Unsatisfied with Thief changes

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


In the end i only see d/p [DA/SA/Trick] being used by every thief player WHO WANTS TO WIN. this is really unhealthy for the thief community, can we have changes pls?

can we?

quote from this topic: Link

the current state of thief was predicted by many good thief players. !http://i.imgur.com/r9nEuPT.jpg!

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: Momekic.8603


To be honest, thief is trash right now. Even with DA/SA/Tr builds. If you lose to a thief right now then you really need to learn to play. Thief is prettymuch only good at being a +1 now. If you fight them on their own they are pretty easy to blow up. ANet took away their survivability.

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: Slininstien.7546


The sad thing is that I beat alot of SA thieves when I run crit strikes… maybe you just need more patience?

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


Yeah, I’m not following the obsession with SA at all.

With SE practically useless (waiting 3 seconds for a single damaging condition to drop kills the trait), what does the set have to offer? Sitting in stealth to regen? That was possible before the patch, and it meant more when damage wasn’t so huge across the board. Even if SE was dropping a condition on entering stealth, it just doesn’t add enough sustain.

SA thieves are trading a huge chunk of damage for just slightly more sustain, and it’s the kind of sustain that doesn’t work in a capture point format.


This probably isn’t a perfect spec, but it’s worth checking out and tweaking. 70% crit (90% with permafury not counting side strikes or keen observer), 230% crit damage, and enough condition cleanse to get you out of 1 condi bomb/ drop 1 or 2 deadly conditions. Depending on the circumstances, this build does 20-30% more damage than SA.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

(edited by evilapprentice.6379)

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


To be honest, thief is trash right now. Even with DA/SA/Tr builds. If you lose to a thief right now then you really need to learn to play. Thief is prettymuch only good at being a +1 now. If you fight them on their own they are pretty easy to blow up. ANet took away their survivability.

I agree, getting hit for 7.5k from stealth and having Fire/Air proc taking 10k of your life then spamming #3 #1 over and over getting your Fire/Air proc is definitely learn to play issue, people need to learn how to see a stealthed thief coming and dodge there burst.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: Silhouette.5631


Learn how to SEE A STEALTHED THIEF coming.

You’re right we should all roll engi and hardcounter.

P.S. Dodging doesn’t destealth you you just get to backstab again

P.P.S. You all have my condolences about this new patch. It is really stupid easy to kill thieves right now.

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: evilapprentice.6379


To be honest, thief is trash right now. Even with DA/SA/Tr builds. If you lose to a thief right now then you really need to learn to play. Thief is prettymuch only good at being a +1 now. If you fight them on their own they are pretty easy to blow up. ANet took away their survivability.

I agree, getting hit for 7.5k from stealth and having Fire/Air proc taking 10k of your life then spamming #3 #1 over and over getting your Fire/Air proc is definitely learn to play issue, people need to learn how to see a stealthed thief coming and dodge there burst.

7.5k from an SA thief doesn’t sound right – I’d recheck those numbers if I were you.

Also, I wasn’t aware you could count Autoattack as “spam”.

Honestly, it just sounds like you’re bitter and maybe a little inexperienced with thief as a whole. Playing the class a little would probably go a long way towards becoming better equipped to fight thieves.

If you’re a thief and haven’t
pre-ordered HOT at this point,
save yourself the money and don’t bother.

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: Momekic.8603


To be honest, thief is trash right now. Even with DA/SA/Tr builds. If you lose to a thief right now then you really need to learn to play. Thief is prettymuch only good at being a +1 now. If you fight them on their own they are pretty easy to blow up. ANet took away their survivability.

I agree, getting hit for 7.5k from stealth and having Fire/Air proc taking 10k of your life then spamming #3 #1 over and over getting your Fire/Air proc is definitely learn to play issue, people need to learn how to see a stealthed thief coming and dodge there burst.

A thief is squishy as hell, just pop your invuln or whatever defensive countermeasures any other class has and destroy him. If you lost to a thief at all then you are probably not good at pvp in general. An equally skilled player on a thief vs any other class is at a disadvantage at the moment. Im not saying they dont have burst, but i am saying that is all they have, amd if you know how to counter their initial burst (like any competent pvp player) then that is a dead thief. Sure they may get lucky amd catch you off guard, but of you arent alt tabbed its easy enough to just demolish a thief with ease now.

And to the guy that says he can kill SA thieves with CS line, thats fine and dandy, thief vs thief, no matter what spec, is up to the skill of the player, its bottom of the barrel vs bottom of the barrel, but thief vs any other class is at a distinct disadvantage (unless whomever is playing the other class is bad at PvP).

(edited by Momekic.8603)

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: PowerBottom.5796


thief is currently only played cuz of stealth openers IMHO…. I anticipated it being very strong, but after testing a bit and playing against thiefs and seeing/playing the other classes, thief really isn’t that good atm.

I never was a thief player (my least played class), but I played some S/D-thief, since I found the build really interesting – but S/D is really really bad now.

- no reliable stealth, which means no condi-removal, since almost all of it is tied to stealth. Also no stealth-openers, since Refuge alone isn’t enough and the other two utilities pretty much need to be stunbreakers.
- Acrobatics is simply extremely underpowered…. you can literally buff most of the traits for double value for them to be good enough for competetive play. :P
- Most classes got interesting new traits that opened up new playstyles, but thief (or rather D/P-Thief) just got easier and dumber with every patch, this one being the hight of it all. What a shame – it used to be a pretty hard to play class, now you just F1 and spam 1’s and 2’s… -.-°

Here are my Ideas to make S/D Thief interesting to play and viable:

Deadly Arts is fine, although panic strike could be more interesting, sth. like: get a buff when striking a foe from behind or the side that has under 50% HP which makes you next skill that costs initiative inflict immobilize (if it hits, if not, the buff is gone, but you can hit again from the side/back to get the buff again until 1 hits, which is when the 20s ICD kicks in).

Minor Traits: combine the swiftness/vigor on evade and make pain response another Minor.
Guarded Initiation: rly? what is this supposed to be? I don’t get it at all…. Just make it that you gain 3s of resistance…. Swindlers and hard to catch are fine I guess.
Don’t Stop: Well….. I kinda like the not being able to get immobilized, but the other two traits are also really necessary,,,, I’d again combine upper hand and Don’t stop and name it…. Don’t stop!

TLDR The Traits (in Acrobatics) are actually kinda interesting and could be fun to use und require skill, but they just need to combine some of them for S/D to be viable: Too much utility is scattered over too many traits.

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310


@Momekic.8603, I’m just talking about d/p thieves atm, I’m honestly over hearing all the QQ fact is d/p atm hits extremely hard if you combo that with say anyone else its insta gib time.

I’m not going to get into topic about this needs to be done or this needs to be done, fact is allot of skills across many classes are broken atm and bugged. So we can’t really complain until things are toned down.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: Momekic.8603


Definitely agree with you on both of you comments there Sol.

Its not just thieves hitting that hard though. Basically any 2 burst classes can instagib at the moment. Unfortunately thats the only thing thieves can do right now is be the +1 instagib ganker.

And, definitely agree a lot of things are broken across the board. In my opinion GW2 hasnt been this broken, until now. It has made me quit the game. I do check the forums and now participate in the forum discussions more because i really do love the game and hope they can balance everything out.

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: Cynz.9437


they don’t care, look at withdraw trolling attempt in patch notes
look how acro and SA got butchered, bleh
come back in 1 year~

All is Vain~
[Teef] guild :>

(edited by Cynz.9437)

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310



Now, I was pulled by engineer and the thief just capped me. That’s bit to strong don’t you think.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: Drennon.7190



Now, I was pulled by engineer and the thief just capped me. That’s bit to strong don’t you think.

There are a lot of factors to weigh in, before you can say something is too strong. What we can’t see it, did you have vulnerability? Did the thief have might stacks? Was he full glass (zerker, da/cs, etc).


Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: Terrorsquad.4802


Sad, sad days for thieves.. sigh

Denied NA Account | 8.4k hours | 5.6k Games | Bored

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: Sol.4310



Now, I was pulled by engineer and the thief just capped me. That’s bit to strong don’t you think.

There are a lot of factors to weigh in, before you can say something is too strong. What we can’t see it, did you have vulnerability? Did the thief have might stacks? Was he full glass (zerker, da/cs, etc).

Honestly I couldn’t tell you I died so fast I didn’t have time to stop and look at my conditions. I was insta-gibbed from stealth with 0 ways to counter play.

I for one don’t believe any class no matters what should be able to put that kind of damage out from a single attack, wouldn’t be so bad if it was telegraphed attack like (Kill Shot or Maul) as you can see them coming. But what I don’t get is how can anyone defend that kind of damage, there is no counter play.

Sorry but I know the patch is just new and there are balance problems and major bugs (Engineer Nades). But we have to point out the problems so dev’s can “balance/fix” so we don’t have repeats of the same problem down the track.

The problem has to be addressed across all classes, if you stop and think about it if the fixed some of major problems we are seeing with insta-gibs do you really think things would be this bad, builds that currently getting wrecked all of sudden become more viable.

Really can’t stand people trying to judge other people, honestly I’ve been playing un-viable class for past year and I rarely complain, I deal with it. So if they can balance classes across the board, I’m not talking gut the burst I enjoy this meta more than last meta. But there are few skills on every class that you can tell are just too strong.

So think about it once the dust settles there won’t be many viable builds left it will be limited few builds, insta gib comps and we will have repeat of the last year where its same few classes and builds ruling the meta.

Saizo Sol – Ranger
Twitch – Aussie Streamer

(edited by Sol.4310)

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: StickerHappy.8052



Now, I was pulled by engineer and the thief just capped me. That’s bit to strong don’t you think.

There are a lot of factors to weigh in, before you can say something is too strong. What we can’t see it, did you have vulnerability? Did the thief have might stacks? Was he full glass (zerker, da/cs, etc).

Honestly I couldn’t tell you I died so fast I didn’t have time to stop and look at my conditions. I was insta-gibbed from stealth with 0 ways to counter play.

I for one don’t believe any class no matters what should be able to put that kind of damage out from a single attack, wouldn’t be so bad if it was telegraphed attack like (Kill Shot or Maul) as you can see them coming. But what I don’t get is how can anyone defend that kind of damage, there is no counter play.

Sorry but I know the patch is just new and there are balance problems and major bugs (Engineer Nades). But we have to point out the problems so dev’s can “balance/fix” so we don’t have repeats of the same problem down the track.

I hate to tell you this but even with a screenie, Thieves will still tell you that they are underpowered.

Champion Illusionist Champion Hunter Champion Phantom Champion Magus

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


… i think 80% of you dont even get why this topic was created. The reason was i am unsatisfied by the fact that only D/P is viable and even that got 2 hardpointed traitlines.

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: lvis.3824


Yes compared to the changes that EVERY other professions got thief was really left behind .

I am not talking about absurd builds that are flying around or the fact that a lot of builds can oneshot others .

Unsatisfied with Thief changes

in PvP

Posted by: Kicker.8203


D/P thief is alright, the problem is they made all the others thief specs unviable.