New Twitter: @chaithhh
(edited by Chaith.8256)
L2P already people, Warrior being braindead is a thing of the past. Warrior takes skill now.
L2P, just please.
Meta Warrior build takes less skill than before. You’re not right on this. Warhorn, Shouts, these are really bad at reflecting a player’s skill. Hammer was much more indicative of who the bad and good Warriors were. If you whiffed your hammer skills, you would simply die due to less sustain.
Also Tarcis you make a few really hilarious logic twists
You tell me this after my post said nothing to oppose your Engi changes, and then you are arguing that Warrior is so behind Engi/Ele that it won’t be OP as the go-to side node bunker, when Engi/Ele get 6 nerfs, I mean negatively affecting balance changes. The irony is not lost.
(edited by Chaith.8256)
Shout warrior has no damage. Its a gimmick build that’s only really used for warbanner. It doesnt really need nerfs, what needs to happen is Hambow needs some nerf reverts to get people to actually play it again.
-Teef Teef Teef Teef
The OP has some very poorly thought out suggestions if you ask me.
He demands things like magnet pull be visible from stealth, then claims thief is fine, when they can pull from stealth. Gear shield is fine, what a ridiculous request. IP should probably be reworked entirely rather then to have an icon for being off cooldown, at least that would be my preference.
The elementalist suggestions are unspecific and generally unreasonable.
Why do necro marks need new animations, they are clearly different now. Talk about a waste of time.
Please stop protecting your own class, so we can make this game better.
Could your post be more riddled with hypocrisy and irrational bias?
Warrior, Ranger, Thief, Guardian
In a good spot.
(edited by coglin.1867)
The OP has some very poorly thought out suggestions if you ask me.
He demands things like magnet pull be visible from stealth, then claims thief is fine, when they can pull from stealth. Gear shield is fine, what a ridiculous request. IP should probably be reworked entirely rather then to have an icon for being off cooldown, at least that would be my preference.
The elementalist suggestions are unspecific and generally unreasonable.
Why do necro marks need new animations, they are clearly different now. Talk about a waste of time.
Please stop protecting your own class, so we can make this game better.
Could your post be more riddled with hypocrisy and irrational bias?
Warrior,Ranger, Thief, Guardian
In a good spot.
Because pull on engi is in most meta builds and oftenly used paired with other useful skills while thief scorpion wire has no team viability.
about gear shield, even the best engis would agree that CD on this skill is ridiculous.
and marks, no they are not different, only 5 is different, while 4 is extremely op as well while share the same animation.
how is ele suggestions unreasonable in anyway. reduce the burning which the best ele suggested this as well and air whip abuse, and vigor also suggested by the best ele.
(edited by Simon.3794)
The OP has some very poorly thought out suggestions if you ask me.
He demands things like magnet pull be visible from stealth, then claims thief is fine, when they can pull from stealth. Gear shield is fine, what a ridiculous request. IP should probably be reworked entirely rather then to have an icon for being off cooldown, at least that would be my preference.
The elementalist suggestions are unspecific and generally unreasonable.
Why do necro marks need new animations, they are clearly different now. Talk about a waste of time.
Please stop protecting your own class, so we can make this game better.
Could your post be more riddled with hypocrisy and irrational bias?
Warrior,Ranger, Thief, Guardian
In a good spot.Because pull on engi is in most meta builds and oftenly used paired with other useful skills while thief scorpion wire has no team viability.
about gear shield, even the best engis would agree that CD on this skill is ridiculous.
and marks, no they are not different, only 5 is different, while 4 is extremely op as well while share the same animation.
how is ele suggestions unreasonable in anyway. reduce the burning which the best ele suggested this as well and air whip abuse, and vigor also suggested by the best ele.
You’re just cherry picking the most sensible Ele changes he’s suggesting and ignoring the ambiguous and potentially devastating change like this:
1. Re-balance the Healing Power scale with Water Attunement Heals.
And then on Engies
3. Re-balance the Skill base damage on Pry Bar, Throw Wrench.
Support Eles and Power Engies not unviable enough guys. Burn them along with Cele Engi/Ele
The OP has some very poorly thought out suggestions if you ask me.
He demands things like magnet pull be visible from stealth, then claims thief is fine, when they can pull from stealth. Gear shield is fine, what a ridiculous request. IP should probably be reworked entirely rather then to have an icon for being off cooldown, at least that would be my preference.
The elementalist suggestions are unspecific and generally unreasonable.
Why do necro marks need new animations, they are clearly different now. Talk about a waste of time.
Please stop protecting your own class, so we can make this game better.
Could your post be more riddled with hypocrisy and irrational bias?
Warrior,Ranger, Thief, Guardian
In a good spot.Because pull on engi is in most meta builds and oftenly used paired with other useful skills while thief scorpion wire has no team viability.
about gear shield, even the best engis would agree that CD on this skill is ridiculous.
and marks, no they are not different, only 5 is different, while 4 is extremely op as well while share the same animation.
how is ele suggestions unreasonable in anyway. reduce the burning which the best ele suggested this as well and air whip abuse, and vigor also suggested by the best ele.
You’re just cherry picking the most sensible Ele changes he’s suggesting and ignoring the ambiguous and potentially devastating change like this:
1. Re-balance the Healing Power scale with Water Attunement Heals.
And then on Engies
3. Re-balance the Skill base damage on Pry Bar, Throw Wrench.
Support Eles and Power Engies not unviable enough guys. Burn them along with Cele Engi/Ele
I believe a suggestion thread are only suggestions which some can be ignored and some can be picked.
we are not necessarily to apply all of them.
and i also agree that skill such as Pry Bar which engineer has scale too well and crit too higher for a celestial amulet.
You probably did not know what how much zerker warrior have been touched in order to nerf PTV is it for other classes nerfs happened in the past 2 years.
it will always affect other builds.
(edited by Simon.3794)
Because pull on engi is in most meta builds and oftenly used paired with other useful skills while thief scorpion wire has no team viability.
Yes, scorpion wire does have team viability. You appear to confuse viability with optimal.
As well, that is one of the dumbest reasons I have ever heard as a justification to nerf a skill……….“because it is is most meta builds”.
about gear shield, even the best engis would agree that CD on this skill is ridiculous.
I see. So you claim to speak for the entirety of the upper level engineer community now? Well at least you confirmed your intention to be dishonest and misrepresentative.
and marks, no they are not different, only 5 is different, while 4 is extremely op as well while share the same animation.
The marks themselves or the cast animation? Because the ,arks themselves absolutely have differentiating graphics when they are placed. If we are speaking of casting animations, then I agree. The OP didn’t have the sense to differentiate the two. The 27th sign in their OP that demonstrated irrational bias.
how is ele suggestions unreasonable in anyway. reduce the burning which the best ele suggested this as well and air whip abuse, and vigor also suggested by the best ele.
For one, by none specifically demanding a blast finisher be removed. Which one? And why it over another?
Demanding a tone down to burning? Seriously? The profession is built in a manner to be so diverse, but is limited when it comes to conditions because it is defined by burning and bleeding, and you are crying about one of those. Forcing a worse choice for condition builds simply limits build diversity and forces more players to rune builds your crying about.
(edited by coglin.1867)
Does everybody really think, “guardians are in a sweet spot”, or has the guardian simply been given up by the majority of players for being pretty useless in everything, because all other classes can do it better. Guardians have been neglected by the developers to a point, where your team is weakened, if you take one with you. Yeah, bunker guardians are great, but, only if his opponents don’t know how to chain interrupt him and finish him off in something under 3 seconds. The offensive guardian needs to be extremely well timed while playing and quickly loses a fight, if he makes a single mistake or gets interrupted. And if a guardian has to run, it happens now and then, he can’t go invisible, poop grenades, illusions, turrets, marks, traps, … he has to “sit in his silly staff-speed-buff” for 4 seconds, if it is to last a while. the guardians spirit weapons are close to useless, because skilling for them makes the overall build silly at best. perhaps, if the spirit weapons allowed for the same kind of healing mechanics as the meditations, the’d be viable again. guardians are also clearly lacking in mobility while also not being able to go into any invisibilty (god) mode.
if guardians are to be played as “first in and last out” they clearly need to be rebalanced and improved.
obviously i’m putting in a few words in here FOR the guardian.
1. Add LoS to steal teleport.
2. 1s CD to evade skills after evade skill is used (if not all skills).
3. Dazes/Stuns hit through evades
4. Nerf consume plasma~Signed
1. mes shouldn’t be able to port behind walls and on edges
2. mes clones shouldn’t follow thief after thief went in stealth nor run for shatter
3. mes and his clones shouldn’t be able keep attacking thief while thief is in stealth
4. mes shouldn’t be able to stack dazes
5. there should be DR on how many clones mes can spawn after dodges
6. nerf vigor access for mesmers
7. reduce duration of immob caused by mesmer spells
8. clones shouldn’t be able to apply torment on AA
9. mes shouldn’t be able to use portal if there is no LOS
i can play this game too =.=
on more serious note, support changes proposed by OP… they definitely don’t cover everything but would be a start
(edited by Cynz.9437)
Because pull on engi is in most meta builds and oftenly used paired with other useful skills while thief scorpion wire has no team viability.
Yes, scorpion wire does have team viability. You appear to confuse viability with optimal.
As well, that is one of the dumbest reasons I have ever heard as a justification to nerf a skill……….“because it is is most meta builds”.
about gear shield, even the best engis would agree that CD on this skill is ridiculous.
I see. So you claim to speak for the entirety of the upper level engineer community now? Well at least you confirmed your intention to be dishonest and misrepresentative.
and marks, no they are not different, only 5 is different, while 4 is extremely op as well while share the same animation.
Well, I should ignore everything you posted after your above dishonesty, but for the sake of educating folks after you made this secondary falsehood. Mark of blood has a skull on the ground in a circle. Chilblains has a defined swirl pattern. Putrid mark (or number 4 as you so put it) has an entirely different tribal style design (that how it strikes me anyway).
If you are referring specifically to the casting animation itself, then I misunderstood, and I am board on that one.
how is ele suggestions unreasonable in anyway. reduce the burning which the best ele suggested this as well and air whip abuse, and vigor also suggested by the best ele.
For one, by none specifically demanding a blast finisher be removed. Which one? And why it over another?
Demanding a tone down to burning? Seriously? The profession is built in a manner to be so diverse, but is limited when it comes to conditions because it is defined by burning and bleeding, and you are crying about one of those. Forcing a worse choice for condition builds simply limits build diversity and forces more players to rune builds your crying about.
I don’t get it,How many thieves are using scorpion wire, you tell me.
Why “it is in meta build and the most used skill in serious play” not a proper justification of it been Superior then other skills.
Im simply comparing it to Scorpion wire, which is what you were doing, not justifing why it should be nerfed.
“We should not nerf this because another skill of another class does the same and it’s not op on that class so we should not touch this either” is only dumb.
why don’t we just reverse dhumm fire and put it on master trait just like IP?
I don’t speak for them, they speak and i listen. and it is only logical to think that way.
Because you use it on the group and not under the enemy for insta trigger.
Fronzen burst, it was unnecessary and random in the first place when they added it.
(edited by Simon.3794)
how is ele suggestions unreasonable in anyway.
I believe a suggestion thread are only suggestions which some can be ignored and some can be picked.
we are not necessarily to apply all of them.
Well you asked ‘how are ele suggestions unreasonable in an way?’ to ‘well you know we don’t have to apply all of them’ I was just answering your question.
how is ele suggestions unreasonable in anyway.
I believe a suggestion thread are only suggestions which some can be ignored and some can be picked.
we are not necessarily to apply all of them.
Well you asked ‘how are ele suggestions unreasonable in an way?’ to ‘well you know we don’t have to apply all of them’ I was just answering your question.
Can we concentrate on the topic instead of nip picking?
really, if you have no intend of keeping on the topic then please leave the thread.
you missed the part where he said “they are not reasonable” without a single argument.
so i asked him how are they not reasonable, and listed a few and explained why they are reasonable.
Then IF he actually argued, which you did some.
then i say ‘well you know we don’t have to apply all of them’
NO! we are just simply not forced to apply all of them, really.
is it too difficult to understand
i don’t know why you even quoted.
(edited by Simon.3794)
1. Nightmare Rune- add animation, cast time, and buff icon for the passive fear. Reduce the fear duration.
2. Hoebrak Rune- Reduce Might Duration.
3. Tone down Celestial Amulet slightly.Elementalist
1. Re-balance the Healing Power scale with Water Attunement Heals.
2. Remove 1 Blast Finisher from D/D weapon set.
3. Fix Lighting Whip bug abusing.
4. Reduce the accessibility for Vigor and Regeneration.
5. Tone Down the burning duration from Dragon Breath (or increase the skill cool-down)
6. Tone Down the Ring of Fire Duration.Engineer
1. Add cast time and animation to Over-Charged Shot. Reduce the Knock-back range and duration. Reduce punishment for Engineer itself.
2. Increase Gear Shield Cool-down.
3. Re-balance the Skill base damage on Pry Bar, Throw Wrench.
4. Decrease Cripple duration from Box of Nails.
5. Magnet visible while in Stealth effect.
6. Add a buff icon when Incendiary Powder is ready.Necromancer
1. Add obvious animation to Dark Path.
2.Add Different animation to Staff Mark skills.Mesmer
1. Fix Spatial Surge bug abusing.Warrior
1. Fix Warhorn Skills after-cast canceling. (Although the skill itself shouldn’t have any after-cast, might be a bug or intended)Ranger, Thief, Guardian
In a good spot.
Agree with almost everything but ele 1,2,4 and nerf to hoelbrak, nightmare and celestial. Nightmare’s fear duration is fine if you are not traited for extra fear duration.
I don’t even think that shout build is the best Warrior build available at the moment, which is why I don’t really want to balance around it. Its damage is really bad, and it dies pretty quickly 1v2. I basically think it’s a consequence of the meta (condis abound, Balanced Stance gets Corrupt Booned) more than a reflection of what the best Warrior build is. Toning down cele and the other meta classes should be enough of a tweak here, I don’t think any class-specific changes are needed.
(edited by cymerdown.4103)
And moving on
Does everybody really think, “guardians are in a sweet spot”, or has the guardian simply been given up by the majority of players for being pretty useless in everything, because all other classes can do it better. Guardians have been neglected by the developers to a point, where your team is weakened, if you take one with you. Yeah, bunker guardians are great, but, only if his opponents don’t know how to chain interrupt him and finish him off in something under 3 seconds. The offensive guardian needs to be extremely well timed while playing and quickly loses a fight, if he makes a single mistake or gets interrupted. And if a guardian has to run, it happens now and then, he can’t go invisible, poop grenades, illusions, turrets, marks, traps, … he has to “sit in his silly staff-speed-buff” for 4 seconds, if it is to last a while. the guardians spirit weapons are close to useless, because skilling for them makes the overall build silly at best. perhaps, if the spirit weapons allowed for the same kind of healing mechanics as the meditations, the’d be viable again. guardians are also clearly lacking in mobility while also not being able to go into any invisibilty (god) mode.
if guardians are to be played as “first in and last out” they clearly need to be rebalanced and improved.
obviously i’m putting in a few words in here FOR the guardian.
I too feel that Guardian is not fine as it is right now. When Cele Ele/War get brought down as pointholders, the Guardian (and Ranger) will be able to compete for their job again.
I think bunker Guardian is a good balancing point. Guardian has always been closely monitored as to not out-perform on the bunker aspect. When their normally huge teamfight utility is negligible due to certain playstyles & comps, I think it’s a good indicator that the roles are out of whack.
I don’t get it,How many thieves are using scorpion wire, you tell me.
5,286 to be exact. Prove me wrong………..(see, I can make unfounded claims as easy as you can when you claim to speak for every high level engineer)
Why “it is in meta build and the most used skill in serious play” not a proper justification of it been Superior then other skills.
Im simply comparing it to Scorpion wire, which is what you were doing, not justifing why it should be nerfed.
“We should not nerf this because another skill of another class does the same and it’s not op on that class so we should not touch this either” is only dumb.
why don’t we just reverse dhumm fire and put it on master trait just like IP?
I never compared the skills. I made a functionality comparison. No skill cast can be seen from stealth. If you want one cast animation to be visible from stealth, make them all that way. Do not pick and chose them.
The hypocrisy there is that you play thief and warrior, yet you want other professions blast for stacking might nerfed and ignore warriors ability to blast and stack might. As well you want thieves ability to hide cast animations with stealth ignored but demand it of other professions.
As to dhuum fire. Good luck with that.
I don’t speak for them, they speak and i listen. and it is only logical to think that way.
How cute. You actually think it is logical to claim you represent an entire section of the community, and have the authority to speak for them. By the way, how long have you been playing an engineer in high level PvP? I am not even sure you can speak for yourself as a high level engineer, much less the actual ones.
Because you use it on the group and not under the enemy for insta trigger.
Yes, I already specified I am in agreeance if we are refering to the actual cast animation themselves. Please, try to keep up.
you missed the part where he said “they are not reasonable” without a single argument.
I offered as many arguments of reason as you or the OP did. Both of you simply said “remove one of them” not specifying which one or why it over another.
After OP’s nerfs: 3 Shout Warriors per team
That’s absolute bullkitten. The moment cele eles and engies are tuned down (which doesn’t mean getting erased from the meta), it’s the moment there will be lots more zerker builds which in turn would focus a shoutbow Warrior and kill said spec in seconds. Shoutbow warriors can’t withstand the pressure of coodinated focus fire at all. I’ve been playing said specs for a while now, and cele Eles and engies are worlds apart from a shoutbow, you can’t honestly compare them. :S
So much QQ about virtual changes that are most likely not even gonna happen lol.
I’m really really surprised chaith is trying this hard to keep his build completely OP. Like honestly I thought he was smarter than this.
Chaith you realize the only classes that have any problem at all with shoutbows are the d/d eles and engis right? Zerker classes have ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM WHATSOEVER vs them. Literally just cc/burst them to death. The reason you think “theyre op” is because its a kinda (KINDA) counter to your build in SOME situations.
Like holy crap dude.
I don’t even know,
Ele and engi are surely going to be nerfed, more then warrior (Lol obviously)
alone with celestial.
Not sure the point of Chaith arguing.
Not to mention, when ele engi are gone, shoutheal would be gone automatically as it is created because of this kitten meta.
and i don’t even know who wouldn’t think gear shield isnt a super skill, it’s the best block with such a short CD i think OE and backpack both would agree on this.
(edited by Simon.3794)
Imo medi guard has gotten a bit power creepy. But the rest yeah I agree… Maybe not a cast time on a rune proc but visual indication and something on the buff bar would be nice.
(edited by Daishi.6027)
Yeah idk what your talking about with dark path that skill is extremely easy to dodge basically if u dont fear you almost always miss. DS skills in general are really easy to interrupt or dodge. Cele ele imo is they might need a slight shave in either survivability or DPS.
1. Nightmare Rune- add animation, cast time, and buff icon for the passive fear. Reduce the fear duration.
2. Hoebrak Rune- Reduce Might Duration.
3. Tone down Celestial Amulet slightly.Elementalist
1. Re-balance the Healing Power scale with Water Attunement Heals.
2. Remove 1 Blast Finisher from D/D weapon set.
3. Fix Lighting Whip bug abusing.
4. Reduce the accessibility for Vigor and Regeneration.
5. Tone Down the burning duration from Dragon Breath (or increase the skill cool-down)
6. Tone Down the Ring of Fire Duration.Engineer
1. Add cast time and animation to Over-Charged Shot. Reduce the Knock-back range and duration. Reduce punishment for Engineer itself.
2. Increase Gear Shield Cool-down.
3. Re-balance the Skill base damage on Pry Bar, Throw Wrench.
4. Decrease Cripple duration from Box of Nails.
5. Magnet visible while in Stealth effect.
6. Add a buff icon when Incendiary Powder is ready.Necromancer
1. Add obvious animation to Dark Path.
2.Add Different animation to Staff Mark skills.Mesmer
1. Fix Spatial Surge bug abusing.Warrior
1. Fix Warhorn Skills after-cast canceling. (Although the skill itself shouldn’t have any after-cast, might be a bug or intended)Ranger, Thief, Guardian
In a good spot.
Thief is in a good spot but necro is OP.
mmmm…kay. That is why every team runs a thief and there is basically 1 or 2 teams max who run necros. Cos it is so OP right?
The facts disprove you.
The OP has some very poorly thought out suggestions if you ask me.
He demands things like magnet pull be visible from stealth, then claims thief is fine, when they can pull from stealth. Gear shield is fine, what a ridiculous request. IP should probably be reworked entirely rather then to have an icon for being off cooldown, at least that would be my preference.
The elementalist suggestions are unspecific and generally unreasonable.
Why do necro marks need new animations, they are clearly different now. Talk about a waste of time.
Please stop protecting your own class, so we can make this game better.
Could your post be more riddled with hypocrisy and irrational bias?
Warrior,Ranger, Thief, Guardian
In a good spot.Because pull on engi is in most meta builds and oftenly used paired with other useful skills while thief scorpion wire has no team viability.
about gear shield, even the best engis would agree that CD on this skill is ridiculous.
and marks, no they are not different, only 5 is different, while 4 is extremely op as well while share the same animation.
how is ele suggestions unreasonable in anyway. reduce the burning which the best ele suggested this as well and air whip abuse, and vigor also suggested by the best ele.
You’re just cherry picking the most sensible Ele changes he’s suggesting and ignoring the ambiguous and potentially devastating change like this:
1. Re-balance the Healing Power scale with Water Attunement Heals.
And then on Engies
3. Re-balance the Skill base damage on Pry Bar, Throw Wrench.
Support Eles and Power Engies not unviable enough guys. Burn them along with Cele Engi/Ele
Oh dear I have thought about that, so I made such suggestions.
Re-balance the Healing Power scale with Water Attunement Heals.
So power ele/berserker ele won’t get any impact from this balance change.
Support ele must have to run full cleric to be effective like it supposed to be.
Re-balance the Skill base damage on Pry Bar, Throw Wrench.
This one might be my typo, should be re-balance the Power scale with Pry Bar, Throw Wrench. So in this way power engi/berserker engi can still hits hard while Celestial Engi can’t reli pull out any burst damang like berserker engi.
(edited by Anastasis.7258)
Oh dear I have thought about that, so I made such suggestions.
Re-balance the Healing Power scale with Water Attunement Heals.
So power ele/berserker ele won’t get any impact from this balance change.
Support ele must have to run full cleric to be effective like it supposed to be.Re-balance the Skill base damage on Pry Bar, Throw Wrench.
This one might be my typo, should be re-balance the Power scale with Pry Bar, Throw Wrench. So in this way power engi/berserker engi can still hits hard while Celestial Engi can’t reli pull out any burst damang like berserker engi.
You have a fair point in saying that reducing healing skill coefficients won’t hurt Zerker Ele.
When you say that it’s a good thing that Ele will have to go clerics to be support like it’s supposed to do, if healing coefficients are less, than building your character for healing means you get hit the hardest. It just throws mediocre playstyles under the bus even more, in order to balance the current meta. There are better ways..
Also, Zerker Engi builds run with about the same power as Celestial Engi builds (battle sigil, and/or 6 points in Explosives fills the gap), so reducing power scaling unfortunately doesn’t hit Celestial Harder than Berserker. It’s the same nerf to berserker builds, it’s not targeting Cele.
Listening to the Bird of Fire and removing Cele amulet would be a smarter fix than messing with the scaling coefficients in the way you are.
Flame Shield on for the tired argument that I’m against nerfing Ele/Engi. I’m not. I’m just against bad changes that target non-Cele builds as hard, or harder than Cele builds.
1. Nightmare Rune- add animation, cast time, and buff icon for the passive fear. Reduce the fear duration.
2. Hoebrak Rune- Reduce Might Duration.
3. Tone down Celestial Amulet slightly.Elementalist
1. Re-balance the Healing Power scale with Water Attunement Heals.
2. Remove 1 Blast Finisher from D/D weapon set.
3. Fix Lighting Whip bug abusing.
4. Reduce the accessibility for Vigor and Regeneration.
5. Tone Down the burning duration from Dragon Breath (or increase the skill cool-down)
6. Tone Down the Ring of Fire Duration.Engineer
1. Add cast time and animation to Over-Charged Shot. Reduce the Knock-back range and duration. Reduce punishment for Engineer itself.
2. Increase Gear Shield Cool-down.
3. Re-balance the Skill base damage on Pry Bar, Throw Wrench.
4. Decrease Cripple duration from Box of Nails.
5. Magnet visible while in Stealth effect.
6. Add a buff icon when Incendiary Powder is ready.Necromancer
1. Add obvious animation to Dark Path.
2.Add Different animation to Staff Mark skills.Mesmer
1. Fix Spatial Surge bug abusing.Warrior
1. Fix Warhorn Skills after-cast canceling. (Although the skill itself shouldn’t have any after-cast, might be a bug or intended)Ranger, Thief, Guardian
In a good spot.Thief is in a good spot but necro is OP.
mmmm…kay. That is why every team runs a thief and there is basically 1 or 2 teams max who run necros. Cos it is so OP right?
The facts disprove you.
Cause, you know, class representation is a clear indication of balance, especially to the degree you’re saying it is at.
If they Nerf CeleEle and CeleEngi, they have to nerf CeleWar. Sorry but CeleWar will become king of the backpoint to point they will never lose a 1v1 ever. Would almost become requirement for every single team to run a CeleWar as your backpoint or your going to lose. Only way I can see CeleWar being shaved isn’t to there build but to Sigil’s. They are bloody strong and make half the builds these days which is so stupid.
Also if they nerf the current meta and burst comes back into play. They need to take a look at burst builds. Thief is the King of Burst, no matters how you look at it every single burst class all complains about thieves farming them. The main problem being S/D and evade spamming you never hear many complain about other thief builds it’s always S/D and there evades.
good list, i think it’s safe to say most of the nerfs you suggested are necessary at this point or at least address points of imbalance in these professions and their respective meta builds.
only disagreements/further additions:
(edited by sinject.4607)
The OP has some very poorly thought out suggestions if you ask me.
He demands things like magnet pull be visible from stealth, then claims thief is fine, when they can pull from stealth. Gear shield is fine, what a ridiculous request. IP should probably be reworked entirely rather then to have an icon for being off cooldown, at least that would be my preference.
The elementalist suggestions are unspecific and generally unreasonable.
Why do necro marks need new animations, they are clearly different now. Talk about a waste of time.
Please stop protecting your own class, so we can make this game better.
Could your post be more riddled with hypocrisy and irrational bias?
Warrior,Ranger, Thief, Guardian
In a good spot.Because pull on engi is in most meta builds and oftenly used paired with other useful skills while thief scorpion wire has no team viability.
about gear shield, even the best engis would agree that CD on this skill is ridiculous.
and marks, no they are not different, only 5 is different, while 4 is extremely op as well while share the same animation.
how is ele suggestions unreasonable in anyway. reduce the burning which the best ele suggested this as well and air whip abuse, and vigor also suggested by the best ele.
You’re just cherry picking the most sensible Ele changes he’s suggesting and ignoring the ambiguous and potentially devastating change like this:
1. Re-balance the Healing Power scale with Water Attunement Heals.
And then on Engies
3. Re-balance the Skill base damage on Pry Bar, Throw Wrench.
Support Eles and Power Engies not unviable enough guys. Burn them along with Cele Engi/Ele
Oh dear I have thought about that, so I made such suggestions.
Re-balance the Healing Power scale with Water Attunement Heals.
So power ele/berserker ele won’t get any impact from this balance change.
Support ele must have to run full cleric to be effective like it supposed to be.Re-balance the Skill base damage on Pry Bar, Throw Wrench.
This one might be my typo, should be re-balance the Power scale with Pry Bar, Throw Wrench. So in this way power engi/berserker engi can still hits hard while Celestial Engi can’t reli pull out any burst damang like berserker engi.
Fresh Air ele meta build uses heal on water swap, nerfing will affect its sustain which wouldnt be that good :/
Does everybody really think, “guardians are in a sweet spot”, or has the guardian simply been given up by the majority of players for being pretty useless in everything, because all other classes can do it better. Guardians have been neglected by the developers to a point, where your team is weakened, if you take one with you. Yeah, bunker guardians are great, but, only if his opponents don’t know how to chain interrupt him and finish him off in something under 3 seconds. The offensive guardian needs to be extremely well timed while playing and quickly loses a fight, if he makes a single mistake or gets interrupted. And if a guardian has to run, it happens now and then, he can’t go invisible, poop grenades, illusions, turrets, marks, traps, … he has to “sit in his silly staff-speed-buff” for 4 seconds, if it is to last a while. the guardians spirit weapons are close to useless, because skilling for them makes the overall build silly at best. perhaps, if the spirit weapons allowed for the same kind of healing mechanics as the meditations, the’d be viable again. guardians are also clearly lacking in mobility while also not being able to go into any invisibilty (god) mode.
if guardians are to be played as “first in and last out” they clearly need to be rebalanced and improved.
obviously i’m putting in a few words in here FOR the guardian.
You’re beating a dead horse, most of the time I don’t even bother anymore because I sound like a broken record. The devs clearly have their minds made up about Guard and everything is fine!
Oh dear I have thought about that, so I made such suggestions.
Re-balance the Healing Power scale with Water Attunement Heals.
So power ele/berserker ele won’t get any impact from this balance change.
Support ele must have to run full cleric to be effective like it supposed to be.Re-balance the Skill base damage on Pry Bar, Throw Wrench.
This one might be my typo, should be re-balance the Power scale with Pry Bar, Throw Wrench. So in this way power engi/berserker engi can still hits hard while Celestial Engi can’t reli pull out any burst damang like berserker engi.You have a fair point in saying that reducing healing skill coefficients won’t hurt Zerker Ele.
When you say that it’s a good thing that Ele will have to go clerics to be support like it’s supposed to do, if healing coefficients are less, than building your character for healing means you get hit the hardest. It just throws mediocre playstyles under the bus even more, in order to balance the current meta. There are better ways..
Also, Zerker Engi builds run with about the same power as Celestial Engi builds (battle sigil, and/or 6 points in Explosives fills the gap), so reducing power scaling unfortunately doesn’t hit Celestial Harder than Berserker. It’s the same nerf to berserker builds, it’s not targeting Cele.
Listening to the Bird of Fire and removing Cele amulet would be a smarter fix than messing with the scaling coefficients in the way you are.
Flame Shield on for the tired argument that I’m against nerfing Ele/Engi. I’m not. I’m just against bad changes that target non-Cele builds as hard, or harder than Cele builds.
I remember you were one of the guy complaining about Staff Cleric Ele was braindead tanky when Chubbs was playing it. Re-balance the healing power scale will definitely fix the brain dead tankyness of staff ele, and can still be effective on supporting the team if played well.
Zerker Engi’s power stats pretty much same as celestial, are we playing the same game? If re-balance power stats on your class happened, which will balance the damage on celestial engi and you also still have decent burst if you decided to go berserker engi.
Here is what you will have:
Condi engi still hits like a truck, but easy to die.
Celestial engi still have decent damage, but not as crazy as now but still hard to kill.
DD ele will not have 25 stacks mights anymore and no more 10 sec+ burnings and not tankier than bunker guardian.
Staff Ele doesn’t do a lot damage, relys on personal skills to survive well and still supporting teammate well if you go full Cleric.
Fresh Air Ele will be probably the strongest ele build in this game if you played really well. relys heavily on personal skills, doesn’t get any affect from these balance.
Shatter Mesmer more opportunities to 1v1 DD eles, Cele engis because they are more balanced, in result more mesmers will join the meta.
Celestial Warrior will not be effective as now because Celestial nerfed + bug fixed, and Celestial amulet itself isn’t too hot for warriors because healing power for us is a waste. Plus when those braindead meta engi ele build is balanced, there will be a lot more bursty comp coming up, which straight counter to Shoutbow Warriors.
D/P, S/D Thief will be more viable in the meta, as always.
Dps guardian will have a chance to join the meta because all the op builds are balanced, might have chance to counter thief a bit.
Bunker guardian will come back to the meta because there are no more Op builds that can take the role from bunker guardian.
Its your decision if you think Bird of Fire’s suggestion is better. I don’t really care but you don’t have to be mad right here. I just listed everything that might happen if these things happened to the PvP scene.
Zerker Engi’s power stats pretty much same as celestial, are we playing the same game? If re-balance power stats on your class happened, which will balance the damage on celestial engi and you also still have decent burst if you decided to go berserker engi.
I’m not sayin’ you’re wrong but..
Static Discharge:
2133 Power
Cele Rifle with 10 Might Stacks:
2189 Power.
Nerfing power coefficients = equally affecting Berserker and Cele builds, you gotta look beyond the amulet for a second.
My only point that you don’t really understand the full implications of what you’re suggesting. Any Engi who plays static discharge will be like: “Anet WTF, I already sucked, thanks.” I don’t think they’d be like, “o well at least I can still do a decent burst,” like you say. Lmao.
Don’t get me wrong, I agree with most of your changes and end-game. But I think you should go back to the drawing boards on coefficient rebalancing
Zerker Engi’s power stats pretty much same as celestial, are we playing the same game? If re-balance power stats on your class happened, which will balance the damage on celestial engi and you also still have decent burst if you decided to go berserker engi.
I’m not sayin’ you’re wrong but..
Static Discharge:
2133 Power
Cele Rifle with 10 Might Stacks:
2189 Power.
Nerfing power coefficients = equally affecting Berserker and Cele builds, you gotta look beyond the amulet for a second.
My only point that you don’t really understand the full implications of what you’re suggesting. Any Engi who plays static discharge will be like: “Anet WTF, I already sucked, thanks.” I don’t think they’d be like, “o well at least I can still do a decent burst,” like you say. Lmao.
Don’t get me wrong, I agree with most of your changes and end-game. But I think you should go back to the drawing boards on coefficient rebalancing
If you read then you should know I did not put any numbers on the suggestions. And also I don’t think it’s right to balance the game according to the none-meta builds. If I was like you then I wouldn’t suggest the adrenaline nerf in the past because all other warrior builds suck balls, especially rifle killshot. If you really want to talk about none-meta build, then I have way more options to discuss here with you. But yea maybe you are right and maybe I’m wrong, but most likely I believe those suggestions will have more positive impacts than negative impacts. Nothing will be perfect.
(edited by Anastasis.7258)
Why not attack the source of the problem?
We could nerf the might stacks.
Like for example, reducing the amount of power-per-stack on SPvP or reducing the max amount of stacks to 15 or so.
/raises Shield
Zerker Engi’s power stats pretty much same as celestial, are we playing the same game? If re-balance power stats on your class happened, which will balance the damage on celestial engi and you also still have decent burst if you decided to go berserker engi.
I’m not sayin’ you’re wrong but..
Static Discharge:
2133 Power
Cele Rifle with 10 Might Stacks:
2189 Power.
Nerfing power coefficients = equally affecting Berserker and Cele builds, you gotta look beyond the amulet for a second.
My only point that you don’t really understand the full implications of what you’re suggesting. Any Engi who plays static discharge will be like: “Anet WTF, I already sucked, thanks.” I don’t think they’d be like, “o well at least I can still do a decent burst,” like you say. Lmao.
Don’t get me wrong, I agree with most of your changes and end-game. But I think you should go back to the drawing boards on coefficient rebalancing
If you read then you should know I did not put any numbers on the suggestions. And also I don’t think it’s right to balance the game according to the none-meta builds. If I was like you then I wouldn’t suggest the adrenaline nerf in the past because all other warrior builds suck balls, especially rifle killshot. If you really want to talk about none-meta build, then I have way more options to discuss here with you. But yea maybe you are right and maybe I’m wrong, but most likely I believe those suggestions will have more positive impacts than negative impacts. Nothing will be perfect.
Except the way adrenaline worked before was stupid. The way pry bar works right now isn’t stupid. Cele stats are stupid, and that’s the point. Just nerf what is obviously the problem and work you way down. Nerfing Pry bar is too much.
ITT: homers and people who don’t know what nerfing other classes means to the game as a whole.
Everything that isn’t ele, engy, warrior (and possibly thief but to a much lesser extent) is fine. The only reason everything else isn’t used is because they are outclassed, that doesn’t mean they are bad.
Please if you take away anything from anything, changes on some things will affect other things. It sounds like common sense but anyone arguing Mesmer is weak is just silly. Weaker than thief? perhaps. Weak? Hell no, a decent Mesmer will absolutely wreck face.
Also reducing healing scaling on shouts will help guardians be viable. Doing anything to engineer (I will argue remove or remake the class completely because I hate the design) will make anything else viable. Elementalists should have blast on water 3 removed and possibly reduced burning duration. Make those changes and something about might stacking and it’s like a whole new meta!
(edited by Wilco.1458)
If they Nerf CeleEle and CeleEngi, they have to nerf CeleWar. Sorry but CeleWar will become king of the backpoint to point they will never lose a 1v1 ever. Would almost become requirement for every single team to run a CeleWar as your backpoint or your going to lose. Only way I can see CeleWar being shaved isn’t to there build but to Sigil’s. They are bloody strong and make half the builds these days which is so stupid.
Also if they nerf the current meta and burst comes back into play. They need to take a look at burst builds. Thief is the King of Burst, no matters how you look at it every single burst class all complains about thieves farming them. The main problem being S/D and evade spamming you never hear many complain about other thief builds it’s always S/D and there evades.
I completely agree with this. If these changes go through s/d thief will need a nerf (Well, acro would need a nerf). As Sol said, thief is literally the king of zerker and hardcounters every zerker class except med guard. I also agree that shout war/sigils would need a nerf, its simply too easy to play for how useful it is.
(edited by Warlord of Chaos.7845)
Oh dear I have thought about that, so I made such suggestions.
Re-balance the Healing Power scale with Water Attunement Heals.
So power ele/berserker ele won’t get any impact from this balance change.
Support ele must have to run full cleric to be effective like it supposed to be.Re-balance the Skill base damage on Pry Bar, Throw Wrench.
This one might be my typo, should be re-balance the Power scale with Pry Bar, Throw Wrench. So in this way power engi/berserker engi can still hits hard while Celestial Engi can’t reli pull out any burst damang like berserker engi.You have a fair point in saying that reducing healing skill coefficients won’t hurt Zerker Ele.
When you say that it’s a good thing that Ele will have to go clerics to be support like it’s supposed to do, if healing coefficients are less, than building your character for healing means you get hit the hardest. It just throws mediocre playstyles under the bus even more, in order to balance the current meta. There are better ways..
Also, Zerker Engi builds run with about the same power as Celestial Engi builds (battle sigil, and/or 6 points in Explosives fills the gap), so reducing power scaling unfortunately doesn’t hit Celestial Harder than Berserker. It’s the same nerf to berserker builds, it’s not targeting Cele.
Listening to the Bird of Fire and removing Cele amulet would be a smarter fix than messing with the scaling coefficients in the way you are.
Flame Shield on for the tired argument that I’m against nerfing Ele/Engi. I’m not. I’m just against bad changes that target non-Cele builds as hard, or harder than Cele builds.
Doesn’t matter, “it will hurt lesser builds” is not a reason to not balancing OP builds.
Because it will always hurt lesser builds. theres not a single nerf that does not affect lesser builds, because there are just so many builds.
also, they can always buff the build by working around it, like buffing SD damage or what not.
(edited by Simon.3794)
Oh dear I have thought about that, so I made such suggestions.
Re-balance the Healing Power scale with Water Attunement Heals.
So power ele/berserker ele won’t get any impact from this balance change.
Support ele must have to run full cleric to be effective like it supposed to be.Re-balance the Skill base damage on Pry Bar, Throw Wrench.
This one might be my typo, should be re-balance the Power scale with Pry Bar, Throw Wrench. So in this way power engi/berserker engi can still hits hard while Celestial Engi can’t reli pull out any burst damang like berserker engi.You have a fair point in saying that reducing healing skill coefficients won’t hurt Zerker Ele.
When you say that it’s a good thing that Ele will have to go clerics to be support like it’s supposed to do, if healing coefficients are less, than building your character for healing means you get hit the hardest. It just throws mediocre playstyles under the bus even more, in order to balance the current meta. There are better ways..
Also, Zerker Engi builds run with about the same power as Celestial Engi builds (battle sigil, and/or 6 points in Explosives fills the gap), so reducing power scaling unfortunately doesn’t hit Celestial Harder than Berserker. It’s the same nerf to berserker builds, it’s not targeting Cele.
Listening to the Bird of Fire and removing Cele amulet would be a smarter fix than messing with the scaling coefficients in the way you are.
Flame Shield on for the tired argument that I’m against nerfing Ele/Engi. I’m not. I’m just against bad changes that target non-Cele builds as hard, or harder than Cele builds.
Doesn’t matter, “it will hurt lesser builds” is not a reason to not balancing OP builds.
Because it will always hurt lesser builds. theres not a single nerf that does not affect lesser builds, because there are just so many builds.
also, they can always buff the build up right back, like buffing SD damage or what not.
Option B, solely targeting on swap sigils, blast finishers, celestial stats and staying the hell away from Ele heal scaling, Engi damage scaling. They’ve been balanced for years. What’s not balanced are the things in common with Cele builds.
For those worried about fresh air getting hit from potential D/D ele nerfs that probably won’t be the case as long as they stick to nerfing the right things. The attuned to water nerf Tarcis was talking about wouldn’t hurt us because he’s referring to changing the scale on it, Aka making it less beneficial to take healing power; the base will still be the same. Also you gotta keep in mind Cele D/D is Fresh airs hard counter.. so if anything this is would make them more viable. I would also personally love to not be pigeon holed into putting points into water, with these nerfs maybe they could raise the base HP of eles to give them other options? Half of the reason eles are forced to go into water is for the added HP along with the sustain of course. Without going into water I believe I have like 12-13k HP? That’s rediculously low for a Light Armor class.
(edited by Bitty.1409)
Another thread with good ideas about balance, wonder how hard the community has to try to get this done in this game.
Fire+Air must also share CDs.
For those worried about fresh air getting hit from potential D/D ele nerfs that probably won’t be the case as long as they stick to nerfing the right things. The attuned to water nerf Tarcis was talking about wouldn’t hurt us because he’s referring to changing the scale on it, Aka making it less beneficial to take healing power; the base will still be the same. Also you gotta keep in mind Cele D/D is Fresh airs hard counter.. so if anything this is would make them more viable. I would also personally love to not be pigeon holed into putting points into water, with these nerfs maybe they could raise the base HP of eles to give them other options? Half of the reason eles are forced to go into water is for the added HP along with the sustain of course. Without going into water I believe I have like 12-13k HP? That’s rediculously low for a Light Armor class.
The HP is almost irrelevant because of the amount of healing. You go into water because that’s 70% of your sustain (the remaining 30% from EA) and condition clears. You still have 15k health with a decent amount of toughness.. The only thing depending on HP (with sustain) is how fast you get bursted.
Yes, that’s the case with celestial, but every other build that is not the case.
All this could be solve through reintroducing the corruption necro and the class in general into the meta I sense favoritism in this thread. Nerf usually doesn’t come with buffs and still leave the supposed counters underwhelming. I find engi stronger than ele and less predictable but it’s not a celestial thing it’s a counter thing they are lacking.
Changing this meta will result in an other one and the cycle. Why dumb it down just make the tool useful and we will use them ,create more viable specs with existing counters and the game will improve. The conquest style encourages melee spec that will intake AoE and that is not a good thing if you are using zerker amulet which nost people in this thread do. The game mode matters as well, the game is choking on it self but it will eventually work out but as long as you are focused on amulet,risk/reward,conquest and not getting out of your comfort zone it will take a while(years) to achieve.
Years… GW2 can but not with the current mindset and I do feel like the PvP team is lacking….years…. I would be maining another game by then.
(edited by Sagat.3285)
Remove the knockback from Rocket turret, so turret engis will not chain CC people.
Replace automated response for engis with something useful vs conditions. Not back to the old overpowered trait but now this grandmaster trait is useless. Maybe something like: immune to conditions while in CC (fear for example. So we do not die instant if a necro comes) or immune to condition transfer.
Sound like you want the d/d eles to reroll shout warrior Kappa
I don’t get it,How many thieves are using scorpion wire, you tell me.
5,286 to be exact. Prove me wrong………..(see, I can make unfounded claims as easy as you can when you claim to speak for every high level engineer)
Why “it is in meta build and the most used skill in serious play” not a proper justification of it been Superior then other skills.
Im simply comparing it to Scorpion wire, which is what you were doing, not justifing why it should be nerfed.
“We should not nerf this because another skill of another class does the same and it’s not op on that class so we should not touch this either” is only dumb.
why don’t we just reverse dhumm fire and put it on master trait just like IP?I never compared the skills. I made a functionality comparison. No skill cast can be seen from stealth. If you want one cast animation to be visible from stealth, make them all that way. Do not pick and chose them.
The hypocrisy there is that you play thief and warrior, yet you want other professions blast for stacking might nerfed and ignore warriors ability to blast and stack might. As well you want thieves ability to hide cast animations with stealth ignored but demand it of other professions.
As to dhuum fire. Good luck with that.
I don’t speak for them, they speak and i listen. and it is only logical to think that way.
How cute. You actually think it is logical to claim you represent an entire section of the community, and have the authority to speak for them. By the way, how long have you been playing an engineer in high level PvP? I am not even sure you can speak for yourself as a high level engineer, much less the actual ones.
Because you use it on the group and not under the enemy for insta trigger.
Yes, I already specified I am in agreeance if we are refering to the actual cast animation themselves. Please, try to keep up.
you missed the part where he said “they are not reasonable” without a single argument.
I offered as many arguments of reason as you or the OP did. Both of you simply said “remove one of them” not specifying which one or why it over another.
With respect, what is your in-game name. I could not fine you in leaderboard current or history. I am still newer to this game and am still trying to learn different aspects of the pvp community. I have seen the OP play at the highest level and know that if he writes something in the forums I should consider it seriously (whether or not I buy it after that is different). I have seen Five Gauge play, and I trust his opinion too. You have some very passionate arguments and am trying to understand where you are basing your knowledge from…mid-tier play, high-level play, Hotjoin, Unranked?
Thanks for your time.
I’m glad OP isn’t a developer. This list is just silly. Adding a UI element doesn’t get rid of passive play. No nerfs to Sigil of Battle or other overpowered sigils.
Sigil of battle isn’t overpowered.
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