1/18/13 CD/FA/DB
Battle at the Bay video against CD was a blast tonight.
So epic. Tasty, tasty bags.
Such an epic fight, this video does no justice for the push across the bridge due to half the enemies can’t be seen from culling. There was about 40+ CD standing on that bridge
Fort Aspenwood
Selfish people who wreck a fun parade for some laughs deserve to be pulverised to the ground, its simple. If you guys joined in the parade, or just let us do our thing in peace, it wouldn’t have raged and double teamed with TC. We know that maguuma and FA are really close, but both are arch enemies with us, judging by the forum posts. It’s double team battles everywhere, yes, FA and Mag will probably double team us, but CD and yaks or CD and TC would probably double team you. Most people judge others servers by their in game actions or forum posting, thats why there are these rivals. It can’t be stopped, but I’m sure mag will win next week after this weeks obliteration.
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
The bad blood with CD goes back to a dolyak parade. Yes, really. Some individuals decided to have a roleplaying event wherein they designated a dolyak as nearing retirement. During the parade, they (as well as the dolyak) were randomly killed by some FA players. In retaliation, Tarnished Coast and Crystal Desert spent the rest of the reset openly double teaming FA.
This is entirely wrong. Actually, the dolyak was not nearing retirement. There was no ‘role-playing’ involved in the sense where we were NOT pretending we were real yaks, or battle hardened escorts, or whatever.
We just wanted to walk with it around the map, explode fireworks, then have a massive brawl. Also, the Dolyak and one escort survived and went all the way to its final destination.
One TC guild decided to camp FA – it just happened to be PiNK which is a very large guild. They had a commander and many members in the yak parade. In fact, in the screencaps from TC’s end, there were 6 commanders in the parade that I could see. And after they took the entire FA map, they came and took the entire CD map as well. My guild leader actually yelled at me for causing armageddon because they kept wiping all the maps during their primetime for several days afterward.
Also, it’s not that some FA “randomly” killed the yak. One, maybe two, FA guilds walked up to the event, knowing it was happening because their own server-mates were advertising the event and asking people to not attack, then set down ballistas and killed everyone. When people complained on the forums, they bragged endlessly about it, and said that they’d do it over and over again.
This happened on a Wednesday, and TC wiped the maps the next night on Thursday, CD BL included, so “rest of the reset” is technically correct but also misleading, and it’s hardly any kind of double teaming since CD got wiped off the map too.
Just a reminder to GoF guild in CD:
you need to clean up your guild member because there is a flying mesmer on the south wall of Hill in your BL when your main force are fighting at the north gate
I have the video recorded if any of the guild officer wants to see i can pm to you
All this whining about guild transfer and stuff. Can’t we move on? Come on guys, yes FoJ became a stronger server, of course they’ve got a lot of WvW guild from IoJ going to FA making the monster server FoJ is today. Good for them. If they are happier that way, it’s all good, isn’t it the purpose of a game, having fun?
All I see was FA and IoJ whining CD was beating them only because of transfer and now it’s the opposite, CD whining that Fort Aspenwood got transfer. Of course it’s a little frustrating to get pushed like that by people we already faced for so long and beat. But it doesn’t matter. Even if we are behind in points this week, the fights are, sometime, way more interesting. By the way, just pointing something out since I’m here: Storming a tower with 20+ people, killing the 4 defender stationned there and do a /laugh isn’t very noble, just be respectfull, of course the 4 defender had no chance, but they stayed their ground until the end. Nothing to laugh at.
For now, let FoJ be, they are not the only server that got stacked up as a result of the paid transfer anouncement. And there’s gonna be more occurence like that during this week as we are approaching the dead line of free transfer. The point system wasn’t built to react to those mass exodus, but everything will eventually fall into place.
What’s done is done, no point presuming the reasons behind those transfer. Let’s move on and enjoy ourselves….and kill each other with respect please :P
Jezebèl – CD
Behind every red name there is a human being just like you. Respect your enemies :)
I would like to chime in here and say a few things,
1. it wasn’t just PiNK that got kitten by the yak killing, it was also the majority of the pugs
2. I and the vast majority of those who spent the next day on fabl did it because we were really kitten /p>
Lexx Kahern – 80 Midget Warrior
Member of PiNK and Newby Commander
Fights are so much more interesting this week. I totally agree with Jez. I’ve been having a lot more fun fighting this week than the last two weeks when we were winning. Winning by a kitten ton of points is boring.
Team Dolyak [KH]
Lots of great fights were had in FABL tonight. Props to Pro for giving us a few very audible “oh kitten” moments.
I’m sure mag will win next week after this weeks obliteration.
I can assure you that this will not happen. While we have gotten a lot better coverage, it’s probably for the worse as many of the new people don’t quite understand how it’s supposed to work on Mag. The only reason we are really “doing so well” is the fact the the highest ranked opponent is an absolute ghost server right now. Without IoJ to worry about, taking on Yak’s 1v1 is the only problem, and they would pose a much greater threat with a stronger 3rd team.
I honestly think that we will come in a close third next week right behind CD. I would enjoy that outcome the most as it will allow the glory chasers the chance to transfer before paid transfers, and it will allow us to do what we love to do most: Troll Tier 4.
I seriously wish that transfers would hurry up and end i so tired of the complaning, and the unbalanced tiers. Honestly ruining this game. Every freaking week either one team is destroying cause of transfers or is half dead cause everyone left lol. Hope the do 1 or 2 day matches again after transfers end so we can actually fight people that have similar coverage to each other. Good luck to FoJ or whatever your super server calls itself. CD i think we could actually have a decent match once that abomination of a server leaves lol. I hope for a more balanced tomorrow soon…looking at you Anet
[EA] Elephant Ambush
I seriously wish that transfers would hurry up and end i so tired of the complaning, and the unbalanced tiers. Honestly ruining this game. Every freaking week either one team is destroying cause of transfers or is half dead cause everyone left lol. Hope the do 1 or 2 day matches again after transfers end so we can actually fight people that have similar coverage to each other. Good luck to FoJ or whatever your super server calls itself. CD i think we could actually have a decent match once that abomination of a server leaves lol. I hope for a more balanced tomorrow soon…looking at you Anet
I’d love to see a few quick matches after the lock.
One of the worst times I’ve had in WvW was when it was nothing be “get facerolled” followed by “our turn to faceroll”.
It can easily ruin over a month of WvW.
Hopefully this time we won’t have a couple T1 servers falling down a slow and painful death towards the bottom like last time.
I just want some balanced fights even if it means third place.
Well, I see that [GODS] is getting geared up for war! What’s wrong, don’t like playing catcher as much as pitcher?
I seriously wish that transfers would hurry up and end i so tired of the complaning, and the unbalanced tiers. Honestly ruining this game. Every freaking week either one team is destroying cause of transfers or is half dead cause everyone left lol. Hope the do 1 or 2 day matches again after transfers end so we can actually fight people that have similar coverage to each other. Good luck to FoJ or whatever your super server calls itself. CD i think we could actually have a decent match once that abomination of a server leaves lol. I hope for a more balanced tomorrow soon…looking at you Anet
No offense to DB because you guys have been fun opponents, but this isnt a unbalanced matchup, the scores are close. Look at T2/T4/T5 http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA.
Those are unbalanced matchups. Can’t you guys ignore the scoreboard? We at FA have been doing it for the last 10 weeks as we secured 3rd place week after week in T3, and honestly a good portion of FA doesn’t care whether we win or lose. We fight in WvW for the amazing fights, not to claim internet glory to be the best of the tier. But to have amazing fights like in the video we put up earlier.
Fort Aspenwood
(edited by IRSyKo.5843)
wow next 2 week match is so crazy with stack sv like kaineng and maguuma. Hope those 2 sv go up fast
I seriously wish that transfers would hurry up and end i so tired of the complaning, and the unbalanced tiers. Honestly ruining this game. Every freaking week either one team is destroying cause of transfers or is half dead cause everyone left lol. Hope the do 1 or 2 day matches again after transfers end so we can actually fight people that have similar coverage to each other. Good luck to FoJ or whatever your super server calls itself. CD i think we could actually have a decent match once that abomination of a server leaves lol. I hope for a more balanced tomorrow soon…looking at you Anet
It’s not too late to consider double teaming, or merging, you know, just like they did. X)
I want it to make sense right away, then another sense later. Murkiness =/= quality "
- CCP Abraxis
Just a quick shoutout to Fearlily of (PRO). Outstanding time defending Greenwater with you, some great small-scale fights with just the two of us holding the line. Always a pleasure getting to scrap with (PRO) folks.
To the invaders who just wouldn’t give up, a hearty /Salute and a mug of honey mead hoisted to you all, you guys just kept coming back again and again. THESE are the kinds of battles I love, no “zergs”, no Golem battalions, no heavy artillery, just soldiers doing what they do best.
Hawkwood Company
Fort Aspenwood
yes we Dragonbrand don’t run from a fight if wer are outnumbered. we learned that long ago we can take some of you with us. before we go down or stop you.
I’ve got a lot of respect for the players on Dragonbrand so far. You guys really know your way around a seige war!
I’ve always had respect for FA, so I don’t know where the idea that there was bad blood between FA and CD came from. All we wanted to do was have a parade, and when FA didn’t play nice TC went on a rampage and took both FA and CD’s entire maps. Why would FA players be mad at CD for that?
I am not impressed by IOJ members who server hopped. Not just because they abandoned ship, or that they are such sore losers…. but I’ve seriously never seen so many DD eles who do nothing but suicide into a group and then mist form away on one server.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
EB has been a slugfest all night… Some of the best WvWing I’ve experienced thus far. I especially loved the back and forth “dance” that DB and FA were playing over the Ogres. FA would setup shop, brawl a bit, then get repelled. We’d chase them back over the Ogres, do the same, but get repelled. Good stuff from both sides.
Just wish the population was a little bit more even, but hey, what’re you gonna do? It’s been a blast thus far, looking forward to the rest of the week.
Also, a tremendous fist-shake at whoever discovered my ninja catapult. I spent almost an hour getting that all set up by myself!
-Look, look with your special eyes!
-My Dragonbrand!
That was a neat trick breaking into SMC without even downing a gate DB..
Because I was inside SM for nearly 2hours yesterday (hiding while I was eating) I can personally say FA is doing a terrible job of sweeping. There was no gate down, you are correct. There was a Mesmer hiding >_>
I can attest to this statement as I was online and present the entire time he was inside. Gotta admire someone that would wait this long just to secure their server’s imminent recap of SM. So let’s nip this in the bud before it gets started. This was all legit and bad mesmer sweeping.
Greens Mystic – Mesmer | Google Deez – Ranger
Dragonbrand since day 1
Battle at the Bay video against CD was a blast tonight.
Awesome vid guys, keep it up!
This vid combined with recent posts have me even more fired up than usual. Time to kill.
EDIT: lmfao @ ending
(edited by Maniac.5163)
Whew, that was one hell of a night in EB.
A friendly suggestion to CD: scout your treb targets. I was part of a skeleton crew that held Wildcreek for half an hour with a downed gate and a downed wall that was under double treb fire by pretending that there were more of us there.
I was also the puny Asura that tormented you for another 2 hours after that by randomly Magneting you into our zerg between WC and Valley.
Good to see how some of you started using Cloaking Device and Hide In Plain Sight to counter it!
-Xacta Barnette, massive kitten, FA.
Mazergma is coming. We’re all looking forward to getting our butts handed to us along with posts from Raincrow. We can’t wait! Muah <3
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
I actually might not be able to play / post for the next couple of weeks. Sorry I’ll miss the Magoooooooooooooooma brag fest.
When are people going to figure out there’s a war going on?
New life of the oceanic CD, from now, till ever. A small group of 5-10 goes around, takes a couple camps without harm then starts attacking a tower. Then all of it get wrecked and stomped on by a 20 man group who lingers around the borderland. I simply don’t know why the hell CD is full at this time and FA is not?
Enjoy crushing us and double teaming with your best buddies, maguuma next week FA.
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
The bad blood with CD goes back to a dolyak parade. Yes, really. Some individuals decided to have a roleplaying event wherein they designated a dolyak as nearing retirement. During the parade, they (as well as the dolyak) were randomly killed by some FA players. In retaliation, Tarnished Coast and Crystal Desert spent the rest of the reset openly double teaming FA.
This is entirely wrong. Actually, the dolyak was not nearing retirement. There was no ‘role-playing’ involved in the sense where we were NOT pretending we were real yaks, or battle hardened escorts, or whatever.
We just wanted to walk with it around the map, explode fireworks, then have a massive brawl. Also, the Dolyak and one escort survived and went all the way to its final destination.
One TC guild decided to camp FA – it just happened to be PiNK which is a very large guild. They had a commander and many members in the yak parade. In fact, in the screencaps from TC’s end, there were 6 commanders in the parade that I could see. And after they took the entire FA map, they came and took the entire CD map as well. My guild leader actually yelled at me for causing armageddon because they kept wiping all the maps during their primetime for several days afterward.
Let’s not forget it was PD and BT that killed your dolyak parade and the only reason the non-player dolyak survived to reach Bay was because it was our dolyak.
If I see another ’yak parade I will kill it as well.
Purple Dragons – Fort Aspenwood
I actually might not be able to play / post for the next couple of weeks. Sorry I’ll miss the Magoooooooooooooooma brag fest.
No worries, you brag enough on behalf of CD. So just listen to yourself talk and you won’t be missing out on a thing.
The devs don’t care about WvW so I’m gonna kill players in PvE!
Hello?!?! You never heard of Crystal Dragonbrand? :P
It would be Crystalbrand, or Dragon Desert… both sound kinda weird.
Crystal Dragon
Why not just “Glint?”
Hello?!?! You never heard of Crystal Dragonbrand? :P
It would be Crystalbrand, or Dragon Desert… both sound kinda weird.
Crystal Dragon
Why not just “Glint?”
But Glint is too short to be a server name, I think. So we are all the forgotten then, servants of e dragon prophet, Glint.
If anyone here was on IoJ during the last few weeks, they’d know why many left. Our NA crew was comprised of a handful of guilds and only perhaps a hundred players spread across all maps. We did the best we could with what we had, but eventually internal problems started developing not only within the community but also within guilds like mine. We learned how to fight under adverse conditions and became quite tactical and tenacious, and because of that we were able to field the highest PPT many nights, despite having three outmanned maps.
What other competitive server can do that? Only one that I can think of, and that’s why we’re there now. Despite what’s been said here, Fort Aspenwood is still Fort Aspenwood. The playstyle hasn’t changed, only the numbers have. In the end, it gave everyone a fighting chance (to say the least) and it brought our spirit back into the game.
There are many people out there unhappy with where they are and trying their best to improve their situation, as we had been doing over the last two months. To those who are there for the sake of your server and not for the sake of the win, I applaud you. Week after week of server loss and guild departure after departure takes its toll. I’m sure we can all relate to that.
- J
Dragonbrand can do that! and we did it for a month when during our NA prime time we could only field maybe 30 players between all the Bl’s and EB. We fought with honour and integrity the same that our night crew did.
And it payed off because here we are back up to tier 3 again.
gotta say, we can relay to that. FA has been pushed around in this tier for months now. TC trolled us so much that they even made a guild called [FA]GOOD LUCK IN TIER 4. but we still kept going and going even if mostly outnumbered. Then having CD trolling us constantly(not all of them, some were actullay quite awesome fighters and gave us credit for hard work.)
To all the trolls that are mad that we got numbers now: We DIDN’t get transfers…we just got more organized XD. jk
Isle of Kickaspenwood
FA is no better than CD in tactic and skills. They fall for easy decoys and fail to hold things if they don’t have a HUGE amount of numbers.
Elementalist Mesmer Ranger
Sea of Sorrows
I seriously wish that transfers would hurry up and end i so tired of the complaning, and the unbalanced tiers. Honestly ruining this game. Every freaking week either one team is destroying cause of transfers or is half dead cause everyone left lol. Hope the do 1 or 2 day matches again after transfers end so we can actually fight people that have similar coverage to each other. Good luck to FoJ or whatever your super server calls itself. CD i think we could actually have a decent match once that abomination of a server leaves lol. I hope for a more balanced tomorrow soon…looking at you Anet
It’s not too late to consider double teaming, or merging, you know, just like they did. X)
Yes! Go Crystalbrand!
Can we get a score update for those of us trapped at work for the next sevral hours?
FA – 93,951
DB – 74,672
CD – 64,659
Mazergma is coming. We’re all looking forward to getting our butts handed to us along with posts from Raincrow. We can’t wait! Muah <3
Can’t wait babe <3
Looking forward to Ramelot / Magrubma 2.0
I’ve always had respect for FA, so I don’t know where the idea that there was bad blood between FA and CD came from. All we wanted to do was have a parade, and when FA didn’t play nice TC went on a rampage and took both FA and CD’s entire maps. Why would FA players be mad at CD for that?
I do not think FA is, I am not even sure why FA is getting involved in this to be honest. Before this reset, I never felt any out of the ordinary anger towards CD from FA folks, certainly not even close to the lack of respect most people have for TC.
I have had a lot of fun moments with CD folks, such as naked dancing on a supply hut with a full blown battle raging on all sides, and a lot of decent fights as well. Really what more can I ask from an enemy? Do they have a couple long winded forum trolls, sure, but what server does not? Do they have some epically bad zerg guilds that think they are great, sure, but what server does not? IoJ’s issue with CD is their own as far as I am concerned and to me it’s all transfer drama. Couldn’t just say ‘we liked FA’s community’, it has to be given a negative tone.
Population shifts leading up to the end of free transfers is going to cause a lot of server upsets, power shifts and frankly a lot of drama. It will be a bumpy ride and unfortunately many servers will be very different as a result.
I’ve always had respect for FA, so I don’t know where the idea that there was bad blood between FA and CD came from. All we wanted to do was have a parade, and when FA didn’t play nice TC went on a rampage and took both FA and CD’s entire maps. Why would FA players be mad at CD for that?
I do not think FA is, I am not even sure why FA is getting involved in this to be honest. Before this reset, I never felt any out of the ordinary anger towards CD from FA folks, certainly not even close to the lack of respect most people have for TC.
I have had a lot of fun moments with CD folks, such as naked dancing on a supply hut with a full blown battle raging on all sides, and a lot of decent fights as well. Really what more can I ask from an enemy? Do they have a couple long winded forum trolls, sure, but what server does not? Do they have some epically bad zerg guilds that think they are great, sure, but what server does not? IoJ’s issue with CD is their own as far as I am concerned and to me it’s all transfer drama. Couldn’t just say ‘we liked FA’s community’, it has to be given a negative tone.
Population shifts leading up to the end of free transfers is going to cause a lot of server upsets, power shifts and frankly a lot of drama. It will be a bumpy ride and unfortunately many servers will be very different as a result.
I’ve never had a problem with CD. I didn’t appreciate the condescending nature of some of the posts coming from them when they were facerolling the tier but you kind of have to accept that will occur no matter who your server is, individuals are always gonna come on forums to whine or boast/gloat.
We just used posts like that to rally up our members to fight them more. Sometimes guilds will directly or indirectly call others out, I love that. I know when [Hel] Helioz and [AVTR] put some nice competitive posts up that got us fired up to fight, [KH] did the same, [NAGA] and [VaL] did it in the past in the TC-CD-FA matches. I enjoy friendly rivalries and consider most of it banter.
Some might consider this inflammatory but I thought it was funny when CD seemed like they were trying to get in TC’s good books for a while early on, knowing how TC operates I admired their “long term” strategy and it taught us a lot. We were ready for that since we had already faced that with YB and TC together and it added an interesting/challenging dynamic (I’ll admit it was somewhat frustrating at times but we got through it and held our ground regardless).
Even TC I have a healthy respect for. I encourage our server to have a bloodlust for TC because I enjoy having them as rivals. They paint us to be the “bad guys” and we paint them to be the “pompous carebear ERPers” but at the end of the day we’re all hardcore WvWers who are keeping the bloodlines of WvW flowing behind the scenes. Our guild built a strong rivalry against [PiNK] and fought tooth and nail every day, we built a healthy respect for each other (somewhat shaky at times) but I know for a fact TC learnt a lot from FA and vice versa.
Towards the end we were tired of the stagnant matchup and things got a bit ugly but I don’t doubt for a minute that FA is eager to hit TC with renewed vigor and ferocity next time we see them.
I’ll take this opportunity to remind everyone this is a game and we are here to have fun. Without legitimate players on every side coming to WvW for fun fights, the game will cease to entertain us all. There’s a fine line between banter and outright disrespect, just keep that in mind when you’re posting in a public forum! With that said, I look forward to melting all your faces.
P.S : To [NNK] – We held you this time. I look forward to your next move.
Personally speaking, I am glad I made the jump a week and a half ago from TC to FA. Had nothing to do with bandwagoning, just saw Charr Penguin starting NERF, and thought ‘do it!’ and moved.
If NERF was in Crystal Desert, Isle of Janthir, or any other server, I would have moved there.
Lo and behold, the WvW population was low, but what the FA commanders do is nothing short of amazing to me. “Doing MORE with LESS”, has, for me, been the hallmark of Fort Aspenwood, even when I was in Tarnished Coast(with Yak’s Bend a close second). Now that I was seeing what little the FA Commanders had to work with, I could see that only made them better, more cohesive.
Now I call Fort Aspenwood my home. I’ve learned ALOT about WvW and team tactics (I was never really focused, just a wandering maniac swinging a Wrench and burnin’ people with a Flamethrower…wait. I still do that ) from guilds such as RET, BT, and GODS. Learned the value of LISTENING, ASKING QUESTIONS, and paying attention to my teammates’ actions rather than my own.
And for those guilds from IoJ we are glad to have you. I have seen nothing but coordination and cooperation on the BLs.
After TS3 with some of the people in FA, I gotta say the general attitude is one of relaxed confidence. In TS3, not once have I heard anything less than “Good job everyone. Okay, let’s get to work fortifying [Insert Keep Name Here].”
At any rate, good fights all around, Dragonbrand and Crystal Desert!
Edit: Gotta give a Shoutout to KH, Kwisatz Haderach, on Crystal Desert. I’m a fan of DUNE, and when I saw that Guild Name y’all immediately went into my cool book…and you are fun to fight!
“Which Lo Pan? Little ol’ basket case on wheels, or the ten-foot-tall roadblock?!”
-Kurt Russell, Big Trouble in Little China
(edited by Ejiofor.4801)
That was a neat trick breaking into SMC without even downing a gate DB..
Because I was inside SM for nearly 2hours yesterday (hiding while I was eating) I can personally say FA is doing a terrible job of sweeping. There was no gate down, you are correct. There was a Mesmer hiding >_>
oh no way! thats why it was the same mesmer porting you guys in, that was trying to jump the wall at durios 15 mins earlier right?
I refuse to argue. Just sweep better.
Yes SIR! WE’ll do! ;-)
Isle of Kickaspenwood
Lots of great fights were had in FABL tonight. Props to Pro for giving us a few very audible “oh kitten” moments.
Was a great fight indeed. Much respect to you guys in CD. Good times.
Radik of Aeon – Guardian
The match this week is going more or less how I expected it to.
I was excited about this week, so that’s a good thing. :P
I expected CD to be the ones winning, but the transfers make it obvious that FA has the strongest presence right now. (Waking up to see DB at only +300~ is something I haven’t done in a long time)
I do, however, like how similar in strength both CD and DB is right now,
And considering I’ve been waiting to fight CD properly since the last match with them months ago,
I hope we’re seeing a lot of each other in the coming weeks (Even if we get knocked back to tier 4, it’s not like we won’t be back.)
Battle at the Bay video against CD was a blast tonight.
So epic. Tasty, tasty bags.
You forgot to include the part where it took 3 hours to take that keep.
But congrats, pat yourself on the back.
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
Whatever thief from Echo is running around the south in DB BL right now,
I like fighting you.
It’s nice to fight halfskilled thieves that aren’t abusing culling, and I’ve noticed far, far less culling thieves in tier 3 than I did back in tier 4. (Maybe just a coincidence, but I don’t mind)
(edited by EnRohbi.2187)
Battle at the Bay video against CD was a blast tonight.
So epic. Tasty, tasty bags.
You forgot to include the part where it took 3 hours to take that keep.
But congrats, pat yourself on the back
Funny, from the time we entered the keep and the time it flipped, it was around a half hour. Unless the time stamp is wrong.
umm no, the outer gate has been down for well over two hours, I know because I logged off at 3am or I risk oversleeping and missing work.
There was a try to take down south keep gate, then trebbing/cata which we wiped with a treb on the inside, then third time around you built trebs farther back so we can’t take them out.
So yes, the timestamp is wrong because the Bay battle was a long kitten one.
a lot of people will be disappointed they are not it.
Fort Aspenwood’s Recent History: An Objective Point of View
The Bad Blood between Crystal Desert and Fort Aspenwood/Isle of Janthir:
The bad blood between the two servers started in the early weeks of the tier 3 matchup when Isle of Janthir came into tier 3. After 1-2 weeks of fighting, a specific guild from CD (which I will not name here), began accusing FA of double teaming them. When IoJ fell to second place, this same guild decided they wanted payback on FA and routinely attacked the borderland—their forum warriors berating the server publicly.
Last week, IoJ and FA were both on the cusp of falling down a tier due to Dragonbrand’s stalwart success in tier 4. FA and IoJ fought desperately to take second place to secure their continued existence in tier 3. The fights were good, and mutual respect on the forums kept it civil.
Fearing defeat, a number of FA guilds got together and decided to do a Thursday night ‘push’. They collected on a community teamspeak server (mostly abandoned for months) to finally get some cross-guild organization on the server.
That same night, before the offensive began, we received word that many IoJ guilds were jumping over to Kaineng—but some of our rivals decided to come join FA. Our Thursday night push became a celebration and retribution on CD for their past forum trolls. Since most of the guilds on IoJ that were transferring to FA were going to be oceanic, we decided to show our new oceanic partners what their North American presence could do.
The Isle of Janthir transfers—again—were met with the same derision as to be expected from the same forum warriors that accused FA of double teaming in the first place, leaving a bad taste in everyone’s mouth about the overall server attitude at CD (although many others from CD were very friendly, it did little to offset the loud voices of these forum warriors)
The Fort Aspenwood Community Reform:
So now there’s a very active community teamspeak server which has just started up again. The WvW community in FA started literally last week. Up until that point, it had just been several different guilds working different timezones completely independently. The IoJ transferred guilds moved over to the community teamspeak channel and immediately started to help build this brand new community.
Fort Aspenwood is no longer the same server it was last week. The influx of new guilds/players is coming to join us because we’re not an ‘old guy’ server. There are no bullies on the block, or clear community leaders. This is, in all respects, a brand new server. New names and faces show up in teamchat every day—and it gives everyone an opportunity to be a part of something different. Something fresh.
The Future:
Fort Aspenwood has great coverage across most of the timezones. In fact, it’s gotten to the point where queues are a regular thing (This is a new thing for us). I am not trying to argue that Fort Aspenwood has become ‘elite’, and I definitely don’t want to count our eggs before they hatch, but I firmly believe that the way things are headed—Fort Aspenwood is on their way to tier 2. We had some great fights with CD/IoJ and I foresee many more for Dragonbrand. I hope this squabble isn’t leaving a bad impression on DB—as you guys definitely belong in this tier.
In 2 weeks, I foresee this tier stabilizing, and the fights will get far better.
Character name: Azilyi
(edited by KrazyFlyinChicken.5936)
umm no, the outer gate has been down for well over two hours, I know because I logged off at 3am or I risk oversleeping and missing work.
There was a try to take down south keep gate, then trebbing/cata which we wiped with a treb on the inside, then third time around you built trebs farther back so we can’t take them out.
So yes, the timestamp is wrong because the Bay battle was a long kitten one.
Let me post the video for you again.
Watch from the beginning of the video, right when we entered from the time until we capped it, near the end of the video (before the arrow cart farm).
The time stamp is correct.
umm no, the outer gate has been down for well over two hours, I know because I logged off at 3am or I risk oversleeping and missing work.
There was a try to take down south keep gate, then trebbing/cata which we wiped with a treb on the inside, then third time around you built trebs farther back so we can’t take them out.
So yes, the timestamp is wrong because the Bay battle was a long kitten one.
Is it simply possible that there was more than one attempt on Bay? :P
I wonder how the weekdays will affect scoring. In the past few days (including today), DB is relatively strong compared to FA/CD starting 8am EST. On Saturday, FA took the potential point lead back right before 4pm EST. On Sunday, 12pm EST.
FA hasn’t taken it back yet and the fact that our NA players can’t play all day like on the weekends won’t help. This seems to be the only span of time DB is able to make gains against FA. Who is playing right now? Asians? Europeans?
League Of Ascending Immortals [OATH]
… I firmly believe that the way things are headed—Fort Aspenwood is on their way to tier 2. …
I think any movements up or down the tiers for any of our 3 servers are largely dependent on what happens in other tiers and how other servers evolve. At the moment Maguuma, Kaineng and to a lesser extent SBI are likely going to be a deciding factor in how the top 4 tiers pan out.
Personally i´d be fine with this matchup being prolonged for at least a number of weeks; any grudges aside the fights are pretty awesome all around.