Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro
Cause conquest is stale, I want more game modes and not experimental modes lifted from mobas like stronghold. Implement tried and true modes from other games. Better balance would also help but its not enough to get me pvping again by itself.
I will say, as an avid paper since day 1 i have not played 1 match this season. Enjoying WvW much more. Surprised it would be as fun as it is.
My reasons:
Pace of combat: HoT Powercreep RUINED the flow of combat. GW2 used to have a slower-paced combat, and timing important dodges and skills was how you won. Nowadays, most builds can just chain hard defenses for an absurd period of time, and follow it up with short-CD bursts, that intelligent skill usage isn’t all that important because you can just try again in 5s if you miss. To make matters worse, every build was given so much passive and hard mitigation that stats barely impact defense on most classes. Too many invulns, passives, and auto-procs make combat terrible. Remember when condi builds slowly won battles of attrition by building large stacks of damage then smartly covering them, and opponents had a limited set of cleanses that they had to time intelligently to combat it? Remember when strong defenses like blocks and invulns had REALLY long CD’s, so people didn’t just stack as many “ignore what my opponent is doing for Xs” skills? Remember when burst builds had to land important skills, and people counted dodges in order to get them off? Nowadays, its just all spam.
Balance: While balance is decent from the perspective of every class being playable in some build, balance is truly terrible in the terms of team compositions/roles. Remember when Anet designed with the concept of “roles and holes,” where any build had specific things it could do and specific things it was weak against (or they at least tried). Now, every viable build does just about everything, with only a few classes really having true weaknesses (necros to focus, revs to condi).
Build diversity: HoT power-creep made it such that every class only has builds that synergize with the elite spec, and other builds are SO MUCH worse that its laughable when someone brings them. Before HoT, off-meta builds had more weaknesses than meta builds, but also had very specific strengths that enabled them to succeed and win thanks to unfamiliarity. Usually off-meta builds that you fought could often win the first 1-2 encounters, and then the fight might even if you were able to figure out what they were packing and how you could play around it. With HoT, off-meta builds are just hilariously underpowered and I don’t even care to figure out what they build is packing…it just dies because it can’t spam defense forever followed up with high damage on a short CD.
2. Toxic community. Incredibly entitled community who believe they should win every match they play. Large number of people that curse in map chat, throw tantrums and then afk. Large number of people who blame everyone but themself when they are mediocre at best.
You misunderstand. In multiple seasons matches were deliberately uneven. I saw 68 straight losses. Others reported as many as 100 straight losses.
People simply don’t have as much tolerance and resilience as they once did. Matchmaking and balance have been issues for too long.
Yes, players are entitled to a fair match. If someone, anyone, is losing a high percentage of the time it is evidence that they are probably not fairly matched. There may also be other contributing factors.
I don’t disagree with that statement. It was either season 2 or 3 that had egregious matchmaking that stacked one team so the outcome was predetermined. But with even matchmaking people will lose about 50% of the time. And some players lack the emotional maturity to deal with losing or the insight to realize that they may be contributing to that loss.
I think I never got into PvP due to the game mode. I just want to log in and have some fun fights and I don’t care about earning rank or maintaining a win/loss ratio. I think some more casual game modes will draw more people into PvP like TDM or DM. For example, a 20 minute 10 vs 10 TDM where the only goal is to make the top of the score board with least amount of deaths.
My reasons:
Pace of combat: HoT Powercreep RUINED the flow of combat. GW2 used to have a slower-paced combat, and timing important dodges and skills was how you won. Nowadays, most builds can just chain hard defenses for an absurd period of time, and follow it up with short-CD bursts, that intelligent skill usage isn’t all that important because you can just try again in 5s if you miss. To make matters worse, every build was given so much passive and hard mitigation that stats barely impact defense on most classes. Too many invulns, passives, and auto-procs make combat terrible. Remember when condi builds slowly won battles of attrition by building large stacks of damage then smartly covering them, and opponents had a limited set of cleanses that they had to time intelligently to combat it? Remember when strong defenses like blocks and invulns had REALLY long CD’s, so people didn’t just stack as many “ignore what my opponent is doing for Xs” skills? Remember when burst builds had to land important skills, and people counted dodges in order to get them off? Nowadays, its just all spam.
Balance: While balance is decent from the perspective of every class being playable in some build, balance is truly terrible in the terms of team compositions/roles. Remember when Anet designed with the concept of “roles and holes,” where any build had specific things it could do and specific things it was weak against (or they at least tried). Now, every viable build does just about everything, with only a few classes really having true weaknesses (necros to focus, revs to condi).
Build diversity: HoT power-creep made it such that every class only has builds that synergize with the elite spec, and other builds are SO MUCH worse that its laughable when someone brings them. Before HoT, off-meta builds had more weaknesses than meta builds, but also had very specific strengths that enabled them to succeed and win thanks to unfamiliarity. Usually off-meta builds that you fought could often win the first 1-2 encounters, and then the fight might even if you were able to figure out what they were packing and how you could play around it. With HoT, off-meta builds are just hilariously underpowered and I don’t even care to figure out what they build is packing…it just dies because it can’t spam defense forever followed up with high damage on a short CD.
I agree with this and to add specifically to this season:
No Change: The balance pass changed a few things but mainly buffed underwhelming skills increasing the power creep a little however none or very few of them to a point where it was worth changing the build significantly. What was strong in season 5 was strong in season 6, what was weak in season 5 was still weak in season 6.
Everyone left: Most of the people I played with stopped playing right across the board after they had their slice of PvE content because of the above balance issues Blackbeard so eloquently explained. So why should I keep at a game mode I don’t enjoy as much as WvW which I also play less and less of because of the above?
Not rewarding: Yeah the rewards are gone so why would I want to keep at this game mode when I can instead play something else and get things that progress my goals in GW2 of having a complete dye collection (12 off) or getting legendary armour or working towards getting another set of ascended gear?
Last but most importantly
I find PvP boring: Yeah I find it boring, it’s a mode that has stayed the same largely for nearly 5 years, a few new maps have been added, others removed but largely is about rotating around 3 points. There’s been no attack and defend game modes or payload type matches, no king of the hill, FFA or capture the flag been added which makes for a stale and boring system. This means I find PvP more of a chore to get things I’d like rather than as a fun experience I want to participate in for fun.
Depends on the weather and RL. If it is light out later I’d rather do stuff outside. In game the only thing that really bugs me is people that give up the minute they get focused or lose a team fight. If I don’t like the class balance on the class I’m playing I’ll learn another class.
My reasons:
Pace of combat: HoT Powercreep RUINED the flow of combat. GW2 used to have a slower-paced combat, and timing important dodges and skills was how you won. Nowadays, most builds can just chain hard defenses for an absurd period of time, and follow it up with short-CD bursts, that intelligent skill usage isn’t all that important because you can just try again in 5s if you miss. To make matters worse, every build was given so much passive and hard mitigation that stats barely impact defense on most classes. Too many invulns, passives, and auto-procs make combat terrible. Remember when condi builds slowly won battles of attrition by building large stacks of damage then smartly covering them, and opponents had a limited set of cleanses that they had to time intelligently to combat it? Remember when strong defenses like blocks and invulns had REALLY long CD’s, so people didn’t just stack as many “ignore what my opponent is doing for Xs” skills? Remember when burst builds had to land important skills, and people counted dodges in order to get them off? Nowadays, its just all spam.
Balance: While balance is decent from the perspective of every class being playable in some build, balance is truly terrible in the terms of team compositions/roles. Remember when Anet designed with the concept of “roles and holes,” where any build had specific things it could do and specific things it was weak against (or they at least tried). Now, every viable build does just about everything, with only a few classes really having true weaknesses (necros to focus, revs to condi).
Build diversity: HoT power-creep made it such that every class only has builds that synergize with the elite spec, and other builds are SO MUCH worse that its laughable when someone brings them. Before HoT, off-meta builds had more weaknesses than meta builds, but also had very specific strengths that enabled them to succeed and win thanks to unfamiliarity. Usually off-meta builds that you fought could often win the first 1-2 encounters, and then the fight might even if you were able to figure out what they were packing and how you could play around it. With HoT, off-meta builds are just hilariously underpowered and I don’t even care to figure out what they build is packing…it just dies because it can’t spam defense forever followed up with high damage on a short CD.
Perfectly said. However, much of the power creep was introduced in the trait merge patch before HOT. That is when the game lost its skill. Glad to see people finally realising power creep ruined the game though. I said it a few days after the trait-merge patch. Incidentally that is when i quit for good (before HOT).
Power creep doesn’t even do justice to the trait merge patch. We got more traits to take as we took 3 full lines. In addition, the ill advised merging of all the traits meant that character power increases that previously took 4 traits (in some cases) could then be achieved with a single trait.
Too much AoE and passive mechanics for such small scale fights. I enjoy fighting as a Thief. I don’t enjoy priming a calculated backstab on a low target, and getting 60% of my hp taken away as I steal for the engage. All the while no enemies even knew I was there, nor were targeting me.
Actually i am playing at the moment.
But as far as i noticed matches get more unfair this season than last one.
Less player, less options for Matchmaking to create teams.
to sum it up:
- rudimentary statistics/feedback
- classes define Roles , matchmaking matches players/classes … = rating + class is important for balance
- class-rated balance wont help cause it’s the mm that sets up team composition for example: you are main thief and have the highest raing with this class – but if u get matched with 2 other thiefs in your team you cant win the game even if your teams rating is equal to the others.
- imbalance Core <→ HOT
- the only reason why players still play pvp is that there are a few different builds that are viable and players are able to ‘rebalance’ the matchup by being able to switch classes/builds at the start of the game
Why I don’t que:
Dodging should be the only complete immunity.
You should not be able to attack while defending without a substantial decrease in offensive and/or defensive performance.
Line-of-sight without dropping target is a complete joke, rendering positioning absolutely mute.
Once again, two changes to stealth.
Until then, it’s either WvW or hotjoin
Too few Balance updates
HoT power creep. Clearly Elite specs are not side grades like they said.
lack of build diversity
Class Stacking
too much focus on Esports ( this is an old gripe of mine)
over nerf to end game rewards but tomes of knowledge are left alone.
No build templates
Cant lock rewards tracks
Here’s why: When I logged in tonight I had a 50% win ratio. Four straight heavily stacked matches and four straight hammerings later… I’m too kittened off to spend my time on this.
I think I’ll go grind for my GWAMM or spend my money on some other game.
Why should I be cannon fodder?
(edited by Ithilwen.1529)
Oh what fun, where to begin.
Let’s start with things that shouldn’t happen while fighting but does anyway.
-Mesmer=Blurred Frenzy is supposed to evade attacks, but you can still be launched.
-Thief=If a thief goes stealth and the enemy evades/blocks/invul their stealth strike, they should be revealed. A thief should not get a 2nd chance to stealth strike(this is a supposed to be a high damage dealing class people, precision is key)Duh.
Let’s move on to the builds, first making a website with a list of builds imo is the worst thing you can do. This is what starts the stale same build mentality because everyone wants to win. Sometimes you have to use your own brain and experiment to see results, but everyone likes the silver spoon and so that’s why you have this same build in PVP matchups. Let’s look at them shall we:
Warrior: Mace/shield, Rifle
Guardian: Traps
Revenant: Glint/Shiro
Ranger: Pets are always Backs of Bristle and Magic show(Smokescale)
Engineer: Always a hammer now instead of rifle or p/p, p/s
Thief: Staff 5
Necromancer: Minionmancer
Elementalist: Overloads with the occasional projectile destroy
Mesmer: Conditions
PVP is now for rewards and that’s it, there is no skill required when everything is the same rotation, you can’t even switch utilities mid-game.
It’s a little ironic really, an mmo shouldn’t be ultra-casual friendly yet that is what this game strives to be. (I’m by no means a great player but) The competitive playerbase can see the joke that the general population of this game is and the moment they play anything with actual engaging pvp (see: ow, for honor, cs, lol, dota….) they are gone. This in-turn leads to less playerbase, worse matches, more people leave, repeat. The playerbase general skill-level in this game, for people that have literal 1000’s of hours in-game, is a joke.
That and HoT literally killed this game. PvP had so much hype pre-HoT then it drops and you have pro team players quitting games mid-match due to how bad the balance was. It turned GW’s PvP (in the general gaming community’s eyes) into a joke and just cemented this casual wars idea. And Anet followed up on that hard. The game today provides a whole load of builds that literally carry people.
It’ll be really interesting to see how they try to market the next expansion but I doubt there will be many people dropping another 50 bucks on this trash.
I am not playing as much because i am tired of the toxic players , i am tired of moaning and cursing .
1) Revenant is underperforming
2) I dont like other classes. Tried the ones that could have been the replacement of the revenant in dps, with warrior GS/mace i smash everything but i dont have fun, and with thief i feel like a kitten running all the time only to gank, definetely not my class.
Dh… well i ddidnt want to insult myself till that point.
3) When i play with revenant, before the match i get insults, and for my teammates when we win is never thx to me, and when we lose is always because of me. In 50 matches played this season, only once happened to see “gj revenant” on the team chat.
4) I expect my teammates to play smart like me, and know how to rotate and not die on a point only to keep it 5 seconds more contested, leaving the team 4v5. I expect them to follow the target, they never do. Usualy the ones running far to die are the worst, since they are the first blaming the team. “i kept 2 of them at far, what is my team doing”, yess off course you kept 2 of them at far (and skip the part where you eventualy died), but if you did it when we were respawning we get outnumbered too, cuz you know your timing sense is… brainless.
Others things get to my mind… oh right! Fight on point! yess sureee off course, doesnt matter if you die, but stay on the point!!! Eat all the aoe, the traps, the condis but fight on point, like we are all bunkers!! These are just some of the smart things i have to hear from my teammates.
5) Matchmaking (and the matches output i get) seems to pretend that i have to carry every match only cuz i have 10k+ games, when revenant is the last class able to do it.
6) Conditions are too high rewarding and not fun to play against. They kill build diversity, cuz you are forced to have condi cleanse. Condi skills have no big tell like a power burst, this means you can get condis from any autoattack/aoe/trait/sigil/rune, and unless you dodge any kitten, you have to bring your condi cleanser in your build.
7) People give up too soon during matches, starting to blaming teammates. I don’t feel any “group”, instead in wvw no one blames me and everyone keep fighting even when loosing.
8) Too many boasters who don’t understand that they are just carried by their builds. Skill is not rewarding, build is rewarding.
Mostly because of this.
1. Completely gutted rewards
2. Very random Match Making
PvP is really not fun at all this season. so I’m playing 1 maybe 2 matches a day. Monday-Friday. will not play the weekends as matches are even worse during the week, and don’t get me started on Q times.
1. No map variety – I prefer PVP in WoW a lot more because of maps like Alterac Valley where you have 40 v 40.
2. Being killed in 2 seconds by a warrior – not fun at all.
3. GW2 pvp maps are more like WoW arenas (which I hate) than WoW battlegrounds.
I enjoy WvW more because there is a lot more variety of play, from capturing castles to solo roaming.
Six straight losses.
Guess I’ll do what the pros do; Take some days off to increase my decay. Is that really fair or ethical? No. Does it help with population issues? No. Is it responsible to the community? No.
I feel bad, but I had a goal of getting a 50% w/l this season and climbing out of Bronze. I was within sight of that goal.
Prior to my loss streak, I had just over 50% wins. I got punished heavily. so, I guess I game the system like everybody else. My perception is that ANET doesn’t care.
TLDR Here is the basic problem, ANET; The system punishes playing often. Therefore, smart players don’t play. This results in low population. That, in turn, leads to poor matches. The poor matches reduce population still further.
(edited by Ithilwen.1529)
Six straight losses.
Guess I’ll do what the pros do; Take some days off to increase my decay. Is that really fair or ethical? No. Does it help with population issues? No. Is it responsible to the community? No.
I feel bad, but I had a goal of getting a 50% w/l this season and climbing out of Bronze. I was within sight of that goal.
Prior to my loss streak, I had just over 50% wins. I got punished heavily. so, I guess I game the system like everybody else. My perception is that ANET doesn’t care.
TLDR Here is the basic problem, ANET; The system punishes playing often. Therefore, smart players don’t play. This results in low population. That, in turn, leads to poor matches. The poor matches reduce population still further.
just want to inform you decay doesnt give any advantage to you anymore…
Six straight losses.
Guess I’ll do what the pros do; Take some days off to increase my decay. Is that really fair or ethical? No. Does it help with population issues? No. Is it responsible to the community? No.
I feel bad, but I had a goal of getting a 50% w/l this season and climbing out of Bronze. I was within sight of that goal.
Prior to my loss streak, I had just over 50% wins. I got punished heavily. so, I guess I game the system like everybody else. My perception is that ANET doesn’t care.
TLDR Here is the basic problem, ANET; The system punishes playing often. Therefore, smart players don’t play. This results in low population. That, in turn, leads to poor matches. The poor matches reduce population still further.
just want to inform you decay doesnt give any advantage to you anymore…
That may be true or not. Regardless, the system punishes playing. Every game risks rating. The leader boards is solely based on rating.
Hence, the best strategy is to play a minimum of games. By it’s very nature, that system discourages playing and minimizes population. Low population leads to kittened matches.
We should go back to the old system of number of wins on the season. That’s a measure of skill AND of diligence and it encourages people to play.
Six straight losses.
Guess I’ll do what the pros do; Take some days off to increase my decay. Is that really fair or ethical? No. Does it help with population issues? No. Is it responsible to the community? No.
I feel bad, but I had a goal of getting a 50% w/l this season and climbing out of Bronze. I was within sight of that goal.
Prior to my loss streak, I had just over 50% wins. I got punished heavily. so, I guess I game the system like everybody else. My perception is that ANET doesn’t care.
TLDR Here is the basic problem, ANET; The system punishes playing often. Therefore, smart players don’t play. This results in low population. That, in turn, leads to poor matches. The poor matches reduce population still further.
just want to inform you decay doesnt give any advantage to you anymore…
That may be true or not. Regardless, the system punishes playing. Every game risks rating. The leader boards is solely based on rating.
Hence, the best strategy is to play a minimum of games. By it’s very nature, that system discourages playing and minimizes population. Low population leads to kittened matches.
We should go back to the old system of number of wins on the season. That’s a measure of skill AND of diligence and it encourages people to play.
Now you need 15 games per week to be on the leaderboard. That means by the end of the season, you need close to 100 games to be on the leaderboard. That sounds like a reasonable sample size to measure individual skill.
100 games? I have 69 at the time of this writing. I’m making a concerted effort to take it easy. In past seasons I’ve topped 100 games in the first week.
That’s not even close to sufficient. As a result people can avoid playing and avoid risk. Hence our lack of population.
100 games? I have 69 at the time of this writing. I’m making a concerted effort to take it easy. In past seasons I’ve topped 100 games in the first week.
That’s not even close to sufficient. As a result people can avoid playing and avoid risk. Hence our lack of population.
look what ANET did with decay change and numbers or required games is good improvement. give credit when its due. 100 games is a lot to A LOT of players including me. last season i played 400 games between 2 account because i wanted those ascended gear. now i will do what is required. 15 mins per game x 100 x Q times = it adds up.
1- first of all class balance
2- hard to start or find a team nowadays if you don’t have the proper skill level, too many elitist in this game.
1. Rewards! After completing first set of chests (and reaching repeatable ones). The rewards are just not worth the time. Assuming you win 1 game every 10 minutes, it takes 3 hours to repeat last chest. 3 Hours to get 20g and ascended shards that can’t buy you anything unless you invest (at least) 6 more hours.
2. Matchmaking…. The biggest problem I see with matchmaking is the fact that score that governs how you get matched is not based on YOUR performance! You can spend the game afk or suiciding, but as long as the team wins – you get positive rating.
Secondary problem with this is that matchmaking’s aim for 50:50 win ratio keeps those worse players afloat!
3. Due to reason above you pretty much have to be able to carry to get to high ranks without it being a game of chance.
4. Daily class win achievements are enabled in ranked pvp results in a lot of horrible team compositions. To protest this, I started only playing daily classes and refuse to swap (even to other daily classes) – maybe if more people start losing with ridiculous team comps, they will realize that class dailies are bad for pvp.
1. Rewards! After completing first set of chests (and reaching repeatable ones). The rewards are just not worth the time. Assuming you win 1 game every 10 minutes, it takes 3 hours to repeat last chest. 3 Hours to get 20g and ascended shards that can’t buy you anything unless you invest (at least) 6 more hours.
2. Matchmaking…. The biggest problem I see with matchmaking is the fact that score that governs how you get matched is not based on YOUR performance! You can spend the game afk or suiciding, but as long as the team wins – you get positive rating.
Secondary problem with this is that matchmaking’s aim for 50:50 win ratio keeps those worse players afloat!
3. Due to reason above you pretty much have to be able to carry to get to high ranks without it being a game of chance.
4. Daily class win achievements are enabled in ranked pvp results in a lot of horrible team compositions. To protest this, I started only playing daily classes and refuse to swap (even to other daily classes) – maybe if more people start losing with ridiculous team comps, they will realize that class dailies are bad for pvp.
I say since s1, deny players to use a “daily” class on ranked before they done it on hotjoin on unranked to avoid pure joke ppl ruining the game for other.
Anyway as far as i see, pro player just manipulate / farm noobs, pure pvp player are close to giga few, rest are average pver so hf on pvp
Yup, I kind of lost the desire to play PvP now because it’s too much of a gamble. We are too dependant on the team and if you want to try hard you gotta go duo with someone who is as equally good as you are (talking about being at least more than decent). I think I’ll have to find myself a PvP guild to drop in for some duos too.
I’ve been playing HoTS recently and I am amazed with how many matches I win, definitely much more than in GW2, ending with MVP from time to time or one of the top stats, even when playing with randoms. When I team up with 1 or two people it gets even better, and when we lose, there are very little blowouts or one sided massacres. There is a feel of equality even when my team loses, that particular feel that makes you think: “We could have won that, but we failed. Still, well played.” and not “My team was bad, lol”.
Yes, yes I do realise that MMORPG is different than MOBA. The second genre is easier to balance, less skills and traits on heroes and the game itself is based on PvP so it’s not for those who are not willing to improve.
However from time to time I show up for some ranked, just to not get massive decay. But I don’t think I’ll be going for a super marathon of ranked matches that look like a dice throw.
I decided today to finally say goodbye to PvP, the match ups are shocking, every match it seems I get team mates that have no clue what they are supposed to do, fighting off point, dying in 3 seconds,
Twice today I had a team where they lost a 3v1 OFF POINT, how do 3 players lose to 1 player off point, when im tanking the rest of the other team, at mid solo, its crazy,
6 losses in a row today did it for me, I see the same people on the opposite team who just steamroll over the team im on, while my team are running in circles or holding eachothers hands.
Add to this the clearly broken classes that are rampant, PvP is just not fun, I feel im being forced to play a certain class, and a certain build or you might aswell just not bother, its pretty clear now that anet have no vision for PvP or what its supposed to be, season 6 has pretty much killed off all interest I had left in PvP now, and I haven’t been playing PvP for as long as others, sadly good matches are just non existent, and no comms from any dev at all about PvP, other than a sigil update we may or may not see, its like they don’t even play their own game, or if they do it but be 5 devs vs 5 devs for some office fun, because no way they are playing the same PvP everyone else does.
Oh well on to another game for PvP it is.
(edited by Ok I Did It.2854)
1:Limited to capture the flag games.I was hoping for something like a last man standing one, or most kills one added but you use cannons and stuff a lot of times because killing each other leaders counts for a lot of points.
2:Ridiculous burst and zerg worlds.I would love it if you couldn’t burst people down in 5 seconds, as it just becomes a click war of who can zerg down first your opponent.
3:Lack of good ability to Queue with my guild to enter pvp at 5v5 level.I would rather have a team i know and be able to go together than forced to solo queue as a necro, especially as a necro, who’s soloability can end up being quite frustrating.
matchmaking will never work until they take class into account.
if every PvP game ive played has been on a Necromancer, and i decide to try out an Elementalist, im getting placed where i was on my necro with no experience what so ever on the class im using.
until they change matchmaking to rate a player based on class, it will never work.
I wonder what would happen if they locked elite specs for pvp for some time, just to test things out how they would work out. We can all safely say that everything started to go down when elite specialization power creep was introduced. When I bought the game before HoT I had a few months of pvp and back then (aside from cele ele) it was quite pleasant to play that mode.
However if Anet decided to lock those specs for pvp now, I think it might harm the playerbase somehow. Still I think it may be worth it to turn these power creeped trait lines and focus on core lines to make them better, as well as look at elites to see what might be changed to allow more build diversity.
That may be true or not. Regardless, the system punishes playing. Every game risks rating. The leader boards is solely based on rating.
It doesn’t punish playing at all. Fear of playing ranked is completely psychological. If you’re in the neighborhood of your true rating, then there’s nothing to worry about.
We should go back to the old system of number of wins on the season. That’s a measure of skill AND of diligence and it encourages people to play.
No, a system based on number of wins is a complete joke, as evidenced by ANet trying it in the past. All you do is tank your rating hard, then win back up to it. Then repeat. When you can just continually win in bronze/silver, it shows NOTHING. Further, because there are fewer players at the top, the matchmaker takes longer to find matches, so a win-based system hurts the good players even more.
The only way for a win-based leaderboard system to work is completely eliminate skill rating as a matchmaking factor. And if you remember s2 and s3, that sucked hard because high skill players would absolutely destroy people at bronze/silver skill levels.
(edited by Exedore.6320)
I got incredibly salty the only season I actually participated in. Made me quit the game for a year and a half. I was focused on winning, but had no control over the games whatsoever and I could chain defeat after defeat after defeat.
Now, well GW2 is supposed to be relaxing, so kitten PvP.
I only played to get my pvp at 1st for fun & it was! Now I only play for titles. Now I’ve gotten them all, there is literally nothing else interesting about GW2. I say this because I loved doing the old dungeons (AC/TA/CM/CoE/SE/Arah) But they have been neglected & Anet knows it but do they care? Hell no. I had a guild of 143 people all dedicated to helping others with dungeons & None of these people have been on since the release of HoT.
I don’t do pvp at all because when I want to do a serious ranked match, every other match there is a player who either DC’s OR they “Hey guys, Don’t get mad but I’m testing out a build.” WHY ARE YOU IN RANKED? Or people don’t know what to do, not capping or running into 1v5.
(edited by Chasind.3128)
• Matchmaking Integrity – there is none. The effort to keep queues popping due to low population has abandoned any notion of quality in the match making and perpetuates this awful gaming experience
• Class Design/Lacking Depth of Game Play – virtually every class in the game is some shade of bruiser now. There’s much less emphasis on roles and team play as a result. Depth of game play has suffered as a result and now we have the worst of everything: a spammy, aoe, particle effect filled scrum with no discernible rhyme or reason
• Seasons – they turn the game off during the offseason. Why would you ever do that? Seasons are events, not the entire game. Yet they’ve shackled the entire infrastructure of PvP to the seasons. The Rating system should not turn off ever – that is the defining characteristic of PvP.
• ANet’s Competitive Disconnect – the game makers just don’t seem to understand what it is they’re making or what they want it to be, so they don’t know how to get there. There’s no faith left in this creative team to make the changes necessary to foster PvP. They just don’t get it.
My reasons are class balance, no class ranking and skillspam.
I play mostly with my necro and to solo-queue just ain’t fun with the current balance and the people I used to play with has stopped playing or don’t have time when I do. The game does not punish you enough for playing poorly which is a problem that comes from powercreep that came with HoT(and the trait update but I kinda liked that change). And at last passive defences that you have no control over and of which you can’t see the cooldowns.
I really think the rewards are fine as long as the enjoyment I get from pvp is what matters. Reward tracks are good enough as rewards from pvp but I can’t enjoy it right now and no rewards will change that.
That may be true or not. Regardless, the system punishes playing. Every game risks rating. The leader boards is solely based on rating.
It doesn’t punish playing at all. Fear of playing ranked is completely psychological. If you’re in the neighborhood of your true rating, then there’s nothing to worry about.
Not true. With the current virtually random matchmaking. I was above 50% on the season. Then I got handed 8 straight heavily stacked matches.
I was obviously near my appropriate score.. then the matchmaker decided I needed to lose a bunch. Now in my case, it doesn’t affect the leader board.
It is very clear that best strategy for gaining and keeping leader board position is to play as few games as possible. The matchmaker is not reliably making even matches.
It is also abundantly clear that there is a caste system in place. A high rated player with poor placement matches isn’t going to bronze. Yet a Bronze player with excellent placement isn’t rising.
There is little, if any, real chance for major advancement. I do realize that the intent is to separate players for better matchmaking.
Really loopsided matchmaking and completely clueless players against veterans who have been playing the past four years and nerfed rewards are the few reason why I stop playing
Toxicity and rewards
Im still “playing” pvp, at least one match to get the daily done. Other than that, nope, no chance that i play regulary. The reasons?
-You have to get lucky,to get thrown together with capable people
-boring comps, seeing any class now you know what they play, it was better pre HoT, more diversity
- no real balancing, theres always a fotm class which steamroll through most of the others
So yeah…i dont play pvp anymore. Had arround 1500 matches with my mesmer alone. Nowadays im stick to one match a day for the daily,and then log mostly off.
I stopped today cuz again playing with “plat” players and no one even give a d*mn about swaping profession or anything like that.
Double necro without a single support you ask to swap?
I’m power necro dude chill !
Ok I play GW2 pvp only for about 3 years and when I say before the game starts it’s a 100% loss and what happend?
The double necro pro + bad thief easy game loss.1v2 and 1v3 entire game tryhard as hell and those people still manage to get from a 3 cap into 0.
By far not the only bad game xD
I’m bad at complaining but I have enough of the “skill” lvl of players on plat or near plat is just not even weak but sad askitten.
90% of those players have no idea of their class or what to do. No idea of good team comp vs bad they just want to play the class they can.
Last season decent matches with same trolls and afkers but was 100% better then this one.
If people on plat lvl have no idea of the game or of their own class then I jst have to admit this game is dead.
My top 3 until now:
Thief players / never swap / never outnumber / never decap / roame 90% of the time off point
Necro players (the best of all) 0 support who cares I play necro die mid fight within 10 seconds gg + don’t forget the rage after +blocking you cuz they are the best players and you su**.
Random afkers / before the game starts ragers (yes even on high rank)
told a “pro” druid not to push far cuz I want to do (get abused as noob kitten etc.) druid goes far die 1v1 to a power war we can’t get mid cuz necro and other dude die and I can 1v3 midMatchmaking last season ended with 1950
Placement this season:
8 of 10 2 losses due to not even close to be even games (carry potential 0%)
first loss 2 core players both bad + afk druid on close 300-500
second loss perfect team vs 4 warriors 1 dh loss due having team of trolls or people who play randomly a class no idea what it was
lost due to enemy thief stealing 2 beasts 460-500 1v2 entire time and even a 1v3 + done 2 beasts aloneNow the problem is if you don’t duo que you can forget to carry 4 players.
The real problem is just the players themself. People who play 1 profession and not even good are the biggest issue. My losses were all from the same players who played something what doesn’t even close match to the team comp but they don’t care. Bad players on high rank = no fun to play at all. Not that it would be a challange cuz I won this season more then once 1v2s and even twice a 1v3.I thought it was just “random luck” that you get so many bad players but this happend now more then once and a sign to stop pvp ranked for this season =)
Good luck to everyone and don’t rage so much
The problem with players trolling in rank by only being able or willing to play one single class has already been solved. You want to know how relevant PvP games solve this problem. I told you how Hi Rez does it with Smite since that’s my focus atm.
You wanna play ranked 5v5 conquest? Guest what? You are not only going to have to put in over 80 hours per a account to reach max PvP level. But also you will have to have played enoth on 20 different characters to have a minimal of 20 characters with mastery. This is even before Smite allows you to queue for ranked conquest. kitten that problem was stopped before it even got started ah?
In GW2 you should be forced to hit PvP Rank 80 before even being able to queue for rank. On top of that you should need to show proficiency on at least 3 out of the 9 professions. All of these really minor easy to fix but serious problems. Could have been prevented from even starting up. But nope ANet didn’t even care enoth to put such basic thought about them in a competitive PvP environment.
Love this. If every player had to play even even 25 games across every class to play ranked, well, they might understand how to dodge a dh trap. All I hear is crying that dh is so overpowered, in reality most dh trappers are completely glass and down in seconds when targeted… Kitten s6 and all its noobs…
Separate ques, separate ques. Give unranked the same rewards as ranked please it would end half our troubles.
Well….I could go on for days about the multiple reasons I felt dissatisfied with this game, but I’m quite sure it won’t fit within the character limit. Essentially, all of the players that could truely provide me with a challenge had left the game. I was also called to become a legend in a new game, much like Helseth tried to do. The only difference is that I succeeded in becoming one of the best players in the world: in yet another game. I made my legend here in this game, but now I have already begun a new challenge.
The are 2 main reasons I stopped playing PvP.
Selfish experience that only promotes toxicity and where the outcome is committed to the luck you have with your teammates.
Anet did the move to turn conquest, a team based game mode, into a more individual experience, and I think here is where everything started to fall on its own. Conquest is all about team cooperation, if anet wanted a more individual based game mode, they should have created one built for it instead of messing with Conquest and ruining it.
This individuality has moved teams out of the experience and nowadays is all about solo/duo carrying.
Over time this creates a selfish attitude in the player base as everyone now is on its own. People has stopped caring about proper rotations, swapping, looking at map or reading the chat. Nowadays is all about who is the biggest hero.
And the current matchmaking isn’t helping at all. If it’s already difficult to have any sense of team based experience, everything becomes frustrating when such system creates such unbalanced matchups: 2 duo-quers vs 5 randoms, top players based team vs low tiers based one, 4 warriors or DH on the same team or one team having 5 supports while the other 5 roamers destroys any bit of hope left.
So in the end, there is no competitive need to play sPvP because there is no team competition. It’s all about how much you can carry, and your position will be based entirely on it.
Why I’m playing a cooperative mode then, if all I’m supposed to do is to carry my team, WTF? That’s the main reason I stopped playing in S6.
In S5 I decided to take it seriously, but after +400 matchups I already saw how dull is this, and seeing S6 is nothing but the same, I will keep my tush in WvW, where I can have proper cooperative experience (guild raids) and proper individual experience (duels).
Stale experience when playing the same maps and facing the same gutted meta for such a long time.
Let’s face it, sPvP hasn’t changed since the game was launched, it’s the only mode in these nearly 5 years (because Stroinghold has never been a thing), played in the exact same tiny maps everyone knows better than its name. Then you add the same meta existing in the past 1.5 years guttered to 1 build per profession and you have all the ingredients to make the perfect repetitiveness recipe.
We need a new game mode, Conquest needs 3-4 new maps in the rotation, build diversity has to be opened and the entire meta has to be nerfed so the HoT power creep is more balanced with the rest of the core.
(edited by Ansau.7326)
Matchmaking: not much to be said here, we all know it’s not good especially if you’re in plat/high gold and get to face top 10 duos with nobody good on your team. Or alternatively, you’re forced to carry potatoes because nobody in your MMR range plays the game at that exact time and you get punished for losing.
It should be obvious that MMR isn’t linear but ANet tries to average the teams MMR. What I mean by this is, a 1800 MMR player is a LOT better than a 1500 MMR player whereas a 1300 MMR player is only slightly better than a 1000 MMR player comparatively. This just leads to trash matchmaking when you have silver players in the same game as top 10 duos despite the MMR being sorta numerically equal.
Balance: Not much choice in what to play, most players run the same builds because they are effective. Seen some guys try different stuff in S5 but they always got shut down by players running meta. Very few viable niche builds so it makes the game kinda boring.
Rewards: Well rewards aren’t my sole motivation in playing but this season they nerfed everything so hard the rewards are basically 0 to me as a PvE player.
The titles are also the same as last season and basically they’re going to be worth less every season as more people get them so I don’t care anymore and not gonna bother.
There isn’t even a Call of the Mists buff in Season 6. Feelsbad.
Repetitiveness: There’s like the same old maps over and over again with very little variety. They even made Khylo boring af so it’s like meh. This is further multiplied by the ‘stale’ meta where it’s always the same builds, same maps etc.
Solo Q/Duo Q: The mixed queues kinda annoys me since I don’t have the ability to have a reliable duo partner. Last season I made a few friends and duo’d some games but had to solo at the end since they started to have school/college. It’s just so much of an advantage to duo especially with the wonky matchmaking and it feels unfair to me so I don’t bother.
Ratings: It sucks losing -20 and gaining only 13 for beating top tier players because they get padded with silver players who drag the average down despite it being a super hard game. I guess it also sucks for them since they have to win 10 games to cover 1 loss. Basically sucks for all involved.
Only way ANet will listen: Not playing is pretty much the only way of complaining I have left about PvP. We’ve all posted what we think is bad and so on within these forums there’s not much else to do but not playing puts some real numbers in context of how bad PvP is doing due to these poor choices. If you have like a 50% player # drop from S5 then they’re kinda forced to do something about it whereas complaining on the forums does nothing.
Pretty much tho
Simple, negativity to new players that wish to get into ranked and get insulted. If the “Vets” cry about new blood ruining their rank and tell them to to get out and then turn around and complain about population and long q times…. Its their fault. Let ranked die off personally, love playing unranked because peeps are a little more relaxed.
4 accounts (2 with HoT 2 core) . I managed my core account be 82 in plat for while now need games be add so can be in leaderboards.
All accounts i play 3 years ols build Bunker Guard and usually i am top on hold place healing and rez.
When my teammates see i am core stuff Guard start to call me noob and the Rage is bigger if we loose the game.
As all the above said HoT destroyed the diversity of the game.
U die not because u run out of skills and luck of evades but because u got disable for a long long time . This is unacceptable . DH – Warriors are walk in Sanctuary like have perma stability conditions are toons on u and no matter how many u cleanse the keep spamming . And the same time u can’t dps like the bunker Druid.
when this game got out on market u made this class and Named Guardian for a reason.
Where the Guards are now? And i don’t want to listen about DH! DH is not Guardian .
The reason i stay in this game is cause u buy it once (and bought the expensive collectors ) and don’t need extra fee.
If i knew another game like this i would long gone from here.
As a matter of fact if someone know a similar game he can pm to me if he can’t write it here in forum.
People talk about maps. They are right but it wouldn’t bother us so match if all the others were ok.
Rewards? Can’t say they thrill me but is not my bigger problem in pvp
(edited by Ajax of Telamona.6974)
Selfish experience that only promotes toxicity and where the outcome is committed to the luck you have with your teammates.
This is still happening in most games having a solo queue mode however, chains of loses because people do not cooperate and are about to get angry/ragequit any time they die( and i assume some large wins are due to opponents having such players in their teams too).
It is hard to predict the " toxicity " and stuff. There are some situations where i do ping the map expecting for help, and i end up receiving no help and a " stop spamming map " message from a teammate. How could a matchmaker predict that ?
This season and the way Anet is handling the game overall is such utter trash I’ve gone back to LoL after dropping it in 2014 and swearing I’d never touch it again. I need my pvp fix and Anet isn’t interested in giving it here.
I’ve done 60 matches and maybe gotten 7 decent/good ones out of that entire pool.
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