11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


Who is TA anyway?

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: gebrechen.5643


And why Beastgate and not Blamegate or Blablagate?

Some people die on epidemic, other have skill.
- great warlord Waha of Sea 2981bc

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Rhino.9607


Excuse me Miss Want-to-be-a-Cover Girl for misspelling my name on my sig. Nice way to avoid the topic and yes last week, we steam rolled through both servers since the server reset. We crushed you so hard all the way up till Monday late night early Tuesday. Facts? just go back and look at the score updates that everyone was posting last week and it clearly show us puttin the whoops to you.
Now, I am not sure as to what happened after that, cuz I was at work. Fact? Alot of ppl took advantage of the free server transfer and jumped ship for whatever reason it was.
2v1 is kinda getting old, but fact when SBI and JQ hit us and the both of you are standing side by side and NOT hitting each other, well you call it then. Oh yeah TACTICAL work is what you guys say? No that’s TEAM work plain and simple.
As for this week, it is clear that we had lost alot of our server base players for WvWvW.
And to the ppl that keep saying to BG to leave T1, forget it we are here to stay. Looks like next week will be the same rematches. See you on the battle field.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


I would like to note for current and future T1 contenders (as if most didn’t already know), it’s not just fielding a full map of quality players but keeping them to play next week that is the test of T1. None of these servers are “what they were”. Keeping a community together is an effort on all parts.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: kidbs.8920


Put on your bigboy pants (if you have any) and welcome to tier 1. You consider being in the lead during a few days when seasonal PvE events were occurring and hacks were rampant as “crushing” your opponents? You don’t realize that mid-week scores mean nothing. Grats on being in the lead for 2 days only to lose it all in the end.

I’m sorry that SBI and JQ don’t mindlessly start attacking each other in a total free-for-all of non-strategic idiocy like you are wanting. WvW is like a sea of sharks… when something is bleeding all of the sharks will home in the prey.

I think some of you guys never got a chance to fight against real adversity due to being and up and coming bandwagon server, so you didn’t get the necessary experience to handle T1. It’s easy to ride the zerg over outmanned lower tier servers and pound your chest, but you didn’t get much experience from it in the end.

SoR – Nethernoz (Necro), Zealot of Pain (Guardian), William The Butcher (Ranger)

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Xsorus.2507


Excuse me Miss Want-to-be-a-Cover Girl for misspelling my name on my sig. Nice way to avoid the topic and yes last week, we steam rolled through both servers since the server reset. We crushed you so hard all the way up till Monday late night early Tuesday. Facts? just go back and look at the score updates that everyone was posting last week and it clearly show us puttin the whoops to you.
Now, I am not sure as to what happened after that, cuz I was at work. Fact? Alot of ppl took advantage of the free server transfer and jumped ship for whatever reason it was.
2v1 is kinda getting old, but fact when SBI and JQ hit us and the both of you are standing side by side and NOT hitting each other, well you call it then. Oh yeah TACTICAL work is what you guys say? No that’s TEAM work plain and simple.
As for this week, it is clear that we had lost alot of our server base players for WvWvW.
And to the ppl that keep saying to BG to leave T1, forget it we are here to stay. Looks like next week will be the same rematches. See you on the battle field.

Lets be honest, With the way PvP works in this game, There is a good chance SBI and JQ could be standing next to each other and not even see one another.

Natures Ninja and Pain Inverter – Ranger PvP movies

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Distaste.4801


Put on your bigboy pants (if you have any) and welcome to tier 1. You consider being in the lead during a few days when seasonal PvE events were occurring and hacks were rampant as “crushing” your opponents? You don’t realize that mid-week scores mean nothing. Grats on being in the lead for 2 days only to lose it all in the end.

I’m sorry that SBI and JQ don’t mindlessly start attacking each other in a total free-for-all of non-strategic idiocy like you are wanting. WvW is like a sea of sharks… when something is bleeding all of the sharks will home in the prey.

I think some of you guys never got a chance to fight against real adversity due to being and up and coming bandwagon server, so you didn’t get the necessary experience to handle T1. It’s easy to ride the zerg over outmanned lower tier servers and pound your chest, but you didn’t get much experience from it in the end.

BG was in the lead for 4 out of 7 days, I wouldn’t say that was merely a few days. Hacks/exploits were rampant on all sides, still are, just some sides whined a lot more about it on the forums. PvE was going on for all servers, you’re trying to tell me that SBI decided to PvE from Friday to Tuesday and then decided to skip the rest of the event? Sorry but the Halloween thing impacted servers equally. SBI was getting beat pretty good for 4 days.

As for real adversity, I think SBI are the ones that haven’t fought against adversity. Judging by last weeks reaction you’ve never had to deal with orb hackings or other tactics. You’re initial reaction was to hit the forums and stop playing. Blackgate on the other hand had dealt with hacks before and those tactics are almost standard in lower brackets. Now you will stand literally right next to JQ as long as BG loses something. So while in more than a few cases BG is getting 2v1ed, SBI is 1v1/2, yep real adversity there! Seems to me the only adversity you guys have dealt with is not having a big enough mindless zerg to go against HoD.

I’m all for tactics and 2v1 is a good tactic when someone is clearly dominating. However the current situation where SBI and JQ will cooperate and 2v1 the lowest server is poor sportsmanship. You can claim it’s tactics all you want but SBI should be going after JQ stuff to insure their lead and JQ should be after SBI stuff to close the gap. I know there is no formal alliance and 2v1’s happen on all sides, but you show me an instance were BG is blatantly helping the opposing servers by either guarding them, standing around near them, or otherwise and I’ll be the first to say it’s pretty lame.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


and meanwhile blackgate will take both of our holdings and take the lead :-D Yay strategy.

I swear the vocal minority on Blackgate is starting to sound like JQQ 2.0. At least JQ has earned the respect they deserve and lost that monniker after the first matchup with HoD and SBI in T1 and now are well respected. I can only hope you can shed your new monniker because of all your whining and cries of 2v1. This is the exact same crap that was spouted in that match that earned them that short lived nickname.

To those on BG not whining and actualy fighting I salute you.

(edited by Syphen.1980)

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Dynheart.5402


If BG players in this thread think SBI and JQ have some pact to boot any new comer that shows up….That’s laugh worthy.

SBI and JQ are rivals. I WvW A LOT…SBI is our primary target. Why? Biggest threat. Sometimes you want to kick a man while he’s down so SBI doesn’t get the easy points; but all great servers do this. Win at all costs.

Sorry you guys feel the world is against you. But if you were truly better than SBI and JQ…2v1 be kitten you would still be on top. But you’re not. Instead we have a close match…like it should be…just like last week. It’s a testament to how great these servers are. The greatest test for BG is longevity. JQ has it. SBI has it. Will BG?

It’s all about the established community after bang wagoners disappear and the smoke clears. SBI and JQ have that down (JQ…almost).

Chrisiana Dynheart – Guardian
[FIRE] – Jade Quarry

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Forest.4197


No one has mentioned that no orbs is also impacting this match up. For a lot of last week, BG fought with 1 or 2 orbs in their possession (especially a 36 hour period where they had an uncontested bugged orb). During this match, JQ skirmishes vs BG have been lasting a lot shorter than skirmishes vs SBI. I’m not saying orbs were the only reason BG stayed in the match last week, but I’m concluding that without orbs SBI and JQ players are just stronger. Naturally, the strong prey on the weak for potential points, so there is this 2v1 effect.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Orchis.6087


Just to point out, this match is the closest in terms of points out of any of the NA tiers right now.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


Put on your bigboy pants (if you have any) and welcome to tier 1. You consider being in the lead during a few days when seasonal PvE events were occurring and hacks were rampant as “crushing” your opponents? You don’t realize that mid-week scores mean nothing. Grats on being in the lead for 2 days only to lose it all in the end.

I’m sorry that SBI and JQ don’t mindlessly start attacking each other in a total free-for-all of non-strategic idiocy like you are wanting. WvW is like a sea of sharks… when something is bleeding all of the sharks will home in the prey.

I think some of you guys never got a chance to fight against real adversity due to being and up and coming bandwagon server, so you didn’t get the necessary experience to handle T1. It’s easy to ride the zerg over outmanned lower tier servers and pound your chest, but you didn’t get much experience from it in the end.

BG was in the lead for 4 out of 7 days, I wouldn’t say that was merely a few days. Hacks/exploits were rampant on all sides, still are, just some sides whined a lot more about it on the forums. PvE was going on for all servers, you’re trying to tell me that SBI decided to PvE from Friday to Tuesday and then decided to skip the rest of the event? Sorry but the Halloween thing impacted servers equally. SBI was getting beat pretty good for 4 days.

As for real adversity, I think SBI are the ones that haven’t fought against adversity. Judging by last weeks reaction you’ve never had to deal with orb hackings or other tactics. You’re initial reaction was to hit the forums and stop playing. Blackgate on the other hand had dealt with hacks before and those tactics are almost standard in lower brackets. Now you will stand literally right next to JQ as long as BG loses something. So while in more than a few cases BG is getting 2v1ed, SBI is 1v1/2, yep real adversity there! Seems to me the only adversity you guys have dealt with is not having a big enough mindless zerg to go against HoD.

I’m all for tactics and 2v1 is a good tactic when someone is clearly dominating. However the current situation where SBI and JQ will cooperate and 2v1 the lowest server is poor sportsmanship. You can claim it’s tactics all you want but SBI should be going after JQ stuff to insure their lead and JQ should be after SBI stuff to close the gap. I know there is no formal alliance and 2v1’s happen on all sides, but you show me an instance were BG is blatantly helping the opposing servers by either guarding them, standing around near them, or otherwise and I’ll be the first to say it’s pretty lame.

“BG was in the lead for 4 out of 7 days..” you know what, 2 weeks ago JQ was rolling 4/7 days and my sig still said “GG SBI” on Friday. Use that to rally your server not convince other servers of your 50% prowess capability. There’s a reason its a 7 day fight not a 4 day fight.

To the guy who says JQ and SBI are just blocking all newcomers … why arnt we taking turns winning then? Ya think the JQ community is so spineless as to willingly accept second place multiple times just to stay in T1, rofled in my mouth on that one.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


“If BG players in this thread think SBI and JQ have some pact to boot any new comer that shows up….That’s laugh worthy.

SBI and JQ are rivals. I WvW A LOT…SBI is our primary target. Why? Biggest threat."

Where were you during prime time US? Because the JQ borderlands paints a different picture.

Story time chillins, gather round ya’ll.

So there I was, looking for a good ol’ fashioned WvW time. But alas, there was a Queue for BG and EBG. No matter I thought to myself, JQ borderlands probably needs assistance! Off I rushed to go aid the war effort. Spawning in I noticed two things immediately. One, I was outmanned, and two, JQ was at our front door of the spawn. Quickly rallying behind the nearby commander we pushed those JQ dogs out of our spawn area. They fell back quickly, nearly tripping over themselves to get back to their nearby keep. “That was weird” I mused to myself, “why did they leave so quickly?” I barely had a chance to come up with an answer before a fireball smacked me upside the head. “aight who the kitten threw that!?” I started to question, only to see the might of an SBI zerg flooding over the rocks.

The fighting was intense, but BG persevered, and we pushed SBI back to redbriar where they were holed up. Now this is about the time I checked my map, and man, what a sight JQ was holding the bay, and the southern camp. whereas SBI had everything from their spawn to ours and the eastern hill keep. No matter I thought. This is it boys, siege warfare. The first thing we did was conventional rams, we broke through the doors, only to see them start to repair them back up to half. “ kitten their eyes and their yaks!” we cried. Opening my map, I noticed they had taken the supply camp between redbriar and the bay. Our commander was quick in his judgement “That’s JQ territory, ignore it, they’ll come get that camp back for themselves, nuke the yaks as they try to pass by, keep the siege going” diligently we set to work.

after 20 minutes passed by of singeing and rushes and counter rushes, I checked my map again. To my dismay JQ had not even left their keep. Our commander, briefed on this new info had a new plan. “Take the camp, if JQ doesnt want it, we’ll have it” onwards we went through the backroads of our spawn, past the chickens and pigs, those poor NPC’s never saw it coming. Quick as a dagger in the dark the camp was ours. Rejoicing was held short though, as less than 60 seconds after we had taken it, a 30 man JQ zerg burst out of the bay, making a beeline for the camp. “retreat our commander called out. We cant fight a war on two fronts, let them have it, as long as SBI doesnt get it” So we did.

It wasnt over though, a brave soul tried to drum up men for a dangerous mission “I’m going to raid champions dawn and keep those grubby SBI hands off of it, who is with me!?” The fighting men of BG cheered, there would be no shortage of volunteers. Quickly and quietly we swam past the jellyfish and the manta rays. We crept up on champs and raided it. In and out before anyone knew we were there. SBI had no supply, and redbriar was surely taking a beating by now.

I started to return to redbriar, only to see the clarion call of an attack “Zerg at champs, need assistance!” My god, that was fast, how did SBI react to it so quickly, how could they afford to send members of there. “It’s JQ!” came the cry once more “JQ at the supply camp!” I felt a lance of ice pierce my heart. JQ? It couldnt be! I hastily checked my map. They would have had to swim around the SBI towers, ignored the kitten SBI sentry too, just to come for our supply camp? Inconceivable! But no, to my absolute horror the call was true. JQ had ignored BOTH supply camps for well over 30 minutes, only to move on them as soon as blackgate took them. “What sort of man fights like that?” I wondered to myself. “No man, only a pitiful lapdog” was the response from my friend. We turned and left the battlefield. There was nothing for us here.

I ask you JQ. Do you have no sense of pride? No sense of shame? You used to be the rank one server. Now you’re just a lapdog for SBI. Too afraid to attack their undefended keeps, on your own bloody borderlands. Scavengers, clinging to what little meat you think you can take without upsetting your SBI masters. I hope you recognize yourselves in this picture, I hope you see with your own eyes the dogs youve become.



11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


EB is not the same strat as the borderlands, and homeland boarderland is a different animal than a “push” map (that when you are the invader if still in dark).

If some BG members spend less time crying fraud and conspiracy against the sovereign server of BlackGate and learned form the multiple servers who have come and gone form T1 both SBI and JQ included, then you might enjoy it more. All this does is say “hey we aren’t ready for this yet”. Which IMO is no shame.

p.s. in JQBL it’s ALL our territory YOU are an invader…

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

i think the majority of BG complainers here seriously needs a change of attitude and pov… you are not helping your server, you are just making it worse and worse… if you guys have that much energy typing your complaints and channel it to the betterment of your WvW gameplay… then it’s a much better time well spent, just think about the
camaraderie you have left on BG and dont let it go to waste… start small, focus on one map that you are in and dont look at the other maps, give it your all and by the time you log off regardless of what the scoreboard says… you can tell for sure and have pride that your group did awesome on this side of your borderland and you can tell your peeps the reason there still score on your team is because of you guys… just get it together, it’s a long week… it is very possible just stop complaining and blaming something else and do something about it GL

Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


hey a little off topic, but for reals anyone have current score?

http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA is 3 hours old and I am family timing it up today.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Ah the old lapdog claims start. I remember those fondly during the matchup between HoD, JQ, and SBI. I think if I remember right SBI was HoD’s lapdogs at that time. Good times and good meals. I really wish Anet would ban the blatent trolls that post this crap about 2v1 and lapdogs as it is getting really really old.

Is it old? Heck yes. I just like the word lapdog because it reminds me of Old king from ACFA. That guy was sweet.

The story I posted was mostly an attempt at humor. But it doesnt actually change the situation. JQ blatantly ignored SBI land holdings, including an undefended keep, and instead hid inside the bay, only poking out to come take BG supply camps. For all their big talk of “if its red it’s dead” and “We’re gonna fight everyone” they certainly werent ;p

I wouldnt have posted it if I wasnt honestly curious though. There is, as far as I can tell, no logical reason to have done what those JQ players did. You can tell by the screenshot that it isnt specifically one guild, which means a group of JQ players, a rather large group, all did the exact same very illogical thing. I’d be more than interested in hearing their explanation of why they went and did what they did. Because it seems to be flying in the face of any conventional tactics. Why ignore an unguarded keep or unguarded tower? Why ignore the camps when SBI holds them, but not when BG does? The only reason I can think of is that they were specifically gunning for BG, when BG is in last place, and clearly not the biggest threat on the map.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


hey a little off topic, but for reals anyone have current score?

http://mos.millenium.org/matchups#NA is 3 hours old and I am family timing it up today.

here is the current score.


11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


Ah the old lapdog claims start. I remember those fondly during the matchup between HoD, JQ, and SBI. I think if I remember right SBI was HoD’s lapdogs at that time. Good times and good meals. I really wish Anet would ban the blatent trolls that post this crap about 2v1 and lapdogs as it is getting really really old.

Is it old? Heck yes. I just like the word lapdog because it reminds me of Old king from ACFA. That guy was sweet.

The story I posted was mostly an attempt at humor. But it doesnt actually change the situation. JQ blatantly ignored SBI land holdings, including an undefended keep, and instead hid inside the bay, only poking out to come take BG supply camps. For all their big talk of “if its red it’s dead” and “We’re gonna fight everyone” they certainly werent ;p

I wouldnt have posted it if I wasnt honestly curious though. There is, as far as I can tell, no logical reason to have done what those JQ players did. You can tell by the screenshot that it isnt specifically one guild, which means a group of JQ players, a rather large group, all did the exact same very illogical thing. I’d be more than interested in hearing their explanation of why they went and did what they did. Because it seems to be flying in the face of any conventional tactics. Why ignore an unguarded keep or unguarded tower? Why ignore the camps when SBI holds them, but not when BG does? The only reason I can think of is that they were specifically gunning for BG, when BG is in last place, and clearly not the biggest threat on the map.

I can garuntee you an SBI keep is never undefended and I am from SBI. If you attack one of our keeps we will respond in force. We have gotten a lot better at response times recently. Sure sometimes we don’t respond with enough but we will respond very quickly. If you think you are ever going to get an easy quick undefended keep if we have people on the map you are mistaken.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


from that SS I recognize at least one leader who’s primary philosophy is push SBI. He’s also smart enough to know when upgrading you don’t spread to thin and take keeps you can’t defend for no reason “just to take”.

And to be nice, a tip is people hit camps and skip towers for supply runs specifically to do stuff that end up taking towers and keeps, or to repair or build siege elsewhere. Honestly this is likely the most apparent thing and guarantee SBI peeps noticed and might have even thanks you nicely for the free intel. Don’t say never gave ya nothing.

So you aided SBI by posting intel on JQ movements and what towers they scouted and skipped, and that they skipped a sentry to boot and called JQ a lapdog…

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


Actualy the reason they skip keeps to take supply camps is called Tick capping. basically you go and cap a supply camp right before the tick to get the points for it and after that you couldn’t care less about it. This is a very common tactic and used to easily gain quick points.

If you cap 5 supply camps a minute before the tick then guess what you just gained yourself a lot of points that tick and denied your enemy the same.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Dynheart.5402


Reading way too much into it. Was the update about to tick? All servers zerg any and all camps to close the gap/pull ahead when a tick is about to take place.

Also. Servers anger servers several times through out the match. SBI did it to us on Friday; on BG BL. They made sure we didn’t take any BG territory. I guess any JQ player could have cried 2v1 there…but nah… All we did was went after SBI instead and created a 2v1 agaist US…as BG was hell bent on hitting JQ, so was SBI.

We held our own, though. So it is what it is. As for many people taking camps? All three servers do it. I’ve been zerged by SBI and BG…30+ over a measly little camp. Guess what. 1 camp can make all the difference in a tactical fight. Why else would 3 servers be fighting over it fiercely?

2v1 argument is crap. If SBI and JQ really, truely, double teamed against BG…they wouldn’t have 40k+ points right now. No contest. Fact is, you are only seeing what you want to see. I see SBI and BG dbl teaming JQ a lot too…it’s not thread worthy…it’s what T1 is all about. Get used to it.

Chrisiana Dynheart – Guardian
[FIRE] – Jade Quarry

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


Ah the old lapdog claims start. I remember those fondly during the matchup between HoD, JQ, and SBI. I think if I remember right SBI was HoD’s lapdogs at that time. Good times and good meals. I really wish Anet would ban the blatent trolls that post this crap about 2v1 and lapdogs as it is getting really really old.

Is it old? Heck yes. I just like the word lapdog because it reminds me of Old king from ACFA. That guy was sweet.

The story I posted was mostly an attempt at humor. But it doesnt actually change the situation. JQ blatantly ignored SBI land holdings, including an undefended keep, and instead hid inside the bay, only poking out to come take BG supply camps. For all their big talk of “if its red it’s dead” and “We’re gonna fight everyone” they certainly werent ;p

I wouldnt have posted it if I wasnt honestly curious though. There is, as far as I can tell, no logical reason to have done what those JQ players did. You can tell by the screenshot that it isnt specifically one guild, which means a group of JQ players, a rather large group, all did the exact same very illogical thing. I’d be more than interested in hearing their explanation of why they went and did what they did. Because it seems to be flying in the face of any conventional tactics. Why ignore an unguarded keep or unguarded tower? Why ignore the camps when SBI holds them, but not when BG does? The only reason I can think of is that they were specifically gunning for BG, when BG is in last place, and clearly not the biggest threat on the map.

I can garuntee you an SBI keep is never undefended and I am from SBI. If you attack one of our keeps we will respond in force. We have gotten a lot better at response times recently. Sure sometimes we don’t respond with enough but we will respond very quickly. If you think you are ever going to get an easy quick undefended keep if we have people on the map you are mistaken.

I dunno, JQ had the entire top half of the map for a good hour or so. I struggle to believe they couldnt build say 3 golems, and portal over to the keep and take it. As far as I could tell SBI didnt have incredible numbers on the borderlands. Most, if not all of their forces were over near redbriar. At the very least the scenario would play out like this

JQ attack keep -> JQ takes keep before SBI can react
JQ attacks keep -> SBI reacts -> BG takes redbriar (as SBI leaves to go defend their keep) -> BG moves onto greenlake (not gonna be able to take the bay without way more supply than what we’d have) -> SBI now finds their keep in a pincer. To get to the keep they’d need to pass through the BG zerg. So anyone who dies in the keep stays dead. -> JQ would eventually take the keep, or BG would eventually take the tower (as good as SBI might be, against both BG and JQ? I dont think you could hold both objectives. It’s just sheer numbers at that point) -> Whichever one is captured means JQ wins overall, as then they can back off resupply and attack the keep again, or if they already own the keep they can then head south from either side of the map to continue pressing the invaders.

Despite reactions times from SBI, JQ essentially threw their hands in the air and went “kittenit we dont want this keep at all” and gave up. I struggle to believe that after an hour of holding 3 supply camps JQ didnt even put up a single treb in order to prepare to take SBI stuff.

EDIT: as for those saying it was the tick capping. Explain how the camps remain SBI for well over 30 minutes before JQ moves out? If they were truly tick capping, then why would they wait until after SBI has already gotten 2 ticks out of both camps. And then move in to take them literally the exact minute after BG does? The coincidence is just far too high for it to be tick capping.

As for strategic value of owning a supply camp. The one that gives supply to the bay i’d agree. Which only makes it more confusing that JQ would let it sit there for 30 minutes. For the one at champs, there is no tactical advantage from owning it besides denying supply to SBI. Which would have happened by leaving it as BG’s anyway. As for loading up on supply. They A. have 3 supply camps already B. the camp was empty because we just unloaded it after taking it C. they proceeded to do absolutely kittenall after taking the camp. No trebs, no siege, no golems, no attacks on SBI after taking either camp.

(edited by Zenyatoo.4059)

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


Ah the old lapdog claims start. I remember those fondly during the matchup between HoD, JQ, and SBI. I think if I remember right SBI was HoD’s lapdogs at that time. Good times and good meals. I really wish Anet would ban the blatent trolls that post this crap about 2v1 and lapdogs as it is getting really really old.

Is it old? Heck yes. I just like the word lapdog because it reminds me of Old king from ACFA. That guy was sweet.

The story I posted was mostly an attempt at humor. But it doesnt actually change the situation. JQ blatantly ignored SBI land holdings, including an undefended keep, and instead hid inside the bay, only poking out to come take BG supply camps. For all their big talk of “if its red it’s dead” and “We’re gonna fight everyone” they certainly werent ;p

I wouldnt have posted it if I wasnt honestly curious though. There is, as far as I can tell, no logical reason to have done what those JQ players did. You can tell by the screenshot that it isnt specifically one guild, which means a group of JQ players, a rather large group, all did the exact same very illogical thing. I’d be more than interested in hearing their explanation of why they went and did what they did. Because it seems to be flying in the face of any conventional tactics. Why ignore an unguarded keep or unguarded tower? Why ignore the camps when SBI holds them, but not when BG does? The only reason I can think of is that they were specifically gunning for BG, when BG is in last place, and clearly not the biggest threat on the map.

I can garuntee you an SBI keep is never undefended and I am from SBI. If you attack one of our keeps we will respond in force. We have gotten a lot better at response times recently. Sure sometimes we don’t respond with enough but we will respond very quickly. If you think you are ever going to get an easy quick undefended keep if we have people on the map you are mistaken.

I dunno, JQ had the entire top half of the map for a good hour or so. I struggle to believe they couldnt build say 3 golems, and portal over to the keep and take it. As far as I could tell SBI didnt have incredible numbers on the borderlands. Most, if not all of their forces were over near redbriar. At the very least the scenario would play out like this

JQ attack keep -> JQ takes keep before SBI can react
JQ attacks keep -> SBI reacts -> BG takes redbriar (as SBI leaves to go defend their keep) -> BG moves onto greenlake (not gonna be able to take the bay without way more supply than what we’d have) -> SBI now finds their keep in a pincer. To get to the keep they’d need to pass through the BG zerg. So anyone who dies in the keep stays dead. -> JQ would eventually take the keep, or BG would eventually take the tower (as good as SBI might be, against both BG and JQ? I dont think you could hold both objectives. It’s just sheer numbers at that point) -> Whichever one is captured means JQ wins overall, as then they can back off resupply and attack the keep again, or if they already own the keep they can then head south from either side of the map to continue pressing the invaders.

Despite reactions times from SBI, JQ essentially threw their hands in the air and went “kittenit we dont want this keep at all” and gave up. I struggle to believe that after an hour of holding 3 supply camps JQ didnt even put up a single treb in order to prepare to take SBI stuff.

Depends on the keep really. Some of the keeps are very easy to defend if seiged up propperly and withstand a ridiculous amount of punishment. If you have enough siege you can hold a keep eaisily against a huge zerg even with a skeleton crew.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: sinister.9216


Ugh, what happened to our server? We had good coverage on all maps a few weeks ago, now I’m lucky to see anyone outside of BGBL and EBG.

I was in SBIBL earlier today and we had a whole 5 people. Seriously, where did everyone go? There are a few guilds in particular that I havent seen at all this week. Someone said one of our main oceanic guilds left for SBI so they could play with their friends, which I can understand, but they really f’d us over as a team.

Tywin Onassis – 80 Necro Mez Yar – 40ish Mesmer
Uri Nightshade – 50ish Thief
Sarugaki Hiyori – 80 Warrior – Blackgate [FEAR]

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: lady lisz.7849

lady lisz.7849

pls help suggestion ticket if you guys agree, if not well not hehhehee…. https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/suggestions/ANET-pls-WvW-rank-emote/first#post636107

Truth and Knowledge are two different things
-Scholar Krasso-

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Zenyatoo.4059


“Depends on the keep really. Some of the keeps are very easy to defend if seiged up propperly and withstand a ridiculous amount of punishment. If you have enough siege you can hold a keep eaisily against a huge zerg even with a skeleton crew.”

Yeah I know. But at that point I would have expected at least some JQ presence. I was quite honestly expecting JQ trebs to be going up in bay waiting for us to exhaust SBI at redbriar so they could swoop in and take it. Or a JQ golem rush on something. I’m not complaining about the 2v1. 2v1 happens (i’ve made numerous posts explaining why and how it happens, and that it should happen) I just find it hilarious that JQ posters will deny it, or rush to rationalize blatant 2v1’ing with rather flimsy excuses.

Also the hills aint that bad, JQ has previously before, used a mesmer portal strategy to assault it (same keep too, I would know, I was there) that allows them to bypass the outer gate once they’re inside. And once they’re in, that inner gate falls pretty quickly. The hardest bit would be the lord room, which is really just 1. pop immortality skills 2. charge in 3. mesmer portal if you’re feeling really fancy (im pretty sure JQ knows how to do this too) I’ve seen JQ take that keep, even with defenders there before. I was expecting them to do it again. Especially seeing as if they had been attacking the keep, SBI would have found themselves in a 2v1 situation, which keeps JQ at a much larger advantage. At the end of the day, you could continue to try and tick cap supply camps, or you could tick cap a keep instead ;o

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


Just to be clear. I am not stating that BG is getting 2v1 nor do I even care really, because if that were true than it will only make us that much stronger.

Now, I am stating that we are BY FAR out manned in ALL BL’s. There have been several credible sources that state there have been guilds that left BG in the dust this week. And yes, the reason was because there is absolutely no reason for them to fight if in the end we will be called hackers, or stated we suck if we lose.

I am not stating I am not having fun in WvW. Truth is, I am having an absolute blast as it is always fun and challenging for me to go 4v1, really keeps you on your toes. Just stating you’re not fighting the same Blackgate last week. Join our server and you’ll see our HUGE single 20 person zerg, dead serious btw, that’s about how big our biggest zerg is now.

Yes, I read the comment “every server isn’t the same server as they once were”. Sure, I could believe that. But is that relevant right now? No. The ration between SBI and JQ to BG is like 10:1.

Does this mean I am whining about this? Not at all, I am still having a blast. It’s just sad to see some of my guildies stating they have been playing for 24 or 30 hours straight on the SBI BL in order to maintain our places. So just because we are losing doesn’t mean “you have more skilled players”. It’s the fact we are just out manned to the point where it has a big impact.

Hopefully we can recruit some WvW guilds to help fill the huge empty spots in our server.

Good luck to everyone.

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Kysin.6349


This is actually good for us at BG, most of the people giving BG a bad name will hop to a different flavor of the week server soon (likely SBI and JQ, so heads up). We lost a ton of oceanic coverage, which is fine we aren’t ready for T1 at the moment. We were well respected in T2 before we caught the TA fragments and bandwagoners which actually shot us into T1 pre-mature and soiled our community quite a bit.

Let me tell you about the general core of BG. A bunch of medium and a few large sized guilds who are mainly PvX (there are exceptions), no massive alliances. Our most recognized server commander is Choco Eclair (and has been for some time), who often picks up a PuG zerg. I fight hard out there and give it my best in a fight, but I am looking forward to hitting T2 again. We can’t compete on the level with servers as organized and well put together as SBI yet. We are out of our element for the moment. I miss scrappy Blackgate!

Co-leader of Knights of Eminence[Sir] – PvX
Reap The Weak[Reap] – WvW 5-man havok

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: IomegadriveOne.5291


Indeed this is a sad sight indeed. It only took me a few min to realize the blatant 2v1 just by looking at the 90% symmetrical map in EBG. The near equal points from SBI and JQ through most of the weekend. Funny, because they pretty much incriminated them selves last week. “We need to work together to get bandwagongate out of T1 and get SoS in here for a good fight.” This was from both sides. There have been forum posts offering treaty’s, ect. My question is, Why do you guys QQ all the time about BG being a bandwagon server, falsely accuse (for the most part) us for orb hacking, say we turtle, ect. Then pull this trash. It doesn’t show that your server is good in any way shape or form when you pretty much have 2 full servers going against 1. Also the fact that you guys try and defend yourself with “Oh BG and JQ were in the same 100 meter area then are 2v1!” When we have screenshots, Detailed stories, videos, testimony’s from both servers, ect. To support your blatant 2v1 attacks. If this is how your servers react to losing, I don’t want to be in T1 anyway. You claim we take this too seriously, but this. This is insane.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Dynheart.5402


Look at that. BG was lingering aroung +180 for awhile. Then it was SBI. Now it’s JQ’s turn (as I type this).

It’s all about who’s on…and right now SBI and BG smell blood. JQ isn’t playing well now, so they are BOTH hitting JQ. 2v1 much. Should I rant and rave? Should I say “HAHAHA, you can only win by double teaming”..As JQ had a 310 ppt at one point…now +180?

Nah. It’s called making sure one server doesn’t get too much momentum. It’s called playing smart. Both SBI and BG did the correct thing…as BG and JQ did when SBI was rollin’

Now, most buckle under this type pressure and the good servers swallow them whole…and most likely they don’t get back into the match. We know this. All three servers have been able to weather the storm and bounce back.

Quit with the conspiracies and call this match what it really is…a great T1 match up.

Chrisiana Dynheart – Guardian
[FIRE] – Jade Quarry

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: DeadEyeCool.1675


It wasnt over though, a brave soul tried to drum up men for a dangerous mission “I’m going to raid champions dawn and keep those grubby SBI hands off of it, who is with me!?” The fighting men of BG cheered, there would be no shortage of volunteers. Quickly and quietly we swam past the jellyfish and the manta rays. We crept up on champs and raided it. In and out before anyone knew we were there. SBI had no supply, and redbriar was surely taking a beating by now.
I started to return to redbriar, only to see the clarion call of an attack “Zerg at champs, need assistance!” My god, that was fast, how did SBI react to it so quickly, how could they afford to send members of there. “It’s JQ!” came the cry once more “JQ at the supply camp!” I felt a lance of ice pierce my heart. JQ? It couldnt be! I hastily checked my map. They would have had to swim around the SBI towers, ignored the kitten SBI sentry too, just to come for our supply camp? Inconceivable! But no, to my absolute horror the call was true. JQ had ignored BOTH supply camps for well over 30 minutes, only to move on them as soon as blackgate took them. “What sort of man fights like that?” I wondered to myself. “No man, only a pitiful lapdog” was the response from my friend. We turned and left the battlefield. There was nothing for us here.
I ask you JQ. Do you have no sense of pride? No sense of shame? You used to be the rank one server. Now you’re just a lapdog for SBI. Too afraid to attack their undefended keeps, on your own bloody borderlands. Scavengers, clinging to what little meat you think you can take without upsetting your SBI masters. I hope you recognize yourselves in this picture, I hope you see with your own eyes the dogs youve become.

MAN! Thank you for this! This made me laugh so hard!!! That reminds of old WoW days of blending RP and PvP together.

This was my exact experience in-game lastnight. In fact, I think I was the “Brave Soul” you were referring to, to hit Champs lastnight(in-game name is ‘Bravata Iv’). This makes me want to stay and fight on Blackgate, despite what we see on these forums. We have lost a lot of numbers, and it has been a rough weekend, almost making me want to give up the game all together… almost. With insta q’s on all three BL’s pretty much from saturday morning and on, it has been tough. It makes me think that the server with the best coverage is going to win hands down every week. It’s hard to get into a game like that, ya’ know?

I really do enjoy WvW, when it’s good, and I want to be able to stay on a server long term(just started playing this game a couple of weeks ago). I like Blackgate basically just cuz the name sounds so kitten. I’ve enjoyed the atmosphere here, for the most part, and would like to stay. I have seen ALL servers using orb exploits, and I’m glad the orbs are out of the game now. I just hope Blackgate can stay competitive in the Top 2 teirs, and I hope we get more peeps.

Getting 2v1 is part of the game. I can except that. I just wish we had the numbers to help fight against it!

To the rest of you, good luck, and good fights!

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Yadad.6925


I have to agree with one of the posts earlier that it does get boring fighting the same servers over and over especially when you have SBI & BG never attacking each other.

It should be more of a random match up so these alliances aren’t as effective.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


I have to agree with one of the posts earlier that it does get boring fighting the same servers over and over especially when you have SBI & BG never attacking each other.

It should be more of a random match up so these alliances aren’t as effective.

There aren’t any alliances between servers real or imagined so please drop this.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Cover Girl.2580

Cover Girl.2580

I have to change my earlier opinion. I honestly don’t think BG is ready for T-1. I’ve been watching them recently, with intent interest. They just lack a lot of leadership and tactical maneuvers. Just now, in JQ BL, we were pushing northeast on SBI side. BG made an appearance on the map and began capping the south camp. We ordered to let BG start pushing the west, and as long as they stayed away we would leave them. Noticed BG was attempting to seize the bay, so we ordered an attack on the garrison to help them by pulling JQ over and splitting them in half… once BG secures the bay, do they move north? No. they immediately attempt to take our keep.. 3 times. If they had any sort of commander on that could see what we were doing by using (M), they would be able to make a play and gain some points. However, they want to just mindlessly zerg around trying to kill and take whatever looks pretty.

Can I just say again, to all the BG guys here that are complaining they are getting beat down by both servers…. YOU asked for it. Read last weeks thread. the first 2 pages are NOTHING but BG players screaming BEASTGATE and other posts about how they demoralized both servers at once and are unbeatable. Please read them now———
If you were SBI or JQ, would you not be a little bit anxious to stomp the guys that said that?


Sanctum of Rall
The Mord Sith [MORD]
(Borderlands Stationed Commander)

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Arani.9057


I had a blackgate response of “haha” in response to losing to SBI, basically to one of my posts in another thread.. the one about corpse dancing etc… but it was before they were in our match up and SBI had just pulled out their 3rd quarter adrenaline kick (need to steroid test their mid week guys), like they like to do, and not a singe SBI snide comment for that slightly humiliating score flip, but a BG felt he had right to put our noses in it…

I’m ok with it I said “GG” to SBI and agreed we all lose, but yeah all those guys did more harm than good as many BG players have already said.

I really don’t want to lump all of BG into one category or dumb nickname cuz none of JQ liked being JQQ or JQueueQueue (slightly funnier though) for that matter but I really hope players on all sides are paying attention. Mom taught me not to gloat until I’d won in the first place and even then “gloating feels good until it comes back on you, everyone loses”.

Aradea [AoS] /\/\ESS/\/\ERR of Jade Quarry (GG SBI)
I’ll show you exactly what a Mesmer can do, SS cost extra.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Orchis.6087


I have to change my earlier opinion. I honestly don’t think BG is ready for T-1. I’ve been watching them recently, with intent interest. They just lack a lot of leadership and tactical maneuvers. Just now, in JQ BL, we were pushing northeast on SBI side. BG made an appearance on the map and began capping the south camp. We ordered to let BG start pushing the west, and as long as they stayed away we would leave them. Noticed BG was attempting to seize the bay, so we ordered an attack on the garrison to help them by pulling JQ over and splitting them in half… once BG secures the bay, do they move north? No. they immediately attempt to take our keep.. 3 times. If they had any sort of commander on that could see what we were doing by using (M), they would be able to make a play and gain some points. However, they want to just mindlessly zerg around trying to kill and take whatever looks pretty.

Can I just say again, to all the BG guys here that are complaining they are getting beat down by both servers…. YOU asked for it. Read last weeks thread. the first 2 pages are NOTHING but BG players screaming BEASTGATE and other posts about how they demoralized both servers at once and are unbeatable. Please read them now———
If you were SBI or JQ, would you not be a little bit anxious to stomp the guys that said that?

We’ve been consistently outmanned in both JQ and SBI borderlands all day and yet we’ve managed to far pretty well in potential points the entire time. I’d say it is not because of our lack of leadership that we’ve been having issues, but simply a lack of people to man all the battlegrounds as well as EB. Maybe that is because we’ve had a lot of bandwagoners that left, maybe a lot of other guilds left, who knows? Point is we are doing pretty well all things considered. If you were right, and we aren’t ready for T1 then why did we manage to take 2nd last week? Why haven’t you completely beaten us to submission? Why have we held SM all day? Why are we even on the board at this point if we aren’t ready at T1?

I don’t like to play into a lot of the trash talk, the accusations, and what not that occurs on the forum, but I will say that Blackgate has its reputation of “Beastgate” for a reason, because we don’t give up, and that is clearly what has been happening on the BLs, despite the outmanned buffs, we’ve managed to capture and hold onto a lot of key points. Just some food for thought.

Edit: Don’t take this to mean I think JQ and SBI are letting us roll of them either. We’ve had some awesome fights and I’ve enjoyed talking to the commanders leading their people during them =). I think JQ and SBI are awesome opponents, but just as I wish some of the idiots from our server wouldn’t post stuff, I too wish some of the people from their servers would stop posting equally ridiculous stuff.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Silvius.6240


Quit with the conspiracies and call this match what it really is…a great T1 match up.

This. Just like last week, when SBI posters tried to make it sound like all of us on Blackgate were cheating, and BG posters were trying to make it sound like JQ wasn’t in the fight at all, the posts on the forums don’t reflect what’s actually happening, and I hope for the sake of both BG and SBI don’t really reflect the attitude of the community. This is a good match, gg to all 3 servers.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Stublin.7619


Between fighting JQ, HoD, IoJ, ET, and even previous servers during the first 2 weeks of launch, I have never seen a bigger community of complainers.

Even when HoD or JQ was kicking our butts, and we got shot down to T2, SBI was very respectful. When IoJ, ET, HoD(with their guild fallouts) all got sent down a tier, no complaining. I hope SoS, SoR and IoJ get their acts together and keep BG in tier 2 or 3. The match is great, but poor sportsmanship from Babygate. All these accusations of working together. We didn’t even work together when HoD was the Super server to take down. JQ and SBI always faught for #2. Why would we work together now. If that was the case the match would be more lopsided then it is now

(edited by Stublin.7619)

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Stublin.7619


BG and JQ attacking SBIs keep at the same time… OMG they working together

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Orcommander.5481


Thanks for the fun in SBI borderlands

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Forest.4197


LOL i remember this

I said in team chat “lol bg is fighting sbi in our territory”, but then JQ guys start attacking you guys so i said “noo you guys are ruining it” which someone replies “how dare you, it’s like stopping two girls from kissing”

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Vel.1653


I would like to congratulate SBI on an amazing bay defense. as you may have known we punched though the north gate (JQ) with 2 golems to allow blackgate to try to take bay at the same time as us. When this happened you guys held it for a good 2-3 hours inside the inner keeps against both servers and it made for a hell of fun fight inside even if we couldnt take it. I frapsed a good bit of the siege and will be posting it up soon. That was one hell of a defense guys and was a ton of fun to fight in there

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: BloodRavenz.6084


Yes great fight at Dreaming Bay to both BG and JQ. I couldn’t believe the amount of siege used on all three sides there for that to not flip once. Lets keep up those sorts of battles all week!

Strike Force – JQ

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Xeeron.9254


That was an amazing fight indeed. Place was BG borderlands, at the start, all 3 sides had their “share” of the map.

Then, both BG and JQ converged on bay and never left for 3 hours. BG trebbing from Garrison, JQ from our spawn tower, which they had taken. For a good hour or so, both BG and JQ were inside our inner walls, trying to push into lord room. I know I spent a good 20 minutes arrow carting the same spot at the stairs to prevent that.

Meanwhile, we had no supply camp, and JQ was harrassing our players trying to run back into Bay from spawn point.

Funny enough, the day was won for SBI by a JQ turtle: They got together and portalled into the lord room. While they killed most of us, we eventually took them down. And after the south side of inner wall was clear of JQ, we could also push out BG of the north side and secure our inner walls again.

Very intense match, and well fought from both JQ and BG: You had us bottled up for a long time, and we nearly wiped a few times.

Xeeron – Strike Force

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: elderan.2638


Have you guys noticed a drop in players? JQueue is no longer, since I only get queues on reset and even then it was instant into a BL 4 hours after reset. I’m starting to think its maybe not just on JQ but for the game in general, people moving on to other games maybe? Thoughts?

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


SBI had massive queues on reset day but it hasn’t been to bad since. I think the queues are only really really nasty for the first 24 hours and then they are 20-30 mins at most. At least on SBI.

Reset night I sat in queue for 2 hours before giving up lol.

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: DivineBeing.2086


Wow, 20 minute wait times? It wasn’t even that long when this weeks match begun for BG xD. Time to jump on and go play for for 30 minutes for The Walking Dead new episode airs in 40 minutes! That’s a positive spin off right!?

Lightdivinity – Level 80 Bunker Elementalist
Reshaos – Level 80 Power Necromancer

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: Syphen.1980


during the week its instant for the most part except maybe NA primetime

11/2 BG vs. SBI vs. JQ REMATCH

in WvW

Posted by: jojojoon.8607


I have to agree with some of the posts above about either wvw or the game is dying. In a close matchup, on Sunday prime time, there is no queue on any of the maps. It’s happening on tier 1, not some bottom tier when wvw isn’t a major focus.

I think the major issue is lack of updates by Anet on some glaring problems with wvw. It’s been months since beta and none of the issues have really been fixed. Removing the orbs is really just a “quick hack” and not really a solution to the problem. Hopefully now that the halloween event is over, wvw gets a look next patch.

(edited by jojojoon.8607)