11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: lcc.9374


Not surprised that people in Kaineng are starting to talk crap to the Devonas
I would probably want to do that too but since it doesnt accomplish anything i refrain from it

Devonas have talked crap to us in my view much more than we have talked crap about u guys

We win, its because of night cap and all we could do is PvDoor
We win and celebrate = we are chest pounding
Dredynte has been chest pounding all week long whether you realize it or not
We’re accused of exploiting using lame tactics daily
And now everyone is saying that all we have are numbers and cant win a fair fight

Basically to sum up what all the Devonas say in here

Devonas win = skill tactics, good strategy that lets u guys take on groups twice your size

Kaineng gets the lead automatically = chest pounding, night cap, mindless zerg beating people 2 to 1, hacking exploits etc, lame strategy in general

Go back to the thread last week, find me 1 person in Kain who complained about Devonas night capping, exploiting or simply outnumbering us

Nope, we never complained when you guys were winning
Instead, you complained about us hacking which was later proven to be wrong too even when we were losing

We’ve gotten all this crap talk from you guys and now you wonder why we are doing it back to you

The only guy in Kain who crap talks on everyone without a reason is probably Mighteous
But he’s funny so i can bear with him

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Wolfend.5287



….sue me.

You are playing the part of sore loser very well… it’s just a game. You’ll make a comeback, when you and your server are on your game. In the meantime how bout some mo whine with that dr cheeze.

(edited by Wolfend.5287)

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Shadowkx.2738


I am sorry but i don’t see the problem with the protected buff at the spawn. It wears off before any objective. It is simple enough to avoid chasing people into their spawn that i don’t see why it is an issue. Unless there is an objective that i am unaware of?

As for the jumping to your death, it does not deprive your attackers of badges. If they have hit you and then you die, you leave a loot bag that can have any of the wvw loot in it, including badges. If you jump before anyone can hit you, well that is just funny. Even funny if people follow you over…

Mesvot – War
Mestov- Thief

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

Chaster Sharpshooter.3640

meh, we hack?

I’d say ... ANet hacks.

Yeah. Look at attachment for proofs.


“To learn is what I need, to teach those who needs to learn is my duty …”
Chaster the Scarred – Leader of [SoS] Guilds
Server: Kaineng | Recruitment Status: Open

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: TheTornsoul.5140


[WAR] and Evermoor Alliance be reping Kaineng all day every day! COME GET SOME!

Öprimo — Condi Necro

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Themanbat.3206


@thenoobler: Balidore is extremely good, on his mesmer and thief (I can 1v1 him either way in sPvP though). Only reason you probably didn’t notice me is because I was on a level 12 most of that night. Anyways, when I’m on my mesmer, we’ve been able to kill around 7 at a time. Actually one Kaineng zerg was so bad we ninja’d a tower next to their spawn from around 15 of them with only a few less-than-useful people following us and held it for around a half-hour until their numbers doubled, all the while outside the wall racking up badges. Has anyone else even noticed ENVY, though? We’re a pretty small guild, but half of us win about 98% of 1v2s. So far only one ele from iGod and a few players in Bsty have had decent enough players to catch my attention, with the Bsty players only doing well when they worked together. After a while, though, they were using the spawn for cover. So sad. Have to go after zergs to get good fights most of the time :/

Angelic Synergy [Holy], Andromeda (Mesmer)/Samson of Mice (Guardian)/Ren the Stumpy (Engi)

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: TheTornsoul.5140


1v1 means nothing WvWvW. I/we will just run you over with a zerg.

and not much of accomplishment when 90% of the server can’t or don’t even know how to 1v1 decent. So yeah

Öprimo — Condi Necro

(edited by TheTornsoul.5140)

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Themanbat.3206


Lol, thanks tornsoul. It is fun, though. Sometimes we’ll just sit back and watch eachother take on 2 or 3. In points, you are right about zergs ftw, lol, but we don’t expect to be making a big impact on the score with 2 of us on at a time, so we usually just hunt you guys down when you’re in only relatively huge numbers

Angelic Synergy [Holy], Andromeda (Mesmer)/Samson of Mice (Guardian)/Ren the Stumpy (Engi)

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: TheTornsoul.5140


Haha I am just messing man. Just the truth. If you ever want to 1v1 or something. Just whisp me across servers. I am down for it. Love 1v1s!

Öprimo — Condi Necro

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: irishhaf.1692


For those that havent played alot of MMO’s heres a tip you put together groups of high dmg output charecters (of 1 class) and run around face rolling people your pretty much ensuring a nerf for that class… seen packs of 1 class type popping up a lot lately… just saying what ive seen.

Deritt ranger lv 80 (Un-retired… liking longbow)
Devona Borders (DB)
Devonas rest.

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Last night was fun Duoing with my buddy Nightwoof.

We ran around 4am EST till around 6am EST, just wrecking as a duo.

One very memorable fight was when we saw 8 Fergs trying to take DR’s Tower in the Ferg BL.

We thought what the heck, poor DR cant be on all 24hrs a day…. lets help them keep thier tower, that way they wont whine Kaineng is night capping, heck we are helping them out son!

So we get right up into them, and as we get there they break down the gate… awesome… now our 2v8 turned into a 2v1, then another 2v1, then another 2v1 as they all ran up to the lord room without even bothering to turn and see why thier buddies were dropping like flies.

So now its 2v5. They are on the Keep Lord… cool! If we are gunan help defend DR’s tower, might as well ahve thier Keep Lord help out, not like any DR’s wanna help defend it.

So, we waste them 2+keep lord vs 5 Fergs. Now its just us and Keep Lord and he is eyeing our loot bags.

Me and Nightwoof dont even have to hesitate… no one messes with my loot bags man, i got badges to grind.

We set in on the Keep Lord.

Fergs kept coming in and interrupting our little chat with the Keep Lord, how rude of them, but we showed all 8 of them how we deal with rudeness in Warsworn. Guild Charter Chapter 13, subsection 5, paragraph “slap them silly nine ways sideways”

So after we capped the tower, we saw they were back on the gate. Bet those Fergs never thought they’d be back on the outside banging on that very same gate not 5mins later but the colour of the tower now blue. Some things you jsut cant predict or have any control over i guess.

Oh and dont be so judgemental there DR guys… those Fergs werent the only ones we pulled a fast one on. Not a few mins later me and good old Nightwoof went to a Fergs supply camp in the far southermost tip of the map…. for some od reason the DR guys who were flipping it left the ring uncapped and ran off to go gank a poor Dolyak…. me and Nightwoof just sat there in the ring to make sure thier efforts didnt go to waste… but i forgot when we do that it turns to Kaineng control, not DR… sorry guys we tried.. you didnt have to be so angry about it. Ah well, cant please everyone can ya.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


@thenoobler: Balidore is extremely good, on his mesmer and thief (I can 1v1 him either way in sPvP though). Only reason you probably didn’t notice me is because I was on a level 12 most of that night. Anyways, when I’m on my mesmer, we’ve been able to kill around 7 at a time. Actually one Kaineng zerg was so bad we ninja’d a tower next to their spawn from around 15 of them with only a few less-than-useful people following us and held it for around a half-hour until their numbers doubled, all the while outside the wall racking up badges. Has anyone else even noticed ENVY, though? We’re a pretty small guild, but half of us win about 98% of 1v2s. So far only one ele from iGod and a few players in Bsty have had decent enough players to catch my attention, with the Bsty players only doing well when they worked together. After a while, though, they were using the spawn for cover. So sad. Have to go after zergs to get good fights most of the time :/

Yup gave my props to Bsty, they were running a tight gank group last night!

hey Im not above giving props to people who outplay me… you guys are doing a great job out there keep it up.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540



Read it, like 34 years ago. I know full well what happened there and I know full well what happens to the wolf as well as the one that gets kitteny. There wasn’t any mention of conspiracy or otherwise. If you’d learn to read and process information you may have come to that conclusion on your own. Being a person such as yourself in a position of guild leadership, you know that whether or not it’s a “newb” to the guild or not, if it’s wrong, it’s wrong. But I hear what you’re saying…you’re telling us what of it, we don’t care….wolves get eaten too, remember that as there is always a bigger predator.

It was brought to attention because it is an apparent problem that was being ignored because of the status of this match. You can call it what you want and say it’s because we’re “losing”, but again…DR wasn’t the ones pounding our chests when we won last week. We gave props where they were due and went on our merry way.

These issues affect everyone, not just the winner or loser(s)…as I’ve stated several times in above replies. If anything YOU have already may YOURSELF look bad with your responses in this thread, but it’s okay…wolf.

You even read what DR was spouting the last 2 weeks? More like them geting a taste of thier own medicine.

Now all the lame excuses coming out.

“its the weekend we have a life” lolwhut?!

thats ok, as the week goes by, the excuses will end.

If im wrong, ill give credit where its due, simply put.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

(edited by thenoobler.7540)

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

if any wants to help support suggestion thread i started and share same interest as i do, visit : https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/ANET-pls-WvW-rank-emote/first#post636107

if not, well thanks anyways

Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Jacknife.7305


what i have noticed about our grouping is: the server with the most transfers that week wins. but i think that has settled down now which is why Kaineng, the best server is winning right now

I’m map chat famous:
Termont 80 charr engineer
Jerknife 80 syvlari guardian

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Drist.9807



That moment when you realize that your unsportsmanlike banter shames your guild and makes you look like a king amongst pricks.

There are no more than 30 of us on and in WvW on a good day and on peak hours, so to siege everything at once like JQ or Blackgate can is impossible. We did have one of our best commanders transfer to another server, and another start his own guild (which doesn’t WvW).

Maybe you’re missing something as to how WvW works; points are points. And while the majority of DR’s guilds are fighting it out in EB, that leaves us, randoms, or fragments of guilds to fight in a given BL. So to fight for a garrison for 2 hours, when we can go on another map and cap four times as many points instead, sounds like a good idea doesn’t it?

Guilds adapt to each others strengths and weaknesses, I know you know that. We can’t be everywhere, so we make due with what we have. That being said, I haven’t been on when pro wasn’t able to take a keep or garrison, no matter how long it took. Deflate your ego and stop hating.

Master Serephix [PRO] – Lv. 80 Thief
Dragonbrand [Formerly Devona’s Rest]

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Nabarue.3290


Gotta give it to you Fergs and Kains, this alliance you guys have going on makes for one tough fight. Haven’t seen a single drop of red in Kaineng Borderlands, and vice versa, so well played on successfully creating a server alliance, color me impressed. (this isn’t sarcasm, mind you, I am genuinely impressed). (And don’t feed me the “we aren’t trying it” thing, I’m an observant man xD ) Particular props to iSpy, you guys give a good fight everytime I see you guys. And we met in battle MANY time over the last 24 hours :p

I will say this: you won’t break us. We’ll fight on! Even with being spread so thin in our own borderlands, and with very little leadership stepping up to lead our ragtag groups, we’ll keep going on! Morale is low in DR today, but you can count on the fact that when backed into a corner, we’ll fight like vicious animals!

Have to say though, with all this crazy flaming going on in this thread, I must be one person that is genuinely just happy to see a kitten good fight! See you all on the battlefield!

Sir Sprocket the Engi/ Kyoryu Silver the Ele
And my Alter-Ego- Kyoryu Gold, Mesmer, Thundering Hero, wielder of the Legendary Meteorlogicus!

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Darxio.5672


Deflate nothing. This is e-war. Feelings belong on Eredon Terrace.

And to all you Kaining haters out there, I don’t care anymore. Haters gonna hate.

Less typing more fighting. This is Kaining. It has been Kaining, is Kaining, and always will be Kaining. And only true Kaining blood will understand that.

And by the way, my guild KAIN has been focusing in fergs borderland, so nice try with the propaganda. We just hate ferg less than Devona so when given a choice, we WILL hit you before ferg if you go there too when we are there. But that doesn’t make it an alliance.

Brigade of the Black Twilight [BBT]
Darxio – Thief Commander

(edited by Darxio.5672)

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: arKRazor.8654


Look, when you boil it down, all servers have a mix of talented players that fly their server’s colors. Each server also has its share of players that will exploit every situation to their advantage. There are those that will conduct themselves in a civil manner and others that wish to nothing more than start flame wars. Some commanders will earn respect and others will lose it by posturing endlessly towards ally and enemy alike.

You are going to see players abuse the system for personal gain no matter where you look, pointing fingers and making sweeping generalizations is hardly fair.

Each server has its heroes and team players, its own worthy commanders, its favorite upset victories. We could celebrate those rather then endlessly QQ-ing.

Best of luck to all guilds and players that put their time, energy and passion into fighting for their server.

Halfpint Sapper – Poorly-traited Asuran Engineer/CatHound/Part-time Warbanner

Devona’s Rest [OHai][GloB]

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Jacknife.7305


WAIT, we have an alliance with ferg? why didnt anyone tell the group of 30 ferg who steamrolled me like the ending of roger rabbit.

I’m map chat famous:
Termont 80 charr engineer
Jerknife 80 syvlari guardian

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Nabarue.3290


Deflate nothing. This is e-war. Feelings belong on Eredon Terrace.

And to all you Kaining haters out there, I don’t care anymore. Haters gonna hate.

Less typing more fighting. This is Kaining. It has been Kaining, is Kaining, and always will be Kaining. And only true Kaining blood will understand that.

And by the way, my guild KAIN has been focusing in fergs borderland, so nice try with the propaganda. We just hate ferg less than Devona so when given a choice, we WILL hit you before ferg if you go there too when we are there. But that doesn’t make it an alliance.

I’m just pointing out what I observed over the course of this weekend in the Devona’s BL. Perhaps I am making a hasty assumption, but like I said, I’m an observant man. I am not following “feelings,” I am following the trends that I am seeing. Not what I “think” is happening. What I am seeing. Don’t get all butthurt about me pointing something out. I could be wrong, I could be right. If I’m wrong, I eat some humble pie and move on (I’m married, I’m use to being wrong xD ). If I’m right, well, that remains to be seen.

Either way, good fighting so far this weekend! Lets keep it up!

Sir Sprocket the Engi/ Kyoryu Silver the Ele
And my Alter-Ego- Kyoryu Gold, Mesmer, Thundering Hero, wielder of the Legendary Meteorlogicus!

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: revcornelius.6519


Gotta give it to you Fergs and Kains, this alliance you guys have going on makes for one tough fight. Haven’t seen a single drop of red in Kaineng Borderlands, and vice versa, so well played on successfully creating a server alliance, color me impressed. (this isn’t sarcasm, mind you, I am genuinely impressed). (And don’t feed me the “we aren’t trying it” thing, I’m an observant man xD ) Particular props to iSpy, you guys give a good fight everytime I see you guys. And we met in battle MANY time over the last 24 hours :p

I will say this: you won’t break us. We’ll fight on! Even with being spread so thin in our own borderlands, and with very little leadership stepping up to lead our ragtag groups, we’ll keep going on! Morale is low in DR today, but you can count on the fact that when backed into a corner, we’ll fight like vicious animals!

Have to say though, with all this crazy flaming going on in this thread, I must be one person that is genuinely just happy to see a kitten good fight! See you all on the battlefield!

News to me as well. AP and RUNN spent all night last night in Ferg’s BL until we moved to EB to defend a supply camp for a few hours. We fought Ferg there as well until the 7 of us were over run. As you say though, perception is a funny thing, etc.

Artillery / Penumbral Effect – NOQQ – Kaineng

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: dank.3680


@thenoobler: Balidore is extremely good, on his mesmer and thief (I can 1v1 him either way in sPvP though). Only reason you probably didn’t notice me is because I was on a level 12 most of that night. Anyways, when I’m on my mesmer, we’ve been able to kill around 7 at a time. Actually one Kaineng zerg was so bad we ninja’d a tower next to their spawn from around 15 of them with only a few less-than-useful people following us and held it for around a half-hour until their numbers doubled, all the while outside the wall racking up badges. Has anyone else even noticed ENVY, though? We’re a pretty small guild, but half of us win about 98% of 1v2s. So far only one ele from iGod and a few players in Bsty have had decent enough players to catch my attention, with the Bsty players only doing well when they worked together. After a while, though, they were using the spawn for cover. So sad. Have to go after zergs to get good fights most of the time :/

Just gotta say TRx (a small DR guild) has given ENVY plenty of good fights. Good enough that most of us have at least 2 of you guys on friends list from our whispers after epic battles.. We really love when we run into you guys, you’re one of the few guilds that gives us any challenge in an even numbers skirmish.

#MAGSWAG: All class player. XOXO

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Braxxis.7062


Dear Kaineng,

You have more players than Devona’s Rest. When a party of 10 of us kills 20 of you but another 30 are behind that 20 and kills the 10 of us, why do you beat your chests and declare how great you are? When your capping zerg of 30+ comes to cap an extremely outmanned server at 7 to 8 AM EST, why do you think you’re the greatest since sliced bread? We have stopped that zerg cold before and with maybe 8 to 10 of us but it was not easy to do.

We have had some epic fights. These are not epic. You win at those times because you have more cannon fodder than we do. Give us an even battle and we wipe the floor with you and send you home crying to momma. We had many such even battles last week and we won handily. Now you have a larger population. The question is, is it just a weekend zerg and we will have even battles on the weekdays or is your population going to remain high?

When a party of 5 of us is assaulting your keep and killing you when you have us outnumbered, THAT is epic. That is worthy of chest beating but I see none from those of us who were there.

So relax the bs chest beating. You win ONLY because you have a higher population. So crow about how many more people you have. How you recruited people to go around an empty server and cap largely undefended structures. That is the story of Kaineng’s winning strategy.

We had the outmanned buff….multiple times. How do we have more players and that buff.

Largely undefended? Sunnyhill was defended enough to hold out for several hours, we got there, you wiped us and pushed into the keep, got wiped and we came back out. Now Cragtop on the other hand, ya I sat there with a Treb for about an hour and busted the wall and we took that without a fight while everyone was busy at Sunnyhill but hey, that’s your own fault for leaving me alone for an hour.

Nahla Lisandril / Ashelia Morin / Craulk
Yolaine / Orindine / Maliasera
~ Among the Ashes [Dust] ~

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302


“brother, ya are bein farmed: ‘l2p’ or get out.”

LOL…that pic is at YOUR server spawn area showing 3 of your server folks hiding in spawn form ONE person. Yet u want to say i’m being farmed, lol. If you mean the legendary guards killing me…well mate hate to tell u but that has not ever happened to me.

those 3 are standing in a “legendary zone”, as you put it. The exploitable spot in the supply camp is NOT a legendary zone per Anet. Mayhap you need to learn to read on what Anet posts mate.

“Still waiting for Dred’s daily rundown of his PvDoor heroics at 3am.”

You make reading the forums fun. I got online late after the reset and there was a rather unusual strat in full execution going on. Took me all of about 5 mins to realize it wasnt going to be anywhere near successful. But there were a few commanders already up so I wasnt about to go and icon up and cause more confusion…so i logged out and took my kids to a steak house. Wasnt on but very briefly Saturday, spent the day at the lake with my kids but got online late for a few hours. All i did was help clean up DR and work on upgrades. Pushed few small groups of Kain/Ferg off the map on occassion, but mostly just “hung out” with few DR folks.

Now I’m loving how Kaineng is all over the forums since reset…lol. (awesome) And props to your lead and push. You guys are all doing great, keep it up. But one thing to remember…this is the exact thing that’s happened the last 2 weeks, and probably prior to that I’d imagine. You come out strong on the weekend, then go limp starting on Monday and the “we’re outmanned” starts to flood the forums.

But all in all, fun fun fun. DR/Kain/Ferg all 3 servers rockin the maps and engaging in some good fights so I’m told.

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Balidore.2790


Ya Neal, that [Envy] mesmer is just one skilled dude, ive foguht him with 2 guys beside me adn he downed both of them, i said screw this and got out of dodge… saw hima few more times… he couldn’t kill me, and neither could i even come cloe to killing him… but man did he mangle and take down everyone else beside me in every encounter lol

Oh and the whole “wait till during the week that’s when we are gunna catch up” excuse isnt gunna fly this week my DR pals.

You had it easy last 2 weeks. War and iSPY took the first week off entirely, as did SoS. Last week half of us were back, but not SoS at all. Now all of War and iSPY are back, and so is SoS.

Look forward to tongiht’s fighting. Im sure primetime will as suually be a slugfest all 3 ways.

You’re that invincible guardian Man… I remember just straight dpsing you while you were rezzing someone. Literally, no dodging, moving, nothing, just straight dps, and I still couldn’t hurt ya, lol. Good fights man.

And c’mon people, small grps still help allot. How many times have you went to defend ur keep from a zerg, and u had no supply cuz 2-3 people kept taking em all day? Also, I’ve held off numerous reinforcements from getting anywhere close to being able to get to their twr/keep to defend. I remember me n 2 others spawn killing 15+ devona over and over again, then they started writing us calling us ‘griefers,’ yet they didn’t realize, while we were killing em at their spawn, our main grp was taking the entire map undefended. And I don’t think the zerg is gonna miss 3 people.

Balidor [Envy]

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


As The Greatest Player In The Game, I’m sure that my forum messages are twice as valuable as any of yours. So when I use the old cliche, “You win some, you lose some.” I’m sure every one of you kids is going to write it down on a piece of paper and hang it on his/her refrigerator for inspiration.

Unfortunately for us at Kaineng, we always win! Stomping you Devona’s into the ground is like playing Whack A Mole. It’s fun for a couple of minutes, but then you realize that these moles offer no challenge or competition! Then you log out after an easily won battle, you go to the forum to revel in the glory of your victory, and you find that the moles are STILL bleeding from their injuries, and can’t seem to get over it!

Now as The Greatest Player In The Game, I realize that I am just naturally more intelligent than everybody else. So I decided to take it upon myself to go out and get something for you guys over there at Devona’s. (See picture) Judging by the tone of your posts, these are just what you need for what ails you.

Now, having killed you all weekend and watched you flee to the hills over and over and over again, I want to say a couple of things.

1. Thank you for the free money.
2. Thank you for the free tokens.
3. Thank you for playing Guild Wars 2. You all go huddle up for a bandaid/hug session. Do whatever you need to do, because this level of “competition” is just not acceptable.

Kaineng DOMINATES the prime time. What are you going to do about it? I don’t wanna hear about how your feelings are hurt. Or how you feel a “condescending” tone makes people look bad. I want to hear that you whiners have some sort of fighting spirit in you.

As a real man, I find myself disgusted the people I have been crushing into paste on a daily basis are unworthy of the honor. I’ve started to think I’ll just try to fight you naked to increase your odds, that’s how bad it’s getting over here at Kaineng. All these excuses, demands for respect, and pictures of people smart enough to make use of game mechanics aren’t going to even the odds. LOL.

Have a butterfly and rainbow filled afternoon now, you hear?

(Edited to amend the use of the word “unworthy.” Wouldn’t want to be rude!)


I look forward to killing you soon.

(edited by Mighteous.9281)

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Nabarue.3290


You know Mighteous. I very literally was just telling a guild-mate that i was shocked that we hadn’t seen more of you in this thread. And true to form, here you are lol

Although… I wouldn’t go so far as you being “naturally more intelligent.” Naturally larger than most players? I’ll give ya that. Naturally more egotistical. Double yes. Naturally more intelligent though? Now you’re just telling stories xD

Also, thanks for the band-aids. Although I also would have accepted mouthwash for all the dirt my little engineer has been eating this weekend. Don’t worry though, big guy, I found you once, and put a stake through you, and I will do the same again. You won’t be disappointed with the fight I’ll put up! Hope to see you on the battlefield xD

Sir Sprocket the Engi/ Kyoryu Silver the Ele
And my Alter-Ego- Kyoryu Gold, Mesmer, Thundering Hero, wielder of the Legendary Meteorlogicus!

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


“brother, ya are bein farmed: ‘l2p’ or get out.”

LOL…that pic is at YOUR server spawn area showing 3 of your server folks hiding in spawn form ONE person. Yet u want to say i’m being farmed, lol. If you mean the legendary guards killing me…well mate hate to tell u but that has not ever happened to me.

those 3 are standing in a “legendary zone”, as you put it. The exploitable spot in the supply camp is NOT a legendary zone per Anet. Mayhap you need to learn to read on what Anet posts mate.

“Still waiting for Dred’s daily rundown of his PvDoor heroics at 3am.”

You make reading the forums fun. I got online late after the reset and there was a rather unusual strat in full execution going on. Took me all of about 5 mins to realize it wasnt going to be anywhere near successful. But there were a few commanders already up so I wasnt about to go and icon up and cause more confusion…so i logged out and took my kids to a steak house. Wasnt on but very briefly Saturday, spent the day at the lake with my kids but got online late for a few hours. All i did was help clean up DR and work on upgrades. Pushed few small groups of Kain/Ferg off the map on occassion, but mostly just “hung out” with few DR folks.

Now I’m loving how Kaineng is all over the forums since reset…lol. (awesome) And props to your lead and push. You guys are all doing great, keep it up. But one thing to remember…this is the exact thing that’s happened the last 2 weeks, and probably prior to that I’d imagine. You come out strong on the weekend, then go limp starting on Monday and the “we’re outmanned” starts to flood the forums.

But all in all, fun fun fun. DR/Kain/Ferg all 3 servers rockin the maps and engaging in some good fights so I’m told.

Ok Dred. We get it. your excuse and that of most of you DR guys is that you have a life on the weekends. Fair enough.

I’m very willing to be wrong as the week rolls by.

Just remember, as the week does roll by, your excuses will start to disappear son.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540



That moment when you realize that your unsportsmanlike banter shames your guild and makes you look like a king amongst pricks.

There are no more than 30 of us on and in WvW on a good day and on peak hours, so to siege everything at once like JQ or Blackgate can is impossible. We did have one of our best commanders transfer to another server, and another start his own guild (which doesn’t WvW).

Maybe you’re missing something as to how WvW works; points are points. And while the majority of DR’s guilds are fighting it out in EB, that leaves us, randoms, or fragments of guilds to fight in a given BL. So to fight for a garrison for 2 hours, when we can go on another map and cap four times as many points instead, sounds like a good idea doesn’t it?

Guilds adapt to each others strengths and weaknesses, I know you know that. We can’t be everywhere, so we make due with what we have. That being said, I haven’t been on when pro wasn’t able to take a keep or garrison, no matter how long it took. Deflate your ego and stop hating.

So you admit PRO would rather go PvDoor then? thnxs.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Ralloff.7359


Oh I like this Mighteous guy. I agree with everything he says.

Leader of the 3 man Pop Up Pirates(POMF)
Pretty OK Elementalist

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Sajec.5302



That moment when you realize that your unsportsmanlike banter shames your guild and makes you look like a king amongst pricks.
There are no more than 30 of us on and in WvW on a good day and on peak hours, so to siege everything at once like JQ or Blackgate can is impossible. We did have one of our best commanders transfer to another server, and another start his own guild (which doesn’t WvW).
Maybe you’re missing something as to how WvW works; points are points. And while the majority of DR’s guilds are fighting it out in EB, that leaves us, randoms, or fragments of guilds to fight in a given BL. So to fight for a garrison for 2 hours, when we can go on another map and cap four times as many points instead, sounds like a good idea doesn’t it?
Guilds adapt to each others strengths and weaknesses, I know you know that. We can’t be everywhere, so we make due with what we have. That being said, I haven’t been on when pro wasn’t able to take a keep or garrison, no matter how long it took. Deflate your ego and stop hating.

So you admit PRO would rather go PvDoor then? thnxs.

Not sure how you tied PRO to that post line….lol (id have quoted, but the option isnt there lol)

Dredstorm One Eye
Daemon’s Gate [HELL]
Fort Aspenwood

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: NealCaffrey.6450



That moment when you realize that your unsportsmanlike banter shames your guild and makes you look like a king amongst pricks.

There are no more than 30 of us on and in WvW on a good day and on peak hours, so to siege everything at once like JQ or Blackgate can is impossible. We did have one of our best commanders transfer to another server, and another start his own guild (which doesn’t WvW).

Maybe you’re missing something as to how WvW works; points are points. And while the majority of DR’s guilds are fighting it out in EB, that leaves us, randoms, or fragments of guilds to fight in a given BL. So to fight for a garrison for 2 hours, when we can go on another map and cap four times as many points instead, sounds like a good idea doesn’t it?

Guilds adapt to each others strengths and weaknesses, I know you know that. We can’t be everywhere, so we make due with what we have. That being said, I haven’t been on when pro wasn’t able to take a keep or garrison, no matter how long it took. Deflate your ego and stop hating.

I don’t have a big ego, I look at the facts. My tone in the previous posts were mean and calling you guys out which is exactly how I wanted them to be to prove a point. All I’m trying to do is knock PRO’s ego down a peg and have some fun out in WvW. If you guys want to stop the chest thumping and high fiving in forums in the future, go for it because as you witnessed it’s truly obnoxious. The Evermoor Alliance will continue to fight and do what we can to control maps while we’re out in primetime and with SoS during US nights/mornings.

Let’s try and have some fun?


Commander Rañger Dañger
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Mighteous.9281


You know Mighteous. I very literally was just telling a guild-mate that i was shocked that we hadn’t seen more of you in this thread. And true to form, here you are lol

Although… I wouldn’t go so far as you being “naturally more intelligent.” Naturally larger than most players? I’ll give ya that. Naturally more egotistical. Double yes. Naturally more intelligent though? Now you’re just telling stories xD

Also, thanks for the band-aids. Although I also would have accepted mouthwash for all the dirt my little engineer has been eating this weekend. Don’t worry though, big guy, I found you once, and put a stake through you, and I will do the same again. You won’t be disappointed with the fight I’ll put up! Hope to see you on the battlefield xD

The time is coming when you’ll abandon that server and come to Kaineng. Here at Kaineng, we win. Here at Kaineng, our siege weapons produce badges. Here at Kaineng, we don’t bleed in public to try and evoke symphathy when we’re behind.

There’s plenty of room over here for you kids that are smart enough to swallow your pride. The good thing about being on the bandwagon is that you go to bed every night as a winner.

They say idle hands are the Devil’s workshop. With all the free time I have watching you Devonaite’s retreat, I have thought up a new game to play. (see picture)

Psychological Operations! You Devonaites have no chance! This particular player was very aggressive and responsible for many deaths. He charged me and tried to kill me several times. He inspired the Devonaites to move forward.

And now he’s thinking about coming to Kaineng. Baha! Baha! Bahahahaha!!! As you can see by the picture, the Devonaites dove into their little bunny hole and never came out again.

Surely this guy whose name starts with an E and ends with an M told them that they were fighting against Mighteous. I’ll save you a spot, Sir Sprocket. Kaineng can always use a good supply runner.

(Had to repost for picture edit)


I look forward to killing you soon.

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540



It was a PRO member saying they woulod rather go cap undefended points elsewhere.

PRO member.

that I quoted.

Thats how i tied it to PRO.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Sirenic.4275


NealCaffrey-6450 –
Good luck bringing our egos down lol. We are just confident in knowing well win again.

Besides not many PRO read this thread.. 3 at the most, so getting to us isn’t working, ^.^

Anywho – as I said before. See you in wvw this week.

-Phizyn [80 Sylvari Guardian]
Leader of Protocol [PRO]

(edited by Sirenic.4275)

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Nabarue.3290


You know Mighteous. I very literally was just telling a guild-mate that i was shocked that we hadn’t seen more of you in this thread. And true to form, here you are lol

Although… I wouldn’t go so far as you being “naturally more intelligent.” Naturally larger than most players? I’ll give ya that. Naturally more egotistical. Double yes. Naturally more intelligent though? Now you’re just telling stories xD

Also, thanks for the band-aids. Although I also would have accepted mouthwash for all the dirt my little engineer has been eating this weekend. Don’t worry though, big guy, I found you once, and put a stake through you, and I will do the same again. You won’t be disappointed with the fight I’ll put up! Hope to see you on the battlefield xD

The time is coming when you’ll abandon that server and come to Kaineng. Here at Kaineng, we win. Here at Kaineng, our siege weapons produce badges. Here at Kaineng, we don’t bleed in public to try and evoke symphathy when we’re behind.

There’s plenty of room over here for you kids that are smart enough to swallow your pride. The good thing about being on the bandwagon is that you go to bed every night as a winner.

They say idle hands are the Devil’s workshop. With all the free time I have watching you Devonaite’s retreat, I have thought up a new game to play. (see picture)

Psychological Operations! You Devonaites have no chance! This particular player was very aggressive and responsible for many deaths. He charged me and tried to kill me several times. He inspired the Devonaites to move forward.

And now he’s thinking about coming to Kaineng. Baha! Baha! Bahahahaha!!! As you can see by the picture, the Devonaites dove into their little bunny hole and never came out again.

Surely this guy whose name starts with an E and ends with an M told them that they were fighting against Mighteous. I’ll save you a spot, Sir Sprocket. Kaineng can always use a good supply runner.

(Had to repost for picture edit)

I have a story for you Mighteous.

A few days ago, me and my fellow GASM members were roaming in EB when we came upon a Kaineng zerg. They hadn’t seen us (or if they had, didn’t care), so I went in for a closer look. I saw this big guy that looked so familiar. I couldn’t place it at first, but as battle was joined, I made it my point to drop this guy. He was standing by the back of the zerg, so he was ripe to be my first target. Grenade after grenade, hit after hit, I dropped him, and with a final spike to the chest, I ended that guy. And as he laid there, then it hit me: that armor, that crest, that person. I had seen them before. On these very forums.

That person was you Mighteous. Not bad for a “supply runner.”

I can’t speak for this so-called defector your screenshot details. But I can tell you that the words Devona’s Rest will always be tied to Sir Sprocket.

And I have a new game for us to play. It’s called “Find the Sprocket.” Now I understand that I’m small, and I’m often manning siege, but there are only so many people, across so many maps. The point of this game? To find me, of course! If you truly can’t find the great battle you so lust after, come find me. Find the Sprocket. I’ll give you what you’re looking for. In fact, I have a whole Kit full of grenades with your name on them. I promise you that I’ll show you all the fury, all the strength that me and my fellow Devona’s have to offer.

I’m a little Asura with spiky hair and goggles. I fly the flag of GASM and fight for all the incredible members that inhabit the guild. And I am waiting.

Sir Sprocket the Engi/ Kyoryu Silver the Ele
And my Alter-Ego- Kyoryu Gold, Mesmer, Thundering Hero, wielder of the Legendary Meteorlogicus!

(edited by Nabarue.3290)

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Bones.5762


Wow i’ve been gone 2 days, and things have gotten really hostile, lets just focus on the game if we can, i just wanna have fun, keep it classy everyone, i don’t like it when we lose our cool, (even our guys). Play to win, not to boast, the scores says it all already, just enjoy all servers, i hate fighting on forums, lets keep the fights out there, and if u really must, go ahead and dance on other peoples corpse, as if it happens to me, ill just laugh and do it right back at you guys.

Will you help me move?

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: aimac.9046


You take a game way too seriously. Kaining blood? Ok man, ok.

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: eqpablon.9072


You have a thief that was intentionally abusing the rendering bug. You are doing it as I am posting at the Bluevale Supply Camp in the DR BL. To be clear, it wasn’t just you; however you were the only one I had time to click on and report.

Do you really need to abuse the stealth rendering issue to keep us from capping the supply camp? I thought you guys were JAWESOME and could take us head on?

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Moo.4803


You have a thief that was intentionally abusing the rendering bug. You are doing it as I am posting at the Bluevale Supply Camp in the DR BL. To be clear, it wasn’t just you; however you were the only one I had time to click on and report.

Do you really need to abuse the stealth rendering issue to keep us from capping the supply camp? I thought you guys were JAWESOME and could take us head on?

From what i saw there were 2-3 thieves doing this. [War] tag and [iSpy]… if you guys are so awesome why do you have to abuse a broken rendering engine to keep people from taking 1 camp

[DIS] Tarnished Coast

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Ynot.8397


You know what was nice? When the Ferg/Kain/DR threads had talks of good fights and people not being complete kitten

Thought I might just throw that out there.

Ferguson’s Crossing→ SoS→ DR→ EBay

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: NealCaffrey.6450


Our thieves would of been successful in holding the camp regardless of rendering bug or not. Your lack of coordination in the supply camp was easy to take advantage of. The easy counter is to stack up and spam aoe’s… Throw some all caps in Map/Team chat and get people to stack up on your commander.

Commander Rañger Dañger
Leader of Cryptic Gaze[iSpy]
Evermoor Alliance (iSpy, JAWA, WAR) – Dragonbrand

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Scorpio Shirica.1286

Scorpio Shirica.1286

Mighteous seems a lot like a roleplayer that manages to stay in character a lot (if not all the time). As an RPer on TC, I enjoy reading his flamboyant obviously narcissistic posts.

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: eqpablon.9072


Our thieves would of been successful in holding the camp regardless of rendering bug or not. Your lack of coordination in the supply camp was easy to take advantage of. The easy counter is to stack up and spam aoe’s… Throw some all caps in Map/Team chat and get people to stack up on your commander.

First, Bluevale has a rather large cap ring. We had 30ish ppl in that area spamming AoE’s and it took us 5 minutes of constant AoEing to flush 3 (one of whom was you) out. That was enough time for you guys to assault that camp multiple times. We wiped you several times, although after about 10 minutes of fighting you guys did retake the camp.

Here is the thing, you had multiple thieves abusing the rendering issue. It certainly looked like you were co-ordinating this abuse of rendering. When all the thieves that we flushed out were a part of your alliance, it makes it look like you guys intentionally abused the rendering bug to keep us from capping.

For the first 3-5 minutes it was just the thieves keeping us from capping, and we had 30ish ppl. If you guys rendered properly you would have been f stomped and the camp would have been ours.

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: eqpablon.9072


While you guys spent all your resources abusing rendering issues so you could cap one camp, we went on ahead and grabbed everything else.

We are now outscoring you in points. The gap is going to start to close


11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: Drist.9807


@ NealCafffrey

There we go again with the unsportsmanlike conduct. Apparently you’re not at the level where you can play the game without abusing the system, but one day you’ll get there I have faith.

On a different note, good going for Ferg catching up in potential points, proving that saturday was an off day for them.

Master Serephix [PRO] – Lv. 80 Thief
Dragonbrand [Formerly Devona’s Rest]

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


You have a thief that was intentionally abusing the rendering bug. You are doing it as I am posting at the Bluevale Supply Camp in the DR BL. To be clear, it wasn’t just you; however you were the only one I had time to click on and report.

Do you really need to abuse the stealth rendering issue to keep us from capping the supply camp? I thought you guys were JAWESOME and could take us head on?

Oh look anoher hack accusation when someone loses a fight.

Alot of tin foil hats in this thread, and they all seem to be coming from DR.

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: thenoobler.7540


Our thieves would of been successful in holding the camp regardless of rendering bug or not. Your lack of coordination in the supply camp was easy to take advantage of. The easy counter is to stack up and spam aoe’s… Throw some all caps in Map/Team chat and get people to stack up on your commander.

First, Bluevale has a rather large cap ring. We had 30ish ppl in that area spamming AoE’s and it took us 5 minutes of constant AoEing to flush 3 (one of whom was you) out. That was enough time for you guys to assault that camp multiple times. We wiped you several times, although after about 10 minutes of fighting you guys did retake the camp.

Here is the thing, you had multiple thieves abusing the rendering issue. It certainly looked like you were co-ordinating this abuse of rendering. When all the thieves that we flushed out were a part of your alliance, it makes it look like you guys intentionally abused the rendering bug to keep us from capping.

For the first 3-5 minutes it was just the thieves keeping us from capping, and we had 30ish ppl. If you guys rendered properly you would have been f stomped and the camp would have been ours.

And exactly how did you positively without a doubt identify that they were absuing some rendering bug?

Tin foil hat getting hot? … geez

Xiir – lvl80 Guardian – Dragonbrand Server
Guild Leader – Warsworn [WAR] – www.warsworngaming.com

11/2/2012: Devona\Kaineng\Ferguson's Crossing

in WvW

Posted by: eqpablon.9072


You have a thief that was intentionally abusing the rendering bug. You are doing it as I am posting at the Bluevale Supply Camp in the DR BL. To be clear, it wasn’t just you; however you were the only one I had time to click on and report.

Do you really need to abuse the stealth rendering issue to keep us from capping the supply camp? I thought you guys were JAWESOME and could take us head on?

Oh look anoher hack accusation when someone loses a fight.

Alot of tin foil hats in this thread, and they all seem to be coming from DR.

Just to clarify, this isn’t hacking. It’s abusing a known bug. Concerning your other point about losing a fight… we now have everything on our map because they used all their ppl to cap one point. It actually benefitted us.

I simply found it entertaining that one of the largest mouthpieces in this thread was abusing a rendering bug. GG