Rank: Top 250 since Season 2
#5 best gerdien in wurld
Here’s my list in terms of class unhappiness in PvP according to forum complaints.
Top is worse
1. Ele
2. Thief
That ends my list. Anyone else uncontent with their class? Who should be 3rd & 4th picks?
Rifle Warrior
Me a mesmer main. I’m also happy with thief. Bur right now I love my mesmer.
I’m sure warrior mains could say the same.
Well, I mean, that depends on how one defines “happy.”
I am not content with Druid/Ranger, but I am happy with it.
I have fun playing it. I love tons of things about it.
But I also know it can be improved. Sword 2 can activate much faster. Vanilla pets can be buffed. etc…
But those things don’t stop me from loving the profession.
If that makes any sense…
Well, I mean, that depends on how one defines “happy.”
I am not content with Druid/Ranger, but I am happy with it.
I have fun playing it. I love tons of things about it.
But I also know it can be improved. Sword 2 can activate much faster. Vanilla pets can be buffed. etc…
But those things don’t stop me from loving the profession.
If that makes any sense…
Yup make perfect sense and that’s what I was going for. There may be a lot of items on Guardian that i’m not 100% content with but i’m generally happy with the class.
Bad thieves hate the state of thieves. Actually, thieves do need some changes. Less burst (in pvp only) and a little less reliance on evading. Though I think the whole idea of needing to evade every attack gives the class actual skill. That’s hard to come by in this game.
I’m so happy right now with guardian.
I am unhappy with the state of necromancer. Our only viable builds are condition builds. Power builds just dont work. Reaper was supposed to be more of a power elite spec and yet it is still condi… Greatsword is a joke in spvp.
Well this isnt much of a problem in spvp but more a WvW roaming problem but for a profession that is supposed to be hard to run from it is really easy to run from a necro.
I think people who play any class that has a meta build (or is assumed to have a place in the upcoming meta) will be happy overall, even if there are other issues with that class.
Couldn’t be further from the truth. Ele has been meta for all three seasons of PVP so far, and during each season I was unhappy with the class’s pvp status. This last update only made things even worse.
Revenant – meh. The continuous theme of nerfing without giving anything back (LIKE CONDI CLEAR) is getting old. This class will soon become Thief/Warrior Season 1 if this keeps up, especially with the death of Cleric Ele which carried Revenants hard.
Thief – its ok…the role of being a ganker and runner just isn’t for me. I used to main thief before specializations when they weren’t so pidgeonholed and could put up a better fight.
Engineer – Haven’t really touched since last balance patch. I imagine Healing Turret is popular again?
Mesmer – Still need more time to see how power mesmer will fit in the meta after patch. I will say, in WvW it is not fun getting 100-0’d in an instant again with the return of Mantra of Distraction Shatter Mesmers.
Druid – Good spot IMO.
I am happy to have a Team.
I don’t care about classes or build anymore.
They nerfed all of my meta builds since released anyway.
They removed more than 80% of the builds viability until the top 300. Man it was fun to play whatever you want and be good with it. Now, that’s not working anymore.
June 2015 Patches did killed Builds viabilities and varieties. Even if Colin said they will not. With false promise like Elite spec will be on par with Core spec. And working on removal of options while they should had work to give us MORE.
Paying customers NEED MORE options, not less.
I feel I play a LAME game compare to Gw2 CORE before June patch.
I am happy to have a Team.
I don’t care about classes or build anymore.
They nerfed all of my meta builds since released anyway.
They removed more than 80% of the builds viability until the top 300. Man it was fun to play whatever you want and be good with it. Now, that’s not working anymore.
June 2015 Patches did killed Builds viabilities and varieties. Even if Colin said they will not. With false promise like Elite spec will be on par with Core spec. And working on removal of options while they should had work to give us MORE.
Paying customers NEED MORE options, not less.
I feel I play a LAME game compare to Gw2 CORE before June patch.
This … Well i still care about classes … Playable but a lot of the fun has been reduced. Well i play mor or less only ele + warr but reducing diversity across the board hurts.
Druid – Good spot IMO.
The core class got tons of stuff they could work on. Including core pets.
I am quite happy with my Necromancer spamming 111 on scepter pre-hot and post hot.
It has been quite fun indeed! Who needs to use anything else? naaah
June 2015 Patches did killed Builds viabilities and varieties. Even if Colin said they will not. With false promise like Elite spec will be on par with Core spec. And working on removal of options while they should had work to give us MORE.
I feel I play a LAME game compare to Gw2 CORE before June patch.
The only two of my classes I enjoy atm are warrior and mesmer. It amazes me that anet thinks all this invuln is healthy while you can roflstomp people.
Really not happy with ranger/druid. Still want to tie the pets to a steak and burn them. Wish that the class could actually build for dmg. Has tones of crap weapons and traits still. We had this whole constructive thread about shortcomings and points that may be to strong, all we got was bugfixes and nerfs.
Thief not happy with. Obvious stealth attack QQ. On top of that d/p is still too good to pass up other sets. Requires way to much outplay some targets. Might as well afk if vs guard as there is very little you can do.
(edited by Eval.2371)
I honestly don’t have a class to call my own since D/D Ele got gutted. I have had fun on my Herald, Chrono, Reaper, Scrapper, and Druid, I had and few good moments on my DH when I played that in Season 2. Season 3? Well what season 3? I think I had maybe 11 to 15 Ranked matches all of Season 3, match maker in sPvP made me so jaded I get a bit angry just thinking about the time I’ve wasted having so many headaches after headaches during Seasons 2 and 3.
The only build I’m enjoying in PvP at the moment is perma resistance/quickness build…
I’m used to support roles, getting in peoples faces and forcing people to focus me is my style of play and warrior is all I have left for that now.
Tempest is the worst thing to happen to the Elementalist in years. Its nerfing was a mercy-killing imo, so I’m happy about that I guess.
Tempest is the worst thing to happen to the Elementalist in years. Its nerfing was a mercy-killing imo, so I’m happy about that I guess.
Yes I guess that’s one positive way to look at it. It’s just sad to think about the wasted potential of this game. They had everything they need to make something remarkable for a competitive mmo.
Deciding to not add a GvG mode was probably the moment where they took the wrong turn.
Tempest is the worst thing to happen to the Elementalist in years. Its nerfing was a mercy-killing imo, so I’m happy about that I guess.
They whacked both tempest and base ele with the nerfbat when they should have just took power away from tempest and gave it to base ele.
Tempest is the worst thing to happen to the Elementalist in years. Its nerfing was a mercy-killing imo, so I’m happy about that I guess.
Yes I guess that’s one positive way to look at it. It’s just sad to think about the wasted potential of this game. They had everything they need to make something remarkable for a competitive mmo.
Deciding to not add a GvG mode was probably the moment where they took the wrong turn.
I’m hoping anet just realized that there weren’t many obvious ways to buff ele’s weak points without strengthening bunker ele further. The scepter buffs have clearly been super safe half-measure changes for example. I think ele needed to be kinda demolished, and that includes the nice things we had like 33% cooldown reduction traits.
Tempest was always a dead-end to me in terms of fun. Even the non-bunker builds were, for the most part, just (usually air) overload spam builds or some other gimmick. I think most people who are frustrated with the tempest nerfs are specifically frustrated at ele’s best chance at viability being snuffed out. Still, this could be a sign for something different and (hopefully) more fun to come in the future.
If they revert the June 23rd patch for Thief S/D I would be happy it is perfectly balanced in today’s game state.
Tempest is the worst thing to happen to the Elementalist in years. Its nerfing was a mercy-killing imo, so I’m happy about that I guess.
They whacked both tempest and base ele with the nerfbat when they should have just took power away from tempest and gave it to base ele.
The collateral damage to vanilla ele kinda sucks, but tbh vanilla ele was already bad. It felt bad before the nerf and it feels about the same, or at least not worse enough for me to feel the difference. It’s hard for it to get much worse.
Tempest being nerfed IS the best chance for power to get transferred to vanilla ele. We don’t know if anet simply needed a beat to see where exactly the nerfs would put ele/tempest on the spectrum of viability.
Necro definitely belongs at 3. It really lost what made it fun two patches ago, and it still is receiving nerfs.
Well I’m Multi classer so I don’t really have the favourite class.
I’m happy with mesmer espically now that I have experienced with a might stacking chronoshatter power mesmer. to me those new amulets kinda pave the way for possible dps support mesmers. I’d say there is a decent amount of build diversity
I’m happy with warriors, even if the condi variant is supereme over the power variant. However as above the new amulets opend the way for perma might strength power warriors to be back thanx to thier incredibly long resistance uptime. I noticed bieng less dependent on discipline now.
I’m happy with DH. Prior to this patch I already played with 3 variants aka the DH, Bunker, The medi trapper and the Burn builds. While the last one is not quite there. It’s definately viable at lower plays.
I got no problems with thiefs. U can run staff, venomshare, dagger pistol. I wish they’d slightly increase thier 1 v 1 potential however. thiefs still play an vital role in the game.
I’m however iffy with tempest. Not really sure if the removal of cleric was such an good idea on top of the nerfs. I’d rather have them rework cleric and lower the healing power instead. from 1000 to 560 instead. Heck they could introduce a dumb stat like expertise to fill in the 1050 point stat instead. U can make it viable with Menders somewhat.However the big problem is that sustain was nerfed without buffing dps options.
I think A-net just dropped the ball. By switcing DH with tempest. I guess in the grand scheme of things it’s not terrible but definately annoying.
Here’s my list in terms of class unhappiness in PvP according to forum complaints.
Top is worse
1. Ele
2. ThiefThat ends my list. Anyone else uncontent with their class? Who should be 3rd & 4th picks?
Thief and Ele mains are always unhappy with every balance pach.
*raises hand
haha JK Engineer is kitten terrrible. Much like the game. ResidentSleeper
Not happy with warri atm,we rely Way too much on passives like ep at 50% ep util,adren hp + healsig.It just feels kinda braindead.The same can be said about any other class i fight atm,the entire meta is just braindead.
Here’s my list in terms of class unhappiness in PvP according to forum complaints.
Top is worse
1. Ele
2. ThiefThat ends my list. Anyone else uncontent with their class? Who should be 3rd & 4th picks?
Thief and Ele mains are always unhappy with every balance pach.
It’s kinda hard to be thrilled about being pigeonholed into cleric bunker.
Here’s my list in terms of class unhappiness in PvP according to forum complaints.
Top is worse
1. Ele
2. ThiefThat ends my list. Anyone else uncontent with their class? Who should be 3rd & 4th picks?
Thief and Ele mains are always unhappy with every balance pach.
It’s kinda hard to be thrilled about being pigeonholed into cleric bunker.
Or a dependent vulture :-(
Top is worse
1. Ele
2. Thief
Total lie.
I am unhappy with the state of necromancer. Our only viable builds are condition builds. Power builds just dont work. Reaper was supposed to be more of a power elite spec and yet it is still condi… Greatsword is a joke in spvp.
Well this isnt much of a problem in spvp but more a WvW roaming problem but for a profession that is supposed to be hard to run from it is really easy to run from a necro.
It’s hilarious that you call condition builds viable when every class can just shrug them off completely, out-dps and out-tank the necro and pretty much get a free kill. The only time it’s possible to kill someone with condition necro now is if you pop nothing can save you then manage to land shroud 5 and 4 on someone who is distracted/stupid and didn’t just mobility skill away the second you went into shroud. Or the more likely scenario is that you were getting chain CC’d so hard you couldn’t get NCSY off and then you tried to plague signet but it got blocked or missed or something because every other class has perma pulsing aegis it seems like now.
Maybe but honestly my point wasnt about wether condi necro is viable or not, my point was how terrible power necro is…
Here’s my list in terms of class unhappiness in PvP according to forum complaints.
Top is worse
1. Ele
2. ThiefThat ends my list. Anyone else uncontent with their class? Who should be 3rd & 4th picks?
Thief and Ele mains are always unhappy with every balance pach.
Get nerfed for 4 years straight and forced into being team’s pet that is unable to do anything by itself – no wonder really.
Here’s my list in terms of class unhappiness in PvP according to forum complaints.
Top is worse
1. Ele
2. ThiefThat ends my list. Anyone else uncontent with their class? Who should be 3rd & 4th picks?
I only play three classes these days: Thief, Warrior, Ranger.
I’m actually happy with vanilla warrior and vanilla ranger. (Although I’m still bitter that Anet nerfed the cool downs and radius of warrior’s banners.) Both classes have some build diversity and are durable enough to allow for a few mistakes in play now and then.
Thief is so specialized and so glassy that only really skilled players can make it effective. I’m also not happy with thief because sword dagger is still in a weird place with no true burst and no true sustain.
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