You should try reading other threads on this forum.
7/10 are complaining about this. The so-called MMR-HELL.
There are a lot of ‘solution attempts’ but I dont think they work much.
Just dont play ranked. It is not in any way an indicator of skill what flashy symbol you have next to your name. Not in this season at least.
You get a lot of nice games in unranked, and dont have bother whether you loose or not. You can even play the classes and builds you like.
It is natural to finally hit a wall with one’s skill level.
I am currently hitting my wall at legendary tier5/6. Almost every second match I got matched against some ESL names, Ostrichegg, Eura, Supcutie, sunfish. My team just doesn’t have the ability to overcome that obstacle.
Yeah, happened to me yesterday; I lost my series the day before because few diamonds players were working on their profession achievement and yesterday it went all south. Needless to say I am back to Tier 4; now as it stand your chances are losing more games are very high, to circumvent the issue:
You either have to setup a team of 5 or 4 or even 3 players or wait maybe a week or something.
The system doesn’t reward you for trying your best ( as in get out of loss streak) instead it punish you for your losses.
It is natural to finally hit a wall with one’s skill level.
I am currently hitting my wall at legendary tier5/6. Almost every second match I got matched against some ESL names, Ostrichegg, Eura, Supcutie, sunfish. My team just doesn’t have the ability to overcome that obstacle.
Which wall are you talking about?? Did you even read the OP thread, if so what’s his wall?? T2 diamond or T1?? Or T5?
Got the same problem for 3 days already in div5. Losing streaks 10+ 20+ 30+ are quite frustrating.
Guess ppl have to team up with full teams
And advices like not to play rankeds are disrespectful imo
I play gw2 to play spvp most of the time
I play spvp to play rankeds only
The hell have I to quit doing so just because of bad mmr tuning? Yes sometimes we win sometimes we lose sometimes we can to move forward sometimes not but its not serious to get punished for losing streaks with even longer losing streaks
If I’m so bad I guess I should be placed with the same low mmr ppl vs other low mmr ppl for the same division so once I’m able to carry it and win instead of 20-30 loses in a row
And then I should meet opponents and teammates with a bit higher mmr (obviously). But we have quite different picture and this is sad and frustrating
Anet could have experimented in pre-season because the player base is getting lower and lower from the release.
In sum I offer all the dia players with mmr hell problem to gather
Guess most of you have nothing to lose anyway so /w or /invite in the mists
How is it disrespectful?
They screwed up the matchmaking, their update policy doesnt allow them to change it mid-season.
So, once your mm is spoiled, you wont be able to just fix it. Neither will they.
Now, why exactly wouldnt you play unranked? The mm is better, as a good player you are likely to have a good time, you dont have to care about wins or losses, you escape that toxic maximization-enviroment…
Look: All im saying is this: ranked sucks. Not for everybody, but according to this forum for a lot of people.
So why exactly do you keep playing it?
There is no reason unless you are just after the backpack.
Unranked is more fun. For people who cant really play due to the teams they get in mmrhell it might even be more competitive.
Personally I was riding winning streaks to mid ruby, when I first realised how flawed the matchmaking was.
Spawncamping is no fun, even if you are on the winning side of it.
So when I understood that little badge next to my name was completely meaningless, I went unranked and started playing thief again.
Its much better this way.
They will fix the problems we have eventually, but until then there is no reason to spoil the game for yourself by being stubborn.
It is natural to finally hit a wall with one’s skill level.
I am currently hitting my wall at legendary tier5/6. Almost every second match I got matched against some ESL names, Ostrichegg, Eura, Supcutie, sunfish. My team just doesn’t have the ability to overcome that obstacle.
Which wall are you talking about?? Did you even read the OP thread, if so what’s his wall?? T2 diamond or T1?? Or T5?
Totally – what wall?
The only reason he’s not plummeting down in a Losing streak spiral is because you can’t go down divisions… the fluctuations in this game are insane! The whole ‘Rank’ edifice is being held up by a weird division ‘one-way’ system. Without it people would be yo-yo’ing around up and down the rank table so much their head would spin.
How is it disrespectful?
They screwed up the matchmaking, their update policy doesnt allow them to change it mid-season.
So, once your mm is spoiled, you wont be able to just fix it. Neither will they.
Now, why exactly wouldnt you play unranked? The mm is better, as a good player you are likely to have a good time, you dont have to care about wins or losses, you escape that toxic maximization-enviroment…Look: All im saying is this: ranked sucks. Not for everybody, but according to this forum for a lot of people.
So why exactly do you keep playing it?
There is no reason unless you are just after the backpack.
Unranked is more fun. For people who cant really play due to the teams they get in mmrhell it might even be more competitive.Personally I was riding winning streaks to mid ruby, when I first realised how flawed the matchmaking was.
Spawncamping is no fun, even if you are on the winning side of it.
So when I understood that little badge next to my name was completely meaningless, I went unranked and started playing thief again.
Its much better this way.
They will fix the problems we have eventually, but until then there is no reason to spoil the game for yourself by being stubborn.
…and this….
BUT… that is a hell of a sad indictment on the game. When something’s that broken I tend to just leave it alone.
Personally I don’t find unranked that much fun because it’s just organised chaos. It’s playing for kittens ‘n’ giggles – I prefer something competitive and quantifiable.
I can’t play hotjoins and unrankeds they are absolutely boring to me. When there is nothing to lose u can’t play better so most ppl begin face rolling I disrespect this deeply
Yes I have unrankeds and hotjoins in my account history (300-400 and 5k+ rankeds/team rankeds/paids etc) because I test brand new builds or classes I have no idea how to play competitive
But still I regret to play matches without any stakes because I like that adrenalin of close games and competitive opponents
And yes I want these wings and yes my ego reaches far beyond that legendary division :p
And u say to players that want to play rankeds to chill for 2-3 months with dreams that Anet fixes everything with rainbow ponies in the next season
What shall I do these months? Play matches with ppl that face roll n farm pvp ranks or test builds n classes? I can win em just spamming 1111111 and right map rotation
So not to play is not an option
(edited by Cattish.2610)
Its not like you had a choice.
You can take a break.
You can play unranked/hotjoin
Or you have to put up with loosing streaks.
Once you are in mmrhell all you can do is maneuvering yourself deeper into it.
I dont say that is good. I dont say they should have not deployed several experimental fixes by now.
But they didnt and they wont.
Right now all we can do is try to help them find a solution for the problems the game has. But we can not change anything on our own. We have to put up with whatever the game is.
The only thing you can try is to change the rules, aka
-Join or organize tournaments for like-minded players
-Play only with a full premade
-start an alt account with unspoiled mm
Again: Its not great the way it is, but as long as we cant change it we have to work with what weve got.
Stop focusing on the league system.
Stop focusing on what your teammates are doing wrong.
Focus on your own play.
Take a deep, unfiltered look at your own play. Could you have rotated earlier? Did you rotate too soon? What are you not watching close enough? Should you avoid fights with certain class compositions?
There’s always room for improvement. Find yours and obsess over it. Do this and you’ll play better.
Play better and you’ll win more.
post a video of you’re losing game. we will critic u. doesnt matter if duo/ 5 man….or solo
Black Gate
Ruthless Legend
post a video of you’re losing game. we will critic u. doesnt matter if duo/ 5 man….or solo
^ Yea, there’s definitely lots of people that are great at helping with this. For all the QQ and raging on the PvP forums, you actually can find some really helpful posts if you ask the right questions or at least look for feedback for any videos you post.
You Should just accept the system is like this and try to focus to have fun in the games . Try do your part and get better. Reaching legendary is a bad goal to have if you continue to get stuck. The goal og gw2 have bin sinde release to have fun. They anounced the game like this. I gave up on focususing to be a certain place. It will come or not. Focusing in doing my Best with what i have and are getting and getting better. This is agin fun to play. I agree getting bad comps and team can be frustrating. Not cause i loose pip( cause its. Second objective after having fun, getting Good matches, and me getting better.
So focus—->having fun, getting Good matches, and getting better.
Alright, by looking at other posts and some of your comments here, it’s clear that the present pvp system is flawed. I needed “League Elite” achievement because of which I needed to do ranked only so thanks but no thanks for suggesting unranked or to see my gameplay videos lol. Thanks anyway to reply here. The picture is quite clearer to me now at least. CBA to discuss it any further, I would rather invest my time in something else.
Have fun!
You Should just accept the system is like this and try to focus to have fun in the games . Try do your part and get better. Reaching legendary is a bad goal to have if you continue to get stuck. The goal og gw2 have bin sinde release to have fun. They anounced the game like this. I gave up on focususing to be a certain place. It will come or not. Focusing in doing my Best with what i have and are getting and getting better. This is agin fun to play. I agree getting bad comps and team can be frustrating. Not cause i loose pip( cause its. Second objective after having fun, getting Good matches, and me getting better.
So focus—->having fun, getting Good matches, and getting better.
If only!! ah well I can dream !! on back of my latest blow outs!! cant remember fun!
You Should just accept the system is like this and try to focus to have fun in the games . Try do your part and get better. Reaching legendary is a bad goal to have if you continue to get stuck. The goal og gw2 have bin sinde release to have fun. They anounced the game like this. I gave up on focususing to be a certain place. It will come or not. Focusing in doing my Best with what i have and are getting and getting better. This is agin fun to play. I agree getting bad comps and team can be frustrating. Not cause i loose pip( cause its. Second objective after having fun, getting Good matches, and me getting better.
So focus—->having fun, getting Good matches, and getting better.If only!! ah well I can dream !! on back of my latest blow outs!! cant remember fun!
1 flawed , yes
2 focus good matches
3 yes i hate getting blow out matches to
4 if all one is getting at this point in game is blowout matches i would indeed suck
It is natural to finally hit a wall with one’s skill level.
I am currently hitting my wall at legendary tier5/6. Almost every second match I got matched against some ESL names, Ostrichegg, Eura, Supcutie, sunfish. My team just doesn’t have the ability to overcome that obstacle.
Which wall are you talking about?? Did you even read the OP thread, if so what’s his wall?? T2 diamond or T1?? Or T5?
Diamond T2 since he stucks there.
What happens is that at current stage, majority of players you are facing are better than you. So more likely you are going to lose than win.
After those better players win enough, they will move outside the pip range then you will start winning again.
Try to find a time of day where you have the best chance of winning,and farm it.
You Should just accept the system is like this and try to focus to have fun in the games . Try do your part and get better. Reaching legendary is a bad goal to have if you continue to get stuck. The goal og gw2 have bin sinde release to have fun. They anounced the game like this. I gave up on focususing to be a certain place. It will come or not. Focusing in doing my Best with what i have and are getting and getting better. This is agin fun to play. I agree getting bad comps and team can be frustrating. Not cause i loose pip( cause its. Second objective after having fun, getting Good matches, and me getting better.
So focus—->having fun, getting Good matches, and getting better.If only!! ah well I can dream !! on back of my latest blow outs!! cant remember fun!
1 flawed , yes
2 focus good matches
3 yes i hate getting blow out matches to
4 if all one is getting at this point in game is blowout matches i would indeed suck
I don’t mind the blow outs now got used to them
How is it disrespectful?
They screwed up the matchmaking, their update policy doesnt allow them to change it mid-season.
Not true. They updated in the middle of last season to prevent the “get an amber” approach.
The issue is that ANET has no idea how to fix the system.