’m genuinely curious.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


Strange .. we saw the same data and saw different results. Really .. you retort to some childish insults. I refer to the exact same data. Thieves were not horrible off in 30+, and in case you didn’t notice many high end guilds do run with thieves. No .. they are not stackable .. and yeah, that can be argued to be an issue.
Oh .. and btw: Those data were for 1821 matches. Exactly how many fights were over 30+ … I will let it hang there for you to figure out the importance of that.

I missed the insult part, I’m sorry? Point it to me

I think the number of high level matches should speak for itself, at a level beyond thief popularity. A large number of people are clearly not interested in sPvP as it stands. An open mind could help.

“So, yes, you’re right in your own pathetic vacuum.” .. this is not an insult in your world? Well … in the real world, stuff like that doesn’t go unnoticed.
Hmm .. we had another thread, where you quite clearly thinks retaliation should be buffed to make hasted PW more viable. In other words: Thieves solution is to make them even more gimmick-like in your world. The funny thing: I have open conversations with solid thieves, and I have even played the class … and I DO want them to be viable, but free of gimmick-builds. I would like to see more balanced builds instead. They don’t have that in the current situation .. but the solution is not buffing the gimmicks and nerfing whatever hinders them oneshotting everything.

My mind is open …. what kind of weird statement is that anyway? Saying that to someone you don’t know at all … . I wonder if you do that irl as well?

(edited by Poxxia.1547)

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: shadows wolf.6928

shadows wolf.6928

Dude. the whole class is broken as hell!

WTF you can stealth in 2-3sec delay, SPAM your kitten 4-7k crits every 1sec ???

Whenever I use my kitten #1-2-3-4-5 skills, recharge time is like 5-9 seconds at least.
Whenever use my utility recharge time is like 30-90 seconds.

Whole sPVP is a joke.
Simple don’t play it.
Try to get pvp experience at WvsW. that’s what I do too…


1. This is NOT the dam WvsW forum so if you want to talk about WvsW go into WvsW section.

2. Experience in WvsW…lolwhat? Zerging around like chickens killing ppl with lv 30 gear, in a world where if you have the bigger zerg you win even if you suck? No skills, no everything…you buy sieges and nuke people to hell…profit, wow those are some amazing pvp skills… Are you serious? Really? Go Orr, it’s way more challenging than WvsW if you want to make experience, and you have also the same PvE skills that you have is WvsW (Amazing uh?)

3. Culling was fixed like…a week ago, just for you to know, because i think you’re so experienced that you don’t read patches…

Seriously go whine on WvsW’s forum with those bs permastealth topics, this is sPvP and you are in the wrong place.

only thieves clame rendering has been fixed why because there is no render time from there side… its the server cominicating it to other clients

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


would love to join ya but apparently instead of blocking my forum account they locked out my game account this time, so funny that ANet keeps tying to cover up bad PR

are you serious? did you even read your post? form you type is so far from being polite and when you say “this time”, its obviously not your first problem… definitely your fault, not ANets…

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Aegis Fang.5394

Aegis Fang.5394

Gonna post this in spvp forms as well. My last friend just left the game, making a total of 5 of us that came to the game originally, after he, like the others, are just flat out tired of having classes that are barely visible zip in an do 20k plus damage an get away with zero damage done to them from the others that were grouped. Now it is just me, my friends refuse to play the game until thieves are brought under some kind of balance so they went back to Rift and Swtor. Yay.

Is it too much to ask that a toon not be able to do both of the following: Do 20k+ damage in 6 seconds or less AND be invisible all but 3 seconds of that time??

Im on Stormbluff Isles server and wvw an spvp is 40% thieves when its not a zerg on zerg standoff at a castle or something. If you see someone running in the distance solo towards you on my server you can bet its likely a thief. This class is ridiculous and the game is getting ridiculous to be honest.

Edited my moderator: removed CoC infraction from the thread title

(edited by Moderator)

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


to be honest, thief in GW2 dont have any negatives except low hp, but it doesnt count when he have so many invisibility skills, master-of-all without need to be average at them, definitely most unbalanced profession, even more then rogue in wow, so sad…

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Aegis Fang.5394

Aegis Fang.5394

I dont care what Arena Net does but they better do something fast about thieves no skill crapola with the ridiculous damage AND invisible 90% of the time. Hooray!!

My 4th an last friend just quit today from the 5 of us that came to this game in August. All quit because of thieves.

One more even tiny nerf happens to another toon I play an thieves still able to pull 20k damage in 6 seconds or less an still be invisible half that time and I am done. Dont care how they do it, an I dont want the class gutted by any means but that class needs to change asap.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


Just count to 3 and dodge

and what? he can dodge too and his initiative for heartseeker (or other gap closer) is filling faster then my dodge… and dont need to mention steal… whole concept of perma stealth and gap closer with incredible dmg spam is silly

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Aegis Fang.5394

Aegis Fang.5394

Thieves are ridiculous. I havent seen a more op’d toon in any game Ive played so far and I started with Asherons Call.

Dont give a rat fart about how Arena Net does it but that class better get toned down soon. All my friends quit because of thieves making up 30-40% of the pvp pop on Stormbluff Isles and if another toon of mine gets even another mild nerf before thieves lose their ridiculous op’d ness then Im done too. This is insane that a toon can dish out 20k damage in less then 6 seconds AND be invisible for half of it.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Aegis Fang.5394

Aegis Fang.5394

I play a lot sPvP, mostly hot-joining matches, some tournaments. What I learned is, that there are a few players, that are just experts in what they do, this includes offensive (Guardian eating enemies alive) as well as defensive playstyle (Elementalist outlasting 2 Thieves and kill them in the end). As a more casual player I tend to die to these experts… including the good Thieves.

And I see many people in the forums complaining about the fact, that they were killed by another player. A player, that (maybe!) just was better than they. To all these people: I think there are some pro players on your server too. People that can counter every thief or at least stand a fair chance. Find those and learn from them. Part of the whole thing is the classes, granted. But there are many other things to take into account: player skill, the special situation, cooldowns, buffs/debuffs, pure luck etc.

If you really feel, a high burst glass-cannon Thief is godly in sPvP… roll one and play a while. Any good player will be hard to kill if you don’t have the right “counter-build”. You will loose against any pro player, regardless of the enemies profession. And you will notice, that Thieves are just different, not OP.

Playing your “nemesis” class on your own was always a good way to learn it’s weaknesses and problems and that holds true for GW2.

Just crying for a nerf killed many good MMORPG games and chances are high that this behaviour will kill GW2 too. Please stop it so we can enjoy the game for some time.

just my 2 cents

Joric I like the way you pleasantly presented your arguement so thank you for not saying “L2P”. However the problem lies with how easy it is to be a ‘good’ player when playing a thief. The class is so easy to wipe the floor with someone its sad. A thief learning a 4 button combo an mastering it can kill a LOT of people in this game. However to be good at and Ele or Ranger, etc takes about 4x + as many buttons to master.

This leads to this fact: There are a lot more ‘good thieves’ out there per total # of people playing them compared to that ratio for a elementalist or ranger or mesmer, etc. Im fairly good at my elementalist, certainly not great mind you, and I have to work my fingers off with about 20 buttons just to even come close to getting 2/3rds of a thieves dps. Oh and Im not invisible 90% of the time either.

Ive never seen a class that needs a damage reduction this bad ever in all the games Ive ever played. Dont care how they do it but it better be soon.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: offence.4726


Anet has done enough to the thief , stop qqing and learn to counter it. People have invested hundreds hours and tons of effort into their thieves to be ruined by casual qq? inside spvp – which means nothing and will never be balanced. Threads like these are old and don’t mean nothing anymore.

play hard , go pro.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: offence.4726


This complain about thieves is getting real old , running a class cannon thief is the hardest thing basically your stuck into a 14k health pool even the slightest aoe or dmg gets you downed. Most of the qqers don’t know hot to properly trait or use the proper skills, learn to use a stunbreaker ? not to mention they lack the game mechanic knowledge and they come here and qq instead of learning to play the game.

play hard , go pro.

(edited by offence.4726)

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Lukin.4061


Every class can be countered - backstabbing thief is no exception, people just are too lazy or too pathetic to learn something new. Why does no one complain about BS thiefs in tPvP (paid or even free)? Because they are almost useless there, since everyone keeps an eye on enemy movement and covers each other + there are no crappy built professions there - everyone uses some kind of stunbreaker, blindness/retal/block/etc. So most thieves in tpvp are bleeders, and they can be countered with immobilize for example. And no I do not play a thief in tpvp, my main is necro, but I had a thief created to learn weaknesses.

From most of your posts I can make a conclusion that you have no idea how thief works = you have not tried playing it yourselves. With things like thieves "having perma stealth" and just "spam heartseeker for an easy down" I encourage you to try this - try playing like that, just go and press 2 at targets with 100% hp, it will be eye opening for you.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Aegis Fang.5394

Aegis Fang.5394

Thieves need a big fat toning down of their damage or lose the ability to stealth multiple times in a row.

Also love Archaon’s non coherent defense of theives. “Yeah? well you are posting in the wrong place loozer!”

Good defense of thief op’dness dood. You cant defend 20k damage in 4 seconds while being stealthed 90% of the time during a fight. That class needs a fat redo asap cause a lot of people are leaving because of it.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Aegis Fang.5394

Aegis Fang.5394

This complain about thieves is getting real old , running a class cannon thief is the hardest thing basically your stuck into a 14k health pool even the slightest aoe or dmg gets you downed. Most of the qqers don’t know hot to properly trait or use the proper skills, learn to use a stunbreaker ? not to mention they lack the game mechanic knowledge and they come here and qq instead of learning to play the game.

lol sooo you’re saying that a glass cannon thief is the hardest thing in the game? I hope that is a mistype bub. It is a poor defense you use stating that everyone has to trait everything just to have a chance against a single specific class? wow. Their damage is thru the roof AND they can stealth 90% of a fight? Yeah that’s balanced lol.

Go create another class an then whine some more about how hard you thieves have it in pvp. Im still laughing. When you have time you can join your thief comrades post about how op’d rangers are against thieves asking for them to be nerfed. lol.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Otaur.9268


This complain about thieves is getting real old , running a class cannon thief is the hardest thing basically your stuck into a 14k health pool even the slightest aoe or dmg gets you downed. Most of the qqers don’t know hot to properly trait or use the proper skills, learn to use a stunbreaker ? not to mention they lack the game mechanic knowledge and they come here and qq instead of learning to play the game.

Here is a challenge for you good sir… Create an elementalist, spec 30 Fire (power) 30 air (crit) and 10 into whatever you want. Use berserker amulet with any ruins you want. Now, fraps / video capture it, and see how long you live with 14k life as a Full Burst Ele. As a full burst ele we can almost equal the damage of a thief, however, we do not have the luxury of being invisible 90% of the fight. Attacking so fast its pathetic to watch how slow an Ele cast his spells. Ever seen a downed thief? It’s like they are on Speed or something, just bambambambambam, so fast… compared to bam…….bam…… mist form….. bam…….. earth grasp. stomped.

Dagger dagger is a good way to start, or scepter dagger if you are going more 1 v 1. My personal best with scepter was 9k damage with the 20% dmg to players under 25% life + 10% fire damage + 5% damage versus burning targets + fire grab vs burning target. Player was at about 10% life when used fire grab and he was burning + crit made it a nice 9k, then instantly dead to next person in line.

Any class can spec Glass Cannon, but not all of them have the luxury of being unseen / teleport 3x to get away.

Good luck with the challenge.

Blackfang’s Demon Alliance [BfDA]

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: offence.4726


This complain about thieves is getting real old , running a class cannon thief is the hardest thing basically your stuck into a 14k health pool even the slightest aoe or dmg gets you downed. Most of the qqers don’t know hot to properly trait or use the proper skills, learn to use a stunbreaker ? not to mention they lack the game mechanic knowledge and they come here and qq instead of learning to play the game.

Here is a challenge for you good sir… Create an elementalist, spec 30 Fire (power) 30 air (crit) and 10 into whatever you want. Use berserker amulet with any ruins you want. Now, fraps / video capture it, and see how long you live with 14k life as a Full Burst Ele. As a full burst ele we can almost equal the damage of a thief, however, we do not have the luxury of being invisible 90% of the fight. Attacking so fast its pathetic to watch how slow an Ele cast his spells. Ever seen a downed thief? It’s like they are on Speed or something, just bambambambambam, so fast… compared to bam…….bam…… mist form….. bam…….. earth grasp. stomped.

Dagger dagger is a good way to start, or scepter dagger if you are going more 1 v 1. My personal best with scepter was 9k damage with the 20% dmg to players under 25% life + 10% fire damage + 5% damage versus burning targets + fire grab vs burning target. Player was at about 10% life when used fire grab and he was burning + crit made it a nice 9k, then instantly dead to next person in line.

Any class can spec Glass Cannon, but not all of them have the luxury of being unseen / teleport 3x to get away.

Good luck with the challenge.

Actually ele is my fave. and i’ve been playing Aky’s build : for quite some time and I can honestly say I never lost to a d/d thief ( dagger/pistol is another story). If this does’t work for you try and play a bunker elementalist but mind you im not going to teach you how to play a class just to prove to YOU that thief is doable and can be countered. It’s basically the same thing in the same thread regarding thiefs. People who know about the game , the builds the “when to use properly timed” stunbreakers do not cry on these forums they play the game and win it.

play hard , go pro.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: offence.4726


The rendering bug was fixed , aswell after moving out of shadow refuge you get almost instantly revelead try to troll more qqers.

play hard , go pro.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: kagemitsu.3657


After 3 pages of posts about thief, it’s even more clear that it’s always the stealth classes who ruin balance in a game.

It’s always been like that till the dawn of MMOs, and I dunno why a game that aims to become an e-sport would even consider the option of adding such a game breaking mechanic.

Just my 2c.

(class stronger than mine) is OP. (my class) is underpowered. (classes I beat easily) are fine.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Raytek.6193


Theives are fine in free/paid tournies as burst spec, it’s much more common than death blossom.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Thieves need a big fat toning down of their damage or lose the ability to stealth multiple times in a row.

Also love Archaon’s non coherent defense of theives. “Yeah? well you are posting in the wrong place loozer!”

Good defense of thief op’dness dood. You cant defend 20k damage in 4 seconds while being stealthed 90% of the time during a fight. That class needs a fat redo asap cause a lot of people are leaving because of it.

Being stealthed 90% of times during fight? Seriously go back WvsW….i don’t want to explain how stealth breaking and revealed debuff work to another noob once again, read skill’s description and learn something before writing BS…and again, this is sPvP forum NOT WvsW…if you have something to say bout sPvP ok…if you want to whine bout WvsW crap go post in the correct section, because this is not. Culling has been fixed many days ago and server rendering problems it’s a dam WvsW problem…and we don’t give a crap about WvsW, understood?

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


only thieves clame rendering has been fixed why because there is no render time from there side… its the server cominicating it to other clients

And again…culling has been fixed many days ago, server’s rendering issue IS NOT an sPvP problem…it’s a WvsW only issue, and here it’s sPvP forum so go whine into the correct section, i think we are all tired about WvsW idiots coming here crying about things that are not related to sPvP.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


Every class has a counter to glass cannons. I just picked the two easiest ones to execute to describe because the OP seems to not have played the game past rank 10.
Nor have you apparently. Well, maybe in another two months’ time you’ll figure it out.

Man you can’t say this, here noobs just want to be noobs without learning how to counter someone…everyone up from let say, r15, can easily avoid BS…and if not it’s because you just farmed honor but you’re still unable to play. At 35+ you just LAUGH at BS and hasted HS…laugh, nothing more…yeah and sure, you kill them after laughing.

You know what…if they’re scared about BS i hope to meet them with my S\D lol….so maybe they can feel the real pain

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Poxxia.1547


@offence: Defining it “to mean nothing” doesn’t make it so
Have you thought of the possibility of both sides having invested time on their classes? I never want thieves to be gutted … but I would like them to be more balanced (as in balanced in opposition to be based on gimmick-builds).
Thieves may have spent hundred of hours on their class … many of us had to spend hundred of hours in our class along with some hours to get to know the inside-outs of thieves and mesmers.

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


20k damage? With what? In sPvP? (Because here it’s sPvP forum)

Screen please (Or better…video)…post a video with a thief dealing 20k dmg during a “not possible to react” time in sPvP…i’m going to ask him how he managed to do that…because, you know, that kind of damage it’s mathematically impossible with sPvP crit dmg cap during a time short enough to not let you avoid it….i suggest you to use Fraps.

Thank You.

(edited by Archaon.6245)

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Gintoki.6405


wvw ftw. he already named a server.. no way hes talking spvp, i agree the crit dmg theives are annoying in wvw but this is the wrong forum bro

Aurora glade [FURY] clan. Zetsu (zetsudai, zetsu mei, Zetsu Rounin)

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Xom.9264


20k damage? With what? In sPvP? (Because here it’s sPvP forum)

Screen please (Or better…video)…post a video with a thief dealing 20k dmg during a “not possible to react” time in sPvP…i’m going to ask him how he managed to do that…because, you know, that kind of damage it’s mathematically impossible with sPvP crit dmg cap during a time short enough to not let you avoid it….i suggest you to use Fraps.

Thank You.

Yeah you dont need to provide anything to this clown, there are plenty of SS of the death combo. Heck I posted one done on my 1900 toughness necro for 90% of my health. Thier new argument is that you have time to react when you are at 10% life…. or they will use the “stun break skill” argument, knowing full well that classes stun breaks are on 45 second + timers.

Yes all my friends left the game, thiefs and mesmers were the main complaints more thiefs instand death then anything.

For now while i wait for balance im facerolling with thief and mesmer laughing at all the free kills.

Xomox ~Human Necro/Engineer ET

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


20k damage? With what? In sPvP? (Because here it’s sPvP forum)

Screen please (Or better…video)…post a video with a thief dealing 20k dmg during a “not possible to react” time in sPvP…i’m going to ask him how he managed to do that…because, you know, that kind of damage it’s mathematically impossible with sPvP crit dmg cap during a time short enough to not let you avoid it….i suggest you to use Fraps.

Thank You.

Yeah you dont need to provide anything to this clown, there are plenty of SS of the death combo. Heck I posted one done on my 1900 toughness necro for 90% of my health. Thier new argument is that you have time to react when you are at 10% life…. or they will use the “stun break skill” argument, knowing full well that classes stun breaks are on 45 second + timers.

Yes all my friends left the game, thiefs and mesmers were the main complaints more thiefs instand death then anything.

For now while i wait for balance im facerolling with thief and mesmer laughing at all the free kills.

So…link me a video after patch showing what you’re saying (In sPvP obviously, but i think you can read), crying without proofs it’s too easy…and it’s time to stop. Do you want to complain about something…first of all show it, then we will be able to talk..

I can write “OMG a necro oneshotted me with 30k dmg in 1.5 secs….QQ….NERF IT!” and it’s automatically true because i said it? Don’t think so…

Hilarious uh?

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Killthehealersffs.8940


those are not the best thief’s specs around, they’re only fast ways to kill nabs, high ranks simply laugh at burst thieves

U know that that <<nabs>> will get frustrated and will get back on their old game if they get rolfstomp all the time or if they get on the forums , and the only answer is L2P right ?

Less nabs in sPvP , less ppl trying later on tPvP and less nabs making their own team on paid tournament .
And less nabs on the twitch as followers or viewers ?

If backstab is useless in higher tier , and easiy to kill <<nabs>> on lower , what is the problem with nerfing it ?
Its a win/win senario

Edit: I am proud to be a <<nabs>>
But do u want more viewers on ur twicth channel althought ?

(edited by Killthehealersffs.8940)

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Archaon.6245


those are not the best thief’s specs around, they’re only fast ways to kill nabs, high ranks simply laugh at burst thieves

U know that that <<nabs>> will get frustrated and will get back on their old game if they get rolfstomp all the time or if they get on the forums , and the only answer is L2P right ?

Less nabs in sPvP , less ppl trying later on tPvP and less nabs making their own team on paid tournament .
And less nabs on the twitch as followers or viewers ?

If backstab is useless in higher tier , and easiy to kill <<nabs>> on lower , what is the problem with nerfing it ?
Its a win/win senario

Edit: I am proud to be a <<nabs>>
But do u want more viewers on ur twicth channel althought ?

They can nerf it if they want…not because it’s op….but just to make whiners stop crying on forums (They’re annoying), i never used BS, PW or Hs spam on the thief so i don’t really care, btw i have to say that pretending to nerf everything that kills you without learning how to deal with it it’s a bit childish…and sure, maybe if they nerf BS they’ll give something to my S/D and it would be nice…do whatever you want, nerf whatever you want, unexperienced players will still die and experienced will still faceroll them, no matter what they nerf…face it, instead crying on forums make experience and jump to the other side of the fence

(edited by Archaon.6245)

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Kaleygh.1524


heh, dont bother to argue with Archaon, check his previous posts, he`s always rude. Probably scared that his “i win” button will get nerfed.
I`m not sure what is wrong with the thief community but its full of people like him.

Kaleygh – MNMN
3 wvw kills

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


heh, dont bother to argue with Archaon, check his previous posts, he`s always rude. Probably scared that his “i win” button will get nerfed.
I`m not sure what is wrong with the thief community but its full of people like him.

It’s probably because 95% of time on the forums when a person has trouble with thieves they demand nerfs, all while showing little effort at trying to understand thieves and throwing as many insults at the thief players as possible. Most would be happy to help someone asking advice but no one likes to be slandered, especially by the ignorant.

Registered Altaholic
Part-time Kittenposter

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: possante.8310


LOOOL. you know 90% of pvp players are newbies right? already lot of people are leaving spvp because of thieves, hot join is full of them.

mesmer can burst someone very quick but the diference is your steal is defensive and not insane offensive like thief; you need to have 3 clones up (if you have only 2 you lost a good amount of damage); you need to immoblize/stun enemy otherwise if you see ilussion coming to you you just need to dodge, is a pretty obvious animation and most important mesmer can only stealth one time every 32s ( no one use torch on tournamnets ) thief can do 3-4 stealth each fight without any problem.

other thing thief can run from a fight very easy, mesmer cant unless have portal.

yap, i think anyone can see those thief burst are removing pvp “noobs” from game, anyone can go hot join and see team with lot of thieves.

so maybe the game is full of noobs on pvp but you need those guys so you can do pvp, in fact if GW2 PvE/WvW wasnt so popular no doubt this game was dead since spvp is so much unfriendly to new guys.

let me see im a new guy thatr want to do some spvp. let me try hot join what happen? 5vs5 just dont work because is never 5vs5.
let me join a map with 10/16 to avoid the zergs, what happen? for sure you will encounter a good amount of thieves with backstab build, i see a thief palyer and im go try kill him, in 2s you are dead, wow…this was super fun no doubt. again i see a thief (remember im a new to game) bam bam im dead again. no other class can do this only thief, warrior HB? those guys have obvious animations and HB isnt only 1hit so you have lot of time to avooid hit.

so hot join is a thief fest so im out of it. let me see waht options i have. hey free torunaments 5vs5? wow this sound great. let me join with random guys.
you have a random team but other is a guild team so your team will just be smash and most probabbly will not even be able to hit 100 points.

so please explain where those noobs can learn how to play pvp? against golem that dont atack or against NPC that do the same thing over and over again?

hot join is the place where people suppose learn play is class before go tournaments, but because HJ is full of thieves that can kill those noobs in 1-2s they cant learn much.

noobs, nabs whatever you want call them is what make spvp of this game working, you remove them and instantly you have almost no one on hot join, basically the population of gw2 spvp is reduced to nothing and obvious arenanet will focus even more in PvE/WvW.

other thing, a thief immobilize evade atacks with disabling shot must be the most ridiculous thing i ever see on MMORPG. the guys is immobilize use the skills and dont move from place stil he is evading atacks.

let see, dodge dont work on immobilize guys but for some reason leaps do. even more strange is this ok for arenanet…..see a guy immoblize do a leap skilk that dont move the guys from place (because is immoblize) and for some magical reason he is evading atacks, obvious this is working as intended

Thiefs ruining balance again ? [Merged]

in PvP

Posted by: Moderator.3964


Please Post your concerns and feedback about Thiefs in WvW, sPvP and PvE in the following Thread:

This will allow us to collect your feedback with more efficiency and forward them to the appropriate teams.

Thanks for your understanding.