Currently, the whole Gathering and Salvaging system is a mess…
- Gathering Tool icons look the same no matter the quality
(Copper and Orichalcum Mining Pick look the same) - Gathering Tools are
soulboundaccount bound and can’t be sold to vendor nor salvaged. - Gathering Tools are annoying to manage because you spend them in different quantities and end up with a surplus of Tools you don’t need.
- Gathering a node below your Tool quality is a waste.
My suggestions:
- Make Gathering Tools salvageable
Every now and then you get Tools from loot bags. Tools that are soulbound and you don’t need. You can’t do anything with them without wasting your time.
a) Make Tools only yield 1 of the corresponding Ore/Wood
- Orichalcum Tool yield 1 Orichalcum Ore OR 1 Ancient Wood Log.
- The costs of the tools are high enough that there would NEVER be a point buying tools just to salvage them. - Introduce Whetstones/Repair Kits
The goal is to make it so you just need to have 1 tool of each, and the inventory will be filled with Whetstones/Repair Kits
a) Whetstone/Repair Kit is used to transfer durability from itself to the selected Gathering Tool - Adjust Tool Durability
The goal is to make gathering lower nodes less penalizing
a) Give Tools 100 durability per Tier
600 for Orichalcum
b) Gathering Ore or Lumber Node of the Tool’s quality takes 1 durability per Tier
6 for Orichalcum
c) Gathering a Harvest Node of the Tool’s quality takes 2 durability per Tier
2×6=12 for Omnomberry
d) Gathering a Node X tiers above the Tool’s quality takes X+1 times as much durability
Gathering Orichalcum Ore with a Copper Tool would take (5+1)x6=36 durability
e) Gathering a Node without sufficient Durability results in ruined material - GW1 Salvaging System
GW1 salvaging and Upgrade system was alot better and encouraged experimenting.
The current system encourages sticking to as few builds as possible because you always destroy the item you salvage.
a) Crude Salvage Kits only extract raw materials
like the Salvage Kit in GW1
b) Basic Salvage Kits and above let you pick what to extract – raw materials or Upgrade – with 100% success
like Expert, Superior and Perfect in GW1
c) If you extract raw materials, item is always destroyed, and Upgrades are lost in the process
d) If you extract an Upgrade, you have a X% chance to keep the rest of the item intact, but of the item is not bound, it becomes Soulbound (or at least Account Bound).
- 20% for Basic Salvage Kit
- 40% for Fine Salvage Kit / Disasembler 3BEK
- 60% for Journeyman’s Salvage Kit
- 80% for Master’s Salvage Kit / Mystic Salvage Kit
- 100% for Black Lion Salvage Kit
e) Chance to obtain a Rarer item remain the same
- 10% for Basic Salvage Kit / Disasembler 3BEK
- 15% for Fine Salvage Kit
- 20% for Journeyman’s Salvage Kit
- 25% for Master’s Salvage Kit / Mystic Salvage Kit
- 50% for Black Lion Salvage Kit - (Optional) Introduce Fishing
The goal is making the game more fun. There’s so much water, that it’s a shame you can’t fish.
a) You’d have a 4th gathering Tool slot (Fishing Pole)
b) Fishing Poles would have varying qualities and 2 Upgrade Slots: 1 for Fishing Line and 1 for Lure
c) The Fishing Lines would have charges
d) Lure would stack in your inventory but otherwise 1 unit consumed per Fish.
e) There would be a minigame:
- You have to tire the fish by managing the Fishing Line’s Tension against the fish’s Stamina.
Breath of Fire IV has an awesome fishing mini-game, but it’s arguably too complex to be introduced in GW2, still, it’s an example worth following.
- Outstanding success could result in keeping the Lure
- Going above the max Tension results in breaking the Line
- Going below the minimum Tension results in losing both the Lure and the Fish
- If you use a T4 Pole with a T5 Line and try to catch a T5 fish, you damage the Pole - (Optional) Make Gathering more Interesting
The goal is making gathering reward better those who try, and also make bots less efficient
a) Make Mining similar to Minesweeper
You’re trying to pick the stone away to get the Metal
b) Make Logging about aligning Power & Accuracy
You’re trying to chop the wood clean, not destroy it
c) Make Harvesting about using 5 skills in the designated order
Some plants are half-buried and you need to pull, cut, twist, etc, depending on the terrain and other variables
d) Scoring higher:
- yields more materials
- has a better chance to obtain rare materials
- (optional) has a chance to not use Durability
I think I included everything.
Let me know what you think.
Salvaging Revamp || Combo Concepts || Expansion Concepts || Condition Stacking
Endurance 2.0 || Attributes, Traits and Conditions || Skill Variants
Endurance 2.0 || Attributes, Traits and Conditions || Skill Variants
(edited by Nurvus.2891)