Too much qq in this game
You’ll learn… some day.
well actually thief and warrior should NOT be buffed to meet the other classes every other class should be nerfed to meet with thief and warrior to counter the constant power creep.
if you havent ran into a single premade or hardly any you are extremely lucky.
people should not be forced to go bunker to avoid all the damage because that just causes more problems there should be a “holy trinity” between bunker, zerker, and condi not everyone and their dog going condibunker the META is indeed messed up and people who say it isnt are in denial. guardian traps are way too overtuned, bunker mesmer is super tanky with lots of damage, rev is overpowered (the hammer skill 2 hits like a truck and is on a 2 second cooldown), thief cant do ANYTHING anymore, but yeah i suppose the META is just fiiiiiiiiiine as long as everyone continues to only use 4 classes (rev, guardian, mesmer, scrapper) and only using condi bunker builds then the META will be just fiiiiiiine.
lastly anet doesnt read the forums because theyre too busy screaming “EEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSPOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRTTTTTTTTSSSSSSS”
well actually thief and warrior should NOT be buffed to meet the other classes every other class should be nerfed to meet with thief and warrior to counter the constant power creep.
if you havent ran into a single premade or hardly any you are extremely lucky.
people should not be forced to go bunker to avoid all the damage because that just causes more problems there should be a “holy trinity” between bunker, zerker, and condi not everyone and their dog going condibunker the META is indeed messed up and people who say it isnt are in denial. guardian traps are way too overtuned, bunker mesmer is super tanky with lots of damage, rev is overpowered (the hammer skill 2 hits like a truck and is on a 2 second cooldown), thief cant do ANYTHING anymore, but yeah i suppose the META is just fiiiiiiiiiine as long as everyone continues to only use 4 classes (rev, guardian, mesmer, scrapper) and only using condi bunker builds then the META will be just fiiiiiiine.lastly anet doesnt read the forums because theyre too busy screaming “EEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSPOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRTTTTTTTTSSSSSSS”
current meta is absolute garbage, its unintuitive, and boring as hell.
well actually thief and warrior should NOT be buffed to meet the other classes every other class should be nerfed to meet with thief and warrior to counter the constant power creep.
if you havent ran into a single premade or hardly any you are extremely lucky.
people should not be forced to go bunker to avoid all the damage because that just causes more problems there should be a “holy trinity” between bunker, zerker, and condi not everyone and their dog going condibunker the META is indeed messed up and people who say it isnt are in denial. guardian traps are way too overtuned, bunker mesmer is super tanky with lots of damage, rev is overpowered (the hammer skill 2 hits like a truck and is on a 2 second cooldown), thief cant do ANYTHING anymore, but yeah i suppose the META is just fiiiiiiiiiine as long as everyone continues to only use 4 classes (rev, guardian, mesmer, scrapper) and only using condi bunker builds then the META will be just fiiiiiiine.lastly anet doesnt read the forums because theyre too busy screaming “EEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSPOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRTTTTTTTTSSSSSSS”
reed through this thread:
please notice that people playing this game on the highest level are speeking up consistently against the flawes of this metagame. if you watch streams of some of these players you can hear a lot of complaynment about all the stuff that has been changed in expansion.
reed through this thread:
please notice that people playing this game on the highest level are speeking up consistently against the flawes of this metagame. if you watch streams of some of these players you can hear a lot of complaynment about all the stuff that has been changed in expansion.
I read it, only thing he was upset about was the bunkerish meta, he wasnt qqing about balance or queue times or matchmaking. Next
New players shouldn’t be allowed to post since devs read forum comments and when they read comments like that, they go, “Hmm. That guys right! Balance is fine!”
Should be required to have played 5000 matches in PvP to post in PvP forum.
(edited by Zefrost.3425)
New players shouldn’t be allowed to post since devs read forum comments and when they read comments like that, they go, “Hmm. That guys right! Balance is fine!
Should be required to have played 5000 matches in PvP to post in PvP forum.
Ive actually played around 8k games, but whatever. Also only noobs qq about balance. Balance in this game is fine besides war/thief which needs to be brought up to other elites level
Ive actually played around 8k games, but whatever. Also only noobs qq about balance. Balance in this game is fine besides war/thief which needs to be brought up to other elites level
Play some thief, preferrably D/D thief (absolutely lethal especially in pvp) and then you’ll see what the other classes can do. They have basically no opening – it feels to me (wvw, I don’t really play pvp) as if everybody just memorizes some rotation and goes over and over until either he or the enemy is dead.
In wvw against a thief I hit around 6 (dire) to 9 (zerker) k. A full zerker thief has got 12k HP. So lets just buff thief damage so that they will one shot each other. Every other class on the other hand has got their passive and active invulnerabilities/protection, tankiness, boons and stuff and massive cleave – even if a thief hit for 30k he wouldn’t really have a chance. So best would to be to tone all other classes a bit down and rethink the formulas for tankiness/damage as they seem out of control since June.
New players shouldn’t be allowed to post since devs read forum comments and when they read comments like that, they go, “Hmm. That guys right! Balance is fine!
Should be required to have played 5000 matches in PvP to post in PvP forum.
Ive actually played around 8k games, but whatever. Also only noobs qq about balance. Balance in this game is fine besides war/thief which needs to be brought up to other elites level
I agree just keep buffing everything endlessly
Ive actually played around 8k games, but whatever. Also only noobs qq about balance. Balance in this game is fine besides war/thief which needs to be brought up to other elites level
Play some thief, preferrably D/D thief (absolutely lethal especially in pvp) and then you’ll see what the other classes can do. They have basically no opening – it feels to me (wvw, I don’t really play pvp) as if everybody just memorizes some rotation and goes over and over until either he or the enemy is dead.
In wvw against a thief I hit around 6 (dire) to 9 (zerker) k. A full zerker thief has got 12k HP. So lets just buff thief damage so that they will one shot each other. Every other class on the other hand has got their passive and active invulnerabilities/protection, tankiness, boons and stuff and massive cleave – even if a thief hit for 30k he wouldn’t really have a chance. So best would to be to tone all other classes a bit down and rethink the formulas for tankiness/damage as they seem out of control since June.
Yeah thieves and wars need a huge buff, no denying that
Yeah thieves and wars need a huge buff, no denying that
Yeah, reading is really tough
So, go out there with your D/D thief – have fun!
Seriously, too much people qq about everything. Match making is alright, the chances of being a soloquer fighting premades is really rare (never happens to me unless i wueue with a buddy and im in ruby…) And then theres balance lol… Seems the main 2 classes that people kitten way too much about is rev and mesmer, even though nobody ever says what is or how they’re op. These same guys say all elite specs need to be brought be brought down to berserker or thieves thieves level, lol. If anything thief and warrior needs to be brought up if u ask me. And then theres alot of people qqing about this meta. But if somebody specced themselves to be a bunker, shouldnt they be lasting long instead of being insta downed by 3. No wonder anet doesnt even read these forums anymore
Welcome to the game. You have no idea what you’re talking about…
Unlucky since launch, RNG isn’t random
PugLife SoloQ
yeh, im sorry imho.
thief and Warrior need atleast half their kits overhauled, to take some of the huge flaws out of the proffessions, buffing them is easy.. but it isnt going to fix the problem at all, Thiefs are heavily restricted on what will and wont work.. they have been pinned into 1 build for a very long time because of those bases, the proffessions and glaringly obvious flaws and it is about time they were addressed.
and no, not in a thousand years should the idea of buffing come before equalizing, games such as WoW has tried this constant buff train to balancing, it caused them to have to reset the game back like 3 expansions in WoD, they need to get rid of some of these Evade mechanics they’ve put everywhere, and Decrease the proffessions to where warriors and thiefs are.
Warrior and Thief is not Underpowered, they Simply found balance where the other proffessions shot a mile past it, the issue isnt really even anything to do with the core proffessions but more to do with the elites, Elites have outscaled core proffessions by a mile which is the power creep, where Warrior and thiefs elites were alittle underwhelming which is why they just can no longer stand up to any potiental.
and no, it isnt “everyones QQing on rev and mesmer” everyones QQing on Chronomancer and Herald, nobody is asking for those core proffessions to be nerfed, they just feel currently Chronobunker and Heralds are overperforming in comparison to other proffessions capabilities, which is true.
The Elites need to lose Alot of these evades and crap they’ve given us to spam
They Need to be brought down in line with the core Proffessions,
Warriors and Thief Need to be overhauled to a extent atleast.
im pretty sure that’d Atleast even out the meta by a bulk load in all honesty in itself, ofcourse we wont see til season 2 pre-patch and the likelyhood is thief and warrior wont get overhauls but number buffs instead to try bandaid the problem and bring them back into Meta.