What abot removing instapoc's

What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


What abot removing instapoc’s from the game?
Game would be much healthyer and i wouldnt getting a stroke every half an hour from random kiddos with zero mechanical skills winning matchups due to instant cc and invuln procks.

hint: you could start with reworking nightmare runes, eye for an eye, enduring recovery and Self-Regulating Defenses.
Then, after you realise that this change was good and healthy you could follow with the rest like chill of death, panic strike, Defy pain, heavy light, last refuge, Desperate Decoy, and who knows what.

PS: for the ppl who going to cry a river about XYZ class needs that passive to succeed: find another path than relying on passive cheese kkthx.

What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


on second thought on weapon swap instants could use a look at too.
Edit: i mean both sigils and traits

What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


on second thought on weapon swap instants could use a look at too.
Edit: i mean both sigils and traits

I dont feel like this is that much needed


What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: Velimere.7685


What abot removing instapoc’s from the game?
Game would be much healthyer and i wouldnt getting a stroke every half an hour from random kiddos with zero mechanical skills winning matchups due to instant cc and invuln procks.

hint: you could start with reworking nightmare runes, eye for an eye, enduring recovery and Self-Regulating Defenses.
Then, after you realise that this change was good and healthy you could follow with the rest like chill of death, panic strike, Defy pain, heavy light, last refuge, Desperate Decoy, and who knows what.

PS: for the ppl who going to cry a river about XYZ class needs that passive to succeed: find another path than relying on passive cheese kkthx.

Well memed, my friend.

Anyone who says Zerk is the average Joe build is an average Joe.

What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


on second thought on weapon swap instants could use a look at too.
Edit: i mean both sigils and traits

I dont feel like this is that much needed

r u sure?… https://youtu.be/87nYgHkpijE

imagine this like: u go shroud→ wait ~3sec → cast #3 → if weap swap is ready again recast #3 →exit shroud→weapswap→staff or scepter 3→corrupt boon.
usually stuff instadies to this if you cover condis afterwards.

(edited by MadVisions.4529)

What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


on second thought on weapon swap instants could use a look at too.
Edit: i mean both sigils and traits

I dont feel like this is that much needed

sure… https://youtu.be/87nYgHkpijE

Revs have the same, and even if its instant you can predict when they’re going to weapon swap
EDIT: Also, your vid is an extremely situational and optimized scenario :p


(edited by Krysard.1364)

What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


on second thought on weapon swap instants could use a look at too.
Edit: i mean both sigils and traits

I dont feel like this is that much needed

sure… https://youtu.be/87nYgHkpijE

Revs have the same, and even if its instant you can predict when they’re going to weapon swap
EDIT: Also, your vid is an extremely situational and optimized scenario :p

y iknow i just dont play reve so demonstrated with necro.
ps: go predict it if you have any endurance left after you evaded 2 precision strikes unrelenting + mace 5, mace 3 etc.

Edit on your Edit: not really. i use 2xswap all the time i dont need shroud for tanking stuff. it demolishes people.

What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: Krysard.1364


on second thought on weapon swap instants could use a look at too.
Edit: i mean both sigils and traits

I dont feel like this is that much needed

sure… https://youtu.be/87nYgHkpijE

Revs have the same, and even if its instant you can predict when they’re going to weapon swap

y iknow i just dont play reve so demonstrated with necro.
ps: go predict it if you have any endurance left after you evaded 2 precision strikes unrelenting + mace 5, mace 3 etc.

Well, anyway I feel like sigils need to have some impact on your build, not just some useless procs.
I also use double porc, but there were multiple traits involved there that will not proc always at the same time than your weapon swap.


What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


topic is still top priority imo

What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: Quadox.7834




Yaniam [Mesmer]

^ Usually only characer that i play on

What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: SlimChance.6593



Unfortunately, it will never happen.

Eccho, Echo Oread – Mesmers (Yak’s Bend)
My EchoRupt Build - Forum Post

What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


Lol at defy pain, why do I feel like the op main thief?? You should have added teleport and insta down on your list. Also those bounces/insta evades have to be removed too.

Ps: I don’t want to hear thieves say they can’t play without stealth or bounces/evades/dodges.


What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: Chase.2798


I love this idea if they give non passive abilities to replace the passives…so instead of defy pain make it unrelenting pain where stances give protection and aegis or something and reduces cd…some classes are too reliant on passives atm due to a lack of available active defenses…this change without adding something huge would remove warrior from pvp and wvw and its almost non existant atm anyway..anet needs to remove passives, remove some aoe make everything 1-3 targets not 5…nerf condis so they do less damage but more when stacked and increase durations…makes clearing condis more important, also need to remove invulns…instead make 80% damage reduction or something, and remove the evade spam. This would cause people to have to play more intelligently no more running into point and just dropping aoes and relying on passive defenses and invulns to keep you alive.

Big Papa Chase – Warrior and Guardian
Papa’s Lady Luck- Necro

What abot removing instapoc's

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


I love this idea if they give non passive abilities to replace the passives…so instead of defy pain make it unrelenting pain where stances give protection and aegis or something and reduces cd…some classes are too reliant on passives atm due to a lack of available active defenses…this change without adding something huge would remove warrior from pvp and wvw and its almost non existant atm anyway..anet needs to remove passives, remove some aoe make everything 1-3 targets not 5…nerf condis so they do less damage but more when stacked and increase durations…makes clearing condis more important, also need to remove invulns…instead make 80% damage reduction or something, and remove the evade spam. This would cause people to have to play more intelligently no more running into point and just dropping aoes and relying on passive defenses and invulns to keep you alive.

ofc man! thies thread is about reworking the majority of instant aids thats spread out in the game.
please keep in mind that i did NOT mean these as a nerf to xyz profession. all this is necessary due tho the bare idea of instaprocs is redundant to gw2’s active, evasive, player-controlled combat system.
the traits reworked could be replaced with other defensive mechanincs that help the class survive.

Lol at defy pain, why do I feel like the op main thief?? You should have added teleport and insta down on your list. Also those bounces/insta evades have to be removed too.

Ps: I don’t want to hear thieves say they can’t play without stealth or bounces/evades/dodges.


? ok.