everyone is getting legend

everyone is getting legend

in PvP

Posted by: MadVisions.4529


not at all. if you are not good enough pls forget about it. we finally have a leaderboard which favors good players over bad farmers. pls never EVER complain about ‘oh no i’m stuck in xxx tier and i can’t do anything about it’ that is how it supposed to work. after a while people’s ranks and tiers gonna be set by they performance in game. good players up bad players down (this gonna take some time considering most players are still in #I and #II). in a competitive environment as soon people are reaching the MMR of theyr own skill level, they SHOULD strougle with progressing! and only getting to higher ranking with adwancing personal || teamwork capabilitys.

we waited long for a system similar to this. pls STOP making suggestions for progression based changes, becouse and i gonna use this word seriously: stupid.

everyone is getting legend

in PvP

Posted by: brannigan.9831


You may be a pro at pvp but at expressing yourself I would rate you somewhere around first grade. All I got from this is I am a pro everyone else sucks. At least that’s what I think I got from it see point one I made.

everyone is getting legend

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


not at all. if you are not good enough pls forget about it. we finally have a leaderboard which favors good players over bad farmers. pls never EVER complain about ‘oh no i’m stuck in xxx tier and i can’t do anything about it’ that is how it supposed to work. after a while people’s ranks and tiers gonna be set by they performance in game. good players up bad players down (this gonna take some time considering most players are still in #I and #II). in a competitive environment as soon people are reaching the MMR of theyr own skill level, they SHOULD strougle with progressing! and only getting to higher ranking with adwancing personal || teamwork capabilitys.

we waited long for a system similar to this. pls STOP making suggestions for progression based changes, becouse and i gonna use this word seriously: stupid.

…but they want WINGS!
Reminds me PvP stream where Hugh was encouraging PvErs and Guilds with people who dislike PvP to give Leagues a try, because they could get such amazing WINGS!

Anyway MMR should be removed from Ranked, people should be matched based on their Division and Tier placement in Divisions. We don’t need two MM systems working at same time.

everyone is getting legend

in PvP

Posted by: azyume.6321


Are you sure the game favors good players over bad farmers? Because from what I’ve seen, experienced and read about, it is actually the opposite. Low MMR players are having it way more easier than high MMR ones which have been struggling in emerald or sapphire.

Unless you mean, of course, premades of 4 or 5 against solo queue players. Then yes, the system favors them.

Guardian Commander
Thief / Mesmer / Elementalist / Warrior / Necromancer / Ranger / Engineer / Revenant
Crystal Desert – Eredon Terrace – Fort Aspenwood – Stormbluff Isle

everyone is getting legend

in PvP

Posted by: Morwath.9817


Unless you mean, of course, premades of 4 or 5 against solo queue players. Then yes, the system favors them.

Thats a bit different topic: Solo Que or Riot.