mesmer clones are OP

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Faded Reflex.4730

Faded Reflex.4730

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Zachariel.5463


Nice job on team work in that video. That team works well together from watching that.
Saw nothing OP about that mesmer in that entire video. I saw strategy and and skill. Nothing OP about that except to people who want to have everything handed to them.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Zachariel.5463


Oh and intersting use of Time Warp. I wouldn’t have used it only on the warrior but to each his own.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Kalar Meadia.8439

Kalar Meadia.8439

Dunno…when I switch from my necro and play around with my mesmer alt is like driving with training wheels, especially when you play an illusion build.

Here’s an issue I’d like to speak up on. NO other targeted skill mechanic in the game can be killed. If a Ranger is pegging arrows at you, you can’t shoot the arrows out of the sky. If someone has the inteligence to AoE your illusions your build suffers greatly.

“But mesmers can resummon them!”

Yeah, and a Ranger can reapply the bleeds you cleans off yourself as simple as shooting another arrow. What of it?

Killing the clones? Good idea! Just pray that he hasn’t specced that you get a sh* load of conditions when you kill them.

Pity those conditions you are worried about have a crap range. The clone pretty much has to be on top of you for those conditions to land, you do know that?

Also, the clones are not easy to kill if you do not play a hard hitting dps class. The clones even survive a full channel of a life transfer from a death shroud while their phantasm rip you a new one. The berserker hits for 2-3k…while an elite flesh golem does around 700-800.

You don’t play a mesmer, at all, do you? Elite Flesh Golum attacks consistently. A pBeserker does it’s attack ever 7 seconds unless traited. Also, if it’s hitting you for 2-3k, it’s hitting you several times in one swoop. The actual per hit damage is signifigantly lower.

Even if you are on the mesmer…heck, just use decoy, staff 2 or just moa your way to victory.

Necros cry the most about Moa because Necros are the biggest Moa target. Moa is a 3 minute cooldown skill. You can summon your flesh golem every minute.

The insane survivability combined with the too high damage for that kind of survivability is just mind-numbening . This plus the insane burst of some classes simply kills the fun in pvp – at least for me.

You’re bad and should feel bad. AoE condition necros are up there with Condition Rangers and AoE elementalists in one of the “Must Avoid” lists among Phantasem based Mesmers. A Mesmer’s survivability relies on their illusions, which you have the ability to absolutely destroy in your toolkit, along with Guardians which you probably complain about as well.

You’re giving bad feedback, when it’s within your ability to stomp the classes you’re concerned about. Thief and Warrior are your banes on Necro more than Mesmer. Mesmers are weak against you, which is why you’re getting Moaed so often, we want you OUT of the fight as much as possible.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Kryank.8069


I have played most classes, I tpvp with my guild and I find that most classes have a build that can be annoying if played well but i would not class them as OP, Mesmer I played first as my main, I have about 140 matches with it, my guardian 80, necro 70, warrior, thief and elementalist all <20. The clone mechanic can be hard to get use to, but I find the real Mesmer easy to spot, clones do not have multiple boons, or backpedal or evade roll. As soon as you see those hit ctrl and T and get other people to press t then they are down, I play my necro as a mark build and they have no probs killing clones as they have hardly any HP. Necro condition builds are very strong but just not in an obvious way, you don’t always notice that a necro has killed you as it is usually the melee in your face you pay attention to, not the necro / elementalist dropping aoe dots on you from a far. The problem is the new mechanic not that they are OP, once you learn how to deal with them they are a lot less of a threat.

Proud Member of [TaG] Gunnar’s Hold (EU)

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: uncop.5073


I main mesmer and honestly, there’s something off with the profession. It’s the only profession where I (and seemingly most high-level players) run pretty much berserker all the way and still feel about as survivable as a non-tanky guardian or necro. The clones make Decoy and Blink awesome, but apart from that, they’re just disproportionately good against beginners.

The real problem is the combination of staff, Ethereal combos and possibly the trait that gives protection on regen. Mesmer is the only profession that has a (semi) stunbreaker and anti-immobilize in a neat 10 (usually 8 )-second recharge pack. This makes them virtually invulnerable to regular burst specs, even if he makes a positional/clone mistake. While Chaos Armor is up (and thanks to Leap finishers, it is up a lot), it’s a given that he has protection. Again, something that is usually a medium-recharge utility skill.

Then there is Sword/Pistol. It’s the main Mesmer damage set, except it still offers defense comparable to guardian weaponsets. This is understandable with Mesmer having caster armor, but eh. Make a mistake, and Blurred Frenzy usually is there to bail you out. Have fun with the dual Leap finisher that is skill 3, especially if you use Null Field (which you should, shortbow rangers and condition necros are among the only things that make me feel vulnerable). Trick Shot I’m sure everyone knows, buys a couple seconds against anything.

Not really related to this thread, but these 3 weapons are so much better than everything else mesmer has that major nerfs/buffs are in order. I used a greatsword+sword phantasm build when I started tournament play and when I found out how to really use staff, the loss in damage felt like nothing. I successfully played a scepter condition/shatter build for over 80 tourna matches and when I switched to sword, it only took a match or two and I felt like I’d been an idiot.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Kalar Meadia.8439

Kalar Meadia.8439

I main mesmer and honestly, there’s something off with the profession. It’s the only profession where I (and seemingly most high-level players) run pretty much berserker all the way and still feel about as survivable as a non-tanky guardian or necro. The clones make Decoy and Blink awesome, but apart from that, they’re just disproportionately good against beginners.

The real problem is the combination of staff, Ethereal combos and possibly the trait that gives protection on regen. Mesmer is the only profession that has a (semi) stunbreaker and anti-immobilize in a neat 10 (usually 8 )-second recharge pack. This makes them virtually invulnerable to regular burst specs, even if he makes a positional/clone mistake. While Chaos Armor is up (and thanks to Leap finishers, it is up a lot), it’s a given that he has protection. Again, something that is usually a medium-recharge utility skill.

Then there is Sword/Pistol. It’s the main Mesmer damage set, except it still offers defense comparable to guardian weaponsets. This is understandable with Mesmer having caster armor, but eh. Make a mistake, and Blurred Frenzy usually is there to bail you out. Have fun with the dual Leap finisher that is skill 3, especially if you use Null Field (which you should, shortbow rangers and condition necros are among the only things that make me feel vulnerable). Trick Shot I’m sure everyone knows, buys a couple seconds against anything.

Not really related to this thread, but these 3 weapons are so much better than everything else mesmer has that major nerfs/buffs are in order. I used a greatsword+sword phantasm build when I started tournament play and when I found out how to really use staff, the loss in damage felt like nothing. I successfully played a scepter condition/shatter build for over 80 tourna matches and when I switched to sword, it only took a match or two and I felt like I’d been an idiot.

I’d like to see your build.

The TRUE issue about Mesmer is that it’s enitre mechanics rely on deception, and those unfamiliar with the build do not get the benefit of capitalizing on your weaknesses.

For example, depending entirely on your build, you could be highly vulernable to condition damage and AoE damage. My guess is that you’re running a power/condition damage build which is why could could flawlessly switch to Sword (Main or offhand?)

It’s not that you’re highly survivable, it’s that you’re slippery and people are trying to lay physical damage on you, instead of piling on the condition/AoEs. I’d have to see your build, however to see for certain.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Most Mesmers run around all over the place while Clones are generally stationary, so it’s usually very easy to tell which one is the Mesmer if they aren’t out of LoS or cloaked. Also, Clones have long pauses between attacks, which gives them away if you observe the battlefield for a second or so.

In general I do not find enemy Mesmers difficult to distinguish at all. Stealth and teleports disrupt me far more than Clones do.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Derps.7421


Okay lemme get this straight here.
Every class is OP except the class i play but when you play my class it becomes way to popular cause its OP and if you kill me your class is OP? Is that right?

Dr. Professor Evil – Engi
Stunned Girls Can’t Say No <Hawt>

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Crab Mob Irish.1670

Crab Mob Irish.1670

op cried so much that i decided to do his homework for him so everyone will stop making fun of him.

Decoy – creates a clone and stealths me for a couple of seconds. Dodge for a few seconds and wait for me to pop back out of stealth. Anytime a mesmer pops out of stealth, focus that one, no clones stealth.

General clone fighting – clones dont dodge, (i reference this because of the animation), they dont strafe, they dont jump, they pretty much stand there. Anytime you see a mesmer doing the above, thats your focus target. If you literally just pay attention for 1 good second you can spot the real one.

(If talented) theres a skill that is the exact same as decoy, except pops at 25%. See decoy info for how to beat it.

MOA – bring lube to make it hurt less

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: uncop.5073


I’d like to see your build.

The TRUE issue about Mesmer is that it’s enitre mechanics rely on deception, and those unfamiliar with the build do not get the benefit of capitalizing on your weaknesses.

For example, depending entirely on your build, you could be highly vulernable to condition damage and AoE damage. My guess is that you’re running a power/condition damage build which is why could could flawlessly switch to Sword (Main or offhand?)

It’s not that you’re highly survivable, it’s that you’re slippery and people are trying to lay physical damage on you, instead of piling on the condition/AoEs. I’d have to see your build, however to see for certain.

You kind of ignored that everything I specified was simply in the weapons themselves, no special building required. My build is 80-100% the same any streaming/youtube staff+sword/pistol mesmer runs (power+precision+crit). Mesmer a very versatile profession, you’re usually the 2nd best guy at anything in your team, and do what the best would do if he wasn’t fighting elsewhere, so you get into all kinds of fights. The way mesmers play is they fluctuate between two weaponsets to maximize illusion spam (and consequently shatters), so you’re often weaponswitching on recharge. Sword is to get an edge by carving into enemy hp and staff is to keep that edge through medium sustained damage and through-the-roof defense. It’s something explained best by watching a good player’s videos.

You should realize a profession can be both slippery AND tough, and that was kind of what I was getting at. Like guardian, mesmer has no counters bad enough to make them feel weak in 1v1, just vulnerable in the sense that if you make a few mistakes, you might lose. Utilities can also be switched during matches; if you’re afraid of a specific condition-build enemy, you switch that blink to a condition removal and back after winning the match. Because staff has counters to both burst and sustained damage, subbing defensive utility out doesn’t feel like a sacrifice.

In all honesty, the lack of a good matchup system severely hinders the evolution of the metagame and finding really good players to fight, so there could be ways to reliably punish mesmers for statbuilding all offense, but I’ve never seen one that didn’t require popping an elite. What I mean by this is when I lose a fight, it was always a mistake of mine, never just the other guy being so good or having such a build that i couldn’t beat him next time. Only defensive builds like support Guardian evoke the same feeling of “I can shrug off everything that guy can throw at me if I’m just smart about how I use my skills.” Other berserker-wearing builds are more like “I’ve got to hit him hard from a good position so he never gets to hit back, otherwise I need a plan to get away”.

(edited by uncop.5073)

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: SideStep.1347


Yeah, Mesmer clones are too rewarding for them.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Derailed.4817


Only read the first two or four replies, but thought I would give a quick hint on how to spot the " real " mesmer. I run ahead and do less of group fighting then I do solo. I used to have a problem with this too. If you pay attention to buffs ( yes I know clones can get fury and might and what not. ). But look for signet buffs and or prep buffs it’s the simplest way. Targeting the real mesmer and popping an aoe will kill off the clones and keep you on track. The thing is you have to watch that dang confusion… It’s more than annoying.

I personally think the mesmer isn’t too " OP ", I do however think the clone rate is " OP ". Meaning there should be a limit on how often a clone can be spawned. It’s not hard to keep three clones constantly up at all times during a fight.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: MaXi.3642


I personally think the mesmer isn’t too " OP ", I do however think the clone rate is " OP ". Meaning there should be a limit on how often a clone can be spawned. It’s not hard to keep three clones constantly up at all times during a fight.

it is, you know, skills got cooldown… maybe you mean trait which gives clones on dodge? and it was 15 point minor trait, then they moved it to 20 point major… a think it should be 30 point one… without that trait, its much harder to keep up clones

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Derailed.4817


Yes MaXi I was taking the trait into that too. If you time it right and use dodge as mainly a clone spawner, you can keep them up easily. Lets be honest, how often does a mesmer have to dodge? Really just when bridging clone cd’s haha.

I agree it should be moved to 30 or made into a signet passive with a cool down. IE: Spawn a clone when dodging. ( Effect cannot occur more than once every 45 seconds. ). In general though, my personal problem with a mesmer isn’t the clones, it’s the constant stack of confusion. You can burn all your removals and they just keep laying them on thick. That’s when you just run circles around them and laugh because their dmg doesn’t do anything ( the confusion builds at least. ). Now if they are condition + confusion yea there is no running circles around ’em

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Freakiie.8940


Constant stacks of confusion? Really? I found confusion to be highly inefficient and hard to apply long enough. The duration is already short and it only has a trait to increase it, unlike other conditions that also have runes + sigils. Not to mention it only really worked well against people using quickness, since nobody spammed attacks fast enough otherwise.

About clones. Meh. Seriously meh. Clones do NO damage, unless you use them for shatters, in which case they get destroyed, thus no more clones, thus no hard times spotting the Mesmer. The more clones a Mesmer has out, the lower his damage output.

Oh and Asmodean, massive teamfight and you have no AoE on your side? Perhaps you don’t need a lrn2play, but a lrn2teamcomposition might fit there. Yes Phantasms/Clones are REALLY squishy. Phantasms/clones don’t dodge your AoEs so all you need to do is throw one AoE into the mess and you clean up most of the illusions. Sure it won’t kill the Mesmer, but he’ll do barely any damage.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Mammoth.1975


Bouncing attacks are fun against mesmers btw. If you’re built for damage, the first two will kill all the clones and then he takes double damage from each attack every time he summons a new clone. Quite a lot of mesmers appear to find this very confusing.

Also decent against rangers and most necros.

If you’re not playing to win, don’t complain when you lose.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Regarding Illusions and AoEs: actually, I find that Illusions do sometimes run away from AoEs. They don’t always succeed, but they do try. Quite cute actually.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Huh? What, are people already crying about it? What happened to all the bragging “if you don’t spot the real mesmer in 0,5s from a fake then you are bad” ????

Yes, it is annoying, yes it is intended, yes it is the only defense mesmers really have. Is it OP ? No it’s not. Can i tell them apart? Yes, almost always but not always instantly.

Clones aren’t half bad. Phantasm dmg and shatters are worse;p

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Effusion.4831


Regarding Illusions and AoEs: actually, I find that Illusions do sometimes run away from AoEs. They don’t always succeed, but they do try. Quite cute actually.

They move when they don’t have range/los on their target, but that’s it.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Brennus.1435


I once played another MMO with a certain clothie magic class who could cast mirror images of itself. I learned to differentiate those because the human intelligence just acts extremely different under circumstances where it might die. If you can’t spot the mesmer moving around, with all it’s clones out after a few seconds, you should restart and try again.

“Everyone is born a 5 signet Warrior,
what we become later only depends
on how hard we try and how good we want to become.” -HannaDeFreitas

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Embolism.8106


Regarding Illusions and AoEs: actually, I find that Illusions do sometimes run away from AoEs. They don’t always succeed, but they do try. Quite cute actually.

They move when they don’t have range/los on their target, but that’s it.

They do move out of AoEs sometimes too, occasionally my Phantasms would run out of an AoE away from its target (usually if they move it’s always towards their target). It doesn’t seem to happen often however.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: uncop.5073


Huh? What, are people already crying about it? What happened to all the bragging “if you don’t spot the real mesmer in 0,5s from a fake then you are bad” ????

Yes, it is annoying, yes it is intended, yes it is the only defense mesmers really have. Is it OP ? No it’s not. Can i tell them apart? Yes, almost always but not always instantly.

Clones aren’t half bad. Phantasm dmg and shatters are worse;p

I’d love that to be true, but mesmers have loads upon loads of defense apart from the clones. They have some of the best defensive weapons, traits and utilities in the game on top of their class mechanic. The greatsword/sword mesmers who are honest glass cannons that deceive using their clones, those feel balanced. Staff/sword mesmers that are statbuilt like a three-hit-kill thieves but play like Guardians, those do not.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Esethia.9257


People whine too much instead of getting better, I have no problems with mesmers, my character is a mesmer, I have played other proffs too, it’s all about spotting the real mesmer, clones doesn’t dogde or run, pretty easy to spot the real one and focus on him.
And to the guy who mentioned his high ranked group whining about a mesmer, again this game isn’t about ranks, but skills.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: cortoss.8093


The problem is the mesmers ridiculous escape abilities. You can keep a 3 man crew busy by yourself by just going invisible/teleporting around.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Mac.1936


As a Mesmer most of the time, I can say AoE is the most annoying thing for me. Not only for clones, but phantasms as well. But, if AoE is not an option for you, you are one of the unlucky people that just isn’t good. I’m not saying that because you don’t have AoE, but because you are one of the unfortunate souls that just keeps killing clones and never hits me while I laugh at you. There are plenty of people that never even attack my clones and go straight for me, so what is it they are doing different that you can’t do?

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


Do Mesmers still believe that nobody is able to see the real mesmer after 30 days of playing? If thats all it takes to totally counter and destroy a mesmer, why are they still in top tier tournaments? If what you guys say is true then mesmers should suck hairy balls in higher skilled games…but…

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Killyox.3950


Do Mesmers still believe that nobody is able to see the real mesmer after 30 days of playing? If thats all it takes to totally counter and destroy a mesmer, why are they still in top tier tournaments? If what you guys say is true then mesmers should suck hairy balls in higher skilled games…but…

They are in tournaments mostly for portal….you know….Trebuchet….treb destroyed….porta → run for rep kit → activate portal instant repair treb.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Freakiie.8940


Do Mesmers still believe that nobody is able to see the real mesmer after 30 days of playing? If thats all it takes to totally counter and destroy a mesmer, why are they still in top tier tournaments? If what you guys say is true then mesmers should suck hairy balls in higher skilled games…but…

  • Looks at thread title *

I’m quite sure this thread is about clones, not Mesmers in general. Oh and I think the thread title also answers your question. It’s not Mesmers that think people don’t know where they are, it’s that people still don’t know where the real Mesmer is.

Edit: Seriously, why are stars the symbol to make text bold >.<

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: andybmcc.8751


Played some sPvP with a flamethrower engineer. Mesmers were my favorite class to go up against. I just lol-dropped phantasms and clones like they were cardboard cutouts.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: GankSinatra.2653


Do Mesmers still believe that nobody is able to see the real mesmer after 30 days of playing? If thats all it takes to totally counter and destroy a mesmer, why are they still in top tier tournaments? If what you guys say is true then mesmers should suck hairy balls in higher skilled games…but…

They are in tournaments mostly for portal….you know….Trebuchet….treb destroyed….porta -> run for rep kit -> activate portal instant repair treb.

Ah they are used just for 1 treb on 1 map, sure sure.

it’s that people still don’t know where the real Mesmer is.

After 30 days of having around 4 mesmers in every match? People still dont realise that the real mesmer is the one that dodges and moves around in ways that an NPC never will? Thats the only reason why people think mesmers are OP? Cause they are all blind and suck right? Well if you say so.

(edited by GankSinatra.2653)

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: valdamus.6289


mesmer’s clones.
no one knows which one is real.

lolol that made my day.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Baladir.2736


I for one appreciate all the good tips on how to fight messmers. I haven’t been in sPvP since beta and am going to give it a whirl. The one time I was 1v1 in beta against a messmer, I found the clones to be very annoying lol. Not knowing, I tried tab targeting each of the images in succession and I have to laugh now looking back on that. I think he finally ran away but I don’t remember. Anyway, the clones sure were annoying at the time. Now that I understand the mechanic a bit more it seems a decent temporary defense for a light armor wearer and not OP at all.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Eurosdown.6072


The real mesmer is the one that, like… casts spells and moves around and stuff. Clones do nothing but autoattack until they die or are shattered. They will never ever strafe or backpedal or dodge (they will only move forward to close distance if you go out of range) so if you see someone do any of those, they are the real mesmer.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: ClickJ.6287


compared with clones in bwe#1, no

SBI Azshara [DD]
Cloned – Lv.80 Mesmser
Clickj – Lv.80 Guardian

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Bombul.2506


I recommend 2 things. Change clones to phantasms in your complaint as clones will crit for about 15 damage. Also play a mesmer in PvE to level 20 or so, the difference between clones and player will become obvious (looks, skill use, bouncing attacks never bounce to a clone, actions, etc).

And to relieve your GS/Staff combo fears…the creature coming withing 900 feet of you is an illusion as those 2 weapons are ranged weapons (in fact, great sword becomes very weak close up).

Mesmers are very hard to kill, but that is their game…they twinkle toes you to death.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Demonic Toys.7248

Demonic Toys.7248

Mesmer clone need 2 shot? that’s 2 shot too many. So OP. Real mesmer should need 3 shot for balance.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: labotimy.2439


i play guardian mesmer thief warrior, and whatever else floats my boat in spvp.


people that defend this type of bs are simply defending their mains. i play mesmer ALOT and its OP. the confusion from all the clones and illusions brings on a whole new level of survivability that other classes just cannot compete with. why cant an ele even imagine using a glass spec like my mesmers successfully? this isnt even getting into the broken mechanics mesmers can abuse like summoning illusions out of LoS, having said illusions run through base doors, or teleporting on kyhlo. class is OP.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Leadfoot.9071


Huh? What, are people already crying about it? What happened to all the bragging “if you don’t spot the real mesmer in 0,5s from a fake then you are bad” ????

Yes, it is annoying, yes it is intended, yes it is the only defense mesmers really have. Is it OP ? No it’s not. Can i tell them apart? Yes, almost always but not always instantly.

Clones aren’t half bad. Phantasm dmg and shatters are worse;p

I’d love that to be true, but mesmers have loads upon loads of defense apart from the clones. They have some of the best defensive weapons, traits and utilities in the game on top of their class mechanic. The greatsword/sword mesmers who are honest glass cannons that deceive using their clones, those feel balanced. Staff/sword mesmers that are statbuilt like a three-hit-kill thieves but play like Guardians, those do not.

I have noticed this quite a bit. I only play hot join and am not that good – but I constantly see fairly skilled mesmers basically trolling 2-3 other players at points – just sitting there harrassing and never dieing. They can be extremely effective with clone spam and seem to have lots of tricks to get out of trouble.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: BlueprintLFE.2358


so many people just replied wrong infomations. i can’t quote all of them but i will try..
did you read my post? please read them and back again. i never meant “please make a button to kill mesmer easily”. i am talking about overpowered skills. i saw many people who complained that mesmer is too annoying. it means mesmer has some OP skills. it is not my opinion. it is the most people’s opinions. i didn’t see many threads about mesmer clone skills. so i decided to post this thread.

the problem is you can’t see which one is real. and even if you target the mesmer(ctrl+click) and you see red thing on his head for a while. it will disappear suddenly. there is no way you can see real one if the red thing on his head is gone. and mesmer uses stealth or blink, it is more harder to see real one. it is impossible to see real one in fighting.

and i said they are all high rank. and they are not stupid like you. they have all jobs and good lives. and they played gw2 for many days. but still they say it is too hard to kill mesmer and mesmer is too annoying. and whenever they fight mesmer, they start complaining about mesmer. and i said why mesmer is OP. because the red thing on his head is gone suddenly when he uses some skill.

and if someone in your team targets other enemy. and if other enemy gets the red thing on his head, it is impossible to know which mesmer is real.
and if mesmer uses greatsword, the clone uses greatsword. i saw that mesmer spawns many clones and he doesn’t move on purpose. and people couldn’t be able to attack real one for a while. you must kill 3 clones in fighting. there were many enemies. do you really think you have enough time to kill those 3 clones or know real mesmer in fighting? i think you never played tournament or you always met weak team in tournament. but most people in tournament are way too stronger than random server.

only noobs or rude people say L2P. strong people know they are strong. they never say L2P. and spamming overpowered skills like thief and mesmer is not Learn to Play.

learn to say truth.
i am talking about real situation that i have experienced in tournament for weeks. if you call me rude or something here, you are very stupid person.

Mate, honestly, what level is your Mesmer?

Oh you don’t have one? Make one and learn the skills, that’s your problem. You can’t come in here calling for nerfs if you haven’t put in the work to learn the class you are having problems with.

I had a big problem with mesmers till I rolled one. Now I destroy mesmers (unless its 2 or I just get out skilled.) I now understand the class and its abilities.

Come on man this applies to real life as well. You think sports teams just go, oh man that team is hard well guess we can’t beat them, that’s unfair. No they put in the time to learn the opponent.

USMC 1st Battalion 10th Marines
Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW

(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Jelle.2807


It’s not that bad. Only against tiny asura mesmer is it infuriating.
Usually I’d get my target easy enough by approaching the intended target and letting auto target do the rest, naturally you can’t do that against a mesmer with clones up. So you need to do it the old fashioned way and click the kitten mesmer, but man are those tiny asura hard to click!

I wouldn’t say mesmer is OP overall, just glass cannon mesmers with their silly high survivability through trickery. Honestly I can’t fathom why it was thought to be a good idea to let all classes be able to go glass cannon, but only give some the tricks to pull it off (mesmer and thief notably)

(edited by Jelle.2807)

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Psikerlord.2569


I’m pretty sure mesmers are one of the top, if not the top, pvp 1v1 class. And their elites are awesome: bird = win 1v1 or sometimes 2v1 or 10sec quickness elite = crazy good. My suggestion is have a go at one. it helps to understand where they just ported to/if they stealthed, etc etc. Still very difficult opponents. Who knows you might stick with mesmer once you roll one. Greatsword is fun..

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Teabaker.9524


I most of the time know which clone is the right one. However, shatter-mesmer deal such a burst damage that you don’t have enough seconds to distinguish the player from the clones. A shatter-mesmer can burst 60% of your HP while you’re rooted :/ Also with an instant stealth ability and a 900 range teleport with stunbreaker it’s impossible to chatch one of those. I started playing shatter-mesmer to understand how they work and how to counter them. My conclusion? You don’t.

EDIT: Also, unlike thieves, mesmer has amazing group utility: Void Field (Best condition remover in the game and it also removes boons from allies), 10 sec quickness for the group and portals.

Mesmer is probably #1 Class for hotjoin and tPvP. I mean, what do you do as thief if you’re against a heavy condition team? You’re kittened. What do you do as mesmer? You switch to null field and they are kittened, easy as that.

(edited by Teabaker.9524)

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Kaimick.5109


mesmer’s clones.
no one knows which one is real. and the mesmer runs away perfectly.
if you played spvp until 15 rank, you know what i mean.
everyone in my tourney party said it is too hard to kill mesmers.
it should be revealed after 5 seconds or be blinked every 5 second or become different color and back to normal every 5 second.
and many clones are too annoying. it is impossible to kill mesmer.
i can’t even attack mesmer if he keeps spawning clones!!!!

Here is an easy way Ctrl + T or Ctrl + left click on real one.
Hint form a Mesmer player Clones do no damage that is to be worried about, also clones do not have BUFFS

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


its very easy to identify a mesmer.. there are some easy tools how to recognize it

1) knowelage – you need to know how mesmers skills works
2) mark – just mark your mesmer and keep him targeted.
3) blink / decoy are easily recognised
4) clones never kite even they dont move (they attack you only). So the one who is moving.. is the mesmer
5) clones never dodgeroll
6) keep an eye on what weapon mesmer is using against you (staff = phase retreat, sword = swap, greatsword = bouncing attack). When you know what weapon is against you, you basically know when he create clone

.. play a mesmer for 1-2 week. Then you recognize 90% very fast where is your mesmer.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Carighan.6758


Aoe damage is really the best counter ATM, if the Mesmer is half decent they are very hard to detect. I agree they are annoying though. Is it OP? Meh, I don’t know, I personally think its “cheap” much like stealth skills, but not sure that’s the same as OP.

The problem is more that we have very little else to show for it. With Shatter in the state it is (unfitting for the lore role it’s supposed to fill), Clones become our best defence, both against players and against NPCs.

The strength of heart to face oneself has been made manifest. The persona Carighan has appeared.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: DrixTrix.7168


just watch the one that’s not a clone move around differently, its really not rocket science and lets be honest the whole style of a mesmers game play is built around annoyance, with out there clones the’ll be useless.

different movement / weapon switches / different skills are all things to watch out for the great sword clones only use that one certain attack when you see a big ‘’Whoosh!’’ go tag him, play defensive, stop moaning its there style of play.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Arheundel.6451


its very easy to identify a mesmer.. there are some easy tools how to recognize it

1) knowelage – you need to know how mesmers skills works
2) mark – just mark your mesmer and keep him targeted.
3) blink / decoy are easily recognised
4) clones never kite even they dont move (they attack you only). So the one who is moving.. is the mesmer
5) clones never dodgeroll
6) keep an eye on what weapon mesmer is using against you (staff = phase retreat, sword = swap, greatsword = bouncing attack). When you know what weapon is against you, you basically know when he create clone

.. play a mesmer for 1-2 week. Then you recognize 90% very fast where is your mesmer.

It’s pointless to target mesmers……phase retreat and target drop, and the skill is on a 8s CD lol

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Aragiel.6132


and? the mark will help you to recognize him in betwen his clones. if he phase retreat / blink / decoy.. then these are visible animations. Especiatelly phase retreat is so simple.. you just need to see it and then go for real mesme.

im really playing a mesmer for a long time to be pretty much sure in every situation i fight other mesmer.. and if i can recognize it.. then everyone can.

mesmer clones are OP

in PvP

Posted by: Dual.8953


its very easy to identify a mesmer.. there are some easy tools how to recognize it

1) knowelage – you need to know how mesmers skills works
2) mark – just mark your mesmer and keep him targeted.
3) blink / decoy are easily recognised
4) clones never kite even they dont move (they attack you only). So the one who is moving.. is the mesmer
5) clones never dodgeroll
6) keep an eye on what weapon mesmer is using against you (staff = phase retreat, sword = swap, greatsword = bouncing attack). When you know what weapon is against you, you basically know when he create clone

.. play a mesmer for 1-2 week. Then you recognize 90% very fast where is your mesmer.

It’s pointless to target mesmers……phase retreat and target drop, and the skill is on a 8s CD lol

Depends on whether the Mesmer’s packing a staff or not. And it’s a 10 second CD unless they’re carrying Chaotic Dampening. And on top of that, if you can’t pick out the real mesmer, you really need to pay more attention to details. They’re usually pretty obvious to me, unless they go as far as to mimic their own clones (which means they’d have to be holding a 2-handers and just standing auto attacking. And process of elimination doesn’t take that long.

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