Why I dislike this sPvP

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Deified.7520


So I am a big PvPer in mmos. Always have been. I did a ton of Pre wotlk arenas in WoW and got up to 2000s, I did a ton of PvP in Guild wars 1 and loved it. However GW2 pvp needs a lot of work. Now before I start off this criticism, i must say GW2 is an amazing game. I really enjoyed playing it and it was worth every penny.

But here are my biggest issues I find with the PvP.

Skill Structure. It was unimaginative and uncreative. The game revolves around a set of boons and conditions. This fact has caused many of the skills that I find classes using to be very boring. Such as my most recent 80, necros. In gw1 I mostly played necro, and they had some amazing and creative skills that have allowed (I feel) more freedom in build choosing that this has. Now I realize they had a lot of time to perfect it, but I don’t understand why they choose to go with such a simplistic route. For example, http://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Curses. Now some of these abilities can be converted into a condition in GW2, but many of them can’t. Such as barbs. Having a barb curse would cause MM necros to be so much better than they currently area, amongst other builds. Now I do also realize that they require balancing if to be added into this game, but I just wish the skill system was a bit more creative instead of establishing a set of boons and cons, then just making up a spell for each class that does the same thing but have different names.

The current Meta game with builds is so boring. I find that many of the classes I play have a set builds that are considered “the best”. These, I find, are often very easy and simplistic. This combined with the skill system causes them to be fun at the start, but quickly get boring.

Class balancing. I know, many have said it before and they will always be balancing the classes, but right now when I join a spvp match, i find the ratio of theifs/mesmers to other classes is amazing. In terms of how many, I find them in this order, from most frequent to less. Thiefs/mesmers > Warriors/Guards> Rangers/eles> Necros/Engineers.

Everything seems like it is burst. Since there are not too many casting skills (especially with thief) and there are so freaking many spell effects going on the screen, training yourself to realize what is going on in a fight with more than 3v3 becomes a bit too much work for such a simplistic style.

MMOs have always revolved around stunning at the right time and casting your skills. Your current skill setup takes this, and times it by 10. With immobilizes that make it so you can’t turn, dazes, stuns, knockdowns, pulls, and fears (also combined with the fact that each class will probably be able to do more than half of those) I feel like im constantly getting CC’d. i mean if you get in a 1v2+ fight, its just so much CC no matter the class.

Condition Removal. The condition removal is really weird. It seems that it removes the most recent condition. This sometimes becomes annoying because you’d rather remove the bleed, rather than the poison on weakening.

Thats mostly the end of my rant. I play many other parts of the game, especially open world stuff. I just always found the sPvP in this game to be kinda bad.

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Umm eles are more powerful than thiefs in the meta, and right there with mesmers.
However, lack of build diversity on some classes is a big issue.
I think they mentioned in a webcast they would be looking into this.

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Reverielle.3972


It’s just horribly, horribly imbalanced on a 1 v 1 scale, or the like, at the moment. Very disappointing.

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Deified.7520


Umm eles are more powerful than thiefs in the meta, and right there with mesmers.
However, lack of build diversity on some classes is a big issue.
I think they mentioned in a webcast they would be looking into this.

I’m not saying which is more powerful, i was talking about what I see more often. I currently see more thiefs than elementalist.

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Chi Malady.2015

Chi Malady.2015

There is very little build variety in this game. The metagame is too constricting due to conquest being the only game mode. The locked weapon skills also contribute to the staleness of builds.

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: daydream.2938


Umm eles are more powerful than thiefs in the meta, and right there with mesmers.
However, lack of build diversity on some classes is a big issue.
I think they mentioned in a webcast they would be looking into this.

I’m not saying which is more powerful, i was talking about what I see more often. I currently see more thiefs than elementalist.

You will see more eles than thiefs in paid.
But ya thiefs are fairly popular in free’s.

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


Good Elementalists are EXTREMELY powerful. Also, you obviously haven’t seen some good Necro’s in paids… Bomb Engineers are also beast.

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Liewec.2896


i think its crazy that gw1 let you have crazy customization freedom mixing 2 professions and was still the most balanced PVPs i’ve ever played,
yet gw2 only has single classes to balance and is one of the most unbalanced PVPs i’ve played.

did they replace the entire dev team?

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Jasher.6580


i think its crazy that gw1 let you have crazy customization freedom mixing 2 professions and was still the most balanced PVPs i’ve ever played,
yet gw2 only has single classes to balance and is one of the most unbalanced PVPs i’ve played.

did they replace the entire dev team?

GW1 was far from balanced. It was a terrible game in my honest opinion.

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


i think its crazy that gw1 let you have crazy customization freedom mixing 2 professions and was still the most balanced PVPs i’ve ever played,
yet gw2 only has single classes to balance and is one of the most unbalanced PVPs i’ve played.

did they replace the entire dev team?

GW1 was far from balanced. It was a terrible game in my honest opinion.

GW1 was far less cryfest than here, not only the game was better, even the community was more mature and experienced, each class could be countered by something and people knew the fact that build counter build

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: ensoriki.5789


i think its crazy that gw1 let you have crazy customization freedom mixing 2 professions and was still the most balanced PVPs i’ve ever played,
yet gw2 only has single classes to balance and is one of the most unbalanced PVPs i’ve played.

did they replace the entire dev team?

GW1 was far from balanced. It was a terrible game in my honest opinion.

GW1 was far less cryfest than here,


The great forum duppy.

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Deified.7520


Good Elementalists are EXTREMELY powerful. Also, you obviously haven’t seen some good Necro’s in paids… Bomb Engineers are also beast.

But heres the thing with necros and engys, thats all they can do. I only mostly see bomb engineers in spvp, while necros are usually a power/well build. These are two of the most creative classes in the game, and yet they feel so limited.

Engineers have turrets, gadgets, and all these crazy weapons (kits)
Necromancers have minions (which make a somewhat decent bunker, but I think wells are way better), spectrals, and vampiric type of skills that nobody uses.

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Chi Malady.2015

Chi Malady.2015

Good Elementalists are EXTREMELY powerful. Also, you obviously haven’t seen some good Necro’s in paids… Bomb Engineers are also beast.

But heres the thing with necros and engys, thats all they can do. I only mostly see bomb engineers in spvp, while necros are usually a power/well build. These are two of the most creative classes in the game, and yet they feel so limited.

Engineers have turrets, gadgets, and all these crazy weapons (kits)
Necromancers have minions (which make a somewhat decent bunker, but I think wells are way better), spectrals, and vampiric type of skills that nobody uses.

Let’s not forget about warriors, with their 19 different weapon combinations, but only 1 viable one.

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Atlanis.6597


It’s just horribly, horribly imbalanced on a 1 v 1 scale, or the like, at the moment. Very disappointing.

What MMO isn’t? Balancing for 1v1 is terrible, because it neglects the synergies that arise when multiple players are involved. The game is being balanced (in PvP) for 5v5 team play. This is their desired format and as such that is what it should be balanced towards. Have they gotten it balanced? Nope. Are they working on it? Yup. This game is already better-balanced (imo) than WoW. At the least, it is more fun because of the lack of infinite CC chains. (Don’t point at WoW’s DRs either, with a bit of coordination you can keep one person permanently CCd using certain classes such as Druid+Warlock using only one cast every few seconds)

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


Also, you get rewarded for simply running from one point to the next and back again, without any sense of creativity… And it’s just a matter of having the most people (always one team who’s losing and their members just leave and make it even worse).
People who decide to play strategically don’t get any reward whatsoever, cause they didn’t get a lot of kills (while simply overpowering with the amount of players you have) and didn’t capture a lot of points cause they were distracting the opposite team… there should be room for other things here: please check my post about that.

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Why I dislike this sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: sanguin.8573


i dislike pvp in gw2 altogether
locked skills are terrible
hexes are removed, everything is condition.
it’s just a huge step back from gw1. dumbed down the whole thing