When is the ranger going to be nerfed down?
They don’t need to be “nerfed down” but they need to be balanced.
Some of the stuff like Longbow has to be nerfed indeed, just because in comparison to other class weapons it does 3x the damage from 5x the range. Perhaps just a 10%-15% damage or recharge would do.
Roots also need to break immob as soon as they are destroyed.
They could perhaps have a buff in other areas to compensate, like traps.
Other class skills have to be addressed as well, Lich form and Life Blast is just too strong specially when you compare those to other class elites. Here also a 10-15% damage nerf wouldn’t hurt.
Every class is going to be complained about until we are all pvping with sticks and rocks.
Anet has a habit of not listening to the heated cries for nerfs for class X without giving some kind of compensatory buff, though. Lots of people here think that the class they don’t play is overpowered, while their similarly viewed-as overpowered class is balanced.
Lb has no mobility for what it offers. Reflect it or get close. It’s too glassy to be giving people this much trouble.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
(edited by Azure The Heartless.3261)
I just wish the reflects worked better. If the ranger is at +1200 range, your reflects wont reach him, wich i find quite unfair. Sure you don’t eat the hits, but you’re not rewarded for good timing either. And he’s not punished either.
Furthermore, i have the impression your reflects don’t do as much damage, do they scale with your own power, or does the ranger eats his full damage? I may be wrong but i have the impression that reflect does less damage than he does to me. Or maybe it’s just because i’m an ele and blows hit harder on me…
Otherwise, i don’t really complain about them.
Nerfentalist of Augury Rock
Ranger has been nerfed time and again since beta. From shortbow “animation fixes” to spirits, multiple times, and many other things; it’s recieved many nerfs without any real buffs before longbow last year. It was at the bottom of the foodchain for a long time, were pretty much a free kill for any other class, and now that it’s in a decent, read DECENT, place, haters want it nerfed again, either because they’re too unskilled to fight, or learn to fight, a class that isn’t even able to compete with most of the other classes in the top tier play, or just because they want their free kills back. Either way, I think it’s sad people have this stance towards Rangers, whom still suffer many problems (even their own class mechanic!) so long after game release.
rangers are no free kills whatsoever….regardless of what class you play, you may wanna step out of hotjoin for a more clear and realistic point of view, rangers are broken OP and have hands down the best survivabilty and dps…. and it needs be toned down quite badly
(edited by Darksteel.8412)
Not ranger, lb Power build is,
But yea, every lb ranger says now: No its not op, we only have tons of stabilty, condition immune, our heal isn’t good, too. Ah our damage with 5 k autoattacks needs a buff yes. And the better version of endure pain isnt that good…..
Momekas Namu
rangers are no free kills whatsoever….regardless of what class you play, you may wanna step out of hotjoin for a more clear and realistic point of view, rangers are broken OP and have hands down the best survivabilty and dps…. and it needs be toned quite badly
You should take a moment to read more clearly what I wrote before trying to give me lip about it. I said they were free kills in the past, before the longbow buff. I think you’re the one who needs to step out of hotjoin and actually learn how to play. I’ve played glassbow for a long while and know exactly how easy it is to counter and beat into the ground. Hell, I jumped onto my double ranged shatter mesmer some time ago just for a laugh and just had to swap out one single trait (Masterfull Reflection instead of Compounding Power) to completely counter any glassbow that came across my path. It’s even easier if you’re thief, both as d/p and s/d builds. So that’s already two of the main zerker classes in the current meta I can beat my own build on. I haven’t played medi guard that much, but even that can counter glassbow.
Had to devide in two posts cause of length. >_>
Not ranger, lb Power build is,
But yea, every lb ranger says now: No its not op, we only have tons of stabilty, condition immune, our heal isn’t good, too. Ah our damage with 5 k autoattacks needs a buff yes. And the better version of endure pain isnt that good…..
Yeah, because they’re right in saying that it’s not OP. And half the things your listing just show how little you actually know about the build, or even the ranger class as a whole. “Tons of stability” means they run either Rampage as One and/or Signet of the Wild, both of which have pretty lengthy cooldowns. Most don’t even run RaO due it’s lengthy cooldown (120 sec) and the fact that the only real useful thing it provides is the stability. Fury and swiftness the standard glassbow can get for 9 sec just by swapping weapons. Pretty weak for an elite with a two minute cd and Entangle is favored by myself and many other because it’s on a shorter cooldown and offers some aditional control with the immobilize, either to set up a burst or control someone managing to get close. However, it’s extremely buggy and the root breaks on stealth right now for some unknown reason. Signet of the Wild also provides a 25% damage increase for 8 seconds, but on the flip side you’d have to give up a utility slot that could have been used for something that could give you more survivability. Plus, having the 25% dmg increase only every 48~60 seconds isn’t really worth the loss in survivability.
Glassbow is by no means condi immune. If they run the Survival of the Fittest version, they can remove 2 conditions each time they use a Survival utility or elite skill. Considering Signet of Stone is pretty much mandatory for most ranger builds these days, that means they can remove up to six conditions in one go, after which most their survivability skills are on cooldown, leaving them pretty much kittened if the opponent decides to move in on them or comes with a spike of any sort. This version of glassbow also crits less often and less hard, because they go 6 points into the vitality/boon duration trait line instead of putting them into the precision/ferocity line, like the standard build does, also meaning they don’t have the cd reduction trait for the longbow.
The other condition removal option is Signet of Renewel, which I myself run as my only source of condi counter. It removes one condi every 10 seconds passively. The activate makes all the conditions currently on myself transfer to my pet (if it’s not dead). With Signet cooldown reduction it’s still a pretty lengthy cooldown, sitting on 48 seconds, during which the passive doesn’t work, so that’s plenty of time to have another condi spike up again.
The AA doesn’t hit 5k unless you’re wearing no armor at all with a zerker build or you’re in WvW with a glass build, which they don’t balance the game around much anyway, with gear, food and other such modifiers allowing for much more extreme stats than SPvP. On another zerker a normal AA with LB can crit around 3k, at best. If you got hit by 5k damage at once, it means both the fire and lightning sigils procced at the same time. That’s your 5k total, not the AA by itself. But, honestly, if a zerker is complaining about being outplayed by another zerker, they should just roll something more tanky. Don’t see my crying about thieves taking between a third and half my HP bar from a single backstab. It’s just the risk/reward factor of glassy builds.
Signet of Stone is slightly better than Endure Pain in that it lasts two seconds longer (unless warrior traits stance increase for 1 extra second), but it’s also on a longer cooldown by comparison. Endure Pain is 60 seconds, while Signet of Stone is 80. With Signet cd reduction it’s 64 seconds, but you have to trait for that. So, let’s say warrior traits for that extra second on EP and ranger traits for 20% off signet cooldowns, that would make EP last 5 sec at a 60 sec cd and SoS last 6 sec at a 64 sec cd. So, basically, the difference is nearly non-existant.
Honestly, guys, if you’re gonna exaggerate and talk crap about something, at least do your research beforehand. It’s almost embarrassing to see how little people actually seem to know about what they’re crying about when they start crying about it on the forums.
wow u guys are so kittening trash players im amazed, how manny times i joined arena and mine team started qq about me being ranger and that i will loose them match, clearly they must think rangers are op RIGHT u clueless mangols? i have played most classes and ranger is 100% not most easiest try to fkcing kite 2x warriors and guardian or 2x thiefs all kittening time, and lets not act when someone sees ranger they always go for it, kitten that some noobs even chase me all over map.
but never mind i love mine ranger and i will keep playing no matter what state it will be. and i really hope it buffs us more so u trash tards can cry even more
Tell me when you dont play a heavy armored class, with zerker gear/amulett, u dont see the ranger coming, he sees you first and use is elite, his burst and then just pew pew you With ~4k autoattacks (even more with sigills) What will you do? I can say what you will do, you will have everything on cd, because you are probably in a team fight, or you are dead, or you, Mr.Skill, are goingt to run to him trying to kill him, but then he just evades the half time popping up his signet of stone and wreck you. Fight against skilled lb rangers, Mr.Skill, or dont post bs.
My post was pure of sarcastic and hyperboles….
the aa hits with 4-5k when sigills procc. We are in PVP Forum, so I don’t speak about WvW. Rangers have a strong mobility, heavy burst damage and tons of defense. Seriously, I beated most top tier players in 1vs1, so I am not that noobish. I even don’t talk about 1vs1 against Rangers, or counterbuilds. Its just the fact, if the ranger appears in an team fight, and he knows what he does, then my friend he will kill the squishi targets really quickly. The amount of defense, offensive and mobility aspect in this build is just too strong. You can’t deny that.
And I dont want to cut the dmg from lb off, i mean, its an archer, he should be dangerous from far away, but the defensive aspect should be nerfed..
To be honest, its a easy game here: " My class isn’t op, but every other is "
Momekas Namu
(edited by MandJ.8965)
what other spec has high dps…ow yea the axe (non viable non meta build ik) warrior …the axe has same or lower (due to not having easymode range 1700 strikes) dps as a ranger, eviscerate when fully fully traited has higher damage than maul…tho not THAT much higher at all…in fact when when traited most of the times maul hits harder than eviscerate…eviscerate being a burst skill that is single target and requires sacrifice of adrenaline…maul hits 5 targets and has shorter cd too….lol this is just one example…..compare to another warrior weapon…the gs…ik ik not viable meta but still, 100b….stationary skill takes loads of skill to execute properly in a pvp match (step out of it, blind, block,evade, you name it) has nice damage yet same dmge or lower than rapid fire but on same cd and rapid fire being range 1700 non stationary… a warriors endure pain 4 seconds on trait its 5 seconds…ranger gets it 2 on demand for whole 6 seconds each (dont say its not viable to use both of them…for players do and it is viable…it is extremely viable) anyway gs and axe wars are supposedly the highest dps weps/specs….according to many people….but are somehow a joke compared to the ranger skills….needs be fixxed….hardcore
So nice to confirm your suspicions of L2P with all the same people who complained about turret engis are now complaining about LB power rangers.
Way to listen to the masses ANET, you set a dangerous precedent.
Yes, you, you know who you are….
anyway, the engi turrets got nerved and it was in dire need of a nerf…so is the ranger, and in time it will receive it’s needed nerf…we will have our way, and you sonnys are going to have to adept and l2p instead of exploit the hell out of certain builds/classes.
anyway, the engi turrets got nerved and it was in dire need of a nerf…so is the ranger, and in time it will receive it’s needed nerf…we will have our way, and you sonnys are going to have to adept and l2p instead of exploit the hell out of certain builds/classes.
If you think that ranger is overpowered….well you truly have to learn to play gw2.
It’ s so easy Killing a ranger with any class…and if you aren’ t able to do it…well it’ s your fault.
Learn to play man
i don’t think ranger is OP, the bugged range in itself is and probably needs fixing
P.S. i don’t play range and i faced even ROM on his range multiple times
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
I have played power ranger and condi ranger….and both are OP and easiest to play class/spec. its commonly known, you either get the highest most easily obtained dps thats being exploited as hell on a bugged range of 1700…or get near perma immob and perma evades condi spammer….. like i said before…they can keep their dmge…but nerf survivabilty than… and RF needs to be range 900 tops at least we can see it somewhat coming like eviscerate or 100b…or can escape from it after using skills to disengage and not still be hit by hit on a bugged range of 1700 (1200 is too much alrdy for rf)
(edited by Darksteel.8412)
protect me and signet of stone both need to last 3 seconds tops and not a milisecond longer (ranger should be thankfull to have dmge immunity in the first place and not have 2 of the best on demand ones), rapid fire needs it’s range to be decreased to 900 tops, I mean why nerf 100B while it’s not even close to being as good as RF and not nerf RF? and the immob from entangle needs to stop the moment the roots are destroyed…..these are fair nerfs and won’t ruin the ranger at all in anyway, ranger players just need to be less reckless now and actually play as a ranger instead of a dmge absorbing titan godmode class that is now
(edited by Darksteel.8412)
They need to buff rapid fire so they are not free kills anymore make it so they shoot 20 arrows instead of 10 with same damage and same activate and its starting to get in check.
They need to buff rapid fire so they are not free kills anymore make it so they shoot 20 arrows instead of 10 with same damage and same activate and its starting to get in check.
no, ty…. not everyone plays celestial crap
[Teef] guild :>
They need to buff rapid fire so they are not free kills anymore make it so they shoot 20 arrows instead of 10 with same damage and same activate and its starting to get in check.
talk like this and the semi hidden insults people make on their posts….are full proof these players know the class needs the nerf. and why deny.
The huge representation of rangers in top tournaments in the last 6 months tends to discredit you quite bit.
first of all…don’t compare yourself and the community to those guys…cause youre not even near their lvl of play and you won’t ever be….don’t act like you’re one of them… besides for the less elite top pvpers….some classes are brokenly OP and easily exploited and ranger lb is one of them…annihilating all non meta builds for less agressive non-nolife players. PS ranked and unranked are packed with rangers…2+ rangers on nearly every team i had last 500? matches
(edited by Darksteel.8412)
They need to buff rapid fire so they are not free kills anymore make it so they shoot 20 arrows instead of 10 with same damage and same activate and its starting to get in check.
no, ty…. not everyone plays celestial crap
yea not everyone play it cuz its underpowered and free kills but play it cuz its fun and challenging but should be as strong as other classes right Something need to be done
+ the best players in the game dosen’t play it so it must be weak
Darksteel im fed up with your propaganda ether you go away make a video of your 500 matches record and check how many matches you’ve WON with 2+ rangers in group , make a sizable list of Viewable evidence also in the video and test test test.
if you think all Rangers have Perma evades ect ect you really need to stop running your mouth , there are great rangers that play Unranked and ranked just because they are not in a high end Team does not mean they are using a cheesy one trick pony build that teaches newer players the harsh reality that Melee is not everything.
just wait and stop QQ’ing
live with it or come back with real Reason and Evidence .
also don’t bother with the range testing Hot is confirmed 1500yards base line because that is a Unique feature for the LB , so i’d guess Warroir will be getting the same LB treatment, so will the guardians Lb in HoT.
no im fed up with your hiding behind all sorts of excuses…mostly the l2p or just dodge it ones, again…sig of stone and protect me last about 3 seconds to long atm, roots destroyed? stop the immob…nothing unfair about these nerfs……same goes for range RF…what’s the propaganda in here pls do so tell me….and unranked and ranked not packed by rangers you say?….I think you’re the one lying here for it is…..even now as we speak and we all know it
no im fed up with your hiding behind all sorts of excuses…mostly the l2p or just dodge it ones, again…sig of stone and protect me last about 3 seconds to long atm, roots destroyed? stop the immob…nothing unfair about these nerfs……same goes for range RF…what’s the propaganda in here pls do so tell me….and unranked and ranked not packed by rangers you say?….I think you’re the one lying here for it is…..even now as we speak and we all know it
take a step back and calm down , just as any other QQ to overpower or Balance you need to provide Video Evidence or a video of match vs tests and try not to bias about player skill thats how Balancing is worked out , and i say that with confidence not arrogance or a means to defend myself because those are pointless matters , you need facts and atm all you’ve provided is words and opinions.
i’ve seen it may of times over my college/uni education working on Game desgin.
if you want to submit a soild Review or study you need sources of credibility, in this case Un-bias video research.
I just wish the reflects worked better. If the ranger is at +1200 range, your reflects wont reach him, wich i find quite unfair. Sure you don’t eat the hits, but you’re not rewarded for good timing either. And he’s not punished either.
This would be a good fix for the issues. Just have reflects use the same range as the projectiles incoming and have them use the damage he has put out to calculate the damage he takes.
I bet people who were just relying on RF would reroll Really quick, and the good rangers would adapt. Promote active play on both ends.
And give necros reflect access or a faster way to close distance between rangers.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
Sadly this will go EXACTLY the same way as the turret nerfs, steadily worsening QQ for months on end and then one day ANET caves and nerfs in into the ground.
Geesh this is frustrating.
Ranger on the daily nothing to see here.
They need to buff rapid fire so they are not free kills anymore make it so they shoot 20 arrows instead of 10 with same damage and same activate and its starting to get in check.
no, ty…. not everyone plays celestial crap
yea not everyone play it cuz its underpowered and free kills but play it cuz its fun and challenging but should be as strong as other classes right
Something need to be done
+ the best players in the game dosen’t play it so it must be weak
Wow, new level of trolling
Momekas Namu
All I see here is only these two Darksteel and Mandj complaining of rangers, come guardian arrives on me pulling me and turning with the greatsword kicks off half of my hp, and I’m not full power yet, mesmer giving me deadlock and several attacks that is invulnerable starts more than half hp, warrior conditions detonates me because the only way I have to remove conditions is healing spring, and still see players saying ranger is op? I think I got used at the time to play ranger needed to have twice skills than playing the thief, looks to play the thief is difficult
I’ve played Warrior GS / Longbow and see that it is super easy to kill a ranger, a skil 3 if hit takes a good damage and still elusive, longbow has 1000 range and rifle range in 1200, breaking immobilization only skill of weapons, can recover adrenaline easy, can cure almost 10k hp, good defense, removes condition only changing weapon or is immune to condition …… already mesmer can teleport to near the ranger, immobilize, apply various conditions, turn into moa, the arrows still beats in copies … I think this cry about descenessário ranger, in a little nerf ranger bet will have other crying to nerf another class for could not kill the pvp for being bad
so uhm…again you’re resorting to insults or stuff like QQ…lemme try again, what is so wrong about having the nerfs I mentioned before….it will not destroy the ranger at all…..ranger has most access to evades, best damage ignoring skills as well….highest dps can throw out more immobs (next to engi) than any other class…and when you get rid of the immob (entangle) it’s still on you…some of this stuff needs be fixxed…no QQ here, im stating it…you can disagree tho you haven’t answered any of this properly even on the wep comparisons I made earlier…you just resort to insult or mockery like a child….my arguements are not personally aimed at you…cause A: you did not make/design the class cause you’re just a player like I am and not an Anet developer B: I don’t even know you….my arguements are ment to imo contribute to a more balanced and fun pvp enviremont
All I see here is only these two Darksteel and Mandj complaining of rangers, come guardian arrives on me pulling me and turning with the greatsword kicks off half of my hp, and I’m not full power yet, mesmer giving me deadlock and several attacks that is invulnerable starts more than half hp, warrior conditions detonates me because the only way I have to remove conditions is healing spring, and still see players saying ranger is op? I think I got used at the time to play ranger needed to have twice skills than playing the thief, looks to play the thief is difficult
I’ve played Warrior GS / Longbow and see that it is super easy to kill a ranger, a skil 3 if hit takes a good damage and still elusive, longbow has 1000 range and rifle range in 1200, breaking immobilization only skill of weapons, can recover adrenaline easy, can cure almost 10k hp, good defense, removes condition only changing weapon or is immune to condition …… already mesmer can teleport to near the ranger, immobilize, apply various conditions, turn into moa, the arrows still beats in copies … I think this cry about descenessário ranger, in a little nerf ranger bet will have other crying to nerf another class for could not kill the pvp for being bad
Uhm… do you even read my post?
Momekas Namu
Again, asking for anything to be ‘nerfed’ or balanced, with an expansion and radical changes coming, is moot. This discussion can take place after the update.
For now, there’s no point . . . especially when it devolves into personal attacks.
Since the discussion in this thread is no longer constructive this thread is now closed.