Can we get at least a 5 minute grace period to re-enter our homeworld, shard, overflow, instance, dungeon on disconnects?
I realize I’m on an undesirable internet connection because I’m currently deployed in Afghanistan. I am able to play but continue to have interruptions in my connections. Having the grace period to re-join our previous game-play would make this game much more enjoyable. We all realize that stuff happens, hardware sputters, internet lags, programs block and interrupt, etc.
Im pretty sure that Guild Wars 1 had this ability. Its been over a year since Ive played. All my interests reside in GW2.
Glancing at map chat, I am not the only person having these issues. People with great connections and hardware are also having this problem.
Playing a 45 minute Chaos event and being disconnected 1-5 minutes before it ends is very disappointing. Sometimes logging back in and finishing the event does not keep track of the portals that you have closed and the returns for completion are diminished. Furthermore, to log back in after disconnection and find that all the work you did was lost to an overflow without the event running makes for a bad taste in ones mouth.
I’m sure it is not much work to implement this subtle change and greatly increase the appreciation from the community and the game-play experience from many who want to enjoy the game when they have a chance to play it.
Appreciate the time and work that went into this game. I truly enjoy it when I do get a chance to play, even on a laggy network from Afghanistan on my off time.