(edited by trunks.5249)
infinite dodges?
thief does not have infinite dodges
Its an otp. It does basically have infinite evades and it can be really annoying to kitten off players that dont know how to deal with it (or revs).
But in the end off the day it will die to most opponents who know the evade frames and know how to time their skills.
Its an otp. It does basically have infinite evades and it can be really annoying to kitten off players that dont know how to deal with it (or revs).
But in the end off the day it will die to most opponents who know the evade frames and know how to time their skills.
i had tons of trouble keeping track of him probably just need practice with guys like that
They could have solved the “infinite dodge” back in the days of endurance gain on dodge by having weakness actively siphon endurance and then leave the thief to find ways of cleansing. Would have giving them room to mess with better options for the elite spec now
Forget about whether it’s technically balanced or OP for a moment…isn’t it just ridiculous game design either way.
It’s a classic case of designers going way too far with adhering to profession/class themes versus realizing how absurd something is to actually play.
If THAT’S truly what’s necessary to make thieves balanced, then it evidences how many mistakes were made in other areas.
It’s not infinite dodges and what you are describing doesn’t work against good players.
Until you can find a way to stop endurance from regenerating, everyone has infinite dodges, lol.
Seriously though, they have 3 consecutive dodges, but can refill 2 dodges with one of their heal skills or with sig of agility. However, if you think you saw infinite dodges, you likely saw a condi thief spamming dodge along with Death Blossom, which is a dagger skill that evades.
Your best bet to fighting this is to just time your CC really well to land between evades or just spam a fast attack skill while tanking the damage. I found that when running a warrior build, I could counter a condi evade thief by just autoattacking with axe and popping berserker stance and healing sig as needed to handle the condi damage.
It’s more than just the dodges though, they have plenty of other abilities that move/evade, combined with the dodges.
Annoying for sure, but not too big a deal, if it weren’t for that, they’d be in their loading screens after dying more often than not.
Not blaming the thieves, just the design of it. There’s no counter to the sheer amount of evade aside from weakness and waiting it out, but they cleanse condis easily enough, and there’s no issue with maintaining energy/initiative if they know what they’re doing.
Granted, some classes can basically shrug off thieves no matter the thief build. (Assuming equivalent skill levels)
I am guessing OP is talking about bound/staff thief. Staff5 is definitely overtuned.
Thieves are just so weak (in a sense of squishiness) all they have is dodges and stealth. Stealth got removed thanks to revs and scrappers (and absurd amount of aoe) so all that left is dodge spam which i personally find really crappy and boring design but there is literary no other choice atm.
And as posters above said, hit them between evade frames or spam aoe, they will either die or will have to disengage.
[Teef] guild :>
(edited by Cynz.9437)
It depends the skills have intervals where they can be hit but these intervals can be interrupted by a dodge which, if done consistently without lag, has overlapping evade intervals. So in the hands of a good play a thief can theoretically dodge everything 100% of the time using active dodges instead of random dodges and timing their skills right.
Infinite dodges? Not likely but they’re a plague in WvW spamming dodge all over the place and either being uncatchable and immune to soft CC or plain old camping stealth with bound for stacking with HS.
Such a bland class now, not that they were much better pre hot.
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAoYn0MBtNhFmCemC8PhFZCrLwUEWCzdwQYJUbPNFCAA-TZA7AAw+DAA or the alternate power version is likely what you came across.
Up until recently it could use merc, sage or carrion amulets. (power version uses marauder or paladin) Now it just uses the later two.
And despite what people here have said unless you greatly out skill the player using it there are a decent number of specs that simply cannot kill it & die rather easily to it due to how much evasion it has, low CD stun breaks & ways to reset the fight.
My advice is this
1: Roll a scrapper, ele or rev (they are by far the favorites of the design team and the most flexible classes when it comes to how they play and what they can handle)
2: Don’t take PvP seriously. At best its a game of rock paper scissors with certain specs always having the upper hand vs others. (assuming equal skill) At worst its just impossible for anyone especially Anet to balance.
http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vZAQJAoYn0MBtNhFmCemC8PhFZCrLwUEWCzdwQYJUbPNFCAA-TZA7AAw+DAA or the alternate power version is likely what you came across.
Up until recently it could use merc, sage or carrion amulets. (power version uses marauder or paladin) Now it just uses the later two.
And despite what people here have said unless you greatly out skill the player using it there are a decent number of specs that simply cannot kill it & die rather easily to it due to how much evasion it has, low CD stun breaks & ways to reset the fight.
My advice is this
1: Roll a scrapper, ele or rev (they are by far the favorites of the design team and the most flexible classes when it comes to how they play and what they can handle)
2: Don’t take PvP seriously. At best its a game of rock paper scissors with certain specs always having the upper hand vs others. (assuming equal skill) At worst its just impossible for anyone especially Anet to balance.
A) Tho I would personally use acrobatics for such builds, it is not the popular choice.
They also dont use traps, rarely impairing daggers and probably CV over withdraw for more dodges.
B) You need reliable condicleanse and either heavy cc or good passive pressure. If your profession does not offer that, its hard to kill them. But by no means you have to ‘greatly outskill’ them.
The only build that is significantly in disadvantage is power shiro.
It is not infinite dodge. Make some distance to this so called infinite dodger and see how much infinite their dodging gets.
Yes it has infinite dodges.
Yes it has infinite dodges.
This is true. so many dodges that even the teef dodges its’ own dodges
Signet of Stamina, Every kill recharges your endurance, no cool down.
All the dodge!
I was just playing a trolly evade spam build in hotjoin. I was fighting 3v1 and killed one, but the other two just stepped away and told me how op I was. lol Took me about 2 minute to kill the enemy as they kept rezing running away from dots, etc. Was so funny, cause I met another thief with same build, he kept wondering why my skills were hitting him and his were being dodged. Knowing the evade frames does wonders. For every thief weapon skill there is a period where the player is vulnerable. So each time the thief presses 3, you can land a hit guaranteed. But it was funny in hotjoin.
do thief’s have infinite dodges? after seeing how effective it was i am surprised theirs not more like this guy. he did nothing but kill people by dodging i never seen anything like it. spikes would shoot out with every dodge. every now and again he would do that spinning skill but he only did thoughs two things and he was killing everyone. even though he killed me a few times it was fun to watch. maybe he was just one skilling everyone if you dont count a dodge has a skill. i just found it odd that someone would use a dodge has there main killing move…..after some have said they do not have infinite dodges. i did some research and found this by the way this is how he was killing only difference he was more skilled at it then this person. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AI1k88k3PZY
Like stated by others, thiefs dont have infinite dodgerolls in a row. But if you time your dodges well it could appear as it was so. I’ve played high evasive builds since release and it is a very funny playstyle The thief in the video you posted uses the superior sigill of stamina: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Sigil_of_Stamina
I use that on several chars in pve.