10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


Shanaigans… i am a [PRO] member. i agree [GASM] [WvW]and [Red] should have their praise’s sung about. And i understand your thinking about [PRO] given the misunderstandings, accuations, and heated exchanges that have occured. But the guild is full of many great ppl. And given the chance to know us, im sure you would not condem us all.

i can tell you for a fact, i would not follow someone that i felt was Cheating/Hacking ect… i can tell you from my experience, that Phizyn has been a Good leader… that trys to keep everyone inline. As for Dred leaving the DR server to head for Kain’s.. i can tell you that most of us in TS were angry that he left and went there of all places… while we were in the middle of a WWW.. i can tell Shanagians, that i told anyone that Killed him and sent a Screen Shot to me.. id mail them a Bounty for Killing Dred.. I can tell you that many ppl sought out Dred just to Kill him for Transfering… i can tell you that if i were Phizyn… i would not have been so quick to forgive Dred and let him return.. but to me this is an example of Phizyn’s leadership skills that he forgave Dred…

Phizyn cant control every random Donkey and what they post in Fourm… as i am an example… and again.. a Commander Icon can be any fool w/ 100gold… We at [PRO] follow Phizyn because he has demonstrated he is a good leader.. he was Man enough to apologize when he realized he was wrong for accusing your team of Hacking… credit him for that… Credit him for being a worthy opponent.. he has earned that… as have many [PRO] members… just my 2 cents

Darwin Ism

The whole situation was a mess, i’ve dropped it, because there is bound to be some drama between some of the more prominent forces on such close matches. The fuse was quick to light after i recived some wipsers, and i responded in kind. You guys are a formidable foe (those DB take’s were insane) and we should all be proud of the fights we’ve had, (some of the best i’ve ever had). I’ve played mmo’s for a while and i won’t hold any grudges over some things said heat of the moment, and i’ll apolagize if anyone from <WAR> has done anything out of line. Lets put it behind us and show everyone why the lowest bracket has the best fights. You too Ferg

-Commander Shananigans

Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Dan.8291


Finally hopped on to check out the wvwvw forumns and man my good ol’ Ferg is like a dying race. Anyways i really enjoy you guys DR and Kain keep putting up great fights, love taking on [Pro] zergs with a few [ENVY] guildmates, never a dull moment. If you see an [ENVY] Norn thief don’t be afraid to attack.

Redriv – lvl 80 Norn Thf [ENVY]
Dredriv – lvl 80 Sylvarri Ele [ENVY]

(edited by Dan.8291)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


Late last night I was able to get my 5 man to take over all of Devona’s. My group was able to turn the “whole” map to the beautiful color or RED. Numerous times we were able to back door large zergs of people from the rear killing them all without loosing a single person. (won’t mention who we killed btw) But after awhile there was no one left to hunt in Devona’s as if they all had just vanished ;-P Quickly I looked at the map to see that not only was Devona’s was all RED but so was EB & Kaineng. What a beautiful picture that was indeed. But on Ferg it was still GREEN! I took my crew to Ferg to remedy the situation quickly. So now only having three people (loosing a few to wife argo ) we poured into Ferg only to meet the huge zerg camping our spawn. We ran into them casting “magic missle” and it was their utter destruction. We didn’t loose a single person at all. My little crew quickly took all the keeps, towers, sentries, and supply camps. Upon successful completion of the last Garrison & the last orb in our possession with everything being RED the darn alarm clock wakes me up. I quickly grabbed the thing and throw it against the wall. Well at least it was great while it lasted ;-P

Anyway, keep up the fun fights since there have been some good ones this week with a little drama on the forums. I LOVE it.

Stylii Elementalist
Arbitrary Paradox (Leader)

P.S. Arbitrary Paradox is looking for a few good players that are looking for a non zerg running group. If you are interested and have what it takes give me a tell in game. I’m an old school DAOC Pac healer from Nimue/Gareth that loves small man action.

(edited by Zizanzi.4678)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590


LOL at Zizanzi,

You guys had some super seige going on huh

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


Magic Missle is POWERFUL you know ;-P

Stylii Elementalist
Arbitrary Paradox (Leader)

(edited by Zizanzi.4678)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Etna.1634


Arbitrary Paradox is looking for a few good players that are looking for a non zerg running group. If you are interested and have what it takes give me a tell in game. I’m an old school DAOC Pac healer from Nimue/Gareth that loves small man action.

That’s pretty much what we [LARP] want aswell and are doing. Alot of us are also old daoc players. We should talk.

- Etna H, D/D Elementalist

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


@Sumwun.3846 on upgrading/defending

Mate, i know your pain. It’s something I always mention in chat over and over. Good exampled was the huge SM fight last night. I got on, nothing upgraded, no trebs/ballista on platforms, and of course no supplies as folks kept taking it. I think I mentioned it in chat around 20 times before it finally clicked. But by then Kain had 2 walls down to 5-10% and Ferg was knocking at the door too, bit late, but heck maybe some of the folks there took note so it doesnt happen again.

For those who like to zerg for xp/karma here’s a tip: you get way more by defending than you’ll ever get by zerging. Want the #s? If you stay at a point long enough you’ll get, for lack of a better way to state it, a hidden buff. You’ll get a bronze ribbon with xp/karma/etc. Dont leave…literally 3 mins later you’ll get another ribbon…3 mins later another ribbon….and on and on and on. If you have a decent zerg you can get say 100k exp in an hour, roughly. Defending one point for an hour after you get that first ribbon you can get upwards of 10K xp/255 karma…roughly 200k xp! I leveled from 40-62 that way.

Best part of it was while i was getting the xp/karma i wanted…i spent time building siege, upgrading, defending….ie: something that worked for the team as a whole not just something for me.

Well, thanks for what you do behind the lines and please keep it up and encourage others to do it. I’ll keep doing my part and run the maps checking on upgrades and status and spending my hard earned gold as needed.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302



I agree…things were said in heated moments, then flowed into forums, then expanded on by both sides by numerous folks, even by folks not even part of the original chats. Then just ballooned into a 4th server zerg!

No gripes with you or WAR or with Dyneis and the folks in KAIN, or with anyone on the Kaineng server.

Well I do have one WAR gripe….i saw the WAR tag was on the individual that Catapult punted me off a cliff edge when i was standing there being all innocent and just watching the fights! (note to self: dont stand on a cliff ledge that has a large drop behind u lol ) Ever see a flaming pumpkin flying and thinking, "now why heck would someone shoot in that direction, nothing there!….aw dang! meeeedic!

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: GregorClegane.6237



I dont post too much on the forums but just wanted to say a few things.

Big shout out to all my fellow [KAIN] guildmates. Especially Darxio, Fenris, Neth, Archon, I Am Karma, Joe Grizz, Boshy and all the others. Playing with all of you definitely makes this game a lot more enjoyable.

Also, just want to give props to some guilds on our server such as Ispy, War and NUKE, its great to have such kick kitten allies to fight with. Especially the ones who stuck with our server back in the days when we were outnumbered like 20 to 1.

I also want to give props to the Ferguson server. You guys may not be up to par numbers wise as Devona or have as many hardcore type guilds. But I feel like you all fight with a lot of honor and are a great group to compete against.

As for Devona, I will admit I really do not like how the majority of you conduct yourselves. From your actions, you show that you will use any dirty trick or tactic in the book to gain an advantage. With that being said the [PRO] guild are by far the best I’ve ever fought against. I take great pleasure in running your members down as they attempt to flee to the safety of your walls

[KAIN] 80 Warrior Commander
Ser Matthew

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


@Zizanzi I wasn’t going ot pust this pic on here. But after your post I figured why not, if we are all going to brag.

This happened just the other night. on 10/29

@GregorClegane Dirty tricks. What about kaineng attacking Sm and freg on the same walling helping them today. You guys have teamed up to get DR.


Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

(edited by Siege.4280)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Skarloc.2569


P.S. Arbitrary Paradox is looking for a few good players that are looking for a non zerg running group. If you are interested and have what it takes give me a tell in game. I’m an old school DAOC Pac healer from Nimue/Gareth that loves small man action.

That’s pretty much what we [LARP] want aswell and are doing. Alot of us are also old daoc players. We should talk.

Hopefully we can see some of you out there soon. That’s pretty much the sole reason we came to this server was to find small group fights. We have left several high tier servers with the hope that the focus would be less on auto-attacking with the zerg, and more on small man fights. It’s been better, but it’s still mostly been a bunch of zerging. I suppose the game is directed in that approach, but it would be nice to find some small fights.

[PAXA] Skarllok – 80 Mesmer/ Skarrlloc – 80 Guardian
[FUN] [FUN II] [Jonathan Taylor Thomas] – DAoC, WoW, WAR

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Drist.9807


I’ve been on Devona’s Rest since game launch, save for 2 weeks where i was on Eberon Terrace. Recently coming back and with the addition of [PRO] to the server, and the activity of Kain’s guilds i was shocked with how competitive the servers have gotten.
With how much arguing between Kain and Devona’s going on I can honestly say we are two of the fiercest servers in this game.

Ironic because of the early days where we were trounced by Borlis Pass every other week and the only way we held off defeat was working together half the time. Lets just agree that when we get the chance (and we will) we go after Borlis Pass like in the early days and turn this ferocity on them for a while.

Until then, thanks to everyone in WvW on all sides for making the game enjoyable and active.

Master Serephix [PRO] – Lv. 80 Thief
Dragonbrand [Formerly Devona’s Rest]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


GregorClegane.6237 – Thank you I really appreciate the compliment.

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


@ Siege

Quote, “I wasn’t going ot pust this pic on here. But after your post I figured why not, if we are all going to brag.”

LOL, far from it about me bragging here. It was a “joke” more than anything hence the “dream” reference at the end of it In other words it was a totally fabricated story. (BTW I literlly HATE taking keeps) I really made this post for small man fighting & recruitment thus trying to find others of like mind. It seems to have worked since I’m getting private messages of interested folks.

I do like how the community of our three servers on the forums has started taking shape along with some really good fights.

@ Skarloc

Quote, “Hopefully we can see some of you out there soon. That’s pretty much the sole reason we came to this server was to find small group fights.”

You should have already seen us out there. I have been leading a group (5-13 people) of a mixture of Arbitrary Paradox & Runnoft & Jbox to a lesser extent for almost a month and half. Granted we don’t get recognized a lot but we do have an impact. In all honesty I just want to put enemies face down & butt up on the ground while having a great time ;-P (Yes I will still love you Fergs & Devonas at the end of the night too after we log out) Now don’t get me wrong I have coordinated a lot of my attacks with some commanders in Kaineng to help the war effort. I’m sure some of those commanders that I have helped would vouch for me on that one But in the end I’m all about killing enemy players not beating my head on the keep/tower doors & walls, I leave that to our Kaineng commanders. But if they ask for us when the gate/walls go down we are there & have been on more than one occasion. In the end they get to take the keeps and we kill reinforcements, a win win scenario.

Stylii Elementalist
Arbitrary Paradox

(Now I will take a tower/keep to farm kills though

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sumwun.3846


@Sumwun.3846 on upgrading/defending

Mate, i know your pain. It’s something I always mention in chat over and over. Good exampled was the huge SM fight last night. I got on, nothing upgraded, no trebs/ballista on platforms, and of course no supplies as folks kept taking it. I think I mentioned it in chat around 20 times before it finally clicked. But by then Kain had 2 walls down to 5-10% and Ferg was knocking at the door too, bit late, but heck maybe some of the folks there took note so it doesnt happen again.

For those who like to zerg for xp/karma here’s a tip: you get way more by defending than you’ll ever get by zerging. Want the #s? If you stay at a point long enough you’ll get, for lack of a better way to state it, a hidden buff. You’ll get a bronze ribbon with xp/karma/etc. Dont leave…literally 3 mins later you’ll get another ribbon…3 mins later another ribbon….and on and on and on. If you have a decent zerg you can get say 100k exp in an hour, roughly. Defending one point for an hour after you get that first ribbon you can get upwards of 10K xp/255 karma…roughly 200k xp! I leveled from 40-62 that way.

Best part of it was while i was getting the xp/karma i wanted…i spent time building siege, upgrading, defending….ie: something that worked for the team as a whole not just something for me.

Well, thanks for what you do behind the lines and please keep it up and encourage others to do it. I’ll keep doing my part and run the maps checking on upgrades and status and spending my hard earned gold as needed.

Thanks man. The more we talk about it the more people will think about it. I look forward to share a map with you.

Yak’s Bend.

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Asquared.4091


@ Siege

I don’t think its a matter of servers working together. Sometimes, by nature of it being a 3 way fight, servers choose one target at a time and it turns out to be 2 on 1. This happens a lot at Stonemist especially. Last week I fought with defenders from Kaineng against zergs from both Devona and Ferguson inside the walls at the same time.


10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


@Asquared I think you missed the point. They say we use cheap tatics. When most of mine come from them. But I have never helped another server break down a wall. And I mean both of them attacking the same spot and not attacking each other.

And i have seen it happen before outside of EB.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


Good Job Tonight Kaineg, took our borderlands back from being all blue.

—Lets try to get a daytime presence the next few days to see if we can catch this lead.


Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Balidore.2790


@Zizanzi I wasn’t going ot pust this pic on here. But after your post I figured why not, if we are all going to brag.

This happened just the other night. on 10/29

@GregorClegane Dirty tricks. What about kaineng attacking Sm and freg on the same walling helping them today. You guys have teamed up to get DR.

That wasn’t “Ferg,” that was me, lol. I did it because Ferg didn’t have near the numbers to compete at the time, and Devona is winning, so helping Kain kill Dev, was just the correct thing to do. lol, and fun
The couple times the Ferg grp came, they attacked everyone. Even hit the Kain tower, I don’t think that counts as ferg siding with kain because of 1 guy later on….

Balidor [Envy]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


just a small update. Also kain and freg. What did you guys think about that ninja on hills while you 2 where fighting over the inner gate of hills.

I will say this Freg great job protecting your garrsion. I was trying to get it form any side. But you guys where on the look out.


Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


WOW! Thats about all i can say to ALL 3 servers!

Tonight followed suit just like the last 2 previous nights of battles. All 3 servers going at it for all it was worth. DR’s teamwork is fast merging into what looks to be a seamless killing machine! Im seeing more and more smaller guilds in WvW from DR and a HUGE leap forward in teamwork. For those guild leaders/officers/commanders/players thats making that happen..HAWT DANG U ROCK!

Night started off pretty evenly balanced with no real gains anywhere. Each server controlling their own BL with about the same even split on Eternal. A few PRO were in there working as a small tactical group, I got online and called some more in that weren’t in PvE. Rolled into WvW and oh man….First thing was to clean up our homeland, had a nice compliment of fellow DR folks in there and together we pushed a successful campain against Kain. (Ferg popped there head in on occasion trying to sneak npc camps) Then we got the call that SM in EB was in dire straights. We rolled over to EB and oh lordy…all i saw was a sea of Kainenites! Battles were raging left and right, supplies were being funneled from several points, siege was going up, goin down, going back up (lol). Pieg [RED] was in force pushing nodes and cutting off supplies and PRO was setting up a vista full of siege. Several awesome groups formed up and started a multifront push while a band of 15 or so formed a spearhead and we charged the Kain zerg. We plowed through em like a scythe through hay! Reformed and charged again and again. Got them pushed back into Overlook…Then Elvis (PRO who was leading the siege setup at the vista) opened fire. It was like Armageddon raining down on OL. While group of about 15 were pushing hard on OL, another 10-15 were pushing Ferg. Wasnt long before the momentum DR had gained proved too much for Kain/Ferg and the outmanned buff started cropping up on em. DR managed to take OL then Lowlands for map domination. Awesome job DR…heck of a fight.

Shortly before Lowlands fell, the word rang out…“we lost Kain’s orb!” Kain fled EB and zerged through their homelands taking back with little to no resistance what we’d completely owned earlier.

I called PRO together and we rolled over to Kains BL with a few others from DR.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


Arriving at Kains BL we found SKY and RED already in place and starting the assault. They had a rockin tactical strat that was pushing kain on the east. So i let Felichia De Moris (SKY) and Zendaya Ashwood (RED) know I’d take my team and we’d push the west side. Solid map communication and teamwork…we met at the north, pushing Kain back into their garrison. Utterly defeated….Kain fled the map..we broke the garrison, took the orb, and delivered it safely to the Bay. (2nd time tonight we had the 3 orb buff!!!!!)(GO DR GO)

This by far has been the most ive seen in solid communication and teamwork by DR folks. Keeps getting better and better! Awesome job to all those DR folks that were there. I’d name you if i could remember all the names of those that stood out and stepped up!

Would like to note: From the fights i was involved in, the server WvW populations seemed pretty balanced. I think it could have went either way tonight, but DR pulled out some serious focus on teamwork, think thats what gave us the edge.

Some pics I took:
1: Bots…yea we got em on DR too =(
2: OL claimed by PRO after an extensive hours long siege!
3: EB map domination! (gratz DR!)
4: DR breaks +605 potential points! (nice work all)

Although DR was dominant tonight, Kain/Ferg i’ll give you props. You both gave us some VERY VERY good battles. Tonight was our night, another night who knows. Keep bringing it like you have!


Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

(edited by Moderator)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ktith.6197


Hey [LEEM]…if you’re going to run on Ferg and Devona at the same time, you’re going to be targetted. Saying STOP from your Devona toon isn’t going to stop your little ninja squad.

Anyone on DR see any LEEM guys, you make sure to wipe the floor with their Ferg counterparts…

Cmdr. Xandria Wolfkin
[RED] Devona’s Rest

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: KuraKaze.2314



We sure did kick some butt that night, I need to get on these forums more and give some props to some servers. First i’d like to say this ranger can tank cannons and players at once as yall saw. That was me laughing like a mad man when we were at the garr xD. I hope you also enjoyed my peoples dancing, Sylvari have the best there is!

We have come along way Dr from our normal being faced rolled, I guess every dog has their day, And now we’re gonna have our months next!!! Props to the following guilds.

PRO: You guys got the numbers and the right type of people to lead to glory!
RED: We are kicking some major asuras! (Yes i used that instead of the swear word) keep it up Red equals dead right? >:D!
SKY: Small manned guild, Big guns to match the best, Yall are seriously one of the back bones of the server, Also Hi Warrior Sama!!
GASM: Gasmic wheres your kitten title! Yall are great man keep up the good work, We work well as a unit and i want more of that!!
RAVE: yall are holding on the Bls for us in the mornings, We really thank ya for that. Keep up the good work your not unoticed at all!
FWAE: i think thats how the guilds spelled, KOTA yall are whoopin that booty man, there’s so many guilds out there but you guys are shining as well!!


LARP: Live Action Roleplayers…..Naw yalla re live action ninjas xD! Every time i see yalls guild i look for the other 5 that are hiding somewhere waiting to take my innocences T~T Good job bros.

KAIN: Had a good 1 on 1 with one of your commanders i believe, lets fight again some day!!!

SoS: Stop taking your servers Sos already :/ I can’t run around alone in peace when yall come the ground shakes xD!!!


I don’t remember any ferg guilds ……Mb xD

All in all, Good figths good battles. I enjoy these wars we have, but lets have some honor/Honour as well. I respect yall and i hope we cross baldes again >:D!!!

Commander Zendaya Ashwood
Spys Sappin Mah Guild Name! [Red]
Rank: Officer

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: arKRazor.8654


Has anyone on Devona seen DnD out in any organized force for awhile? Seems like ages since I’ve seen Cannalon, Gulgnak, Jax Oo and Kruist. Just wondering if maybe they have been working borderlands instead of eternal.

I’d also like to add SoCo to the list of mentions, another group I’ve seen doing a lot with a little.

Deserving an additional mention, the RAVE crew has a superb roster of ninjas, assassins and sappers, again, making extremely good use of their numbers no matter what map they are working.

As far as other servers, I’d mention that those on kaineng that still fly the Nuke standard know their business and fight very effectively. As for ferguson’s, seeing a number of Medieval Lords means the fight is probably going to be nastier than you expected.

Halfpint Sapper – Poorly-traited Asuran Engineer/CatHound/Part-time Warbanner

Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]

(edited by arKRazor.8654)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Ender.3508



We sure did kick some butt that night, I need to get on these forums more and give some props to some servers. First i’d like to say this ranger can tank cannons and players at once as yall saw. That was me laughing like a mad man when we were at the garr xD. I hope you also enjoyed my peoples dancing, Sylvari have the best there is!

We have come along way Dr from our normal being faced rolled, I guess every dog has their day, And now we’re gonna have our months next!!! Props to the following guilds.

PRO: You guys got the numbers and the right type of people to lead to glory!
RED: We are kicking some major asuras! (Yes i used that instead of the swear word) keep it up Red equals dead right? >:D!
SKY: Small manned guild, Big guns to match the best, Yall are seriously one of the back bones of the server, Also Hi Warrior Sama!!
GASM: Gasmic wheres your kitten title! Yall are great man keep up the good work, We work well as a unit and i want more of that!!
RAVE: yall are holding on the Bls for us in the mornings, We really thank ya for that. Keep up the good work your not unoticed at all!
FWAE: i think thats how the guilds spelled, KOTA yall are whoopin that booty man, there’s so many guilds out there but you guys are shining as well!!


LARP: Live Action Roleplayers…..Naw yalla re live action ninjas xD! Every time i see yalls guild i look for the other 5 that are hiding somewhere waiting to take my innocences T~T Good job bros.

KAIN: Had a good 1 on 1 with one of your commanders i believe, lets fight again some day!!!

SoS: Stop taking your servers Sos already :/ I can’t run around alone in peace when yall come the ground shakes xD!!!


I don’t remember any ferg guilds ……Mb xD

All in all, Good figths good battles. I enjoy these wars we have, but lets have some honor/Honour as well. I respect yall and i hope we cross baldes again >:D!!!

I’m going to shout out to [SoCo] as I’ve been funneling more of my guildies into their TS channel. It was a weeknight so we only had like 16ish people, 2 from my guild (the rest were stuck fighting Lupicus). We took Anzi, lost it, ninja’d it back, and swept all the way through to Mendons where we made a meat grinder of that place. Sadly we never got to /bow over the corpses of 100 kains, but we locked it down against the small (15-20) man groups that popped their noses in.

Idk what their plans are but you may see a VERY GOOD commander by the name of Lilj come from that guild. She wipes faces, murders things with red names, and eats raw steaks for giggles. Can’t wait to see where those guys take this.

Kretna 80 Elementalist
ex – The Midnight Syndicate [Dark]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Tiglie.5834


LARP: Live Action Roleplayers…..Naw yalla re live action ninjas xD! Every time i see yalls guild i look for the other 5 that are hiding somewhere waiting to take my innocences T~T Good job bros.

Thanks sir, fun fights with you guys as well.

This server matchup is a blast, we came from Sanctum of Rall about two weeks ago to escape the bandwagoners that ruined that fun, ran under iGod for the first bit, and reformed under LARP now.

We have maybe 10 people total, but I know we have never had two full groups on. Great fights all the way around, and mad props to all sides for not just facerolling everything into a mega zerg, this is an incredibly fun cluster to play on as a small group.

Just so you know, it’s generally only 5 of us, problem is everyone plays a thief 90% of the time……………I know, I know, we’re lame! To be less lame I leveled a mesmer (haha).

Tiglie Wiglie – Oh Bahmaz
Iz U Potato – Absentee Father

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


@KuraKaze – thanks for the props. Appreciated.

Also… Dred, I now announce you the official forum WvW reporter.

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: SpaceLord.4590


Wow you guys see the red post just now on the WvW forums?

Orbs are gone in a upcoming build!

Haaaa Key Puck (80) Norn Mesmer (80) Asura Engineer-Protocol [PRO]
Devona’s Rest

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Shananigans.8412


WvWvW seems to get the most competitive 8est-11est, then DR seems to start to get so many more people… Hopefully some West Coast players and Daytime players can start showing upon Kaineg and Ferg to keep DR from brining it back to the old days of 1 team controlling the entire map, wish i could play all day <.<

Shananigans- Team Absolute Legends

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Khanswrath.1032


Wow you guys see the red post just now on the WvW forums?

Orbs are gone in a upcoming build!

Crazy but I for one am glad they are addressing the issue and haven’t ruled out bringing them back. They (orbs) for the most part of the past two weeks have been the largest cause of angst between servers and have lead to some pretty nasty accusations. Either way the orbs to me were always a nice goal to have but not a deterrence to enter into WvWvW when an opposing world had more than mine. If it brings more people to the battlefield then it is worth it.

Khanswrath-80 Thief [ODN]
“Do not argue with an idiot.
He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience. "

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: spif.7580


Shan – a couple weeks of this trend and we’ll have a Borlis/Ferg/Kain matchup.

Would anyone else expect a server that receives a 500+ member guild to stay in the lowest ranked matchup? If they did it would be kind of strange.

—- Kaineng : Nuke → Saarc ---

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


Kaineng nice job defending your last supply camp. I have been laughing so hard in vent.

Took my buddy Zen a while to get it


Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


LOL Zen. He has been here for HOURS!!!! Vent has been such a great time. Thank you kaineng.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Nabarue.3290


(where does that pesky Quote button keep disappearing to?)

Spif: I know that as a very daily DR WvW player, I hope we do NOT go up a tier in the near future. Do not get it confused, we DID gain a large, active WvW guild. BUT we as a server have also developed quite a bit over the last few weeks. Does this mean we are ready to take some bigger dogs? No. I think we have a ways to go before we do that. I have a lot of faith in my fellow DR players, and know that we’ll fight whoever and do it to the best of our ability, but there are still some very basic things that we all have to learn (a few pages back me and Yorgy spoke a bit about how we sometimes take things and don’t bother reinforcing them etc). I pray that we can develop into an even more powerful fighting force than we have now, but we still have a few level ups to gain before we start taking on those “bigger dogs.”

And you know, I rather like fighting you guys. We’re constantly changing tactics against one another and getting better BECAUSE of each other. I haven’t seen a week where DR and Kain HAVEN’T fought, and you know, that’s just fine with me. You guys keep it fun

But I do have one thing to add: MIGHTEOUS. I FOUND YOU YESTERDAY. We fought in EB. I could tell by your armor that it was you (the pics you post on the forums are a dead giveaway, this place has more pics of you than your Facebook, I’d bet). But again, I found you. And I killed you. Put the stake through you myself. Was that a good enough fight for you? :p

Sir Sprocket the Engi/ Kyoryu Silver the Ele
And my Alter-Ego- Kyoryu Gold, Mesmer, Thundering Hero, wielder of the Legendary Meteorlogicus!

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: KuraKaze.2314


(where does that pesky Quote button keep disappearing to?)

Spif: I know that as a very daily DR WvW player, I hope we do NOT go up a tier in the near future. Do not get it confused, we DID gain a large, active WvW guild. BUT we as a server have also developed quite a bit over the last few weeks. Does this mean we are ready to take some bigger dogs? No. I think we have a ways to go before we do that. I have a lot of faith in my fellow DR players, and know that we’ll fight whoever and do it to the best of our ability, but there are still some very basic things that we all have to learn (a few pages back me and Yorgy spoke a bit about how we sometimes take things and don’t bother reinforcing them etc). I pray that we can develop into an even more powerful fighting force than we have now, but we still have a few level ups to gain before we start taking on those “bigger dogs.”

And you know, I rather like fighting you guys. We’re constantly changing tactics against one another and getting better BECAUSE of each other. I haven’t seen a week where DR and Kain HAVEN’T fought, and you know, that’s just fine with me. You guys keep it fun

But I do have one thing to add: MIGHTEOUS. I FOUND YOU YESTERDAY. We fought in EB. I could tell by your armor that it was you (the pics you post on the forums are a dead giveaway, this place has more pics of you than your Facebook, I’d bet). But again, I found you. And I killed you. Put the stake through you myself. Was that a good enough fight for you? :p

I don’t think we’re gonna go up. Just another rotation of the same three servers, But this time we’re green!!!

Commander Zendaya Ashwood
Spys Sappin Mah Guild Name! [Red]
Rank: Officer

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


Since this match is coming close to an end, I just want to say thank you to Ferg and Kain. I have had some really awesome battles with a lot of you guys.. Made some friends through whispers on your servers after fun fights etc.. Made a few “friends” who like to come straight at me in crowds and /cheer on my corpse if I happen to die lol. Great fun down in this bottom tier!

P.S Looking forward to this rivalry to continue next week.. Some people I hear want fresh blood, but I for one like this unique opportunity to fight the same people for an extended time and get to know my enemies by sight..

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


You guys on DR shouldnt be getting too ahead of yourselves.

Primetime we are holding our own very well on Kaineng, considering a 450man guild xferd in to DR, which outnumbers our entire alliance combined.

Except for one, that being SoS.

You havent, since you have gotten here, even seen SoS out in any semblance of force.

The point lead you have now will not exist when they are capping during thier timezone on a daily basis.

Before PRO xferd in, just before the Halloween event, we slapped Fergs hard, and they at that tiem hant yet lost the guilds they did in the last 2 weeks, and both DR and Fergs were still listed as high pop servers, while Kaineng was medium pop and thus lowest pop in the game, wouldnt doubt if it still is either.

Enjoy the mutual back slapping fellas, while it lasts.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: KuraKaze.2314


Everyone has their own imos about things i guess. My two cents is….Come at me bro >:D

Commander Zendaya Ashwood
Spys Sappin Mah Guild Name! [Red]
Rank: Officer

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Since this match is coming close to an end, I just want to say thank you to Ferg and Kain. I have had some really awesome battles with a lot of you guys.. Made some friends through whispers on your servers after fun fights etc.. Made a few “friends” who like to come straight at me in crowds and /cheer on my corpse if I happen to die lol. Great fun down in this bottom tier!

P.S Looking forward to this rivalry to continue next week.. Some people I hear want fresh blood, but I for one like this unique opportunity to fight the same people for an extended time and get to know my enemies by sight..

Agreed, nothing but a fun slapdown throwdown blowout awesome matchup again this week.

Our “bottom tier” I wouldnt trade for the “top tier” for anything.

I love how the rivalries have developed, the personalities have come out and the action has exploded, especially during primetime.

Props to DR on thier win. It ws hard fought and you guys deserve it. You relentlessly came at us and Fergs, even when the win was obvious. Before i came to KAineng 5 or 6 weeks ago, i was on Dragonbrand. When thier WvW guild saw the win was clinched…. they stopped playing. When they saw the losss was obvious… they stopped playing. thats lame. Shows no heart. Not the case with PRO, RED, GASM, and so many others on DR.

Fergs I hope you guys get some more people taking charge and bringing u guys back to where u once were. 3rd place in this matchup didnt come because you guys gave up… the score isnt too far off from Kaineng’s 2nd place… you guys gave it all you could /props.

It aint over till its over, but def wanted to plug that all in there.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ador.8134


Dev great sneak on the orb at db almost had it !


A D O R [iSpy]
80 Guardian
Beast Mode

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Nabarue.3290


A pity the orbs aren’t going to be around anymore

So many frantic battles spent defending and attacking for the sake of the prize! I will miss that, but I am sure many other great battles are to be had.

Sir Sprocket the Engi/ Kyoryu Silver the Ele
And my Alter-Ego- Kyoryu Gold, Mesmer, Thundering Hero, wielder of the Legendary Meteorlogicus!

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: ador.8134


and 30 minutes later you guys get it back. the funny thing is i ran by your camp thnking you were ninjaing it and saw that you were kinda guarding it. didnt think anything of it till i was fighting a red guy near the water and soon as i thought about it i ran from fight “plus i was going down soon if i didnt” and by the time i looped around u guys had it so i just took out my range on your seige in the camp and eventualy died there lol
devs you guys have been giving me a hard time these past couple days much props to you guys

A D O R [iSpy]
80 Guardian
Beast Mode

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Balidore.2790


All the quitters in Ferg left a long time ago, lol. Only the 8-15 of us that never quit left. Then we have some rando pve’rs come out of the works on rare occasion.

Btw Devona, that 1v20 at FaithLeap earlier, I wouldn’t have started being cheesy about stopping you from taking it, if you wouldn’t have been cheesy and started combat rezing in 1v20. Very lame.

Balidor [Envy]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


I will miss the orb there are so many great battle pitted around them. We just tried to steal it again form kaineng adn freg. Crazy rush trying to get it to the garrsion. Good job on your part kaineng getting it and the bay.

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: revcornelius.6519


Kaineng nice job defending your last supply camp. I have been laughing so hard in vent.

Took my buddy Zen a while to get it

We had a lot of fun holding it with 7;) Nice rush at the end from both directions, that was what was needed.

Artillery / Penumbral Effect – NOQQ – Kaineng

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Zizanzi.4678


@ A D O R

Talk about being in the right place @ the right time. Rommel (AP) and myself were duoing late comers to the the fight when all of a sudden a loan Devona person carrying the orb came into view in the water from the keep. Rommel was like he has the Orb! I screamed get him! We jumped him like a HOT BABE and got him down and recovered the orb right before the gate when a horde of enemies showed up. Running for our lives us two tried to hold on for reinforcements (As can be seen in your photo me yelling for help in the screen shot) as long as we could. But…… we died to silver spikes to the heart. But thankfully you all were able to get it out front so our deaths weren’t in vain. Nice steal there Devona and a nice recovery on our part. Rommel and I just happened to be in the right place @ the right time to thwart the action ;-} Talk about luck.

Stylii Elementalist
Arbitrary Paradox (Leader)

Me yelling in /map chat for help using A D O R’s photo, LAWL


(edited by Zizanzi.4678)

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: arKRazor.8654


Inconveniently timed new build, is inconvenient.

Halfpint Sapper – Poorly-traited Asuran Engineer/CatHound/Part-time Warbanner

Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Draygo.9473


Meh, matchup is decided at this point anyway

Apathy Inc [Ai]

10/26: Devona/Ferg/Kain (again :))

in WvW

Posted by: Siege.4280


better now than tomorrow

Lead Officer Pieg [RED]
Commander Pieg [RED]
Loyal Devona’s Rest Member