01-18 Devona's Rest / Kaineng / Ehmry Bay
Fight clubs don’t demonstrate skill in WvW , they demonstrate skill at dueling or 5v5. There’s a big difference in roaming groups like AD who don’t really duel and those who do.(Not implying anything negative) We don’t run duelist builds as a norm, we tend to pick the builds that offer the best group support which makes us weak in a duel.
Fight clubs don’t demonstrate skill in WvW , they demonstrate skill at dueling or 5v5. There’s a big difference in roaming groups like AD who don’t really duel and those who do.(Not implying anything negative) We don’t run duelist builds as a norm, we tend to pick the builds that offer the best group support which makes us weak in a duel.
Fight Club is also about learning. For example last week a few of our guardians tried different build tweaks and weapons vs dagger/dagger elementalists. We lost all matches except one against them but we learned a lot.
Mostly Fight Club is about fun. Lots of funny things always seem to happen, and it never gets old being able to hang out and have a laugh with people who you’ve been battling over the entire week.
Guardian – Commander – Officer of Rethesis [RE] Tarnished Coast
I’m pretty sure the whole point of Fight Club is that its the one place you can go to in WvW which (ironically enough) is completely non confrontational. You won’t get instantly ganked by red names. Theres no trash talk and if you do badly it doesn’t matter. Nobody stakes you, nobody dances on your corpse and nobody boasts about how they owned you on the forum. Everyone /bows before and after. Its the most gentrified place in this game.
It doesn’t matter what class you play or build you use. It doesn’t matter what level you are. Against some players you will have zero chance of downing them because there is no 1vs1 class balance in this game. So who cares right?
Behind the windmill on Fight Club nights is pretty much the only place you can go in WvW where your enemies will actually assist you in pushing back a hostile invasion trying to break up a Fight Club. Its inclusive (not exclusive). On Maguuma we carry on the tradition because its worth doing and fosters mutual respect between adversaries.
Hehe, I got here Dec. 14th and didn’t really recall them.
That’s because Kaineng imploded after Thanksgiving due to drama caused by KR, KAIN, and SoS that caused two of the major guilds holding the server WvW efforts afloat to move to Dragonbrand.
So we were probably on Fergs on Dec 14th.
Honestly though, what have we (SoS) caused? >.>
I don’t think most of my guildmate can speak fluent English to understand what’s going on, not to mention stirring up drama.
Don’t blame them leaving on us, kthxbye
I’ll assign blame as I see fit and you are partially responsible for Kaineng’s utter collapse last month, though admittedly less culpable than Darxio and company.
You were, by your own admission, totally unreliable. The very moment a significant point gap appeared you guys would vanish from WvW, taking the servers only chance at doing anything in the Asian/Oceanic timeslot with you, and then proceed to complain about us losing.
That last bit has always been what I found to be particularly galling and obnoxious. Fair enough if you don’t want to play, but bloody hell don’t go around trying to pin failure on other people who were putting in just as much, if not more, effort as you.
(edited by Attic.1562)
Fight clubs don’t demonstrate skill in WvW , they demonstrate skill at dueling or 5v5. There’s a big difference in roaming groups like AD who don’t really duel and those who do.(Not implying anything negative) We don’t run duelist builds as a norm, we tend to pick the builds that offer the best group support which makes us weak in a duel.
Fight Club is also about learning. For example last week a few of our guardians tried different build tweaks and weapons vs dagger/dagger elementalists. We lost all matches except one against them but we learned a lot.
Mostly Fight Club is about fun. Lots of funny things always seem to happen, and it never gets old being able to hang out and have a laugh with people who you’ve been battling over the entire week.
I absolutely agree, I’m not against Fight Club at all. I was simply defaulting to my typical counter of “duels aren’t wvw” due to a typical response here (warranted though it was) of “come to FC and we’ll show you skill”.
I had the misfortune of trading insults with a ranger a few days ago, who summarily destroyed me in a duel so I particularly feel the difference between duelist builds and w3 builds.
( Obligatory – No offense intended to anyone comment)
You won’t get instantly ganked by red names. Theres no trash talk and if you do badly it doesn’t matter. Nobody stakes you, nobody dances on your corpse and nobody boasts about how they owned you on the forum.
^^ This. The only occasion where people stake eachother, is usually when some form of interruption comes through, and you let the opposing server stake the enemy, per the std rules. So if a group of kains come through, you bet your buttt we would sit and watch… and if your on vent, all the better. We can communicate more fluently with each other. It takes all server’s cooperation and teamwork to host the event in a positive fun environment. The outcome, is generally positive and the only thing I see if people come back and say thank you I had fun. Some people even come as spectators, and take screenies. Some like to wear town garbs, or tonics… and some like to bring fireworks.
Everyone /bows before and after. Its the most gentrified place in this game.
It doesn’t matter what class you play or build you use. It doesn’t matter what level you are.
Last week, we saw many upscaled people on kains, and other servers, usually try to keep it somewhat fair and have upscaled versus upscaled.
Or … golem versus golem ;-)
It’s not based on team synergy, or team builds. Although to the AD guys, that’s not to say a 2v2 or 5v5 can’t occur. Most certainly could, and it may be a forum when you guys could excel.
We do it, because people like to learn and improve on minor things … personally. They like to try skills in live combat where most times, they may not have them slotted, but curious how it may play out. I encourage anyone who wishes to participate, to all jump on voice comm, or at least some representation of each server, so you can communicate back to each other.
A bad player or team, may decide to go out and trash it. It’s not cool, and shunned upon, even by many from mates on the server. Please do not consider that an option, we’re not going to and communicate accordingly to our own maps. Also to note, it’s advised to retain the camp under kaineng control, to avoid any people LF something to do. Not mandatory, just helps keep numbers off the map.
You won’t get instantly ganked by red names. Theres no trash talk and if you do badly it doesn’t matter. Nobody stakes you, nobody dances on your corpse and nobody boasts about how they owned you on the forum.
^^ This. The only occasion where people stake eachother, is usually when some form of interruption comes through, and you let the opposing server stake the enemy, per the std rules. So if a group of kains come through, you bet your buttt we would sit and watch… and if your on vent, all the better. We can communicate more fluently with each other. It takes all server’s cooperation and teamwork to host the event in a positive fun environment. The outcome, is generally positive and the only thing I see if people come back and say thank you I had fun. Some people even come as spectators, and take screenies. Some like to wear town garbs, or tonics… and some like to bring fireworks.
Everyone /bows before and after. Its the most gentrified place in this game.
It doesn’t matter what class you play or build you use. It doesn’t matter what level you are.
Last week, we saw many upscaled people on kains, and other servers, usually try to keep it somewhat fair and have upscaled versus upscaled.
Or … golem versus golem ;-)
It’s not based on team synergy, or team builds. Although to the AD guys, that’s not to say a 2v2 or 5v5 can’t occur. Most certainly could, and it may be a forum when you guys could excel.
We do it, because people like to learn and improve on minor things … personally. They like to try skills in live combat where most times, they may not have them slotted, but curious how it may play out. I encourage anyone who wishes to participate, to all jump on voice comm, or at least some representation of each server, so you can communicate back to each other.
A bad player or team, may decide to go out and trash it. It’s not cool, and shunned upon, even by many from mates on the server. Please do not consider that an option, we’re not going to and communicate accordingly to our own maps. Also to note, it’s advised to retain the camp under kaineng control, to avoid any people LF something to do. Not mandatory, just helps keep numbers off the map.
Last night we actually went past there and did leave you be, because we knew what you were up to, but unfortunately (for them) the WM guys decided to chase us, and we got a little mad over that whole debacle, so we decided to crash your party.
We did not intend to ruin it for you guys, sorry for any feelings hurt.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
No for the simple fact that I can’t find a good fight anywhere. There is NO talent in all of Kainzerg.
Its only hard when taking on 4+ Kainzerg Invaders.
Congrats on beating all of our up leveled alts and irregular WvW players? Most of us don’t spend more than 30 min a day in there on weeks like this on our mains.
^ Pretty much this.
There’s currently little-to-no challenge in WvW at the moment, so many (not all) Kaineng forces aren’t playing our best. We’ll pull it back out on Reset Friday.
When I’ve been in WvW the past few days, it’s been to get XP on my upleveled-and-undergeared leafy mesmer. While I’ve had my share of kills, I’ve also handed out lots of badges lately – and that’s okay. I’ve also gained a lot of levels, which was my real goal. I think a lot of other people are playing the same way.
And this sums up the past few weeks of Kaineng WvW forum chat, too. When the weeks start out, forum posts note Kaineng’s strength and strategies. As the weekend closes and the map is one-colored, a few posts come out about how K may not be all its cracked up to be. And during the week with the map painted, we’ve seen tons of posts about how K is soft, easily killed, no skill, etc. Our opponents comment about Kaineng being crushed at the next tier by Server X, and make irrational bets about how K will never pass Tier Y. It’s not because we are not a solid server, it’s that we don’t have to bring everything to the table right now.
There’s plenty of talent on Kaineng. A lot of it was out in force on Friday night and Saturday morning. But this tier won’t see much of it anymore, unless the map starts changing colors again.
In the meantime, just enjoy your badges from killing our upleveled XP groups!
- Soul of SoS – SoS Guilds -
— Kaineng Server —
It’s not Thursday yet, so the other fight clubs / any crashing… I wouldn’t know likely know about.
As stated, we just do it for a fun break, ‘unless the scores are deadlocked/too close to pull away from action’
It’s all good, and Ranc …. you gotta like the tag line at least for giggles, first rule of FC … it’s tea party and optional. It’ may not be your cup of tea, but it’s a nice change of pace …
(edited by Hexin.5603)
One more note I forgot to add to fellow Kainengians …
I would love to learn from some of you. Is there any interest in maybe getting on later and running some profession groups in wvw, sharing tricks of the trade (in each person’s opinion), tips between each other to bring back to our respective guilds? Not really a training per say, more of a social … I was thinking of piggybacking this idea on the FC, for those not actively participating, or battling. A place to share discuss builds, or things we found effective or ineffective and why. Something to be said about building some cohesion, even casually …
On the side note: why did you give them so much power that they can even demote you? lol XD
Co-guild leaders per my request to Phyzin, original guild leader who went offline for a bit due to real life emergency issue, as I didnt want to run it at all but he pressed me into a compromise. Folks of same guild rank can demote others. They waited until I was offfline and did it.
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood
I can’t wait for this week to be over
Not b/c of the score or the fact that Kain has every spawn camped
No for the simple fact that I can’t find a good fight anywhere. There is NO talent in all of Kainzerg.
Its only hard when taking on 4+ Kainzerg Invaders.
Congratz fellas you have been nominated for this weeks “Conglomerate Zerg of Bad” Award
Congrats on beating all of our up leveled alts and irregular WvW players? Most of us don’t spend more than 30 min a day in there on weeks like this on our mains. Go to fight club organized by RE on Thursday and prove your skill
I haven’t seen one up level from RE.
I can’t wait for this week to be over
Not b/c of the score or the fact that Kain has every spawn camped
No for the simple fact that I can’t find a good fight anywhere. There is NO talent in all of Kainzerg.
Its only hard when taking on 4+ Kainzerg Invaders.
Congratz fellas you have been nominated for this weeks “Conglomerate Zerg of Bad” Award
Congrats on beating all of our up leveled alts and irregular WvW players? Most of us don’t spend more than 30 min a day in there on weeks like this on our mains. Go to fight club organized by RE on Thursday and prove your skill
I haven’t seen one up level from RE.
Well I havn’t seen you, whoever you are so hah!
See how that works? I know for a fact that I and several of the folks I run with in small groups have been playing on alts. Broad statements are gimp :P
I can’t wait for this week to be over
Not b/c of the score or the fact that Kain has every spawn camped
No for the simple fact that I can’t find a good fight anywhere. There is NO talent in all of Kainzerg.
Its only hard when taking on 4+ Kainzerg Invaders.
Congratz fellas you have been nominated for this weeks “Conglomerate Zerg of Bad” Award
Congrats on beating all of our up leveled alts and irregular WvW players? Most of us don’t spend more than 30 min a day in there on weeks like this on our mains. Go to fight club organized by RE on Thursday and prove your skill
I haven’t seen one up level from RE.
Well I havn’t seen you, whoever you are so hah!
See how that works? I know for a fact that I and several of the folks I run with in small groups have been playing on alts. Broad statements are gimp :P
Our up-levels have a tendency to hang back so not seeing them is generally b/c the rest of the zerg/group crushed them before they got back that far. Having said that…alts are sometimes 80 and PvE speced too. RE isn’t all WvW hardcore, and PvE toons need karma too!
I personally run more of a stay with the group and alive type tanky/supporting build so 1v1 is often going to be my weakness in WvW, takes too long. I keep my 1v1 2v1 3v1 spec in sPvP.
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com
I’ve put it in my latest video and am working on the editing as i write this. I should have it uploaded to youtube in an hour or so. Just working on Sound.
It’s funny, honestly, which is why I put it in the vid. lol
Reminds me of the old days….
Here we are killing a bunch of upscaled Kaineng alts after holding off EB at Redwater. GJ to EB BTW, you put a ton of pressure on us with those thieves.
Here we are ninjaing the bay from Kaineng during primetime on reset night. We snuck in behind them while they were fighting EB. Thanks for taking down the outer wall for us EB. Awesome job keeping scouts in the bay, Kaineng. I hear bay gets ninjad all of the time by small groups in T1 during primetime hours.
We end up killing a lot of upscaled Kaineng alts before we getting overrun by enough numbers to freeze our clients.
More movies of killing upscaled Kaineng alts to come.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
(edited by Oozo.7856)
Here we are killing a bunch of upscaled Kaineng alts after holding off EB at Redwater. GJ to EB BTW, you put a ton of pressure on us with those thieves.
Here we are ninjaing the bay from Kaineng during primetime on reset night. We snuck in behind them while they were fighting EB. Thanks for taking down the outer wall for us EB. Awesome job keeping scouts in the bay, Kaineng. I hear bay gets ninjad all of the time by small groups in T1 during primetime hours.
We end up killing a lot of upscaled Kaineng alts before we getting overrun by enough numbers to freeze our clients.
More movies of killing upscaled Kaineng alts to come.
Just curious, but why was Devona’s in Ehmry’s BL while you lost your entire BL?
(edited by Gorefiend.9675)
It was obvious five minutes into the reset we were completely outmatched and as such decided to have fun?
Just curious, but why were Devona’s in Ehmry’s BL while you were lost your entire BL?
Looking for fights in a pointless matchup? We are a roaming group so we don’t typically defend towers and keeps. Besides, EB is much more fun to fight since you run in manageable nonzergy groups more often than Kaineng.
Solo & Roaming Group WvW Movies
You were, by your own admission, totally unreliable. The very moment a significant point gap appeared you guys would vanish from WvW, taking the servers only chance at doing anything in the Asian/Oceanic timeslot with you, and then proceed to complain about us losing.
That post was hoping to find out what exactly was the reason behind losing, just so that we can improve on it, because maybe because I wasn’t smart enough, after all, I did my analogy, but still was no use, so I need someone to tell me the answer of why we were losing,
As for the moment that a significant point gap has appeared and us withdrawing from WvW, it’s because like DR/EBay right now, sure, they can now try to toss every men and women into WvW and try to make a change, but the sad reality is, it’s most likely not going to change a thing. Just like I’ll give you 10 mile advance and jog towards to the finish line, while I race you with a car. The moment I passed you, you KNOW there is no way that you will be able to catch up to me. It’s just that plain simple – know when you are defeated.
Sure, I could still put in every member of my guild in the battle, but what will that achieve? Nothing, except that DR will just still lingers in T8 with us longer, and you think that will bring up the morale? probably not. When a man puts all he could into battle and get defeated, it’s more than demoralizing, sometimes death. In the racing example I’ve told you before, sure, the car passed you, and now you’ve start to run, putting all the strength you have, sooner or later, your body will give up and break down, and soon will your spirit. Is this what you want us to do?
The reason why we are still staying in Kaineng for the longest part is also because I know how to maintain a level of morale that will not going to break us and make us abandon ship. As for those who burned out, on the other hand, will.
I loved Kaineng, as much as my guildmates. But if I have to choose between guild mates and server, I’d still follow the guild mate’s decision, and to avoid guild mates sprouting the idea of switching servers, this is what has to be done.
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open
Not too late to join us!
We will remain mid-tier, and dare I say that you’d find a good home in our server forum community.
Awesome fight at cliffside on dr bl just then
DR had almost as many people in the tower as kain had attacking, with our wall being trebbed from garrison. We had sieged up the walls, but werent prepared to have it dropped from such long range. When the wall finally broke, we were able to hold kain back using the breach as a chokepoint for over 5 minutes, until we finally got enough supply in to fix it up. We then returned to the walls to continue killing off kain, but there was no way we were going to take out the garrison treb. The wall fell again 5 minutes later, and this time kain rushed through. We held for a short time at the last bridge, but in the end the victory went to kain.
Well done to all involved, was one of the best battles we’ve seen all week, DR players really got a morale boost from it even though we lost, and heres hoping we can get more like it
Army of Devona [AoD]
Don’t forget our supply treb that took out your treb and started dropping fart cows all over the tower!
Trebs in Cliff can take out trebs in Garri unless eles are defending it. The Cliff trebs have a distinct height advantage. Of course then that gets counter-trebbed by trebs in camp then that gets counter zerged or counter trebbed from tower…wait I feel like I’ve done this before…
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com
Awesome fight at cliffside on dr bl just then
DR had almost as many people in the tower as kain had attacking, with our wall being trebbed from garrison. We had sieged up the walls, but werent prepared to have it dropped from such long range. When the wall finally broke, we were able to hold kain back using the breach as a chokepoint for over 5 minutes, until we finally got enough supply in to fix it up. We then returned to the walls to continue killing off kain, but there was no way we were going to take out the garrison treb. The wall fell again 5 minutes later, and this time kain rushed through. We held for a short time at the last bridge, but in the end the victory went to kain.
Well done to all involved, was one of the best battles we’ve seen all week, DR players really got a morale boost from it even though we lost, and heres hoping we can get more like it
Posts like this get me feeling all warm and fuzzy inside. This is what WvW was about for me, having enjoyable, heated battles that kept the mind thinking, team work working, and the fun flowing. Glad you got to enjoy a fight this match up ^.^.
More update on the battle of cliffside
DR quickly moved to recap our beloved tower, using the breakout event to reclaim it while other forces distracted kain elsewhere. We quickly overwhelmed the small troop left behind and began resieging. Kain quickly showed up, and the trebbing from garr started again. This time we knew what to expect, and were able to hold back kain at the breached wall for a much longer time. The wall was again repaired, and downed yet again, while our forces worked tirelessly to get a new treb up inside the tower. It looked like kain was stuck outside, and our aoe’ers were doing a great job, when a few theives found their way inside, backstabbing left and right, drawing attention off the breach. Soon we found ourselves forced back to the bridge, and alas the lords room was lost.
Once again a great time was had by all, its the most DR we’ve had in one place for a long time
Lets see what happens in round 3…
Army of Devona [AoD]
More update on the battle of cliffside
DR quickly moved to recap our beloved tower, using the breakout event to reclaim it while other forces distracted kain elsewhere. We quickly overwhelmed the small troop left behind and began resieging. Kain quickly showed up, and the trebbing from garr started again. This time we knew what to expect, and were able to hold back kain at the breached wall for a much longer time. The wall was again repaired, and downed yet again, while our forces worked tirelessly to get a new treb up inside the tower. It looked like kain was stuck outside, and our aoe’ers were doing a great job, when a few theives found their way inside, backstabbing left and right, drawing attention off the breach. Soon we found ourselves forced back to the bridge, and alas the lords room was lost.
Once again a great time was had by all, its the most DR we’ve had in one place for a long time
Lets see what happens in round 3…
Setup ballistas on the ramp and near supply hut facing the wall ;p, give these guys a good fight Have your guardians rotate sheild of absorbtion, sanctuary, wall of reflection in the front. Have all your melee on ground level in the front and all your range behind them.
(edited by Littlefeather.8623)
Setup ballistas on the ramp and near supply hut facing the wall ;p, give these guys a good fight
Have your guardians rotate sheild of absorbtion, sanctuary, wall of reflection in the front. Have all your melee on ground level in the front and all your range behind them.
It’s sad b/c I’m not in game atm but also cheering on DR! Go TEAM! Sec I will get out my cute JP portal mes with her princess wand and skimpy outfit to play cheerleader!
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com
! Fight Club !
Time: 4PM PST, tomorrow (Thursday)
Location: Kaineng BL, south supply camp
This is where we can show our skill, but at the same time relieve some stress. With the score being what it is now, we can still have some fun. This is what Fight Club is all about. If you’re friendly, want to get to know people or guilds from other servers, and can wait in line, then your invited
We can party up to chat it up or you can even vent up with us to help keep your side coordinated throughout the event
Opponents must be identified, usually by entering the ring or going up to one another.
Both opponents must do a /bow before the fight starts
Once a player is down the fight stops and both /bow and exit the ring
You can stay on your servers side of the area if your shy lol ;p, or mingle and costume brawl while your waiting as well
Golem v Golem
Bring your own beer and enjoy and have fun, hope to see every one there
You were, by your own admission, totally unreliable. The very moment a significant point gap appeared you guys would vanish from WvW, taking the servers only chance at doing anything in the Asian/Oceanic timeslot with you, and then proceed to complain about us losing.
That post was hoping to find out what exactly was the reason behind losing, just so that we can improve on it, because maybe because I wasn’t smart enough, after all, I did my analogy, but still was no use, so I need someone to tell me the answer of why we were losing,
As for the moment that a significant point gap has appeared and us withdrawing from WvW, it’s because like DR/EBay right now, sure, they can now try to toss every men and women into WvW and try to make a change, but the sad reality is, it’s most likely not going to change a thing. Just like I’ll give you 10 mile advance and jog towards to the finish line, while I race you with a car. The moment I passed you, you KNOW there is no way that you will be able to catch up to me. It’s just that plain simple – know when you are defeated.
Sure, I could still put in every member of my guild in the battle, but what will that achieve? Nothing, except that DR will just still lingers in T8 with us longer, and you think that will bring up the morale? probably not. When a man puts all he could into battle and get defeated, it’s more than demoralizing, sometimes death. In the racing example I’ve told you before, sure, the car passed you, and now you’ve start to run, putting all the strength you have, sooner or later, your body will give up and break down, and soon will your spirit. Is this what you want us to do?
The reason why we are still staying in Kaineng for the longest part is also because I know how to maintain a level of morale that will not going to break us and make us abandon ship. As for those who burned out, on the other hand, will.
I loved Kaineng, as much as my guildmates. But if I have to choose between guild mates and server, I’d still follow the guild mate’s decision, and to avoid guild mates sprouting the idea of switching servers, this is what has to be done.
So you saved the guild but lost the server. That’s a much better outcome isn’t it?
You’re just lucky that a) War Machine decided to boost the server up and attracted all those bandwagoners and b) that the free server transfers are going to end before you guys face any real competition.
Hell, if transferring to really low pop servers is cheap enough you may just loose all your fodder to some place like Fergs anyways.
So you saved the guild but lost the server. That’s a much better outcome isn’t it?
You’re just lucky that a) War Machine decided to boost the server up and attracted all those bandwagoners and b) that the free server transfers are going to end before you guys face any real competition.
Hell, if transferring to really low pop servers is cheap enough you may just loose all your fodder to some place like Fergs anyways.
You know…I’m getting sick of posts like these, so let me correct this:
RE was on Kaineng 1 week before WM. Therefor WM is a Bandwagon Guild. :p
And who cares who is a “Bandwagon” and who isn’t? Everyone had their own reasons for coming to Kaineng, and people on Kaineng who stayed have their reasons for staying. As far as the Guilds that left…who cares? They are gone and I am perfectly fine with that. They had their reasons for leaving and were perfectly justified in doing so.
So you saved the guild but lost the server. That’s a much better outcome isn’t it?
You’re just lucky that a) War Machine decided to boost the server up and attracted all those bandwagoners and b) that the free server transfers are going to end before you guys face any real competition.
Hell, if transferring to really low pop servers is cheap enough you may just loose all your fodder to some place like Fergs anyways.
One of the reasons [DE], then [WM] and [RE], then [various and sundry/etcetera guilds] came to Kaineng and stayed was Chaster and SoS, along with KR, KAIN, TGOG, ONI etc… So you’re attacking him then saying he’s lucky b/c of what precisely?
I don’t think anyone currently on Kaineng is going to cry about losing fair-weather friends if we hit a stall in tier rises. They can all go to Ferg and we’ll see them on the other side. We want a war, we will have one, sides are just colors in the end after all.
Officer of Rethesis [RE] ~ Kaineng
NEO Alliance ~ NeverEndingOdds.com
So you saved the guild but lost the server. That’s a _much_ better outcome isn’t it?
You’re just lucky that a) War Machine decided to boost the server up and attracted all those bandwagoners and b) that the free server transfers are going to end before you guys face any real competition.
Hell, if transferring to really low pop servers is cheap enough you may just loose all your fodder to some place like Fergs anyways.
Yes. Sorry to offend anyone, but the ONLY thing that getting higher tier in WvW only boosts the following things
1. Amount of attention of trolls and haters, after all, you did stomp them.
2. Higher Chances of getting seriously-considered and/or bandwagon players
3. Drama
4. Ego
Now, on the other hand, guildmates gives you the definition of fun, the definition of friendship, and the definition of cooperation. So, yes, saving the guild is more important than saving the server, after all, we can always come back another day once our troops are more prepared. It’s not like once we lose in WvW, the server is gone for good, but once you lose core member of your guild, it is DESTROYED.
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open
Yes. Sorry to offend anyone, but the ONLY thing that getting higher tier in WvW only boosts the following things
1. Amount of attention of trolls and haters, after all, you did stomp them.
2. Higher Chances of getting seriously-considered and/or bandwagon players
3. Drama
4. EgoNow, on the other hand, guildmates gives you the definition of fun, the definition of friendship, and the definition of cooperation. So, yes, saving the guild is more important than saving the server, after all, we can always come back another day once our troops are more prepared. It’s not like once we lose in WvW, the server is gone for good, but once you lose core member of your guild, it is DESTROYED.
Love you Chaster. Oh…and I fully agree. Guild > Server.
This thread is hilarious.
Kaineing : Respect us, just because we had like 8 guilds bandwagon over, doesn’t mean we are winning because of that! Oh and we so have individual skill!
Ebay: Not a chance in hell
Devonas: Pfft, we were the best t8 server..
Everyone is bad but me.
Anet ruined Gw2.
This thread is hilarious.
Kaineing : Respect us, just because we had like 8 guilds bandwagon over, doesn’t mean we are winning because of that! Oh and we so have individual skill!
Ebay: Not a chance in hell
Devonas: Pfft, we were the best t8 server..
Nah…most of Kaineng doesn’t want respect yet. We know we still need to earn that, what we want is for people to stop disrespecting and insulting. People here are playing a GAME…stop being kitten and just find a way to enjoy it rather than blaming others for your lack of fun.
You know…I’m getting sick of posts like these, so let me correct this:
RE was on Kaineng 1 week before WM. Therefor WM is a Bandwagon Guild. :pAnd who cares who is a “Bandwagon” and who isn’t? Everyone had their own reasons for coming to Kaineng, and people on Kaineng who stayed have their reasons for staying.
All I know about RE is that it’s a free bag when I see one, so if anything people would join the servers opposite from you for the looting opportunities.
War Machine on the other hand is a) huge, b) dedicated, and c) organized. It’s easy to see why people would be interested in running in their wake. And thus they’re the ones I single out for being the reason for the current Frankenstein’s monster version of Kaineng.
As far as the Guilds that left…who cares? They are gone and I am perfectly fine with that. They had their reasons for leaving and were perfectly justified in doing so.
I care. The 8 weeks I spent on Kaineng after transferring off the overpopulated and undertalented zerg servers like Jade Quarry and Blackgate were amazing and great fun. Everything since then has been middling by comparison and it shows in our attendance and the attendance of every other small man roaming guild I know from those days.
I care because maybe if KAIN hadn’t kitten off APEX so much that they left before they arrived, or maybe if Chaster and his crew actually played the game more than twice a week, and maybe if some of the people who kept transferring to DR “looking for a fight” had actually cared about anything but the stupid scoreboard my friends might still be bloody playing and this bloody game might actually be fun.
And to cut the inevitable off at the pass, kitten right I mad.
Yes. Sorry to offend anyone, but the ONLY thing that getting higher tier in WvW only boosts the following things
1. Amount of attention of trolls and haters, after all, you did stomp them.
2. Higher Chances of getting seriously-considered and/or bandwagon players
3. Drama
4. EgoNow, on the other hand, guildmates gives you the definition of fun, the definition of friendship, and the definition of cooperation. So, yes, saving the guild is more important than saving the server, after all, we can always come back another day once our troops are more prepared. It’s not like once we lose in WvW, the server is gone for good, but once you lose core member of your guild, it is DESTROYED.
If anything I’m offended that you seem to think I wanted Kaineng to advance out of T8.
I never wanted to go into the upper tiers. I liked T8. All I’ve ever wanted out of this game is to have fun with my friends killing people and the old Kaineg provided it in spades. This garbage we have now is an insult to a once great server.
And let me point out that your server didn’t come back. The old Kaineg died. It’s gone and won’t be coming back. All you have now is its desecrated, reanimated corpse crawling with maggots lurching down the road to inevitable damnation.
This thread is hilarious.
Kaineing : Respect us, just because we had like 8 guilds bandwagon over, doesn’t mean we are winning because of that! Oh and we so have individual skill!
Ebay: Not a chance in hell
Devonas: Pfft, we were the best t8 server..Nah…most of Kaineng doesn’t want respect yet. We know we still need to earn that, what we want is for people to stop disrespecting and insulting. People here are playing a GAME…stop being kitten and just find a way to enjoy it rather than blaming others for your lack of fun.
I dont expect respect from anyone on these forums.
Although I do find it funny that people are saying kaineng is going to get smacked down hard when we move up. Hopefully you other 2 servers realize your not even fighting our full force. Most of my guild has spent the week leveling alts and running PvE content. Myself included. Theres just no point being in WvW right now. Just ruining things even more for you guys which I dont want to be a part of. I prefer small group combat which is almost impossible right now. Cant take 2 steps out there without running into a friendly zerg lol.
Come next week when we are up against DB I have a feeling we’ll be out in force again.
d/d ele on ebay bl (ebay server)… (just a bit north of west exit) I could not hit you for the life of me. Blocked everything, very good job there. Very interested in speaking to you regarding the build, if you see this, pm me please. I ignored the other guy, I could easily tell I was not going to win that with the amount of blocks going off.
I was the one trying to get away from the zerg, at least enough out of site that we could fight. Every time we engaged they kept running up so we split.
You should take a break from the game, I think you’re forgetting it IS just a game.
Final round of the battle of cliffside
With DR players beginning to log off, commander Vars Wolf rallies the troops for one last assault on cliffside. We start up the breakout commander and escort him to the now better defended tower. All the siege is manned, and we work on breaking the door down, while kain threaten us from behind and from garrison. We finally break in and cap the tower after around 10 minutes. Sadly at this point, the battle ends. Commanders redirect our brave soldiers to other battlefronts, and the tower is left to fall to the 30 strong kain zerg. It is unlikely that DR will be capping the tower again today.
Thanks again to everyone who participated over these few hours, both Kain and DR, im sure we all got a kick out of having a decent fight this week
Army of Devona [AoD]
Once upon a time, on a server called Darkhaven, a guild Rethesis(RE) was formed. They posted “training” for commanders like they were “seasoned veterans”. Together with WinEveryday(WE), and other Darkhaven guilds, the server rose ranks. Until they met Dragonbrand server.
For weeks they fought against Dragonbrand server. But after the 4rth straight week fighting this server, most of the guilds started jumping over to Dragonbrand. (during the DB/DH/BP week) Till only RE guild was left in Darkhaven.
Now, if these “mentors” was worth thier salt, they’d stick to going down with DH and mentoring new ppl to forming new DH WvW guilds, instead they jumped to DB as well. But only for a week, since they cant really shine in there with guilds like EA(Elephant Ambush) and Uhoh around. So they went back to Tier 8, where organized WvW guilds dont really exists.
As they climb from T8 to T4 easily, they start recruiting the best ppl around. Im sure, in preparation for Dragonbrand.
But what happens if Dragonbrand destroys Kaineng with Rethesis in it. Will they jump ship again to a tier 8 server? History usually repeats itself. Although Kaineng seems to have a solid 24/7 zerg in 4 maps all the time, im sure Dragonbrand has that also.
Maybe when Darkhaven is on Tier 8, RE will mysteriously come back to that server to “save the day”.
RE was their ‘veterans’ and ‘trainers’? Ouch
Here we are killing a bunch of upscaled Kaineng alts after holding off EB at Redwater. GJ to EB BTW, you put a ton of pressure on us with those thieves.
Here we are ninjaing the bay from Kaineng during primetime on reset night. We snuck in behind them while they were fighting EB. Thanks for taking down the outer wall for us EB. Awesome job keeping scouts in the bay, Kaineng. I hear bay gets ninjad all of the time by small groups in T1 during primetime hours.
We end up killing a lot of upscaled Kaineng alts before we getting overrun by enough numbers to freeze our clients.
More movies of killing upscaled Kaineng alts to come.
Please, just stop with the flaming and harrasment. Yes we are beating you, but please enough is enough a couple more days and you want see us again, I truly am sorry for the WvW state of both of your servers, we have been there too, but please no need to keep harrasing us on the forums.
Once upon a time, on a server called Darkhaven, a guild Rethesis(RE) was formed. They posted “training” for commanders like they were “seasoned veterans”. Together with WinEveryday(WE), and other Darkhaven guilds, the server rose ranks. Until they met Dragonbrand server.
For weeks they fought against Dragonbrand server. But after the 4rth straight week fighting this server, most of the guilds started jumping over to Dragonbrand. (during the DB/DH/BP week) Till only RE guild was left in Darkhaven.
Now, if these “mentors” was worth thier salt, they’d stick to going down with DH and mentoring new ppl to forming new DH WvW guilds, instead they jumped to DB as well. But only for a week, since they cant really shine in there with guilds like EA(Elephant Ambush) and Uhoh around. So they went back to Tier 8, where organized WvW guilds dont really exists.
As they climb from T8 to T4 easily, they start recruiting the best ppl around. Im sure, in preparation for Dragonbrand.
But what happens if Dragonbrand destroys Kaineng with Rethesis in it. Will they jump ship again to a tier 8 server? History usually repeats itself. Although Kaineng seems to have a solid 24/7 zerg in 4 maps all the time, im sure Dragonbrand has that also.
Maybe when Darkhaven is on Tier 8, RE will mysteriously come back to that server to “save the day”.
Interesting story. Except for the part where we never even slightly considered moving to DB. From the moment Ethersin started talking about transferring it was to a lower tier server, never once did we consider moving up.
And also, why the hate? We had some amazing matches with DB while we were on DH and everyone involved agreed that they were despite DH being badly outnumbered. But now it’s a different story? If anything DB sounds scared. And slanderous posts like that are actually quite pathetic.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
Please, just stop with the flaming and harrasment. Yes we are beating you, but please enough is enough a couple more days and you want see us again, I truly am sorry for the WvW state of both of your servers, we have been there too, but please no need to keep harrasing us on the forums.
I’m guessing ur talking about me since you’ve made comments after two of my posts. Notice the “;)”? That means its a poke fun joke thing. If I wanted to troll you, you’d know. It would have citations, screenshots, and everything broken down nice and neat.
And yes, you do have more points that we do. However ‘beating’ us is up for debate!
(See what I did there?)
Nothing like watching south park while farming Kaineng for badges. I know FTF likes it too.
Awww! Interpreter has made a friend! =D
If you see an offensive post that you would really deem as being “Harassment” just report it.
If you dont have anything nice to say i strongly advise you to keep your fingers away from your keyboard
It is with great sadness that I want to announce that Win Everyday(WE) is moving from Darkhaven to Dragonbrand. We’ve been with Darkhaven since the release of the game(three of our commanders are among the first ten on the server), we have helped build up the server since the DHU alliance tore the heart out of Darkhaven’s WvW forces, we helped again after Darkhaven reached tier4 and was destroyed. But the situation for Darkhaven’s organic WvW scene is worse than ever before. After the DHU fiasco Darkhaven had RE, GoF, SE, HoT, HVN and WE ready to step in and rebuild.
Now? GoF is gone, SE is gone, HoT has more or less retired from WvW, HVN has folded, RE is leaving.
This would not be crippling for Darkhaven, if it had another group of guilds waiting in the wings to save the server. But it does not. I’ve watched closely, putting hours into WvW every single day since release. Guilds like Omen, DRoW, SoS all had potential to really aid Darkhaven’s WvW scene, but none have reached critical mass, and each has somewhat withdrawn from WvW.
WE have tried the alliance game. We’ve tried the server-community website. We’ve offered a public mumble to everyone on Darkhaven. There has been little to no response. We’ve coordinated and communicated with anyone and everyone on the server who are willing. And the vast bulk of the server doesn’t care. Their version of WvW is simple. Enter WvW and ask, “Where is the karma train?” If there is no karma train, leave WvW. Defend? Not a chance.
And we’re done trying. It isn’t worth it anymore. Darkhaven is a PVE server at heart. BURN, DHE, TRA and others all have hundreds of members, and have little to no desire to do WvW.
To that small band of loyal fighters(those who respond to defensive calls, and leave the karma train) we’re sorry to abandon you. Silverback, Skap, Togochubb, Lokii, Flint; Omen, DR, PD, EXE, PaK members, and a few others I’m sure I’m forgetting. We’re sorry. You guys all deserve so much better.
WE like working with you guys, and hope you’ll consider coming along to Dragonbrand.
brief RE history. Something tells me when they finally meet a server with the same amount of ppl online for WvW (aka Dragonbrand), we’ll be seeing another one of these speeches, only from Kaineng. And that NEO alliance will be another DHU.
(edited by Nina.4596)