Well, there will obviously be no real content provided until they release the expansion-in any game mode of GW2. Then I look back at what GW2 PvP has been and it is really laughable. Skyhammer. MMR. Soloq. And Anet wants me to spend money for a product that is still in testing?
Skyhammer-immediate negative feedback in the competitive scene. Anet takes it out of team play and FORCES it on the solo players…for months. I quit playing GW2 entirely until it was able to be voted out of play for Soloq. #kittenyouanet
MMR. In keeping with the Arenanet way of “I will do what I want to do, I will tell you nothing, and I will be absolutely shocked at the poor results when I release another piece of broken content”, MMR is still being in the works. Before the death of Soloq, it had been fixed. The problem was the “I am listening to what you are saying” posts were absolutely kittening worthless and in no way addressed changes to the problems or anything they were thinking about in how to tackle a problem. Originally matchmaking had been hard broken. Anet had the info and would not share it with the community and it delayed development. This is on Anet only. As they released more information the community did Anets QA job for them by cross-referencing matchups and leaderboards. I was a contributor, posting regularly until I was completely ignored. I posted pictures and my posts got deleted. Not surprisingly, I no longer try to help as I am not only ignored but deleted as if now Anet has a perfect track record since it isn’t in the forums. It wasn’t just me, it was many others. Anet is just building that trust baby! https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/pvp/pvp/Are-Anet-aware-that-solo-q-is-broken/first#post2923482 Until Anet was presented with undeniable photographic evidence that their matchmaking was totally kittened, they had no intention of changing anything. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/How-are-the-teams-determined-in-solo-q , https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Solo-queue-is-really-balanced/first#post2996835
Soloq. We had as a community argued for this for a LOOOOOOONG time. So of course Anet would take it away. Why not? I mean, this is only to save on consolidating queue time and occurred around the same time of PVE megaservers. It really was a move in line to save Arenanet money at the expense of players. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/pvp/Why-would-one-solo-Q/first#post1799196 Well…that is not how the economy works. And you will see it when HoT is released-trust me.
I will not be buying anything from Anet until they at a bare minimum get Soloq back. I will continue to not PvP because it is a waste of time going against premades as an individual. Not just premades, but being paired up with complete noobs. But then again Anet has really done a bang up job protecting and teaching new people how to pvp…I mean they have that one PvP tutorial on how to finish someone-that’s something right? Oh wait, those custom arena’s are doing the job of teaching people how to play. L2P with custom arenas lol. https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/colin-johanson-on-guild-wars-2-in-the-months-ahead/ “We’ll be adding systems that make it easier for players who are less competitive to get matched only against people with similar skill sets, and stronger methods for players learning PvP to do so in a safe and fun environment with more information to help their skills grow.” Whoops, kittened that up!
I bought the original game for competitive PvP content which has never been provided. You do not PvP in a range near your skill level because of the combined queue and pairing of noobs with experienced PvPers. Justin O’Dell, “I should note the current leaderboards are ranked by your Glicko2 skill rating, not the number of games you played. I hope with this change players will be able to settle into their accurate skill range relatively quickly by providing matches that are more fair.”
Tyler Chapman wrote, “We are definitely aware of the issues surrounding PvP. We’ve been generating data since we released these features and I think it’s fair to say that each will be visited by us as soon as we can get around to it. (matchmaking, decay, dishonored, ratings, rewards)”. #whenitsready #notinthislifetime
L2PvP Anet. I mean seriously, you had a handful of PvP team members in a large AAA company and come up with this 3 years after release and you expect people to pay for something with real money? I will say that reward tracks and gold for PvP are good…but why would I eat a nice filet of meat that was dropped into a flaming bag of kitten that is the the matchmaking in the current sPvP ranked scene? No new maps or game modes will fix this. Catch a freaking clue. #GW2esports