I like that there are so many different ways to enjoy GW2, there are so many different things to do and so many different systems in the game that gobble up my time like langoliers.
Account Bound Dyes
I would like to enjoy the dye system, but with character bound dyes i find that (for me atleast) it just becomes a big hassel storing all the dyes that i come across that i cannot decide which character to have them on, and it stresses me out that i could possibly apply the dye to the wrong character and regret it later, or i could sell the dye then when i start to play an alt a year from now i am hitting myself in the head… “oh man i had that dye and i sold it!”. Also, there is no way in hell i am even going to attempt to collect the ?350? dyes on all 5 characters!
If the dyes were account wide it would alleviate my concerns and i would totally buy into the “gotta get them all!” mentality. But the way the system is now ive gotten to the point that when i get a dye i just take a glance at it and then toss it up on the tradeing post instead of stressing about what to do with it, It really sucks that i am not enjoying this part of the game but this IS a GAME and i should be enjoying myself, not stressing over what to do with a specific color of pixels…. Depending on how many people out there have the same feelings about the system as i do, having dyes character bound could possibly be detremental to the sale of dye packs on the gem shop. Also, I know that having the dyes character bound is pushing many players away from enjoying the system, and isnt that whats really important? The Players.
Only suggestion i have here is to make dyes account wide but reduce the drop rate so it is still a feat to collect all the dyes but then you wont have to worry about storeing them or getting them on the right character when you do get them.
If anyone knows of any kind of petition for account bound dyes going around please let me know
Armor Storage
I have never been much of an armor collector in other games, but in GW2 collecting armor is a HUGE part of later game content / time sink. I would like to thoroughly enjoy this part of the game. Takeing a look at the current state of my bank… I have collected 0 peices of armor and i have exactly 3 open slots in my bank, this just isnt adding up, I know there are 8 different armor sets as well as racial armors and there must be a few other different armor sets that i dont know about and I have 5 characters…
I am not opposed to paying money for bank tabs, and i intend to buy some additional bank tabs for my wife and i as soon as we can afford it, but we dont intend to fill it up with armor skins. We need a better solution for storeing our 50+ armor skins that we will accumulate over the next 5+ years. I was thinking something similar to our collections tab, others have suggested some kind of armor gallery in our home instance, i wouldnt mind either idea.
I feel that this is another case of a fun system that has been put into the game that is either an annoyance or a hinderance to actually enjoy it to its full potential. And armor skins are a much bigger aspect of the game than dyes. Please do something to make these system more accesible and enjoyable for the casual player.
Guild Info and Calendar
Simple as this, I would like somewhere that i can post our guild website as well as our guild Mumble info that is accesible to all members that isnt the message of the day. Also i would like somewhere to schedule guild events that is also accesible to all members, this can be the message of the day as long as i have a spot to put the website and mumble info.
I am currently trying to plan guild events on a forum on our website. Needless to say, the idea hasnt exactly “taken off”. As it turns out, players would rather be enjoying themselves in game than reading on some guild website forum, go figure…
There, I have made my suggestions in the suggestions forum
(edited by Grashopa.8176)