10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


I believe this is our matchup again this week. What do you hope to see in this next match?

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Khanswrath.1032


People wearing less pants. Imagine the horror of 20 people charging your Zerg with no pants………

Khanswrath-80 Thief [ODN]
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Harbinger.8637


A close match up between all three would be amazing. Last week first and second where neck and neck. This week was a fight for second and third.

Guardian WvW Guide!
Heavens Rage

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


Forced shutdown an hour into reset….discuss.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Cimmric.7623


They shut us down earlier in the day as well..Hopefully the new patches are making the game better. Necro pets need some work :P

Kaineng for the win…
Proud member of CNB

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


I’m the WvW Officer and commander from [RED] on Devona’s Rest. We jumped on the kaineng map right after reset. Had a good turn out from the guild and a few allys [SoCo] Always a fun time with you guys around.

I had a few guild’s set up to do work on DR map. But they didn’t get on. And [PRO] hit freg map really fast. Good jobs there guys.

But here’s a screen cap from about 20 mins ago. And some of the work we where able to do.


Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


i (from ferg) do NOT appreciate devona’s rest people abusing Anet’s misplacement of the invulnerability buff border at bluevale refuge.

the purpose of the buff is to protect players at their spawn. not allow melee situations with invulnerable players.

thats all i have to say, and all i will say.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: NealCaffrey.6450


I was out leading in Eternal again tonight with some alliance members. Sadly we can’t be in two places at once and picked Eternal for the reset night hoping some other commander would step up and hold our own BL with a good zerg population, especially since it’s our own borderlands…

We did really well out in EB holding Stonemist and handling the double team pressure from Fergs and Devonas when we had paper gates for what seemed to be the longest time. Apparently saying “don’t take supply from stonemist” repeatedly doesn’t keep everyone from grabbing it heh.

Had some fun fights and some not so fun fights fighting invisible enemies 40v40 even though we won a couple of them.

Commander Rañger Dañger
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Just had a hilarious 2-3 hours of SM siege in Eternal. Hats off to Kain for some nice defense. I kept watching the DR folks run into the doorway to the throne room, stop, get smashed by the 10 folks in the room manning siege. Easy 30+ DR folks died…..you 10 rocked. Quite a bit more Kain showed up shortly after, and there was more in the room to start..but when i dodged into the room, thinking i had a team behind me just to find out i was soloing it, i managed to get 6 of u to stop manning the siege before i went down. Panned camera around..and saw DR running up, stop, stand in the doorway to the room..get mowed down..over and over. all i could do was laugh.

Can lead a horse to water….lol

Anyways, very nice teamwork under pressure there Kain. Hope to see more of it during the week. DR, well, there was bout 10 of you trying with me and heck of a good shot we gave it…the rest well, not sure what they were doing (other they dying in the doorways to siege over and over).

Well, again, nice fight there and heck of a good job defending SM.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


In the future if you see someone using questionable methods in WvW don’t call out their server unless you have their description and guild tags. These bad apples don’t reflect on all members of the server and the only point to calling them out is to let the server members attempt to handle it. Too much animosity brewing in these matchups, our competitiveness has gotten the better of us. Regardless of what happens with the score, still be respectful of your other servers. We’re a classy group here in the low tier, lets keep it that way.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


DR you should try not to win so you can stay best friends forever with us :P

Apathy Inc [Ai]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


I don’t know why I think this but I still think Kain and Ferg are working together in some sort of way. (kidding, you guys just have way more people then DR on at nights lol)

Logged in to see DR was dead last, I’m sure that will change… I really hate this halloween event though, a lot of PRO members are pretty much saying “NAW TO WVW, YAY TO EVENT”

-______- Personally I couldn’t care about the event, so whens it end by the way?

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

(edited by Sirenic.4275)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508


Nov 2 I believe

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


nov 2 eh… frig…

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Damaged.7583


As of last night our biggest guild on fergs, SANC is leaving fergs crossing:( fergs is effed now :’(

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Hakato.9650


Sorry to hear that about Fergs Crossing. You should stick with your server. The only main WvW guild to leave BP was LEET and they went to maguuma. Other than that we have no quiters here in BP, period. And no one has yet to transfer to our server to make a difference that I have noticed personally.

Server – Borlis Pass
Guild – FIST Leader
Main Toon – Razzer Fel Level 80 Warrior

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


Did Kain gain a few guilds? You guys seem to have more… players then usual.

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Jhor.4350


No. Many Kain guilds took last week off for the event, as they posted in the last thread. I don’t know if they’ll all be back in WvW this week or not. It’s looking like maybe they will, though.

Kaineng (NoQQ)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ador.8134


PRO u guys on Kaineng now?


A D O R [iSpy]
80 Guardian
Beast Mode

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


We dont usually put a lot of effort into the weekend anyway.

But yes, a lot of the major players took the week off or simply didnt try too often in wvw focusing on the event and pushing PvE chains so we can actually get the reward armors in our server.

SoS decided they would try to morning cap friday morning to see if we could close the score, but DR and Ferg ganged up on us during primetime preventing us from grabbing and maintaining second place.

Which is fine, this means we can be best friends forever

Apathy Inc [Ai]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Oh and I’m red team again, no longer confused! All is as it should be!

Apathy Inc [Ai]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ador.8134


LOL was wondering what match you were watching

A D O R [iSpy]
80 Guardian
Beast Mode

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Vees.7816


It’s funny whenever I get on GW in the morning, Kain is ahead, but when we get towards the afternoon, Kaineng is back where they should be, last.

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275



Funny you should say that, he joined just a few hours ago and went back to Kains.

Instantly booted, not having any spys in my guild. And on top of that hes a scaled up 80.

We take in 80s only.

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

(edited by Sirenic.4275)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: NealCaffrey.6450


lol Phiz I felt obligated to kick a new guy in our guild not repping and suddenly on Devona’s Rest last night too!

Commander Rañger Dañger
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ador.8134


Ok was just wondering. Didnt think you guys would stoop that low Anyway
Great job Kaineng on holding your ground Day one SoS great job on taking care of the morning stuff and all the hours played from night guys and morning guys to fill in the gaps

A D O R [iSpy]
80 Guardian
Beast Mode

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


Naw, PRO wouldn’t stoop that low.

Anyways, good job Kains, keep it up maybe you’ll come in first place again!

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: spif.7580


Just had a hilarious 2-3 hours of SM siege in Eternal. Hats off to Kain for some nice defense. I kept watching the DR folks run into the doorway to the throne room, stop, get smashed by the 10 folks in the room manning siege. Easy 30+ DR folks died…..you 10 rocked. Quite a bit more Kain showed up shortly after, and there was more in the room to start..but when i dodged into the room, thinking i had a team behind me just to find out i was soloing it, i managed to get 6 of u to stop manning the siege before i went down. Panned camera around..and saw DR running up, stop, stand in the doorway to the room..get mowed down..over and over. all i could do was laugh.

Can lead a horse to water….lol

Anyways, very nice teamwork under pressure there Kain. Hope to see more of it during the week. DR, well, there was bout 10 of you trying with me and heck of a good shot we gave it…the rest well, not sure what they were doing (other they dying in the doorways to siege over and over).

Well, again, nice fight there and heck of a good job defending SM.

It was a blast holding it until we had a few more people to push you all out of there.

—- Kaineng : Nuke → Saarc ---

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Cimmric.7623


Great job all 3 servers, We at Kaineng hold the high ground at this point, but it’s still very early..I really wouldn’t mind the 3 of us fighting it out for a few more weeks,,DR and Ferg, you guys definately make us fight to our highest level!


Kaineng for the win…
Proud member of CNB

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


That’s because today is the day that all of DR"s commanders decided they were going to fight amongst themselves….at least it was like this until about 3pm EST.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


I also suspect there is some manipulation to keep the brackets the same for next week.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Jhor.4350


No ‘manipulation’ is needed. All three servers have ratings in the 700’s. The next lowest is in the low 1000’s. Nobody even in a COMPLETE blowout is going to get 300 points in a week. This matchup should continue for 3 weeks at least.

Kaineng (NoQQ)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Can all 3 servers stop with the orb glitching please. It’s not something that happens “accidentally”.
– DR’s was gliched by Chris Ivey “im not leaving until i get the cap and karma” then he DC’s on purpose to glitch it
- Kainengs was glitched by someone in KAIN
- Fergs is almost always glitched

It’s a game, so can you please stop doing kitten stuff like this and either play the game as it was designed, or stick to PvE. That or just dont pick up the orb in the first place.


Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: revcornelius.6519


Yep. I didn’t quite grasp the server ratings for a while either until Jhor broke it down and we looked at some sites. Looks like we should all get comfy!

Anyway, just hoping to see Ice Clan, Baltimore Style and The Old Council out there. You guys have some great players.

Artillery / Penumbral Effect – NOQQ – Kaineng

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: revcornelius.6519


This reminded me and just as an FYI, we saw a Guardian from PRO doing some crazy jump hack with the orb this afternoon. We of course killed him and took it back, but still annoyed to see it.

Artillery / Penumbral Effect – NOQQ – Kaineng

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


You know, I spent a lot of time today and yesterday crushing Devona and Ferg groups into the ground. I have to say, since the other day when groups were walking around taking advantage of the Guardian mace block glitch, nobody has stood out.

There was a warrior from NOOB who was able to chop me up in about 2 seconds with a greatsword, but he spent all his time hiding in the back waiting for targets of opportunity.

Ferg’s has almost been nonexistant in there in EB! The best fight I had from anyone from there was from a female Guardian toon and it wasn’t a good fight because it was close. It was a good fight because they didn’t turn around and try to flee when I started to lay into them!

I’m getting tired of people fleeing from me. I’m waiting for the day when you kids that are supposed to make up the competition start to realize that there’s more to this game than racking up karma points.

I’m looking for that righteous battle! I don’t think I’m going to get it this week if the last two days are any indication.

Devona’s seems to be completely demoralized from having been crushed by smaller armies all day. They went from fully zerging us in EB, to hiding in a tower with the “outnumbered” buff.

Ferguson’s used to be aggressive when they outnumbered everybody 10 to 1, but those days seem to be long gone. Now they’re even worse than Devona’s is about scattering and fleeing. If I can crush a single zerg in a day, it’s a lucky day because they hardly seem to roam past their little side of the map.

I don’t care who on your server did what to win the week. Or who transferred out. Or who is fighting with who in the chat. What I wanna know is, which one of you are going to put up a fight?

You’d think it was fun, but crushing everybody without resistance is not fun. Kaineng is outnumbered! I don’t understand why this is happening. Oh. Yeah I do. We have me.


Mighteous, The Greatest Player In The Game

No one cares.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Nabarue.3290


You know, I spent a lot of time today and yesterday crushing Devona and Ferg groups into the ground. I have to say, since the other day when groups were walking around taking advantage of the Guardian mace block glitch, nobody has stood out.

There was a warrior from NOOB who was able to chop me up in about 2 seconds with a greatsword, but he spent all his time hiding in the back waiting for targets of opportunity.

Ferg’s has almost been nonexistant in there in EB! The best fight I had from anyone from there was from a female Guardian toon and it wasn’t a good fight because it was close. It was a good fight because they didn’t turn around and try to flee when I started to lay into them!

I’m getting tired of people fleeing from me. I’m waiting for the day when you kids that are supposed to make up the competition start to realize that there’s more to this game than racking up karma points.

I’m looking for that righteous battle! I don’t think I’m going to get it this week if the last two days are any indication.

Devona’s seems to be completely demoralized from having been crushed by smaller armies all day. They went from fully zerging us in EB, to hiding in a tower with the “outnumbered” buff.

Ferguson’s used to be aggressive when they outnumbered everybody 10 to 1, but those days seem to be long gone. Now they’re even worse than Devona’s is about scattering and fleeing. If I can crush a single zerg in a day, it’s a lucky day because they hardly seem to roam past their little side of the map.

I don’t care who on your server did what to win the week. Or who transferred out. Or who is fighting with who in the chat. What I wanna know is, which one of you are going to put up a fight?

You’d think it was fun, but crushing everybody without resistance is not fun. Kaineng is outnumbered! I don’t understand why this is happening. Oh. Yeah I do. We have me.


Mighteous, The Greatest Player In The Game

I was wondering where you’ve been for the last week. I really hope you were here, we Devona’s brought our A-Game last week, would have been a shame for you to miss a worthy battle. There were many, many glorious battles fought.

I’ve been looking for you too, Mighteous. You post more pictures of yourself on this forum than my wife does on her Facebook, so i know what you look like. And yet I haven’t seen you. Perhaps I should start looking behind zergs or on tower walls? Come on man, you’re dropping the ball. You want a fight, I’d be darn happy to give it to ya.

Hope to see you on the battlefield

Sir Sprocket the Engi/ Kyoryu Silver the Ele
And my Alter-Ego- Kyoryu Gold, Mesmer, Thundering Hero, wielder of the Legendary Meteorlogicus!

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275



Whoa whoa whoa, PRO hacking?

please. We have been accused before and I support NO hackers what so ever.

If you find out the name, please let me know and I will BOOT asap! I do NOT support hackers, and neither does PRO. I apologize if this guardian was from PRO.

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Jhor.4350


It was a guardian with PRO tag, but we could not get the name (or rather we started trying too late). I do not believe he is representative of your guild, but with so many it’s hard to keep out bad apples.

Recommend you disperse into 20 10-man guilds to combat this issue.

Kaineng (NoQQ)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


I found out who it was, I have removed the user from the guild, found out it was one of my old guild mates that was with me since day one in this game.. :/

But for the sake of PRO keeping its word, we do not hack and do not tolerate hackers.

I would tell you the name but its against forum rules… so all I can say is PRO has taken care of this and we all apologize from the bottom of our WvW hearts about that incident.

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


Get rid of all the Guardians….no wait, that’s be extreme. Transplant all the Guardians to a sister guild…no wait that’d just take em off the tag.

Joking aside, go through your list of Guardians and just start asking questions. If you believe them, keep em. If you don’t, boot em and rebuild if necessary.

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


Already got him, from the post above yours I mentioned it :P

Thanks though for everyone letting me know, took me awhile to figure out who it was but it was funny, cause we went for kains orb, we ran up to it after killing the orb keeper and saw a guy standing there then we saw him logout and we were like wtf?! Then we saw the orb in the hills and we were like .. huh.. lol.

So I saw the guys name, whispered him and it led me right to one of the guys in my guild.. instant kicked lol.

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Teknogeddon.4523


Can I make a humble request for a truce in the EB jump puzzle? We weren’t killing eachother last week and it was actually kinda nice. Now I so much as walk into the area and 7 people are jumping eachother.
I’ve seen lowbie people in town clothes (not even in my server) get reamed by another side, and its not like I can help them; so I have to stand and watch then wait for them to come for me because the area of fire wont let me pass without falling. The jump puzzle sucks as it is. Can’t we all just put our epride away and not kill eachother in it? Jeeze. It’s not like there’s any glory to be taken in there, except maybe a giggle when someone falls.

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Jhor.4350


Respect to PRO for:

1- Moving to a bottom server and not the top like lemmings
2- Impressive WvW presence
3- Ridding ranks of hackers

Kaineng (NoQQ)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


interesting how in none of those fights your at the front lines. i know i was in it. we won. also the bottom one wasnt even kittening in WvW. again. either give me a time and a place or get the kitten off these forums
Kota the Strong, that dervona that helped kill you =P

Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

(edited by BlackmagicKota.8724)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: NealCaffrey.6450


Had a ton of fun out in Devona’s BL tonight with the alliance. The fights were so epic at times, I couldn’t even see 20 people in the 50v50 encounters. Lot of credit goes to RUNN and AP for their support throughout the night. Their 10-15 man wrecking crews do crazy good work out there against zergs.

About Mighteous… When I see him, he’s at the front more often than not. He’s not an idiot either and does logical stuff out on the battlefield. With all the praise I’m giving him I might have to start a fan club. Once you learn to not care if he’s hardcore roleplaying or seriously like this in real life, it’s hilarious. You guys should stop being so serious! Read his posts and have a laugh! I personally think it’s hilarious and I’ll take laughs where I can get them.

I can’t wait for the next Mighteous post to get these guys all riled up!

Commander Rañger Dañger
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


not taking it seriously. just want to fight him, take some pictures of my win. that kind of theing. he can post all he wants. but i want to fight him. also im not saying he stays in the back simply from those pics. im saying that from what people in keineng say about him.

Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ador.8134


First zerg on Bravost 30+ vs 15 Good try youll get get us next time
Second zerg on bravost U got us


A D O R [iSpy]
80 Guardian
Beast Mode

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Chris.4527


– DR’s was gliched by Chris Ivey “im not leaving until i get the cap and karma” then he DC’s on purpose to glitch it

Are you serious? You PRO guys need to get my name out of your mouths for one day. You weren’t even there and have no idea what happened. I never even said anything like that, I had a thief on me, I was dying. I dropped the orb to stealth, he picked it up and died. It disappeared.

You guys try waaaaaay to hard to try and make people look bad.

Edit → Also who gave out this story that I need Karma? I have over 700k of it on my character and I don’t even need it. Lmao.


(edited by Chris.4527)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: BlackmagicKota.8724


Chris. its not just PRO thats been saying it. also you make yourself look bad.

Kota the Strong, Norn Warrior
Commander on Devona’s Rest
Exemplar’s of Virtue (FWAE)