Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


it is only me that misses the old hard rez from GW1???

Dwayne.6904 u forgot balance guardian, DH trapper only kills badies :P

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cyn.4901


1. Delete Clerics or maybe aurashare in general.
2. Do something about the 10 second moa. Give it more tell if not reduce the duration. (Why does rev and necro elite cc have huuuugee tell but not a horrible 10 second perma kitten bird?)
3. Tone down engi’s never die 2 vs 1 sustain.
4. Buff Foefire lord.
5. Tone down DH cc. 8 cc is too much especially with Dragons maw and lb 5 barriers.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: CntrlAltDefeat.1465


Improved on screen information shoutcasts.

1) Player X is on a rampage means nothing to me.
2) Player X is making it rain allows me to know my team is manning the treb. They’re effective, but an overlap maybe occurring off treb strike zone.
3) Player X is summoning..would allow me to know that someone is going for mist champion. I can check mini map to see how many others are challenging.
4) Player X is supplying the field (after they have run X value of supplies) would allow me to know the runner is being unhampered.
5) Players X+Y are storming the castle would allow me to know how many people are pushing gates.
6) “Their inner gate is’s our chance…” allows me to know what to supply.

More in game shoutcasts makes soloQ’ing a better experience. No player wants to disengage to quickly type when they’re soloQ’ing…it is a key feature that makes teams with a VOIP that much more effective. They have this information being relayed to them by all their team mates.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Daishi.6027


1. Do NOT allow builds to sustain based on heals.
- Everything between 100-0 is virtually infinite. If these builds NEED to exist being hard focused should be a quick death, builds like these should also be susceptible to murader/zerker burst 1v1 to be a countered and healthy for the game type. (otherwise we get everyone stuck into being bruisers or not viable.)
-Such builds should not be supplemented with blocks and invulns.

2. Make a more obvious animation for moa, perhaps an animation that displays on the target (doesn’t appear during stealth cast) so players know they are being targeted and can react.

3. Reduce the imbalance between hard counter matchups. Although better than in the past, things like Thief vs shatter Mes should not be so one sided. If we can fix this while having diversity maybe we can have a balanced game type based around actually killing each other.

4. Balance every two weeks, however do not kill diversity.
-If something needs to be nerfed, consider all attached builds and nerf accordingly. Same goes for buffs.
-If something is objectively imbalanced (mathematically not just “durr I didn’t doge this one skill that is the only thing that does damage and is easy to see coming. It’s OP!”) fix it ASAP.

-This means fix bugs and testing, players shouldn’t log in attack a golem and notice an issue on a main weapon everyone else uses.
-have REAL balance teams for EACH game mode (PvP, WvW, PvE.)
-Get a proper PTR. If you worry about players only playing the PTR give it no drop rates, everyone gets the same gear (however can transmute freely based on their wardrobe), and regular whipes.
-Simple QOL things like Queuing outside the mists.

extra that will probubly never happen because it’s likely to late.

6. Rebalance
- Starting from scratch pick a base, calculate a proper TTK for the competitive scene, include factors such as set up and sustain, then branch off these numbers while creating and diversifying other classes. Take suggestions 1, 3 and 5 into consideration from the ground up.

“I control time and space; you can’t break free.~”
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”

(edited by Daishi.6027)

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Nightshade.2570


1. Allow players to invite each other to duels in Heart of the Mists.

2. Add a map that allows aerial combat. When in aerial combat everyone has the same skills, so that balancing these does not need to be done on aerial skills. This should be an unranked map to begin with.

3. Do not allow more then three of the same class on a team in ranked. Whether premade or system matched.

4. Lower the amount the lord On foefire is worth to 100 pts. (Due to the fact that it is now easier to kill the lord) Lower the amount the NPC’s on Forest are worth to 15 pts. (Due to the fact that it is very easy to kill them.

5. New players need better guidance. Create a new player map tutorial that simulates a pvp match, that they must win one match on each map, prior to being allowed to queu, in ranked or unranked. Have NPCS as thier opponents on the points Or queue them against another new player on these maps.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


Different areas of the lobby that players of a certain rank and above can go and be like an onion with different layers with the legendary part of the lobby in the center and only available to legendary players. The ruby lobby would have a mystic forge while the sapphire lobby would have crafting stations. The diamond and legendary parts of the lobby would have cool minigames, big llamas and dreamer ponies walking about, and figures from Guild Wars 1, ancient ones, the best flying jumping puzzles in the game, a ticket and shard vendor for skins exclusive to those sections (so you’d need to make legendary for certain weapon skins) and obscure lore trivia.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: rchu.8945


1. Do NOT allow builds to sustain based on heals.
- Everything between 100-0 is virtually infinite. If these builds NEED to exist being hard focused should be a quick death, builds like these should also be susceptible to murader/zerker burst 1v1 to be a countered and healthy for the game type. (otherwise we get everyone stuck into being bruisers or not viable.)
-Such builds should not be supplemented with blocks and invulns.

2. Make a more obvious animation for moa, perhaps an animation that displays on the target (doesn’t appear during stealth cast) so players know they are being targeted and can react.

3. Reduce the imbalance between hard counter matchups. Although better than in the past, things like Thief vs shatter Mes should not be so one sided. If we can fix this while having diversity maybe we can have a balanced game type based around actually killing each other.

4. Balance every two weeks, however do not kill diversity.
-If something needs to be nerfed, consider all attached builds and nerf accordingly. Same goes for buffs.
-If something is objectively imbalanced (mathematically not just “durr I didn’t doge this one skill that is the only thing that does damage and is easy to see coming. It’s OP!”) fix it ASAP.

-This means fix bugs and testing, players shouldn’t log in attack a golem and notice an issue on a main weapon everyone else uses.
-have REAL balance teams for EACH game mode (PvP, WvW, PvE.)
-Get a proper PTR. If you worry about players only playing the PTR give it no drop rates, everyone gets the same gear (however can transmute freely based on their wardrobe), and regular whipes.
-Simple QOL things like Queuing outside the mists.

extra that will probubly never happen because it’s likely to late.

6. Rebalance
- Starting from scratch pick a base, calculate a proper TTK for the competitive scene, include factors such as set up and sustain, then branch off these numbers while creating and diversifying other classes. Take suggestions 1, 3 and 5 into consideration from the ground up.

Agree 100%.

Sanctum of Rall
Pain Train Choo [Choo]
Mind Smack – Mesmer

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Darkside.7182


1 question 2 suggestions from me..

Q) Why you hate solo players so much?

S1) Remove %50 win rate rule
S2) Split team and solo que. Every team has a chance to go solo..

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Ellie.5913


1 question 2 suggestions from me..

Q) Why you hate solo players so much?

S1) Remove %50 win rate rule
S2) Split team and solo que. Every team has a chance to go solo..

That’s a good question. Premades vs solo players wasn’t allowed in the original guild wars which was a way much more fun game where everything just made more sense. Something smells really fishy about the pvp in this game everyone knows premade vs non premade premade wins about 99% of the time its not even a battle it’s a slaughter most of the time and that’s why people go afk its just not worth it if you’re being farmed.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Lich King.1524

Lich King.1524

Dear Arenanet, please read it carefully, it is important!

1. Feedback/Comminication.
People love your game and want to improve it. This is win/win situation! However, need to improve the communication. These forums are so hard to manage for you, hard to read and almost impossible to extract useful information. Please think: you acts as a government in a country where you have so many citizens. However, no government exists who are using forums to have feedback from their citizens. So no need even to invent a wheel – use existing methods, for example: ideas&votes, top-voted ideas you must at least consider; (like in US if petition has more than 100,000 votes government will consider it)
So need to have simple method to create ideas (threads)&collect votes to this;

2. You need to think about the core of PvP
PvP will be fun if possible to react/counter. If something impossible to counter = no fun at all;
Remember GW1 has good system.
Additional benefit: each team-member even can have specific role, which increases fun and team play;
So skills and counters in GW1:
Strong spells => counter: visible progress bar and possible to interrupt/divert; role to counter – interrupter (messmer/ranger)
Strong melee (war) => counter: freeze them or blind; (freezer or blinder role);
Strong freezer (ele) => counter: interrupt him, or focus (he is weak);
Strong focus (war) => counter: heal/protection: monk can use spirit bond, infuse, etc;
Strong heal (monk) => counter: messmer can divert him, or possible to drain mana, or knockdown
Too strong ranger/interrupter => use diversion to prevent his interrupts;
Too Many conditions => Special skills to remove them;
Too Many hexs => Special skills to remove them;
etc. etc.
Too strong skills have even specific disadvantages:
Too strong heal from infuse? = > added strong disadvantage – sacrifice half of health of healer;
in Gw2 we have no such strong core-system. We have too many skills/traits and attempts to balance them;
However, core problem causes chaotic and dumber gameplay like:
This is any bunker: => how to counter? No class/skills to deal with him/counter him alone. We can try just: a) kill him (using 2-3 players) or avoid him; so no nice ways to react; In the end developers decided – bunkers are evil, let’s remove amulets; But proper way must be to create good counters!;
This is a Reaper: => how to counter? No class who can deal with him/counter him except another reaper. We can try just: a) kill him earlier until he too strong (2-3 players) or avoid him; so no nice ways to react;
This is a traps from DH: => how to counter? No ways as all, just stay away and wait when it finished;

Do you feel that something wrong here?

You need to have proper mathematical model with will tell you:
Action1 -> Counter1;
Counter1 -> Counter2;
Counter2 -> Counter3;

To have easier balancing for all classes, check them all:
Damage over time cannot be bigger than X
Heal over time cannot be bigger than Y
Damage reduction over time cannot be bigger than Z
Number of conditions cannot be bigger than T
Amount of CC cannot be bigger than N

3. PvP lobby. Waiting is most boring thing ever. Most of the time when I waiting for sPvP I just hide GW2 window and do something else.
Just imagine in order to PLAY your game, I will HIDE your game. This is clear indication – this is not fun;
Many suggestions was here: make crafting in lobby, make free pvp in lobby, make queue in pve, etc wherever you will do, will be better than today; (free pvp in lobby will be so funny!)

4. Too much visual noise in the game.
To have successful eSport, you must make all actions/counter actions visible and UNDERSTANDABLE for spectators. Otherwise, new viewers will not understand what is going on during a battle;
I know you many times improved this but still too much noise.
Some simply suggestions here:
Each skill with same effect (CC-effect) must have similar visual sign;
More important skills (most damaging, etc) – must be visually more visible;

5. Teambuilding
GW1 has nice feature: if you win as a random team, you can continue as a team; it will provoke to create teams and will improve the community in general, more people will stay in pvp;
Current automatic team-disband made many negative effects.

(edited by Lich King.1524)

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Sirendor.1394


1. Allow players to invite each other to duels in Heart of the Mists.

Sounds like fun.

Also it makes sense if you think about it. Can’t have all these top class battle machines sitting there, they need to train!

Gandara – Vabbi – Ring of Fire – Fissure of Woe – Vabbi
SPvP as Standalone All is Vain

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: gacob.1759


1. Remove cleric amulet and knight(that are bunker amulets).
2. Reduce the direct damage and condi damage for not insta-kill in focus(more time fighting).
3. Put several ranked matches for put you in a division. This do that one diamond(as me) can’t fight versus legends x2 during all the league and make the teams more balanced(now that is 2 legends and 3 new players versus 1 legend and 4 new players).
4. More play-modes as capture the flag.
5. Only one profesion in the team and the players can’t change the class. A menu before of the match for talk about picks profesions would be better.

Gacob – Main necromancer.
First Season PvP – Diamond II.
Second Season PvP – Diamond by now.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: ukuni.8745


1. Add in ranked deathmatch arenas with a little bit better of a map, yea itll be a kitten storm for a while but as we all know different builds and playstyles for a diffrent mode and once people get used to it itll go allright i think, people might not get so annoyed with facing the same few conquest meta builds so much either.

2. remove auto procs and replace them with more tactically aware and play changeing traits.

thats about all i got

Still Winning And Grinning (Swag)
Ukune – Engineer of Maguuma
Check me out on YouTube

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: BrotherBelial.3094


1. Tone down Reaper, Revenant, Scrapper, Druid, Tempest (support), and Chronomancer (elites and utility), buff Dragon Hunter, Daredevil and Berserker. Balance all the classes to make them all optimal picks and more variety for builds.

2. Add more maps to conquest, death match and stronghold (mainly conquest)

3. Add a queue option for Death match (Courtyard) at least In unranked, and if courtyard is not ranked, neither should stronghold.

4. Map mechanic changes to existing maps such as making Ferocity more useful on Temple of the Silent Storm and making lord have more health and/or a downstate in Legacy of the Foefire.

5. Add more stuff to Heart of the Mists such as mystic forge and crafting stations, and making it look a lot better and/or letting us queue from outside of Heart of the Mists.

In response to point 5. ANet have said(in the recent reddit AMA) queuing out side of HoTM is not possible dew to tech limitations.

That is pure BS since it was possible for the longest time before Ranked/Unranked were added. They wer just worried people will be “in the middle of something” and prevent a ready up.

This is what ANet said on the matter. Like the answer or not. This is why. Don’t expect it to change anytime soon.

There were a few reasons for keeping players in HotM when queued:

  • It forces new players to recognize they have completely different builds in PvP maps.
  • You won’t miss the match accept because of load screens and get dishonor.
  • We can make a better user experience (match accept and map voting) without having to worry about interrupting whatever a player might be doing elsewhere.

In order to allow queuing from outside HotM, we would need to change these things.

  • We would need tech to remove players temporarily from queue during load screens.
  • Create better tutorials or gating for new players so they don’t hop into PvP unprepared.
  • Revisit the way the match flow UI works.
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Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: SailorSpira.9371


1. Class balance.
2. Team Balance – No more then 2 of a class per team.
3. Better tournament Balance. Minimizing ridiculous streaks.
4. More map choices.
5. Entertainment in Lobby. – Trivia or gambling mini-games.


Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Urejt.5648


quing into pvp ranked takes too many clicks- 2. It would be better if u could que by clicking one time.

Yo Hooj Jest Pole

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cyanon.1928


Dear Arenanet, please read it carefully, it is important!

1. Feedback/Comminication.
People love your game and want to improve it. This is win/win situation! However, need to improve the communication. These forums are so hard to manage for you, hard to read and almost impossible to extract useful information. Please think: you acts as a government in a country where you have so many citizens. However, no government exists who are using forums to have feedback from their citizens. So no need even to invent a wheel – use existing methods, for example: ideas&votes, top-voted ideas you must at least consider; (like in US if petition has more than 100,000 votes government will consider it)
So need to have simple method to create ideas (threads)&collect votes to this;

2. You need to think about the core of PvP
PvP will be fun if possible to react/counter. If something impossible to counter = no fun at all;
Remember GW1 has good system.
Additional benefit: each team-member even can have specific role, which increases fun and team play;
So skills and counters in GW1:
Strong spells => counter: visible progress bar and possible to interrupt/divert; role to counter – interrupter (messmer/ranger)
Strong melee (war) => counter: freeze them or blind; (freezer or blinder role);
Strong freezer (ele) => counter: interrupt him, or focus (he is weak);
Strong focus (war) => counter: heal/protection: monk can use spirit bond, infuse, etc;
Strong heal (monk) => counter: messmer can divert him, or possible to drain mana, or knockdown
Too strong ranger/interrupter => use diversion to prevent his interrupts;
Too Many conditions => Special skills to remove them;
Too Many hexs => Special skills to remove them;
etc. etc.
Too strong skills have even specific disadvantages:
Too strong heal from infuse? = > added strong disadvantage – sacrifice half of health of healer;
in Gw2 we have no such strong core-system. We have too many skills/traits and attempts to balance them;
However, core problem causes chaotic and dumber gameplay like:
This is any bunker: => how to counter? No class/skills to deal with him/counter him alone. We can try just: a) kill him (using 2-3 players) or avoid him; so no nice ways to react; In the end developers decided – bunkers are evil, let’s remove amulets; But proper way must be to create good counters!;
This is a Reaper: => how to counter? No class who can deal with him/counter him except another reaper. We can try just: a) kill him earlier until he too strong (2-3 players) or avoid him; so no nice ways to react;
This is a traps from DH: => how to counter? No ways as all, just stay away and wait when it finished;

Do you feel that something wrong here?

You need to have proper mathematical model with will tell you:
Action1 -> Counter1;
Counter1 -> Counter2;
Counter2 -> Counter3;

To have easier balancing for all classes, check them all:
Damage over time cannot be bigger than X
Heal over time cannot be bigger than Y
Damage reduction over time cannot be bigger than Z
Number of conditions cannot be bigger than T
Amount of CC cannot be bigger than N

3. PvP lobby. Waiting is most boring thing ever. Most of the time when I waiting for sPvP I just hide GW2 window and do something else.
Just imagine in order to PLAY your game, I will HIDE your game. This is clear indication – this is not fun;
Many suggestions was here: make crafting in lobby, make free pvp in lobby, make queue in pve, etc wherever you will do, will be better than today; (free pvp in lobby will be so funny!)

4. Too much visual noise in the game.
To have successful eSport, you must make all actions/counter actions visible and UNDERSTANDABLE for spectators. Otherwise, new viewers will not understand what is going on during a battle;
I know you many times improved this but still too much noise.
Some simply suggestions here:
Each skill with same effect (CC-effect) must have similar visual sign;
More important skills (most damaging, etc) – must be visually more visible;

5. Teambuilding
GW1 has nice feature: if you win as a random team, you can continue as a team; it will provoke to create teams and will improve the community in general, more people will stay in pvp;
Current automatic team-disband made many negative effects.

Interesting ideas. +1

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Jack Daniels.5270

Jack Daniels.5270

1. Sticky targeting (at the moment every time i click i lose target).
2. Ability to remove health bars from enemy pets.
3. Tab targeting prioritizing direction of view and not sideways.
4. Able to move/close map voting window.
5. Reduce the impact of aoe spamming.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: XPilo.5862


1. Allow change utility skills in the match this will increase the value of some skills, the builds diversity and add more strategy into the game.
2. Add map with diferent mechanics. Conquest has become old and no all like stronghold.
3. We need new pvp maps. Having a maps where we can glide will change the pvp forever.
4. We need a report afk and people that is lossing on propose options.
5. Improve the mmr matchmaking mechanics.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Celtus.8456


1. Balance HoT specs to be in line with the core game specs. Meta PvP now is almost exclusively elite specs vs elite specs, this is not acceptable balance for the Guild Wars franchise. Get this kitten together.

2. Remove amulets/fix statting. You don’t seem to know wtf to do with stats in pvp, always removing/adding new ones and we always end up with a couple being abused and the rest never used. Time for a new system?

3. Allow PvP queuing outside of Heart of the Mists.

4. Matchmaking is ok, stop listening to the whiners. Matchmaking has been FINE for years, the only issue is broken balance and abuse/stacking of badly balanced professions (this is part of the BALANCE issue not MATCHMAKING).

5. Add some more maps/modes for kittens sake.

Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: JTGuevara.9018


1. Balance HoT specs to be in line with the core game specs. Meta PvP now is almost exclusively elite specs vs elite specs, this is not acceptable balance for the Guild Wars franchise. Get this kitten together.

2. Remove amulets/fix statting. You don’t seem to know wtf to do with stats in pvp, always removing/adding new ones and we always end up with a couple being abused and the rest never used. Time for a new system?

3. Allow PvP queuing outside of Heart of the Mists.

4. Matchmaking is ok, stop listening to the whiners. Matchmaking has been FINE for years, the only issue is broken balance and abuse/stacking of badly balanced professions (this is part of the BALANCE issue not MATCHMAKING).

5. Add some more maps/modes for kittens sake.

Matchmaking is NOT ok. Look at the results! lol

You also didn’t mention that it’s the old algorithm that’s been sound for years, not the new one they’re now using.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Celtus.8456


Sure I should say it was fine years ago, and there is no reason to keep breaking it and remaking it as the main focus of their pvp development.

In particular with team/solo ladder in 2014, I remember matchmaking being nearly perfect. Matches and distribution of players on each team almost always seemed to correspond to leaderboard (mmr) position.

Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Abazigal.3679


There should be a look at map vote and legacy of foefire. Temple and khylo almost never appear, yet they’re probably the 2 most tactical..

I’m pretty sure a big part of forum complaints lie to legacy of foefire, since this map revovles mostly about the team setup + the fact you can’tprevent some lord rushs( i.e solo vs premade gives disadvantage)

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Salamander.2504


1) Allow us to queue from the open world. HotM is boring and queue times are long.
2) We need more conquest maps.
3) Losing while in a 4v5 (i.e., teammate dc’s) should not effect your ranked or unranked MMR (I’m talking about MMR, not pips).
4) All elite specs need a nerf to bring them back on the same playing field as the base specs. For example, Condi reaper is overtuned. Remove boon corrupt on scepter auto. Revert the Deathly Chill Nov. 4 buff. It was perfect then, now it’s OP.

On October 23rd, you erased all of your hard work on the core classes; they are currently obsolete. We all miss them and don’t want to be forced into using elite specs.
5) Please balance more frequently. Every time there is a balance patch, we hear something from the dev’s along the lines of “this might be OP but we’ll watch it closely”. It frequently is OP, but buffs are never reverted. Who exactly is “watching closely”?

Thanks for reading.

(edited by Salamander.2504)

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Kenight.9384


my idea is simple
1. changed pvp mode or add killing mode
2. recreate the wvw maps especially those 3 same design borderlands to be 1

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cyanon.1928


As the topic has become somewhat popular I’m going to share a few more suggestions that I consider important.

1. “In-Game Small Surveys” with small rewards – Small non-invasive survey system with rewards (small) could make feedback more effective as well as it can also send the message to every players that ANET are really taking us in consideration in their decision making process. It can be by in-game mail or small popup at a SIDE of the screen.

2. Urgently need of more maps and game modes for ranked – I understand that ANET is trying to bring fair maps… but hey… playing same 3 maps over and over for years is not the best way to do it. Nor is eliminating the new maps created instead of modifying them.

3. Don’t eliminate maps from unranked, we need variety (add a filter where players can select, unselect maps) – Unranked should be the relaxing and fun mode of our sPvP as opposite to the more competitive (and stressful) Ranked option. Keeping a good variety of maps at least in unranked helps to extend the lifespan of our sPvP.

4. Require 50 unranked (profession specific) wins to unlock the ranked option for that profession – This one doesn’t need much explanation.

5. Add a "comprehensive training boot camp (per account) as a requisite before doing any mode (ranked/unranked) sPvP – It is not the most wise decision (imo) to allow inexperienced players to be matched against significantly more experienced players at the current state of the game where we have many free account/new players joining a community or much more experienced/veteran players.

(edited by Cyanon.1928)

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shylock.4653


everyone knows premade vs non premade premade wins about 99% of the time its not even a battle it’s a slaughter most of the time and that’s why people go afk its just not worth it if you’re being farmed.

If everyone knows that, mind to explain to me why the win rate of five solo players is above 50% against five-person premades?

Only 1% of all Ranked matches played in season one were a full five-person premade group vs. a group of five solo players, and even then, the win rate for those five solo player teams in those cases was consistently at or above 50% throughout the entire season.


Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Fivedawgs.4267


As the post have become somewhat popular I’m going to share a few more suggestions that I consider important.

1. “In-Game Small Surveys” with small rewards – Small non-invasive survey system with rewards (small) could make feedback more effective as well as it can also send the message to every players that ANET are really taking us in consideration in their decision making process. It can be by in-game mail or small popup at a SIDE of the screen.

2. Urgently need of more maps and game modes for ranked – I understand that ANET is trying to bring fair maps… but hey… playing same 3 maps over and over for years is not the best way to do it. Nor is eliminating the new maps created instead of modifying them (if needed).

3. Don’t eliminate maps from unranked, we need variety (add a filter where players can select, unselect maps) – Unranked should be the relaxing and fun mode of our sPvP as opposite to the more competitive (and stressful) Ranked option. Keeping a good variety of maps at least in unranked helps to extend the lifespan of our sPvP.

4. *Require 50 unranked (profession specific) wins to unlock the ranked option for that profession * – This one doesn’t need much explanation. All I’m going to say is that it is insane to allow inexperienced players to be matched against significantly more experienced players even within their same division. You are forcing most newer players out of the pvp with negative comments. This is not got for anyone regardless of skill lvl.

5. Add a “training boot camp (per class) as a requisite before joining ranked” – Same explanation as point # 4.

About point four; instead of requiring 50 unrank maybe they should only allow tiger or bear to participate in ranks instead of rabbit? As it stand, you only have to be rank 20 to unlock ranks.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cyanon.1928


As the post have become somewhat popular I’m going to share a few more suggestions that I consider important.

1. “In-Game Small Surveys” with small rewards – Small non-invasive survey system with rewards (small) could make feedback more effective as well as it can also send the message to every players that ANET are really taking us in consideration in their decision making process. It can be by in-game mail or small popup at a SIDE of the screen.

2. Urgently need of more maps and game modes for ranked – I understand that ANET is trying to bring fair maps… but hey… playing same 3 maps over and over for years is not the best way to do it. Nor is eliminating the new maps created instead of modifying them (if needed).

3. Don’t eliminate maps from unranked, we need variety (add a filter where players can select, unselect maps) – Unranked should be the relaxing and fun mode of our sPvP as opposite to the more competitive (and stressful) Ranked option. Keeping a good variety of maps at least in unranked helps to extend the lifespan of our sPvP.

4. *Require 50 unranked (profession specific) wins to unlock the ranked option for that profession * – This one doesn’t need much explanation. All I’m going to say is that it is insane to allow inexperienced players to be matched against significantly more experienced players even within their same division. You are forcing most newer players out of the pvp with negative comments. This is not got for anyone regardless of skill lvl.

5. Add a “training boot camp (per class) as a requisite before joining ranked” – Same explanation as point # 4.

About point four; instead of requiring 50 unrank maybe they should only allow tiger or bear to participate in ranks instead of rabbit? As it stand, you only have to be rank 20 to unlock ranks.

Agree! But I would use it to substitute point 5 instead. Since the main idea of Point #4 is to make it (“profession specific”) instead of account wide.

See ANET? As it stand from this forum thread and many others, there are a lot of different solutions you can consider and test in order to improve game experience.

(edited by Cyanon.1928)

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shylock.4653


About point four; instead of requiring 50 unrank maybe they should only allow tiger or bear to participate in ranks instead of rabbit? As it stand, you only have to be rank 20 to unlock ranks.

With all the rank farm server ranks have lost any meaning.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Cyanon.1928


About point four; instead of requiring 50 unrank maybe they should only allow tiger or bear to participate in ranks instead of rabbit? As it stand, you only have to be rank 20 to unlock ranks.

With all the rank farm server ranks have lost any meaning.

I wouldn’t say ranks have lost meaning, they still have some value. At least they still mean experience. But player ranks should not be used as a measure of skill. In that sense, having a higher rank req. before joining ranked matches should increase the chance of better quality matches.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Vieux P.1238

Vieux P.1238

1-Balance classes seperatly from other 2 modes. (PVE,WvW)

2-Fix build diversity. ( Condi builds cannot be the only viable builds)

3-Have new simple interesting Maps (None conquest)

4-Rank Tourny- Have only 1 of each class allowed per side during a match. 2 or more of the same class is giving just more of a chance to break it or exploit it. It becomes a FAIL & it’s just not fun.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Konoha.4613


Please bring soloQ back, allow us to view our season win percentage and bring back skill based non grind leaderboards seperate for soloQ and teamQ.

Edit: and make it possible to be deranked, and also harder to reach higher pvp tiers so they actually have meaning. The only people who should be legendary are top players, make it a top 100 system or something. Would be much more fair with a separate soloQ system as well.

(edited by Konoha.4613)

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: frederion.5082


1. – We must create a queue for games 5 solo players.
A queue for games team of 5 players.
As queues must have create 2 MMR.
A MMR based on player composition for solo.
A MMR based on the rank of the team for the second.
This system is the most right after we put them joeurs with MMR as close as possible together in the same games.

2. – If too much difference for losing no point losses.
If too much difference for a bonus point win for the winning party.

3 – The same idea others posters unique class in team.
there are enough classes in gw2 to form a team.

4. – Loss of the legendary division for permanent league that would include a top 50 to display it again
and expensive objects league merchants.

5. – No time limit for stronghold

bonus : good music for engage match

(edited by frederion.5082)

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: derenas.9542


Steps to fix your broken game.
1.BUFF weak/useless traits to make them viable for more builds instead of having a constant meta.
2.Fix the dumbest MMO que system.
3.Nerf broken classes voted by the players.
4.Add 2 more elite specs.
5.Take the runes,ammys,and heroes you have to buy with gold.We are pvpers not pvErs.\
6.By god.BUFF kitteng Useless skills like racials
7. this is in my opinion add racials to spvp.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Mightybird.6034


delete clerics

I dislike S2 greatly. No competition. I do badly I win. I do well I lose. Makes no sense. Burned out already. No fun.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: stormknights.1987


1 communicate with your kitten player base
2 listen to them
3 stop the power creep
4 redesign Hotm
5 add in kittening arenas already

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Urejt.5648


!. Option to hotkey enemy for targeting purposes. -
sometimes its impossible to tab or to click on screen right enemy so i would like u press one button to have the enemy targeted.
first of all
Super important for thief when somebody else is stomping, u thief dps body but enemy ranger search and rescue so thief wants to steal on ranger to daze him but its not possible to target that enemy in time without hotkey on ranger, especially when there is enemy necro with minions.
there is a lot of tounts in game. it makes to target pet or rev while u want to target other enemy. Clicking on screen on the enemy is not good becouse if click thin air u lose all targets. Tabing to right enemy is often not possible to make in time. So gain, clicking hotkey like ctr + 2 would be lovely.
Add hotkey option in menus and automaticly hotkey each 5 enemies to right hotkeys at the beging of the match by defoult.
This option does not disturb or change comfort of players who want to play todays setting, while pros could use it to great advantage

Yo Hooj Jest Pole

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Game Blasphemer.1250

Game Blasphemer.1250

Nerf necros! can´t you guys see you are ruining pvp for all? why make necro so tanky and yet too powerful? minions do insane dmg, condis, the cc is disgusting. They can literally chain cc you to death, make some diminishing returns to the godly amount of cc that is in the game. Other squishy specs stand no chance at all.

Nerf Trapper! his burst can literally one shoot the squishies or at least buff the squishies a little so they at least stand a chance before getting one shotted.

Scrapper is also op. A dmg dealer that can also act as a bunker? too tanky even though its not as op as Reaper it still does lots of dmg, but the worst thing is the interrupts and the cc.

The mesmer chain cc and interrupt is very annoying, again we need diminishing returns for all that stun lock, interrupt stuff, Moa lasts a little too long, either nerf the multiple stun locks or give squishies more options to at least try and counter that, evades and endurance regen is a joke when being interrupted constantly with things you cannot even dodge because you are completely silence even for dodging

And while thieves and warr zerkers can one shoot ppl caught off guard, they are really useless in competitive gameplay because of the current bunker, condi heavy, cc stun chain locks and burst trapper meta. Its sad how some classes are being put aside to only use em in pve cause they feel pretty useless anywhere else

I know its very difficult to balance classes, but glass cannon classes stand no chance in this meta at all, and we need more diversity, or separate things for pvp so your pve doesn’t ruin by the power adjustments

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Erik Waananen


Erik Waananen

Game Designer

Thank you, everyone, for your continued input! I just wanted to pop in real quick and let you know that I have read through every single post in this thread (in addition to reading many, many other threads across the PvP forums, of course) and that the team is aware of and very appreciative of all of your constructive feedback.

Keep it comin’!

EDIT: Poor grammar :P

(edited by Erik Waananen.6089)

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Lordrosicky.5813


Thank you, everyone, for your continued input! I just wanted to pop in real quick and let you all to know that I have read through every single post in this thread (in addition to reading many, many other threads across the PvP forums, of course) and that the team is aware of and very appreciative of all of your constructive feedback.

Keep it comin’!

Yeh, but the thing is…this way lies madness. You should be listening to issues people have NOT their solutions. As their solutions cannot be good. You are the designers, the experts, the professionals. They are just players. It would be fair better to listen to peoples issues with the game. Such as “Feature x is frustrating”. And not “This should be changed by 53% to do that”. Honestly, I think you guys listen too much to the feedback, especially on balance.

Character: Henry rank million/Duke Henry
Necromancer/Casual Warrior
[Team] Best WvW guild of all time. EASILY.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Shylock.4653


About point four; instead of requiring 50 unrank maybe they should only allow tiger or bear to participate in ranks instead of rabbit? As it stand, you only have to be rank 20 to unlock ranks.

With all the rank farm server ranks have lost any meaning.

I wouldn’t say ranks have lost meaning, they still have some value. At least they still mean experience.

They can mean experience in PvP but they can also mean experience in running to mid on skyhammer, auto-attack and jump. :-(

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Luto.1938


Aside from the myriad of balance suggestions I’d like to give my 2 cents on new map design.

Conquest is fun, but it does get a bit old after a while. I understand the difficulties in creating new map types due to pvp being based around conquest and it’s current form. I’m assuming this is one of the reasons why stronghold isn’t included in pro leagues.

Something I think that would be really “new” and potentially fun would be a 8v8 or 10v10 large map. Maybe a stronghold that is twice the size it is now, or a conquest map that is larger than the current ones. There could be interesting portal mechanics included that could take you from one point to a distant point if you own the connecting nodes, or something similar to that effect. With the PvE raids I know we have the technology to incorporate larger groups into our pvp maps!

Luto Locke
Twitch Stream

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Artixera.5107


To limit for only 5 is hard ^^

1. Ladder Leaderboards, the reason to climb the ladder is pretty much lost once you hit legendary it would be nice to see something that makes you want to climb further, seeing the top 5 people is not very interesting, win to loss ratios, most used classes etc etc, fun statistics and a more wide leaderboard that shows atleast the top 100 and then you can see where on the list you are like for example you see the top 100 and under the 100th you see you as #896 etc, might create more elitism but its nice to have a reason to climb in legend aswell.

2. Don’t leave out a class in a season, this is in my opinion damaging to pvp, for example season 1 and 2 no one has wanted a warrior in their team, could be something to think about, perhaps break that seasonal meta shift patch so that you can tweek the classes that needs it during a season so that we can avoid the catastrophe that was season 1 again with only bunkering that even made the LCS casters bored of the game =)

3. Class matchup, i get that mmr is to be the main breaker when it comes to how your teams are compositioned, but when a team is put together and it consists of 5 revenants or 5 necros right off the bat…. i dunno some of us mains 1 maybe 2 classes and i’ve had games where im with 4 necros and none of them have been able to switch class ^^ would be nice to see the matchup system take this in a slight consideration, or maybe it already does but sometimes it fails then atleast.

4. More PvP earned items, i don’t know what but all those Shards of Glory is becoming much more of a shard of trash xD and ofcouse ticket bought things aswell.

5. AND THE BIG ONE, Seperate the skills for PvP and PvE and maybe even WvW while you’re at it, maybe its easier to fix skill stats the way they are now but i don’t find it very enjoyable when a stat change or whatever affects all gamemodes at the same time but i understand why you do it aswell, i just think it would be a more fun PvP if the skills were seperated from PvE and PvP and it would give you much more freedom to tweek the classes to your guys need.

Some thoughts =)

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: AlbertoUlkesh.4517


Here are mine:

  1. Solo Q. I don’t think I have to say something else here. Solo vs. Teamspeak-Party is just not fair.
  2. This Match Making. If almost all I have are losing streaks followed by win streaks followed by losing streaks followed by win streaks… something can’t be right. Also very frustrating if the season starts with a losing streak.
  3. Remove the League Professional achievement. It’s no fun to play with someone who has no clue how to play a class. And I’m sure that person doesn’t have any fun either.
  4. Give us a /resign option. That would reduce afks so much and everyone would be happier.
  5. Give us a real afk-reporting option, that actually results in bans. Now this is a difficult one and depends on my earlier suggestions. I can understand if someone goes afk, because he’s up against a party. I can understand if someone goes afk, because he thinks it’s clearly a lost game. But remove those reasons and I don’t think there are any more “good” afks

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Agemnon.4608


To elaborate upon rank exclusive lounges in the lobby: Diamond could have a vendor that sells exclusive armor so anyone who’s diamond or legendary can buy it with gold or PvP shards while in legendary there would be a vendor that accepts PvP shards and gold for legendary armor and weapon precursors and mini llamas in addition to a mystic forge with an enhanced return rate for things like clovers, precursor chances, and higher T6 mat yields. It’d also be a very colorful and simply epic lounge. Its awesomeness should motivate people to work hard and earn their right to those privileges. It’d even have more sophisticated dummy AI’s with elite specs to practice dueling. The emerald lounge would also have HoT elite specced dummies (if the player sets the option for it) but with fewer options to set (fewer runes and amulets to work with compared to the legendary AI dueling options.)

Diamond and ruby would also have cool lounges in the lobby but the legendary lounge should be something that’d simply shock people with its sheer radicalness. There would also be a throne room within the legendary lounge that only players from the top 3 teams can sit on.

If a diamond tries going into the legendary lounge from the diamond lounge (only way through since it’s layered like an onion) the bouncer (who’d be a big muscular Forgotten, which are lizard people) would say,

“Where do you think you’re going?”

PC: " That place is way rad! Let me through I’m begging you!"

Bouncer: " Let me put it to you this way, you know you’re great, I know you’re great, but you just aren’t quite great enough for that place quite yet. Come back when you’re even greater then I’ll let you through."

PC: “Drat…”

(edited by Agemnon.4608)

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: infantrydiv.1620


1. Nerf overpowered elite specs.
2. Allow queuing from anywhere in the game.
3. Work on improving useless utilities and weapons.


Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: monkeyboy.5324


1. scrap pvp amulets and sigils, add core game stats to pvp(weapon and armor stats…). This in theory would add more builds and customization into pvp and make it easy for anet to balance(gear would be ascended)

2. Buff pre-Hot builds to match elite specialization builds

3. solo q and team q into seasons.In off-season add tournaments

4. buff rewards and gold.

5. this is just a personal request. Unlock armor styles for all classes.. since everything is cosmetics….light,medium and heavy gear should be cross class wearable. Eles should be able to down some heavy armor and warriors some light or medium.

(edited by monkeyboy.5324)

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: Rym.1469


1. Finish Stronghold development, get it out of the beta.

2. Nerf autoattacks.

3. Introduce more skillshot/ ground target skills instead of auto-aim.

4. Remove most 2-3 condition cleanses. Every proffession should have skill allowing to fully cleanse themselves, but on meaningful cooldown. Greatly decrease the amount of condition application. Re-design each boon to be 2-10s powerful buff that you can’t have permanently.

5. Remove passive skill activations from traits (i.e. “Use Elixir B when below 75% hp”)

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

Your Top 5 Suggestions to ANET sPvP

in PvP

Posted by: FJSAMA.2867


With no specific order:

1. Reduce to a minimum the passive procs

2. Abolish God mode skills (top dmg+evade/block+movement+utility) that offer little to no counterplay and are way too forgiving: aka “noob cannons”; and instead promote skillfull play.
Examples: Scrapper hammer #3 #4 and #2 at some extent, Rev sword#3 and staff%5 are at top dmg level while being defensive and offering utility (cc, combos and/or boons/condis stacking) without no downsides and low cds. They should be like mesmer sword#2/thief pistol whip and warrior traited shield block at some extent.

3. Save matches, watch replay in spectator mode environment and in free camera (like hltv?). Good for some media/vids about pvp. Would help pushing up pvp esports and make more ppl know about it.

4. Revise some troublesome conditions and its max time stacks/ power (like recently with cripple): chill, weakness, poison… and some Boons like resistance protection retaliation

5: Rebalance/rework some fields/finisher combos boosting the lacking ones and nerfing the “too strong” ones.

(edited by FJSAMA.2867)